HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-11-06, Page 8m $i*WREDUCING err , ' CONTINUED TO NOVEMBER 15th PRICES CUT DEEPER TO CLEAR Compare these Values with what you are Accustomed to; Pay and Buy Now. MEN'S COTTON WORSTED PANTS $1.35 Well Made, Per pair . ei MEN'S OVERALLS AND MOMS. $1.19 Black,Blue and White, Cleairng Lines - MEN'S GREY ALL -WOOL WORK SOX Per pair • ......... ...2QCor!for 35C MEN'S FINE SHIRTS f . C o.5 Collar attached or separate . , ..... , ........ 1 2 MEN'$ GREY UNION FLANNEL SHIRTS (r 1.00 Special at . w NVJEN'S HEAVY RIBBED WOOL UND'ERWE'AR $1 X25 Slightly Iinperfect . . / l G�7„ MEN'S ELE:E'QE-LINED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS 85c Per pair . : BOYS' FL1ECE-LINED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS .19C Per pair , LADIES' HEAVY COTTON. BLOOMERS 39c Clearing at . 7• LADIES' SILK AND WOOL BLOOMERS 49C Clearing at ,• •7 LADIES' CHAMOISETTE GLOVES 4 5 C Fancy Cuffs, to clear LADIES' SILK AND WOOL HOSE ytAG C Black or Colored, to"elear MEN'S CAPS dQC Clearing Lines, All Sizes �77vQ CALL ON US FOR ' LADIES' RUBBERS M'E, N'S RUBBERS At .. , ; / 5C At 95C BEST QUALITY DOMINION RUBBERS, Slightly Higher Prices. FULL STOCK OF NO 1 QUALITY DOMINION RUBBER FOOT- WE'A:R AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING, SUITS OR OVERCOATS AT AT BARGAIN PRICES TO CLEAR GET OUR PRICES ON FLOOR COVERINGS, LINOLEUMS, OIL CLOTPI, CONGOLEUM OR FELTOL RUGS THEY ARE PRICED AT CLEARING PRICES FOR THIS SALE Many other lines not listed here at equally Low Prices. . Plumsteel _--,-- . 1-4—' N : YOU DEMAND M ORE SELECTIVITY'!• SENSITIVITY' • and VALUE! YOU GET THEM ALL- 1 LL- ■afl(liilatl I'll A INIWtlilQllfr 111— •9 In the New 1931 OUR TERMS ARE EASY! VICTOR RADIO It had to come , ..but only soreen-grid micro -synchronous balance could bring it . the new 1931 Viotor Radio gives . it. Everything about Victor's latest radio is new .. differ- ent . . new in design new in performance—new in tone— and better' If you want clean-cut se- paration of stations if you want the thrill of distant broadcasts . , . if you want the radio of tomorrow in your home today you want _a. VIC- TOR. The beautiful R-35 Model :shown is $247.50 . . hear it hear all Victor Radio models , and then hear the new Victor Radio Home -Re- cording Eleetrola. Sutter & Perdue ti 1 ilto=o o}sool�o, WE SELL THE BEST .FOR LESS 'ITEMS FOR WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER STII, 1930 0 Bulk Ready Cut Macaroni, 3 lbs 25e O Post's Bran, 2 pkgs.. 21e Edwardsburg Corn Syrup, 5's 33e. 2's 15c ' Panshine, (Special), 3 tins s g , ..23e Jif "Suds in a Jiffy", large pkg. ( 19e Toddy Siroe, hot or cold 3 oz., I38c, 16 oz, 53e, 66A11 Khovah 'Health Salts, 2 tin 35e 0 O Lealand Sweet mixed Pickles 3 ozs. 47c Maple Leaf Salmon Green Giant Peas, tin .. ,25e 11 1-2's 25c. 1's 450. Aylmer Br. Corn, 2's 2 tins 25e Family Blend Tea, red bags 39c Aylmer Br., Tom,, 2 cans :.250 CONTINUATION OF HEINZ PRODUCTS Owing to the demand of Heinz Soups and Pork and Beans this O 'O week, we will continue the Sale, on Saturday at Special Priees while 0 O they last. , ;,., IIPART BOILEDLIAM, per lb MEATS W(EINERS, per lb. 25e SAUSAGE, per lb. 25c . .49c BREAKFAST BACON, in piece, per lb 35e. O BACK BACON,in piece, per lb... .. .. , ...... , 47c L�.. J. T. i,cKN IGHT &'` SON . PHONE YOUR ORDER EARLY CLIN'PODI, ONT. PHONE 111 otuo = o o OIo o=o2)= °""' Castile Soap, 8 cakes . 25e Royal York Tea, the tea that is different, per Ib, 55c Hawe's Lemon Oil 23e Libby's Sauer Kraut 15e 0 While pursuing the .stationery trade, our buying -at a price and sel- ling for 25c a Fold over or .Ladiees'. size writing pad and twenty-five en- velopes to match, (both for 25c) of.. fers to the public a service of es- pecial interest in the conservation of expense Tour purehase of the set at the price is the perfect answer to the now -a -days familiar question. Where do I get the most for the least,? The W. DL Fair Co. Often the Cifeapest—Always the Best Pr ��H�� Ni aI14101MIlilnUmmm ip �� nn14�II,�IfII�"'�.. SHB 'CI.INTON-NEWS' RECORD BRAZIL NUTS, per lb. 30c SWEET POTATOES, 5 lbs. 25c CRANBERRIES, per lb. 20c- GROCETERIA SPECIALS OUR CUSTOMERS ARE DELIGHTED WITH OUR GROCETERIA AND THE BARGAINS THEY RECEIVE 3 cans Aylmer Soup'29c 3 Black Tea . - $1.00 vrw 3 tins No..4 Peas 25c 5 lbs. Gran. Sugar 27c Fancy Cakes, 1b. 25c New Valencia Raisins 15c New Dates, 2-25c Cooking Figs 3-25c • 3-4 lbs. . Butter, 3-4 Fruit Sugar, 6 eggs, 4 cups flour, 11-2 teaspoons baking powder, 3-4 lbs. white rais- ins, 1-4 citron peel, 1-3 lb, cherries, Bleached Raisins, 20c Citron Peel. Ib. 29c Candied Cherries 60c Almond Icing 30 & 50c Apricots, Ib. ' 30c 6 Jellies 25c THURSDAY, NOVE MBER',6, 19; FOR THANKSGIVING SIMPLE MENU:' Tomato Juice Cocktail Olives Nuts; Celeery Chicken and Stuffing Hubbard Squash, Green Peas Cranberry Jelly Grape Fruit & Orange Salad Mince or Pumpkin Pie Tea or Coffee FRIGIDAIRE' Swift's Sausage Schneider's Sausage. Fresh Picnic' Hams. Lamb's Liver Lard, albs. Shortening, 2 .lbs. 25t 30cpp 1d.0c 18c 57c 35c New Seedless Raisins, 2-25i Head, Leaf Lettuce Grapes, 2 lbs. 35c Mince Meat, 2-35c Macaroni,3 lbs. 24c CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCERY Phoi-ie 48 O'NE1L, Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails a ?r , Mr. and Mrs. G. D. McTaggart have gone to Toronto for the winter. Mrs, D. S. Cook of Toronto spent the week -end with Clinton friends. Mr, Lloyd Carrell of Oshawa spent the week -end withhis family in town. - 11Mr. J. C. Stirling has gone to Jack- Ison, Mich., to spend a while with his daughter. Miss Margaret McLeod of Toronto University spent the week -end at her home in town. Miss Florence Cuninghame and her mother visited Miss Hattie Baker at Fullerton last week, Rev, and Mrs, 3, W, Oliver of Lions Head spent a few days this week as guests of lVIr• and Mrs, E. Pat- erson. Mx, Hugh Ladd left last week to spend the winter with his brother and his wifd, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ladd, Monrovia, Calif. Mrs. J. C. 1VleMath left Saturday for ;Toronto, where she will spend the !winter with her two daughters, they having taken an apartment there. IVIr. and Mrs. Adatn Scott returned yesterday after a little visit with their daughter and son-in-law, Mk, ar.d Mas. T.. J. McMichael, near Seaforth. • Mr. Percy Cook of Regina, Seek,; is visiting his mother, Mrs. Charles Cook, Rattenbury street. It is twenty years since Aix. Cook was last home. Mrs. G. W. Pinner of Oshawa and .11/rs. H. A. Steven of Toronto spent the weekend in town with their mother, Mrs. C. H. Bartliff. ,Mrs. Pinner motored up,. Rev. llfr. Bowen, who was in town in the interests of the Bible Society, was the guest of Rev. L. O. Har- rison while itt town and preached M St. Paul's church on Sunday morning. Miss Hattie Baker and 1VIrs. 0, Ves- ey of Fullerton and M'iss Irene !Brooks of Mitehcll motored up on Friday evening to attend a Hal- lowe'en party given by Miss Rol- lie Cantelon. Mr..and Mrs. C, E. Carbin -of To- ronto, formerly of Clinton, Mr. Carbin having been a member of the Collegiate staff, were week- end guests of Mr, and Ms. G. Il. Jefferson and also called on many other old friends, Miss Kate Parke, who has been here for some weeks owing to the ac- cident to her sister, Mrs. J. Cluff, bas' returned to Toronto. Mss, Cluff, her friends will be glad to hear, is imporving rapidly and lean now walk a bit on her frac- tured limb. Mrs. Wm. Coates and 'Miss Helen Coates and Miss Newman of 'Lis- towel were week -end guests of ;Mr. and ,Mrs. E. Paterson. Miss Newman, - NA's. Coates and Mrs. Paterson are sisters. Miss New- anan is malting a snore extended 'stay with 1V3rs. Paterson. IlIr. and M'rs. G. E. I1•a11 returned Tuesday evening from Windsor, where they spent • several .days with the former's sisters. They .alao attended the ceremonies in connection with the opening ° of the now Detroit-Wrindsor tunnel on Saturday and 1Vrx. Hall was present for the special view o1 the tunnel on Friday, when news- , peper publishers from both sides of the riven were guests of the of- .ficials and spent a few hours to- gether , in fraternal intercourse A noon luncheon was a feature of the occasion; the publishers being guests of the Border (Sties Cham - ' of Coiniterce and TunnelW 'le,-- Com- • pany, i PRESBYTERIAN CHOIR CONCERT Friday, November 14 'AT P. IN CHURCH AUDITORIUM Musical Numbers ley the choir, in- clude, solo, male quartette, choruses and piano and organ duets. ASSISTINIG ARTISTS— Miss Lanrmie, A.T.C.11I., Violinist, Pliss Iludson, Reader. lVlr, 1Vltrson, Baritone Soloist. Adults, 85c, Children, 25c. 90-3. Sinking of Lusitania IN' SONG, 1VS,USIC, LECTURE by Risco. Williams, Welsh 'Baritone and DELPIIINE AYRES SAMES Pianist and Soprano ONTARIO STREET 'CHURCH, CLINTON ' THURSDAY, NOV. 13 8 p.m. auspices of Young Peoples' League "The ]Host Thrilling Story I ever heard" -Rt, Hon, David Lloyd George. Admission, Adults, 35c, Childern, 25c Get tickets from members of Y.P.L. 91-2. THE VOGUE. A. Clearing Sale, of Quality Mil- linery commences at The Vogue Friday morning Nov. 7th at 9 o'clock. Those hats are remarkable value, .We also have a number of scarfs and hosiery en sale. The early buyer gets the choice. THE VOGUE 91-1. STANLEY The following is the report for S. S. No. 13, for the months of Sep- tember and October: Jr, 4th: Mildred Haug, 83 John Heys, 75. ., Sr. 3rd: Bobby Peck, 71, Jr.. 3rd: Dorothy Peek, 88; Clare McBride, 83. 2nd: Sybil Keys, 92; Florence Haug 90; Gordon Keys, 86; Russell Oesch, 73; Jack Peck, 67. let: George Haug, 90, ,Pr,: Kathleen Oesch, Bruce, Keys, Arnold Heys, equal. --Annie J. *Taggart, teacher. 'SEAPO-RTS': The death 'occurred from pneurnania on Tuesday, Novem- ber 5th, at the Seaforth Mlemorial Hospital where she had been eon - fined since undergoing an operation :for appendicitis about four weeks ager of an esteemed resident in the person of 1 rrs. Joseph Hoggarth, at the age of 47 years, The deceased woman whose maiden name was Mary Ann Hudson; was born in Tuck- ersnrith, where she resided until her. marriage to Joseph H.oggarth, who survives her along with three of -•a family, Clarence and Ethel at home and Mrs. Harold Large, London. ANNUAL CHRISTMAS GIFT SHOP AND BAZAAR (auspices of W. A. of Wesley -Willis United Church.) Saturday, November 15 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER AT 2.30 BOOTHS: Christmas Gifts. Alirons. Home Baking. Touch and Take. Candy. Afternoon Tea will be Served. COME —• EVERYBODY WELCOME 90-3. Thanksgiving Specials VETERN FRIED CAKES "ORDER EARLY IF POSSIBLE" CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS CREAM PUFFS ORDER AT OUR STORE. Our driver will also cheerfully take your order or simply call "68" and your Order will be taken care off. :IUNTS CHOCOLATES Wendorf's, Bakery MA "Whole Wheat" KEanRSd O"r Snowflake" BREAD - Now you need that New Stove or Heater Get a Circulator this Winter and enjoy warmth all through the house. We have Clare Bros. and Dominion Stove and Foundry Co's., with the New Rater Grate. The first of its !chid and a great fuel saS4r. Be sure and see it and you will buy. 'See our new style - Aladdin Lamp for 'better light on the dark witner night. We also carry a few repairs on hand L Uawkins HARDWARE: and PLUMBING Phone 244 FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER Choice Quality DUCKS, CHICKENS AND GEESE Beef, Pork, Veal and Lamb as usual Choice Mince Meat, per lb. 18c, 2 for 35c Sauer Kraut, 3 pounds for 25c Kindly Order the night before when you want your Order Early. CONNELL , & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Huron Street. ii=0=0)===t0r=s0>� OUR FALL LINE OF 11 • BLUE, GREY AND BROWN FROM OTereoafs q $IO.$30 11 SPECIAL FALL LINE OF BILTMORE. HATS DAVIS AND HERMAN .=oaolrto=oma Pititt/.0V:t h Staniar gat 'of Gonactia SEMET `" SOLVAY OKE amormaawimem There's a story !being told about a little lad who caught his sister's latest beau kissing her. The rather bashful young man, 'highly 'embarrassed, tendered the brother a quarter and asked him to keep quiet about it. The lad took the quarter and handed the young man a dime in return saying, "Here's your change Miner. Fifteen cents is all I charged the others. Fair play to all—that's the way I do business." . The Iad's idea of treating all alike ,was a mighty good one, • As a matter of fact, treating all our cusomers in the same fair co- epperative way, without favouringany partiiarly, }SEs been one of It'!te main reasons for our growth --!fairness, plus the even uniformity high quality of Semet Solvay Coke and our other lines of Coal. . There are very definite reasons for the splendid uniformity and high quality of "Solvay Coke," In the first plate the coke is ,all genuine Semet , SoIvay Coke recognized as one of the best. (Solvay Coke is processed by the finest and most complete e- quipment procurable. HIenee Semet Solvay has become one of the "known best," So with the fuel season just ahead why not assume yourself of the Coke highto-destay. quality coke by sending us your order for Semet Solvay ' W. J. MILLER AND SON. PHONE 46J