HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-10-16, Page 8-PITS" AT NO COST TO YOU IN HERE IS A CHANCE TO SECURE UNRIVALLED. VALUE IN YOUR NEW FALL SUIT OR OVERCC)AT.. ONE DAY ONLY On Wednesday, October 22nd, we have been authorized by the Berger Tailoring Co, to give with every suit of •Berger "Clothes of Quality," ordered on that date, one "extra pair of trousersl free of. charge! This is your big opportunity to get super value in your new Fall suit or overcoat. At our regular prices, they -represent value that has made them renowned across the whore of Canada from Coast to Coast. : 1 Berger "Clothes of Quality" are invariably recognized for their distinctive styling and remarkable value. • We are now showing the darker, smarter shades for Fall arid Winter in the widest selection of high quality fabrics. every gar- ment is tailored by master craftsmen. • FIT AND SATISFACTION ARE POSITIVELY GUARANTEED. Mark October 22nd on your calendar.. Save money and b% well- dressed by taking advantage of this offer.l - SUITS. 'ANDand OVERCOATS 24•ob.up TAILORED -TO -MEASURE , slier 10 rm. Plurrtsteel Bros. `4•INt.044,0.1~0~~4.4,04~,04'44^~.~.~ ..SLABS - ABS 500 Cords of "Slats For Sale GOOD WOOD AT 305 PER CORD Sutter & Perdue YEE CLINTON-NEWB RECORD 200 • Paper Cover Novels Regular Price 20c each Offered at Two for 25c 1 01=10="CIZ:f101====O=t0=====O=LO OUR BLUE FALL LINE OF C GREY Detective, Love, Mystery,' Adventure, Sport and Western Stories The Price as well as the Reading is Attractive Ma W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best FOM L,DA-VIS & HERMAN . ANIMIIMON......1.••••••••12/11% NIIIIMIEUIMESIMMUMMISZIEMMIUMMINIONIIOL I SPECIAL OFFER 5x No. 1 $1.35 per 'knell B.C. SHINGLES %MILE THEY LAST THE CLINTON LUMBER COMPANY (J. E. BAECHLER. Proprietor) KING STREET, CLINTON • TELEPHONE 85 Mrs. Alice Mason is spending some time with members of her family in Romeo, Mich. Dr. F. A. and lIats. Axon visited the lady's brother, Dr. McGill of Mit- chell, on Sunday. Rev. J. E. Hogg was at St. Helens on Sunday conducting anniversary services in the United Church. Mrs. Mary Phipps and Mrs. Ches. Rumford of Fullerton visited Mrs. Kearns of town on Friday last. Mr. R. M. Palmer of Hazelton, Fenn., was the guest one day last week of his brother-in-law, Mr, M. T. Corless. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green of Teeswater visited over the week- end with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. Livermore. Mrs. F. F. Gillies and Miss Marion of Kitchener were week -end visitors at the home of the former's par- ent* Magistrate S. J. and Mrs. An- dreae Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dunbar of Lam- beth and 1VIr, and Mrs. Thos. Dun- bar of Sarnia were here last week 'attending the funeral of the ladies' mother, Mrs. G. Burnett, Miss F. Cuninghame, Miss E. Chris- tian, Miss R. V. Irwin and Miss D. Cantelon were amongst those who took in the gunner at Grace church, Porter's Hill on Monday evening. Miss Mamie Pridham, Exeter, who was attending the West Huron Teachers' Convention i11 Goderich last week, spent one evening as the guest of lVfr. and Mrs. M. T. Cor- less, Mr. Edward Rorke motored to To- ronto to visit .his sister, Miss Plot- ence,'who is at Varsity. and his brother, W. K. Rorke, who was a- bout to leave the city, last 'week- end, • Dr. W. 3. Schmidt of Kitchener, ac- ooMhiecl by Mr. W. IL Barr, a former resident, werecallers in Clinton on Sunday. They attended service n Ontario street .United church in the morning. Mr. Ian -McLeod, Agricultural Re- presentative, addressed the conven- tion, ofo the West Huron Teachers' instftut in Goderich last week, his bledbeing School. Fairs, a sub - • THUR$DA.Y, OCTOBER 16, 193Co vamasamassignisolgogaasawoaraci - Re -Modeling Sale CONTINUE I FOR 11 DAYS Rt -OPENING SALE The Following Week • Date Announced Next Week 11 To Install Our New Biscuit Department, we are Selling off all Lines of Fancy Biscuits, REGULAR 35c per pound for 25c 1VIIXED ASSORTED BISCUITS, Reg. 25c for 15c Stock Reducing 25c Sale ll Re -Modeling Sale 2 cans To ato Soup 25c 2 packages Sodas • 25c 0 New Valencia Raisins 2-25c New Seedless Raisins 2-25c 6 lbs. Rolled Oats 25c 3 pkgs. Corn Flakes 25c 8 dozen Close Pegs • 5 Jelly Powder • 25c Rice, 4 lb. 25c Morning Delivery: 9 and 11 a.m. Phone 48 Cascade Salmon, lb. 15c Raisins, Seedless 11c Post Bran, each 11c Wheatlets, per lb. 5c 10 P. & G. Soap 35c 1 Raspberry Jam 43c 2Kellogg's Corn Flakes 19c 1 dozen Corn $1.40 33c Kraft Cheese TwO BARGAIN TABLES OF 1 e an 4 15c ARTICLES 11 FRIGIDAIRE 11 REMOVING SALE IPicnic Hams 25c 11 Fresh Sausage lb. 25c 1, B Bacon, lb. 35c 11 Fresh Salmon Trout 11 Tuesdays and Fridays FREE DELIVERY Afternoon Delivery: 2:30 end 5 p.m. CLINTON'S BIG ' CORNER GROCERY Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails LONDESBORO Rev. J. W. Johnson delivered a very able sermon to a large congregation last Sunday Morning. The Young Peo- ples' Society had charge of the even- ing service, at which they did credit to themselves, There was a fair at- tendance. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fraser and Mrs. Fred Meadows and son, Howard, of Windsor, motored up and we tors in the community•over the week- end. suitable address, M. B Beacom of the 13th con- Norman Hatfield of Mitchell, while brown French velour hat, fox fur and accessories to match. On their return Mr. and 1Vrrs. Ham- ilton will reside on the bridegroom's farm in Hullett. They were the recipients of many useful gifts from well-wishing friends. On the Friday. evening' prior to the wedding the members of "Win Oth- ers" S. S. class met at the home of Mr. and 1Vrrs. Moon and presented the bride-to-be, Miss Pearl, with a beau- tiful wicker rocking chair, and a cession, who spent last week in Clin- ton, has returned. Mr, and Mrs. McEwing of the 13th recently had a pleasant viist from Mr. and Mrs. Rogerson of Brumfield. Mrs. J. Lyon has had as her guest Miss Beacom of the 13th concession. She has now returned home. Mrs. Webster and son, Jack, spent last Friday at the home of Mr..and Mrs. 3. Radford of Clinton. The W. A. will hold their next re- gular meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Adams. Miss Parkinson, who has had a very pleasant sojourn at the home of Mr. and Miss Barr, has returned to her home in Morris. Mrs. Fred Armstrong of Grimsby has returned after spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. IL Moon. Mt. and Mrs. I. kreCool have re turned after a very pleasant motor trip to Niagara Falls and several oth- er points. Mrs. Tamblyn. is at present the guest of her sister, Mrs. Medd of Welland. She expects to visit other points before returning home. IMr. -.and 1Vrrs. W. Lyon of Blyth called on relatives here last 'Sabbath. Mo. and Mrs. Derwin Carter and Mr. and Mis. Mac McCool enjoyed a motor trip to Wlindsor last week. They attended the Atkinson -Perks wedding while there, M. and Mrs. Bert 13rundson spent several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1VItC001. last week. On Wednesday, Ott. 8th, the 'borne of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moon, Cherry' Grove Farm, Hullett Township, was the scene of a quiet and very pretty wedding when their eldest daughter, Pearl Luella, was married to William W. Hamilton, son of Mr. and Vr§. Jas. Itamilton„ eleventh concession, Hullett.'WL Johnson of Lon- , su - jest in which both he and they are • _ interested. • Wfr. and Mrs.,Gordorc L. 111111 and lit- - — dostioatiouzilett:=6)=0 eiZtOre;=" tie now Twch uotorefiup frOp, their. Pedal and other JeletiYas• • JUST WHAT 15 A BARGAIN? Pembroke last Week -end to visit Mr. Hall retuined io Pembroke the The chief characteristic of a bargain ii value'. Choose 'fhb stor'e beginning of the week but Ms. O that gives the greatest dollar-DV...dollar value and you have ktiuck 0 (Hall and little son art' remaining il a lasting bargain. But be girt you judge the store accurately. ri for a longer visit, O Where can you duplicate the personal, courteous service of men who 0 Mr. Herbert Crich a:nd Miss Gladys . . assure the lowest prices possible, who deliver, and stand as a per- Crieh of Clinton, lVfessrs. Pletcher and Amos TOwnshend, Mrs. Frank own their own stores—who buy in such tremendous quantities as to sonal guarantee behind every article sold. Thousands have learned are far ahead in the end, Try us onceand you'll agree:that— Walters and Mrs, Greg McGregor, of Tuckersinith motored up to Gor- that by doing all' their shopping at the Superior Chain Stores they O 0 , rie on Friday to attend the funeral driving east on the Kitchener hie - way one foggy night,.last 'week col- lided with a car driven by George Addison of Londesboro, who was coming in the opposite. direction. Hatfield's car lost ,a wheel in the accident and both machines were slightly damaged in the front but no one was injured to any extent as both were travelling at a slow rate of speed. The W, M. S. of the 'United church held their regular meeting at the home of M. Mains on Wednes- day of last week, with a good at- tendance. Owing to the absence of the president and ist vice, Mrs, Robt, Caldwell 2nd vice, opened the -Meeting and hymn 255 was sang, fol- lowed by prayer by Mrs. W. Lyon, and the Lord's prayer repeated in un- ision. When the business of the meeting Was transacted the meeting was left in charge of Mrs. M. IVItin- fling, captain of Group No. 1. A good program was given of readings mid singing with other music on the Victrolia. The meeting was closed with prayer and lunch served by group No. 1 and a social hour spent. There were thirty present. Mr. and 1Vril. Frank Tamblyn and children, Will 1Vtanning and Mis. M. Manning, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Jos, Morris, Paris, lVfrs, Man- ning's brother. Mrs. Wen. Johnson of Blyth visited with Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Allen on Tuesday. Mr. and MTS. Ames Elsley sant a few days at the home of their daughter, Mrs, Milton Hooper of St• . Marys, recently. Mr. and Ws, Charles Manning spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Stanley Lyon. 11119,1110111=1..08101010111111W 0• WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS pi (...)1 their cousin Mrs. Meballuin of O ' 14 Stratiota, fatherly Hilda Ashton Naptha Soap", 10 for —Mc flakes, 2 pkgs,. ........, c i‘ii„,. •th,. .,,.. 4.,,..._ __, ....yhrsiiii tabn. Western Rolled Oats, 6 lbs. 26e Family Blend Tea, red begS, -"'-''!. v,'"' -a- ..a'Filce/TP'S 11 to for 'a brief visit wit his patents Raspberry Jain, 4(1 oz. jar 43e , 1 lb. . .. .... . ,,,, ....... 89c 'kJ% Ana Mrs. IL E... korke. Mr. Non Suck Stove Polish ..18e -Rorke, who has been. on. the office Lawrason's Ammonia, 2 fez. 150 ataff of the •GooaYear bo., New Lawrason's Flusho, tin ....28e • _ . ... . 'Toronto, for the peat Connie bf Oxo Cubes, small, 2 this ..25e years, has ecceptad a position as Large' ' 25e teaelier at Silver .dentre and „has Havres Lerrion Oil, Ige, but, .230 1-2 lb. . ....... ......... c taken eV& his new duties this Gorrie & G. Soap "The White Kellbgg's toasted corn of 1 19 COLBOBNE-- d„esirrq officiated, assisted by Rev • -• ' • • Miss mary Robertson and Mrs. •B Shell of Berguiller, • Uarnian Robertson motored over to visit with the formet'S sister, MT.. Edward Fisher. Mrs. Jacob Ellsley is quite ill w11' pneumonia tint. has taken a tut?). to- ward improvement, liWYrtle ira Russel Firlrivrifer, who have typhoid, In GoderiCh hoaPital, itabraing to.atest reports have tak- en a tern fat the b'ettek. Red Cohoe Salmon, VS, in it Quacker Crackles "The NI* Cereal", per .org. lab Brunswick Sardine's,i 4 Y5e Finest BialWarlit Cabeffilt, week. SMOKED FILLETSARE IN SEOV SEASON N. :t`ER Lit 25e 11 . Mr, arid 'Ws. John 'Hartley of • 1 • onto and IvErs, J. BartonUnMis WE INVITE YOU TO STOP AND P AF 01 itt" Chambers' of Goderichc'M . _ 112: T. McKNIGH• T &SON111 • PHONE YOiJR OILIJEIL 1".gRIt " CLINTODT, ONT. PHONE 111 Clinton friends on Friday Jest, Mr• i Hartley was principal of the ‘Clin- ten Modej, ,School some years ago and he and Mrs. Hartley .had many warm friends here. Mr. Hartley` is now in the office of the Depart- ment of Education, Toronto. At high noon, to the strains of Lo- hengrin s wedding march. played by Mrs. B. Snell, who also played softly throughout the ceremony, the bride entered the living rooms on the arin of her father, who gay. her n mar- riage, and took bet Pince liesiae the groom in front of a background of evergreeris and 'ester*. The bride looked lovely in et blue transparent velvet, trimmed with 'egg shell 'Satin an lace and carrying a sheWei 136iiraiet of Giihelia "roses, maiden hair After tha ligning df iliaregii—ter the; guests repairedl to the dining Tooe: which was prettily *detOrated in, a col. sir scheme, of pink and white, when,a dainty 'Wedding dinner ,was seried,1 Tvfiss lVfary. CaldWell •and Miss Lois' Brown cousins o'f the bride and IVfis-1 1VX.a,ry and °Nile Moon, sisters, of the Icticia, served..the guests.• Only; ttieimq1eiate relatitras were present. .. The ,biideirdhls gift to his rid was a fo?tfura d to the pianist •silvcr cake plate.; „. • .. • Later. in theafternoon the happy couple left On a motor trip. to Torn; to, Ottawa ancl. Montreal The bricld went away in a brown enbeirible suit$ Lard lb. 17c or 3 lbs. for 50c Brisket, per Ib. 10c Shanks . .. 8e Rib Boils . • 15e Neck Boils . 16e and 17c Flank, trimmed 16e Hock, cut . . • 20c Chuck Roasts . 18e Shoulder Roasts 18e Rib Roasts 20e Corner Roast . 22e Rump Roast . 19e Round Steak . 25c Sirloin Steak . 28e Pork Sausage . 22c Head Cheese . 20c Dressed Hogs 163/2e Half Dressed Hogs He Veal Chops • 30c Veal Rib Roast 26e Veal Shoulder 25e Veal Stews . 20c Lamb Stews , " 20e Lamb Rib Roast Lamb Shoulder Roast 25c Cottage Rolls . 80c P. ll. Cottage Rolls ......28c TRY OUR DRESSED DUCKSAND CHICKFNS CONNELL TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Huron Street. lion. C. A. Dunning, financial min- ister in the Mackenzie King govern- ment, has been elected a director and appointed vice-president of the On- tario Equitable Life. Waterloo. flailb-we'ett 'Soper Thurtaay, 'Oct, q.so tn -Pf6k6teirran ,..thin•Ch Cold DresSed Pork, Creamed POttitoes 1 linttered. Carrots and Pees ' ,Salads, Jellies, Relishes, Cake. PinnpkinIlie With Whipped_greafn. 'Rolls, Tea. • Adults,7e06, chifaah, d5c. Bulbs! nibs! Imported from France and Holland Plant now for Winter and Spring Bloom. PAPER WHITE NARCISSUS, HYACCINTHS DAFFODILS AND TULIPS Plant good quality Bulbs and insure 1 fine bloom. J. Cuninghame Florist • PHONESt 31.and 176w. 88-3, TRY THE :NEWSRECORD FOR. JOB WORK GOAL & COKE: D. L. & W. ANTHRACITE MET SOLVAY COKE ALBERTA COAL -MILLER'S CREEK GRATE COAL.. POCOHONTAB SOFT COAL' HARD AND SOFT WOOD • W. J. MILLER & SON,. Orders taken at residence, Ontario St:. • • PHONES: 46w and 463 • WO can take tare of any specie or - ;der giVen fbr your favorite Cake, Pie of Nettie. it order too small or /ale. OUR BREAD .a1tt.,1% been the greatest frieria nt grusiliag yoting'stere arid Choke -fill of -Wholesome rattritiort. the Riddles I.oVe it. SEE TJR'cirINDOWS FOIL TILE FIN - 'En -PASTRY. Wendorrs Bakery MAKERS OF llthole Wheat" and "Snowflake' READ ,cX ,koor;,,1 , • :,6,,ArAtt.".1,044";,74:4i$14,*414*$,9,i3' 11: 121 NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR Furnace Cleaned IStart saving money tit the Start of the Cold' Season. —• Get all the heat out of your fuel there is in it — with,, a clean, well -working furnace. We do a thorough repair and cleaning: jox, for only g few dollars. CALL US NOW! ••••••••*••••••. 7. legal. To: Hawkins HARDWARE and, PLUMBING: Phone 244'