The Clinton News Record, 1930-09-18, Page 3"THRILLING" . , . 25 YEARS AGO! Nhen the unsophisticated "buggy -ride" was providing trans- portation thrills a quarter of a century ago, men were getting:; ;. their first real smoke thrill from Wilson's 13achelor-100% Havana fihler—cigar Buggy rides are now a thing of the past .but, today, foil wrapped to preserve •freshness, Wilson's Bachelor is smoked more extensively and better liked than any other ten cent cigar: • individually foil wrapped iop and in pocket pa ks.of five ACHELOR Stiilrl. most for the money BobbeHair aig, D.� e I again. Keep a special comb for your d k Y 'i handbag, and a bigger and more im- 'ot Need Brushing? portant one to keep your brush coat- i A� Brushing? i many. Never ou any account leave, hair combings in your comb. It is It may be imagination, but with the an unhealthy, dust -collecting habit, coming and staying of short bair, the I besides being' an extraordinarily un - brush and comb seem to have fallen sightly one. I.eep a hair tidy of some iuto neglect. A regrettable thing, for description handy or, if you use a If these fall into neglect the hair fabs waste paper -basket in your bedroom, into neglect, too, and is swift to show deposit your hair combings there. signs of it, just as it Is swift to re- Last but not least, have a brueh and Mud to care and attention. comb bag. A square of checked ging- Long hair always seems to receive ham left over from one of your summer more brushing than short hair, but frocks will make an admirable one if elicit hair has the advantage that It you have not one already, Keep your is easier to brush it upwards as well brush and comb in tits, and so keep as dotvawards. It very good for the them free from dust. The habit of hair to brush. it from the nape of the leaving a brush and comb out on the neck nn7lards—Lhe wrong way ofthe dressing table or chest of drawers is, hair, as it were. another unhealthy and dust -gathering The stiff bristled brush is always one, Brushes and combs, like most best for the hair unless the hair is ex- other toilet accessories, are best kept ceptioually flue end comes out a good' out of sight, and safe from harm's way deal. Ifair is apt to conte out in tate is your dressing table drawer. epring now autumn when. new hair is growing end the dead hair automati- cally gives place to it, but .itis is noth- Mg to worry about. When hair conies out habitually it is wise to abaadon how touch money you've got is the anything in the way of vigorous brush.- bank; you may not have a cent there ing for the time being; it is also wise and still be worth quite a lot. to try to fled some remedy, of course. A number of scientists have rddent- Brushes should be washed as often ly been trying to get out figures as to the average economic value of each of us, According to them, a man of thirty is worth $11,850 c the country o which he belongs, and a woman of the sante age is Worth $9,45. The figure, however must vary from Individual to individual. A otever Venter or organizer whether man or woman, must be worth Ear more to the State than any ordinary percon can ever hope to be. But the feminists Combs must be cleaned even more who claim "equal pay" for men and frequently, for with short hair they women may note that science seems seem to be its almost perpetual use, to think that, on the Average, members and once they get clogged with dust 02 the sterner sex are wornh more. you can never be quite sure that the, ,dust does not go back into the hair ONE UP FOR ADAM How much are you worth?" No, this isn't another way of asking as the hair is washed, or, more often If the hair is not washed every fort- night ortnight or so. Clean brushes help to keep the hair clean. Aiwvays rinse the brushes la cold water, standing „the bristles downward in the water. This helps to keep the bristles stiff, When silver brushes are being washed care should be taken to keep their frames out of the water, Best Out of Sight Minard's Liniment for Foot Ailments. Op tea syto IPS F ?'5-attl,fe® due to. Acid. '., INDIGESTION p.OID 5'rO1NAGN }1UARRi0RN HEADACMC tinsss•nnuseA_ Many people, two hours after eating, jeuffer indigestion as they call it, it is ;Usually excess acid. Correct it with On alkali, The best way, the quick, airmless and efficient way, is Phillips' lk of Magnesia. It lilts remained torso years the standard with physi- ;elans, One spoonful in water neutral - User many times its volume in stomach acids, and at once. The symptoms dis- Meeir in five minutes. You will never use crude methods when you know this better method. And you will never suffer from excess acid when you prove out this easy to - lien, Please do that—for your own sake—now. ' Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk .of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full direc- tions—any drugstore, High School Boards and Boards ' of Education Are authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted in accordance with the regulations issued by the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRU:OTiON is given In various trades. The schools and classes are under tie direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. - Applicatton for attendance should be made to then"Prinblpal of the school. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided . for in the Courses of Study in Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations Issued by the Minister' of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Perllament Buildings, Toronto, 12 -MILLION -YEAR-OLD LOG FOUND BURIED IN BASALT A log of a seven -foot tree, found 150 feet lrelow the bed of the Yakima River, in the State of Washington, and estimated to be 12,000,000 years old, was reported last week by the Depart- ment of Agriculture at Washington. The tog was found when a tunnel was being bored under the river by the United States Reclamation Service. Arthur Koehler, expert on wood identification, designated the tree as a species 0f sequoia. It lay in solid basalt, believed to have been poured out of one of the Columbia plateau voleauoes. Give Confidence To Young Mothers A simple and safe remedy for the common ilk of babyhood and child- hood should be kept in every home where there is either a baby or a young child. Often it is necessary to give the little ones something to break up a cold, allay fever, correct sour stomach., stud banish the irrita- bility that accompanies the cutting of teeth. Experienced mothers always keep Baby's Own Tablets in the home as a safeguard against the troubles that seize their little ones so suddeuly and the young mother can feel reaeonably safe witit a box of these Tablets at hand and ready for emergencies, Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative that act without gripping and they are absolutely guar- anteed free from opiates or other harmful" drugs. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. 1 CANNOT TELL. I cannot tell how all the stars Retain their rhythmic way, Or hofv the sunset's golden bars Shut out the Light of day— Bat I eau tell when loving eyes The secrets of my heart surprise. I cannot tett stow migrants wing Their course o'er laud and sea, Or how returning 'snmtners bring Their bounteous 'gifts to me— But I can tell how love for love O'er all earth's treasures ranks above. I cannot tell how this round earth Revolves about the sun, Or how tie autumn's priceless worth From clod and clay is won- But I can tell how kindness may Fill life with sunshine every day. —A. B. Cooper in "Tit -Bits." PLAYING WITH TOTO The old lady was sitting on a bench near the eighth green of the golf 'course, Presently an unseen golfer bit a 'ball onto the green, and Toto, the old Iady's dog, ran out and promptly seized it. The next moment the golfer came. over the crest of a Bili and began waving his arms and shouting indig- nantly. "Put the ball down, Toto," cried the old -lady. "Isere acmes the kind.gen- tlew.an to knock it for you again." Among what is the "car - purchasing" classin Great Britain, tea Motor -cars are bought for every baby born. , .,' 7n Silinard's Liniment aids tired feet. Lawyer;' ."I-Iave you ever been in jail?" Witness: "Yes, sir, ouoe." "Ail Per how long?" "Long enough to whitewash a cell which was to 'be occupied by a Lawyer who had robbed dozetie.ofhi$ clients;" Louisiana Honors Ev;fngeline' ICirtles and Normandy caps, the traditional dress of the Evangeline pe -lad, Were the Oficial costume of this group of pretty girls, who formed an im- portant and .attraetive section of Louisiana's delegation of Medians to Grand Pre, N S:, on August 20, for the celebration of the 176th anniversary of the expulsion of the Acadian, held under the auspices of the Dominion. Atlantic Railway. a.Tfie group posed for the camera •beside the memorial church in Grand Pro Park, centre of the festivities, which were attended by Acadian front all parts of the United btates and Canada, Official Dominion and pro- viucial, Preach and American representatives were in attendance. Owl . Laffs Farming is man's most delightfui occupation—If he can sit in the shade and get somebody else to do it, Carl—"May I hold your hand?" Helen—"Are you frightened?" A lot of week -end wrecks are caused by week -end drivers, Vitamines and Calories. Methuselah ate what he found om his plate, And never, as people do now, Did he note th(amount of the calorie count, He ate it because it was chow. He wasn't disturbed, as at dinner he sat, Destroying a roast or a pie, To thialt It was lacking in granular fat Or a couple of vitamins shy. He cheerfully chewed every species of food, Untroubled by worries or fears, Lest his health might be hurt by some fancy dessert, • • And he lived over lilac hundred --- years. The folks who find fault with the modern dances are either old or fat, or both, Yeah, you bet. "Darling," he cried, falling on his knees and covering her little white hands with icisses, "can't you see that I love you?" She drew herself up to her full height. "Welt," eke said, "I should 'tate to thank this was just your way of behaving in company." We can hardly claim to be civilized until a -e abolish the present day funeral expenses. The Seven 'Mistakes There are seven mistakes of life that many of us Make, said a famous writer, and then he gave the following list: 1. The delusion that individual ad- vancement is made by crushing others down. 2. The tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed or cor- rected. 3. -Insisting that a thing is impos- sible because we ourselves cannot ac- complish it, 4. Refusing to set aside trivial lire- fereuees ,iu order that important things may be accomplished. 6. Neglecting development and re- finement of the mind and not acquir- ing the habit of reading and study. 0. Attempting to compel other per- sons to believe and live as ve do. 7. The failure to establish tate habit of saving money. Aunt Martha (shopping for a par- rot)—"Now can -you assure me it isn't given to the use of shocking language? Witet'e did you get it? Proprietor—"From a sailor, ma'am. But—" Aunt Martha -"Oh that's all right. Suet so you didn't get it front one of those flappers." An ice cream vendor's pushcart in Richmoud, Ind,, bears this sign: Give Your Tongue a Sleigh ride. Ice Cream Cones, 5" Cents. • The modern girl never worried about her complexion going flat. She always carries a spare. Analogy Louise is beautiful, but too slow; She shakes her head who'll entreat; She's like a Florida bungalow— Modern, but no heat. • A woman says it is impossible to go through life without telling a flb. She says she just has to say something nice about her husband once in a while. Credit Customer—"I'm not the worst liar in town." Mercant—"Ott the contrary, you are best;' • Alt ounce of sileuce is worbh a tori of explanations. He who laughs lest sometimes gets the horse laugh for being so dumb i.e couldn't see the joke at first. . 0 Practice Needed • Wilson was .suffering badly at the heads of the barber. After the third cut' he decided- to make a protest.' "I say, my man," he said, "I notice you have a sign outside your shop, 'We Aim to Please'," • 'Thais light' let3pb1ec the barbeg merrily, t thaVri out %Ma. • "Then don't you think you'd betteil take a day or two off for target prac- tice?' came the customer's retort. Inhale MInard'o-Lininie. for Asthma. ISSUE No. 38--.'30 1 Do You Value Your Health? If your health is poor; if you are pale, nervous and easily tired; if you 'suffer from headaches and backaches; if your digestion Is bad you enay de- pend upon it that these symptoms come from an impoverished state of the blood, That unless this condition is remedied a complete breakdown may follow. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are a perfect medicine for any one in ibis condition. They enrich and Purify the blood and thus promote health and strength, Mrs. G. M. Andrews, Halifax, N.S., writes;—"I always keep Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the house. When I was a young, anaemic girl, they completely restored by health. Atter marriage my health broke down and once more these pills brought me back to health. My friends all tell me how well I look and for this Dr. Williams' Pink Pills deserve ail credit" You can get these pills at all medi- cine dealers or by mall at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. THRIFT WITH COLD VEGETABLES Too many vegetables are sometimes cooked in the best regulated houses. Far too often, also, these are thrown away as uneatable when, with a very little trouble, they could be made very palatable. Cold greens, for instauce, should be placed in a saucepan of boiling water and covered for two minutes, The water should then be strained front then., and when the vegetables are served they will be found to be as good as when first cooked. It is quite useful to keep carrots ready dressed for use in an emergency. Tltey should be cut in round pieces about an inch thick, and warmed in butter sauce or thick gravy. Cold car- rots may also be cut into any shape to servo with ragouts or hashes, or they may be cut into narrow strips and used in soups. To give parsnips a second 112e they should bo 'mashed with batter, milk, and salt, and heated in the oven in a small buttered basin. Onions, of course, do not look well when they are re warmed, as they are likely to turn black. They will do nicely for flavoring soups or curry, however, provided that they are placed in when the soup or curry ie boiling. Potatoes can be served for second time in a variety of ways. Mashed and mixed with a little milli and water they can ho formed into buttered shapes, floured and browned in the oven, or before the lire. When they are whole they can also be dipped in bacon fat or dripping, sprinkled with salt and floured, and baked Iu the oven in a tin. Another way to deal with potatoes when cold is to fry thein in batter. To do this they should be cut lute rather thick slices and slipped iu- to a mixture madeby beating an elfg with a tablespoonful of flour and a tablespoonful of colrl water, and then tried in plenty of tat, Mtnard's Liniment a household friend. "If the workers put'as ntuelt inter:, est into their politics as they do into their football matches We could alter the fade of England in the next 10 years,"—Ellen Wilkinson, M.P. ATE N TS List of "Wanted Inventions" andis ull Information Sent b'ree on Request. TBF1''DANts,A7r 00., Dept. W, ala /tank St, Ottawa, Ont. The Perfumed Touch that Makes rotor Toilet Complete' Cutici i a Talcum Powder neficatety .7lydk.lerl ow! d ottiseplla DO YOU �" SUFFER FROM • CONSTIPATION? Countless remedies are advertised for constipation. Many relieve for the moment but they are habit form- ing and must be continued. Others contain calomel and dangerous min- eral drugs, which remain in the sys- tem, settle in the joints and cause aches and pains. Some are harsh purgatives which cramp and gripe and leave a depressed after effect. Avoid lubricating oils which only grease the intestines and encourage ,r,pftprc';3:rg;ici3inery ttQ boconlf lOtY• . rr A; pure y'wegettable laxat v Ilion as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently touelz'es the liver, bile starts to flow, the bowels stove gently, the intestines are thoroughly cleansed aud.constipa tion poisons pass away. The stomach, liver and bowels are now active and the system enjoys a real tome effect. All druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs. Who siallatit AW —9".0,1'. 34/ANAL ‘3544.. �� nth 49.•n; . S�9e, 7 liszonar Of6 colo Q tag vel . .,& OVIMWEV.C.K0f. APPLE CIDER Through its amber sweetness there are'pink boughs blowing, And a rain -of blossoms, blurring an old !till, And in tits.clustereti bubbles there is sunlight showing, And the moonlight of many a night, lingering still. There is tang of autumn in its clear, gold gleaming, The scent of ripe apples, heavy down the wind, And the grey beauty of a winter or- chard dreaming, Its heavy burdens lifted, its heavy branches thinned. There is more than cider lit this bot- tled treasure— All my girlhood dances through. it glad and free; The wild exhilaration that 1 know be- yond all measure Laughs its golden laughter across tate years to me. Orchards of my youth float bbere, and my heart goes leaping, At a spray of blossoms or where red globes swing— Apple eider? apple cider holds with its keeping Every old time autumn, and every old time sitting. —By Grace Noll Crowell, la the New York Herald Tribune. Hay Fever and catarrh are offensive ail- ntents. Heat and iaitale Minards's a few tines daily, as for colds. It stimulates and relieves the membrane, "Biologists can be as sensitive to heresy as theologians. --H. G. Welts, Classified Advertising FOR SALE ASOA 01.100 FOR SALT, MUUL6 16, with new 22 H.P. Ovittrude mo- tor, all in, perfect condition, very fast, absolutely safe, splendid dshing boat. has special sedan top: owner getting larger model. Now'lo, ed on Geergian Bay. Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adetntde W. T,rontu. Bey 27 ecu ran L mess MEAD NOISES RBB IN BACK e pTOr NSERr ma IN NOSTRIS.... Beta l dR. 21.25 A'I De ggists. Descriptive /War as request A. O. LEONARD, Inc. 70 Rib Ave., New lock City Caused by Blood pressure Doctor ordered Krtsschen "Five years ago this mount I had a serious attack of blood pxcss'ire, Lund my medic -al tnan ordered me to .nice TCruschen Salts dally. lsvirtrutly I am a stubborn subjeet, beeanst. i use every morning a small tevtspt:Wel and a half in a glass of het caste., end , this ants splendidly mud creeps my ' !tend right. If I don't have the notion mentioned, I feel cold, stupid and liable to fall from dizziness. There- fore I can't do without my Rrt,sebcn on any necuunt. Some tbn.: hago II tried some outer stilts which were cheaper, but they pained me so much that I laid to stop then.. There is no pain with linisehen,. I hove told hundreds of my little w-oncter•wuri ung bottle" --(1S. h, lrrt;;useon.;e Dizziness is a sytnlitoln of a deeper - seated disr•rtier. It :s opt of Nature's daa"e.r .iign ,Ie -'iter agent a''tei is of an nnpure bkmti-gtrea:n 171i12,,"" H not attended M in. time, may w--cic the entire lienith with sumo dauge:uus, indeed Si:bloats, disease. The sin: salts in. Hrusci.en keep the bleotl-stream pure and vigorous by ensuing the complete elimination of lnolsenons waste chatter from tise.system every day. sti ss I1iL17REN will fret, often for no apparent reason. But there's al- ways Castoriat Harmless as the recipe on the wrapper; mild and bland as it tastes. But its gentle action soothes a youngster more surely than a more powerful medicine. That's the beauty of this special children's remedy! It may be given the tiniest infant—as often as there is need. In cases of colic, diarrhea or similar disturbance, itis invaluable. A coated tongue calls for just, a few drops to ward off constipation; so does' any suggestion of bad breath. Whenever children don't eat well, don't rest well, or have any little upset—this pure vegetable prepara tion is usually all that's needed. "In May and June 1iwas badly rundown and had faint spells until it was a drag to do my work. In July and August I didn't seem to pick up so I de• cided to try Lydia E. Pink- hant's Vegetable Compound because 1 saw 11 advertised. I took two bottles and now I am the picture of health. i feel fine, do all my work and milk two cows. If any woman writes, I will certainly answer her lettea "—Mrs. George R. Gillespie, .l'urtnichy, Saskatche- wan. APPLICATIONS Ara Filled As Far As Passible in the Order in Which They Aro Received. APPLICATIONS Ofier ONTARIO Work Arey DEPARTMENT Invariabl OF AGRICULTURE Gjingvon Annualthe Preference. Farm Help Supplied The Department of Colonization lture tor immigration Ontarioo will have avai able a number of 'Experienced Married Men With Their Wives and Families—Merried Couples Without Chii4ren— '7pn.t Alto Single Mott. auvigerstoesuirnig"holo wilt be well R a early spallanon to Geo. A Elliott )Irectpr of Colontz \. F'abliatnent Bldgs.. Torsnto, OataElon. File' Your Amputation at Once) n.1. tr All Men Placed Subject to Trial Period Minister of .Agriculture