HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-07-17, Page 8Re H. JOHNSON CLINTON ONTARIO niscmrcn The :4,7a -eh That. 1 JULY "A MONTH OF . SALES" WATCH 'THIS ;SPACE FOR SPECIAL CLEARING LINES EACH WEEK THIS 'WEEK'S MONEY SAVERS— MEN'S BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS • AND DRAWERS: All new per- fect goods, long •sleeves, long drawers, clearing; garment ;.49c MEN'S SILK COMBINATIONS, per Suit 2140 FLANNELETTE BLANKET'S; largest, 12-4 sine, Pink or Blue ,Borders, per pair . , $1.98 CHILDREN'S PANTIE DRESSES Fast Colored, Prints, nicely (trimmed, Dress and 131oomers . 55c TWO CURTAIN SPECIALS—Urge size panels, clearing at 49c Curtain Scrims about r,4 price. 15c per yd. Don't Fail to Get same_.of our MEN'S FANCY ;?OX at 2 pair for 25c WORK SOX, per pair 15c See Our New FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE, all the new shades Special . . . $100 ,We can save you money on Work Shirts,, Running Shoes, Men's Oxfords and many other lines. • • SPECIAL CLEARING OF MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS Plumsteel. Fos. ___.. ei TV c% AL_ I QUALITY m ° ' ° ° VALUE a °' ° " SAVINGS A •STRONG AS ITS WEAKEST LINK We realize thin in this age of competition, the store that has one weak link in'its chain of merchandising, will not last. So, it will always be our policy in the future, as in the past, of offering only the highest grade of groceries, of giving courteous and pleas:- leas-ant service, of keeping our store and stocks clean and neat, and of ant always selling at the lowest possible prices. WE HAVE A FULL STOCK OF -FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. The O. & S. Grocers " BARGAINS * " SERVICE " " CLEANLINESS * * COURTESY 20-1b. pail lard $2.75 Cooked ham . , , , , ... , 600 Valencia Roll , 88c M. & C. Loaf 36c Head Cheese . 200 Bologna, in piece. ,.,,.•-23c Ring Bologna' 25c Liver Sausage ...Ole Weiner's, 2 grades 25c and 28c Slimmer Sausag'e . 35e Roast Pork . , 55e Shortening, per lb. 16c Sandwich Pork Loaf .. , , 45c 1 ��PS �, �„,,:44,4'£04I •M''-'�•�'i*�+Y•�, ••', T..MtI t ',j ,, ,.......,......M.;” _ - . ... . l ._ DON'T FORGET THE KITCHEN Here's good news for the thrifty housewife who appreciates the value and usefulness of modern high grade kitchen ware. We have greatly reduced the prices on all our Granitware as well as our white, grey and colored enamel cooking utensils, You can now out- fit your kitchen thoroughly and attractively at a fraction of what it would ordinarily cost, HERE IS A SMALL LIST OF ALUMINUM WARE; THE REST IS PRICED IN PROPORTION: 12 and 14 BLUE WHITE PRESERVING KETTLE 49c EACH . . 4 QT. BLUE W03ITE' POTATO POTS . 49c EACH.... i. 2 QT. BLUE WHITE DOUBLE BOILERS 49c EACH .... _ 6 PT. W(HXTE OOFFEE POTS 49C EACH : . . . COVERED SAUCEPANS, GREY • 25c EACH .... - Sutter & Perdue r For Complete Grocery Satisfaction! . 0ilake your nearest Superior Chain Store your fetid pantry. It will pay you in money saved through lower prices—in satisfaction from the high quality . and freshness of merchandize—in courtesy and personal service from the store owner and in the knowledge that the moneyyou spend: stays right in your own community to aid in its srowth and prosperity. WE SELL THE, BEST. FOR LESS Red Cohoe Salmon, 1's, tin 29c Quality Corn, 2's, 2 for .25c ' • Princess Flakes,with trial size .23e Certo, makes all fruit, Jelly . .. ...... ...29c H. P. Sauce, per bottle ...26c Kellogg's toasted Corn 1 e_ 2 pkgs. ........ 9Peaphes, Jiff,. large .pkg. 22e Toddy, serve hot or cold ,1 lb., .. 53c, 1,6's . , ..33c Hawe's Lemon Oil, 12. oz: 23e Crown Jars, small • 99c --• per doz., medium . ....$1,09 Ingersoll Crean, Cheese 2 pkgs. . r 25e. Parawax, 1 lb. pkg. 15c:. f Choice -tin 2s , 25e Post Bran Flakes, pkg. , 25c• HAVE YOU TRIED OUR PICNIC HAMS? HAVE YOU TRIED OUR SLICED HAM; AND SLICED :BREAD FOR YOUR PICNIC LUNIGI-I , WE INVITE'Y0fi TO STOP ANii SHOP AT' �T r 10 McKNIGHLrei SON PIIONE YOUR ORDER EARLY - ' CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 111 TEE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD TITUIRSDAY, JULY 17, 193 Foxy ckle tor Frisky Fish. The' ;great out-of-doors beekons eii- ticingiy, -warm,' sunny, blue sky' days are liia»e with their langourous, •lazy irifluenoe, '.7io:sorne they suggest a dad's, fishing -and we in turn suggest an inspection of our alluring tantal- izing teasere, :to capture the finny animals Baits, P'rags, :Wjorrns, Min- nows, Grasshoppers, made of rubber painted in natural colors, making a very successful lure, are represented in our stock; as well as Spinners, Spoons, 'Gut Leaders, Floats, Sinkers, Treat and -Bass Flies. Manysizes in hooks, with or without gut. Also treble hooks; lines, poles, reels and all other •ordinary requirements to bring home the big one that got a- way, from the ',other fellow. me W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best ..011610111111 :11,1. A®II8IIIIIIIINII I num@T NII i19116y Miss Helen Cook is in Toronto this week, Mr. A. J. McMurray of IXarniston was in town this week. Miss Bessie Simian of New York is holidaying at her home in town. Miss , Tennant of London has been the guest of Miss Eileen Atkinson. Miss Luella Walkinshaw of Toronto has been spending a holiday with her mother in town. Mr. W,, H. gill of Kitchener was the guest over the -week-end of Mr. and 1d rs.• It. B. Carter, Mr. Harold Gould of London is vis- iting at the home of his father, Mr. Harry Gould of town. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cotton of Detroit have been visiting their brother, Mr. ''. E. Mason of Sununerhill. Mr. and Mos. I'Ierbert Storey and .Miss Hopkins of Buffalo visited Mrs. Kearns one day last week. Miss Emma Doan of Buffalo, N.Y.. is spending the vacation at hone with her sisters, the Misses Doan. Miss Lucile Grant visited at the summer home of Dr, and Mrs. Gandier at Southampton last week, ` Mks. E. E. Rozell and two children have been visiting Mr. and MIs, E. L. Mittel' and other friends in town. ' i , ' ' vrr. and Mrs. 3. Kaiser of Detroit have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaiser and Mrs, Erma Paxman of town. Misses Frances and Isobel Crooks of Chatham have been visiting their sister, lrfrs. (Dr.) F. G. Thompson, of town. Mr. Harry Watkins of Chatham is holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Watkins, for a cou- ple of weeks. Mm's. Chesney, Mrs. Townshend, Mrs. Downy and Miss Fitzgerald of Toronto have been the guests of. Miss Lucile Grant this week. .: Mr, and Mos, It, J, 'Gibbings, who have been in Toronto since last fall, have returned to spend, the summer in their own home here. Miss Donna Cochrane is spending a holiday at'Selkirk, Ont,, with Miss Evelyn Burns, daughter of Rev. G. I. and Mr's. Burns, formerly of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. • McFadden of Cookstown spent the week -end with 'the latter's mother, Mrs. J. Cornish, who returned with them for a short visit. • Mrs. Mary Phipps, Mr. Will Phipps and Mrs. Rumford of Fullerton and Mrd. John Ruddick of New York were visitors with 'Mks. Kearns on Sunday: • Mr. Wilfred. Grant, who has been teaching in Toronto is holidaying tat the hone of his parents, Mr. and Mets. W. A. Grant. He in- tends entering University in the autumn. • Mks. Shipley of Hamilton and Mrs. N. A. Phoenix and family of Grimsby spent the week -end' as guests of 1VIIvs. R+ J. Cluff, Mrs, Phoenix and Master Billy remain- ing for a longer visit. • s s. ] steel M sr H. P. P ixm G. H. Jef- ferson, T..cri in G. S bb s, H. E. H Rorke, F. T. Jackson, G. H. Ven- ner, H. Puckett and A. Castle are ' attending a meeting of the 1Vt'ason- is Grand' Lodge •in Toronto this week. . ,' : . Miss Ethel Holmes returned to To- ronto this week, after spending a fortnight's holiday at the home of her parents, Rev. A. A. and Mrs. 'Holmes. She ,had as her guests !during a partd of that time Miss ,house and Miss Patton,. also grad- uate nurses .of Toronto, and old friends in Newfoundland. They re- turned, to Toronto with her. ' 1 Morning Delivery: 9 and 11 a.m. Cash andWhere Carry "Sells for Less" Phone 48 W. ('rice Prevails 14/SAillinVIAMIOMMVIWOMPAMAAPNVIVI~OPMROAVVITIOtalftWalitlAIWOU' 0011W110 icIANTQN'S BIG CORNER GROCER`§` Minute Tapio;ca, : for 23c per bottle 29c 34c FREE SAMPLING DEMONSTRATION FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JULY 18 AND 19 VACATION - SPECIALS AND PIiCNIC SUPPLIES "Free 16`. ags to carry away the Bargains" Combination Sale of Grape Nuts, Post Bran, Post Toasties and Shopping Bag all for 38c Granulated Sugar 10 lb. for • 53c Maxwell Coffee per pound 59c Junket Powder, for quick Desert, 2 for 25c Big Five Cleanser • 5c Sliced Pineapple 2-25c Peas 2 for 25c sm 25c Rice, 3 Ib. Sweet Relish per bottle 19c. Branston Pickles per bottle 23c Back Breakfast Bacon in piece 35c Salada Tea, pkg. 59c Lard, 20 $2.75 Picnic Hams, lb. 25c Ring Bologna, lb. 22c Big Heinz Week, -last dau Jule 19 2 for 25c post's • BRAN furs WHEAT.. $1.00 ORDERS DELIVERED FREE Afternoon Delivery: 2:30 and 5 p.nr. IMMINNIOV LONDON ROAD ,Master Ross Punford, Toronto, is holidaying at the Houle of Mr. and Mrs. Will Moffat, Er. and Mrs. Ed Ball and Mr. and Mrs., Eddie Sleishman, Detroit, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Swinbank, Miss Irene- Swinbank returned to Detroit with them for a couple of ,weeks' visit. Miss Mona Grieves, Royal Oak, is visiting at Mr. Milton Wiltse's. Miss Edith Stanbury of `Elsie, Hall- burton, is home for the vacation. Miss Wilma Rawcliffe is in Code - rich this week visiting her class- mate, ,!Miss Marion Matheson, Mrs. White and her daughter and son, Miss Helen and Mr. P. Miller, Detroit, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs Roy buns a andhe • . R , P t e]ot r friends in the vicinity. irs. Cashion and Miss Marion Cashion, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Baur, Wingham, •were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Swinbank on Sunday. OODERICH TOWNSHIP .firs. Anne Coiclough of Clinton has been visiting her son, Mr. Al- bert Colelough. Mrs. James Ballantyne of London spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. 0. Welsh, coming up to attend the celebration in Bayfield on the 12th. Miss Wanda Cluff is spending her vacation with her grandmother, Mrs. J. Cluff of Clinton. 'Miss Helen Welsh is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hieks of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Devlin and Mr James Ballantyne motored from London, 'spending Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. 0. Welsh, ' ,bliss-Graice Stirling of Toronto is spending her vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stirling. Mr. and Mrs. "Wim. Foster of Chi- cago visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole, one day last week. Miss Alice E. Corey and MI'. Har- ry Vaughan motored up froin London on Saturday, last and spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Corey, returning to London on Mon- day morning. Mr. and Mirs, Ralph Cantelon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Corey.. At a well -attended and, at times, heated, meeting of the ratepayers of 8 S. No. 10 on Monday evening it was dedided to hold over action in re- gard to the (building of a new school until the end of the year. As there seems to be such a difference of op- inion as to the best mode of proced- ure, this was considered the wisest plan. Miss Mary 1Vioore, a recent grad- uate of the Clinton Public hospital, was the guest of Miss Grace. Chur- chill, R.N., over the week -end. Mr. J. R. Thompson conducted the , St awls ensall and. 'C at S P H services Grace 'Church, Staffa, on Sunday. Miss Margaret Riggin is holiday- ing with friends in Kitchener. Quite a number from this vicinity. celebrated the glorious 12th at beau- tiful, bree.zy'BaYfield. The sympathy of the community roes out to Mr. and *S. Jack Townshend in their recent bereave- ment. Mr. Charles H. Johnston and daughter, of Brandon.• Manitoba. called en'oia friends on the 16th last Week. (Miss Isobel Johnston of Luel now has been engaged to beech • in No. 0 school. ' ; WIINGf1A1VX,: A ,congregational meeting of the St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Wingharn, was held last week and extended a unanimous call to the Rev. Kenneth MacLean, B.A.„ of Georgetown, COAL " COKE We sell DL&W and Famous Reading Anthracite Coal, Solvay Nut and Furnace Coke, Liberty Range size Coke,•Alberta Coal and Millers Creek Soft coal. Our Motto— Good clean fuel at a reasonable price. W. J. MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. PHONES: • 46w and 46j SPECIAL BAKING for Friday and Saturday JELLY ROLLS ANGEL CAKES Have you tried our New Walnut Roll? It's a Dandy Wendorf's Bakery MAKERS OF "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD WHEN ' YOU ' MOW YOUR LAWN The lawnmowers we carry have high, •oversize wheels, ball -bearings, self sharpening blades and cutter bar, an easily adjustable roller, and other features that are necessary for smooth and easy cutting of grass. (11t t 4 inch width, 4 blades. Other sizes also,in stock: T. Hawkins HARDWARE' and PLUMBING Phone 244 You Will Find Some Re BARO DURING OUR MID -SUMMER SALE We must reduce our stock and it will pay you to drop in and see our special values in DINING .ROOM SUITES BEDROOM SUITES, CHESTERFIELD 'SUITES, KITCHEN CABINETS, VERANDAH CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS AND GRASS MATS We are especially proud of our stock of Electric Lamps. We are showing the very newest: styles and it will do you good to see . then. You'll be surprised at the prices. SPECIAL OFFER IN MARSHALL MATTRESSES A slip cover given absolutely Free with every Marshall Mat- ress sold from now until the end of August. This offer is for rnatresses ranging from $28.00 to $52.00, fully guaranteed. Clinton -Hardware & Furniture Co. Funeral Directors Monument Dealers The Store with a Stock Hardware Phone, 195 Furniture Phone 104 To the People of Clinton and District. Having purchased the plant and business of 'the Thomas M G - i Kenzie Detate,we purpose operatingthe Planing Milland^conducting a eneral'business in ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER, WOOD AND PATENT SHING- LES. DOORS. SASH AND A COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS'• SUPPLIES' ALSO -.COAL, W00D. CEMENT, LIME, GYPROC, GASOLINE, ETC., ETC.' Orders filled for any quantities of Hard or Soft,Wlood. We solicit the patronage of the people of this district and assure them that our aim will be to give satisfaction to every customer. Estimates given an buildings of every description. THE 'CLINTON LUMBER COMPANY C.T. E. BAECHLE'R.. Proprietor) ':::rj.-'"'''F ' r ii °. ° . .. i a, Y ei TV c% AL_ I -AIL r< .. BEEP Rib Boils of Beef . . ,18c Briskets . ......... ...12e Shanks .. 10e CURED MEATS Breakfast Bacon, piece 38c' P. Mealed Cott. Roll Ole Smelted Cott. Roll .30c Smoked Picnic Ham 23c Dry Salt Pork . etc, Back Bacon, in piece 50e P. M. Eack Bacon, piece 45c Boneless Smoked Hams 87c 20-1b. pail lard $2.75 Cooked ham . , , , , ... , 600 Valencia Roll , 88c M. & C. Loaf 36c Head Cheese . 200 Bologna, in piece. ,.,,.•-23c Ring Bologna' 25c Liver Sausage ...Ole Weiner's, 2 grades 25c and 28c Slimmer Sausag'e . 35e Roast Pork . , 55e Shortening, per lb. 16c Sandwich Pork Loaf .. , , 45c ' Let us have, your order for BEEF, PORK, VEAL, BABY BEEF OR LAMB All are Reasonably Priced Choice Lard, 17c per lb in bulk, or 3 lbs. for 60c. Please order ,your delivery ordersthe night. before when wanted early, CONNELL, & TYNDALLL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET "' Phone 162 1 iji I fIlrear� S l'io ii I Huron Street. To the People of Clinton and District. Having purchased the plant and business of 'the Thomas M G - i Kenzie Detate,we purpose operatingthe Planing Milland^conducting a eneral'business in ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER, WOOD AND PATENT SHING- LES. DOORS. SASH AND A COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS'• SUPPLIES' ALSO -.COAL, W00D. CEMENT, LIME, GYPROC, GASOLINE, ETC., ETC.' Orders filled for any quantities of Hard or Soft,Wlood. We solicit the patronage of the people of this district and assure them that our aim will be to give satisfaction to every customer. Estimates given an buildings of every description. THE 'CLINTON LUMBER COMPANY C.T. E. BAECHLE'R.. Proprietor)