HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-07-17, Page 5'THURSDAY, ,JITLY 17, 1930 THE CLINTON-NE* mem!) 'OF INTEREST TO YOU AND. ME Official nominations will tak place on Monday; July alst, in th town hall, H;ensall, when, the oppos .ing candidates will meet on the sant platform. Sunday's cool wave served to re- mind those who have not stocked their winter's coal that they should be putting away a few pennies to ,pay for winter supplies. * * There was a deficit of some 810,- 0)00 in the',Shriners' convention held M Toronto recently. Well, they had a lot of fun andthose who call th tune -must pay the piper. * With, all examinations over and ''`.'results" out now we can really be ,gin to enjoy .the winner holidays. 'Only there is still the election to think of. But less: than a fortnight -will settle that. Miss •N scphail will have no Liber- al opponent in Southeast Grey. The :decision of ;the Liberals of the riding not to run a candidate is a wise one. Goderich Signal. The Sigiia1 man would like to feel' that if he goes to Ottawa next sea cion, Agnes will be there, and she -should be feeling kindly toward his -Party. .,.,k.* . Ingersoll introduced a curfew bell -recently, the result being that all the children, young and' old folk, rushed out to see what was the mat- ter. A three-inch advertisement 'in the local newspaper would have in- -formed the citizens of what was go- ing on and no doubt all would then 'have been ready to wind the clock, put out' the eat and' turnout lights -at the first stroke of the bell. wonderful ability until the end, : lin her the love and grace of God %vas, respoken in a most friendly spirit of helpfulness She was always think- e ,ing of.othets.'.'To minister to the e welfare "and happiness . of others, to be doing .daily the little' acts that e cheer and help, this was. her delight, her very life, 'She died after a lengthy illness of intense suffering, survived by one brother, Mr. •Samuel Calbeck, of Chii- liwack, B.C., and a large number of nieces and nephews. renewing the service at Innisfree, • ,conducted • by her ,pastor, Rev. T. J. Stainton, her body was taken to Howardand llf'c- Bride's funeral parlors, Edmonton, e where a service was attended by ° a large number of friends, and the nieces and nephews from Innisfree. Interment was- in the Edmonton Alta. Haying and cherry picking have been occupying the time , and atten- tion of residents. Both cherries and 'hay are a good crop this year: Miss Muriel Mulholland of De- troit was a week -end visitor at the home' of her parents, Mr. and MMr.•s. Jack d Mulhollan . - Mr, and Mrs. "Bert Finlay and baby spent a da:.in Guelph recent- ly. .. Mrs. S. T. Walter 'left last Week for a few weeks' visit with relatives in Indiana, where she will join her father, Mr. Andrew Courtice who ]las been in the States for some weeks. Isllrs. Miarsh of Belleville_ is visiting at the home of .M'r. and Mrs, J. Brogden 1\feMiath. - Howard Mulholland, M2'. and 11'frs. M. Stock and Betty, and Mrs, Al- cock spent Sunday in Milverton. Mr. Brogden M,cMath accompanied M6:. S. R. McMath on a business• trip to .Toronto on Tuesday. * * * "Ignorance of the law is no ex- cuser" seems to hold good in law courts and when a man runs foul' of a law he has to pay 'the penalty. "This is all right when it deala with murder, theft and many other laws, which are fully understood. tut with a great many laws it is some- thing of a hardship. ,The •govern- ments of each of our nine provinces and the dominion government each year pass hosts of new laws which are put upon the statute :books and which all good citizens are expected to obey. But how are good citizens to learn about these laws, e telt amendments of a minor nature to existing laws? Some publicity •should be given to the laws passed each year, to aid those who are'per- fectly willing to be law-abiding but have no way of acquainting them- seleves of the frequent charges in 'laws. HOLMESVILLE The New Outlook last week had the following •obituary notice • which tnay be interesting to many in this locality,, the Calbeck family formerly residing here: . On February 20th Miss. Frances Jane Calbeck passed away at the home of her nephew, Mr. Frank Mat- chetet, of Innisfree, Alta. Deceased was born Oct. 18th, 1950, in Holmes- -Ville, Iiuron County, Ontario. She was the daughter of John and Annie Calbeck, who were early settlers in Huron from Ireland. Their religious life was a devout and eg nest Meth- odisni. The large family of boys and girls were Over ready to assist their parents in giving the minister a hearty welcome to their home, which was for that part of the large circuit "the preachers' home."' Her father was a subscriber to the first Christian Guardian which was printed, and the Church paper has always ,been in the home; Miss Cal - beck being a subscriber to The New Outlook, As long as health permit- ted she was active M. church and Sunday -school work; an intelligent reader of good books, and most :of all of the 'Bible, of which she had memorized a great portion in child- hood, and which she could quote with Barry Walter is working with Ernest Townshend at present. Harry Cudmore returned home Saturday after a short visit in El - Mira at the home of his brother-in- law, Douglas Ward. Mrs. Douglas Ward and little daughter, who have been visiting at the home of-, the former's par- ents, Mi . and Mt:s. John Cudmoue, returned with Mr. Ward" to Elmira on Monday. Master Charlie Cud - more accompanied his sister home and will visit for a short while in Elmira. TUCKERSMITH Mr. and Mrs. Will Poster of Chi- cago, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. Warwick Cole and son, Vincent, Mr. and lttrs. Clarence Cole and Master Bobbie of Flint, Michigan and Ma's. Peter Cole of Sandusky, Mich., were guests last week of Ms, and Mrs. J. Percy Cole. Much sympathy is felt for Mit and Mrs. John R. Townshend of Port Arthur in the loss of their infant son, Robert Eric, who died early last Saturday morning. ' The child had. been in apparent good health and his death was most unexpected. It oceured at the home of Ribs. Towns- bend's parents, Mr. and •Mrs. Joseph Crich, where the Townshend family had been visiting, Mfr. Townshend having been in Toronto since the closing of the school term writ- ing examination papers. The funeral took place from the home of Mx. Crich on Monday afternoon, in- terment being in Bayfield cemetery. The .Tucicersmith Ladies' Club met at 'the home of Ms's. Win. Ball for a recent meeting, with fifteen pm - hers and two visitors present. The president, Mrs. Frank Walters, took the chair and after the 'usual open- ing, the roll call was answered by a pickle or cake icing .recipe, A pat- riotic reading was given by Hazel Pepper and household hints of fifty years ago by Mrs. F. Walters, An instrumental by Mrs. Ray Fear ad- ded enjoyment to the program. • Lunch was served on the verandah at the close of the meeting and a social time spent. Mrs, Lew -is Tebbutt will be hostess for the August- meeting, Hints on canning fruit• or vegetables will be given as response to the roll call. LL JUR- 23rd At Victoria Park xeter HON. R. B,>BENNETT to hear The Right Hun'. R. B. Bennett Leader of His Majesty's Loyal Oppos}tion, in Support of WI R. N. W. TRE V6/.AR.TH A Liberal -Conservative Candidate for South Huron ;EVERYBODY WELCOME TO HEAR HIM OUTLINE HIS GREAT CONSTRUCTIVE POLICY Ir ' GIVE CAN -ADA A A CHANCE " " GOD SAVE' THE KING" 1. CARDS OF THANKS', ,..., 50e MEMCI1TA ll . VERSE' ,PER T,rNE. ..., ....Iec MARItIA1';S WEEK>a.S-ISCQTQIIIIdEIi t At Edr mouton, .Alta,, on June 30th by. the Rev. Dr.. McQueen,, Edna Pearl 'daughter of Mr. and Mae Robert Scotchmci; Bayfieid,,to William H. Weekes of R2osside, Alta, BIRTHS M$ DTER-At : Iianuilton, 6 - July 5th, to Mr; and. Mhos. W. 1l1adter, £*;merit' Edna, 'Sanderson, Gode_ rich township, a sett -Earl Albert. Henry... DEATHS ORTCH--In Clinton, on July- 9t11, Sarah "Townsend, wife of Mr. Her- bert Crich, in her 66th year, 11fcCOOL-In' Loodesboro, on July 10th, Dinah. Longman, widow of William M:cC'ool, in her 70th 'year. �OVII"rrR Tn Londesboro, on .]'uIy llth, Margaret Hope Mair, widow of John H. Gooier, in her 80th year. , TOWNSHEND-In Tttekersmith, on July 12th, Robert Eric, infant son of Mr,. and. Mrs:John R. Towns- hend of Port Arthur, aged 13 months. OARRUTf1-In Goderich township on July 12th, Mary Emily McLean, wife of J. H, Carruth, in her 64th Year- CONSTANCE Miss' Edythe Riley of Clinton spent the week -end at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs.' Geo. Riley, here. Mr. and Mas. Roy Barnett of Wes- ton spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mas. ,Robert Grisnoldby. Quite a Sew around here attended the 12th of July celebration at Bay- field on Saturday. AA. miscellaneous shower was held on Friday at the home of Mrs. Chas. McGregor for Miss Josephine Liv- ingstone, bride elect of this week. Miss Fern Love of Walton spent a few days last week at the home of her sister, .Mrs. Ed. Britton. Miss Verna' Adams of Port Col- borne is spending her vacation at the home of her parents , Mr, and Mrs. Millar Adams. Mrs. Jas. Riley, Sr., spent a few days last week at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. John Staples of Wroxeter, IVIr. and Mrs. John Staples and children of Wroxeter, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe I3iiley, Sr, IThe following is the result of the June promotion examinations in S. S. No. 3, Hullett. The navies of pupils are arranged in order of mer- it: • Jr. 4th to Sr. 4th -Hattie Arm- strong (honors); Doris Lawson, Bernard Riley, Edythe Britton. Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th -Hazel Jamieson, Ethel Dexter, Ella Dexter, Promoted conditionally, Charles Sunclercock, Kelso Adams, Fred Riley. Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd -John .Thomp- son, (honors), Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd-Eclna Arm- strong( retained), Jean Wakefield, (retained), Alex. McMicheal, (retain- ed), Jean Anderson, (honors), Elva Sundercock, (honors), Grace Me - Micheal, Olive' Grimcldby. • Jr. 2nd to Sr, 2nd -Alvin Riley, (retained), Kathleen Yungblutt (re- tained), Reggie Lawson, (retained), Jr. 2nd -Marion Lawson, (honors), Viola Dexter, Stella Armstrong. lsb-eDavid Anderson, , Ellwood Clarke. Pr. -Charles M'eMicheal, (retain- ed), James Jam'iesen, Allan Sunder cock,' Harry Youngbiutt, -Ida I. Medd, teacher. BRUCEFIELD ,Mr. and Mb's. Morrison and family and Mrs. W. Coull of Philadelphia, brother and sister of Mrs. J. Addi- son arrived in Brucefield, July 2nd, after a Motor trip of 605 miles, made in 18 hours, one evening being spent at Niagara Falls. They reterlied to their home last week, af- ter a visit with Mr. and Mrs.. Addi- e 117r1. W, Stevens spent the week- end with friends in Bayfield, Mr. and Mrs. T. Dunlop and son are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dun- lop this week. Mrs, 1i1;eDonald of London is spending a fete weeks with, her sis- ter, Mrs. R. MbK.enzie. ' l4Iliss Ina Scott of London is spend- ing her holidays at her home. e M'i•. Hugh MoGregor returned home last week after attending. the tuner - al of his sister, Mrs. McGinnis of Detroit.' ' . Mr. H. McGregor spent, the week- end at the home of his father. AUBURN. Mr, Jas. Dawson of Detroit vis- ited his ,brother and friends iii the village over the week -end. Mr. and I)frs. A. M. Rice and son, Garth, leave on Tuesday for North- ern Ontaflo, where t)iey:Hwi11 spend a couple of weeks. Mr. John 'Wilson left .on Tuesday morning to attend the Masonic Grand lodge, being held in Toronto this week. • The men are 'here this weelc tar- ring the village streets, Private Sale Ur, George Breeden will hold a private sale at his home in Londes- boro, on -Monday and Tuesday, July 21st and 22nd, to •dispose of the fol- lowing household effects: Parlor table; 2 small tables; bedstead; spring' and mattress; kitchen couch; kitchen ' chairs; mirror; toilet set; tapestry rug, Sx3V&.; hanging lamp; wash stand; 'box stove and a quantity of othersmall articles,' 75-1. C Flowers - ddi W e�Q •lio Iii t � e S Funeral Designs Sent anywhere on Short Notice Specie/1 attention to. oat -of -town Or- ders. Chas. V. Cooke Two Phones,T S6w and 661 PICNICS! PICNICS Plan your picnic parties for Jowett's Grove. HAYOIELD Added Covered tables and other Con veniences . at 'the same old price, • 251•, per car 74.2. Veterans' Phicnlo • ' JOWETT'S GROVE, • HAYFIELD WEDN'Y JULY 23 CLINTON KILTIE RAND IN A,TTENDAIN'CL SPLENDID -PROGRAM OF SPORTS SOFT BALL GAMES BETWEEN VETERANS' TEAMS From Goderilch, Wingham, Exeter, Seaforth and Clinton. RACES, ETC. See Big Bills for Program, Good Prizes for all Events Ice Cream for the Kiddies ALL VETERANS AND THEIR FAMILIES WELCOME Pack your Basket and spend a happy Day by the lake with old comrades. GARDEN SUPPER at Grace United Church, PORTER'S -HILL on the evening of WEDN'Y, JULY 23 Supper served from 0 to 8 Program will consist of play by the EBENEZER YOUNG PEOPLE Admission, 50e and 25c Come and Enjoy the Evening 75 -1 - CARD OF THANICS Mr. Herbert Crich and family 'wish to experss their sincere appreciation of the kindness shown during the ill - nes of Mrs. Crich, and for all the sympathy and knidness extended to then in their bereavement, CARD OF THANKS The family of the late 1411.s, John H. Govier extend thanks tib, friends and neighbors for expressions of sympathy in their recent bereave- ment, for flowers sent and all kind. nesses shown. Pullets For Sale +Bred -to -lay Barred Rock pullets for sale. Apply to Bert Murphy, R. R. No. 5, phone 620 r22, Clinton. 75-3-p. County of Huron Debentures At the Juno Meeting of Huron County Couneil a By -Law was pas- sed to issue $100,000 6 -per 'cent 10 - year debentures to pay the County's Provincial Highway Indebtedness. The .Debentures will be ready for delivery about October- 1st, County Treasurer, Gordon Young, at Goderich, is prepared to give infor- mation to County Residents and to receive offers from those' desirous of investing, and 'correspondence' is in- vited. It is the wish of the ,County Coun- cil that these debentures be sold to ratepayers in `the County, and any- one wishing to invest should write the .Treasures: or the undersigned. By order •'GDO. W;. DOLMAN, Clerk, 75-1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given to all per- sons having claims 'against the es- tate of William Stewart, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Buren, gentleman, who died on or about the 22nd day of May, A.D., 1930, to send the same duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of August A.D, 1930, as on and after that date the executor of the said estate will proceed to make distribuation thereof, having regard only tothe claims ,• she then shall have had notice of. _ DATED AT. GODERICH this 16th clay of July A.D., 1930. HAYS and RAYS, Goderich, On- tario, Solicitors fdr the Executor herein. 75-3. Watch Found . • Toured in Clinton, a van's watch and chain. Owner: may have saute by applying to Chief Stone., „proving property and paying 'expenses.' 75-2. New Agency • I. am agent for the lttelotte Cream separator and separator supplies, old separators, any Make; taken on a new one; also electric pumping out- fits, electric motors and grinders. . F. H. Powell, R. R. ',No. 8, Clinton, phone 007r4. 7241. House For Sale 7 -room house, hardwood floors in front' part of house, town water and lights. Garage and chicken pen. Half acre lot with fruit trees. Ap- ply to John W. Nediger, Clinton. 5941. Clinton's New -k Egg And Poultry Heise Eggs bought according: to, Domin- ion Government Egg: Regulbt ons. Inquire for our, prices. of eggs. You- will alwaysfindl our proses par- ellel with the city markets,,. Fat hens and; wellefinisifed chicks always wanted+ -Prices- gogdi. Always phone our+• oMee for prices. before marketing. pnodune- . N. W. Trewartha Phones-Offloe, 2114;ii l'lesidenee, 214w Epps Transport Varna Ontario Phones: Clinton 026r21; tendon: Metall 1165. Daily Freight and Express Service toren, London. Closed vans /ti. Furniture Loads; Everywhere. Every -load insured for $31300.00 Service and Satisfaction Our Kato. E. H. Epps & Son 70.8. 'WHY IS IT? Why do clients of many years standing continue to send us their troublesome collections? ' Why ie the volume of business we 'handle increasing so rapidly? ' :Because en service - is eminently satisfactory and our rates reason- able. • 1890 1930 K,'ELLY & AIKEN The Collection Specialists 'Guelph, ORANGEVILLE, OwenSound 70 -6m -p. Farm For Sale South Part lot No. 9, 14th Conces- sion Goderich township, consisting of 48sia acres more or less. On it is a good 6 -room cottage in good repair with a good furnace, a good barn, 30x 50, with good stable underneath, new henhouse, 16x40, new garage and good driving shed and implement house, the land is clay loam and in good shape, well drained and well fenced -in 6 acre fields. Will bell crop and give possession at once if desired. F. H. Powell, R. R. No. 3, Clinton, Phone 607r4. 72-tf. Those Bridal Photographs Be sure and have Photographe made of the . Bridal Party. A few minutes invested at the Burgess Por- trait Studio, Mitchel, will insure a treasure of a Photograph that you will always be glad you have had taken. Our prices are most reason- able; our work the best. 74-2. Pullets and Baby Chicks Try our Bred -to -lay Barred Rock pullets for winter layers, hatched in March, will be ready for ,laying house in July. Also Baby Chicks, $15.60 per hundred.. D.• M. Lindsay, Hedge Row Farm, R. R. No. 3, Clin- ton. 67-tf. Farms For Sale Lots 27 and 29, 9th concession of Goderich township, consisting of 160 acres of good clay loam, 1i miles west of Hohuesville. Good buildings, never -failing wells. Ap- ply to Lewis Proctor, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 611r2, Clinton cen- tral. 29-tf. Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects, at Lot 16, con. 16, Goderich township, 8 miles north west of Clinton, on Thursday, 'July 24th, at 1 .o'clock, sharp, consisting of the following: HORSES -Black horse, 7 yens, good driver and worker; brown :filly 3 years, general purpose; grey geld- ing, 2 years, Clyde and Percheron; CATTLE -Bleak cow, 6 years old, fresh; Ayrshire cow; 3 years old, fresh; Holstein cow, 5 years old, due to freshen in 10 days; 2 heifers, 2 years old; steer, 1 year old; heifer calf, 3 months old, . 'SHEEP 9 registered Leeiestor ewes; 6 ewes, Leciester and Downs; all `young and in good condition; 6 ewe iambs and one buck about i?(i to 70 lbs. • 20 barred rock hens; collie dog. IMPLEMENTS -X. -H. binder, 7 i t. cut, almost new; Frost li Wood mower; hay rake; manure spreader; spring tootit..,citltivator; M. -H. rid- ing plow, Premier 21; Twin plow with rolling coulters; walking plow; senffler; set of iron "harrows; land roller; seed drill; wagon; wagon box, with combination stock and hay rack; set of sleighs; gravel box; fanning mill;; steel tire top baggy; Portland cutter; Melotte cream sep- arator, large size; set of sling tropes and Dillies; wheel barrow, stone boat; 2 sets of 3 horse eveners; set of heavy wagon tires; emery grind. er;; quantity of tools; robes and horse blankets; forks; dhaies; ahov- els, hoes; set of double heavy har- ness, complete; set of double•driving harness with collars; set of single harness with collar and homes. set of single driving harness; set of dog harness; army saddle; boys wagon; hand sleigh; rubber tired baby car- riage; also a quantity of household' effects consisting ,of; ,bedroom suite springs and 'mattresses; large glass cupboard; wood stove: drum and pipes churn; set of 240 lb. scales; tables; chairs; stands; fruit sealers; Alladin Lamp; Coleman lantern; 4 - coal oil lamps;, Raymond sewing: iia - chine and numerous .ether -articles. r1iiRiMS: All suits of $10 and under cash; - over :that 'amount 9 months' credit will be 'riven on. fur- nishing .apprnved joint bankable .pa- per,' .nt• a ,discount of 4 per cent straight allowed for cash en credit amounts. Positively no reserve as pronr•ietor has disrtosed of his farm; . Henry'. Snyder, Proprietor, George II: Elliott, Auctioneer-. 74-2. Far 5: Attcntio! We, have pits for the e ]� Ia exd„ McCormick,, F'r'ostWioIand Masse -Harr' u � s,iTl the following: Sec'lin Sections, G ard_Plates, Pitman. Woods and Botts; aII4 Straps, Guard Bolts Pitman Boxes, Shoe Soles, -Knife; Rads. We can supply you with Knl? complete on �� hour notice, CLIMAX This is the bug season. Wage war on them. with Climax Bug- Ki' lea, For use on potatoes, beets, cabbages, lettuce, rose. bushes, etc Milier Hai"dware GO. r, TELEPHONE 59 CLINTON C. H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Trens, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs l clone Y Eggs and Poultry Home on Tuesday and Friday fore. noon to take in Poultry. Eggs handled at residence every' day -graded by an experienced grad- er, for which we pay the highest market price. Cream purchased for Stillman's. A. E. Finch Viking Cream Separator Agent. Victoria St., Clinton . Phone 251 The Safety Responsibi- lity Law of Ontario Effective Sept. 1, 1930 Are you familiar with this new law? Rave you your car insured? I will gladly furnish you with full particulars. HAROLD G. LAWSON Insurance of .9.11 Kinds Clinton, Ont. Phone 208 2,000 '11 Coupon Bonds available until 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, July 19th. , , Dividends 1% per month, com- mencing August lst. J. C, CHOWEN Office next to Rattenbury Hotel Phone 52, Clinton. ow. kt RASP :ERRIES NEW POTATOES 2 Ib. Chickens ALIVE 35c EACH DRESSED 50c EACH PULLETS, BREEDING COCKER- ELS AND YOUNG HENS E. L. ' Mittell Phone 213, Clinton 58-t1. Cream Separator and Piano for Sale. A new Renfrew Separator, 600-1b. capacity, used only about tett days at .big discount. This machine is spade in Ontario and is guaranteed to skins clean and run as long as any on the market. One week's free trial. . Also a slightly used piano. Out only about 1l years. To be' sold at low price. We are agents for Renfrew Separ- ators, Washing machines, 2000 -lb. weigh scales and .the latest cooking and heating ranges. Give us a ring today. J. E.'HVGIL.L'& SONS Phone 616r84, Clinton central.' 73-3. Standing Hay For Sale 30 acres .of good timothy will be sold by acre to suit purchaser, Cheap for quick sale. J. W. Bayley, phone_ 636r5, Clinton central. 74-2-p., Slabs For Sale `Orders left at my residence will receive prompt attention. E. Ward, Huron street, Clinton, .phone 155. 67-tf. Cherries! Cherries of finest quality for sale at the G. Hoare Fruit Farre, north of Clinton. 74.2-p. RUPTURE SPECIALIST Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform- ity. Consultation Free. Call or write, J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. 10-1929. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed 1 Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's Barber shop. W. J. Jago. 2283-tf. Keep Warm With, LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE MINEHEAD ALBERTA SOFT COAL. NUT COKE AND DOMESTIC SIZE COKE . A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen Street Telephone 25e Implement Agent I handle Cocicshutt implements and cream separators, Frost and Wood Implements and carry parts and repairs for same. I am also agent for Allis -Chat - mere Tractors. Those wishing to inquire about any of the above kindly call at my residence. JOHN V. DIEHL, Queen Street, Clinton, McCormick -Deering Agency Having taken over the above ag- ency for this district I will keep on hand a full stock of repairs and parts of all MsCoriniek-Deering machined and will appreciate a share of the patronage of the farmers snrounding Clinton. . Call at my shop, next door to Jones' blacksmith shop, King street. W. J.. STEWART Clinton, Ont., .Phone 281' 04-t1, Clinton's Vi"s L.3,:r 1 COAL BINS WAIVE() WE WILLL, RENT COAL AN IN TOWN 11 you had a two family house, you wouldn't let half of it stand vacant, bringing you in nothing. But did you ever think of ,renting your coal bin for the Summer? The Heat Folks are in the ntarlcet for empty coal hies, any size' will do. Good rental gladly paid. If you buy your coal NOW, you can pocket the money .it would cost us to store it untii Fall. Prices aro so mucin cheaper that you will realize on unusually large return on the space] that would otherwise .lie. vacant. Here is. a profit that is all velvet irJ addition to the satisfaction of being set for Winter time.• Call the ( for. good, clean coal 9 a r- �� 1 COAL COMPANY PHONE 74 CLINTON