HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-08-21, Page 3rs approved by the mothers of nac3 Canada's Original Arrowroot Biscuits baked in Canada byChristie's since 1853. Arrowroo®hs o�� s4siv -w air v, t The Technique of Discipline Anna Mae Brady In the lobby of a large hotel sat two mothers resting after a' strenuous af- ternoon of shopping. They were not acquainted, but each •had • a little son, and these children being' unhampered by conventionality soon formed an-ac- gnaintanoeshin. It was not long before the boys'had pushed aside the rug and were sliding over the shiny surface of tile floor, They fell often, laughing noisily and EAG! CrsDF1DEIVSEiD Met your child, of course, if possible,butdon't experiment with all sorts of food ghat you know (little about. Basle Brand has been the standard infant food since 1857. Itis entirely pure, it is ex- ceedingly digestible end there is an ever ready supply at any dealer's no •matter where you live or 'where you go. BeiAful baby books senifres on saga{... Use cou6on. THE BORDEN CO., LIMITED 1411 St. Paul W., Montreal Send Fran Baby Books to: NAME ». Aooessa noun ,mnnn,,,,,,,,n,,,,,,,,,,,,h,,, 213 Were perfectly unconscious of the looks of annoyance thrown in their di- rection trection by grown ups whose.childltond was so far in the distance that they had forgotten it ever existed. "Dick Kendal," called his mother in a slu'111 voice that told of frayed. nerves and tired muscles,"Dickltendal, I want you to come right here and sit down. You are always doing some- thing I do not want you to do. Next time I'll leave you at home." A. few of the onlookers smiledtheir approval at the humiliation of Dick, who sat down by his mother and be- gan to kick viciously at the chair near hint. His mother glared angrily as if his conduct were unforgivable. .No doubt Dick would hear more about it later. The other boy continued to run and slide across the floor bumping the wall and rebounding like a ball. He was ent)rely unaware of the fact that he was the center of attention. "Paul," called his mother in a quiet voice, "wouldn't you like to have me read you a story out of the book we bought today?" ' "Oh yes, Mother," Paul cried com- ing quickly to her side. "The one. about the animal circus. Wont' you Please read that one? "I'll be glad to," ids, mother told hint, "But you'd better straighten up a bit first" Then, when tite rug was' replaced, putting her hand on his knee, she said, smiling, "I couldn't have done that any better myself!" Bach mother was successful to hav- ing her son discontinue the noisy play that was irritating other people. But what a difference In their technique! It one is continually being told that he Is a bad boy he will come to think he is, and it follows, of course, that he is apt to be "bad." If, on the other hand, he is made to feel that he is a respected' member of society, Who wishes to do his part and who does it as well as he can, It follows just as surely that he will become like the picture lie sees of himself. Moreover, the characteristics he develops in childhood will form a big part in de- termining lasting attitudes both to- ward himself and toward Iife as well. Mental pictures playa big part in human conduct—too big to be ignored by parents who are striving to lay the foundation tor the future happiness and success of their children,—Issued by the National Kindergarten Associa- tion, 8 West itOth Street, New York City." These articles aro appearing weekly in our columns. Minard's• Liniment removes Warts. The fellow who says it cannot be done is likely to be iuterrupted by somebody doing' it. - cplUtNE PUJLUPS 4` brc 41 1'or 7foubl e due to Acid. woto!STtoN �. ACED STOMACH HEARTBURN HEADACHE tritSEs•NAUSOA About two hours after eating many people suffer from. sour stomachs. They call it indigestion. It means than the 'stomach nerves have been over- stimulated: There is excess. acid. The way to correct it is with an alkali, which neutralises many time fte vol ume in acid. The right way is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia just a/ tasteless dose in water. It is pleasant, efficient and When Food' Soars harmless. it has remained the stand- ard with physicians in the 50 years since its invention. . It 18 the quick method. Results come almost instantly. It is the ap• proved method. You will never use another when you know. Be sure'to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians hysiciaus for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full di- rections—any drugstore. • High School . earde and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS. With the approval of the Minister of Education DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted in accordance with the regulations lamed by ' the Department of Education. THEO#ETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION is given In various trades. The schools and classes are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should be made to the Principal, of the school. COMMERCIAL_ SUBJECTS, 'MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for in the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, 'Continuation and Hiph Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minlater, Parliament Buildings,' Toronto. 3t Champions This team has talren the First Air championship of Canada and incident- ally has captured trophies emblematic of the championship of railways teams in. Canada; the Wallace Nesbitt: Cup; theMontizambert First'Aid coutest; and the Qatario Provincial champion- ship. They are the Canadian Pacific Railway's freight office: first aid team of Toronto. Back row: -A. G. Shake- speare, director;, and W. J; Turk. Front row: -A. T. Curie, Chas, Sellen, W. T. Warren, and R. H. Braid. A. Sneezing Lesson now do you 'sneeze? Here aro some of 'the rules for cornet sneez- ing 'given to a class of children re-' cently. Hold your handkerchief in your left hand --don't use your right, because; you .may be shaking hands with someone shortly. Take hold' of the bony part cif the nose, by the bridge,' but be sureyou don't pinch. the soft nostrils. When you feel you are about to sneeze, bend your head until it al - moat touches your chest, and sneeze with your mouth open. Never quiff after a sneeze, but blow the nese. and! continue doing, so until nothing but.: air comes- down. Never borrow a handkerchief: Car- ry, 11 you can, a tetiiered handker- chief, one tied to a button near your pocket. Sneezing keeps the passages free and wili be found to clear up, some kinds of eye trouble, defects it the ears, alts also help youto avoid colds,' Was Run Down Now Well Again Takes PIeasure in Recommend- ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. To -the woman in. the • home illness is almost a calamity. Many a woman keeps on with her household duties when she is reeidug ready to drop. Her head aches, she is easily tired, is de- pressed and nervous and has no appe- tite. In a word, she is anaemic and badly needs help—the health -help that. only Dr, Williams' Pink Pills eau give her. These pills make rich, red blood whicll brings new strength aud'euergy to weak, despondent sufferers. Con- cerning them, Mrs, Paul Rail, Coin dtt Bane., Que., says: "I was badly runt down, slept poorly, and awoke as tired as when I went to bed. My appetite was poor and I felt miserable. I took six boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and they completely renewed hay health." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are soid by All medicine dealers or by mall at 50 cents a box from The Dr, Wiliams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. Garden Hints It is better to water plants in tate early morning.or at evening when the sun is less hot Watering at noonday is often hard for tate Rowers, and also tends to cake the earth fn the garden. It is welt to water thoroughly and' not as often rather than to water a little each day. Frequent watering keeps the roots of plants near the surface of the ground and does not develop sturdy roots that can stand drought, It is helpful, when flowers with large leaves wilt, to remove some of the i biggest leaves. Such flowers as mart- golds, for instance, which wilt often ' when first set out, are quickly revived by this attention. It is ,letter to irrigate than sprinkle the garden. Water allowed to run In around the base of plants where it is needed and cultivation of the soil after the water has leaked in, conserves the moisture to a surprising degree. It is a good plan when moving and resetting large plants, trees dr shrubs, to observe their comma locattok and reset them in the same relative posi. tiers Yachting Primitive Sport, Says Lipton Sailing a Yacht to Him is Of The Essence of All Sport By SIR. THOMAS LIPTON Engineers and scientists Will build better' and more wonderful allies than the great•Atlantic liners, but nothing will' ever be built that wilt fire the imagination and add 'so' much to' Seas romance as the sailing ships. Sailing a yacht to me is of the es- sence of all sport. Courage and phy- sical fitness are nedeed, also decision and 'accuracy of judgment. Yacht racing is something more than mere- ly skimming over the sea; it le an ad- venturous wretie with primitive na- ture and 'the complete enslaving of her riotous• moods. With Spinnaker set and bellied, ballon -jibs bending tate topmast, and mainsail stretching its utmost' to catch every breath of wind, our rac- ing yacht resentitles a•great :;ird tin- der human control; and guided by a man's band: I can imagine no greater- happiness, than to be seated at the helm o[ the Shamrock, measuring a distance, judging a cross wind, serious, critical, with a practised eye taking the chat lenge and counter -challenge of my opponents in, the "ace. • From the moment we jockey for the best position on the starting line, off at gunfire, until the. moment of re- crossing the line—winning or losing, either is thrilling as long as the sport has been fiercely contested—it is one long, breathless pleasure. During the .race we are at , the mercy 01 two wflls—man's wilt and the wind's will, It is a contest with nature, sea and wind, and the triumph is more meritorious if the 'odds are against us. A yacht has character, individuality a soul. You can lavish affection on a yacht, it becomes a part of your Lite, and during racing days it Is your life! For over thirty years my Sham- rocks have provided me Nath unstint- ed happiness, and I know they have given groat pleasure to thousands of others, mostly landsmen, who have been thrilled by tate intense excite- ment of the international yacht races with America. This dose of happy excitement and thrilling expectancy will be repeat- ed again during the coming America Cup races fu September. With Shamrock IV., my last chal- lenger, we won two races out of five; this year with Shamrock V. we• hope to win at least three races, and snake sure. Tlhere can be nothing more thrill. ing in sport than a modern yacht race, both for the participators and tate spectators. It is a great and atisfying sport, simple and primitive n expression, and has its beginnings it the birth of human adventure. Keep Children Well During Hot Weather Every mother knows how fatal the hot summer months are to small child- ren. Cholera, infantum, diarrhoea, dysentry, colic and stomach troubles are rife et this time and often a pre- cious Iittle life is lost after only a few hours illness. The mother who keeps Baby's Own Tablets in the house feels ate. The occasional Use of the Tall- ets prevent atonach and bowel trete les, or it trouble comes suddenly— s It generally does* -the Tablets will ring the baby safely through. They re sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, A Revival & white wool skirt topped with a 1 sleeveless jumper worn over a ling-' b erie biouee is another new revival, ( a The jumper is belted In brown leath-: b er to carry out the sports alliance of a brown and white. Smart tennis! frocks wear meet origivat belts, often; I In color to match little Shauteng jackets. For Blisters - Minard's Liniment. Bingle: "When oa found that you had not got your fare, did the'con- ductor• of 'the tramcar make you get off and walk?" Mawls: "Only get off; he didn't seen to care whether I walked or sat down!" LUMBAGO? A pain in the lower part of your back can torture you. But not for- long, if you know about. Aspirin! These harmless, pleasant tablets take away the misery of lumbago, rheumatism, neuralgia, headaches, toothaches, and systemic pains of women. Relief comes promptly; is complete. Genuine Aspirin cannot depress the heart. Look for the Bayer cross, thus: ISSUE No. 34-'30 Love in the Winds By RICHARD HOVEY When L am standing on a mountain crest, Or hold the tiller In the dashing sprays My love of you leaps foaming 11i -my breast, Shouts with the winds and sweeps to, tlheir foray, My heart bounds with the horses of, the sea And plunges in the` wild- ride of the night, Flaunts in the teeth of tempest the large glee That rides out Fate. and welcome gods to fight, Ho, love, I laugh aloud and for love • of you, Glad that our love is fellow to rough . weather— No fretful orchid hothoused from the des`• But hale and hardy as the highland heather, Rejoiceing fn the wind that stings and thri'ils, • Comrade of ocean, playmate of the hills. S. ",Fashions are created in Paris but maids' in America.'—Princess Radzi. Will, 1 Have Minaret's Liniment on your shelf. 4�w1 Laffs How time files! It's now only a lit- tle over ittle;over three mouths until we'll all be swapping and same-to-you-ing again. The Modern Chicago Youth on, Christmas Morning Youth of Seven (crying as if his; heart would break and holding a .six- shooter in his hand) "Boo•hoo-oo!" Nearby -"What's the matter son?" Youth—"I wanted Santa Claus 10 bring mo one -with a pearl.handle." A wife is a personwho begins at the middle to squeeze a tube of tooth paste, Saving for a rainy day is a dry atilt - Sect to the spendthrift. It is not the quality of the neat but the_ytheerfuluess of the guests, that makes the feast. Five per cent. seems a pitifully small return on your money until you have tried -to get tea per mut, and lose your principal, She—"Where do alt the bugs go in winter?" lie-•-"Searek me," She -"No, thanks, I just wanted to know!' The Weekly Recipe Build a •little fence of trust around to- day, Fill the space with loving work, and therein stay; hook not through the shelteriug bare upon tomorrow, God will help thee bear what comes et joy and sorrow. Helen—"My sweetheart gave me a rainbow kiss." Edith—"What kind of "a kiss is that?"' Helen—"The one that comes after a storm." Our idea of a•man truly going down in defeat is one with falba arches. In a small church a child Was brought forward to be baptized. The young minister, taking the little one in his arms, said: "Beloved hearers, no one can foretell the future of this little child. He may grow up 10 be a great business man like Henry Ford, or a great labor leader like J. T. Thom- as, and it is possible he might become the Prime Minister of England." Turning to the mother, he inquired: "What is the name of the child?" "Mary Atm," was the reply. Sone cove is priceless, and some is couteut with as much alimony as it can get, Doctor -"Now young man, what have you get to stay for yourself?" Els Son (in for a licking)—"How about a little local anesthetic?" Many a man is In advance of his age —and most womenare behind in theirs, A daring chap suggests that telling women the exact truth about them- selves will do them good. Maybe, but we resign from that healing art right now. Our idea of a pessimist is the tetlow who rinses out a fresh sanitary cup direct from its sanitary container, be- fore ustug it, Some Hien have to pay the, mani- curist a fancy price just tor the, sake ot getting their hands held. Parting advice: Put a little water on the comb. We know a man who is so lucky that mice, when the street was lined with cars for blocks, another driver moved out just as he got to the point where he wanted to park, Pala Relieved by Heat --Article in The Literary Digest. Good idea: When somebody gives you a pain in the neck, just get hot under the collar, and the pain will melt away. A man dropped a bundle of laundry to the pavement yesterday aid broke both bottles. • Phonographs arenew used in Pari- sian telephone exchanges to ihtform users of certain stook phrases as: "Tire .line is occupied; cali again, Please," and "Tho number is changed; consult a new directory." -Minard's Liniment for Neuralgia. ley using a steel ball' as a diving chamber, a New York scientist has gone to a depth of 800 feet below the surface of the set. He carried eh a telephone conversation Isitlt people on the tug. 47 POUNDS OF FAT "I have been taking Krusehen Salts for nearly 8 months. I have continued taking one teaspoonful in warm water every morning. I then weighed 217 pounds, was always bothered with pains in my back aid lower part of abdomen and, sides. • "Now I ata glad to say I am a welt woman, feel much stronger, years younger and my weight is 170 pounds. I do not only feel !tetter but I logic better, so all my friends say. - "I shall never be without Itrugohen Salto, will never cease taking my daily dose and more than glad to highly commend it for the great good that is is it."—Mrs. S. A. Solomon. " P.S.—You may think 1 am exaggerating by writing such a long letter but truly I feel so indebted to you for putting out suoh wonderful salts that I cannot say enough," C�a<tl,l ;lilt rl°:�, Toilet Preparations bolightrwlly f.,•ognnl, highly derotopod toilet neeaesarIon—n moat retinh]e mot]md of nlonneing Cod bo utlfying alskin and ludr. 25e. end, ov ywboro Samples free of nCuUmh o $ x 2616, Montreal, al Gonads, Please tthe! = EIWEINNEMenaRioas 73'i) los VS OA OM SEA VA4E Iceland's New Stamp To commemorate the millenary' of til establishment of her government, the Aithiug, Iceland, has isued a ape - dal series of sixteen handsome post- age stamps. Their subjects recall Icelands' Vik- ing ancestry, and we see the intrepid Viking sailors braving a storm (5 aurar) in their winter camp (7 aurar), and naming the island according to their own custom (15 aurar), There are four stamps specially de- voted to the Aithiug and its history, Lake Thingvalla Vatn, near which, at Thingvellir, the first Affixing was held In 030, appears in the 30 aurar value. And we are shown this actual meeting in, progress on the 50 aurar specimen. in the 25 aurar stamp, wootigatherere of Iceland are depicted, Ludwig Hesshaimer, an Austrian engraver, who is responsible for pro- ducing the dies for these stamps, re- vives interest in. the Icetandie runes -- that country's ancient alphabet. He' has incorporated them in tate frames of several of the labels. "ESTABLISHMENT OF A PORT" "Establishment of a port" is the technical term for the time that elapses between. the moon's transit across the meridian at new or fall moon and the ohue ot high water at that place, and Is used as a basis for, the computation of the tides. The k andy Bottle Minard's ie - the sure relief in the Handy Bottle. For stratus, burns, bruises, bolls and blisters. Classified Advertising FOR SALE i11 A SEA SLED SCR SALO, MVI)EL lb, with new 22 H.P. Lvinrude mo.- tor, all in perfect condition, very Cast, absolutely safe. splendid fishing boat, has special sedan top: 'owner getting' larger mode. Now for .ed on Georgian !Bay.. Wilson Publishing Ce., 72 Adelaide• W.. T,roate, Sox 27 SITUATIONS VACANT START NOW — YOrr CAN Fatter money quickly, taking orders for tate most beautiful tine of Personal Christmas Greeting Cards over hewn is Canada.- Write for particulars. Regal Art Co,. 312 Spadina Ave.. Toront6- FOUR FROGS Four frogs buried for .17 years to the middle et a brick wait ot a Cana- dian penitentiary were found alive and well when the building was torn down recently. WWI ThelioneyllyCaldter You Must Do Your Bit in the war against the fly, carrier of germs and breeder of disease. It is proven that AEROXON ism* of the most convenient and most efficient means et combating this fly evil,' it is convenient, because of the pusispm It ,i hygemc. flies never get away when once caught. Eacf, 'spiral gives three weeks perfect service, BEWARE Op IMITATIONS Said at drug, grocery anda,du",e La Cie C. 0.Genesi & fils, Limited 9ne nitains, eve YOU .cm`s CRY in the night. Colic! No cause for alar ift m Castoria is handy. This pore vegetable prepara- tion brings quick comfort, and can never harm. It fs the sensible thing when children are ailing, Whether it's the stomach, or the little bowels; colic or constipation; or diarrhea. When tiny tongues are coated, or the breath is bad. Whenever there's need of gentle, re elation. Children love the taste of Castoria, and its mildness makes it safe for frequent use. And a more liberal dose of Castoria is always better Forgrowing children than strong medicine meant only for adult use. R i A' APPLICATIONS Are Filled As Far As Poseiblo In the Order In Which They Are Received, i "I have used several bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and find it helps me vend er fuit .tespe- cially before childbirthIhae five lovely children. After my last baby came I had a misera- ble pain in my right side so I bought another bottle of the Compound and I feel fine now. I work outside during the fruit season in addition to my housework." — Mrs. Charles Slingerland R.R. yf q, St. Cads- erines, Ontario. ONTARIO DEP&RTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Fardn Help Supplied Department of Agriculture for and Ontarioowilltt have of a number of Experienced Married Men With Their Wives and Families—Married Couples Without Children-. Also Single Men, aogeSseatintgg alte requiring Geo.. A. Elliott Wrote:. 01 golottlzatton Parliament Bldgs., Toronto, Oat, APPLICATIONS Offering Annual Work Aro Invariably Given the Preference. File Your Application et Once Ail Most Placed Subject to to Trial Period '� HON, JOHN S. MA.1�3' �Ir Mtn�ater of Adr►culturo zea