HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-07-31, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY ,31,1930-,
AND ME . .
'Tomorrow is the first day of ti
eighth month of 1930:
Italy had an earthquake last weel
:and many, casualties, e Canada h
.few earthquakes, she satisfies he
:thirst for thrills by turning out
,government" once in a while and di
^so quite emphatically on Merida;
elle' casualties • were quite heavy. •
Hospitals are nodoubt very wb,
derful institutions and no doul
=others and babies; get the best so
of attention, but babies, born in ti
old home never get mixed up , wi
:some other baby, causing heai•tburi
ings and uncertainty as to whet
-they ,belong.
* n M *
A few weeks ago the Brantfor
Expositor apologized for calling t
.London Free Press a Liberal papa
-and new we read where it quote
something from the "Miele and I
,pare." When elections are ove
we're going across to take a look
ebbe editor's permit.—Stratford Be
con -herald.
But is The Exrpositor run under
dpermit ?
* * r
We offer condolences to our co
.frero; Bro. Robertson of The God
_rich Signal in failing of election i
North Huron on Monday.. We ca
.only say that he is not by"any mean
the first goad man defeated. Axa
:.he should know what a man oug
;to "if 'at first he doesn't succeed.
Here's to better luck next tim'e,, I
,is long since Huron hada represen
• . tative of the press in, parliament.
Monday, election day, was ,ho
We make that statement without an
:fear of successful contradiction, a
old-fashioned orators used to say. T
was a sweltering day, indeed,: au
poor mortals went about their dell
'duties with languid step and a Iong
ing remembrance of former giimps
.of large, coot. sheets of water an
fanning breezes. The day was har
enough upon the ordinary person
•what must it ,have been to anxiou
•candidates and party workers?
But the day wore on to the even
• •ing and between seven and eigh
• o'clock, su#ldenly without much warn
ing,• a cool, breeze (began to blo
•irom the northwest,., bringing re
freslunent and a revival of energies
There is some difference of opinio
=as to what that change in tempera
• tore meant. Some will have it the
'it was a cold breath of disapprove
owing to the defeat of the I{ing Gov
• ernment, while others maintain tea
it was a breath of relief at the end
ing of the long suspense and 'th
election of R. B. Bennett and hi
party to power. You take you
choice, according to your politica
;faith. But most people will admi
they welcomed the change, of tem
•perature, if not of Government.
One of the things which was matt
abundantly clear during .the electio
campaign was that it is poor busines
for one political party to charge th
other with disloyalty or any desir
to pull away from. the Etnpire, Thi
charge was made and repeated man
'times during the campaign just pas
by the Liberal party against tlei
opponents and if the charge wer
-true ample proof has been given the
the people of the Dominion aetuall
wish to break the ties of Empire
Nothing could be further from th
truth. It is not the first time such
campaign cry has been used. It ha
been used by the Conservative Party
when, they, at least 'would say, they
-were more grounds for it, Mut this
time the Liberals were the ones to
grab the Union Jack and run of
with it, there was no stopping then.
But it is mighty poor (business, ' no
matter which party is guilty. 'Both
'great political parties ht Canada are
not .only -loyal to the Empire but
have the best interests of the country
at 'stake. Their methods and man-
agement may differ but -they each
wish for Canada the highest kind of
• success, both as a unit and as a Part
of the great British Empire, What-
-ever differences may be between the
parties the ery of disloyalty • should
never be heard in election campaigns.
We hope we've 'heard the last of it.
m * * .t
'There are those who think Canada
Inas .made a big mistake in taming
out the King Government, which has
been in power practically since 1921,
substituting another party, under a
leader who -has never had the re-
sponsibility of office, and - there are
those who are dust as strongly per
suaded that tlte, country did a good
stroke of business for itseI•f when it
put the Liberal -Conservative ;Party,
with R B. Bennett at its head, in
charge of its affairs.
These are differenees of opinion
which are bound to prevail and no
amount of speechinaking during
-election campaigns seems to convert
either group. But there must be a
large group who are ready to change
their opinions occasionally, else we
should never -have a change of goy -
eminent, And perhaps it is as well
that it is so, a change of govern-
ment is a not a bad thing for the
-country. No government shoutd. ,'be
left in office long enough to bring
bout a feeling• that there is but one'
party strong enough and wise
:enough to hold office.The country
is is the best shape when the goy-
eminent is strong and aggressive,
bold enough:: to evolve progressive
policies, and brave enough to submit
them to -the choice of the people, and
'an opposition whichis strong and
alert enough to keep the government
nip to the mark and -totake over the
reins when the country' sails fox a
change. One of the good features
of the present change is that the
v'overnment-party wile, have a work-
ing malority''hut riot an overwhelin
ing one, and that the opposition will
be strong ,enough to be effective.
but one of the things which the
;gantry �i ould be; . wise to.' lay to•
J heart is that, while .wise or weak
policies by a overnment say , do
much ao"males 'kr, country piospexousR'
or the reverse, it is the in
Y Premier
�I;a�a 5 : New: Pre i'18r
; ,..
� � -• ^4 , .
h �
. q
Clinton New -Is lel Egg
,._. , . ,
e Fee
Cut Flowers
And Poultry ®�$�
Eggs bought according to Dotnin-,
ion Government Egg Regulations.
Inquire for aux- prices . of eggs•
You well aiwaysefind our prices per.
This is the bug season. Wage war on them
with Climax' Bug Killer. For
ie' .really
habitants of the country . who must
make or mar it.Canada is a eoixutr y
Seeped to none in the world and it
i, is up to her people to use their trust
$ as citizens to such advantage that
i` the citizens
y Y present prosperity
and hand ` on their heritage nnim-
d paired to those who come after. Can-�3.
adjoin-citizens'will make Canada and
they will *see that her governments
carry out 'their will.
X u ' a S, glee
ya i
<, a "!y r
j to °n+t
r. r ''
a w � =t, .
yar" _`
�9 edlYi A7�g11�e$
allel with the city. markets. •
,; Fat hens- and etellefinished chicks
always ,wanted—Prices good..
, Always phone' our office for prices
use on potatoes
beets, cabbages, lettuce, Tose bushes,etc.
Funeral Designs
before marketing produce.
NA. 'THA GAS,guaranteed
Sent- anywhere on Short Notice
Special attention to out-of-town or-
��� � ���
Phones—Office, 214jResidence 214w
GILSON NO.. 21 Steel ,Plough- Stare, fits "
-any 21
Ix Moses Helen . and Edith Shaw of
- Detroit :ire the guests of 'M;lsses A
e and A. Drouin this week..
Jack.' Waiters of Grand Rapids
Ohio and Dou elan Fraser of Forts
' g
William are visiting their grand-
d mother, Mrs: Thompson.1
• Ilther,AiSS Ceeil'eod, ., aetulned
x .
l y
i i
d vt ^ 7 " '
y i +; • f
k l
°' `" ' '1
Chas. V. Cooke
Phones -66w
Two and 66jGARDEN
House ,tor Sale, or Rent
An eight -roomed •house on Joseph
street with convenfenees g
plough also Quebec Sulky..
fairly ��
9 Y
Recent Races!
•Goderieh Banner Race Meeting h
AgrieulturalPark, Goderteh; on Mori
, ,
and in good state of repair. Pos.
'sessfan September 1st. A. F. Johns,
FonthxlI, Ont. 77'd`
piete Stock.
ES9 aiicQ Sole
day, Aug. 4th, Civic Holiday„'under
the auspices of the Long, Branch
Driving Club. $2,800 in Pirzes.
First rae at' 2 o'clock.
On road between Ball's Bridge and
School Section No. 9, Ilullett,'
ry �+ +
Price $2.99
r, home -on Saturday after 'having vise
e ited in Toronto: • • ' ' RT. HON. RICHARD B. BENNETT
'!Vers. Wilbur NLc'Bride and famil leader of the Liberal -Conservative
r of Windsor are. visiting her mother,brown
Mrs. A. Carrie. party' in Canada, who was returned
Nlrs, Agnes Biggat't came lat a't the head of the largsb. group in
week to spend, the shimmer at her Monday s election and who eras beend
a,asked. to forma
home, in the village. When she government. Mr.
ened her home she found that sneak Bennett will have a largo` enough
thieves had broken in sometime dde. following 'to give him a clear majority
;iiia the winter or spring so that elle -will be able to give effect
p g .and stolen• t his o kiss.' 'It is expected that a
-fruit and other articles. Not eon- p p
tent with• that they also broke things special -session of parliament ::will
° and• left .the house . in • a ransacked meet :before the middle of Septem-
i condition: bei• t I ! j
d 1l7rs. Ti. IT, King and little - Harold
Atwood returned to Sarnia•,on Sun- Rii✓srd Bedford Bonnett, 'whose
" dayafter having spent a few days. political party was returned as a
t with the former's parents Mr. and majority group in Monday's general
election', has been for', twenty-five
Mes.'C. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. y
Smith and little Glen, who have al- years or more greatly interested in
so been visiting with them returned pubic affairs and, so tis said,
to London on Sunday. cherished the hope during many
y (Mr. and Mrs. A. F. King and little long years to 'be premier of Canada,
s Douglas „of. Toironto are visiting the That goal, to which he has been
t former's parents, Mir. and Mrs. treading since early manhood, is .now
d George- Ring, in his grasp and he celebrate
Y 1VIr. A1Yan Pye returned to Windsor ed -his sixtieth birthday this month.
- on Saturday after having spent a 14Ir.'Bennett was born at Hope-
fortnight with his wife and family, welt, N.B., in 1874 of U.E. Loyalist
d stook. He spent his early manhood
at the home of her parents, M. and in New Brunswick, beginning the Arae-
d Mrs. C. Wid-eombe. Mrs. Pye and two rise of law at Chatham N.B. But in
' boys remained for a Ionger visit, ' 1897 lie felt the call of the west and
iMtiss M(. Robson of Toronto is the went to Calgary and that has been
guest of - Mess Josephine -Stirling. his home ever since. He served as
!Mrs. McLaren and • daughterto
t Christine, spent the week -end with a member of the Legislative As-
- her sitser, Miss J. •Stirling:. Miss sensbly. of the Northwest Tetiitotfes
' Marion MeL ares; who has been and of Alberta, resigning his seat in
= with her aunt for the past two weeks the Alberta House to contest a
• accompanied, her and sister federal scat, and entered the Donne-
• home to Port Elgin. ion Parliament as member for Cal-
Miss Mary* Stirling returned ”. to gary in 1911. He was director-general
t her home in Goderieh Township nn of national service during the early
1 Sunday after having spent a week years of the war, before Canada
- with her aunt. passed the Conscription. Aet. He was
t named minister of ice and attor-
Mr, and Mss. W.,H. Stanton, Bad ney-general of Canada by Rt. Hon,1
Axe, Mich,, were the guests of Miss Arthur Meighen in 1921, holding
Maude McGregor over the week -end. those posts until the defeat of the
Mr. and Mrs. W. Currie of Fargo, Government, the sante year.. Dur-
I N. Dale are her guests this week, ing the short time that Mr. Meighen
b 'MX. and Mrs, Walter Westlake was prime minister in 1920 Mr. Ben-
• left on Tuesday to spend a couple of nett was tete only Conservative re-
days 'at Toberinory. turned from the prairies. He was
chosen leader of the Conservative
bliss Anna, Elliott and Nlrs, M. party at, the national convention held
Fraser left on Thursday to spend a in Winnipeg hi 1927.
few days ht Lneltnow, with Mrs. A. Mr. Bonnett, having been interest-
G. Elliott.IVIr
ed in political life so long, is well
Mrs. W. D. Stevenson won the informed, on all questions in eon -
ring hole contest -3 holes—at the notion with public affairs and is a
Bayfield Golf Club tournament on very rapid speaker. It is said that
Thursday last. The prize, a beau- since he became leader of the Con-
tiful pinta, was donated by the hos- servative Party he has, taken pains
teas, Reiss J. B. Rankin. to speak more slowly, thus gaining
Miss A. MacPherson has returned in impressiveness. As leader of the
to Stratford after having spent sev- opposition he did not seem to reline;
crag weolcs'with mese E. S. Badgethat it was his duty to oppose every-
at her summer cottage, thing the Government did, just for
A social event of the summer sea- the sake of opposition, end on 0e-
son ivies the Bridge Tea held on Wed- mien commended. So mild was he
nerds, afternoon of last week on the in the first session after his election
beautiful lawn surrounding the to the party leadership that some
homes of the Misses Drouin and Mis- impatient followers began to feel
ses Rankin on Bayfield Terrace, un- that a mistake had been made, that
Ileo' the auspices of the 'Bayfield h ale he had no fight"in him. But he
arid Country Club. The tables, six- ,soon demonstrated that when he saw
teen in number, were arranged on of or it he could
do anyamount
the verandahs and on the lawn. Mrs, g bit-
0. R. Will, Convenor of the Social ter, however, and he was the first
Committee, and 1V1?isses J. B. and C. to offer to the speaker, who was eat-
P. Rankin, Misses Anna and Alice er appointed to the Senate, ab tete
Di' es warnuin ctvodn by the;loss of the last terrain, heart
gusais. The chi der granulations iii the fairness of chis
and Missi AuctionBridgeand set decisions. Me. Bennett's tribute was
appreciated ver highly.
8 a
tea was served by Miss Agnes Will, Soine of Mr, Bennetts opponents
Bridge. After the cards - a daintyhave used the fact that he is a
assisted by Grace Jowett, Lillian Ai- wealthy man te.insinuate that he
kenhead, Janice Stevenson, Carol andReginald
favours the rich and has little con-
HolleHolley loners Supniek and Joyce
y rt. Altar tea Mass AliceTO sideration for the peer, but ege.
Bennett, when chosen leader of the
Drouin auctioned her Japanese tea- y
Conservative Part at WinnSpeg
potguch tenefit ofi thea Glob. TS clue hee three years ago, said he would eon-
C: R, Wfll who was asisted by serete both himself and his wealth
C, and 'J. Rankin, Misses ,A, to the service of the country. xIe as
to have an opportunity of-
and A. Drouin ad Mrs. A. Supnielt. prong, his sincerity. -as a man who'
of Fardson are rs. P. Dyment visitinglte ouex fills the position of Premierof Can-
p oda mut mdaed, devote fns time to
enM. Ide.omple and Mass Tale ort .of the job and Mr. Bennett can do this
Twonto and Mlss L. Mann of Tivlle f without feeling anti anxiety regard-
are camping in John Pearsan's or- ing provision for his old age.
on Friday
y morning last, a large
purse containing:- a sum of
money, letters and other valixbies,
CARD OF THANKS ,, , : 50c
2'in er leas lea a m
please v same the 'of-
free of Fa Pinglaitd, !Glxnton, Ontario,
and receive liberal reward. 77-1.
. , ....10c
For Sale,•
Young 'pigs for sola, Apply to'vammumascummoramsaminl
COOK-(COOK—�1u Clinton, one July
Leonard Hunter,Phone 267w,Olin-
ton. 77-1.
C. '"H. V NNIRr� Electrician
26th, by the Rev. J. E. Hogg, Helen
Mae, only daughter of Ms. and
Mis, J. E. Cook; to T. G. Nisbet
Cook of Toronto, onlyson of Mx.
and Mis. Thomas H. Cook
To iiyWiring
Electric Ranges, Fixtures and:Bulbs
Yroris, Fans and 'other ''^,$ipliances
and Repairs •' Phone 7
, of 'CIin-
GLAZIER --pars R—At the United
church. parsonage, Mitchell, ehe1l, eon
July 19th, by the Rev, A. E. Doan,
- . Clara Eleanor Marr of Toronto,
1 eldest daughter of Mr, George
M�iir, Gadezich township, to Dor-
land Thomas Glazier, Toronto, son
of Mr. and leers, Harry Glazier of
� p
S u, � �
I wish to extend my
thanks to all those who
Huron' so Loyally Supported;
the polls ' on Monday, also.
in South
me •• at
to. those
gas and Poultry
•. Horne on Tuesdayand Fridayfore.
noon to take in Poultry.
Eggs handled at residence every
day—graded' by an experienced grad-
Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins
Abdominal Weakness Sinal Deform.
ity. Consultation Free. Call or write,
.1. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St,
'Stratford, Ont, Id -1928,
COLEMAN --en Stanley, en July
17th, to Mi. and Mrs. Anson Cole-
ratan, a son (stillborn.]
TURNER—In Stanley, on July 19th,
who worked so faithfully im-my.be-
Although failing of election I feel
that a clean campaign was conducted
and that we have no regrets.
With' warmest thanks to my sup-
er, which we pay the highest
market price,
Cream purchased for Stillman s,
A. E. Finch
Viking Cream Separator Agent.Rooms
Victoria St., Clinton Phone 28'
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes' cleaned, pressed and re-
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
over Heard's Barber situp.
W. J. Jago. 228g_tg.
ler. and leers. HarveyTurner, a
WALKER—ITn Clinton, on July 30th,
John A. Walker, Funeral from
. his late residence, Orange street,
en Friday afternoon.
porters and the very best wishes' for
the welfare of the good old riding of
South Huron.
Sincerely yours,
Nelson !1 , Trewartha
H 1 9 l! 1 Il�.Il�
The Safety Responsibility Law of
Ontario effective Sept. 1, 1934.
jj'��� arm With
I �/V
TEBBUfl`T In 'Gndelaeh, on July
Every Motorist is vitally affected by
-29th, Catherine McLeod, wife of
Mr, Alfred Tebbutt.
MARSH—In Auburn, do July 24th,
Kate Collett, wife of Mr, George
Marsh, in her 85th .year.
HA.RTT—On July 21, at Private
The time has come when weeds
must be cut in order to prevent
them ripening seed to distribute for
a fresh strop, Every property hold-
er is supposed to cut such weeds on
this law.
'O Unless a: motorist is prepared to
pay for the damage he may de to the
person er property of others, he
should not drive a car without the
A McCartney
Coal Dealer
Queen Street • ' Telephone 258
Pavilllion, General Hospital, To-
route, Alice Maud Tiay, formerly
of Clinton, wife of Allan VI'.
Tlartb, 241 Bedford Road.
property and it is only by co-op.
erasion advancement can be made is
the extermination of weeds. Clin-
ton should set an example to all the
surrounding . community, let us see
that this is done.—L. Ston Weed
protection of Insurance.
Phone 208 Clinton, Ontario.
Insurance all kinds
Implement Agent
" I handle Cockshutt• implements
and cream separators, Frost and
with his mother here
Inspector. 76-2,
Agent for Mutual Life of Canada „
Wood Implements and carry parts
and repairs for same.
at persant.
and Mis, Liliford.
'I are also agent for Allis
W. Moore
and family of Niagara Tails, •N.Y.
expeeted to arrive to -day to
spend a couple of weeks as guests of
Mr, W. H. Lobb and family. Mr,
Moore will assist with the musical
part of the service in HohnesvilIe
church on Sunday morning, also in
and Baby Checks
T1Y our Bred -to -lay 'Barred Rack
pullets for winter layers, hatched in
March, will be ready for layinga��
house in July. Also Baby Chicks,
'$15,00 per hundred. D. M. Lindsay,
Fledge Row Farm, R. R, Na 8, Cline
ton. 67-tf.
N g�� OT T ❑
11r P�/ ! A!_®ii5
2 lb. Chickens
mens Tractors,
Those wishing to inquire about(
any eofn the above kindly call at my
Queen Street. Clinton.
-Willis church, Clinton.
The annual picnic of the Holmes-
villa United Church Sunda School
WAS held Thursday afternoon at
Connodale, 'Mr. W. D. Connell's pie-
rase grounds and tourist camp on the
The weather was lino and there
was a targe attendance. The early
Farms For Sale
Lots 27 and 29, 9th concession of
Goderich township, consisting of
160 aeres of good clay loam, les
miles west of Holmesville. Good
buildings, never -failing wells. Ap-
ply to Lewis Proctor, R. R, No. 3,
Clinton. Phone 611r2, Clinton eerie
McCormick -Deering Agency
Having taken. over the above age
envy for this district I will keep on
hand a full stock of repairs and parts
of all McCormick Deering machines
and will appreciate it share of the
patronage of the farmers surounding
afternoon was spent in games, boat-
mal' 29"
ing, etc. Later a program of sports
was runt off under the direction p ofre
Leslie Jones and Elsner Potter, who
with Rev. 3. W. Harbert once Lorne
Jervis, formed the spirts commit-
ice' The first item on the program
Pullets For SaleE
for sale.a-AppIyyatoeBed C�Nturphyck ile
R. No, 6, phone 620 r22, Clinton.
s �•�y
��� Mittel!re
Fiona 213, Clinton :
Cali we my shop, next door tel
Jones' blacksmith shop, Hing street.
W. t,, H �i W � R'
Clinton. Ont., Phone 281w 0441,
was a peanut scramble for the erad-
le roll. Tote results of the races
were as fnlootvs:
Premary class --t Clyde Campbell,
Gwerdolyn logos. twelve aRuth Po t-
Orders left bat ray s For Sresidence willale
Huron street, Clinton attention.
Epps Transport
Varna Ontario •
Cl lt1t s
/ t
ter, 'Viola Glidden.
Boys' eight to twelve Eldon Yeo.
,Swimming a
g ace -•°- Leslie Jervis,
Lloyd Stook, Bill Sterling,
Girls sixteen and under—N'ormau•,
Potte, 'Edna Ilulier, Marjorie Glid-
x an agentsfor thew e Cream
separator and separator supplies, old
separators, any make, taken on a
new one; also electric pumping out-
fits,electric motors and grinders. I':
H. owell, R, R. No. 8, Clinton,
607!4, 72-tf,Mss
phones: Clinton 626x 21;
Landon; Melpalf 1165.
Daily and Express Service
form London.
Closed vane for Furniture Loads
Every load fisued• for $3640.00
Service 'and Satisfactin Our Motto.
,,..•' � �
" a cora
11fA�1('9f HEAT.
a Qpx cr,..r
Gh4s three -lagged race -� Edna
Ifuller,'lorma Potter.
Young women's race—Goya Ira-
tvartha, ' pen Finlay, Altalfnd N%-
House For Sale.
7 -room house, harddwood floos intoTs
front part of house, town water and
pp ®n
Iieisarrried women's ance—Mrs. Les-
J vas, Mss. 'fib xis Campbell,
Mrs, Howard Treveastha,
lights. Garage and chicken pen.
Ball acre lot with fruit trees. Ape
ply to John W Nediger, Clinton.
H'Y IS �'�`�
GViiy do cliets of many years
us theirchard.Mr.
GODERIC t: Mr. Bert Cute of
is s ondin a vacation at the
home of his parents, Me. and Mrs.
Robert Cott, and to the autumn goal
with the Brantford choir to Eng-
laud, where bhey will ,give a series
of concerts. . ' • •
In th• Estate of William Gunn,
Deceased '
NOTICE is hereby given that all
Itersons having claims against the
estate of William Gunn,late of the
troublesome eolle°tionspend
Why is the volume of business weand,
handle increasing so rapidly?
Because ur service is eminently
satisfactory 9 and our rates reason-
189D 1930
. , e
, „
- •ME'NI Step rap and ,place your
bets on the Heat Folks. If
S. R, MConkey, Margaret pull it out 'on shore. After being
Joe McLennan of Stratford are about two hours hn the water theyGait
at their summer home.
Dr. and legs. S. M. Thomas and finally tbeaehod the boat quite saf-
sate and "daughter of London. came y, but it was washed. out again
last week to occupy their summer during the • night . and quite badly
home. battered by the waves before 11 drift-
ed into shore where the few remain-
Tho Annual Sunday School and ing robs of the old Malta can still
congregational picnic of Bt, And -. be Seen sticking through the sand.
rews United church well be' held' in Mis. G. W. Richardson and 'two
Jwett's Grove . on Friday Oe Sun-' children" of Kitchener. - are visiting
day anniversary services' will be hex parents, 'Rev, and NLrs. 11. M.
held, when'there will be special inn's- Gale,
ie by the ;hoer, assisted ,by Mrs. J.
Marshall, The special ton,
p preacher at Me. G. Heideman unci fancily of
both services . will be Rev. 3. le, Stratford are occupying their cot-
Gould. B.A., of Grace `United.clturch, rage.
St. Thomas.
Eric Chapman "'"" '"`^"
Purse Lost' •Huron,,
In Clinton, on the evening of ,Tule
224th, lady's fancy purse, eantaining
small sum of money. Finder kindly
of n. thCountyof
Physician, deceased, ' who
died on or about tate third dayof
May A.D., 1930, ' are required to de-
liver to The Toronto General
The Collection Specialists
'Guelph, ORA2FGEVILLE,Ov✓TO.6m- .,
you want
to win the main heat next winter.
order this . th,croughbred coal now.
communicate with phone 105, Clio-
or leave at News-Reaord office,
Corporation, the Executor of the''
said estate or F. Fingland, Solicitor,
on or before the nineteenth day ';of.
Notice is hereby given to ,all er-
Here is coal that stoats from scratch
and wins in a walk. Yen have an in-
side bet and
A'uction Sate
A sale- of 1ibusehAid Effeets •will
held at the residence, Albert
on, Saturda Au
, Y, grist 9th, some
at 1.30 p.m, as: follows:
Living room furniture; bed room
.4 bads('• •4 ',matressee and
3 rugs'. •stale'caeeet; hall
(17 ,yds ); .. 6 rookoxs; 3-
tables: 2, jardiniere, stands';
mantle Oak!, sawing machine; pia
kitchen Chairs; coal ane..
e , range
; ,4,
greater • .wood stove :bureau
t j,
ante', large draw:Mee; kitchen utensils;
, s. ,
mower, garden tools, „ Albert
R, Mitchell, Preerietor, G, IL E'1-
Auetiotteex, .' 77-2.
August, A.D. 1030;' 'a full state
trent of their claims together, with
particulars thereof, .and the nature
of the securities if held by them all
duly verified by affadaivt.
AND TAKE NOTICE :that after.
the said last mentioned' date :the
Termite, General Trusts Cor-
potation ,will proceed to distribute'.and:•after
the estate' of :the 'said deneased a-
mongst the persons; entitled thereto
having regard only to such claims
as it shall have received duo notice.
and in aceoidance therewith.
DATED` at Clinton,ntario +
n, rhes �'
28th dayeaf JellyA.n., 19$0.
• F. PINGLA.ND Clint* ' ,
Solicitor for'the'safd estate, 77.3:
sons having claims against. the ea-
tate of William Stewart, late of the
Towri of ,plinton,.in the County of
Huron, gentleman; who deed on or
about the 22nd. day of May, A.D.,
1980, to send the same duly proven
to the undersigned on or before the
2nd clay of August ,A.D., 1980, as on
that date,the executor of
the said estate will proceed to make.
distribuation thereof having regard
only to the Maims she, thea shall
Y, ti,le
haDA1I5 niece of. •
DATED' T CrODERICI3 this 10th
-lay of July A.D.A.n., 1930:
HAYS and HAYS Goderielt '•On-
r fe • , t
lie 1. Sohetto. s x the Uxecu oi.
h'ereini. 76-3.
stable the Heat Polka
noel/. Here as a sure
CaIX the
: . ..
. •.
e e
�°' �°
win by odds if
in our a ellen
clean ;teal •
' Lii'tO
had a rather un- be
fortunate experience•; with his cat ROLMESVILLE . street
bboat on ' M'anday evening. • Ida with
one 'Men Ayre. e ing the lake Mmincing
Mrs. D. Calbtck, -Ids and *s. Iiat•-
When: the squali•'canie up. The Wind old Calbriek and Rees, and Mr. and furniture;
was too much foo: the little craft so Mrs. I ee and son; of FSrufil i
ties to h foie. e .t: the , std, were springs;
guests .°f Miss 5, Acheson over' the0)<
ssail. I3e eauldn'tget• in between the week -ens i:anness
ail. with .ill .the, so : d. • „ • • small
Y - ' Mr, and Mrs. Q. ea nes of Toronto
leaser 'to fain. around and was ab q
get into were guests' of lY15•. and' Mrs. I. B, tures;
ihaflow water where one of't :men
free M,acitath tate ant week:
• . �+.-. P (water
held the, boat tivhila e w .. (
h enp.io get 13155 CotaA
ie Triercir m is spending
a motor beet oto' taw them bite -eller: liar- a Deg da _ tieing
bore 'The motor '`' clays en Tees.wetee, tieing tete lawn
1 boat couldn't gat guest of Mhos Rena M:ac Donald.
c enough were obliged to 3Vir: Orulonsl" A
to e eiiau h so tete, g icgeic is h'aIiilayiixg Nott,
.. _..eine