HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-08-07, Page 5"TIIURSDA:Y,iA,1J;GUST:7, 1.630 OF INTEREST ,TO YOU AND ME The days .are .becoming' noticeably` .shorter. ' If they do get -this television work- ing properly wonder 'if ore -will be ,able to sit in one's own porch and see, as well as hear the neighbor's -radio program? They' say that before the next elec- tion we shall not only he able to sit .. at home and hear f the political. speakers, but also' see them. Well, it depends' whether that would be a boon. Sometimes hearing them is quite enough of an ordeal.;' We have heard some grumbling a- bout the beat the past week or so but it has been nc(thing here to What it has been across the American bor • der, either for heat or drought. But we do freed rain. If we could have •a full day's rain we could stand the heat all eight The Kitchener Relief Committee, an organization which has been look- ing after the families of those who :have beenaunable to secure employ- ment, have given notice that relief 'will be realised the corning winter to those who have been buying liquor. • This seems a sensible arrangement. -Men who are earning money during' the summer and spend it in liquor 'instead of saving for a future need do not deserve charity. But what of their dependent families? Probably - they would be only too glad to have them spend the money for milk, but- ter and fruit instead of beer if they could compel it. Could khat Liquor Control Board exerci a any more control over those permits? Quite ' •aside from all political questions. can anyone give any real :good reason why Canada, which ev- erybody will describe as an agrieul- tural conntiY, should not produce enough butter to . satisfy her own market? The contention .was made by a speaker in Clinton during /the late eleeton campaign that the res- • - son Canada did not produce enough 'index was because' she was export - 'lug so much cream and making more money out of ijl. Well, there is nothing to be said against selling all the creampossible, but nobody • supposes that Canada is producing all the dairy products of which she is capable. If Canada can make more money by shipping cream to the 'United States than by manufac- turing butter, well and good, per ''haps. But she is not producing to capacity, else there would be no market here for outside butted. And the cream which is shipped to the United States is just.likethe paper pulp or other rate material shipped. It has to be manufactured before be- ing put upon the market. If the Uni- i ted States creameries can buy it from Canada and manufacture it into butter at a profit, why cannot Canada manufacture it herself ? 'That is just what Canada needs, work for her own people so that her »opulation is built up and a strong hone market maintained. That there is such a market in Canada for daily products seems to point to a decided weakness in the Canadian dairy industry. ' It is to be hoped, smite aside from the advantage or -the disadvantage of any government m• political party, ithat some solution of these economic, questions may be -found. --4 BAYFIELD The fololwing is from The Mile- stone, (Sask.) trail, and refers to the marriage of the daughter of a for- mer resident: A wedding of much interest took place in the United Church, Wilcox, Wednesday,, July 23rd, when. Ruby Laura, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Johnston, Wilcox became the bride of . Edwin Bruce :Sparring, only son of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Sperling,. of Wilcox. Bev, George Dix, of Botharm, performed, the ceremony, assisted by Rev. McLean, of Wilcox, and Rev. B. How=. aid, of Arcola. The bride was attired in a gown -of white georgette with veil and orange blossoms and carried a show- •er bouquet of ophelia roses and lily . of the ' valley. She entered the .church with her father to the strains of the wedding , march played by Miss 'Genevieve Thompson. • 'Miss Alva Sperling, only sister -of the groom, was bridesmaid. She wore a frock of apricot. georgette 'with hat in tones to match. ' Her -bouquet was of sweet peas and -baby's breath. Mr. Kenneth Johnston, ;brother of. the bride, was groomsman, and Messrs. Harold Burton and Hioward' Clements acted as ushers. The church, which was crowded to .capacity, was decorated with flowers :and ferns, the_ ceremony taking place in front of a bank of ferns and pot- ted plants. During the sighing of the register 'Miss Essie Jarrett, of Estevan, sang "Because." After the cereinony a luncheon was served to about sixty guests at • the home of the bride's ;parents. - In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Sperling left by motor for Regina ;and Katepwe, The bride - travelled In an ensemble of -Vendome blue silk 'crepe with hat • of sand mohair and brown fox fur. ; • An, event of muni interest amongst :golf enthusiasts was the play on Saturday at the ?Bayfield"Golf and' 'Country Club fir the, President's. prize. „The,' first. prize, .a. silver cup, was won hp J. M, McLennan, who -Payed e ::very' fine, game and turned in a 42 -And 40 for a gross 82 and a< net of 63: Joe haa the making of a top notch, golf "player as he is only, 16 ears old' and lays. an unusually, ;' yP y„ - steady game W. b Stevenson won '2nd prize : and C. - R Will• • the : 3rd prize. The 4th prize was tied by L. /aerate'. and A. Seppnick, 'The fol- .. -rowing is the score of triose ' who'. •entered the competition J; .Meter - hen, 63 W D. Stevenson,; 73; C. R. Will, ,74; J. W. Jowett, 64; L. • W Burch, 75; E. A. Millsap, 77; . G. N Kennedy, 76; Dr. -A, Newton -Brady,' 80; Dr, R. L. Shields, 75; J. A, Cam- eron, 76 Mr. Martin, 79; Bab Will, 79; A. Suppnic1, 85; ,,'Lee Baragar, 85. • The `weather wasdeal and: all enjoyed the opportunity for coria Petition afforded by the president, J. W. Jowett, and . expressed their pleasure in the tournament. "The anniversary services in St, Andrew's United church were •both well attended on Sunday. Rev, J. N. Gould of Grape United Church, St, Thomas, preached * at both morning and evening service and gave most forcible and inspiring sermons. ` In the morning he spoke on the "Trans- figuration,' and, in the evening he drew a sharp contrast •between Mos- es of whom' it was said "That, he wist not that his face ,shone," and Samson " "Who wilt not that ' the Lord had departed from him." •The choir of the church contributed suit- able and well -rendered anthems. Mr. Eric Chapman of London was the soloist in the -Morning and Miss Mary R. 'Stewart of Clinton gave a fine vocal selection' in the evening. •111r. Robert A. Elliott had a nar- row escape from having his home burned on Saturday morning: Iris son, William R. Elliott, discovered the kitchen 'roof ablaze shortly after eleven o'clock and it took him and his brother, Tom, and Mrs. Elliott somelittle time to puff the fire out, although fortunately, they had plen- ty of water close at hand. ' A hole about eight feet square was burned in the roof. It is thought that it was caused from a spark from the chimney. , ' 81iss Kathleen Orr met with an accident on Monday morning when out bathing ' in the lake. She with. her two brothers and some friends sail in their shall sa 1 b oat and had been in the water. She was sitting on the -stern of the boat when she slipped off 'into the Water and cut a nasty gash on her left leg on the as she o t. A soon rudder of the b s a waa in the boat again they imme- diately put 'back- to the harbor and rushed her to the office of Dr. A. Newton -Brady, who found it neces- sary to put in fifteen stitches to close the wound. Amongst those who have spent the past month in our midst and re- turned -to their homes are: Mr; and Mrs. O'Meara and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jenkins and family, Mrs, M.eMalton and dangl>iter, Dr. and Mrs. E. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Walden and family, Mrs. L. ;Tiles and little Son, London; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shannon, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Swift, MS:.°'and Mrs. D. S. Ciuff and daugh- ters, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. bfoLaughlin and family, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Willits•and family Detroit; Ma. and Mrs. A. Lumsden and family, Mr. ani/ Mrs. H. H. Truitt and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Pearson and family, Royal Oak,• Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Moser and family, Waterloo. Dr. and lvirs. Williams and two boys of Aurora are guests at the Lakeview hotel. Mr. and has. F. G. Scbtchmer and family of Kitchener are spending two weeks at Bayfield in Mrs. R, Scotchmer's cottage. Mr. and 11$'rs. Norval Gemeinhardt and little daughter, Doris, of Sagi- naw, Much., are spending the week with his parents. J3ir. and Mrs. M: J. Butler of Clin- ton spent Sunday with the latter's sister, Mis. Win. Heard. Mrs. A. Welch and daughter, Ag- nes, of Mimieo and Kenneth Baker Of Toronto are with Mrs. A. Biggart this week. 1VIrs. bred Davison left on Satur- day to visit her parents in Colborne township, after having visited -with Mrs. Jno. Davison. Mk, and Mrs. A. Ford King and' little son, Douglas, returned to their hone in Toronto on Sunday after having visited his parents. •Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight and babe of Toronto visited over the week -end with Mrs. Knight's par- ents, Mr: and Mrs. F. Gemeinhardt. /Visa Evelyn Gemeinhardt who has been with her sister in Toronto for several Weeks accompanied them home. Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Perry and fam- ily of Windsor are in `Mrs. Ross' cot- tage, Stun -It Ain. M;r. and Mrs. Jas. Ford of Clinton are . oceupying one of Robt. Heard's cottages at the Point. Mr, and Ma's. Peter and family and Mr. E. A. Ball of Startford are at their cottage. Dr. and Mrs. S. N. Best and fam- ily of London are in Deer Lodge Park for the month- of August. Mrs. Kendall -and daughter, Betty,. of Detroit arethe guests of /n:: and Mrs. L. M. Day at their cottage. - Mr. and Mrs., -E. V. Buchanndn and family of London are occupying the Shannon cottage in Lakeside Park. Mr. and Mrs, =C. B. Chapman and family' have returned to their cot- tage for the month of Augush. •Mrs. A. Catling and son, Jim, of Port Stanley are spending' a week with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Sturgeon. Mr. Geo. Tamblyn and family are in a cottage in Jowett's ,Grove this month, Mr. and Mrs. E. Schnell and guest, Mrs. Fontaine. of Detroit are oecupy- ,ing their cottage, Belle Vue. • Mr. and Mrs. Jermain and familia of London' are in pne-.of the .Heard. cottages. ' Mrs. David Prentice .of Toronto spent the week -end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dipper of Bowinan- ville and Miss Potter of -New York are in John Pearson's cottage for the month of August. • • Miss M. 'Shively, who has 'been' with Miss J. Stirling for the - past two months and Miss M. Robson -re- turned to Toronto on Wednesday. Misses Irene and Sara ht. Ross re- turned ,to Toronto -'on Saturday after „having , oisited with their 'parents, Mr. ,and Mrs:,'M. Ross. • ,111,4ss Ruth Houaston of London was home- over the week -end: 11T17. and Mrs, W. G. Livingston and family of Detroit are oceapying a i,btfage in Jowett's .Grove, :Mr. and Mfrs.' R.ov Pott of Peron to were the guests, .of {the latter's THE : CLINTON-NEWS RECORD parents, Mr._ and 107s. W. R. Jowett, over the week -end. Mr. and •Mrs. Pearson. Grieves ' and babe of Buffaloo`, are guests at the Albion Hotel, • Mrs S. E Briggs of. Toronto is a guest at Miss' Norah Ferguson's. Master Frank Heard of Clinton is visl'cing at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Emmerson Heard, Mi'. E. Hunt of London is spend- ing this week with his aunt, Miss E. Hougbton. ,Mr. R., W. llodgins is visiting his mother, 14as. A. G. Hodgins. Rev. and Mrs. Lang Ford and Mr. 'and Mrs. Bricker of Kitchener are occupying a cottage in Jowett's Grove, ' - Mrs. R. W. Bristol of Washington, D.C., arrived on Tuesday to spend a vacation in Miss M. E. Garrett's cot- tage. 1VIr. and Mrs. F. G. Neelin went to Seaforth on Friday to spend a few days at their home there; - Misses R. Wallace, K. Reath and D. Kirkwood of Kitchener are spend ing a vacation in the village. Dr. and Mrs, E, P. Lewis of To- ronto are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Woods ;this week. Mr. and gas. Victor Burt of Lon- don spent the week -end with her parents. The dance held in the Pavillion on. Monday night through the courtesy of E. R. Weston, under the auspices of the Bayfield Golf and Country' Club was well patronized and much enjoyed by all present. Brown's or- chestra from Stratford supplied splendid musicfor the dance and the • Paul Jones, Cap dance, ;balloons and ribbon dances addedmuch to the fun and made it altogether a very de- lightful affair. Rev. and Miss. Bernard M. John- ston of London are holidaying in Bayfield. Mx. and Mrs. George lif. Fisher, Munne°, Ruth, Helen, Miriam and Jean of Waterloo were the guests of their aunt, Mrs. F. A. Edwards, on Sundy. Ruth an a . Misses Helen re- mained mained for a longer visit. bliss Eleanor Smith of Torotno is the guest of Misses Elva and Anne Dewar. HOLMESVILLE Mts. F. Wrgglesworth ' and two boys, Miss Stevens and MT. Berne of Georgetown, spent the week -end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mulhol- land. All attended the fireman sports at Kincardine, Mr. H. Wriggles - worth taking home the Silver Cup. 'Mr. Wm. Bedard, his daughter and her husband, Mr. and. Mrs, Are - buckle of Detroit were renewing old acquaintances in this community the i past week. • Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ward and Betty of Elmira were guetss of Mrs. Ward's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. Cudmore over the week -end. Mrs. L. W. Marsh who has-been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mac - Math for the past few weeks return- ed to her home in Belleville this week. '1V1;r. and Mrs. L. Birch of Detroit who have 'been on a motor 'trip to New York city and spent the week- end with Mrs. Birch's parents, Mr. and Mks. J. Mulholland, returned home on Monday. The annual Tebbutt reunion which was to have been held Wednesday' afternoon of last, week at Conodale on the Maitland, was postponed on account of theasudden death of Mrs. Alfred Tebbutt of Goderich. Mr. Linford W. Moore of Niagara Falls N.Y., who was visiting relatives in the community rendered a solo in fine voice at,tbe morning service in Holmesville church an' Sunday. He then went into Clinton, where he aI- so sang in Wesley -Willis church, LONDESBORO Misses Mary and Esther Jainiesart have returned home after a vacation at Franklin Park, 'Georgia Bay. air. and Mfrs. E. Crawford had their daughter and family . of Nia-' gara Falls with them over the week- end. Mrs. R. Youngblutt has returned after spending the past two weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. Pipe of Goderich. Mr, and Mas; Norman Carter and family visited. at the home of Mr. Tom Adams on Sunday. Mr. and M's. IL Morris and daughters, Alwyn and Velma spent a few days with their aunt, M'rs. J. Manning, recently. The community picnic, which ,was held last' Thursday, was a decided •success and everyone enjoyed a pleasant afterndon at breezy Bay- field. Mrs. Barker and children are spending their vacation at the lady's parents, Ma'. and Mrs.' Fingland. The Rev. J. W. Johnson of the United church with wife and family are holidaying at their cottage, Birch. Cliff. The Rev, Mr. Forster of Kncx•chuich is taking the union services for ;the month' of August, the preaching will be in Knox church on. Sunday at 10 ann. and Sunday seboal immediately afterward at both churches. E. Bell spent the week -end at the home of her niece, • Mrs. J. E1- lis of Westfield? CONSTANCE .. MVI5ss Volet Scott of Toronto , is spending a few days' vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and *Vers. John Scott. • Mi. and Mrs. Rat. Grimoldby and Miss Olive returned- on Wednesday front :Toronto -after spending a week there at • the home of their sister, Ma. 'and Mis, Roy Barnett, Mrs. Jelin Sherrill of Detroit and Mrs., David Wright of Algonac spent. a few days' at the house of Mrs. Thos. Pollard returning or Monday. 'Miss Phoebe Wakefield ,;and Mir. Harold Glazier acconipenied theta as far as London. Mrs. Joe Nioltolsfon, Sr., and ,Mes-, srs. ,Dan, and; Will T icholson• of Wal; Cut Flowers Wedding Boquets Funeral. Designs Sent anywhere on. Short Notice Special attention to out-of-town or- ders. Chas. V. Cooke Two Phones -66w and 661 r 1. CARO OF THANKS .. , . 50e MEMORIAL -VERSE PER LINE ., .,;..lOc MARRIAGES CLARKE—BALLANTYNE--iAt the home of the bride's parents„ on August, 2nd, by the Rev. 1114. Bell, ,Stratford, Blanche Muriel, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs.' John -Ballan- tyne, St, Pauls, Ont., to Clifford G. Clarke, Hamilton, son of Mrs. !Lancelot Clarke, Bayfield. COOPER—CAIRDI--Alt -St. Mary's church, Wimbledon, England, , on July 12th, by Canon Munro,' Flor- ence, second daughter of Sir And- rew and Lady Caird of Argyle Lodge, Parkside, . Wimbladon, to Willis Clark Cooper, only son of 111r. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper of Clinton. • BIRTHS WOOD—In Paris, Ont., on August 3rd, to Mi. and Mrs. Harry Wood (formerly Mabel Corey), a 'daugh- ter.. •S R ELL—A t Fort William ham, Ont., nn July 28th, to Mr. and /i;rs. John Sorell, (formerly Miss Mary Mc- Intosh), a daughter. ton spent Sunday at the home of and Mrs. Adam Nicholson. Mrs. McArthur and three children of Goderich spent Sunday and Mon- day at the home of the lady's sistdr, Mrs, Adam Nicholson. - her. and Mrs. Wilson and " Mr. Jaek and Miss Mary Moore of To- ronto spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. W m. Moore here. 1V1'r, Percy McMichael wears a broad smile these days. A little daughter having arrived at his home one day last week. Congratulations. Mr. Harold Colclough and Mx. Charles Wakefield spent the week- end at Blenheim. • The community was saddened on Monday to learn of the death of Mrs, Wilson Sundercock, which occurred on Sunday afternoon. She had not been in the best of health for sonic time but her death was quite unex- pected, she - hieing seriously ill only a few days. She Ieaves to mourn 'her loss her husband and a family of five children, besides several broth- ers rothers and sisters. The sympathy of the community goes out to those who are so sorely bereft. 'AUBURN Mr. and Mrs. W. Conway and fam- ily of Woodstock called. on friends in the village on Monday. Mr: and Mrs..Gormley Thompson of 'London spent the week -end at the homes of their -parents here. Messrs. Geo. and Kellner Dawson left on Saturday for a week's vaca- tion at Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. A. lit Riee and son Garth, returned last week from a very enjoyable holiday itt Northern Ontario, and returning by Detroit where they visited friends. Dr. and Mrs. Weir, Josephine and Jack, are at Strathroy, 'the Doctor's home town, attending the Old Boy's and Girls' reunion, being held there this week. Miss Lottie Lawlor has taken a position in Goderich, Rev. W. J. Mortirnore and Mrs. Mortimore and son, Arthur, left on Thursday for a (three weeks' camping holiday at Kincardine. 'Miss Annie Sturdy has gone to London to take treatment. She was accompanied by Miss L. Harrison. Mr. and 1VIx's. Geo. Patterson and daughters of Toronto, have been vis - tors at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Weir the past week. Mass Ethel Washington is holiday- ing at Bayfield this week. 'Mrs. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor are visiting in Detroit this week. . - The 'members of the Auburn Band were down to Strafthroy an Monday and took part in the celebra- tion there. TUCKERSMITI The second annual Fear picnic was held at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on Saturday, August 2nd)' in honour of Mrs. Ellen Fear, M,imico,, who was celebrating her 75th birthday. Other, guests of honer were - Mrs. Alex. Smith and M'rs. John ,Jackson, Brus- sels,; and -Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Blyth. There were thirty three present, some members of the family motor- ing up . from Miinico to spend the week -end at Tuck'ersmikh and Blyth. A. merry company of folk; seven- teen ears in all, from. the 2nd con - Cession of Tuckersmith motored to Bayfield blast Thursday evening. Af- ter a dip in the lake a fire was built, weiners roasted .and all enjoyed a .Bench of -hat dogs; pie and coffee, After whish' a jolly hour Was rspent in song and .story around a large, hau,. Eire Mrs Ellen Fear- of /imtea spentnt. last •week' at the.' home. of `her • son. hhfia.^G„ll.'Fear, 2nd .concession, and also called on • IVirs. .E. L. Mittel/ and Mrs. J. R. Pluresteel of the London Clinton's New ?Laid Egg And Poultry House Eggs bought aeeording to •Dorriin- ion Government Egg,'Regulations. 'Inquire for our prices of eggs. You will always find our prices par allel with the city markets, Fat hens and welhfiniahed chicks always wanted—Prices good. • Always'phone our office far prices before marketing produce. N. W.'rrewartha Phones—Office, 2145 Residence, 214w ■ s TIONALFARM AGENCY n SellYouir Farm! -=then LIST” IT with the. Agency that GUARANTEES ` YOU the •. BIGGEST MARKET of Bonafide ,juyara. the NATIQNAL• FARM AGENCY receives MORE IN- ' QUIRIES for Canadian Farms from Canada and Other Parts of 1. 1 the World .than an other,aimaar M Agencies combined. S—EV,rFRY FARM' Listed and Ac - vented IS ADVERTISED in oar OWN NATIONAL PUBLICA- r TIONS—Thousands circulated an- nually ALL a-nually.ALL OVER the World. ■ —if YOU have a Farm or Other Property You WANT TO SELL; ' see the nearest NATIONAL: IIIAGENT, or write AT ONCE to Head Office, and wowill send for- ward a Special Repre- ® mutative of -NATIONALFARMAGENCY uasuna LIIMfTED e,n,tw Toronto + Canada 1 LOCAL AGENT RAY LONSWAY Box 412, 'Clinton. 78-3. HURON ROAD EAST Mr. and Mrs. Clarence : Ball have returnedt to their- home h m a Grosse Ile, Mich., after a, fortnight's visit with "their •respective parents, My: and Mrs. 3. E. Ball and Mr. and Mss. 'Win, Crittenden of the London road. Now Teach Him the Crawl Stroke Clergyman' to *s. Jones whose child has just been christened: "Oh. Mrs. Jones I. have never seen a child that has behaved so well at a christening." - Mrs. Jones: "Well you see, it's because my husband and I have been practising on him with a watering can for a whole week." ' Labor Meets in West The forty sixth annual convention of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada will be held in Regina, 'be - •ginning September 8th. This is the first time the convention has been held iirthe province of Saskatchewan. The Gee -Gee is Laughing Last The true value of horse sense is clearly shown by the fact that the horse was afraid of the automobile during the period in which the ped- estrian laughed at it,—The Louis- ville Times. CARD OF THANKS Mrs .John A. Walker and son de- sire to extend their thanks to the neighbors and friends for the kind- ness shown during the illness of Mr. Walker and their sympathy in their bereavement. Also to all who sent flowers and loaned cars for the fun- eral. Calf Strayed A roan yearling strayed from the premises of the undersigned on Sun- day last. Information regarding same will be thankfully received. W. G. Moffatt, London road.. Phone 619r32, Clinton central. 78-1. Hot. Dogs, Etc. Hot dogs, ice cream, pie, etc., will be served in front of the Public Lib- rary on Thursday evening by the L. 0.B.A. proceeds in aid of the Orange Orphanage, 78-1. • • House for Sale or Rent An eight-rcorned house on Joseph street, with conveniences, garage and in good state of repair. Pos- session September 1st. A. 13'. Johns, Fonthill,, Ont. 77-4. Pullets and Baby Chicks Try our Bred -to -lay Barred Rock pullets fel/winter layers, hatched in March, . will be ready for laying house in July'. Also Baby Chicks, $15.00 per hundred. D. M. Lindsay, Hedge Row Farm, R. R. No. 3y Clin- ton. 67-th. New Agency I am agent for the `Melotte Cream separator and separator supplies, old separators, any make, taken on a new one; also electric pumping out- fits, electric motors and grinders. F. H. Powell, R. '•R. No.' 3, Clinton, phone 607r4. 72-tf. House For Sale 7 -room 'house, hardwood £lours in front part of house, town water and lights. Garage and chicken pen. Half acre lot' with fruit trees. - Ap- ply to John W. Nediger, Clinton', 59-tf. Auction Sale A sale of Household Effects will be held' at the, residence, Albeit street,;olt SaturdayAugust 9th, com-, ineneing at 1.30 p.m. as iiollews: Living room furniture; bed room furniture; 4;beds; 4 inatresses' and springs; 3 rugs; stair ea"rpet; : hall runners • (17 yds); "5- tucker's; small tables; 2 jardiniere .stands; mantle pluck sewing machine; pic- tures. ;kitchen chairs; Boal • range (water, heater); wood stove, bureau with large drawers; kitchen utensils;, lawn mower, garden tools.• Albert R, 1Vlutehell, Proprietor,,.. G H, El -a .hiott, Auctioneer. ,,, i , 77-2. • htitatiniatinteatitallatfalltalat CEIMA This 'is the 'bug season. Wage war on the with Climax. Bug Killer. For use onpotatoe beets, cabbages, lettuce, rose bushes, etc. NAPTHA GAS, guaranteed pure. GILSON NO. 21Steel Plough Share fit any21 plough alsoQuebec S ' P g Sulky. GARDEN AND _ HAY TOOLS, lair/ co Y plete Stock, S HARVEST SHOES, , Pa,:co dole Price $2.99 11 Miller .Hardware Co. TELEPHONE 58 CLINTOI VlaROMOOMMOInglie G. H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures. and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs Phone ' Eggs and Poultry • Home on Tuesday and Friday fore- noon to take in Poultry. Eggs handled at residence every day—graded by an experienced grad- er,e highest hiohwe payL'li h h for w g market prim.' • Cream purchased for Stillman's. A. E. Finch Viking Cream Separator Agent, Victoria St., Clinton Phone 281 ATTENTION OF MOTORISTS The Safety Responsibility Law' of Ontario effective Sept. 1, 1930. Every Motorist is vitally affected by this law. Unless a motorist is prepared to pay for the damage he may do to the person or property of others, he should not drive a car without the protection of Insurance. HAROLD C. LAWSON Phone 208 Clinton, Ontario. Insurance of all kinds Agent for "Mutual Life of Canada" NEW POTATOES 2 iib Chickens ALIVE 35c EACH DRESSED 50c EACH PULLETS, BREEDING COCKER- ELS AND YOUNG HENS ' En La M i ttell Phone 213, Clinton 58-tf. WHY IS IT? Why do clients of many years standing continue to send us their troublesome collections? Why is the volume of business we handle increasing so 'rapidly? Because our service is eminently satisfactory and our rates reason- able. 1890 1930 KELLY & AIICEN Tho Collection Specialists Guelph, ORANGEVILLE, OwenSound 70 -Om -P. Slabs For Sale Orders left at my residence will receive prompt attention. E. Ward, Huron street, Clinton, phone 155. 67-tf. NOTICE TO CREDITORS - In th Estate of William Gunn. Deceased NOTICE is hereby given that all persons' having claims against , the estate of William Gunn, . late of the Town of Clinton, lir the County of Huron, Physician, deceased,s who died on or about the third day of May A.D., 1930, are required to de- liver to The Toronto General' Trusts Corporation, the Executor , 01 the said estate or F. Fingland, Solicitor, on or before the nineteenth day of August, A.D. 1980, - a full state- ment of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities' if held by them all duly verified by affidaivt. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last inentiened 'date' the said' ,Toronto :General Trusts Cor- poration . will proceed to distribute the estate of the said . deeeased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to sueh claims as it shall have received due notice and in accordance • therewith. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this. 28th day•of July A.D., 1930. P. FINIGLAN0, ,.Clinton, t Ontario, Solicitor forthe said estate.' 77,3, RUPTURE SPECIALIST, Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose ' Abdominal Weakness, Spinal D ity.Consultation Free. Cali or 3, G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downi Stratford, Ont. 10 l • Clothes ,Cleaned and Press Clothes cleaned, pressed an paired. Woollen goods dry el Rooms over Heard's. Barber W. J. Jago. - 22 Keep Warm LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHR MINEHEAD ALBERTA CAR OF GOOD THRESHING NUT COKE AND DOMESTIC COKE A. D. McCartne Coal Dealer Queen Street Telephon Implement Age I handle Coekshutt imple and cream separators, Pros Wood Implements and carry and repairs for same. I am also agent for Allis, mess Tractors, .- Those wishing to inquire any of the above kindly call a residence. JOHN V. DIEI•IL, Queen Street, Clinton. McCormick -Deering Agen Having taken over the abov envy for this district I will ke hand a full stock of repairs and of all McCorniiek-Deering mai and will appreciate a share of patronage of the farmers' surou Clinton. Call at my shop, next do Jones' blacksmith shop, King e W. J. STEWAR Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w' Clh ito Wl•1E13 IT Col' To HAPPV 111 GIVE' THE X OFC/ - TO TME HEA';' MEN! Step up and place bets on the Heat Folks. If yo to win themain heat next order this_ thoroyghbred coal Here' is coal that skirts from and wins in a walk.You have side bet and can win by odds atable•the Heat' Folks in -you now. Here is a sure tip: c1 alt6e oonttitRig for goad, clean coal CL C ''PHONE 74 111 MPA CDN'