HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-11-13, Page 3Hove the Telephone (-leaded
"Great stuff!" exciaimed•Jack Wright, former captain of the local foothill squad. "Next best thing to being
'with the boys is to hear from you regularly and to know how the team is shapiug up." Jack's team mates
(thought a lot of, theta captain and when the doctor ordered him right at the very beginning of the season to go to
the maintain sanitarium for a complete rest, they arranged amongst themselves to call him on the long distance
telephone tiro or three times a. week. The calls cost very little and as coach Hennessy said "those telephope
talks not only cheered Saok but they kept the team members right on their toes for naturally, they didn't 'want
to •talk about anything but wins. when they spoke to Sack!"
Tree Bears
Twelve -Inch Apples
Front a tree tw.ce as old as the I
Dominion of Comdata J. 0. Freil of
Niagara Township has pickedapples
of a deep purple color: and et very
good quality, known. as "the Inuit
Chief." The tree is over 120 years
old, and was a veteran when- Coufed-
,eration was.signed 63 years ago. The
seed was 'brought to Canada from the
Old Country by sailing vessel. Meas-
ured on an average, the fruit had a
'Cireuntferenes of 12;u inches.
Pneumatic tyres and unsplinterahle
glass for windscreens may be eons•
pulsory for all motor vehicles ill live
or six years' tante.
3Jl=r$i. oxo 7r"•A ice.
1200 Rooms
teach with(
path ands
• Be Yourself!
XCnow what YOU want and take it,
Don't dither all the day;
But if you cannot :make it,
'Then put the hope away.
Don't spend Your time repining
For what you cannot gala,
Accept the silver lining ,
In every cloud of rain.
Know what you mean, and say it;
Don't use another's phrase.
In kindliness convey it,
Your censure or your praise.
Consider your opinion;
Don't take ft ready made.
Your mind's your own dominion;
To think don't be afraid.
Know what's your job, and do it
With all your heart and -power;
Don't merely situate through it
With one eye on the hour.
For every oecupatiou
Is worth while doing Well;
Theses' such a sure elation
In knowing you excel'.
Be what you are sincerely,
Not apoing other hien,
Pretendiug you aro really
One of to tipper ten.
No matter what your station,
'Tia character which tells;
'Tis not the shop location
Bat what it stocks that sells.
—'t. M. P.
Light Upper
A. black velour suit has the loveliest
dress, ninde of a skirt of the velour
with the front panel extending up al-
most to yoke line and buttoning onto
a green oft -white brocaded satin
Tvlinard's Liniment refreshee the scalp.
High School Boards and Boards of Education
Are authorized by taw to estabilsh
With the approval of the Minister of Education
may be conducted In accordance with the regulations Issued by
the Department of Educatton.
is given In various trades. The schools and classes are under the
Application for attendance should be made to the Principal'
of the school.
for in the Oourees of. Study in Public, Separate, Continuation and 'High
Schools, Collegiate InatitGtes, Vocational Schools and Departments.
Coplee of the Regulations issued -by the Minister of Educatton may be
obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buiidingo, Toronto,
ay be causing those
frequent headaches
WHEN there's too much acid in
your stomach, you must force your-
. self to work, and even pleasures
are too great an effort. Appetite
lags; the digestion is poor; the
whole system suffers.
Laboratory tests show an acid
condition- is due to errors in our
modern diet. But you need not wait
to diet your way out of the trouble)
Take a tabfespoortj'al of Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia.
This will neutralize the excess
acid instantly; make you feel likea
new person in just a few moinents.
Take alittle whenever heartburn,,
sick headaches, nausea, flatulence,
indigestion or biliousness show the
digestive system is becoming too
� R
due to Acid
scum sroMACN
GAa, tigUSEA
acid. Whenever you are taking -cold
or feet sluggish,, weak, constipated.
Phillips° Milk of Magnesia has a
gentle laxative action.
Delightful to take.Endorsedlby.
physicians for 50 years and pre.
scribed everywhere for men, women
and children, The genuine is always
a liquid; it cannot be 'made in
tablet form. It always bears the
!dame P,hillipse for your protection,
Woman's Fortitude
Growth o Canada:
ht Manufactures
Raising of Crop in 1605 First
Agricultural Process in
Tokio,,Japan=Canada's*growth into
.a. great manufacturing ,country was
described by R. F. Thorne; Montreal,
in a recent address,here before a
luncheon, given by' prominent Jap-
anese to the :delegates of the Asada,
mission of. the Canadian Chambers. of
In 1870 the value of Canadian mann-
factui'ing,was $221,000,000, Mr. Thorne
said; Iu .1928, the latest year for
which complete ,statistics .are avail-
able, it nas.$3;770;000000: The capital
invested in more -than .23,000 estab-
lishments- was $1,780,00;000 and the
number of employes 088;000,
Going back into the /cradle of Cam
adieu industry, ,Mr' Thorne •said the
first agricultural .process -to. be 'car-
ried on by Europeans In what is now
the Dominion of Canada, was the
raising of a crop of :grain at' Port
Royal, Nova Scotia, in 1606:
• The first inanufacturiilg process
was the grinding of grain in the
Autiimn of that year-,:: •
Tlie present century had witnessed
the chief forward movement in Can-
adian mantifactnres, the result of two
great influences, first, the "boom" ac-
companying the opening up ,of the
Canadian west, and, second, the Great
War, whinh not only created enor-
mous demands but ieft'a permanent
imprint upon the variety and efficiency
of Carnahan plants.
At present Canada ranked as the
third largest producer of electrical
energy in the world, Mr. Thorne said,
following the United States and Ger-
many. Investment. .in this industry
in Canada now amounted to about
one billion dollars.
Do Eagles Carry
Forces Herself to 'Smile
Through Rain.
"1 never seem to find time to rest,"
says many an overworked ltouseWlte.
Under smiles and .forced cheerfulness'
site conceals weariness and nervous'
depr'eesion; iteaduebes 'and buck -
oho. Often she le in real pain, .but
still refuses to give up. This very
fortitude is apt to be her undoing. If
she continues to neglect •the signals
Of distress she will sooner or tater
suffer a serious breakdown.
A noted doctor has stated that nine -
tenths of the ills of womanhood are
due to poor blood, That anaemia is
the cause of the low spirits, the poor
appetite and palpitation that make
life a burden for so many.
There is no hoed, however, for wo-
men to suffer in this way. All the
miseries of anaemia can be banished
by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
Tltese Pills create an abundance of
new, rich, red blood and this new
btood will bring strength and vitality
to nervous, overtired wonieu. The
Pilin are sold by all motllcine dealers
or by mail at 60 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock.
villa, Ont.
How to Avoid Cold Feet
You can avoid cold feet this winter
by lengthening your blankets and cont.
fosters so that they will tuck in
securely, since so few really tome long
Take a strip of unbleached muslin
12 inches wide arca as Heng as your
blanket or comforter is made. At-
tach it -securely across tate bottom of
your blanket or comforter, having
first had the other three sides hem-
stitched in tate color of your bedding
or else blind stitched or done in col-
ored feather atitebing,
Rice Custard
One cup cooked rice (more it you
like it), two eggs, slightly beaten; two
good tablespoons sugar, pinch ofsalt,
about a Tint of milk, a little nutmeg.
Combine allaingredients in a baking
dish, Set dish in pan ot,llot water
attd bake 'in not too hot aridoveu un-
til a silver knife will come out clean.
Tiny Tot Travels Alone
Off Young Babes?
Hardly a, year 'basses that news-
papers do not publish reports or a
child being carried away 1»' an eagle
in Switzerland or some other part
of the world. • Most of these reports
are, no doubt, made up, out of whole
clout and may be dismissed as pure
fiction. The U.S. Biological Survey
states that it is unable to find a
single authentic instance of Ulla kind
so far as North America is concern-
ed, It is possible, however, that
some of• the Iarger'eagles may, under
unusual cIrcumstahces, seize and
'Carry away small children. The
golden eagle, it Is estimated, can
carry a weight of 12 or 16 pounds
aid it often preys upon iambs,,fauns,
and kids. Dr. W. Reid Blair says
that the Harpy eagle of Genteel and
South America "attacks and ]tills
animals of more than three times Its
own size and weight. Turkeys
fawns, faxes, sloths and monkeys
alike t.:; airatasta, to this powerful
bird's claws." There is no reason
for supposing that such an eagle,
when lruugry, Would discriminate
against ,an unprotected small child.
The Kirghtz Tartars from time im-
memorial, have employed golden
eagles to Hunt antelopes, foxes,
wolves andother game.
Three thousand tuilee by ocean
steamship and a 'further 1400 miles
over land—all the way front Edin-
burgh to Winnipeg, has n0 'starers
fav .little. Joyce I3raidwood,'aged 31/,
who'xeceutiy sailed unaccompanied.by
Canadian' Pacific liner Duchess. of
Athol!, , from `Glasgow to Montreal,
Canadiau Pacific transportation •ser-
vieea Once more took care of hop at
the latter'. city' and Conveyed her to
waiting frleude at. Winnipeg witty
whom site will live:
"Here is an incitation 1c'nty golden
wedding." •"Your go!' •-•zddiitgf"
"I atu•marrying the oe'. of a.mil-
For.Dry Skin—Minard's Liniment.
Owl Laffs
The Turkey
It saddens ane to see the turkey
As, with mind upon his work, he
Views with undisguised` dismay
The coming of Thanksgiving Day.
For him the pumpkin has no charm,
Cranberries cause hila mach alarm,
Chestnuts give him collywobbles,'
'Wring from hint most plaintive gob -
His sojourn sad and grim,
No kindly Providence for him,
No hope is his save that his breast
May lie beneath an alien vest.
Beautiful Daughter ----"Well, ` I pro-
posed to Harold myself to -night."
Her 'Mother ---"You must be mad!"
Beautiful Daughter --'You're darned
right I amt' ITS turned me down,"
While we are, on: the subject, we
might say ,(me,trouble' with young
people to -day is that they do' too ntucb
petting, and another trouble with their
parents le that they do not do enough.
Pail—"Glue me a kiss or I'll sock
you•over the head and take one any -
Guard the Children
from Autumn Colds
The fall is the most severe season
of the year for colds ---one day is
warm, the next cold and wet, and un-
less the mother is on her guard, the
little ones are seized with colds that
may hang on all winter. Boby's Own
Tablets are mothers' best friend in
proventiug or banishing colds. They
act as a gentle laxative, keeping the
bowels and stomach free and sweet.
An oceastoual close of the Tablets
Will prevent colds, or if it does conte
on suddenly•thelr prompt use 'will re-
lieve the baby. The Tablets are add
by medicine dealers or by mail at 26
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
Pauline—"I'll not give you a kiss—
and don't dare hit me too hard!"
Aren't We All?
The scene was the smoking room
en a popular train. The newcomer of-
fered his package of cigarettes to tate
only occupant, but his 'ofcor was de-
clined with:
Occupant—"No, thanks, just finish-
ed one. Or rather, six would be more
like it, but I've got to do something to i
keep my mind off of business.".
Newcomer—"Business not so 'good?"
Occupant—"Not so good? (groueh-i
!ugly) It's terrible: Every merchant
I've visited this weak is complaining.
Some of 'em ,spent au hour or more
giving me the gruesome details, and
now they've got me feeling the same
Newcomer' -"I don't see :tow they
Can do."
"Do what?"
Newcomen—"Spend an hour talking
about 'business conditions',
Occupant -"No' business coming in,
I tell you -»nothing else to do. You
don't understand."
Neriiconler--"I'm afraid I don't. I'm
a local merchant, but I'm so busy tak-
ing care of my business I haven't had
time to learn of this slump yen speak
of. 'Matta oi; fact, my business for
the Aust aline months of this year ex-
ceeded that of last year."
Occupant—"Say, are you just hand-
ing me Pollyanna stuff 'to cheer me
up, or is this Cu the level?"
Newcomer—"I don't see any reason
w11y I would want to 'kid' you; I
never saw you before, and it will prob-
ably be better for my morale if I never
do again,"
Occupant—"I'm sorry, stranger, Pal
just down iu the dumps, and I forgot
myself. Here, have one of my cigar-
ettes, and then tell me how you put
it over."
Newcomer --"Put it over? I didn't
know I was doing anything unusual.
and so never stopped to analyze tato
Occupant—"Weil, naw that you've
heard nl•y story, I with you'd try."
(Deep silence for a, minute or two).
Newcomer—" Xbout two months ago,
I wrote two contractors saying that I
would like to built au addition to MY
Roma, giving me au extra bedroom
and a sleeping porch with. nn enlarged
kitchen and breakfast room on the
first floor. One has nada no reply,
and the other waited three weeks,
only to tell me that ho -was 'tied up'
on a big contract, Two weeks ago I'
arranged to have my :come re—
decor-ated, beginning the following Monday.
The decorator has not shown up yet.
The man: who cleans coy basement
every fall, tends 107 furnace, carries
out the ashes, etc., has not put to an
appearance this fall, despite my fre-
relent calls and Itis equally frequent
promises. I telephoned three tinges
for a man to come and see a car that
needed repairing and overhauling and
putting In running condition. He
never came."
Occupant—"But how has that helped
your business?"
Newcomer—"It hasn't, Because of
their utter lack 02 interest, I'vo eau-
celled alt of Woe jobs and am now
looking for mon who ora ready to do
business. Taro` point l'ni trying to
make is that business Isn't good with
sone folks because they aren't good
to their buiness.
Banish pain with Minard's Liniment.
This year's world output o4 gold is
estimated at $40.1,0,• x.000,
Oil Age Gives New Speed
To World, Says Leacock
I4foutreal—'Phe modes 1. era is dis-
tinguished front alt others by man's
use of the products made from crude
-oil, and hence this is the "0i1 Age,"
according to Stephen Leacock, lecta-
er and profelsor of political economy
at McGill G 1 f 'University ere
i t ve Y h
Petroleum wag known for centul'les,
Mr. Leacock rays, but 'the modern
uses for it were 1100 discovered until
"the nineteenth .century. Modern
sciehtista, while they agree with Mr.
Leacock in recognizing the discovery
of oil and its importance "as a basic
product, stress man's ingenuity .in
perfecting methods of scientific refin-
ing, and attach secondary significance
to the quality of the crude as It comes
from the ground.
With the appearance of oil, says Mr.
Leacock, "all the world was speeded
up. The gloi1'eseemed to shriek be-
neath our feet, Its vastness was all
gone. Prom end to end it was search
ed anti ransacked for'oil, The white
wlilged plane anal - the meters boat
brought all clvilizatiori into one. The
Motor car unified the world and turn-
od the jungle Into highways."
Though crude oil alas been known
for centuries, it remained for modern
;pan to learn Trow to make it into
really, useful `products.
Kau (just acquitted) to counsel--
ounsel—"Thanks very amok! What sliould'I
have done without you?" 'Counsel-
"Oh, about Ave,years '
Chest Colds
Minard's Lininnent is recommend-
ed in cases of bronchial' irrego-
- rarity.. Rub it on the deeded
Parts, and inhale it as necessity
Beebe Returns With
New Fish Specimens
New York—Dr. William Beebe,.
director of tropical research for the
New York Zoological Society, retorts -
ed recently from his second -consecu-
tive year of studyieg,fish in the ocean -
deaths off Nonsuch Island, that. Ber-
muda: He brought 94 eases contain-•
ing about 160,000 specimens of Ash
and crustaceans, many --of them new
to soieuce and some trawled at a depth
of two miles. Heintends to -naine
and catalogue them during the win-
ter' in, his 'studio Isere.
"I am proud to say that my work
is of no practical volae," ile.said, "al-
though, of Bourse, there is Always Ole
chance -that something liractical may
be stumbled upon iu the.comse of my
research. There are, •roughly, three
fish -depth zones. Ph'st, the surface
zone 'o2 only a tow fathoms populated
by blue and transparent Ash, then the
silver zone going down to 1,000- feet
and then the 'red and Meek colors exist
at a 'frigidaire' temperature."
When he has catalogued his speci-
mens, he -said, they -will be taken to
the Museum of Natural History.
onus' ,t y�g
At a1i®LS r -...
AN NosranS AE 83Il11,
91,25 All Druggists. Pest,. diva Polder at rsquost
A. 0. X,FO.a' tRWS, Inc.
70 2i0W Avo., Ok'.''toe1, City
®® YOU
Use Minard's Liniment for Toothache.
"If a man wants to tuariy he should
make a little ntouey first," says a
magistrate. Afterwards he'll have to
make a little money last.
Countless remedies are advertised
for constipation. Many relievefor
the moment but "day are habit form-
ing and must be continued. Others
contain calomel and dangerous min-
eral drugs, which remain in the sys-
tem, settle in the joints and cause
aches and pains. Some are harsh
purgatives which cramp and gripe
and leave a deeressed after effect.
Avoid lubricating oils which only I
grease the intestines and encourage
nature's machinery to become lazy.
A purely vegetable laxative such
as Carter's' Little Liver Pills gently
,g y
touches the liver, bile starts to flow,
the bowels move gently, the intestines
are thoroughly cleansed and constipa-
tion poisons pass away. The stomach,
liver and bowels are now active and
the system enjoys a real tonic effect.
All druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs,
ISSUE No. 46--'30
;, s for
Classified Advertising
V@' )tris to get prices for sondin
'apples Overseas for Christmas. Wrt
Tho Man Pero, -1 Hent;" Drawer A, Duo.
lington, Ont.
nnOULOUSI; C.lbosu, ISITHmn BioIC .
Hugh. Iyslp. nrrd,Ontrio
List of "Wanted inventions"
and Dull information Sent hoes
on Request.
'Sian BAraSAY COI, Dept. eV,
973 Rank Sti, Ottawa, Out
1'he Soothing, cooling touch that
brings comfort Sia the liaise
Qlaattiia.aa9•aa Ta atass
the newest of We Guitm,m preparation..
With a background of so year, of depend.
able quunt7 and .entca
din. Everywhere
EP E t` •
ii l'f91! a different woman of
"Two years ago 1 began to get
depressed, and everything was too
much trouble for me. X was a mia01y
to myself and everyone around me.
X was advised to take Glauber Salts
by my friends who said it was the
same as Iirusehen but it did me no
good, so at lust my husband got me
a bottle of Itrusehen and no one would
realise the different woman 1 am. I
have been taking Krusoihen now
constantly for two years. Ory daughter
also would not be without it. I have
got my neighbour to take Kruschen
as well and she has found its worth
as site feels a different woman."
—(hips, (S, A.tic.)
The contmnnest cause of depression
is partial constipation—an insidious
complaint because the sufferer is
seldom aware of it. It means the
gradual aceunmlatinn of body poisons
which dull the mind, damp the spirits,
sup the nervous strength and lower
the whole vitality.
Krusoltcn Salts make constipation
impossible. '!'herefore, if you keep to
Kruschen you need never know the
meaning of melancholy; never feet
"nervy" or depressed.
VI 7F. can never be sure just what
WW' makes a child restless, but
the remedy can always be the same.
Good old Castorial'There's comfort
in every drop of this pure vegetable
harm in itstion'fret and t inc not the
often es
your child has a fretful spelt, is
feverish, or cries and can't sleep, let
Criteria soothe and quiet him. Some=
tithes it's a touch of colic. Sometimes
constipation. Or diarrhea—e con-
dition that should always be checked
without delay. .fust keep Castoria.
handy and give: it promptly, Relief
will followfvery promptly; if it
doesn't. you should call a physician.
"I was very weak after an op-
eration. My nerves were so bad
11 would sit down and cry and
my husband would not go out
and leave me alone. Now my
nerves are much better, thanks
-to a booklet that was left
under the door. Lydia E. Pink-
inkham's Vegetable Compound
surely put me on my feet. I
have taken eight bottles..,My
friends tell me Hook fine. My
sister has taken this medicine
too."—linos. Annie Walton, 67
Stanley St., Kingston, Ontario.
Are Flllod)Aa Far
As Possible in' the
Order in Which
They Are
Farm Help Supplied
Oiisring Annual
Work Are
i nvarlably
Given the
The Colonization and Immigration Branch of the
Department of Agriculture for Ontario will have available a
number of Experienced Married Men With Their Wives
and Families—Married Couples Without Children -e
Also SMena a,
`. advisers resat mato care help wilt bo won
aflviSefl to amatoo onriy application to
Geo. A. Elliott
'isomer of eoloaizatlon
l'arllamOnt I3ldga.,.
• - Toronto, Ont,
Fite Your
at Onoo
All Men
Planed Subject
to Trial Peeled
HON, THOMAS ,L. KENNEDY( Minister of Aigrioulture