HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-09-18, Page 5• THE CLINTON-NEM! RECORD OF .INTEREST TO YOU AND ME Looking at the matter without *political...bias it appears as if the now _Federal Government, might do sonic thing to stimulate (business and re- lieve unemployment, and that is what (this country needs. Tariffs on key industries have been • increased and manufacturers are pledged not to increase priees. This is expected to have the effect of stimuatling industry and it is to. ilie hoped that 'it will dorso. The countervailing duties, which were put an by the late King, Government, !have been abolished. This was bound to happen as Mr, Bennett and his fol- lowers found so much fault with "these regulations during, the, election • campaign that they could not do oth- er than abolish their. They might W ork both ways, too, if they did get going fairly, as the late government =apposition .contended, and we shall -'probably be able to get along with- out :them. Import duties have been raised on many articles, not only to foreign countries but to other parts of the Empire. But in the Latter cases the duties on goodsfrom other parts of -the British Empire is considerably less than those applying to foreign countries, so that the 'British Pre- ference is ,not destroyed. There are many, no doubt, -who will bitterly deplore any increase in tar- `iffs. But what is a country li to Canada with its small population and its relatively small industries, to do beside a great country like the lin(- -:ted States, which is diligently build- ing up its tariff wall against us? Even if the United States were a free trade country Canada Would -be sev- ' '*rely handicapped in competing with it, owing to its great population, its -favourable climate for the growing of certain fruits, vegetables, etc., and the size and wealth of its nfanufac 'luring plant. Mr. Bennett should be allowed 'to try out his new plans. His idea is -to increase •the prosperity of the country, a thing we all wish to see "brought about. and he may have the -right idea of the action needed. Any- way, it is worth while to let him try. LONDESBORO • Miss. Alice Fingland -spent last Friday in Port Huron. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stevenson of Eth- el spent Sunday ab the home of the latter's brother, Mr. E. Crawford. 'Miss Dorothy Little and Mr. Bert Gray have gone to Stratford, where they are going to attend Normal. Mrs. E. Bell, Mrs. A. R. Allen, 'Mr. Chas. and Miss Elsie Manning spent the week -end with friends in • Clio, Mich. Masa Jr Cowan of Blyth visited ov- er the week -end with her sister, Mrs. R. Townsend. Mr. and Mrs. T. Reid of Toronto visited Mrs. W. B. Allen recently Mr. Jas. McCrea of London spent the week -end at his home here. Mr. Chas. Weymouth spent the week -end with his sister, Mrs. A. 'Peters, Clio. Mrs. Thos. Adams has _ returned home after spending a week with her •aunt, MVlrs. Jos, Hughes, near Lon- don. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. Oreille of London and Miss Mina and Amy Hughes, Ilderton, spent Sunday 'at the home of Mr. Thos. Adams. Rev. J. W. and Mrs, Johnson and • ' Ilotvard spent Sunday at Ethel, Mr. Johnson having charge of anniver- • sary services there. This was one of his appointments, some years ago. ' The Ethel pastor had charge of both services in the United church here last Sabbath. Mr. and Mrs. John Stevenson, who resided here for many years but ate now of Ethel, spent Sunday at the hone of the latter's brother, Mr. E. Crawford. Rev. 3. C. and Mrs, Forster motor- ed to Sarnia on•Monday and will vis- it their daughter, Mrs. Parker for , several days. Mr. E. Grey of the '• 13th.conession, who is engaged on the school staff at Palmerston, spent the week -end with his parents and with Mr, and Mrs, :'eat, Lyon of the gravel road. A goodly number took in the Loa- : don Fair last week. Miss Kirk hash come from Toronto and is the guest .of her sister, Mrs. W. T,yon. . Mr. Fred Johnston, who came up from London, spent the week -end at 'his home here. 111tr, and Mrs. Hamilton of Goderich were guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm: Brigham last Sabbath. Mr. and Mrs. B. Tyumen of Sea forth have returned . after, a plea • sant visit at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, J. Elsley., The Misses. Ferguson of Seaforth visited Mr. .and Mrs. H. Moon last :Sunday.' ltfr. and Mrs. D. Vodden had a mo- tor trip to London last week and while there visited the home of Mr. • and 'Mrs. Rose. 'M'rs. Beacon of the 13th conces- -sion, who had an extensive sojourn • at the home of her brother, Rev. Mr. 'Pearson of St, Charles, Mich., has -returned home. .r The Young People of Knox United )church are busy practising their play, "Ruth Comes Home," which in- terspersed with musical and other selections will be put on after the •L.A.:S. supper on October 7th, fel- 'lowing the anniversary servlees on .'October 6th, which will be conducted • : by Rev. Jas. . Scobie of Belgrave. There will be no service in Knox 'United church next Sunday, Sept. '21st„ it being anniversary (Sunday at 'Burn's church, Hallett township, when Rev. C. A. 15faicolm, M.A., of Egmondville, will ,preach both tnorn- ing and- evening. AN _ECONOMY MEASURE Father: "Did you peel that apple 'before eating it, as I bold you?"' Jimmy: "Yes, dad." 'Father: "What did yea do with, the peel?" Jimmy: "I ate it after I had fin- -ished. -the >apple. apple." CARD OF TTHANICS .... 50c MEMORIAL VERSE PER LINE .lQc +� l MARRIAGES DUNN—SCOTCHMFR — At Wesley - waifs manse, Clinton, on Sept. 16th, by the Rev. J. E. Hogg, )Florence Grant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scatchmer, Bayfield, to Albert Percival Dunn, also of Bay- field. JONES — POTTER -. At Ontario street United. church parsonage, 'Clinton, on Sept. 17th, by the Rev. F. G. Farrill, Muriel Elizabeth,. only daughter of Mrs. Grace Pot- ter otter and the Iate Philiip Potter, to Frank I.' Jones, younger son . of ,Mr. and Mrs. 'Isaac Jones, all of Goderieli township. SNELL RIVERS—At. the Egmend- ville manse, on Sept. 9th, by the (Rev. Chas. •. Malcolm, Margaret, younger daughter of Mrs. Rivers and( the late Albert Rivers, Eg- snondville, to }reinter Snell, Sea- forth, son of. Mrs. Snell and the late Humphrey Snell of Londesboro: DEATHS REND ---In Stanley township, on Sept. 16th, James Reid, in his 87th year. HUGILL—At .. Constance, on Sept. 114th, Jane, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hugill, aged b8 years and 6 months. McDONALD:—In Tuckersmith town- ship on Sept. 16th, Duncan Colin ;1V1icDonald, aged 42 years. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. John Mann and Mas- ter Ross and Mliss `Doris of near Clinton spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Riley. Mr. and Mrrs. Chas. Riley and chil- dren spent a few days at London at- tending -the exhibition. Miss Edythe Riley of Seaforth spent Sunday at the home. of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Riley, There passed away on Sunday morning Sept. 14th, a beloved resi- dent of the village in the person of Miss lane Hugill. She had only been. ill a couple of days and her death was very unexpeeted. She had been a cripple .all her life having been stricken with infantile paralysis when only a child and had borne her suf- fering with great patience. She had attained the age of fifty-eight years and six months and had lived in Iiul- lett practically ell' her life,' being the youngest daughter of William and Jane Tiugill, pioneers of this place. She leaves to mourn their loss, two brothers, William and George of this place) her sister, Mrs. Win. Smith with whom sire had resided, a broth- er, James, of the Huron Road, and another sister, Mrs. Win. Cooke of Hallett. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to the place of in- terment in the Constance cemetery. The sympathy of the eommunity goes out to the bereaved brothers and sis- ters, :Airs. Joe Riley, Sr., spent a few days last week visiting friends at Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley, Jr., ac- companied by Miss Ma�ry Cook of Goderich township, and Mr—Frank Riley of Seaforth, spent Wednesday last in London. COLBORNE Mrs. Andrew Johnston accompan- ied her brother, Rev. John Young, last week to his horn in Mexico, New York, where she will visit for some time. The annual Colborne school fair was held at Carlow on Thursday of last week. A varied display was ex- hibited showing the various inter- esting and childish efforts, dear to our memories, bringing old times back to those who tried their hand at some and succeeded or failed as the case may be. Several of the schools were in individual uniform color and made a good appearance in the parade. A little practical thought was exer- cised that will endear the school fair director (or whoever it was that con- ceived the idea), was to have the par- ade pass in to IVfe. Tom Wilson's lot and stand at attention before the window so that the "sick lady" might see them, the "sick lady"' being Mrs, Paul Maedel, who has suffered from the third stroke and is very, very slowly imiiorving. This, her friends appreciated very much, much more herself. ' Comparing with other years the inside exhibits, were fewer and con- tests put on formerly were better competed. No. 3 took .first prize and 'the' rumor is they knew what and 'h0ty they were 'to do it and did it. Miss 'Isabel Scott spelled down her coni-' petitors easily and in the weed con- test, girls as well as boys contested. It was amusing to see how well. they knew wild eats and sow thistle, the Chicory stalk without leaf or flower was well turned, The 'school fair is very entertain- ing to women ,and children -while a fire call whipped away a number of mien down to John Trebles second growth bush near where Zion church WAR. The fire was still going, on Friday, calling all teen but threshers to help. On Saturday at the inner hour a welcomed shower stopped the headway of the fire. On Firday Mr. Wm, Mandel, son':' of the late Emmanuel M2aedel, visit- ed with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maedel, returning to Queen city Sunday morning. 14r. Fordyce..Clarls, Mr, and .Mrs, Marsh. Mr. Wm. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Watson, Mr. and 14i'xs. Take Fisher, Mr. and 1Vfrs.`Ilarvey Fisher, 1 Kr. Joe Moore and Mr. 'Fred Morton,' all attended 'London Exhibition last, COLLEGE •PAPERS PLEASE COPY The a ate n is a- n due,. d man ma with c difi' Subtle spiritual aIitie s Which -make him calm in adversity. happy when alone, lust. IA his deal-;: pangs, itational and sane 'in the fullest meaning of that,word in all the af- fairs' of life.—Ramsay MacDonald,. quoted -in the'Neiv aY;erlk: Times." NEW BRUNSWICK"' IS , ENCOUR- INC GAME More than 700 square miles of territory has been set aside in Nen.' Brunswiek as game sanctuaries, where game and fur 'bearing animals' may breed and increase in numbers so ;as to restock the surrounding hunting grounds. This is a result of the establishment of the Bantalor Game Refuge and it has the ender-' sation of the New B unswich Fish- and ishand Game Protective Association and other conservative interests. .The order setting apart the ter- ritory sets forth that "no person has the right to hunt or 'trap or dis- turb game, fur bearing animals or birds found within the limits of this game refuge, or travel upon it with either a gun or dog az any tine." HIGHER .SALESMANSHIP A family moved from the city to the suburbs, acid were told they ought to get a watchdog to guard the prernises at night. So they bought the largest dog that was for sale in the kennels of a near -by dealer. (Shortly afterwards the house was entered by burglars, who made a good haul while the dog slept. The householder went to the dealer and told him about it.. "Well, what you need now," said the dealer, "is a little dog to wake up the big dog!"—Tit-bite,, Bazaar The W. A. of Wesley -Willis United church will hold their annual bazaar and afternoon tea, in the Council chamber on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 15th. - 84-1. . House For Rent , .Comfortable 6 -room house, Vietor- ia street. Town water, electric light. Apply to R. B. Carter, Victoria street, Clinton.' 84-tf. For Sale , Three male collie pups, bred from good heelers. Apply to Edgar Rath- welI, R. R. No. 3, Phone 6061)16, Clinton. 84-2. Tenders For Repairing School Tenders will be received up to and including Monday, September 22nd, until six p.m., for repairing school house in S. S. No. 10, Goderich town- ship. Plans may be seen on applica- tion to undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ol- iver Welsh, R. R. No. 2, Bayfield, See.-Treas. 84-1. Attention Farmers! With reference to the price of hogs for shipment next week, call T. H. Cook, phone 184, who will at- tend to niy business during my ab- sence of a week or ten days. D. Cantelon. 84-1. Blyth Fall Fair The annual Fall Exhibition of Blyth Agricultural Society will be held on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 25 and 26. On the evening of Friday the JOYCASTERS of Toronto, will present a program in Memorial Hall. 84-2, Salo of Purebread Ayrshires Our buildings having been com- pletely destroyed by fire, we are sell- ing by Public Auction on Tuesday, September 23rd, 1930, our herd of twenty-one females and three males. Herd is all young and in their prime. Sale to commence at 2.30 o'clock, one mile southwest of C.N.R. station, Seaforth, Ont, Terms: 8 months' credit on satisfactory recommend or security. Apply for catalogue. J. A. McICENZIE, Proprietor. ' 84-1. True Performance RADIO Lowboy M o d e l 15 (4 Screen -Grid Tubes) Uni-Selector A single unit control tunes the , receiver precisely and sharply, and places ail operating needs under the control of one hand. Tone -Control Enables you to accentuate the high or kw notes as desired. The exact tone to please any ear is assured for ern/ type of prograts' roadcast. $198:00 (without Cube$) : . H. Johlnso n CLINTON, `ONTARIO TH13XES A•.Y SI71uyE1S=13ER 18 19 falaaffilllainallialleaMOINIUMMEMBINNEAWNSH ti Wedding Bo q nets ., Funeral Designs Cut ..+Flo wens Sent anywhere on Short Notice Special attention . -to out-of-town or- ders. Chas. V. Cooke Two Phones: -66w` and 663 ANNIVERSARY :- AND FOWL -SUPPER Anniversary services will be held -in IIiOLMESVILLE UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SEPT. 28TH Services at 10.30 a.m. and 7.30 pan. Rev. J. W!. Johnson, Londesboro, a dormer pastor, will be the special preacher. FOWL SUPPER MONDAY, EVENING,'SEPT. 29TH Supper served from 5.30, followed by a varied, program. Admission: Adults; 60e, Children, 80c EVERYBODY WELCOME 84-2. A DANCE will be held by the Clinton Old Time Dance Club, at JOWETT'S GROVE, BAYFIELIY ' on the evening of THURSDAY, SEPT. 25TH Members and their friends invited. GOOD MUSIC. C. H. Venner, H. W. Gould, President. Secretary. 84-1. PERMANENT WAVE SPECIALS PERMANENT WAVES OF NA- TURAL BEAUTY Personality Wave, formerly $10, for $8. Permolete Wave, regular $7.50 for $6.50; Make an Early Appointment. MRS. AGNES FORRESTER, Queen Street, Phone 212. 84-4. Lost in Clinton On Friday last, a Stirling silver bar pin, set with stones. Finder kind- ly communicate with Tena Flynn, Phone 637r23. 84-1-p. Horse For Sale Good Light driver, or saddle horse, spirited but gentle. Apply to Rev, A. A. Relines, Clinton. Phone 108. 84-1. Auction Sale Of Household Effects 14Ir. Thos. Roberton, Administrator of Estate of 14Irs. Catharine Spuhl, has instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction at Auburn, on Sat- urday, September 20, at 1.30 sharp the following: Furniture -3 Beds; feather tick; 2 inatresses; quantity bedding; dres- ser; washstand; toilet set; dining. room suite; table, 6 chairs and side- board; Congoleum rug 10x12; organ; kindergarten set; corner cupboard; kitchen table; small table; stove, nearly new; lawn mower; coal stove; couch; sewing machine; 5 kitchen chairs; 2 rocking chairs; coal oil stove; coal oil heater; small desk; set pulleys; set scales; washing ma- chine; 2 wash tubs; wash board; wringer; clothes dryer; boiler 2 hand saws; watering ran; scythe; shovels; garden tools; rain barrel; sugar ket- tle grind stone; kitchen sink; clock; coal, oil can; lantern; coal scuttle; kite"lien utensils; dishes; lamps; quantity of empty' jars; quantity of wood; mmnber of. pictuers. 'John Roberton will sell at the sante time and place the following— Steel tired buggy, goody; cutter; . pi- ano box; set single harness; 1 Yak robe, good; horse blankets; set light hames and traces; tie straps; logging chain; stuffier: Terms of Sale: All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 4 months' credit given on furnishing bankable paper. Thos, • Roberton, Administrator, 'Elliott, Autioneer. 84-1. Executor's Sale Of Farm Lands and Residental Property There will be offered for sale by Public Auction on Wednesday, Oc- tober 1st, 1930, at 2 o'clock p,mn. at Lot 85, Concession 1, 'Township of Fast Wawanosh the following pro- perties: h 1. Lot, 35, Concession 1, Township of East Wawanosh, consisting of 197 acres of land, more or less, on which is eroded a comfortable £ramie house and barns about 40'xGO' and 50'x70'. On this faun there is said to be a- bout ten acres of good' Hardwood 'Bush. 2 Part . of Lot 35, Concession 13, Hallett Township, containing two acres of land, more or less, on which is said to be erected a comfortable cement block and frame house and stable, The above properties -radii each be offered subject to a reserve bid and subject to certaip condition of sale which will be 'Produced and read at theti me of sale, • ?Further particulate. mbe u may y ob- tained from the 'Executor, or his Sol- icitor, F. Finglancl, Clinton, Ontario. Herman C. Daer, Exeeutorfor the John Daer Estate. G.• H.' Elliott, Auctioneer. 83-3. Clinton's New -Laid Egg. And Poultry House Eggs : bought 'according to Domin- ion Government. Egg Regulations. Inquire for our prices of eggs:. You will always find our prices'par- aIlel with the city markets. 13'at hens and welt -finished chicks' alwayswanted—Prices good. Always phone our office for prices before marketing produce. • N. W. Trewartha Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w TRIS IS VITALLY IMPORTANT TO YOU DO YOU KNOW the details of this new law, effective Sept. lst. DO. YOU KNOW the offences for. which your driving license may be suspended and under what conditions it will be . reinstated. 1)0 YOU KNOW, that unless you are protected by insurance you must be prepared to pay for damage for which you are responsible or per- manetiy lose your license. DO YOU KNOW that the new law affects you when in other provinces or in U.S.A. Be Insured and Know the Law. HAROLD C. LAWSON Phone 208 Clinton, Ont. Agent Mutual Life of Canada For Car, Fire and Life Insurance go to J. G. CHOWEN 15 per cent Discount to (FARMERS on Car Insurance PROMPT SERVICE office next Rattenbury House Phone 52 Motorist Play Safe The Safety Responsibility Law of Ontario will be effective on and after September 1st. THIS LAW IS NOT COMPULSORY INSURANCE— BUT an—insurance Policy covering for Public Liability and Property Da- mage will satisfy the full require- ments of the law. I will gladly mail you on request a copy of the Safety Responsibility Law. Ask for one. When insuring be sure to select a good reliable company. CHEAPNESS means the same in insurance as in everything else, you may get CHEAP SERVICE with it. Standard rates will insure good service. The strong- est companies in the World are at your service through my agency and their policies are guaranteed in Uni- ted States as well as in Canada, Our Slogan is:—Service and Security. H. E. RORKE Clinton, Phone 253w, P. 0. Box 147 Representing the strongest Cana- dian, British and American Compan- ies, LO% Discount for everything on all 5 point policies, Farre. For Sale. Eighty acres of rich and produc- tive loam; good drainage; pictures- que location. Farm about two miles from Clinton on Baseline. Buildings consist of newly shingled house; the interior of which has been recently renovated. There is a large barn al- so windmill and considerable bush. If looking for a good purchase this is one. Owner . 322 South Main Street, Romeo, Michigan. For fur- ther information, F. FingIand, Barrister, Clinton. 84-7-p. Get Your Well Cleaned Good water is essential to health and now is a goodtime to have your well cleaned out. Good work assur- ed. Apply to George Carter, Clinton. Phone 299. 83-2. Rooms Wanted One large room or two smaller ones, unfurnished. Inquire at the News -Record office. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Ann Eliza Searle, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that alt persons having claims against the estatd of Mary Ann Eliza Searle, late of the Town of Clinton, in the Coun- ty of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the fifth day of August A.D., 1929, are required to deliver to the Administratrix, de bon- ds non, Barbara Sharp, of the said estate or F. Fingland, Solicitor, on or before the 30th. day of Septem- ber A.D., 1930, a full statement , of their claims together with particu- lars thereof, and the nature of the securieies if held by 'them all duly verified by affidavit. - AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said Administrat ix, de bons non, will proceed to distribute the estate of the said "doeeased amongst the persons entitled thereto having re- tard only to such clai ms as shall have received due notice . and in ac- cordance therewith DATED at' Clinton; Ontario, this 9th day of September A.D., 1930.,. F. FINGLANI), - Clinton, Ontario,. Sclicltos'for .the.'iaid estate. 83-3 . _ ac.win.o+c w.+aresamawws .roam rrnaosn ,, ,,,q ice's Work IIa,{ots and O a Panto. Shoes' Black and Tan $3.49', Men's Fine Shoes $3.75 and $4.25 Youth's Panco Shoes Sizes, 1143 $2.50 Boy's Panco Shoes, Sizes 1-5 $2.78 Boy's Panco Shoes, Sizes 1-5 $3.15 Junior Pickett Overalls, Sizes 28-34 $1.70 Men's Pickett Work Pants, $L85 to $2.00 Men's Pickett Overalls $L75 to $2.50 Miller Hardware Co. TELEPHONE 53 CLINTON G. H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring' and Repairs Phone 7 Eggs and Poultry Home on Tuesday and Friday fore. i • noon to take in Poultry. Eggs handled at residence every day—graded by an experienced grad- er, for which we pay the highest market price. Cream purchased for Stillman's. A. E. Finch Viking Cream Separator Agent. Victoria St., Clinton Phone 21P House For Sale 7 -room house, hardwood floors in front part of house, town water and lights. Garage and chicken pen. Half acre lot with fruit trees. Ap- ply to John W. Nediger, Clinton. 69-tf. WHY IS IT? Why do clients of many years standing continue to send us their troublesome collections? Why is the volume of business we handle increasing so rapidly? Because our service is eminently satisfactory and our rates reason- able, 1890 1930 KELLY & AIKEN The Collection Specialists Guelph, ORANGEVILLE, OwenSound 70 -6m -p. Sale of Cooking A sale of home cooking and after- noon tea, under the auspices of the W.M.S., will be held in the Sunday school room of Wesley -Willis church on Saturday, Sept. 20th, from 3 to 6. 83-2. Pullets For Sale Bred;to-lay Barred Rock Pullets, 31.00 each. D. M. Lindsay, Hedge Row Chick Farm, R. R. No. 3, Clin- ton. 79-tf. For Sale or Rent Eight -room house, with 3 -piece bath, hot and cold water anal' soft water in kitchen, furnace, garage, garden and fruit. Apply at store. H. P. PIumsteeI. 80-tf. POTATOES Are your cheapest food today 2 cents worth of potatoes cooked with 3 cents worth of vegetable soup will feed a hungry man, cost 5c. Bread 'at Oe and neat at 25c, will cost you 25e to feed the sante` lean, Till your cellar with our potatoes, now, .and keep down expenses. Shortage of potato crop here and in U.S. will put pdtsita prices higher shortly. But for' next week we will sell grad- ed No. 1 Cobblers, the best cookers you ever saw, at $1.76 for 90 lbs. de- livered or field run at $1.60. As our potatoes go from Goderich• to Guelph, we will not be long clear- ing out our surplus so phone 34-616 NOW. JONATHAN IIUGILL & SONS 83-3. For Salo or Rent Eight -room house, wired for elec- tric stove, new furnace, new 8 -piece bath, easy terms to the right party. Clifford Lobb, Grocer, Clinton. 81-tf. For Sale or Rent Comfortable cottage on Rattenbury Street, West, Clinton, formerly oc- cupied by Thos. White. Containing six rooms, summer kitchen and box room, electric lights, hard and soft water, good garden with abundance of fruit, good cellar, -with fixed wash basin and bath. Key at Mrs. Savilie's next door. Apply to Geo. H. Elliott. 80-tf. WHITE LEGH PULLETS th,'Mittell Phone 213, Clinton !`.W1); 68-tf. RUPTURE SPECIALIST Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Vei Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Defo ity. Consultation Free. Ca11 or wri J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie S Stratford, Ont. 10-19 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and paired. Woollen goods dry clean Rooms over Heard's Barber sh W. J. Jago. 2283 - Keep Warin Wit LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACIT MINEHEAD ALBERTA NUT COKE AND DOMESTIC SI COKE CAR OF GOOD THRESHING COA A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen Street Telephone 25 Implement Agent I handle Cockshutt implement and cream separators, Frost a Wood Implements and carry pa and repairs for same. I am also agent for Allis -Chat mers Tractors. Those wishing to inquire abou any of the above kindly call at m residence. JOHN V. DIEHL, Queen Street, Clinton, 81 - McCormick -Deering Agency Having taken over the above ag• ency for this district, I will keep o hand a full stock of repairs and pari of all McCormick -Deering machine and will appreciate a share of • th patronage of the farmers suroundi Clinton. Call at my shop, next door Jones' blacksmith shop, Ring street. W. J. STEWART Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w 04-t4, intoi.R9s VtAilei1w tott SOME ARE Boma GREAT SOME ACHIEVE' GREATNESS, AND SOME HAVE GREATNESS THRUST UPON `mei ---• 13UT WE HEAT FOLKS ARE THi✓ GREATEST OF THE GRATE MONEY buys, a lot of things, but it can't buy a place in the Hall of Fame. In the GRATE Hall of Faure, the Heat Folks hold the bon- oned niche. They are placed there, not so much because of the reason-, able price at which they enter your service, as because of the SERVICE they give for a little price. The Hea Folks specialize on clean coal, chock full of heat—no clinkers, • and littl ash. They are justly famous, '. Call- the for good, clean coal11101. ' i • e COALCOMPANY P NY PHONE 74 CLINTON