HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-07-24, Page 8THE CLINTON-NEWS' RECORD THURSDAY, JULY 24, ].930 CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCERY R. H. JOHNSON CLINTON ONTARIO Stands fon Crash that the Country must face if -the wrong party wins the election race. R WAY . BAuffr, Thr Wcsch. That tike. .Sic c JULY "A MONTH OF SALES" WATCH ,THIS . SPACE. FOR r SPECIAL CLEARING LINES EACH WEEK, THIS WEEK'S MONEY SAVERS— 1V1EN'S- BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS,. AND DRAWERS. All new per- fect. goods, long sleeves, long drawers, clearing, garment • ..49e MEN'S SILK COMBINATIONS, per Suit .. , $1.00 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, _ • largest, 12-4 sipe, Pink or Blue 'Borders, per pair .. $1.98 CHILDREN'S PANTIE DRESSES, 'Fast Colored Prints, nicely trimmed, Dress and Bloomers . 55c ' TWi0 CURTAIN SPECIALS -.:Large size panels, clearing at 49c •Cystain ` Scrims- about % price. • 15c per yd. • Don't Fail to Get some of our -MEN'S FANCY SOX at '2 pair for 25c WiORK SOX, per pair 15c See Our New FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE, all the new shades Special : , , , $1.00 We can save you money on Work Shirts, Running Shoes, Men's Oxfords and many other lines..• , SPECIAL CLEARING OF MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS Plumsteel Bros. QUALITY ° ° * * VALUE * * * * ' SAVINGS AS STRONG AS ITS WEAKEST LINK We realize that in this age of competition, the store that has one weak link in its chain of merchandising, will not last. So, it will always be our policy in the future, as in the past, of offering • only the highest grade of groceries, of giving courteous and pleas- ant service, of keeping our store and stocks clean and neat, and of always selling at the lowest possible prices. WE HAVE A FULL STOCK OF -FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES: BARGAINS he C. & S. Grocers m '' SERVICE * * CLEANLINESS * * COURTESY • ' :J,"* .....- ,SiT•`ijOP,,�, u'"`'.' -'.-M RS A DON'T -FORGET THE KITCHEN Here's good news for the thrifty housewife who appreciates the value and usefulness of modern high grade kitchen ware. We have greatly reduced the prices on all our Granitware as well as our white, grey and colored enamel cooking utensils. You can now out- fit your kitchen thoroughly and attractively at a fraction of what it would ordinarily cost. 1 • -I l • ! 1•10 )4 HERE IS A SMALL LIST OF ENAMELWARE; THE REST IS PRICED IN PROPORTION: 12 :CH 14 BLUE 'SMITE PRESERVING KETTLE 49c 4 QT. •BLUE WtIITE POTATO POTS - 49c EACH .. , .. . . 2QT. BLUE WHITE DOUBLE BOILERS 49c EAC6 PT. WHITE COFFER POTS 49c EACH .... •.. 7 COVERED SAUCEPANS, GREY 25c CH . Sutter &- Perdue SUCH POPULARITY IS NO. ACCiDENTe [The .trentendous growth and popularity of the Superior Chain Storesis no accident,. By giving the public , every advantage that the buying power of close to seven hxmdred stores command—cour- teous, personal service at the hands of efficient grocers who own their own steres—by never sacrificing quality for price—this tre- mendous organization stands today as leader in the field. For the best in quality, price and, service try us. • . • WE SEL THE BEST FOR LESS Maple 'Leaf Salmon, i6's' 22c P. & G. White Naptha Soap 10'r bars ' 390 Clark's Pork &.Beans 2 for 19c. :Columbia Silent • Matches 8 boxes 25c 'Oxydol, large -pkg. 10e Libhy's Ketchup 19c Interlake 'Toilet Paper, • •3 rolls .25e Snowflake Ammonia, � 2•. plc. 15c Plusho, per tin ,23e Many Flowers Toilet Sap r . • 4 cakes . 25c Special Family Blend Tea per Ib . .390 Post's Barn Plaices, 2 pkgs. 25c Pop, 2 pkgs. , .25c Rice Krispies, 2 pkgs. —.25e 'Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs. 25c Muffets, 2 pkgs. 25c Plain Olivee,.19 oz. 25c Stuffed Olives, 9 oz. „,25e Centre pull wax paper, 3 pkgs . ,25c Parawax, 2.lbs•. or 8 cakes 25c ,Picnic Supplies for this week and next only, Come one, Come all and sample our Display, Saturday after -noon- and evening. WE INVITE YOU TO STOP AND SHOP AT J. T. McKNIGHT OIC PHONE YOTJR ORDER EARLY CLINTON, ONT, PHONE 111 !The campaign is in full swing. Candidates are asking for political preferment and are excited in order to get the voters excited. As they- present their policies and platforms it is an appropriate.season for us to present Picnic Supplies for your, con- sideration, just to make picnicing easy when the lake or country claims you for the day. Cups, Plates, 'Table Covers, Napkins, Spoons, all made of paper, a Thermos !Bottle is,en added convenience, If the nook you pick for your picnic is on the water a Toy Sail Boat will please the chil- dren, if a grassy ' meadow or a stretch of beach a kite, will be equally appreciated. The W. D. Fair Co. Often the• Cheapest—Always the Best ll11211ul 'dgN1011lnlnlu I I111111511111IIf�Ih�� Miss Fara Parsons, Blyth, is visiting Misses Olive and Madelon Glew. Miss, Vera Mooney of -London is the guest of Miss Madeline VanHorne. Miss Louise Beaton of Toronto has been visiting her mother in town. Miss Beth Cartwright of Listowel spent the week -end at her home in town. Dr. Wilson of Brockville is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker. Misses Em, Parsons, Doris Miller and Olive and iMadelou Glew spent the week -end with friends in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Tont Dunlop. of Sarnia were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, .Robert Welsh of town over. the week -end. Mr. Edward Moody, Mr,'s, Bloody and Miss Olive Floody of Toronto vis-, iced friends in towh during the past week. Ma. Harold H. Turner, Customs of- ficer, who took in the New Outlook trip to the Pacific Coast, has re- turned home. Mrs. Mary- Snyder returned home Saturday after spending a few weeks visiting friends in Waterloo, Guelph and Freston, Mrs. (Rev.) F. 0. Roy of Toronto has -been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. Paisley of town and her son, Mr. W. V. Roy of the Base Line. Mr. Reg. Cock and hisses Lillian Manning and Helen Swan are in Goderich this week attending the United Church summer school. Miss Clara Gould, nurse -in -training in the Stratford General Hospital, returned to her duties on Tuesday after a fortnight's holiday at her -home in town. - Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Floyd , of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. John A. Norris of Winnipeg, Mhn., were guests -of Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, Ontario street,' on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton and fancily of Manor, Sask., are visiting their aunts, Mka. Mary Snyder and Miss Agnew of Clinton and Mrs, John Jervis of the Bayfield Road, 1Vlisses Marjorie Mellllath and Linnie 1Nediger returned on Monday after a very pleasant trip to the Pacific Coast. They went in the New Out - ..look party and report a most en- joyable trip. Misses hlazie Murdoch Anna Parker, Jean Holmes and Ruth Cartwright, whohavejust finished a course at the School of Cominerce, left last week for Toronto and have each accepted a position in the city. Mr. D. W. Mothers of Englehart was the guest of his sister, Mins. Wm. Bozzo, over the. week -end. Ile was on his way to visit his mother at •'Thedford and :was accompanied to ,that town by his nephew, Master Willie, and niece, Miss, Ada Bezzo• Mr. and Mrs. It, J. Clarke and Mr, Summers of Bay,' City, Mids., spent last week -end with the former's sister, hTrs. W. E, Perdue. On their return, they were accompanied by Miss Orpha and Master Jack Per- due, who will spend the remainder of the summer vacation with them. Mr. and Mrs, James Livermore of Clinton ` and Mr, and Mrs. E. 8, Livermore, wife and child of Ayl- mer have been spending the past week or "so at Bayfield with Mr. and Mrs. Green of Teeswater, who have a dottage there. Mr. 1r. S. Livermore returned to Aylmer on ;Mlonday, Miss /Mary E. Irwin: of Toronto is spending the week as the guest of Miss: Amy Howson while calling 00 many other friends in town.. Clinton is 1lTiss Irwin's childhood. -hone and she has many happy 'memories of 'life here and always enjoys re -visiting the old scenes. Needless to say she is also always !welcome.. 2 for 25cTO GIVE r BEST ��.�.. QUALITY AT I Big July Bargains for. Holiday Season. Every rice. a. Speed. LOWEST PRICES For Balance of the Month. aN &LiN , For Preserving Season Gran. Sugar, 10 lb. 53c Pint Sealers, doz. 99c Quart Sealkrs, doz. 11,09 Rubber Rings, 3 doz. 25c Zinc Rings, doz. 19c Parowax, per pkg. 15c Certo, per bottle 29c l04.rof JAB' Break. Bacon, piece 35c Picnic Hams, Ib. 25c Ring Bologna, Ib. 22c Peameal BackBacon 40c Corn Flakes, 3 pkg., 25c '(With Shopping Bag) Salada Tea, Ib. 59c Maxwell Coffee, ib, 59c Puffed Wheat, 2 pkg. 28c Puffed Rice, 2 pkg. 34c Rice Krispies, 2 pkg. 25c Post Bran, 2 pkg. 25c Kel. Bran Flakes, 2 25c Kraft Cheese, per Ib. 35c Ingersoll Cheese, 2--25c Fancy Cookies, doz. 15c Bananas for Sat. doz. 25c For Every Day Comfort Soap, bar 5c Starch, per Ib. 12c Corn Starch, 2 pkg. 19c Oxodol, large pkg. 23c Matches per pkg. 25c Tomatoes, 2 tins 25c Aylmer Soup, 3 tins 29c P9 ,. First Shipment of New ,Packed Green Peas, due to arrive Saturday at 1Oc - per tin. Morning Delivery: 9 and 11 a.m. Cash and Carry Phone 48 STANLEY Miss Helen Campbell of Fort Wil- liam is visiting with Mr. and 1VIrs. Peter Moffat and her uncles, Mr.Thos, Campbell and Mr. John Mof- fat. Mr. and Mfrs. Alex. D. Baird and Lorne loft on Wednesday for FoamLake, Sask., after a short visit with his mother, Mrs. Geo. Baird, Sr. LONDESI3ORO Mies Alberta Snell, Dorothy Lit- tle, Mamie Shaddiok and Verde Wat- son are attending the Scanner School at Goderich this week, Cllr. Arthur Kerslake of Exeter, wife and family were visitors at the home of the lady's mother, Mrs, H. Lyon, on Sunday. Mrs, Hattie Burgess of Toronto spent the week -end with her sister- in-law, Mrs. J. Manning. Mr. and Mrs. D. Ewan and Peter Brown visited friends at Stratford over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. B. T'yerman and Mr. Norman Carter, wife and family, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Taniblyn on Sunday. Ma's. V. Townsend and children of Toronto are spending some time with Mir. and Mrs. R. 'Townsend. The S. S. of the United church will meet next Sunday at 12.15 o'clock and the church service will be held at Knox church at 1.30 pan.The community picnic under the auspices of the Woman's Institute will be held at Bayfield on Thursday, July 31st in' the afternoon. All those attending are asked to please provide food and also bring dishes for their own party: A good time is expected and ail are welcome. M. and Mrs. Fred Nott of the London Road were callers at Mr. D. Hoggarth's on Sunday. The guest tea held n the United church, unifier the auspices -of the W. A. was well attended and a pleasantd and sociable tin was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Brundson OfHarteny, Man,, are spending some time with friends in and around Lan- desboro. M'rs. Bert Brundson and children have gone -to Ingersoll to visit friends. Mr.'s. • William McCool, Londesboro, wife of the late William MbCool, passed away at hdr home, July 10th, as the result of injuries received in an aceident shine few weeks ago. Mrs. McOcol who before her mar- riage was Dinah Longman, daugh- ter of the late Janice andCatherine Longman, was born on the lath con- cession of Hallett, August 26th, 1860, and was one' of a family of thirteen, who all predeceased -her. After her , marriage,October .5th, 1880, she continuously, resided at her home on the 8th concession, Hallett, until four years ago, when she moved to Londesboro. Her husband prede- ceased her eleven years ago. Hind. children were born to the deceased, Laura May', William Lorne and Della Beatrice, all deceased and Mrs. J. L. Awde, Woodstock; 1lfargaret, Toron- to,; James 61 Londesboro; Sadie, Ot- tawa; Fred on, the 8th•eoncession and A, • Wellington, Toronto, -who Are (left to mourn the loss of a dearly beloved patient and loving mother, The funeral took place frons her home to the United church, Londes- boro, of which the deceased was a member, cn' Saturday, - July 12th, in- terment being hi' Clinton • cemetery. Many beautiful floral : tributes were x'eoeived iron friends and acquain- , tames of the family. W. FREE DELIVERY O'NEI BASE LINE Miss Cora Jervis returned from Toronto on Saturday, having ,spent a fortnight marking papers for the Department of Education. COAL & COKE We sell DL&W and Famous Reading Anthracite Coal, Solvay Nut and Furnace Coke, Liberty Range size Coke, Alberta Coal and Millers Creek Soft coal. Our Itlotto— Good clean fuel at a reasonable price. JUST ARRIVED A carload of black thershing coal. Prices Right•, W. J. MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence. Ontario St. PHONES: 46w and 46j PEcJL t BAKING for Friday and Saturday JELLY ROLLS ANGEL CAKES Have you tried our New Walnut Roll? It's a Dandy Wendorf's bakery MAKERS OF "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD WHEN YOU MOW YoU. - LAWN - The lawnmowers we carry have high, oversize wheels, ball -bearings, self sharpening blades and • cutter bar, an easily adjustable roller, and other features that are necessary for smooth and easy cutting of grass, 14 inch width, .4. blades, sizes also in.steck., • Other HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 Afternoon Delivery: 2:30 and 5 p.m, Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails You Will Find Some Real Snappy DURING OUR MID -SUMMER SALE We must reduce our stock and it will pay you to drop in and see our special values hi DINING ROOM SUITES BEDROOM SUITES, CHESTERFIELD SUITES, KITCHEN CABINETS, VERANDAH CHAIRS 01' ALL KINDS AND GRASS MATS • We are especially proud of our stock of Electric Lamps. We are showing the very newest styles and it will do you good to see them. You'll be surprised at the prices. SPECIAL OFFER IN MARSHALL MATTRESSES A. slip cover given absolutely Free with every Marshall Mat- ress sold from now until the end of August. This offer is for matresses ranging from $28.00 to $52.00, fully guaranteed. Clinton -Hardware & Furniture Co. Funeral Directors Monument Dealers The Store with a Stock Hardware Phone, 195 Furniture Phone 104 '>n \._. . il- BEEF Rib Boils of Beef 18c Briskets 12c Shanks . . 100 SPRING LAMB Leg of Lamb, only ..,.35c Lamb Chops Mc Loin of - Lamb .32e Rib Roast Lamb Shoulder of Lamb 28e Lamb Stews . 25c Everything in Cured Pork as uauat. SOc Kincardine Lard, 20-113 .,$2,55 Dumart's Lard, 20 -Ib pail $2.75 Sehneider's Lard, 20-1b, —$2.75 $2.75 M. & 0. Loaf 35e Head Cheese 20e Bologna, in piece ........-234 Ring Bologna , 25c Liver Sausage 25e Weiner's, 2 grades 25c and 28c Summer Sausage . .... , 35e Roast Pork . . , 55e ,Shortening; per 114. 16e Sandivich Pork Loaf .15E Let us have your 'order for BEEF, PORK, .VEAL, BABY BEET' OR LAMB All are Reasonably Priced' Choice Lard, 17e per lb in bulk, or 8 lbs. for 50c. Pleaseorder your delivery ordersthe night before when wanted - early, CONNiELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING ` MEAT' MARKET " Phone 162 Huron Street, MENVIEMINV To the. People of Clinton and District. Having purchased the plant and business of the Thomas lSfe Kenzie Estate, we purpose operating the Planing Mill and conducting a general business in ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER, WOOD AND PATENT SHING- LES. DOORS. SASH' AND A COMPLETE'LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES ALSO COAL, WOOD, CEMENT, LIME; GYPROC, GASOLINE, ETC., ETC. .• Orders filled fox' any quantities of Hard or Soft Wlood. We solicit the patronage of the people of this district and assure them' that our airn will be to give satisfaction to every customer. Estimates given on buildings of every description, THE CLINTON LUMBER COMPANY. (J. E. IIAECIfLER'., Proprietor)