HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-10-23, Page 2Clinton News -Record CLINTON, ONTARISi Terms of Subscription -$2.00 per year advance, to Canadian addresses; $2.50 to the U.S. or other foreign. countries. No paper, discontinued until all arrears are paid unless at the option Of the, publisher. The date to which every subseription is .paid is denoted on the label Advertising Pates—Transient adver•. tieing, 12c per countetine for. first Insertion, So for eneb subsequent insertion. Heading counts:.2 lines. Small •advertisements. not to :exceed one lath, such es "Wanted, "Lost," "Strayed," etc., Inserted once- for 36e, eaeh-:aubsequent,insertion 15e. Advertisements vent in without in- structions as to the number of in- , Bert/ere wanted; will .rum antil-order ed out and will be•charged.accord•: ingly. Rates for display advertising made known on application. Cotiimunicatieno !Weeded for pub• licatlon mustas a ;guarantee of good faith,' be accompanied by the name of the writer. ' G. 10, FIALL, M. R, CLARK, - Proprietor. Editor. P4. D. MCTA CART Banker A general Banking Business transacted, Notes, Discounted, Drafts Issued, Interest Allow- e'd on Deposits. Sale Notes Pur- chased. H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer Financial, Real Estate and 'Fire in. 5000000 Agent. Representing 14 Fire insoranee Companies. t Division .ourt Office. Clinton. • Frank England, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to W. Brydone, R.C. Eben Block — CliiCton, Ont. CHARLES B. DALE Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. *ranee over J. E. Hovey's Drug Store) DR. J. C. GANDIER Mice Hours: -1,30 to 3.30 p,m., 6.30 to 8.00 p.m.. Sundays, 12,30 to 1.30 p,m. Other hours by appointment only. Office and Residence Victoria St. DR. FRED G. THOMPSON Office and Residence: Ontario Street — Clinton, Ont. One door west of Anglican Church. Phone 172 Eyes• Examineu and Biasses Fitted DR. PERCIVAL HEARN Office and Residence: Huron Street • - Clinton, Ont, Phone 69 (Formerly occupied by the late Dr. C. `W. Thompson), Eyes Examined and Glares Fitted. DR. H. A. MCINTYRE DENTIST Otico over Canadian Nationr. Express, :Nnton, ?nt. Extras -ion a Specialty. Phone 21 D.H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Electro Therapist Masreur Oftroe: Huron St, (Few doors west of Royal Sank). ours -Tues,, Thurs. and Sat., all dao. Other hours by appointrnent. Elerrsatl Office—Mob., Wed. and Fri. forenoons. Senf5rth Ofnee—Mon.. Wed, ante Friday afternoons, Phone 007. CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. Archibald, B.A.Sc,, (Tor.), 0,L.S„ Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor. Associate Member Engineering Tnstitu:e of Can- ada. Office, Seaforth, Ontario. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, ur by calling Phone 203. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. B. R. HIGGINS Clinton, Ont. General -Fire and Life insurance Agent for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock, Automobile and Sickness and Accident Insurance.' Huron and Erie and Cana- da Trust Bonds. Appointments made to meet parties at O1'uoefield, Varna and Bayfield. '}Shone 57, THE M'cKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Hoed Office. Seaforth, Ont. V Ice President, int, dames nie- t.4an illy e0oderleb, 1!r` voters, James ShoultIl Walton.: ttinn Mullett: Robt . 1' rr is, Siol- lo-t- fames Ilane cis. R,'oadhagen; John replier, '3r•uoedeld A. nr`oadfaet, $eatorth; (, G. MoCartner,- Seaforth. Agents: W J 000. R 12 No,. 3, Clinton; John Murray, Seaforth• James Watt. myth: r d. ff . n�hle y Seaforth. Secretary SS and Treasurer: D. G. Ma Gregor. Seaforth, A"y money to oe paid may ire pairs to Mo,.rish Clothing Co., Clinton, or at Calvin Cutt's grocery, 0oderich, Parties desiring to effect insurance or transact other business will be promptly ntt.Mded to 00 app11tation to any of the above officers addressed to their. re' .,oeo- ttvepost offices. Losses inspected b` tete Director who lives nearest' 186 scene. f Nagai ydNAirr NAL � + TIME TABLE Trains will arive at and depart from canton as follows: Buffalo and..Codcrich Dlv. Going Bast, depart 0.44 a.nl. t' '/ if 4d Going West, cepa:1! a1.00 depart 10,24 p.m. ee ., London, Huron. & Bruce Goeing South, depart 7.38 ani, 14 4.08 p.nt. Going North, depart11 x.42 P.M. ar.11.50 ckp, 7k,12 p,m. AP121L ESCAPADE By KATHLEEN NORRIS SYNOPSIS' Mary Kate O'Hara is in love with Cass Keating and wants to marry him. I3iit she also wants to help hes' brother, Martin,: who is studying medicine at nights and who has had to turn down an opportunity to go to Germany be c .use of the family's poverty. Then Christopher 'Steynes, a friend of her. eniployereenekes a strange pro position. He asks her to play the par of his wife for a day and a half in order to discourage a Russian countess who is on his trait. at means enough money to give Martin his o:cr crtunity and • Steynes seems perfectly trust 'worthy —a .gentleman. Mary Katt, promises to think it ovt:, • CHAPTER XL-(Cont!d,)' soon be wane; walls 'shutting ons: man's home from another. Mary Kate was ecstatic over brealtf.,st ingles, open fireplace, casement windows. "Here's where my apron would hang This would be our room, this the sitting-roosn, and you seeeve conld ;have little flower -pots all along here e in a row, t The miracle of it smote Thom. "Cass, lent marriage wonderful?" "Pal say it's wonderful!" "1 mean, think of you - zed Y � use—a1- ways together. Mart and Tom and Mother coming to have dinner with us, then going away, and'leaving as together.:" s "I know." "And then—oh, maybe Having a place in San Mateo some day, Cass. 1 mean, if everything' 'goes right. And a car•. Why, look at the people who have cars." "We'll have a earl" "I mean—in ten year we'll have so many memories," she said wistfully. "I'II_ say it's wonderful!" he said inelequently, again. They looked at ,a terrible dark apartment, that wouldn't do at all. They looked at one seven -room one, ridiculously roomy and high-priced. The man who showed it to them men- tioped,the rent as eighteen hundred, and Cass Made Mary Kate laugh by saying politely that he had not in- tendel to buy the building, Wandering, 'wandering, wandering happily along, they gbt tarfrom hone, Tess ;and Regina .had to be torn Yrong the fascinations of the story of the Spite Wall to •r{1n off to '"nine." All the children would listen to their Mother indefinitely when she was in reminiscent i000d. Fed by Mary Kate's questions she would linger by Iiia sink for quartet hours together, wiping the.imntacu?ate drain boards and scoured, zine absent-mini],edly, while'she relived the days and ways of generations long dead. At twelve o'clock on this partieuiar Sunday morning, Mary Kate had cone down the stairs a very pieture of youth and beauty and smartness; and Cass, respectfully sitting on the edge of a chair in the now spotless kitchen, somewhat timidly . making small talk with a surprisingly, friendly hostess,' had risen to meet his sweetheart with a rather iie.ubtful question, "Could Mary -Kate and I go 'far a little walk, .Mrs. O'Hara?'! To which Mary Kate's' mother hal amazed hien by responding heartily: "Oh, go along with -you, the both of you! You'll be doing nothing now hut giving us a5 the slip, I wouldn't won- der." "Gee, she's kind. What's happen- ed?' the dazed Cass had lost no time in asking Mary Kate, once they wee alone. "Oh you know Ma!" Mary Kate had answered impatiently: "She was on tenterhooks yesterday, for fear it was all broken off between you and ms. tf you coald have heard her you'd think I was the one • that made all the trouble! She kept telling me what a fuse fellow you were and bow many a girl had beet her happiness playing fast and loose with a man, and all that. She had me almost'erying," "Well, and now won't she expect Inc to -to say anything -7 I mean are we engaged?" the bewildered Cass had ursued determinedly. And now it was Mary Kate's turn be a little contrary. "Oh, yes, 'of Course we are!" she had said carelessly. "Well, but—we are engaged?" "Well, we're househunting, anyway! by must we 'fuss so ouch about erything?" But she had given a .mp of general satisfaction in the ring day, hoe companion, and the pedition, that had afforded him little onsolation. "Lets hunt houses every Sunday until we find shat we want?" A faint cloud, "Mr. Rountree may want me to go t. Sacramento next week -sac, Cass," "Since when?" "He was talking about it yesterday," "'You've never been there, have you?" "Oh, never!" "Gee," Cass geld, thinking, "I wish I could get away and go down with p to W j- sp ex c you." "Mother'd love that," the girl un- served, with suddenly cold hands and a thumping heart. "When do you go?" - "Thursday, I guess." "Oh, well, I couldn't go then!" To. her great relief he seemed satis- fied, it was a natural enough thing, Hundreds of San Francisco's business teen »lade the trip to the capital once or twice monthly. Mary Kate breath= ed normally once more. But it had teen a bacl nlome•il. The hour was one of rapturous ex- citement, In every obviously -enamored young couple that "asset] them, they saw themselves. Baby , coaches and toddling Iittle citizens in white coats had a new meaning this morning. And especially were the new big apartment houses, rising tiers of bright, clean empty windows, street littered with ,bricks- and planks, filled with new charm. .. Cass gave Mary Kate. his hand to help her over preearioas bridges of barrels and boards, and they peeped into bright Tittle new domiciles not yet plastered or painted. "Imagine, Cass, what a view!" "Wait, Does this room belong to this apartment, or to the next one?'.' They stepped through what would The tingling taste of fresh taint leaves is a real treat for your sweet Comb. L Affords people everywhere great comfort and long lasting enjoyment. Nothing else gives so much bane. fit at so small a cost. It is a wonderful help in work and play •'- keeps you cool, Calm and contented, It SUE No. 43—'30 way up into •Stanyan and McAllister street neighborhood near the, park. Mary Kate loved the idea of living near the park. In the park the band .was playing in still, warm, afternoon sunshine, and thousands of persons were ranged on the beaches, under the plane trees, or lying on the green slopes' of grass, and with babies and newspapers scattered about them "Want to. go into the 'Museum?" "Oh, my feet!" "Mine too." Mary Kate sat down on the young green grass, and Cass threw himself clown next to her, and they ,istened to the Poet and Peasant ageaner. The girl quite unconcerned- ly took off' her tight little helmet of a hat, and ran.her fingers through the blazing red -gold of her silky hair. Passersby looked at her. The music strianed through the fragrant air unevenly, now fanned7iy an, idle scrap or breeze, now fading away, "I'nr sunk," said Mary Kate sud- denly. "Me too." Cass rolled on an elbow: "This househunting is a job," he said. "Here's what we ought to do, Gass. We ought to go hone, and Pll clean up and change my clothes, and you ;o Bone ani do the same. Then come back to supper. Ma has a chicken pie, I knew„because she was making puff paste this morning, and then we can either go down to Lo'etta's or to a movie.” "Cheek!" Cass said, stirring reluc- tantly. "We skip lunch'?" "You had that 'lot dog," "I know, Well, yes, that's n11 right," Cass assented. "Dinner at six, and it's after four now. Come on!" In his own magnificent way, he stop- ped a taxicab, and Mary Kate gave a groan of comfort as she sank into the seat. "Well, anyway, we didn't quarrel!" she exulted. "Quarrel?" "Don't you ':now you always quar- rel, when ybu get tired and hungry and dirty, and begin to discuss plans? Why, bringing us back from picnics, or the circus, Inv mother says we al- ways used to get crying and scrapping and, one of us would cross the street and walk along there, all alone, and Somebody else would jump off the dummy the minute we all got on --" This aloud. But in her panicky heart she was saying, "Shall I tell him? Shell•I ask him whether it would be ail right for me to do what Mr. Steynes wants me to do?" And in her heart she was ane ver- ing: "No, he'd go crazy. FIe and Mart and Mother all would. They'd say he was just bluffing me, just trying to take advantage of me. Its all only— fun. I'ni no baby, to be deceived, to be gotten 'into trouble,'" She remembered the pencilled sum. She remembered Christopher Steynes saying, "Now listen no smart cracks about not wanting the money, when I give it to you," and her own surprised, "Why else do you think Piss doing it for?" and his friendly laugh. CHAPTER \CIT. Lite, last Sunday, with.a steady rain falling, and Cass Keating engag- ed to go' over and spend the day with his aunt in Oakland, had been quiet, empty, dull, unsatisfying. But life to- day was thrilling ani' throbbing with possibilities and excitement. It was good, • after this ' happy, strangely emotional day, ;e get bath to Mother's pea,eful kitchen,.:nrd find Mother placidly shilling early peas. Tons, working over the radio, was coal- plotaly occupied .and content Itis clerk face sons absorbed, itis big, dirty hands eleven; ,and gentle with wires and connections. "Strong: '1'li fix it so it'll blow you out of the kitchen; Ma,' Ise promised, This horrifying threat found Mrs. O'Hara unalarmed, Her big black sheep was safe with his mother,,,busy. and happy, and she was content, But more than that, as she hastened to inform gamy, hadn't Doctor van Ant- werp sent for Martin, and asked him to go with bimto a medical lecture, and have dinner first at the doctor's apartment? ifHe.'�s going to Germany With Dootoe van Antwerp 1" Mary Kate said over and over again in her own soul, when she heard this bit of information. .And through the happy, safe home evening the determination strength- enod. What did Christopher Steynes a past, for twenty-four hours, save him from' a situation that was not of his own creating, and raaurn home Safe and sound to tell the family of her daring and her adventures. While she was laughing and talking' at the gamily dinuer table, and later, when she and Can event to a movie,• and sat with their hands locked, and their • sroplders touching, half-stupi- fiecl by darkness and music, and the fiowing.story on the screen, she was eonseious of the week -end plan as only a sort of menacing shadonn, -vaguely troublesome, in the background of her thoughts, But the moment she faced it openly and honestly, it vanished. These was nothing to it. She was near.y twenty, and as informed and alert aS to the dangers of the world as any girl need. be. Ifs she cbbse for reasons that seemed good to her to ,take a chance, it was ber own affair. (To be continued.) What New York Is Wearing lay ANNABELLE WORTHINGTON Illustrated Dreesinolcif9 Lesson Ali•- niahed With Exert/ Pattern • 2673 A becoming black canton crepe that is strikingly snrrrt with white crepe jabot revers for conservative day wear. It is the slenderizing wrap -over type that is easy to slip into and quick and fascinating to make, The belt is adjustable and leaves the front free in panel effect which gives height to the figure. It ties in youtbful how at the left side. Straight trimming pieces of the sleeve.; are also bowed: 16,Styn sizes 81y ye ears, 88673 ,140, 4Z 44y be had rand 46 inches bust. Blaek softly failing satin crepe would be lovely for formal afternoons. Sheer velvet in black or rich wine - red is luxuriously smart trimmed with lace. Size 36 requites 411 yards 39 -inch material with skirt cut on 'engthwiae thread or 53 yards 39 -inch materia] with skirt eut on crosswise 'thread and 34 yard 39 -inch contrasting. IIOW TO ORDER PATTERNS, Write your nt me and address plain- ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20o in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. 4 Autumn Leaves About the chilly, ragged lawns they lie 7n small decaying Heaps. And pause ing here, I can ;but mark them sadly, crushed, forlorn, Mute emblems of the slowly dying year. Can they be these I saw so lately awing Green -robed and merry on the maple trees, And later, clad in flaming, golden gowns, Joyriding on the sweet October breeze? Ride high and free, such little time ago, And now they lie so low! (hey lie so low! And yet why 'pity theta? lull well they lived Their God -appointed plan, died joy ously, And lei t t a golden liiemony. Pray who Could -ask a fairer fate for them, or rile? -Minnie Case Hopkins, in the Cbris. Irian Century. "Uneasy lies the dead that wears a crown," "So I've heard, but I wouldn't mind a little attack of nervous trouble like that: t _ an her to .clo, .after all, that such a xiissing le responsible for a great Nee should 'be made ablaut, it? Flay of hem% trouble. ,Economy Corner Bread Omelet This is an excellent way to ma few eggs go a long way. Turn• a of boiling hot fresh milk over a of bread crumbs and /etstandthe bread has absorbed the milk the mixture hao cooled.., Beat enough to mix, 5 eggs; add the bi season. With salt and pep and turn into a hot buttered ski Fry the omelet 'slowly, an!] *ben under' side is brown turn ca'efuliy put into .a hot 'oven until puffy dry: This will' amply serve' six sons, • Apple Carrot Salad If you like unusual salads try this: Cut' red apple in thin slices, cross- wise; removing core from each slice. .Arrange very thin slices of i'aw carrot on top of apple.. Heap minced dates and nuts -in the centre. 'Serve with sour. cream dressing if you like it, otherwise the ordinary. kind. Egg Omelet - Three 'tablespoons butter, 6 yolks, 6 tablespoons milk, at teaspo,Btr salt, ye teaspoon each of .paprika and Ise a' cup cup until. and only read, per, Ilet. the. and, veld pe0'- S` ii,.LAD „d 1r aUty .. iU a be a finest :you .:. Ys Livi , Tissue's Growth Studied y New Device Development of Cells in Rab - egg 1 bit's Ear to be Examined Th rough Glass "Win- dow" celery salt, and 6' beaten egg whites Beat 'yolks, then add milk and beat 2 minutes longer. fold in seasonings and egg 'whites. Heat butter in fry- ing Pan and add egg mixture. Cover and cook. slowly for 8 minutes, then tarn. Sunday Night Supper Sandwiches Toast dark bread. Put sardines (previously mashed, with salt; -pe rand mayonnalse added) en bott piece, put fried crisp bacon strips top of this, .Then. add another piece of. buttered toast. On this add sliced tomatoes .and lettuce, with salt, Pell - per end mayonnaise and toast. These are vary good tor Sunday night sup- per'. If you would rather use only 2 clines of toast instead of 3 add cucum- berto_tomato and lettuce, making a decoration on top, ,Dash of paprika me mayonnaise, Budget Yoyr Time A card index in which housewives budget their tame !s often its valuable in household management as the fin- ancial budget. • Ppthe, and scientists declare that it is a die- m), I tinct step forward in formulating treatment for baffling diseases. Among these are tuberculosis and tumor growth. it is hoped that the data ob tamed eventually will be used to com- bat cancer, One side of the "window" is of cel- luloid or glass, and the other of a thin sheet of mica. The edges of the in- tervening space are left In contact with the tissue of the ear and from them the blood vessels and other Liv- ing tissues invade the chamber until they form a complete new layer. The thick, is quite transparent and it is new layer, only 2,000th of an inch necessary only to place the "window" under the microscope to obtain full details of four activities of cells, of Which the animal Is composed, That the new method of research opens a hitherto closed pathway of knowledge for the study of forty-four maladies is declared "y fuer medical experts throughout 119 ,•onntry. Here- tofore there has been no satisfactory location obtained fa e 'ALT; warm- blooded animal, where seep full de. tall could be Olt“.rc r 'one of the most impressive ctv.nees from a scientific standpoint will be the gath- ering of data on the way tissue ele- ments behave in conditions of health and disease, as well as the minute check kept on new growths. The new process is a direct result of extensive research by Dr. Eliot R. May Help "Combat Cancer The discovery of a method to study the growth of living tissues through a transparent slide in a rabbit's oar is made possible by means of a device Perfected recently at the University of PennsyIvania's School of Medicine Wit and Repartee Of Famous People 'While a professor at Leland Stan- ford, the present •II.S. Secretary of the Interior•, Lyman Wilbur, assigned to his students the task of writing an essay on "Manners," A would-be wit of the class arose and he,sitantly asked what kind of manners the professor meant—good or bad? "You may discuss whatever kind you are meet familiar with," replied Professor Wilbur, ,r 0 n P .A group of newspaper men last sum- mer were flying from California to Kansas City. At a high 'altitude the region of freakish air currents theplane suddenly dropped about 200 feet, causing one of the boys to ery out in alarm: "My word! Flow far can ore of these planes drop?" Will Rogers, a passenger, replied, "The ground's the limit my bol`." „ * o :i Caruso was a master in the art of Madill repartee, On ono occasion, Ile met John McCormack, the great Trish tenor, in a street of Los Angeles. "And how is the world's greatest tenor this morning?" asked McCoy meek. Caruso doffed his hat u'!t11 a sa. perb sweep, as he replied, • "Since when did McCormaeit be- come a baritone?" ix ix * * Prince Bismarck, who was not not- ed for an even temper, was taken 111 and a physician was summoned. Pressed with searching questions, Bis- marck gave surly reticent replies. "Allow can I prescribe for you an. less I know your symptoms?" the physician protested, "Why do you have to ask 100 alieln damned personal questions?" stormed Bismarck. "What l-ou need" returned tiro physician, preparing to depart, "is a horse doctor. He doesn't ask hie patients any questions." G N * h John Bright, the British Liberal statesman and one sof the most Stir•• ring phrase -makers of his Clay, was not deterred by his Quaker faith from evincing a strong hostility toward Benjamin Disraeli. ,'.But, Mr. Bright." a partisan of Disraeii once urged in defense of his favorite, "you most admit that Die. raeli is a self -macre man." "Yes," retorted Bright, "and he worships his maker." e e * ,. Edward Bolt, of Ladies' Hone Journal fame, was coal/may ap- proached by women who wanted hie advice in problenis of the heart. One, who said she had lost three husbands and now shad an offer of a fourth, sought itlr. Bok's opinion. "Shall I accept him?" she asked. "If you have already lost three hue - bands," replied lin liok, "I s110111c1 say that you are too 00101=ss to be entrusted with a fourth," * ,. . Tile late George D. Prentice, a fam- ine politician li' o 1 n a11t1 Wit of 1 >a. n st i gen- eration, was visiting the Caplin In - Waliliogton. While he talked there with a group of congressmen a Pic- ture fell lion its nail and structs. Prentice 'on the head. He was stun- ned for a moment. As he opened his eyes one of the congresmeu said: "Can we do anything for you, Prentice?" Yost :. said Prentice, faintly, "What, is 'it?" . "Repeal the law of gravitation)" * 4 4 Coming away from a home noted for its dull dinner parties, a friend asked Dumas if he had not been bor- ed. "I should have been," Dumas re- plied, "if 1 hadn't been there;' In a last effort to make runt golf both (31001(11 and simple, they might roll the ball down a hole and dig it out dog-faehion, • SALES Olark, professor of anatomy at this university of Pennsylvania and direct, or of the anatomical laboratory, *ems Eleanor L. Clark, his 'wife, has armlet,' ed in many of the experiments, Milk Bottles Every effort should be made to guatci against the careless handling of milk bottles, .Milk bottles are usually carried by ®the rim, over which the milk mn5tbe k poured. Before unsealing the bottle rt should be Washed carefully front top to bottom with a cloth soaked ise warm soapy water, then dried, and a clean cloth used to wipe the rim. a Deep-sea divers have food 35,000,- 000 sunk off the coast of Spain eight Years ago. Now if they could only re - .cover some of the millions sunk in Wall Street' just last year. relesCope Brings (listen objects close and clear. See moort7 and stars and people miles away. Think of We, fun you' can have, Telescope has four braser' sections .and is fitted with blah power lenses) MEE for selling 21 packets Gold-ryed Needles at 10c n packet. EXTRA GUT for prompt-_ zees. Order today. Send no money. EMPIRE PREfd1UM CO., DEPT. 258 7 L'orl Street, 00120000 5. Onme:n ATLANTIC CETY.N,4 Just Off the Boardwalk Fireproof Construction On a Residential Avenue Harmonious, restful surroundings with recreational advantages. European Plan from $4 Daily American Plan from $7 Daily' WEEKLY O11 SEASON RATES 0:3 APPLICATION With Car Wanted in each district to sell Minerals made in Canada, for cattle, hogs and ppultry. Good proposition for right men. Write to Manufacturers: W. H. Blackburn, Ltd. WOODSTOCK, ONT. Myrs ice drosses , I bright .s ew DIAMOND DYES are easy to use; go on smoothly and evenly; NEW. Never a trace of that re - dyed look when Diamond -Dyes aro used. Just true, even, new colors that hold their own through the hardest wear and washing. Diamond Dyes owe their superi- ority to the abundance of pure anilines they contain. Cost more to make. Surely. But you pay 310 more for them. A11 drug stores - 15c. Di ys'' olndyes Highest. Qu®liiey for 50 wars WAIT! try the Connor First T010 Courter Thereto Electric WasH- hot eruntilntheaealI 01kthe wadi—e3 tones thicker than the regular copper tub ntat'I1111e, 331,111 stronger to last longer, moves ttsafe erfor gbuttons -wrings drier and quicker -4,o screw adjust- ing. The aluminumagitator is polished. srn"oth—sa8e fur the most delicate gnrmenta--washes cleaner and faster. New lifetime oil encased drive runs smoothly and quietly. You aro protected few 12 ycnrx by the Camaro. guarantee -•-the longest, broadest ever given with an,I;leetrle 'Washer. Approved by the hydra. Electric Commission of Ontario. It is to yotrr interest to Investigate the -Fe latest, ew•tustte »dvant0gas btfere Pure,hash:a-. Connor Washer Stores. nam Branches MONTREAL 1278 bit. Royal Ave. 1;1. uoNTIr1:AL 239T St. Catherine SLR IInNTRR L 1159 Sherbrooke St, W. utr\\vA 338Dank St. Alvt STtrN 21.5 Princess St, TORONTO .,,415A Yonge St. TORONTO. ,..1054 St. flair Ave. W. rOnb1�T0 1IATto 18366 Danforth Ave. OIIr.274 Sting St, T, WINDSOR 110 Wyandotte St, 'b, WINNIPO( 242 Princess St, VANCOUVER 722 Nelson St UU TORK won't wait for a VV 'V headache to wear off. ,Don't look for sympathy at such times, but get seine Aspirin. It never fails. Don't be a chronic sufferer from headaches, or any other pain. See a doctor and get at the cause. Meantime, don't play' martyr. There's always quick comfort in Aspirin. It never does any harm. Isn't it foolish to suffer any needless pain? It may 'be only a simple headache, or it may be neai- ralgia or neuritis. Rheumatism . Lumbago. Aspirinosis still the sensible thing to take. There is hardly any ache or pain these tablets can't relieve; they are a great comfort to women who suffer periodically; they are always to be relied x on d tar, breaking up olds. Buy the box that say Aspirin and has Genuine printed in red, Genuine .Aspititlj' tablets do not depress,. the heart. All druggists.