HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-10-23, Page 5THE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD -OF INTEREST 'TO YOU AND ME - Itr, Bowes was a little bit out a- gain. If that storm over the week- end was not a touch of winter we had bettor be prepared for the one coating on Nov. 7th. Realty, we hate to contplaitoabout the climate, but to be wearing straw hats one day .and hunting out winter clothing the day 'after is a bit dis- concerting. I}Iowever, it will be re- ' membered that we warned against too much ,dependence in the balmy breezes of a weekago and advised preparation for winter. rt ;R s s There are those who criticise very sharply the stand takenat the Im- perial Conference by Premier Ben- nett of ,Canada..'- But, anyway, he has shown that he is alive and has -"some ideas, That they are new ideas for Birtain does not necessarily ins - ' ply that they are -wrong. The habit of nieeting in solemn eonferenee and exchanging: meaningless platitudes - does not connnend itself to a man of action like Ma. Bennett. • Here's ";hoping: that good will conte from his outspoken utterances. ..f+ Mayer ; Combe of Clinton is calling - for the registration of till the unem- ployed in town and it .is hoped that thus something may be done to sup- ply work for those -rho have not been ableto procure it. In the meantime -anyone who can supply work to those who•need'it and want it, even for a few days, might Help out the situation very much by doing so. In the cities an effort is being made to have householders plan for improve- ments to their buildings, grounds, ete., anticipating somewiltat their needs, in orderto create .jobs for the jobless. Thoughtful and understand- ing people might do much in this way, but even atlittle will help. CONSTAIICE Mrs. Joe Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. `Riley and Miss Edythe, Riley spent -Wednesday in Tuckersmith at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Riley. Quite a number from here attend- ed the plowing match the other side • of Stratford on Thursday last. Mr. iGeogre Riley and IIfr. George Levis have been on the sick list the lase few days. 'We wish them both a speedy recovery. Sunday, Oct. 26th there will be an- niversery services in' the United Church here:' Rev. F. G. Farrill of Ontario Street Church, Clinton, will have charge of the services both morning and evening. The fowl din- ner will be held on Tuesday evening. ' The committee has secured the klar- monic Male Quartette and Concert Company of Listowel, which will put on the program and a good, day and a good time at the supper and en-' tertaimnent is expected. Mr. and les, Joe Riley and Mr. Frank end Miss Edythe Riley spent Sunday at the home of 1VIr. and Mrs. George Cook, Goderich township. A very regrettable accident befell 'Mr..Wlm. Thompson on Friday last. While using a ladder in his berm, the ladder slipped and he fell to the • floor with it, injuring his foot Bev- erly. He is at time of writing con- fined to his bed. It is intended that be shall be taken to the hospital as soon as he is able where an X-ray will be taken to find out the extent of his injuries. The autumn must be an unlucky time for Mr. Thome- son as it was only a yea ago he was injured by a cattle beast. But we hope to soon see him around a- gain attending to his farm duties, The centre section of the Huron Presbyterial of the United Church will hold its annual convention on Friday, October 31st, :in the Con- stance United elntrcb. 1VIorning -ses- sion at 10 o'clock, when .Miss Gilles- pio, returned 'Missionary from Japan, will be the speaker. An interesting program, has been prepared- by the executive. Mrs. Jas. Medd returned home Sat- urday after a week's visit with To- ronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. Will L' Johnson and family of Clinton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leitch on Sunday. Messrs. Wi11 and Ed. Gormley of Toronto visited their cousins, Mrs. Alex: Leitch and Mrs. Robt, Lawson ort Sunday. HOG SHIPMENTS Report of Hog 'Shipments for the month ending August 31, 1930: Clinton -Total -hogs, 319;; select bacon, 110; bacon, Ma -butchers, 27; heavies, 4; lights and feeders, 5. ' Lonitlesboro-,Total hogs, 34; set= eet bacon, 16; bacon, 14; butchers, 2; 'heavies, 1. Ilur. Go..Locals Total hogs, 2051; select bacon, 467; bacon, 1162; but- ehers, 2,12; heavies, 40; extra hea- vies, 6; lights and feeders, 50, !Huron Co. -Total hogs, 4710; sel- ect 'bacon, 1835; bacon, 2628; but- chers, 493; heavies, 7,8; extra hea- vies, 10; lights and feeders, 93. MONTH ENDING SEPT, 30, 1930 Clinton --Total hogs, 506; select bacon, 195; bacon, 216; butchers, 59; heavies, 8; extra heavies, 1; lights :and feeders, 16. Londesboro--;Total hogs, 40; select bacon, 19; bacon, 14; butchers, 3 extra heavies, 1. • Minn Co. Locals: Total hogs, 2051 2553;select bapon,. 654; bacon, 1546; butchers, 179; heavies, 62; extra heavies, 11; lights and ;feeders, 30. Huron Co. -?,Total hogs, 6236; sel- ect bacon, 1772; bacon, 3628; but- chers, 482; heavies, 100s extra hea- vies, 19-; lights and feeders, 85: House For Sale or Rent - An eight -roomed house in Joseph street, Clinton, ' in good condition, has modern coliveniences, : garage, fruit trees ,and spacious grounds. Immediate possession. For patrieu- lars apply to A. W. Seeley. 39-tf. Feeders Forale S I t' c oi'ce have number of ex to ,h 'feeding u' JllI,e of different ages. See them b4fitte purchasing elsewhere: T. R. b}drdleton, Goderieh ';township:,' R; R. No. 3, Clinton„phone 606x14,, Clinton. 89.-1-p. 1. CARD OF THANKS . , , ..-50o MEMORIAL VERSE PER LINE ...10e MARRIAGES EAST-ALLIN-In 'Toronto, on "Oct. 18th, by the ;(;ride's fattier, assist- ed by Rev, Amos Thomas; of Howard Park United; church, May-' frid, daughter of Rev.: $. J. Allin and Ibbs. Allin of Toronto,' former- ly of Clinton, to Carl.East of To- ronto, son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Thos, East of Clinton. BIRTHS FULFORD-In Clinton, on Oct. 15th, to Mr. and 1VIrs. T. C. Fulford, a son. -;Charles Edward. GRACEY-En'Toronto on October 6th, to Mr: and Mrs. Fred J. Grac- ey, (formerly Mary Crawford); a daughter -Madeleine Theresa:. BELL -In Toronto, on October 11.th, at 74 Withrow Ave, to Mr. and Mr's...E. R. Bell, formerly Helen Grigg, a son ---Allen Ken'neth. DEATHS SCOTT-3Io Kellett . township; on Oct. 20th, Martha Jane Brown, wife of Mr. Richard Scott, in her 59th year. REID-1At Fenwick, Ont., on October 10th, Robert. John Reid,` formerly, ' accountant in the Royal Bank, Clinton, in his 32nd year TISDA:LL-In Toronto, on Oct 19th, Margaret Hoare, wife of J. P. Tis- dell, formerly of Clinton, in her 72nd year; - I1' MEMORIAM CARTER -an memory -lof niy dear husband, Chas. W. Carter, who died one year ago, Oet. 19th, 1929. "Our hearts are always aching for someone who was loving and kind, Who was sincere and true to every- one In heart and soul and mind, God bless and keep you, Chas., dear, A'nd fill your spirit with good ehj:er, Safe in His arms now rest in peace Our prayers for you shall never cease. -Your loving wife. CARTER -In loving memory of our dear boy, Charlie, who died one year ago, Oct. 19th, 1929. "Deep in the heart lies a picture, Of a loved one laid to rest; In memory's frame we keep it Because he was one of the best. -Sadly missed by father, mother, sisters and brother. DOMINION ELECTIONS ACT Electoral District of South Huron SUMMARY OF RETURN OF CANDIDATE'S EXPENSES There is below set out, as required by Section 80 (5) of the above Act, a summary signed by the official agent of the returnof election expenses made to the by him on behalf of N. W. Trewartha, one of the candidates at the recent election of a member to serve in ” the House ' 6£ 'Commons of Canada, which -said return is on file at my office and may, on payment of a fee of twenty cents, be there in- spected and extracts taken therefrom at any reasonable time during the six months Inext after the 21st day of October, being the day upon which the said return was furnished to me, Dated at,Seaforth, this 21st day of October, 1930. D. P. McGregor, Returning Officer for the Electoral District of Huron, South. SUMMARY Election Expenses, N. W. Terwartha Hire of premises $ 81.40 Services . . 250.00 Advertising . 263.23 TOTAL , $594.63 Dated at Seaforth, this 21st day of October, 1930. II, C. COY, Official Agent. Une pI^s-gment A. list of the' unemployed in Clin- ton is now being made out. Persons in'the following classes are request- ed to register in the Town Clerk's Office, before Oct, 31st. All now out of work. All working part time only. Ail who are usually unemployed in the winter months. ;Only those who have 'been resident. in Clinton during the year commenc- ing Oct, 31st, 1929, will be registered. II. 13, 00MBE, Mayor. Baking Sale A sale of Home-made baking and. a Hot Supper will be served in . the basement of Auburn•Baptist church, Saturday, Oct. 25th, from 5 to- 7.30 o'clock. Come and enjoy a apt sup, 89-1. per: Auction Sale Of Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Bogs at Lot 29, za.Coneessiori 13, Huliett, -3;, miles, no'tth-west of Londesboro on 'Thursday, October 30th, at 1.30 sharp, consisting of the following: H2ORsES-Bay horse, rising , 4 years; brown horse rising 3 years. grey horse rising 3 years; Percheron colt. CATTLE -Durham cow, due to freshen time of sate; Durham cow, due to freshen in January; Durham cow, with calf at side; Hereford cow, milking; brindle cow, with calf at side: blue cow, with calf at side; 16 yearling steers and heifers; 1.5 two- year-old steers and heifers; 9 spring - calves. These ate all Durham 'and Here- ford cattle and in good condition, SHEEP -25 Oxford and Leicester ewes. 2 and 3 years old; 0 ewe lambs, HOGS -2 York sows due, -to .farrow ino December; 1 York sow; -due to farrow at nwtu Nove mb te' , 1.3outt u9 s. Y g g TERMS -12 months credit will be given on furnishing good banicabie Paper, . or a discount of 5% allowed for cash♦ w ' Wi liner Howatt; Proprietor, Geo, 1T. Elliott, Auctioneer. 89-1. • EXECUTOR'S SALE There will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the property- de- scribed below on Saturday, November 15th, 1030, at 2 o'clock pari.: Lot number 267 on the North side of Princess Street, in the Town of Clinton, and County of'Huron, On this property is said to be er- eeted a comfortable' cottage, having a good basement, electric lights, wa- ter,- etc. and a stable. At the same time and place there will also be offered certain articles of household furniture, including a Dominion Piano: The personal pro- perty will be sold without reserve and for " cash, The real property will be offered subject to a reserve bid and subject to certain conditions ,of, sale which will be pro- dueed and read at the time of sale. Further particulars may be obtain- ed from the Executrix of her soli - otter, F. FingIand, Clinton, Ontario: G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer, Eliza- beth Annie Colelough, Executrix of the Estate of George Burnett. 89-3. First Annual 'Auction Sale Of 30 Registered Shropshire Sheep at Be11e1oydon' Farm, Bayfield.. Road, 1.4 mile east of Varna, Ont, Tues- day, November •4, at 2 pan. It is my intention to offer to the public by Annual Auction Sale, the best Shropshire Breeding Sheep of Im- ported and Domestic stock that 1 can. produce, This year my offering's-in- cludes: ffer;emsin- cludes: 17 ram lambs; 5 ewe lambs; 8 choice breeding ewes. An assembly of splendid individuals, proven in production, and of good type: This fall my sheep won firsts at Zurich, Blyth and Bayfield Fairs, also at Mitchell, they won in their class. The lambs are of • outstanding qual- ity, including show prospects, sired by Imported Butter and Gibeon rams. The ewes, 'by such well known sheep breeders as Sheilds, Knox, Hanmer, Retzner, Cowan and Van - Loon. Registration papers for each sheep on hand day of sale. `Good roads all directions. Buy a register- ed purebred ram to head your flock, also some foundation stock at this special sale TERMS: 4 per cent. straight discount for cash or 12 months' credit on approved joint notes. Geo. Elliott, Auctioneer, Lloyd A, Moffatt, L.D:S,, D.D.S., Proprietor. a 89-2, Auction Sale Of Farm Stook, Implements, Seed Grain and I:IouseholdsEffects, on Lot 21, Concession 14, Ilay township, VA utiles west of Zurich, on Tuesday, October 28, 1930, commencing at 12.30 o'clock, sharp: • HORSES -Bay horse, 11 years old; gray horse, 7 years old; bay horse, 7 years old; chestnut mare, 11 years old; 2 percheron colts, rising 2 years, ;CATTLE --i3 fresh eows; 3 cotes to freshen in February and March; Far- row cow; steer rising 2 years; 2 heifers rising 2 years; 3 calves, 1 year old; shorthorn bull; young calf; collie dog. 'PIGS -14 pigs 8 weeks old; brood Sow; 'York hog, 0 months old; Tam- worth hog. GRAIN, ETC. --11000 bushels 0.A. C. No. 154 seed oats; 500 bushels 0.A.C. No. 3, Early Oats; quantity of potatoes; quantity of hay, split beans; quantity tobacco; •half acre turnips in row. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. - United tractor, nimbi; new; John Deere Tractor plow; 'Bissell tractor disc; spring tooth lever harrows; stiff tooth cultivator; blizzard tutting box roller crusher; McCormick Deering manure spreader, almost new; Mas- sey -Harris fertilizer and grain drill; 2 Deering binders; Deering mower; steel rake; hay loader; side delivery rake; Massey -Harris bean scuffles and puller; No. 8 corn cultivator; T. II.C, spring tooth cultivator; Chat- ham fanning mill and bagger; 2000 ib. settle; John. Deere double plow fort lift; Massey -Harris single rid- ing plow foot lift; walking plow; breaker piow; 3 drum steel roller; 3 section drag harrows; 4 section drag harrows; lever harrows; single scuffler; `2 wagons; 2 hay racks; sliding rack; 14 foot wagon box; pair bob sleighs, one ahnost new; sleigh platform; auto seat cutter al- most new; buggy; cream separator Ford coupe; trailer,. Ford touring cat; numerous Forel parts; laral•e ap- ple peeler; Shorthorn herd books 1904-10,23; spirit level; lightning rod wire; onion seeder; harness horse; pick; extension ladder; bag holder; bag truck; sling ropes; corn shelter; clipping machine; 2 grass seeders; Wisconsin incubator; brooder; dump; cart; ice cream freezer; grind stone; wheelbarrow; root pulper; stone boat one horse scrapper; blacksmith vice and forge; 2 iron kettles; scalding trough; quantity wood; bags; forks; shovels; hoes; drains; douliletrees; tools; 2 pipe wrenches; 25 gallon gas barrel; 40 gal. ail tank sand pump; 2 shot guns; rifle; 2 lanterns 2 gravel boxes; bolster springs and many oth- er :lttirles, HARNESS -Set brass :mounted harness with breeching ahnost now; 2 sets heavy harness; single harness; chimes; 'blankets; robes.' HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Wil- liams piano;' Xing radio; Victor Vic- 3:rola ove" 100 records; 2 beds and springs, 'book case and -writing desk remained: buffet;. ` kitchen cabinet; New Williams sewing machine; Old Honesty" range for coalor wood al- most new; 8 burner coal oil stove; 2 coal oil heaters; kitchen range; Coal beater; eunboard; 2 tables; sink; refrigerator.; ice tongs; large flour hex; washing machine; 2 cider bar- rels; 2 vinegar barrels; syrup barrel; .190 lbs. syrup: Allaclin lamp; hang- tng . latrn other lamas; kitchen' chairs and numerous articles. Everything goes to highest bidder 't Farm is Sohl. Promptly at 12.30 Ten Dollars will be given away in prizes. 'TE'RMS OF SALE; $10.00 and an - der. cash; over that amount Twelve months', credit will be given on ft r- ni ing approved.. a nint notes. 5.., ner aneure allowed for cash on oredit amounts. .°soon Rl2np & Sen, Proncietor's: 'Er'+a. 5. Tohnston, Clerk; Klopn ,Cr, Weber, Auctioneers., 89-1,. Cut iFlawers WEDDING BOQUETS "rd. -1,4u. FUNERAL DESIGNS DUTCH AND FRENCH •BULBS HYACINTHS TULIPS NARCISSIUS DAFFODILLS FIRST SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Plant Early for Good• Blooms Chas. V. Cooke Two Phones -66w and 661 Capital Theatre WEST STREET, GODERICH Phone 47 Now Playing: "ANIMAL CRACKERS." MON., TUES and WED. - WINNIR. LIGUTNRR The uproarious Spirit of the Ages." JOE E. BROWN• . He of'the cavernous mouth GEORGES. CARPENTIER Idolized French Heavyweight in the funniest of all laugh pictures. 'Hold Everything' THURS., FRI. and' SAT. WILLIAM POWELL Wlith Kay Francis in the sensational courtroom drama rated as one of this year's best pictures. "For The Defense" COMING: MANSLAUGHTER. BARGAINS !N CARS Having leased my Garage to the Rural Hydro Company I am short of room and I will sell cheap the foI- lowing cars: WHIPPET COACH, DODGE SEDAN SEWITT COACH, FORD SEDAN, SEVERAL OPEN FORDS, FORD LIGHT TRUCK, 2 GASOLINE EN- GINES 2t4 Horsepower each. ' PRICES RANGING FROM $300.00 DOWN TO 315.00 Wood Taken as part Cash. BERT LANGFORD Phone 267, Clinton, $400 Wanted On first class farm security, Call at office of C. B. Hale, Conveyancer, Clinton: 89-1-p, Wood For Sale A limited quantity of dry wood. For particualrs apply to J. E. Crick, Phone 614r24, Clinton central. 89-2. TRUSTEES AND RATEPAYERS OF HURON TO MEET NOV 1st Notices are out announcing the an- nual co'nvontion of the Huron Co. Educational Association of Trustees and Ratepayers to be held in tite au ditorium of the Collegiate Institute, Clinton, on Saturday, November 1st, commencing at 1.30 p.m. sharp. In addition to the public speaking com- petition, Mr. A. E. Anderson, Lanark Co., . (a rural than with the rural viewpoint) who took part in the de- bate on Township School Boards at the 0. E. A. Convention of 1020, will address the gathering on "The Fin., aiming of Rural Schools," Mr. E. 0, Beacom, I,P,S„ will speak on "Fifth Classes in Rural Schools," and Dr. J. M. Field, I.P.S., will speak on the new basis of grants to public schools recently announced by the Minister of •Fclucation. Let everyone coma prepared to take part in the dis- cussions. The boys and girls of Hu- t•on Co. are entitled to the best to be had in the line of ' public schools. Members of parliament of the'Coun- ty of Huron, inspectors, members. of township and county opencils, es well as teachers, tresteos and ratepayers, are cordially invited to attend. A special invitation is .extended to lad- ies. 89-2.' Anction Sale Of choice Holstein tows, heifers, and. young • cattle at Lot 19, Con 16, Goderich tow'nship, 4 miles north west of Clinton, on Tuesday, Oc`t. 28th, at 1.30 sharp, consisting of the following: CATTLE: 3 cows, 7 years old, Otte to freshen in November; 2 heifers, 3 years old, due to freshen in. Novem- ber; heifer, 3 yearsold due to freshen in December; 2 cows, 5 years old, due to freshen in November; cow, 6 years old,; duo to freshen in Novem- ber; cow 7 years old, due to freshen in November; 3 heifers, 2 years old, due to freshen in December; cow, 7 years old, due oto freshen in Decenm- ber; 2 cows, 6 years old, due to fresh- en in March; aged Durham cow, milking good; 17 choice Holstein hei- fer calves front 4 to . 10 months old; 4 Holstein heifers, to, 2 'years; Durham heifer, rising 8 years; Dur- ham beifer, rising 2 years; pureberd Holstein bull, 5 piths. old, registered; 5 Poll Angus steers, rising 2 years: HORSES -Heavy draft grey colt, rising 3 years, choice; heavy draft black colt, rising 3 years, choice. PIGS -11 pigs, 6 weeks old; at time of sale; sow, bred .6 weeks'; 9 store hogs, about 80 Ibs..each. HEN'S: 50 Rock Irene, 1 year old. l&M,PLEMENTS: Farmer's .Friend riding plow; 8 -drum steel roller,' gond as ,'new; Massey -Harris 1ertil drill. 1 disc, i ' oa izer3 d nl; d condition. TERMS:1 0 months credit will be Oven on furnishing approved joint bankable paper or a discount of 6 per cent. straight allowed for cash, salVI. J. Butler, Proprietor, Geo. H. Elliott, Aitetimteer, 89-1. Clinton's New -Laid Egg And Poultry' House Eggs bought according to Derain - lop Government Egg Regulations. Inquire ..for ouif`pricee of eggs. You will always find our 'prices par- allel with the city markets. 'Fat hensand well -finished chicks always wanted -Prices good. Always phone our office for prices before marketing produce. N, W. Trewartha Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w For Car, Fire and Life Insurance go to J. G. HOWEN 15 per cent Discount to FARMERS on Car Insurance PROMPT SERVICE office next Rattenbury House Phone 52 CREAM WANTED We want your cream. Will pay highest market ,,price for cream de- livered at our factory or collected at your door.. Holmesville Cooperative Cheese and Butter Co., Holmesville, 86-tf. HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT ;Comfortable, Convenient and well- built, 11/4 storey house with 8 rooms: Good stable and large garden. Con- veniently situated. Apply to— MISS E. R. STEWART Clinton. At. A. T. Cooper's Store 89 - Apples For Sale All the best varieties at orchard. Albert Robertson, Varna, Ont, 80-3. , Wanted An old spinning wheel which will be sold reasonably. Does not need to be in perfect running order. Write, giving particulars, to The News-Re- corcI Clinton. 88-2-p. House for Sale or Rent 7 room house in Orange Street, Clinton, electric lights, town water. Will Sell or Rent. Apply to Brown Stewart. Phone 6045, Clinton Cen- tral. 87-tf, For Sale Registered Leicester sheep. My present offering consists of one choice three -shear ram, bred' by 0.A. C., shearling rants and ram lambs, shoarljng ewes and ewe lambs and 12 breeding ewes, All narked very rea- sonably. J. II. Quigley, 3 miles south of Clinton on King's Highway No. 4. Phone 3 on 610, Clinton Central. 87-tf, • Auction Sale Mr, Gdarge Elliott has received in- structions from WILLIAM M. DOIG, to sell at Public Auction on Lot 14, Concession 2, L. R. S., Tuckersmith, a utile and a tweeter east of Kippen and one half mile south, on Saturday, October 25th, at 1.30 p.m. Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture as follows; ' HORSES: One matched team of Percheron brood mares, both of which have been bred, a splendid team, the finest I have ever.ownecls three-year old Percheron filly, . exceptionally high quality; 2 2 -year-old Percheron geldings; year-old Percheron flIly and spring. colt. «• CATTLE: 2 -year-old registered Shorthorn stock bull, plate (195075); registered Shorthorn cow, Mary Queen of Scots, (131290), with calf at foot; registered Shorthorn cow, Seaforth Lassie 6th, (194799), with calf at foot; registered three-year- old Shorthorn beifer, Evangeline (224574), with calf at foot; five-year old COW with calf at foot; three-year- old heifer with ca f at foot; baby beef steer, choice quality; three year.' ling' steers, SHEEP: Thirty-eight ewes and lambs and one Registered Oxford ram. ' IMPLEMENTS: ,Seven -foot Mas- sent -Harris binder, nearly new; six- foot; Massey -Barris mower, nearly new; International hay rake, nearly new: seed drill; plow; 2 sets .of har- rows; latid troller; wagon; hay rack; disc; fanning mill; pulper; cutting box; and a large number of other articles too numerous to mention: TERIVIlS °F LE ten dolliirs and SAuncles : tobeAll cash.sums Siasof months credit will be given on all sums over ten dollars by ,furnishing approved Joint bankable notes. Dis- count et t e rate of 6 per cent poi• annum or 3 per cent straight on all credit accounts will be allowed for cash. George Elliott, Auctioneer, *William M, Doig, L''''.L.B., Proprietor: ' 88-2. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1930 'T lleis. W+urkBuis and Overalls Panco Shoes Black and Tan $3.49 Men's Fine Shoes $335 and $4.25 Youth's Panco Shoes SizesP � 11 13 $2..5s0 Boy's Panco Shoes, Sizes 1-5 $2.78 Boy's Panco Shoes; Sizes 1-5 $315 Junior Pickett Overalls, Sizes 28-34 $1.70 Men's Pickett Work Pants, $1.85 to $2.00 Men's Pickett Overalls $1.75 to $2.50 Pure Cod Liver Oil and Naptha Gasoline lYlilier Hardware Co. TELEPHONI; 68 CLINTON C. H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs •Phone 7 i Eggs and Poultry Home on Tuesday and Friday fore- noon to take in Poultry. -Eggs •handled at residence every day -graded by an experienced grad- er, for which 'we pay the highest market price. - Cream purchased for Stillman's, A, E. Finch Viking Cream Separator Agent. Victoria St„ Clinton Phone 23) DEBTS COLLECTED ' Yes, collections areslow this year, but note this, 'we have collected mote money in 1930 than in any one of our forty years' experience. Send us your list at once. KEIJLIY & AIXEN Collection Specialists. Guelph, ORANGEVILLE, Owen Sound Pullets For Sale Bred -to -lay Barred Rock r uIlets, $L00 each. D. M. Lindsay, Hedge Row Chick Farm, R. R. No. 3, Clin- ton. 79-tf. Farm For Sate Eighty acres of rich and produc- tive loans; good drainage; pictures- que location. Farm about two miles from Clinton on Baseline. Buildings consist of newly shingled house; the interior of which has been recently renovated. There is a large barn al- so windmill and considerable bush. If looking for a good purchase this is one. Owner 322 South Alain Street, Romeo, Michigan. For fur- ther information, F. FingIand, Barrister, Clinton. 84-7-p. Clearing Auction Sale Of farm Sroelc and Implements on Lot 1, Conc. 1, Hulled, on the High- way 2Vz miles west of Seaforth ss Friday, Oct. 24th, at 1 o'clock sharp: Horses -Chestnut mare, good single or double; black carriage filly, rising 4, broke, single or. double; Clydesdale filly, rising three;' aged horse. Cat- tle -+Black cow, 6 years old, to fresh- en Nov. 1st; Durham grade cow, 5 years old, to freshen Dec. 25th; Dur- ham grade cow, 7 years old, to fresh- en Jan. 20th; Durham cow, rising 4, supposed to be in calf; 11 good 2 - year -old steers and heifers in good condition, 4 of these are fat enough to market, 1 good calf 9 mos. old. Fowl --12. young geese and 4 older geese, about 40 Barred Rock bens. Imiploments --- Massey -Harris binder, 7 -foot cut, in good condition; Massey- Harris asseyHarris mower, 5 -foot cut; ,spring tooth cultivator, Massey-Marris seed drill, 13 -hoe in good order; set of har- rows used only two seasons; gang plow; Fleury wanting plow., good as new; wagon, gravel 'box; hay rack; sleighs; hay rake; buggy; fanning mill; root pulper; •hay fork; rope and car, as good as new; set double harness; set good plow harness; bug- gy pole; cutter pole and whiffletrees, neckyolces, Logging chain; forks; ropes; slings; and numerous other ar- ticles, also a quantity of household effects, including a churn,. Coleman Iamp, 2 chandeliers, tables, chairs, etc. Also 25 tons of choice hay saved without rain; 15 tens -sweet clover, al- falfa and timothy mixed. Terms: - A11 sums of $10.00 and under, cash: also cash for fat cattle and fowl. Ov- er that amount seven months'' credit will be given on furnishing bankable paper Pout per. cent. straight. Ev- erything moist be" sold• as proprietor has sold his farm. George H. Elliott; Auctioneer, GEORGE C, DALE, Pro- prietor. 88-2. 5" ,O KOCK PULLETS WANTED ® L, Mitten Phone 213, Clinton l ( wi 1.,, .w iw 58-tf. RUPTURE SPECIALIST Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform- ity. Consultation Free. Call or write, J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. 10-1929. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's Barber shop. W. J. Jago. 2283-tf: Keep Warm With LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE MINEHEAD ALBERTA NUT COKE AND DOMESTIC SIZE COKE CAR OF GOOD THRESHING COAL A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen Street Telephone 266 Implement Agent I handle Cockshutt implements and cream separators, Frost and Wood Implements and carry parts and repairs for same. I am also agent for Allis-Chal- niers Tractors, Those wishing to inquire about any of the above kindly call at my residence, JOHN V, DIEHL, Queen Street, Clinton, a. 81-ta McCormick -Deering Agency Having taken over the above ag- ency for this district I will keep on hand a full stock of repairs and parts of all McCormick -Deering machines and will appreciate a . share of the patronage of the farmers surounding Clinton. Call at my shop, next door to Jones' blacksmith shop, King street. W. J. STEWART Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w 04-tf, Clinton's tWERt 714E HEAT FOLKS ALWAYS GO OVERWEIGHT THEY BELIEVE IN 0000f+lEA5UitEs la THAT OLD FASHIONED TRAIT Tye Heat Folies are up-to-the-nt4n- ute, Johnny -on -the -spot heat product ers-(butt they steadfastly hold to some old-fashioned tracts. They work extra hours without overtime: They stay in - at -night and never go out. They .are: honest toiers,.."who work without being' 'Welched. Their are whole-soaled^little helpers who only stop when the job is done. If you' want to -hire some model .employees„ you can't do better than • Call the witleMEI for good, clean 'coal tailr , s s COAL CMPANY PHONE 74 CLINTON