HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-08-07, Page 8R. H.' JOHNSON CLINTON ONTARIO UNER A Si E lar nBIgNTBD a-a<e Wad!. That 4bcrtis Pial: SFpoCfss F LY 'A MONTH OF SALES" WATCH THIS SPACE FOR SPECIATE CLEARING LINES EACH WEEK THIS WEEK'S MONEY SAVERS— MEN'S BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. All new per- lect goods, long sleeves, Iong drawers, clearing, garment ..49c MEN'S SILK COMBINATIONS, per Suit $1.00 FLANNELETTE 'BLANKETS, largest, 12-4 sipe, pink. or Blue Borders, per pair t $1.98' CHILDREN'S PANTIE DRESSES, • Past Colored Prints, nicely trimmed, Dress and Bloomers . 55c TWO CURTAIN SPECIALS Targe size panels, clearing at 49e Curtain Scrims about 3J, price. 15c per yd. Don't Fail to Get some of our MEN'S FANCY SOX at 2' pair for 25e WORK SOX, per pair 15c See Our New FIJI.L FASHIONED SILK HOSE, allthe new shades Special ' . . , .$1.00 We can save you money on Work Shirts, Running Shoes, Men's Oxfords and many other lines. t SPECIAL CLEARING OF MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS • Plumsteel Bios. ,....,,,.. QUALITY ' ' - ' VALUE * „ * '' SAVINGS NS STRONG AS ITS WEAKEST LINK We realize that in this age of competition, the store that has ne weak link in its chain of merchandising, ,will not last. So, it gill always be our policy in the future, as in the past, of offering My the highest grade of grcc`eries, of giving courteous and pleas - at service, of keeping our store and stocks clean and neat, and of !ways selling at the lowest possible prices. WE HAVE A FULL STOCIK OF' FRESH FRUIT AND c� VEGETABLES. The C. S.Grocerss BARGAINS * * SERVICE * * CLEANLINESS •' * COURTESY aravvraw.rp. fi. ;a�rr_+�r.. ' •t:.,�. �rrl11 2,7 `1 . . ar,• 1 lit„ + yi'.P. ap "f , •menti "Y<: DON'T FORGET THE KITCHEN - Here's good news for the thrifty housewife who appreciates the slue and usefulness of modern high grade kitchen ware. We have neatly reduced the pyices on all our Granitware as well as our hite, greyand colored enamel cooking utensils. You can now out - it your kitchen thoroughly and attractively at a fraction of what would ordinarily cost. [ERE IS A SMALL LIST OF ENAMELWARE; THE REST IS PRICED IN PROPORTION: and 14 BLUE WHITE PRESERVING KETTLE ACH , . QT. BLUE WRITE POTATO POTS ACH :., QT. BLUE WHITE DOUBLE BOILERS ACH . - PT. WHITE COFFEE POTS ACH DVERED SAUCEPANS, GREY ACH , , 49c 49c 49c 49c 25c Sutter & Perdue W YOU WOULD PROSPER! The first step toward, general prosperity depends on you. If m make your grocery purchases at one 'of the Superior Chain ;ores you are directly benefiting yourself. The money you spend. these stores stays right in 'your community, for every Superior ;ore is owned by an independent grocer -A member of your conn unity who pays 'taxes and Supports 'local .enterprises— when he 'capers the Community prospers, and as it goes 'with your eonr- nhity it goes with you. • WE • SELL THE' BEST FOR 'LI;;SS el. Corn Flakes, 2 for ..,19c Lux Toilet Soap, for a, smooth skin, 3 sakes , ,,21c Princess Soap FIakes, lge. 28c (trail pkg. free) Lealand Sweet nixed' Pickles, '30 'oz. . .. , ,.47c 12's 31c, l's 60c Chase & Sanborn's Coffee Green taint Peas, No. 2 -tin 25c Seeded or Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. 25c hipse, for quick lasting suds, large pkg. 19e• Isco. "best for frying, for 'Shortening, for cake making, l's 25c • spberry Janri, 40 oz. jar 39c lunbia Silent Matches, 07e ateau Cheese, spreads r slices . ... 19c nada Dry Ginger Ale pt20c SIDE' BACON„ BACK BACON, BOLOGNA SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK, ONLY G SUGAR SALE -THURSDAY, FR.DAY, AND SATURDAY WE INVITE YOU TO STOP AND SILOP AT T. McKNIGHT ei SON zNTOrI, .ONT. PIIONE YOUR ORDER EARLY PHONE 111 Stippose u had 3 iorsc And he defeated alt competitors, proved 'himself to be the fastest' horse heard about. Suppose he won from the next best horse not by a nose or a'neek but by quite a distance' and he cirri the same thing again and then again. Wouldn't he be some horse? , Tohim would be attached value. Now, let us talk Cup and Saucer:: We,bought•a case containing 36 doz- en, in value" it defeated all Cup and Saucer competitors, proved itself to bethe fastest selling Cap and 'Saucer' we ever heard about, it's sales ex- ceeded allother sales, not by just a few, but by many and we bought an- other case again and then again. It is some Cup and Saucer and to it is. attached big value for the price. We have awarded it a championship for selling 'speed. We now have it a- gain, it is a good white with gilt band; modern shape and well finish- ed, it's price is 15c. We also have an exceptional value at 10c. The o B. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best oN IIIIIIIIIIIIII!'°°'gimi onu out 1VIII Miss Jean and Master Charles Mutch are camping at Bayfield. Misses Draper left last week on a motor trip through Muskoka. Mass W. E. Thompson of Toronto is holidaying at her home in town. Miss Mary W 'atkins of London spent the holiday at her hone in town. Mr•, and Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes and family spent Civic Holiday at Port Stanley. Mr. Chas. Cole of London spent the week -end and 1Y8liday in Clinton and Stratford. Miss Marjorie Askey of London was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Cole over the holiday. Mr. Oliver Rands of Sault Ste. Marie. spent last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jabez Rands. Mr. Jack IGlutch of Detroit has been spending a holiday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mutch. Miss Ruby Irvin, who has been vis- iting her brother in the west for the past month, returned, hen* Tuesday. Mrs. Jack Glassford and son, Donald, of Chatham are visiting the lady's parents, M'Ir, and Mks. J. Watkins, 'Mary. street. Rev. Frank and Mrs. Herman and family of Bolton visited the form- er's mother add sisters in town over the week -end, Miss Libbie Gibbings of Toronto -is holidaying at the home of her brother, and sister-in-law, Yr. and Mrs. B. J. IGibbngs. Mr. and . Mrs. !I'. Nisbet Cook, who have been taking a honeymoon motor trip, spent the week -end 'with their respective parents in town. • Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Wiseman and lit- tle Miss Jessie of Windsor are vis- iting atthe home -of the former's parents, Mr. and MIs. 2. Wiseman of town. hiz'. Ephraim Brown left Friday last for Brock -ford, Ni., with a car- load of Liecester sheep; which will be shown at-zeveral fairs on the American side. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fisher and fam- ily of Stratford visited the ladies' parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Cole, over the week -end. MT. and Mrs. Stewart Paisley and sbns of Toronto visited the form- er's smother, Mrs. W, J. Paisley of town, over the week -end on their way frown ;;-I'uskoka, where they had been spending a holiday. Mr. M. T. Corless returned Saturday evening after attendinga conven. tion of the Ontario Equitable Life at Ottawa. At the conclusion of the canventon the Company ar- ranged a little trip down the St„ Lawrence, through the Thousand Islands, about twenty' taking it in, and it proved a very pleasant cruise. Mr. and Ma's. J. W. Treleaven and Miss Norma, who have bean spending some years at Timmins but have now moved to Lucknow, ere visiting at the home of litre. •Treleaven's brother, M. B. J. . Gibbings. Mr. Treleaven has . re- tired- from the. teaching .profession and has decided to reside, for a time at least, in his old home vil- lege of Lucknow. Mx. and Mrs. A,. T. Cooper returned Tuesday evening after a couple of nnonths',titiip to England. Mr. and AIxs. Cooper visited the former's brother in London, England, attend- ed the 'wedding of their . only son at Wimbledon early in July, and in eidentally did a good deal, of jaunt. `ing about and`, thoroughly enjoyed , their holiday. Mr. and Mgt. Willis C. Cooper are expected next week on a visit to their parents. 'MR CLINTON-NEN! RECORD 1 1 Please, Nom/ lel as how/e So lie of this cold mead`. TI•IURSDAY, AUGUST :7; 1960, , CLINTQ i'S ' BIG CORNEA •G OC.EERT FOR HOLIDAY SEASON Get your Picnic Supplies and Camping P g Suggestions at O'NE112S PICNIC SUPPLIES 1 Basket of Tomatoes 80c Picnic Ham Loaf 50c Picnic Size Olives 19c Plain and Stuffed 29c' Pickles, large bottle 49c FOR SALADS Crab meat, per tin 35c Chicken in Glass 85c Boneless Chicken, tin 38c Shrimps, per tin 24c Shelled Walnut, lb. 49c Mayonaisse, large 35c CAKES AND COOKIES Tasty Cookies, dozen 10c ISugar Cookies, lb. 25c Ginger Cookies 2 Ib. . 25c Fancy Cakes, Ib. 29c Ingersoll Cheese, 2 for 25c EVERYDAY PRICE LIST Gran. Sugar, 5 lb. 27c Rolled Oats, 6 lbs. 29c Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. 25c Comfort Soap, 5 bars 25c Red -Salmon, 3 -tins $1.00 Life Buoy Soap 3 for 20c Heinz Vinegar, gallon - 60c Morning Delivery: 9 and 11 a.m. Phone 4S 1044411MOWW41001100111.1011WININVVANOIAPAAMO FREE DELIVERY W. T. O' N BRUCEFIELD M"rss Ilair returned to our village Iast week after spending two weeks visiting friends in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McQueen and daughter, Sheila, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of the, former's parents. iMr. G. Forrest of London visited friends in Clinton and Br'ueefield this week. Mr. Jas.. Walker and his sister, Mrs. Mary Brown, visited friends in Sandusky, Michigan, last week. Rev. C. Mustard, an old Brucefieid boy, occupied the pulpit in the Uni- ted church last Sunday and preached two excellent sermons. 'Miss Viola Wheeler is spending her holidays visiting her brothers, Messrs: Austin and Norman Wheeler of Detroit. GODER.ICH TOWNSHIP Mrs, R. A. Elliott, Huron Road, had her tw,o nieces and their hus- bands from Detroit; llnr. and Mrs. Carty and Junior and Mr. and Mrs. Rich, for a little visit as they were home at Bayfield, for a short stay. While here they had their mothers name engraved on the monument in the cemetery, Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Green were sisters and it was a giref to Mss. Elliott that she was stricken with a heart and nerve at- tack when Mrs. Green died and at this time is under the Doctor's care. Mrs. Elliott's arid Mrs. Green's mother's name was Mary Beacom and she married George Hanly and Mss. Green's husband's name was Thomas Green, Miss Muriel Stirling, who Inas been holidaying at Windsor has returned home, accompanied by Miss Edna Brush of Amherstburg. Miss Dor- othy Stirling, who has been attend- ing the Ontario College of Art, To- ronto, has also returned hone. SVir•s. J. A. Mbc regor of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. Mason Stirling. Mrs, I._ Sloan of Toronto' spent the week -end at her home. Misses Jennie and Isabelle Leggate of Pittsburg, Pa., returned home af- ter spending several! weeks with their aunt, Mrs. John Torrance, Sr. Mr. and Mys. I. •Clegg and daugh- ter, Mildred and Mrs. H. Clegg and Miss Laving Knox of Toronto spent Sunday at 'the home of Mr. Jas. R. . Stirling. • The young people 'of Grace United Church held a+'picnic at Burkes Beach on Friday 'night. A.il enjoyable time was spent by all. .Miss Dorothy Rothwell is spending a few weeks vacation at her home on the Bayfield line. Mr. and Mrs, Brown Stewart at- tended a family picnic in London on Saturday. Mr. O'Neil, his son and grandson of Windsor spent the ' week -end with Mr,. and Mrs. Robt. CIuff. Mr. Milton O'Neil of .Windsor is visiting his sister, Mrs, Robt. •Cluff of the Bayfield line„ Mr.. and Mrs. Johan Young and children of Toronto are spending` their vacation at the home of the lady's parents, .1VIr. and. Mss. Frank Whitmore. Mr. and Mgt'. D. II. Baer and Miss. Betty returned to their. home -in De- troit on Tuesday after snendinre soma days visiting MgW. 11. Lobb and other, relatives: in this 'townsbip.` Mrs. Henry ' Corey has returned home after spending a' couple' of weeks with her daughter, Mxs. Har- i/ Wood of Paris, 'Ont; COOLING DRINKS: O'Kefs Ginger Ale large bottle 25c, C. & B. Fruit Cup 35c Welsh's Grape Juice, 33c Lime Juice 60c NUT CAKE 1-4 cup milk, 1-4 cup butter ' 1-2 cup Sugar 1 and 1-2 cup flour. 2 eggs, 1-2 cup nuts 2 and 1-2 teaspoonfuls of Baking Powder Bowes Baking Pow. 25c Afternoon Delivery: 2:30 and 5 p.m. 1 Where "Sells for Less"- Price ess"Price Prevails GIVE HIM AN EVEN BREAK "This ,vase is 2,000 years old. Be very careful in carrying it. "You can depend on me, Professor, Pll be'as careful of it as' if it were new."—Munich Lastige Blaetter, CQA,L & COKE We have on_ hand a Carload of Block Threshing Coal Price Right. W. J. MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. PHONES: 48w and 46j This is a very Special Loaf with Plenty of Fruit and Nuts. SPECIAL 20c Have you tried- our Butter Tarts? " Oh! SO GOOD " See and Taste our Boston Brown Bread Wendorf's Bakery MAKERS OF "Whole Wheat and "Snowflake" BREAD WHEN YOU. MOW YOUR. LAWN The 'lawnmowers we carry have high, oversize wheels, ball -bearings, self sharpening blades and cutter bar, an easily adjustable roller, and other features that are necessary for smooth and easy cutting of' grass. 14 inch width, 4, blades. Other sizes also in stock.. T. HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 yio You Will Find Some Real Snappy AR DURING OUR MID -SUMMER SALE We,must reduce our stock and it will pay you to drop in and see our special values in DINING ROOM SUITES BEDROOM SUITES, CHESTERFIELD SUITES, KITCHEN CABINETS, VERANDAH CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS AND GRASS MATS We are especially are showing the very a west styles our and cit will do you goods to see them. You'll be surprised at the prier:. SPECIAL OFFER IN MARSHALL MATTRESSES A slip cover given absolutely Free with every Marshall Mat- ress sold from now until the end of August. This offer is for matresses ranging from $28.00 to $52.00, fully guaranteed. Clinton'Hardware & Furniture Co. Funeral Directors Monument Dealers The Store with a Stock Hardware Phone, 195 Furniture Phone 104 CURED MEATS Roll Shoulder, lb....., . .....3be P. M. Cottage Rolls, lb. ..30c Cottage -Rolls, lb. 32c SPRING LAMB Leg of Lamb, only .. 35c Lamb Chops . 35c Loin of Lamb 32c Rib Roast Lamb 30c Shoulder of Lamb ..,28c Lamb Stews . 25c Everything in Cured Pork as usual. 111 Threshing Roasts, lb. 20c Chuck Roasts Beef, lb. 20c .Neck Boil, lb. 17e Brisket, lb, 12e Shanks, lb, . 10c Bologna; in' piece 230 Ring Bologna. , 25e Liver Sausage 25c 'Weiner's, 2 grades 25e and 28c Sumner Sausage .. ..... 25e Roast Pork . 55c Shortening, per lb. 16e Sandwich Pork Loaf 45e Boneless Corned Beef 22c Hamburg 20c Head Cheese 20c Sausage 22c VEAL AND IAMB FOR WEEK -END CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET Phone 162 ;f ,it•'IWp;s'sy"'—,'",`;: Huron Street. To the People of Clinton and .District. Having purchased the plant and business of the Thomas Ater Kenzie Estate, we purpose operating the Planing Mill and conducting a general business in ROUGE AND DRESSED LUMBER, WOOD•.AND PATENT SHING- LES. DOORS. SASE AND A COMPLETE LINE • OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES ALSO COAL, WOOD, CEMENT, LIME, GYPROC, GASOLINE. ETC., ETC. Orders filled for any quantities ,of Hard or Soft Wood. We solicit the -patronage of the people of this district and assure them•that our aim will be to give satisfaction to every cnstomer, Estimates given on buildings of every description. THE CLINTON LUMBER COMPANY'. BAECIILER, Proprietor) ,