HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-10-30, Page 8BIC STOCIim October : 31st to November 8th Fact is our Stock is too Heavy We need the Cash and can Spare the Goods Cut Prices hust do the Trick Some Departments marked down for a Complete Clearance. TURN HARD TIMES TO GOOD TIMES BY MAKING YOUR $ DO DOUBLE DUTY MEN'S .BLADK, "BLUE and WHITE OVERALLS AND SMOCKS-1 e25 Lines to lslear, M`EN'S COTTON WORSTED PAINTS; Well -!bade : -t1 3 and full size, Special 9 MEN'S GREY ALL -WOOL WORK SOX 18c 35c Special .i U 2 for J ASSORTMENT' OF 'CLEAR- ING LINES of MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Special at ," 85c MEN'S FINE SHIRTS, Cellar Attached, or separate lei 25' collar. Spedfal a)0 •D 11 MEN'S GREY UNION FLAN-' NEL SHIRTSd� 1 .1 Special at - • -�P J J MEN'S HEAVY WOOL RIB- BED UNDERWEAR, Penmans make,,slightly impel- $Q 2 C 1 feet. Special 'at .. • t1. a sD BOY'S FLEECE -LINED SHIRTS .AND DRAWERS Penman's Make 49C C .'Special at LADIES' COTTON BLOOM- . ERS', ,Pink or Peach. 39 c Specia"I''at • • SILK BLOOMERS AND BOB ETTFS, All wanted A9„ shades: Special at LADIES' • SILK and WOOL HOSE. Newest shades 49 c Special at �7 LADIES' CHA16 OISETTE GLOVES, Fancy Cuffs. New Goods. No old atoeli, Special at ,' MIEN'S KaIAKI COIVIBINA- TION OVERALLS ex95 Sale Price , 'V . 7 WEIGHTAVIER $2.25 ,. 1VI'EN'S FLEECE LINED SHIRTS AND DRAW- Q C ERS. Special at OJC GET OUR PRICES ON SHOES AND RiMERS, BEST QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICES. EWY NOW AND SAVE MONEY Plumsteei Bros. O YOU DEMAND MORE SELECTIVITY! SENSITIVITY! and VALUE! YOU GET THEM ALL --•':'''1111110111111151111111M1111111111.11...I • In the New 1931 VICTOR RADIO It had to come .. ,but only screen-giiid micro -synchronous balance could bring it .. , only the new 1981 Victor Radio gives it. Everything about Victor's latest radio is new , . differ- ent . . new in design stew in performance -new' in tone - and better' If you want clean-cut se- paration of stations . if you want the thrill of distant -1� broadcasts . , . if you want the radio of tomorrow in your ,, i home today you want a VIC- TOR. The beautiful R-85 Model I. ehown is $247,50 . . hear it , . hear all Victor Radio models , and then hear the new Victor Radio Horne-Tte- OUR TIIRMS ARE EASY! : cording Eiectrola. " Sutter & Perdue SPECIAL! SPECIAL! II .p 0 'HEINZ Sat. Nov. lst, DEMONSTRATION PORK and BEANS, large, 2 tins 45e PORK and BEANS, Small, 6 tins ,• 57c SPAGHETTI, small, 6 tins 570 HEINZ KETCHUP, large, 2 450 CREAM OF GREEN PEA SOUP, 2 tins 47c The ne'w Green Pea Soup is made from vine ripened tomatoes and Cream, contains 30 per cent. 'butter fat. CREAM TOMATO SOUP, small, 3 tins 29c CREAM TOIVI,ATO SOUP, medium, 2 tins 29c Sunlight Soap, 7 cakes ...39e Ayln":er'Soups, 8 tins ,...25e Wagstaffe 1Vlarn"alade, - '40 oz. 29e Pumpkin, large, 2 tins 23c Clark's Pork & Beans, 2 tins - 19e Spanish Valencia Raisin's. - 2 lbs. 830 Berdin's St. Charles Milk Small size, 2 tins 15c Large size, each 14e Kara Coffee. 1-2's 31e 16oz. . 590 Hawe's floor wax, 1 lb. tin 48e Standard Peas, 3 tins ....25c Standard, Tomatoes, 2 tins 25c WE INVITE YOU ALL TO. JOIN WITH US ON SATURDAY WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR NERDS AT LOWER PRICES J. T. McKNIGHT & SON PHONE YOUR ORDER EARLY CLINTON, ONT. ' PHON,E'111 0 0 11 IME CLINTON-NEWS RECORD THURSDAY, OCTOBER,'30, 1b30 • iNi? ;H.32, A IVI OTIOI T ABOLISH HALLOWE'EN Would not find a seconder. Sober- ly considered, it Might be termed fool'ishn'ess-, but 31 would be a hard cruel world without ;its innocent de- ceits and illusions. Such is the spirit of Hallowe'en and youth awaits it gleefully. 'Thriills and chills-: add zest to the night and although there are no authentic- records of their visitation the imagination suggests. the .prowling round of Spooks, Grot- esquo black cats with lig green eyes, ii Iy witches; and scary ghosts to' haunt the streets and ditches. 71 1 Our stock of wlhimsidally extra- vagant novelties "nay be of service to you. for the celebration of the'ev- ening and contribute to the success of the jolly occasion. Ttiu W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest -Always the Best IG soup EEtt AYLMER SOUPS AND BEANS Free Demonstration of Aylmer Soups Fri. & Sat. BUY HALF A DOZEN AT ONLY 58c Have you visited our Groceteria? Special Priceslalso at the Service Countert Free Books for the Kiddies with Orders, Fri., Sat. & Mon. We will be pleased to serve you CANADA'S BIG. SOUP •WEEKp. GROCETERIA SPECIALS 6 Aylmer Soup and 5 lbs. Gran. Sugar Pork • & Beans la 11%, Cake Mixture, per lb.. s Buy them by the half dozen '1' Pie . Mixture, per lb, TO CLEAR 1N OUR GRACETERIA 0 2 'lbs. Soap Chips Fancy • Biscuits, per lb. 251 5 pkgs. Ammonia HALLOWE'EN o FOR YOUR SOUPS SUGGESTIONS Soda Biscuits, per .lb. Pop Corn, 3 pkgs. 25c Peanut Toffy, i lb. 15c Maxwell Coffee,per ib. Mince Meat, 21bs. 35c Pumpkin, tin 15c Hallowe'en Mixture, Ib. 19c Tea, 3 lbs. . 16c Pink Salmon 19c Red Salmon 29c Fresh Sausage, Ib. 25c Picnic Hams 25c Marmalade, per jar 29c 58c . Pumpkin, 2 tins 23c Heinz 21c c Heinz Catsupmall 3--29c $1.00 2, Heinz Soup large 2--23c 27c 25c 25c 23c 25c CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCERY Phone 48 i 1115.:. R. J. Gibbings of Toronto is in town this week. Miss Robinson of Woodstock was the week -end guest of Mrs. F. -Hovey. Mr. and Mks. H. Bartliff were in Brussels on Sunday last calling on relatives. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hall motored to Langton and spent the week- end with relatives. Mr. Fred Wiitse of Detroit spent last week with his mother, Mrs,, Levi Wiltse of town. Mrs. and 11•Iiss Disney and Mr. and Mrs.in Kitchener Hummel nme 1 of Kt better ealle d on Clinton friends on Sunday, Mr. Bruce Tasker, who has been sailing on the lakes during the season, arrived home this week. Mr, and Mrs. C. Logan of London were the guests last week of the hatter's grandmother, Mrs. L, Wil- rtse. ilxrs, James H, Johnston and chil- dren were guests of Brantford friends on Saturday. Mr. Johnston accompanied them home. Mr. E. Kelis and daughter of St. Catharines and Mrs. D. Johnston of Drayton were guests over the week -end of Mr. and Mrs. E. ,Morrison. Mr. Alien Farnham of Detroit was in "town this week, Doming over to attend the • funeral of his un- cle, the late 0. F. M. MacGregor of Hallett. Mr. Howard Veneer, who has been spending a fortnight's vacation at the home of his mother, Mrs. F. Venner, of town, returns today to Norwich to resume his duties on 'the staff •of the Royal Bank. Rev. J. E. Hogg and Mr. 'Welham Stewart were dele- gates from Wesley-W7blis Sunday school to the provincial S, S. Con- Ivention at Brantford .the first of the week. Mr, and Mrs. Hall left today for Windsor. Mr. Hall will be present at a special vieW of the new tun- nel given newspaper men on Tri-' day, and they will spend the week- end with relatives at Windsor. Me. Gauley of Toronto has been in town this week. arranging for the funeral of 'his mother, the late 'Mrs. Gainey who died in Goderich on Monday and whose remains were laid in Clinton eemetery yesterday afternoon, BRUCEFIELI Miss Margaret McKay of Toronto, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. John Walker, for the past few days, returned to her home thifs week. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and fam- ily of Sarnia spent the week -end at the home of the batter's mother, Mrs. W. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rattenbury and family of Burlington were the guests of the fernier's, parents, Mr.• and Mrs. Rattenbury this week. The many friends of Mr, John McKenzie of -the village will regret to hear that he is quite ill and was taken to Clrfiton Hospital last week; Mrs. G. HiII is visiting at the home of her son, Afx. J. Hill of Stratford, Anniversary services, were held in Brucefield United church last Sun- day, Oct. 266th. The day being a perfect one there was a. good attend- ance both morning and evening':°The preaehrer. for -the day was Rev. R. 3. Seobie of Belgrave, who preached two good sermons, which were lis - tend to with intent 'earnestness by the large congregations. The music, which was rendered, by the choir un-' der the leadership of Miss Jean Mur- doch, was exceptionally fine. The .special offering amounted to over :1500.00, ) 1 • I- 1,:. PRESBYTERIAN CHOIR CONCERT 100011012§Xlairi X010000100011011' Friday, November 14 AT8P.M. IN CHURCH AUDITORIUM Musical. Numbers by the choir, in- clude, solo, male quartette, choruses and piano and organ duets, A'SSISTINiG ARTISTS --- Miss Lannnie, A,T.C.M., Violinist. Miss Hudson, Reader. Mr. Mason, Baritone Soloist. Adults, 35e, Children, 25e. 00-3. A EUCHRE & DANCE wiII be given in Old Time Dance Rooms Under auspices of the HURONIC REBEKAH LODGE No. 306 on the evening of Wednesday, Nov. 5th Games start at 8 o'clock sharp. Admission, 35c. 89-2, Hallowe'enMasquerade SOCIAL Auspices of Girls' Club, in Ontario Street United Church on the evening of Thursday, October 30 at 8 o'clock, Admission 15e 89-2. Hallowe'en -Supper Thursday, Oct, 30th 5 TO 7.30 In Presbyterian Church Dining Hall MENU: Cold Dressed Pork, Creamed Potatoes Buttered Carrots and Peas Salads, Jellies, Relishes, Cake. Lemon Pie, Pumpkin Pie with. Whipped Cream, Rolls, Tea, Adults, 50e, Children, 35e. 88-3, Ihilbs! Bulbs! Imported from France and Holland Plant - now for Winter and Spring ' Bloom. PAPER WRITE NARCISSUS, IIYACQINTHS DAFFODILS AND TULIPS Plant good quality Bulbs and insure fine bloom. J, Cuninghame Florist __PHONES: 31 and 176w. 88-3, ANNUAL CHRISTMAS GIFT SHOP AND BAZAAR (auspices of W. A. of Wesley -Willis United Church,) Saturday, November 15 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER AT 2.30 ' BOOTHS: Christmas Gifts, Home Baking. Touch and Take. Candy. Afternoon Tea will be Served, COME -EVERYBODY W,ECCOME 90-3. Do You Know! That our Coffee Cake and Buns are made from an Extra Special Dough. TRY SOME MANY PEOPLE •Want a Bread that is just a little different, We invite you to try a 'loaf of our Variety Bread. ' SPECIAL PASTRY FOR SATURDAY Wendorf's Bakery MAKERS OF "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR Furnace Cleaned Start saving moneyat the Start of the Cold. Season. Get all the heat out of your fuel there is Nit —with a clean, well -working furnace. We do a thorough repair and cleaning ,job for only a few dollars. CALL US NOW! T. Ha��in HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails a,4 11. .xiF]i ii'aI A a'y� � t'4, . �'� :ii. • yr i it Lard • Brisket, Shanks, Rib Boils Neck Flank, Hock, Chuck Shoulder Rib Roasts Corner Rump Round Sirloin F f.• lb. 17c or 3 lbs. for 50c per Ib. 100 per lb. 100 , . 150 Boils . 16e and 17c trimmed . 16c cut . 20e Roasts ,• 180 Roasts . ,18c .. 20c Roast , , 22e Roast • 19c Steak . 25e Steak , . 28c f` Lamb Stews, Lamb Rib Lamb Shoulder Lamb Loin Dressed Half Dressed Mutton, Pork Chops, Lamb Chops, Mutton Pork Sausage, Head Cheese, Cottage P. M. Cottage per lb. , 15e Roast, per lb, .. 20e Roast, lb. .20c Roast, per lb. 28e Hog, per lb. 16e Hog, lb. ..161A•c by the half, lb. . . 8c lb. 25e Ib. 30e Chops, lb. 15e per lb. 22c per D. 20e Rolls, per lb. .,,.30c Rolls, per lb 28c TRY OUR DRESSED DUCKSAND CHICKENS . " CONNELL,. & T`Y'Ns'r; ALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 ,Huron Street. >� •-�'-'= O O O OUR FALL LINE 0E- E21 oats °p 0, BLUE, GREY AND BROWN PR0141 $IO$3O SPECIAL FALL LINE OF �:-: : �.: BILTMORE HATS al For Mein AND HERMAN 0.1Otte' llasier'lfa( of Gonads =0= y---,-.0=0• SEMET . SOLVAY ` COKE 1101011111.12100000001111 'ee It is said that the average: womens clothe0011000.010011000.0100110s weigh but eight ounces--Ishoes'an' everything) Sez you -where rho we come in on this? Sez we, right here and •now -we MUST sell a fuel that will provide ABUNDANCE OF HEAT. Winter days --zero days -its sins and seaaties just the same - BUT, the home MUST BE KEPT WARM) -land that's our -business. We realize that our customers want SOLID COMFORT --,warm homes-4assured protection against the biting chills of winter -- When it comes to cokes its "SEM,ET SOLVAY"' Coke for as- sured heat -'for dependability , for uniformity of size and' right down- genuine satisfaction. Comfort for our customers -good will -repeat orders.. And here are the reasons: "SEMET SOLVAY" Coke is pur- posely, definitely produced as a heat -giving fuel. There is :nothing - haphazard: in the processing of "SOLVAY" Coke, it is consistently - uniform in quality and structure. No other coke has the equal' con• centration of carbon that is found in "SE'lVlET SOLVAY" Coke This means more "heat units." To ourr customers it means wa armth, Comfort, mere heat with little labor. ,Servet Solvay Coke, has answered to the heat problem in thousands of homes and its fame is spreading. Order SEMET SOLVAY. Coke to -day. W. .1 MILLER -AND SON. Phone 46J pelagearoax 90-i.