HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-11-13, Page 4asaisasesaaananceseusaaamailmetain_ 'Mem THE ,CLINTON-NEWS' RECORD/ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1030 COOPER'S STORE NEWS ...DON'T RISK COLD .WET FEET DON'T WAIT FOR BAD ' WEATHER Buy Your Rubbers now and be ready SEE DISPLAYS OF RUBBERS, AND ,FOOTWEAR iN. OUR WINDOWS SPECIALLY PRICED MEN'S OVERCOAT SPECIAL $17.95, -. GUARD MODELS BLUE AND BORWN PLAIDS - A. T. COOPER. ' 1 "THE STORE WITH THE, STOCK" CLINTON, PHONE 36 LEADERS IN LOW PRICES SPECIAL, OFFER .I D. C. SHINGLES $L3$135 per Bunch WHILE THEY LAST THE CLINTON LUMBER COMPANY (J. E. BAECHLER. Proprietor) KING STREET, .CLINTON TELEPHONE 88 B. A. Oil Promised Big Returns on Oklahoma Wells When the Company entered the Oklahoma City Field, the )management scarcely entertained hopes of such phenomenal success in so short a time. At the time of the annual meeting early this year the estimated production capacity was 'about 4,000 barrels daily. The developments are stilt in the early stages, and the prospects for. increasing production capacity are extraordinary, In addition to the seven wells :in production or drilling mentioned above, the company has an eighth well, which remains a mystery, as far as the public is concerned.. At the time British American Oil Co. decided to operate in the Oklahoma City field, a first class oil man 'of 25 years experience was appointed to take charge. His ability in selecting areas and sites for wells has been amply proven. Pipe line connections and storage facilities were amply provided before production was at- tained, with the result that no oil whatsoever was lost, The com- pany is selling the percentage of oil allowed under proration all the time, and this in itself represents a nice revenue. Distribution Maintained With respect to the refining and distributing operations of British American Oil Company in Canada, no' falling off in con- sumption of oil products has been shown this year. This includes western Canada, where materially larger crops of the various grains has served/totincreaseconsumption for fart, operation, in eastorn Canada; the use of motor cars appears to have been undiminished in spite of the reduction in sales of new cars. The company has carried forward a steady increase in storage capacity and outlets, and a commensurate increase in sales has been shown. To -day, the company has between 400 and 500 storage plants in Canada alone. 01=0 J. G. CHOWEN CLINTON AGENT FOR IM/IID-CONTINENT BOND CORPORATION LIMITED 331 BAY ST, TORONTO 2, CANADA p 0 p O 11 FREE CQN CERT Miller- Hardware Co. ANNOUNCES A Closing Beginning at once all Merchandise is to be. Sold Regardless of Cost, to Close out the Business. The Entire' Stock of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Cultery, Tableware and Utensils, Implements and Tools, Paints and Varnishes, Shoes, Rubbers, Over- alls and Smocks, and other Items Too Numerous to Mention, is being offered to, the Public at Prices, the Like of which will not be Seen in Again in Many a Day. This is Your Opportuniny, Come in and See the Remarkable Bargains Presented. DON'T WAIT The Stock is Limited. BUY N ,M, W while You have the Opportunity, for your Im- mediate and Future Needs. You'll Probably Never get another Chance Like This in Clinton. E. M. Beadle A. G. Watts PIi.EsE1' T ALL SALES CASH NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS THE STRATFORD BOYS BAND 56 PIECES TOWN HALL, CLINTON Nov. FIInyilth 8P.M. BOYS IN HIGH AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS ARE URGENTLY RE- QUESTED TO COMIC AND 'BRING THEIR PARENTS. . THE RICHEST CHILD IS POOR WITHOUT MUSICAL TRAINING 92-1. 11 A TUCKERSMITH Mr, Allen Johns of Toronto came up to spend Thanksgiving, with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ira Johns. The 'West End Beef Ring intend •holding, their annual business meet- ing at the home of Mr. Fred Pepper en Tuesday evening next, Nov, 18th. Members are requested toattend or authorize someone to do business for them, The November meeting of the Ladies' Club was ,held. last week- At the: home of Mrs. Frank Walters. Twenty—three ladies' answered. the roll call, .A good program was put on consisting of readings by .Mil. Ball and -Mrs, O'Brien,' a piano solo by 'Miss Hazel Pepper and the read- ing of an .interesting letter from Mss. Fred; Slornan, acknowledging ' with • thanks a bort sent to :Mir. and T1iCs. Sioman for distribution among needy ones in the north country.' Later election of 'officers -"Was held, resulting ag follows: president: Mas. Greg.-ldbGregor; vice-president, M'rs. G. R. Fear; secretary, Mrs, Howard Crich; treasurer, Mrs, N. Garrett; press secretary,' Mss Reta Fear; pianists, Miss Hazel Pepper and Nirs, Terryberry; convener bak- ing committee, Miss. Albert • P'epper; social: lVlrs. F. Pepper, Mrs. Terry - berry, Mrs. E. Ball and Mss. Teb- butt; buying committee, Airs. P. Cole- man, • Mrs. P. Townsend 'and Mrs. W. Townsend; floral committee: Mrs, 811. ' Crich, Mfrs. Joe Crich` and 1\lrs. Howard Johnston, BY ACTUAL MEASURE14IENT "SoY .. ou took that i lin . 'home p pl from the tnovie last fright." . ''Yeh." : "How far does she live from the theatre " .• "Oh three ' soda -fountains and .a candy-store."—Florida 'Times Union. Womem's Institute Hold . Successful Convention District Gathering Weil Attended The' fourth annual convention of the Women's Institutes of Bruce county, East and West Huron, North Berth and North Wellington districts was heldin the town hall. at Harris- ton on October 21st anti 22nd, when two sessions were held each day. There was a' splendid represenation of delegates and visiting :members from various institutes, over 200. reg istering. The first session was under • the chairmanship .Qf m5,.. W. F. Tilden of Morriston, who expressed ap- preciation of the splendid attendance and extended a kindly welcome on behalf of North Wellington district. After community singing, devotional exercises were led by Res. ,G. C. Gif- ford- . if -ford.. - presided, An instructive report on 'Heal:,h" was presented by 1VTrs. W. B. Moue of Lions Head, stressing the importance of educating people along health lines. She spoke of the dangers' of bovine T.B. and advised that milk be •brought to the boiling point . before given to children. Health program addressed by doc- tors, nurses, demonstration lecture courses on home nursing and first. aid, placing first aid kits in the schools, have all been <carried on. , Miss Clara Klenemr,. of Clifford gave a splendidreading, and Miss E. 811. Collins of Ancaster gave a short talk on "Textiles," , urging. women and girls to study textiles, ' As the women of this country spend eighty - per cent. of the money made they should understand quality and value, She scored the bargain hunters, who, in their madrush,do not "stop to consider the value of an article, or its usefulness. Mayor Shannon tendered a wel- come on behalf of the people of Har- rison, and in glowing terms paid tribute to the splendid work and accomplishments of the organization of Women's Institutes. Mrs. -Mal- cohn MacBeth of Milverton- replied. 'Mrs. .T. H. Shannon, regent, of the Independent Order of Daughters of the Empire, brought greetings from her organizaition. DeliOatful solos were rendered by Mrs.- George 'Ham- ilton of Palmerston. ' Reports of convenors of standing committees: were presented as fol- lows: "Education," by Mrs. R. Davidson of Dungannon, :who told of the in- terest being taken in the study of the League of Nations; assistance to school fairs and music in the schools, co-operating with school boards, stressing the value of judging com- petitions. coaching classes and as- sisting libraries, Miss R. Bradley of Stratford re- ported on "Agriculture," urging the people to buy homegrown products, rather than buy so much out -of -sea- son fruits and vegetables that are imported. "Historical Research" was an in- teresting report by Mrs. 11. J. Gra- ham of Ripley, dealing with the pro- gress which has been made in the recording of history of farms, com- nnmities, churches and schools. She urged the preservation of all records worth while, also relics and antiques. "Immigration" was taken by Mrs. Sidney Smith of Sallow Luke. She suggested that one meeting next year he given to the study and discussion of immigration laws, a campaign for vocational guidance in all schools, and extending a welcome to all new- comers in the community. A lively dicussion followed these reports. Mrs. A. E. Walker of Bartonville, president of the Women's Institutes, gave a very interesting and instruc- tive address, bringing greetings from the Ontario Department and her home branch. at Stoney Creek, She spoke of the origin and development of the first institute at Stoney Creek, and said all the honor was not due the women for the existence of this splendid organization some 40,000 strong, but credit must be given the men for their ch -operation and support. Mrs. Walker spoke of her visit to Belgium and England during the past summer, and said the institutes there pay for all their lit- erature and speakers, instead of getting them free, as in Canada. . i Keen regret t was felt t that A t. Geo. A. Putnam, superintendent of Wo- men's Institutes, was unable 'to be present owing to illness. The evening session was given ov- er to the junior institutes in charge of Mrs, D. R. Sands of Guelph Miss Louise Mathews of Fordwich presid- ed, After community singing led by Mrs. Washburn, who also contri- buted pleasing solos, the report on "Moine Economics," prepared by 5fiss Robertson of Walkerton, was read, and other numbers wore a read- ing by 114iss Glenna Turner and a vocal duet by Mrs. Gilstorf and Afrs. Hutchison of Mount Forest. Sever- al girls were then called on to give reports of their activities, • which re- vealed a wonderful work accomplish- ed. Those in attendance were then treated to a talkie and movie free show. Further reports were heard Wed- nesday morning, when Mrs. D. 0, Leitch of Chesley presided. Mrs, K•acBeth of Milverton gave a cont- prehensive " report on "Community Activities," which included such un- dertakings as building and equipping community halls, assisting hospitals, rest rooms, parks, cemeteries, ban - quets, neighboring, many kind acts reported, also games and amusements for the whole community. Mrs. Phillips of Goderich reported on "Relief" and told of many cases where 'financial aid was given the Navy League, Red Cross, war mem- orials, houses of refuge, also medi- cal and dental treatment, wearing apparel, food and. shelter to those; in adverse eiroumstances. • "Canadian Industries" was dealt with. by Mrs. 0. L. Paisley of Clin- ton, urging a study of the natural resources of our country, buying Canadian -made products. Canaclian- literature, also Canadian grown pro- ducts, thus protecting home markets from. inroads of foreign competitors. Krs., R. Aitcheson of-Bluevale-spoke en "Legislation,", urging a study of the laws which concern the home and family welfare. . After discussion on these reports the delegates were delighted with a solo beautifully rendered by Miss Lucile Davis- of Clifford, accompan- ied by Professor Baxter on the piano. M's's. Rutile of Hanover, Girl Guide commisisoner for Grey and Bruce, dressed in her Girl Guide uniform,•'entertained those present with an interesting' talk on the. Girl Guide movement. She explained its origin, the motto: "Be prepared," and ' and its aims, ai'rnost identical with those of the Wlornen's Institute, ; A question drawer, in charge of Mrs. Walker, was a. very. interesting I+ feature Of the `Itfternoon' session, 1 over which Mts. -Wai'dlaw of Ethel 1. Mrs..Ritchie,.representing the Sau- geen Indian reserve branch,, recently enfi.'ancized told of the interest the Indian women_ are taking in 'their meetings and activities. ' Several resolutions were presented and voted on, • f'. ( Among the items of entertainment on the program was the visit' to the •broom factory in Harriston, members of the Chamber of Couunerce court - 1 eously conducting the delegates through that institution. Here the delegates had the pleasure of seeing m how broos,'burshes and other house hold articles are manufactured. This visit and kindness was certainly ap- preciated by the delegates. The following officers were ap- pointed for the coming year. as con- veners of standing committees: Health, Mrs. W. B. Moore, Lions Head; agriculture, Mrs. W'. T. Turn- er, Drew; home economics, Miss M, Robertson, Walkerton; relief, A'Irs. Phillips, Goderich; community activi- ties, Mrs. Alalcohn •traeBeth, Milver- ton; immigration, Mrs. Sidney Smith Shallow Lake; education, Mrs, Rob- ert Davidson, Dungannon; publicity Mrs. Kenneth MacKenzie, Teeswater; legislation, Mrs. Mowbray, Bluevale; historical research, Mrs. J. R. Gra- ham, Ripley; Canadian industries, Mrs. .0. L. Paisley. Clinton; Provin,- .cial director, Mrs. M. H. Dierham of Ripley. GODERICH TOWNSHIP The W. A. of St. James' church, Middleton, intend holding a social evening at the home of Mrs. Wil- fred Colelough on Wednesday, Nov. 19th. Ladies are asked to provide and everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Lobb and family of Clinton were the guests over Thanksgiving of the lady's par- ents, lora. and Mrs. Robert Pearson. Mrs. F. McCartney of Clinton vis- ited at the home of her brother, Mr, John Tebbutt, one day last week. Master Elgin Snyder, little son of Mrs. Joy Snyder, of the Bayfield road, has recovered from a serious attack of pneumonia: He was nursed through his illness by Miss Monary, graduate nurse, Sheppardton. A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Tebbutt, Highview Farm, Goderich township, at high noon on SatsuaY , November 8th,when their only daughter,`Grace Aella, became the bride of George Andrew Addi- son, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, AddisonIlei of Hu t township. The bride looked charming in white silk georgette with silver gray kid slippers, and hose to match. Her veil was of silk tulle, arranged in coronet effect, and caught with a triple wreath of orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of Rapture roses, lily -of -the -valley and maiden hair fern.. She, entered the parlor on the arm of her father, to the strains of ` Lohengrin's wedding march, played; by lt'Ir. Irvine Tebbutt, brother of the bride. Miss Oral Finnigan of Nile, cous- in" of the bi'fdc, was bridesmaid, who wore a frock of maize georgette and lace, and carried a bouquet of bronze Molly 'mums, while the groom *as supported by his cousin, Mr. Joe Hoggarth. Rev. J. W. I•Ierbert was the officiating clergyman, The bridal party passed down an aisle formed by white streamers and took their plates in front of a bank of fernery under a gracefully ar- ranged arch of evergreen draped withi wh to and yellow, from which hung the wedding bell. During the signing of the register, Miss Edith Herbert sang, "You" very sweetly. • The bride's mother was attired in a dress of flat crepe in blackberry shade with beige trimmings and the groom's mother wore black satin. Immediately after the Ceremony a sumptuous wedding luncheon *as served, Miss: Henderson and Misses M. Jones, Nina Heard and Gladys Crich: ,acting as waitresses. • The table was tastefully decorated .with myt'tle,'yellow• 'mons and streamers; and favours••• -of rice tied in rainbow shaded Wile,- The ulle;-•The home was beautifully:decor- ated with 'mums, yellow being the predominating shade, ' The'groom's:gift to the bride was a brown leather,aeropack; to the bridesmaid and eelorst gold bar pins set with, jewels; anal to the greenlet.man and pianist tie ,pins set. with pearls. The bricie's travelling costume was of English g, een, her dress being of flat crepe with eggshell trim, • her coat of ripple 'crepe broadcloth and grey wolf, and •bat of chiffon velvet.. 'The guests numbered about thirty, immediate relatives and friends, a- mong them were the two grandmoth- ens,`•Ai'rs. Snyder and lilrs.! Hog- gaxth. The young. couple were thee- cipients of many beautiful ann;use- ful gifts, among then substantial and cheques . a beautiful chesterfieldi q d suite. 'The happy pair left aurid LAUGH AND "AUN The Creat Collegiat Comedy Sponsored by Central Sports Committee - Direction Universal Producing Company LOCAL, PEOPLE AS CHARACTEi. S Don't Miss It! Screams of -Laughter! I ALL-STAR CAST, Headed by G. N. DAVIS as ' AUNT LUCIA" CAST Jerry (fake aunt Lucia) G N. Davis George (College Student) L Pearson Dick (Football Star) Charles Wilson Betsy (George's girl) Isabel Fraser Molly (Dick's girl) ..., I•Iazel Churchill Ethelyn (Jerry's girl) Pearl Churchill Butter di Egg Man Fred Jackson Collins (Dick's father) G, M. Evans Professor Caddis .,. Charles Cook Dean Howard Vera Pepper Dr. Seamore (Pres. College) Rev, F. G. Farrill Mrs. Seamore . Mrs. C. V. Cooke First Freshman Arthur Groves Second Freshman . 'Sant Castle Fraternity President . Stewart Taylor Cheer Leacher Bert Marshall Glee Club President . College Sheik Messenger Boy Dr. Thompson Harold Langford Jack Perdue AUNT LUCIA'S ,Tack Elliott P. Plumsteel Leonard McKnight George MaeCallum D. Phorndyke Morley Counter J. Reid K. Carter Cecil Van Horne Clifford Lobb Wilmer Wallis GLEE CLUB Col, Ranee F. Pennebaker S. L. Lucas Frank Muteh Clarence Livermore Dave Kay George Roberton William lil`utch Jabez E. Rands Rev. M. N. Sullivan Rev. J. E. Hogg COLLEGE FLAPPERS Sorority President Harold Turner Campus Flirt F. Fingland Innocent Freshman r Mr, Fitzsimons Gold Digger . , .. , ... , . W. - S. R, Holmes Conceited Junior Tom Hawkins Gill -with -the -Million -Dollar Legs.. James Ford Dancing Girl .. John T. McKnight Thursday TOWN TOWN HALL, CLINTON Thursday and Friday •Reserved Seats Jane spinster school teacher W. Perdue Beauty Winner . Mr. Robinson Orphan Annie Mr. Herrman Giggles .. Fred Ford Baby Pace Dr, Shaw Studious Girl bfr•. Inkley Teacher's Pet Dr, McInnes Hard -Hearted Hannah . John Grant Gloria Swanson Hall G. E. IT t Vamp of Clinton John Zaphe Athletic Girl , William Johnston Cleopatra Dr, McIntyre Cln a How x o LeonardHeard <1 Tillie the Toiler . T. Hawkins Cornfed Co-ed , M. J. Sehoenhais Bathing Beauty . 141'. Radford Hawaiian Girl . . Harry Bartliff Jiggs Maggie . Fred Kutch Powerful Katrinka . ...... Mr. Atkinson Spanish •Girl . George Jenkins Helen Kane . George Jefferson Clinging Vine , Frank Pennebaker Toe Dancer . Morley Counter /hide of 1931 Chris. Venner SPECIAL BABY PAGEANT "TAKE ME BACK TO BABYLAND" FEATURING CHILDREN DRAMATIC READER .Myrtle Armstrong. GIRL'S CHORUS Consisting of 35 Public School and Collegiate Girls. SPECIAL MUSICAL NUMBERS Special Chorus . Glee Club Breezing Along . • Girl's Chorus New Mown Hay . 1 Girls' Chorus Me and the Man in the Moon , Girls' Chorus Who's That Pretty Baby , . , , Flapper Chorus Say it Again . Ensemble Pianist . Mrs. W. Perdue ov. ; on Sale at Fair's, Wednesdag, Novem- ber 19th. Show Starts at 8.15 Admis., 5Oe plus tax Children 25c vamgaestownwo showers of confetti for Guelph, Ham- ilton and Niagara Falls, On their return they will . reside . on the groom's farm in Hullett township. Mr. and Mrs. L. Anderson spent Thanksgiving with the latter'sbro- ther,' Mi', Ben. Keyes. Mr. Alex. Welsh visited several days last week with his sons on the Bayfield line. Miss Elsie Blackhall spent the holiday at her home in Winghain, 11VIr. Dave Elliott his been busy deepening Mir. Brown Stewart's weII. Mr. Randall' Cole of Millbank spent the holiday at his home. Mr.. Daviel Dewar ,of Toronto, vis, ited his parents over the week -end and holiday. Misses Dorothy and Muriel Stirling Visited at their home over the hell - day. day with Mr. Isaac Rothwell Miss Shirley Beacom of Toronto I Miss Mabel Rothwell. spent the week -end at her home .on the Bayfield line. ,Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wlelsh and family and Mr. • find Mk's. Guy Hicks spent Sunday as guests of My. and Mrs.. Harry . Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hicks spent Thanksgiving at the hone of their daughter; Mrs. 0. R. Welsh. (The A. Y. P. X , of St. Janes' cutch will hold their meeting at eight o'clock on Tuesday evening• next in the church lecture rooms lISlr, and Mks. George,Rathwell and children, Bessie, Marjorie and Lorne, Mrs, Glen ' *Cormack and Mr. and Kis. -W. Witwerth of Toronto were guests• over the week -end and boli - n HOLIVIEMLLE A number from this . vicinity a tended the memorial service in We ley -Willis church, Clinton, on Su day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Brogden McMa leave this week for Toronto, whe they will .spend to Winter, AIDS TO BEATING TILE GAM "There is nothing se satisfact as a'etear conscience." t 'Maio," Answered Senator sores "and .the ,next best :thing is ag lawyer."-IWashington Star. Miller- Hardware Co. ANNOUNCES A Closing Beginning at once all Merchandise is to be. Sold Regardless of Cost, to Close out the Business. The Entire' Stock of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Cultery, Tableware and Utensils, Implements and Tools, Paints and Varnishes, Shoes, Rubbers, Over- alls and Smocks, and other Items Too Numerous to Mention, is being offered to, the Public at Prices, the Like of which will not be Seen in Again in Many a Day. This is Your Opportuniny, Come in and See the Remarkable Bargains Presented. DON'T WAIT The Stock is Limited. BUY N ,M, W while You have the Opportunity, for your Im- mediate and Future Needs. You'll Probably Never get another Chance Like This in Clinton. Offers' for the Entire Stock from .Interested Parties will be Considered. ALL SALES CASH NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS LAUGH AND "AUN The Creat Collegiat Comedy Sponsored by Central Sports Committee - Direction Universal Producing Company LOCAL, PEOPLE AS CHARACTEi. S Don't Miss It! Screams of -Laughter! I ALL-STAR CAST, Headed by G. N. DAVIS as ' AUNT LUCIA" CAST Jerry (fake aunt Lucia) G N. Davis George (College Student) L Pearson Dick (Football Star) Charles Wilson Betsy (George's girl) Isabel Fraser Molly (Dick's girl) ..., I•Iazel Churchill Ethelyn (Jerry's girl) Pearl Churchill Butter di Egg Man Fred Jackson Collins (Dick's father) G, M. Evans Professor Caddis .,. Charles Cook Dean Howard Vera Pepper Dr. Seamore (Pres. College) Rev, F. G. Farrill Mrs. Seamore . Mrs. C. V. Cooke First Freshman Arthur Groves Second Freshman . 'Sant Castle Fraternity President . Stewart Taylor Cheer Leacher Bert Marshall Glee Club President . College Sheik Messenger Boy Dr. Thompson Harold Langford Jack Perdue AUNT LUCIA'S ,Tack Elliott P. Plumsteel Leonard McKnight George MaeCallum D. Phorndyke Morley Counter J. Reid K. Carter Cecil Van Horne Clifford Lobb Wilmer Wallis GLEE CLUB Col, Ranee F. Pennebaker S. L. Lucas Frank Muteh Clarence Livermore Dave Kay George Roberton William lil`utch Jabez E. Rands Rev. M. N. Sullivan Rev. J. E. Hogg COLLEGE FLAPPERS Sorority President Harold Turner Campus Flirt F. Fingland Innocent Freshman r Mr, Fitzsimons Gold Digger . , .. , ... , . W. - S. R, Holmes Conceited Junior Tom Hawkins Gill -with -the -Million -Dollar Legs.. James Ford Dancing Girl .. John T. McKnight Thursday TOWN TOWN HALL, CLINTON Thursday and Friday •Reserved Seats Jane spinster school teacher W. Perdue Beauty Winner . Mr. Robinson Orphan Annie Mr. Herrman Giggles .. Fred Ford Baby Pace Dr, Shaw Studious Girl bfr•. Inkley Teacher's Pet Dr, McInnes Hard -Hearted Hannah . John Grant Gloria Swanson Hall G. E. IT t Vamp of Clinton John Zaphe Athletic Girl , William Johnston Cleopatra Dr, McIntyre Cln a How x o LeonardHeard <1 Tillie the Toiler . T. Hawkins Cornfed Co-ed , M. J. Sehoenhais Bathing Beauty . 141'. Radford Hawaiian Girl . . Harry Bartliff Jiggs Maggie . Fred Kutch Powerful Katrinka . ...... Mr. Atkinson Spanish •Girl . George Jenkins Helen Kane . George Jefferson Clinging Vine , Frank Pennebaker Toe Dancer . Morley Counter /hide of 1931 Chris. Venner SPECIAL BABY PAGEANT "TAKE ME BACK TO BABYLAND" FEATURING CHILDREN DRAMATIC READER .Myrtle Armstrong. GIRL'S CHORUS Consisting of 35 Public School and Collegiate Girls. SPECIAL MUSICAL NUMBERS Special Chorus . Glee Club Breezing Along . • Girl's Chorus New Mown Hay . 1 Girls' Chorus Me and the Man in the Moon , Girls' Chorus Who's That Pretty Baby , . , , Flapper Chorus Say it Again . Ensemble Pianist . Mrs. W. Perdue ov. ; on Sale at Fair's, Wednesdag, Novem- ber 19th. Show Starts at 8.15 Admis., 5Oe plus tax Children 25c vamgaestownwo showers of confetti for Guelph, Ham- ilton and Niagara Falls, On their return they will . reside . on the groom's farm in Hullett township. Mr. and Mrs. L. Anderson spent Thanksgiving with the latter'sbro- ther,' Mi', Ben. Keyes. Mr. Alex. Welsh visited several days last week with his sons on the Bayfield line. Miss Elsie Blackhall spent the holiday at her home in Winghain, 11VIr. Dave Elliott his been busy deepening Mir. Brown Stewart's weII. Mr. Randall' Cole of Millbank spent the holiday at his home. Mr.. Daviel Dewar ,of Toronto, vis, ited his parents over the week -end and holiday. Misses Dorothy and Muriel Stirling Visited at their home over the hell - day. day with Mr. Isaac Rothwell Miss Shirley Beacom of Toronto I Miss Mabel Rothwell. spent the week -end at her home .on the Bayfield line. ,Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wlelsh and family and Mr. • find Mk's. Guy Hicks spent Sunday as guests of My. and Mrs.. Harry . Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hicks spent Thanksgiving at the hone of their daughter; Mrs. 0. R. Welsh. (The A. Y. P. X , of St. Janes' cutch will hold their meeting at eight o'clock on Tuesday evening• next in the church lecture rooms lISlr, and Mks. George,Rathwell and children, Bessie, Marjorie and Lorne, Mrs, Glen ' *Cormack and Mr. and Kis. -W. Witwerth of Toronto were guests• over the week -end and boli - n HOLIVIEMLLE A number from this . vicinity a tended the memorial service in We ley -Willis church, Clinton, on Su day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Brogden McMa leave this week for Toronto, whe they will .spend to Winter, AIDS TO BEATING TILE GAM "There is nothing se satisfact as a'etear conscience." t 'Maio," Answered Senator sores "and .the ,next best :thing is ag lawyer."-IWashington Star.