HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-07-17, Page 3IT'S THE CUSTOM IN CANADA
Every country has its own delightful social traditions .
25 years ago it was considered a very delicate attention for a lady
to light a gentleman's cigar , . In Spain, the women still light
their nien's'cigars : , In Canada, the custom of smoking Wilson's
Bachelor -s-'400% Havana filler—cigars dates back a' quarter of a
Today, they are the outstandingeten cent brand in quality and
Brave Sea and Sharks to Rescue Wolman•
irn v dtmIIy
foil wrapped
and in pocket
pucks of five'
Shill most
or the
a • I couldn't, but that if they would
de Freeman ureic 100 speeches to them [ had i
Be.�,9 /�� �1 eauso t
' could n
Author of Peter Pan Honored because we are all linked together.",
B Native Birthplace At • the Freedom ceremony, after
Y P ' tatting th oath, Sir James was pre-
Kirriemufr, Scot.—Tire day on sensed by the Provost with the Bur-
witieh Peter Pati eturned to his un- gess ticket in a silver casket which
tire town will long be remembered in bore on Its sides replicas et Peter
Ktrrio. Even to Sir J. M. Barrie pan and the new pavilion. "f eau
hfmselt, who has received so tunny assure you;' said the Provost, "that
honors ht his time, it must have been this casket cantatas not ouiy the Mir-
a great day when he was made the gess ticket but the heart of Merle -
first Freeman. of Kirrtenuiir. itis birth. mutts"
piece, which he Inas immortalized as Responding, Sir James, after thank -
"Thrums." .The town, which Is a lag the citizens, said: "In Loudon I
quaint medley of Hower-bot'dered al- have a native of Kirtentuir. Ilviag
leys known as "pends," was crowded with me, He is a Kirriemutr canary,1
to its utlnoat capacity with "return- and we often talk together about
tug natives; all anxious to'do honor what he irreverently calls 'the old
to this most fatuous son of Angus. I place' 10 said to me before I left,'
is stands
owe birthplace
Sir James's o u b t
Tike so many other Scotish houses
with its back to the toad. Garden
deletes and pansies and such other
hottest and homely flowers decorate,
the little patch ot garden. The wash•'
house, said to be Barr'ie's first thee -
Ire, strangely like the treetop .house
of Peter and Wendy, stands apart.
The sports pavilion which Sir James
has gifted to his kin folk is on a plat-
eau high above the town, anti is said
to have ttte Chest view in Scotland
whit, perhaps, the exception of Stir-
ling Castle.
In handing over the pavilion Sir
Janes Barrie gave one 01 his ltttnita=
bly whtmsical speeches. "It Is easy,"
he said, , "to make a speech any
where else, but to do it here, on this
12111 on Memories, to people who are
more' like hie, inside, than any other
people are -1 telt you I would rattler
go in to bat over there against the
West . of Scotland's bowling. I re-
member once being called upon In
America to speak to a woman's col-
lege containing., 900 girls, and I said.
Snit James Barrie to I come outside oue at a tette, I Would
o regret that offer. But I
take it whit confidence
to you
'What T chiefly want to 'know tai
whether you are going to say any
thing about me and whether the
'audience dieted ate'." (Cheers.)'
"Thank you. I shall tell )tint,"
First Debutante: "Oh, she'll never
ntake a Mt la society."
Second Debutante: "Why not?'
First Debutante: "She 'always be-
Iteves in telling the truth."
"Thrift is all that. is needed to lift
the great mass of people from the Latest Farm Machinery
ptncit of poverty?'-Catviu Coolidge.
Lady Luck
Luck is' your own.snaking. Luck
means rising at six in the morning,
living on one dollar a day if you make
two, minding your own business, and
not meddling with other 'people's. Leek
means the hardsldps, privations which
you have not hesitated to endure; the
long nights you have devoted to work.
Luck means the appointments you
have never failed to catch. Luck
n.eans trusting in God and your own
resources -a religion whose motto is:
"Help yourself, .and Heaven will help
you." Luck comes to them who help
themselves and know how to wait. -s
Mnx O'Rell:
When Duguid
And Anaemic
When a girl Is languid, dull and ir-
ritable; when the her color fades you
tuay be sure here blood is impoverish-
ed. When a gir'l's blood is poor her
nerves are starved and there is serI-
ous danger ot a decline. Rebuild the
blood, strengthen the nerves uttd good
health will follow.
Dr. Williams' Phik Pills are of un-
told value as a blood -builder. Cou-
corning them Mrs. John Finial, How -
Ian Station, P.H.I., says:—"My daugh-
ter was badly run down; pale, nerv-
ous and under weight. Ws decided
to give her Dr.•Wititams' Plait Pills.
Atter a few boxes he gained in
weight, her appetite Improved and
color came to her cheeks—la fact She
fully regnitted her former good
Yott eau get these Pills. at mod],
cite dealers or by mall at 50 cents a
box front The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brocicville, Ont,
Diving from "A" deck of the Canadian Pacific liner 'Empress of Russia"
Mtn the ahark•infested waters of the Cittna Sea, midway between Hong
Kong and Shanghai, Ott May 25, Tom Ellwgrthy,"'ship's • carpenter, battled
for the life of Mrs. ICatiterine Makarof, one of the passengers: When he saw
his shipmate Int danger, D. R. Dean,' intermediate fourth engineer, went over
the side to his aid and the trio were picked up by one of the ship's boats.
Both Bllworthy (left) and Dean (right) have been officially cited for their
Owl La fs
The injustice of Justice is unjusti-
Terrier Tires of Sea
Life -R;., turns :, a ome
Georgetown, S.C.-tIor five years
Another good way to meet a 101 Happy Jack rode a .lumber -laden
of college -trained hien is to mention schooner on her weekly ruts from
your desire to buy a few bonds. New York to Charleston.. He saw
Ws bit of lite with the rest of the
"I have a great memory, I can hearties, but the time came for him
recite all the names on three pages to seek hisshome port, liven a dog
of the'New York telephone directory, may be pardoned for expecting a vaca-
Wanna bear me? All right then:
Levy, Levy, Levy, Levy, Levy!"
Few persons want the photograph-
ers to take a niceness of them.
The laziest man in the world, is
the one who sang: "Moonbeam Kiss
Her For' Me.
' oa,NUtNf
due t.4.t1
u Mktg tAr%u
Excess acid is the common cause of
indigestion. It results in pain and
sourness about two hours after eating.
The quibk eorreetive is au alkali
Which neutralizes ^cid. The.best col-.
reotive is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia.
It has remained standard with physl-
eians la the 50 years since its inven-
tion. -
One spoottful of Phillips'. Milk of
Magnesia neutralizes Instantly many'
times its volume it acid. It is harm-
less and tasteless stud itsaction fa
quick. You will never rely oit crude
methods, never continue to suffer,
when you this
how quickly, how
pleasantly this premier method acts..
Please let' it show you, now.
.Be, sure to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by taws!.
clans for 50 years in correcting excess
acids. Each bottle contains full three.
tions—any drugstore,
High School Boards and' Boards ^ of Education
Aro authorized by law to establish
With the approval of the.Minister of Education
may, be conducted in accordance with the regulations issued 4y
the Department of Education.
Is given In various trades. The schools and classes are under the
Application for attendance•shouldbe made to the Principal
.of the. school.
for in the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and Hlph.--
Sehools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Scheele and Departments.
Caplets of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may be
obtained Prorn the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Torontp.
Exhibited at Royal Show
Ittaachester, Eng.—The Royal ShoW
whlotf opened in Manchester recently
contains a series of British -made
agt'tculturat machinery claimed as an
entirely new 'Bost -war industry here.
The ntaehittes are designed for the
use of glatiters and cultivator's id all
parts of the world.
The machinery includes steam avid
petrol tractors for South Africa,
ploughs tor iydia, coffee p'iper's, for
the Belgian Congo and Brazil, decortt-
caters for East Africa and harvesters
to compete with those used in.the
United States,
Arrangements have been completed
for an industrial mission froiu Shef-
field, comprising A: K. Wilson, repre-
seating the cutlery trade, and R. C.
klodgson, pt'esideitt of the Junior
Chamber of Commerce, to visit Brazil,
Uruguay, Argentine, Chile and Peru
'text 'mouth.
You—Who's that?
Me—President of a well-known or-
You—Worked his way up, eh?
Me—You said it. Worked' everybody
in sight.
The German scientist's pillow that
prevents snoring isn't a new idea.
Hick town hotels nave that kind of
mattresses too.
"Mies Chatter
doesn't she?"
"Yee, .She claims that a person's
opinions get musty if they aren't
aired." .
We wonder what happens when an
absent•nttnded vetitritoqutst takes Itis
girt on his lap.
"It may be all right for the women
to show their backbones,' declared
(insert), "but here's 'toping they will
spare -ribs."
We will now alt quietly white the
orchestra plays that little tune en-
titled "You Never Can Tell What a
Red Headed Mamma Will Do in A
The difference between independ-
ence and dependence lea cottstautly
added to savings account at the bank.
Pop—Do you know, sheepsare the
most dumb of all the dtttttb animals?
1lotn—Yes, n19' Lamb.
A very modest guy is one who wears
suspenders on itis pajamas.
tion, especially when oua remembers
that he has two pairs of• sea -legs' to
Happy Jack oras leading the usual
life 'of an Indulged fox terrier when,
the schooner Georgiana Weems start-
ed coming to Georgetown, The tall
masts seethed to possess a peculiar
Antong our greatest optimists are
the advertising writers, who ,clatin,
that a suave ntay be made pleasant.
First lrialttnan—Pat, what's that
piece of blank paper You have In your
Second Irishman—Oh, that's a let-
ter trout my wife.
First Irishman—Ilow do you mean
'a letter from your wife? Sure, thes'e's
no writing on IL
Second Irisltntau—O2 course not.
The ntissus and inyselt are trot Ott
speaking tern's.
The modern way to spell coward is
You have to think out some thiugs
yourself—nobody can help you.
Dentist—Where is the acltlttg.tooth
Girl (a. theatre usher)-Balcohy,
first row to the right.
In dancing women •exercise a per -
feet right, and a neat looking lett.
The history of the Milted States is
to be written 111 500 words. This
ought to be good news for schoolboys.
Rosebud—Where did 1 cone from?
Idose—The stalls brought you.
Humor, like History, repeats itself.
Yet the man Who won't believe in
a heaven he can't see will spend 10
cents for a special delivery stalk). .
fascination for the tiny terrier. As
soon as he sighted them above the
roofs and tree tops . Happy Jack
would rash down to the wharves to
bark appreciation aud applause.
One morning the first mate pulled
hiui up the gangpank and let him;
pope his inquisitive nose into every
part of the ship. Soon the dog in-
cluded the mate in itis enthusiasm
for the Georglaua Weems and the
two became constant companions as
long as the schooner lay at the wharf.
When the ship put out to open sea
Happy Jack commenced his career
as a sailor. His mistress, being a
woman wise in the ways ot dogs and
men, had consented to part with her
little terrier.
"Happy Jack won't forget 109." site
prophesied to the urate. "ITe'll come
back yet."
Happy Jack did come back. One
day his tntstress heard a sitarp
scratching at the front door. Think -t
tag that the noise was made by a
eat, site did not cease drinking her
coffee until a low, uoufuful howl
aroused iter curiosity. There at the
door stood Happy Jack, a bit wob-
bly on his sea legs, to be sure, but
certain of a welcome in his home
As yet I•Iappy Jack has found no
way to explain 'tow he remembered
his old home In Georgetown. Per.
haps the students ot annual psycho-
logy can explain,
The greater. the progress the more
Jobs it takes away from workers.
Co-lid—I play the piano just to kill
Acquaintance—You certainlyhave a
fine weapon.
Chicago ain't hat it used to, be, it's
all shot tiow.
When a girl ends a letter "sin-
cerely," you know she means what
sties says; but when it's' ended with
"love," you never can tell!
Mlnard's.LintmentChedks Colds.
Benevolent old gentleman: "And
whet happens to little boys wlto tell
lies?" Urchin: -"They get in hall
pcic0 sit:rl
Mvs. Mussel—"Yes,
`Yos, my ihusband Is
somewhat undersized, but he is an
There are many trials before we aro easy little chap.I can just twist him
perfected. --Fraser. round my Ringer." 'qrs. Meekfnmild
" reckon you can, And then hardly Ij
I c Y.
Minard's Liniment for all Strains. —know lies there"
This is the price
at N^ hich you
ca now buy
Hints to Tourists
Don't Forget '. ope
Proper Equipment Means a
Happy and Care -free
Trip .
By H. Clifford Brokaw
Technical Adviser, West Side Y. M.
C. A. Automobile Soho!
The most important accessory in
an automobile on tour has been found
to be by many who have had experi-
ence is a piece of strong rope. This
is one of the last things many people
would think to take along, yet in an
emergency a rope - often comes in
handy. Most motorists do a great
deal of their driving in the cities or in
tairly thickly populated sections. Un-
der such circumstances whatever hap-
pens there is usually a service station
within easy reach.
When one goes on a long tour the
cottdittons are likely to be quite differ-
ent. If one gel stalled or stuck in
some section_of the country where it
Is three or four miles to the nearest
house and ten to fifteen miles to the
nearest town and the nearest service
station, Ibis is quite a different mat-
ter, and under such circumstances one
is forcedupon one's own -resources.
It is in such an emergency that a
good tow rope is likely to come in
Where Tow Rope Is Handy
A good tow rope comes in handy
two ways. 11 a driver is stalled be
can probably get the assistance of
some passing tourist to ttse a tow rope
in helping to get him out of his difib•
telly. On the other band, it someone
else is in difficulty, the man with the,
trope can be a very satisfactory help
fu time of trouble by helping someone
also out of their static situation.
The automobile tires should be given
caretul attention before starting out
on a long tour. In addition to that
it is worth spending two or three
minutes each day to inspect the tires
atter the day's run, to see it there
are any cuts or abraelons. It there
are they should be fitted with rubber
cement. With no more trouble titan
this motorists have toured the United
States from coast to coast without a
single puncture or any other tire
Before going on tout', attention
should be given to the water circula-
tion system. Atty motorist can easily
do this himself. This means emptying
the radiator and filling It with a se.
lotion of a double handful of sal soda
to a pail of water. Then rot the
engine for a few minutes with the
spark retarded, until the solution itas
had a chance to boil.
The car should be left to itself
solution works at the scale and rust in
the Water jackets. Iii' this time the
Water will have cooled, it should
then be drained off and the circula-
tion system thoroughly flushed . out
with clean eold water and finally filled
with the Sante.
Summer Heat
Hard on Baby
No season of the year is so danger-
ous to ttte life of little ones as is the
summer. The excessive heat throws
the little stomach out of order so
quickly that unless prompt aid is at
hand, the baby may be beyond all Mt -
man help before the mother realizes
he is lit Sumpter is the season whets
diarrhoea, cholera infantum, dysen-
tery and colic are most prevalent.
Any of tltese troubles may prove dead-
ly it not promptly treated. During
the attntmer the .mothers' best friend
is Baby's Own Tablets, Tltey regulate
the bowels, sweeten the stomach and
keep baby healthy. The`•Tablets are
sold by• medicine dealers or by mail
at 25 cents a box trout The Dr. Wit -
)lams' Medicine Co., Brocicvilie, Ont.
No Quick Lunches Here!
The quick lunch has not yet found
its way into the habits ot Madrid. Two
''ours is the Usual Interval allowed
for the midday meal, taken with full
leisure atter and before a twenty -
minute train ride. There are conse-
quently no large restaurants in the
city catering for the moderate appe-
tites of those who enjoy a light meal
at midday. A lurch or dinner any-
where in tate regular dining rooms of
the Spanish capital is a solid respast
at which hore d'oeuvres of eight or
ten different kinds, soup, eggs, fish,
salads, vegetables, beefsteaks, sweets,
fruit or cheese are served in portions
each sufficient in Itself for a feast.
Yet the request to omit one 02 these
coarses would astound the average
"To unite peace with Security' in
the betide of political matrimony—that
is our problem." - Ratnsay MacDon.
For Blisters — Liniment,
The ideal man, as described by a
ntnib.er of women art students recoil
ly, must be a good dancer with intel-
lectual'leanings, send flowers, -treat
his wife as an equal, and never wear
red rtes. iu: appearance, he should be
tall and dark.
(Eat. *, - FREE CATA7.OGII£
19031 Auto Cres, Bicycle;;,
atotpaid. 131-
cynicss>r $10 05-
19 0 EtutLdaa Lent To'ronto
ISSUE No. 29—'30 I
Classified Advertising
fon SALE
215,503 last year In roue varle-
ties.Write for free. catalogue A. H
Switzer Granton. tint.
.t']- selling the best Fruit trees. shrubs,
tiles, evergreens, roses, etc,; town or
country; selling oohs sUPplied; erery
help given; commissions Paid weekly.
E. D, Smith & Sous, Ltd. Winona, On-
tario.. 600 -acres fruit and nursery stork.
A producer complains that plays de
not run as long as they used to do.
Not enough legs?
"Striving for an accumulation ot
riches is a deadly sin—covetousness."
—Canon Donaldson.
Even in fat -away Australia the dy-
ing is stenographer must keep en taking
letters. Since the King's birthday she
has become Amy Johnson, C.B.E,
Fasting will c'u'e almost anything,
says a medical writer. Especially it
one fasts long enough.
Minard's Liniment gives quick relief.
The hotel pianist was collecting at
the tables. Aman gave him a penny.
Pianist (angrily)—"What? You give
me a penny and yet yon gave a beggar
sixpence." Diner—"Yea,but be did
not play the piano."
Summer„ Strains
For nit the strains the flesh is
heir to during the summer
months—use Minard's. Popular
for fifty years.
ThelioneyllyCatd er
You Must Do Your Bit
in the war against the fly, carrier
of germ and breeder of disease.
it is proven that AEtOXON hone
el the molt convenient and most
efficient means of combating this
fly evil, It Is convenient, because
of the push•prts. It ip hygienic,
flier never get away when once
caught. Each spiral gives three
week' perfect nervice.
sada det. gree yandhardanre seer.
6 Cie C. 0, Genest & Ills, Ltmtlfe
.,,rxaaoor- Qoe
Read How This Medicine
Helps Her
Coniston, Alberta "I. am fifty-eight
years old and the mother of eighteen
living children.Wa
live on a farm and
I am a very )teal
mother eon-
si yin that
have such a big
family to work
for. The druggist
first told me about
Lydia 11. Pink:
ham's Vegetable
Compound and •I
have depended on
it for many years.
When I had this picture taken, the
photographer was telling me about' itis
wife's ailrncnts and after I told hits
about the Vegetable Compound he
went to the drug store and bought her
two bottles." --&ins. BERTHA &MEN-
BAOs, Sn., Cardstou, Alberta.
Are Filled As Far
As Possible In the
Order In Which
They Are
Farm Help Supplied
Offering Annual
Work Are
Given tha
The Colonization and Immigration Braneit of the
Department of Agriculture for Ontario will have available a
auUnbar of Experienced Married Men With Their Wives
and ltamIlies—Married Couples Without Children -,,x,
Also Single Men. kn1.
rumors roosiring stabs will be weld
wisdom to Mane early evaluation to
Geo. A. Elliott
ams. SireotororColontaatlon
Parliament Bldgs.. All Men
Toronto; Ont. Placed Subject
to Trial Period
HON. JOHNInlator ot Agriculture
ATT3aRC9 P^��
• File Your
at Once