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Band Concern and Dance
Cl: nto'i . _ ep
1 to _
er 4th
By kind permission of Col; . Trowe, Perth Regimental Band of
Stratford, under leadership of Capt. Withrow . ,
will give a concert in Library' Park:.
on New Floor
+irst'- class orchestra will furnish music
Under the r auspices of The 'Clinton irre Brigade and VThe Clinton
Citizen Band.
About sixty Lions gathered yes-
terday at the IIuron County Home,
Their victims were not at all alarm-
ed because they were representatives'
of the Lion's Club in Goderich, Sea -
forth and Wingham.,
A program of music was presented
Mr. Harry McGee, • Huron's , - great
Scotch character, d his deli hte i
g cud= -
ience in his own usual way.
The visitors brought gifts in the
form of oranges and handkerchiefs
"for each lady and tobacco for the
men. A Lunch was served afterwards
consisting- of -cake and sandwiches.
Mr. and' Mrs. Jacob wish to thank
the .Lion's Clubs for their generosity
,in bringing such a treat to the Home
and hope that they will return in the
near future.
Fall Fair season is .on.
•Sohoo s open 1
on Monday.
M nday,.
Monday -is Labour Day and a pub-
lic holiday.
iClinton town council meets Tues-
day, Monday being a holiday. '•
Saturday night's rain was just a
sample. We need a good big order of
the same.
Yesterday was the Iast Wednes-
dayafternoon holiday of the season
as far as Clinton is concerned.
The 'Clinton ' Hospital Board will
on Tuesday. evening, n
g> Sept.
in'the boardroom mof
the town wn hall.
.Miss Margaret McLaren..of Hen-
sall, who is known > to many here-
abouts. carried off nine firsts in the
'recent Upper School Examination.
The Perth Regimental Band,'
Stratford, will give a concert in
Library Park, Clinton, on Thursday,
evening, Sept. -4th, commencing at
eight o'clock.
Miss Ruth Higgins, B.A., who re-
cently finished -a course at the Clin-
ton School, of Commerce, has ac-
cepted a position as secretary at
Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby.
Mr. V. C. French of Wetaskiwin,
who first joined the Order in Clin-
ton, and wlto is a past Grand Master
of Alberta, attended the regular
meeting of the I.O.O.F. on Tuesday
evening and :'gave an interesting lit-
tle talk td the members.
Huron County was not without a
. representative amongst the winners
at the British Empire Games at
Hamilton, Robert Stoddart of God-
erich winning third place in pole
vaulting.. •Stoddart went on to Chi-
cago to take part in athletic games
A doubles tournament among the
bowlers took place yesterday, the
results of which are as follows:
Seaforth Clinton
Dale 6 Roberton 16
.Archer 12
Hunt 21
Bissett 10
Somers 14
Willis 17
• Goderich
Powell 7
Lucas 10
Hovey 0
Pennebaker 8
Jeffrey 7
Hamilton 3
Livermore 11 '
Taylor 15
Rev. Pailoek 10
Symonds 14
McLaren 24
Goodwin 13
McLaren 7 Hunt 10
Archer 3
Symonds 5
Robinson 9 •
Miller 8
Willis 7
Livermore 7
Pennebaker 7
Hamilton 5
Lucas 6
Rdberton 19
Goodwin 16
Somers 15
Pollock 17
Bissett 10
Powell 18
Jeffrey 12
Dale 20
Taylor 14
Hunt 23 Pollock 3
Roberton 13 Goodwin 9
Hovey 9 Somers 12
Powell 13 Dale 11
McLaren 13 Archer 7
.Jeffrey 10, . ,Symonds 8
Robinson 5 Taylor 22
Miller 8 - Willis 16
Bissett 14 'Hamnilton 3
Lucas 10 .,, Pennebaker 11
Hutt -7 Roberton 11
Somers 11 McLaren 12
Goodwin: 9
Powell 9
Hovey 8
.Symonds 32
Willis ,7
Taylor 12
Pollock 11
Jeffrey 17
Robinson 4
Bissett 15
lst prize:
2nd prize:
wins plus 19.
lard prize:
plus 39.
4th, prize:
wins plus 19.
Anniversary services will be h .ld
in the Baptist church next Sunday,
August 31st, at 3 and'7,30 o'clock.
The speaker for the day will be'Rev.
W. T, :Bunt, -sof Goderich, Special
music will be rendered by talent.
from Toronto.
Rural hydro construction on fr
ha now reached eastward
as far as Elmer Robertson's. The
present low.nrice of copper causes a
great reduction in the cost of wiring
to anyone now installing hydro.
Mr. Kalmer Dawson motored to
Strathroy on Sunday last.
'1VIr8•,0. E. Erratt spent the week-
end with friends on the Huron Road,
Mr. Prank Washington returned on
Saturday evening .afterspending six,
weeks in Europe and the British Isles
Ile will return to his school at Ignace
the latter part of this week.
Mr. and .Mrs. Walter Moore of Co-
balt, Ont., are,visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Lawson.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garrett are
spending a feW days with- the latter's
sister, Mrs. WWr.'Robison.
We are sorry to report the very
serious illness of Mrs. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones of.
Lambeth spent Sunday with the
lady's parents, Mr.- and Mrs. S. Law-
Miss Frances MoLarty went to To-
ronto to 0
n Mondto •aa
Y d theEx-
h b tion.
Contracts for Hydro have been
signed by Messrs. Robert Xdedd, Geo.
Dawson and A. Andrew. Thus tile
Walton Rural District in which Au-
burn is situated, and the Goderich
rural district, will practically meet.
Mr. Weinger the hydro E. P. C. re-
presentative who had charge of the
negotiations reported that an exten-
sion which has also been signed for
from Blyth to Belgrave, with branch
lines will total over eleven ;miles.
This in the near future will aid in
the reduction of rates in the Walton
district, •
Week-endyvisitors here wore: .
and Mrs. Thomas and daughter of
London; Miss Josephine Weir who
has been visiting at Strathroy since'
the reunion there returned home on
Mr. Eugene Dobie has been engag-
ed as a high school teacher for the
coming year at Eine, Northern On-
tario. He left for Emo, a. week ago
Saturday and pan the term opens
he will visit with his mother's peo-
ple and his. father's sister, Mrs. Jane
Wilson and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor of
Schumacker, accompaniede by Mrs.
Henderson also of Schumacher, ar-
rived here by motor and are stay-
ing at the home of Mr. Taylor's fath-
er: It is two years since Gordon vis-
ited his home but he finds time deal-
ing as kindly as usual with his father
who although well up iit the eighties
bas the appearance and energy of
one of only three score years.
'The folowing clipped from the
Idaho Statesman, may have some in-
terest for residents of Brucefield and
environs who will retneunber George
A. McLeod, a former resident, now
judge at Halley Blaine County, Ida-
ho. Judge McLeod is a brother of
Mrs. R. Pearson, .Goderich township.
Judge McLeod is doing a very impor-
tant work for his county one for
which future • generations will .• be
iHAILEY—Inspired to preserve the
history of his county from the begin-
ning until the .present, because so
many of the old pioneers are passing
George McLeod, probate judge of
Blaine county, has completed a 12,000
word text, tracing the growth and de-
velopment• of an area that began as
Alturas country but since has been di-
vided into seven counties.
A feeling 'that 'the memory of
events that transpired in the natal
days of old Alturas county was grad-
ualiy slipping' promoted his work, the
author admitted, as well as the dis-
covery. of several irksome errors in
the work of other history recorders.
The judge carefully checked ail state-
ments that needed anthentioation and
oven coresponded with the land office
in Washington and Commissioner C.
C. Moor, former governor of Idaho.
The judge i himself is qualified to
record many things from memory. He
has been a resident of Wood river
section since 1886 and has been • in
nubile office for 30 'years, serving as
deputy and ;chief officer at yarious
posts. ,
Judge Mcl,eod's history is now ran -
fling by installments •. in the Haley
Times, and will probably be issued in
aok from later.
The history records ;. the political
oves perbtaining to :the life of Altur-
s county, then covering the area now
vided into Blaine. Elmore Goodin,
erome, Lincoln, Cassia and Mini -
deka counties. He tells of the events
and wordy battles that accompanied
every mo e to create a new. county,
Rellevne and Hailey, although less
than five miles apart, were one time
the ::coimty seats for 'two counties;
the. history points out,
Mrs. Have a.ncl daughter of Brant-
ford are visiting at the homes of
nir. and Mrs. D. Tough and -Mrs., W.
Stevens this week:
Miss L'tiwa, Swan of Toronto is
eeendint; her vacation' at her hone in
the village:
Me. and Mt's, T. McQueen 'visited
at the home -of, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cos-
Mns.n•f`Winehani, and that of Mrs. ,J.'
Ardell of Blytli, last week,
Roberton,` Clinton, 4 n
Taylor, ' Goderich, 3
Hunt, Goderich, 3 wins
Bissett, ,Goderich, 3
Mrs, P. L. Hay of Brantford' and
little e da i Irate •.
t t -Mar •ret
g J. visited
with Mr, and Mr -s. Herb. Fisher from
Tuesday : till Firday, 'returning, home-
ward by 'Brucefielar to, visit with
Mrs. W. Stevens. r .
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert ' Pisher and
daughter, Miss Vesta,'. visited 'with
the Curwin family on Sunday.:
Tn the absence of the pastor at
Smith's Hill church on Sunday Mr.
John Young of Loyal supplied, Ben -
miller, it is " told us, took an entire
holiday, there being no service what-
A very large' number about here
have . stook -threshed, . while quite , a
number .of acres are still dotted with
•A small '° shower Was welcomed on•.
Saturday night and Sunday morn-
ing. We hope the weather man will
fftvor us soon again., But conditions'
have beep ideal for harvesting. •
BRUSSELS: Thomas Burk,; of
the second line, Morris, recently suf-
fered - a severe hemorrhage of the
stomach while; driving a 'binder. He
was removed to Wingham Hospital,
where the flow' of blood was stopped.:
He has since returned to his home
and is 'now !improvingnicely, al -
+hough • he is in,a weals condition.
Eleven of his' neighbors turned out.
with horses and binders and'' finish-
ed taking off his crop.
Mrs. A. R. McBrien and Miss Olive
MkBrien, Essex,' Ontario, ,iVirs. W. E.
Miller, Royal Oak, Mich., and Mrs.
A Fischer, 'Belleville, Mich., have
returned '• to their respective homey
after spending the past week as
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Harvey.
lMessrs. M. Kirk and Edgar Robin-
son of Toronto
ono sp ant
u da S Y at, r.M
Wm. Lyon's.
Mrs. W. B. Allen spent a few days
with London friends recently.
Mrs. M. Mains is enjoying a pleas-
,ant visit from her two daughters of
Chicago, Mrs. Troope and 1VLiss Jane
Mains. '
The Townsend, Youngbintt and
Ball families spent a few hours en-
joying the lake breezes at Kincardine
on Sunday, '
Mrs. James Howatt of Seaforth
spent the week -end with her .daugh-
ter, Mrs. Percy Manning, who recent -
1 hadthe'misfortune
y to fall down
cellar, stiffering a severe shaking up
and also- received .a bad scald on her
atmt. Her. friends ,hope to soon see
her fully recovered. •
Mr. Cowan is spending some time
with his daughter, Mrs. Robt, Town
send. ,
'1VIr. and Mrs.' McDonald of London
were callers at Mrs. E. Bell's on Sat-
The Woman's Institute will hold
their regular meeting at the Com-
munity hall on Thursday afternoon,
Sept: 4th at 2 •p.m. It being
mothez's Day,".an interesting thne Is
being prepared b.the gran
in the Institute, also. refreshments,
and a hearty invitation is extended to
the ladies of the community, espec-
ially the grandmothers.: A collec-
tion will be taken.
A very pleasant evening was spent
at the home of Mr, 'Harry Moon on
Friday, the 22nd of August, when a
number of the young people of the
United Sunday School assembled to
greet the bride -elect, Miss Alberta
Moon, who yesterday became the
bride of Mr. Frecl Armstrong of Hul-
lett, • During the' evening an address
was read by Mr. Joe Shaddick and
Miss Margaret Adams and Miss Olive
Lyon Presented her with an 'electric
iron and toaster. A suitable reply
was gluon anil"all enjoyed themaelhes
till the wee small hours, when each
repaired to their homes, after wish-
ing the bride-to-be many 'years of
.wedded life in her new home. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lyon and family
spent last Thursday at Bruce Beach
visiting Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Robert-
son.' i i
Mr. Arthur .Lyon is visiting 'in
Windsor and Leamington this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Proctor and little son,
David, of Toronto spent the week-
end at Mr. Wm. Lyon's. They re-
turned on Monday taking .Miss Ruth
Lyon with them for a few days' visit
in the city.
The death occurred in Victoria
Hospital, London, on Monday of
Harvey Saundercock, formerly of
Hullett township, Mr. Saundercock
was in his' forty-seventh year and his
death was clue to a failure to rally
after an operation for appendicitis.
Ile had never fully regained his
strength after a severe attack of
pneumonia in the winter and was
not able to rally from the shock of
the operation. Mr. Saundereock had
resided in London for about fourteen
years. He is survived by one young
daughter, his wife having died some
years ago. Four brothers also sur-
vive: Herman of Londesboro, Russell
of Blyth and Will and Charles of
Windsor. •
The remains were brought to Clin-
ton for burial, ,the funeral taking
place 'from the Clinton Undertaking
Rooms yesterday afternoon, inter-
meht in Clinton cemetery. Rev. A.
Sinclair .of Hensall • conducted the
services and- three brothers, Russell,
Herman and William, and three
cousins, A. and C. Weymouth and
C. Saundereoek, acted as pallbear-
Amongst, those who were here for
the funeral were: Mr, and hirs. Bar-
ker and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brown
of London.
The nubile must report every acci-
dent in motor vehicle traffic, when
damage is $50. or more to property
or peresonal injury. ''Traffic Offi-
cer .Levet. Phone 91, Clinton. '
Anniversary ,services in United
chinch, on Sunday- Special inatsic
assisted by the Misses Palmer of
Hamilton. -•
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cornish of the
Base Line and Miss Rena Pickett of
Clinton are taking in, the Toronto
Miss Janette Grant has returned to
Toronto after spending a' week's va-
cation as the guest of Miss Mabel
GODERICH: Arthur Stevens of
Comic, was arrested on Friday night
and taken into custody by Provincial
Constable Whitesides :on a charge . of
abduction of the Harriston girl who
was visitingin votr:ie.•. Steveus•.ap-
peared before Magistrate C. A. Reid
on Saturday and was remanded for
a week, Dudley Holmes, jr., .appear-
ed for him. The girl who is under
sixteen years of age, it is alleged, was
taken away ,on Tuesday night and
was returned by another man :on.
Thursday. ,: The girl dlaims she was
taken off the street, and was away.
two days and two nights. A further
arrest in this case was made .on'Sat-
urday night when ,Wellington Ronald,
of Listowel; was ,,taken into custody
on the same ,eh4rge. Magistrate
Reid this morning remanded him for
a week. when he will appear with
Stevens. •
EXETER: The prize winners. at
the entrance examinations, for, all, pu-
pils writing at Exxeter, Creditor,.
Dashwood, Zurich, Hensall and Win-
chelsea have been received from El -
men Beacom, B.A . L.P.S., and the
winner of the first prize is Helen
Telfer, daughter of M. W„ Telfer,.
manager of the Canadian Bank ; of'
Commerce, Crediton, Her teacher
was llliss Geiser, p'rincipai of the
Crediton Public School, Jeannette
Taman, daughter of W. W. Taman,
a o
of lost byone
d wins
the :first prize for the Exeter Public
School , John 'McTavish, son of Rev.
Duncan McTavish, and Phyllis Bier
ling, daughter of Councillor Harry.
• Bierling, Exeter North, won second
and third money for the standing of
local pupils. The prizes are given by
the Exeter Board of Education.
EXETER: Mr. and Mas. Bruce
Rivers of Exeter, spent two weeks'
recently with Mr.. and Mrs, Bob.
Reid,of Hannilton. t
WROXETER: Thai large barn on
the farm of Thomas McLynn, of
Turnberry Township, was completely
destroyed "by fire. The blaze started
on a haystack, while threshing was
in progress, Thethreshing outfit
was saved, The less on the building
and contents is partially covered by
Girl inClinton Hospital with Frac
° cured Skull
less Jean Stevenson, age 18 of
Brus eI
s s, is in the General Hospital,
Clinton following o , f 1 owing an auto accident
near - 'Bayfield Sunday afternoon.
She has a fractured skull, fractured
jaw, dislocated •shoulder and possible
internal injuries as a result of being
thrown out when the car upset. The
auto, a roadster, was driven by Earl
• Doig of Gorrie and had just left Jow-
ett's Grove for Goderieh. •The driver
it is stated, failed to notice a sharp
turn in the road, and the auto Plung-
ed into a ditch and upset. Six young
people were in the ear, three riding
in the front seat and three in a rum-
ble seat. Miss Viola Wiltse of Ger-
rie had her shoulder dislocated, an
Lloyd Doig of Gerrie had his arm
broken and shoulder dislocated. Miss
Adeline Errington, H. McDermott,
owner .of the car, and Earl Doig) all
of Gerrie; escaped with minorinjur-
ies. •
WINGFIAM: George Moir, who of
late has been successful in landing
some of the largest fish to be caught
around this part of the district, was
engaged in the same sport Monday et
the upper darn, when he turned out
to be the hero of the day. Kathleen
Saint and her little sister,.Betty had
been playing around the darn when
Betty slipped in and only for George
being on the spot would have been
112r, Dan Campbell and daughter,
Helen left for their hone in Fort
William last Thursday, after spend-
ing a week 4nr so with friends here.
They accompanied the remains of the
farmer's mother east. '
Mr. Charlie Falconer of Bayfield
spent the week -end at the hone of
Mir. Hugh (Gilmour.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moffat, Helen
and Janie, left this week for Port
Arthur, where Mr. Moffat will re-
sume his teaching duties.
'Mrs. Pentland, and daughter and
son, Lorne of Ashfield, visited at Mr,
Thos. Bairds this week.
Mr. and Mrs, M. Elliott; accompan-
ied by the fernier's mother, Mrs. IL,
Elliott, visited Listowel friends on
Sunday last. r
Stanley Township voters' list has
been published and was first posted
up in the office of Clerk C. C. Pil-
grim on Monday, Aug. 25th. There
are hi the township 1478 voters,
1108 in Part 1, 252 in Part 2, and 111
in Part 3. 427 are eligible to serve
on jui'ie5.
Mr. Maurice Switzer left Tuesday
morning by motor for Fyle Lake,
Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Robertson, Isa-
bel and Melvin of Brantford, motor-
ed up on Sunday and spent the day
as guests of Mr. and Mrs: Arthur
Welsh. They were accompanied by
Miss Nortna Welsh, whohad'spent
the past two weeks as their guest.
Ilifiss Vera Steep entertained a
number of young friendsat a birth-
day party on Monday afternoon.
Miss 'Olive Thompson is visiting
Miss Helen Beacom this week.
Miss Bessie Cluff has returned
(tome after visiting her grandmother,
Mrs. J. Cluff of Clinton.
Messrs.'Charlie Merrill and Donald
Smith, who have been camping at
Bayfieeld, have returned home.
Mrs. David Easom returned on
Monday after- spending a week with
her daughter, Miss Pearl, and other
friends in London.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Pearson, Mr. Les-
lie Pearson and Mrs. L. Stong of
Clinton spent' Sunday with Exeter
Mr. and Mrs. R. Pearson leave
Saturday for Toronto to visiit the
C.N.E. . They will meet the Iatter's
brother, Dr. McLeod and Mrs.
Leod of Brooklyn, N.b'., who . Will
spend a few days with them there and
return with them for a little visit
here. -
Miss Emily Thompson leaves
shortly to continence :a course of
training in the Stratford' General
Mrs. Radcliffe and daughter, Miss
Olive, of Brantford' arrived Tuesday
to visit at the Curwin home.
The Goderich Township. Men's
Club, numbering .twenty-five or thir-
ty, left, this morning, Thursday, on
a little motor jaunt.. They will iris --
it Exeter, Denfield, 'Byron San, ',and
other points Of .interest in London;
Senator Little's farm :and jersey herd
D;eleware, the Wellwooci farms, .and
return byway of Ingersoll, Norwich
Woodstock and.. Stratford. They.
Will call on several outstanding far-
mers and pick ,up. whatever points
True Performance
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Lowboy Model 15
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can be obtained in so short a time,
together with any inspiration which
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have macre a success of their chosen
Mrs. E, H. Davis and daughter,
Betty, of Toronto spent a few days
last week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Alexander.
Miss Grace Churchill visited
friends in London on Saturday.
Miss Olive Thompson was the
guest of her cousin; Miss Helen Bea-
com over the week -end.
Miss Helen Stewart of Seaforth
is visiting her cousin, Miss Ruth
Thompson, this week.
We are pleased to report that Mrs.,
Henry Murphy is convalescing nic-
ely, after an illness of two weeks'
School re -opens on Tuesday nest,
after the long vacation.
Miss Nina E. Heard of,Bayfield
will again resume her position as •
teacher of S. S. No. 4.
Mr. John R. Thompson conducted
the services at Hensen and Staffa
on Sunday last, and will preach in
St, Paul's church, Stratford, on Sun- ,
day next, August 31st.
Threshing is the order of the day
in this locality.
The A,Y.P.A. of the three churches
of Bayfield, Varna and Middleton,
held a very successful weiner roast
at Tiaker's beach on Tuesday, even-
ing. About forty young people were
After inspecting the school house
at S. S. No. 10, the medical health
officer, Dr. Whitely has condemned
the school, and the Medical Health
board Inas ordered the school closed
on November lst, unless action has
been taken to provide suitable ac-
comodation for the children.
A. pretty midsummer wedding took
place at two -thirty o'clock Wednes-
day afternoon at "Fairview Farm",
Elmira, the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John W. Schweitzer, when their eld-
er daughter, -Ella Mae, became the
bride of Mr. Ruskin George Keyes,
son of Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Keyes of
The bride entered the drawing
room to the strains of. "The Bridal
Chorus"/from Lohengrin played by
Miss Vera Schweitzer of Waterloo,
cousin of the bride, after which Miss '
Alma Thur sang "Because" in charm- .
ing voice.
The ceremony, was performed amid
a profusion of palms, ferns and sum -
Mer flowers by Rev. E. D. Becker.
The bride, who was given in mar-
riage by her father, was becomingly
gowned in ivory crepe with lace trim-
mings. With this she wore a bridal
veil of tulle ,caught with orange
blossoms and seed 'pearls, and car-
ried a shower bouquet of Sunburst
roses'. She wasattended by her
sister, Miss Eileen, • who wore ,a
frock •of hale. mane and carried a
bouquet of Talisman roses. The bride-
groom was supported by his brother,
Mr. Elmore Keyes of Seaforth.
, The groom's gift to the bridesmaid
was a pendant, to the bestman a set
of cuff links, to the soloist; a. silver
bud vase and to the pianist a silver
bon -bon dish.
Following the ceremony a dinner
was served to some fifty guests after'''
which Mr,'and Mrs, Keyes left by
motor for Buffalo, Rochester and the
Eastern States, the bride. travelling
in a blue and sand ensemble with
hat, shoes and accessories to match
and .wore the bridegroom's gift, a'
brown fox fur..
On their return 'they will''talc° up
residence in East Windsors where
Mr. Keyes is 'principal of the David:
Maxwell School. !