HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-07-03, Page 1The News -Record Est. 1878
NO. 2573 -52nd YEAR
The New Era Est. 186&t
V cote liour, Watch 'yor •£erm'urzence
When you bey a watch, yott do not expect :to wear it fora sea-
son and cast it aside. You want it to become a permanent posses-
sion--a thing of enduring beauty that will serve you faithfully for
many years.
'So• choose your watch Per permanence, . Let it be a• reliable
timepiece, of course, but be sure the case is fashioned of precious
metal, too.
We have a complete selection here—dependable watches that
you will be proud to wear:
A good watch deserves a good band.' And we have - e them here
in smart designs. You can buy tfien't separately in case your present
wrist'wateh is dependable.
L Ye1
Jeweler and Optometrist Phone 174w and 174j
allay Toile rocks
This is a special purchase of two
dozen dresses in an assortment
of sizes and snappy styles, at
Midsummer Clearing Price.
It a eat 11Say.
big :,vena is of
interesl to (iia
thisa !ta4
. d.
Down goes the
price of 75
mens suits
in Medium and
dark. tweeds,
Grey, Brown
and Tan wore
steds and some
Blue Serges.
These Suits have
good , linings and
are well Tailored.
Full Range of Sizes 35 to 44
The regular pries of these
3'uits aro $16,50, $18,00, $22.50,,
Ind $25.00. .
Thelse are,. genuine Bargains
• Ind would ddviae making , sel-
action early while we have
our pattern and size, desired.
HILLY 3, 1930.
The members of :Clinton' Masonic Wlheat, $1.10.
Lodge, No, 84, wentout to Grace Barley, 50a to 60e
United church; Porter's Hill on Sun- Oats, 50c.
day afternoon to attend divine ser- Beekwheat, 75e.
vice, when Rev. R. at Gale, one of Butter, 28c.
their members, preached a very OP- Eggs, 18c to 24c,
propriate and appreciated sermon, . Live hogs, $10:75.
-The church choir rendered pleasing
music and Rev. Mr. Gale and Mr,'
Scotoliiner contributed -a duet. during A. quiet wedding took place at the
the service. %parsonage of College Avenue United
SEE YOUR NAME IS ON Church, Wloodstock, on Monday when
Phyllis Pearl'Wheatley of Wood
Today is the last day for appeals stock, was married to 11 r. Ray
in regard to the voters' list. The Swartz of Woodstock, ikon of Mrs.
town lists are in the postoffiee and Charles Swartz of Princeton. The
if on examination 'a name is missing bride wore a becoming gown of or -
which should be on an appeal should . chid crepe with hat to match. Rev.
be made to the 'enumerator of W. A. Conway officiated and Mr. and
the ward in which the voter lives. Mrs. Alex Sanders were the only at-
Mr. G. D, Roberton is enumerator tendants. Immediately after - the
for. St. Andrew's ward, Mr. C. H. ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Swartz left
Venner for St. James, Mr, Glen on a motor trip to Toronto and on
Cook for S. ,John's and Mr. H. C. their returnwill reside in Wodd-
Cameron for St. George's.
The Clinton Fire Brigade, accent- A very. pleasant day was spent at
paned by the Pipe Band attended the beach, Kineardine, on Saturday,
the tournament of the Western On- June 28th, when about one hundred
tario Firemens' Association at Tavi- members of the lt'Eair family gather -
.stock on Dominion Day, brigades ed to • spend their first reunion to -
were present from Thorold, Kincar- gether.
dine, Palmerston, EImira, Milverton, After refreshments were served at
Mitchell, • St. Mays, Burlington, noon games, such as horseshoe and
Baden, Clinton and Tavistock and
Clinton was adjudged worthy of the
first prize for the best appearing
company on parade. The prize was
a handsome Union Jagck, a very ap-
propriate prize on Canada's national
holiday. The Clinton company also
took a prize for the most ancient
fire -fighting apparatus on parade.
This outfit, which dates back 'to
1861 andsome say at least ten
years earlier than that, is a small,
hand -manipulated pump wagon,
looking morn like a boy's toy wagon,
as it stands in the fire ball beside
the fine, new,fire truck now in use.
The old trap had been lying about
the yard for years but this spring.
the Wien had it put into shape, paint-
ed up a nice red color and gave it a
little trip out into the world, where
it justified the care bestowed upon
it by carrying off a prize at the
first show it attended. It goes with-
out saying that this relict will be
one of the most cherished possessions
of the local fire company from now
The two prizes, the flag and a
ihemical fire extinguisher, are now
on exhibition in Miss McDonald's
The Pipe band, while not taking
any prize, created, a fine impression
in Tavistock by their fine bagpipe
music and fancy drumming, and they
remained to take part in the evening
Miss Gwen Holmes has opened a
,little gift shop in Bayfield.
The Hydro building is receiving a
new coat of paint this week.
.Are we to have any tarvia on our
streets this year? If so it is about
time it was on.
Quite a number went to Tavistock
Tuesday to take in the Old Home
week festivities.
Clinton sent a fair representation
of young men to the Military Camp
at Carling Heights,
The girls' softball team of Ontario
street church defeated the Exeter
girls by the score of 13-10."'•
iMx. and Mrs. John W. Nediger
have moved to "Stratford, where Mr.
Nediger has taken a position.
baseball, were eenjcyed by 'both old
and young. .
Mr. John Mair of C'ollingwood cal-
led the relatives together and some
speeches were made. He told how
three brothers, Walter, William and
Andrew Mair,' carne from near Ed-
inburgh, Scotland, nearly eighty
years ago, two of them settling in
Sullivan township, Bruce County,
'While William settled in Hullett
township, Huron County, the com-
pany present being descendents of.
these three, their wives, husbands
and families.
Members of the family were pre-
sent front Collingwood, Toronto, Kin-
tore, Ohesley, Deeboro, Clifford,
Goderich, Blyth, Clinton, Londesboro,
Ripley and Kincardine.
It was decided• to hold a similar
reunion next year in the same place,
At the beginning of August Mr.
R. E. Manning, local manager of the
Royal Bank, will be granted one
ear's leave of absence, at the end
of that time retiring on pension.
Mr. Manning, time,
you wouldn't
think it to look at him, has reached
the - age at which the Royal retires
its officials, having lowered the age
limit by five years just recently.
Mr. Manning has been in the bank-
ing business for thirty-three years,
all but three having been spent in
Clinton, the past twenty-one with the
Royal Bank. He started as a junior
in 1897 in the private bank of Mes-
ars. Ferran and Tisdale. In 1906 he
went to Dungannon as manager of
the Sterling Bank and three years
later, on the Royal taking over the
Sterling, he returned to Clinton as
manager of the Royal, and has held
that position ever since. Mr. Man-
ning's successor here will be Mr. E.
Patterson of Lion's Bead.
We are glad to be able to announce
that Mr. Manning will in .all likil-
hood continue to reside in Clinton,
where he has his own home and
many happy associations. Mr. Man-
ning has taken a keen interest in
Collegiate affairs, having been a
member of the board for several
years and is a member of the Public
Library board. He is also a member
of the board of Weelev-Willis United
Rev. A. E. Doan and family left .church and had much to do with the
yesterday for Mitchell., where Mr, successful rebuilding of that edifice
Doan will have charge of the United last year, being chairman of the
church.•building' committee. He is a good
Night Constable Grealis met with citizen and Clinton would be sorry
an injury to his arm while in Tavi- to lose him•but es he also likes
stock on 7)ominion Day -and i since Clinton that is not likely to happen.
being very careful of it. AMONG THE CHURCHES
Tuesday is ladies' day at the Clin- Clinton Baptist Church
ton Golf Club and it has been decid- Sunday school at 10.30. Evening
ed to make it a social affair, when service preceded by song service at
afternoon tea will be served. the usual ' hour. Sermon subject:
The members of the choir of On- "Three Famous Mountains."
tario street United, Church held their - St. Paul's Church •
annual picnic in Stratford on Mon- Holy Communion will be celebrated to Mary McMichael. To this union
day afternoon, about thirty being in at eleven o'clock next Sunday. Even- were born eight sons and two daugh-
':'he.-Wjonien's Institute held their ll±rss Ruth Ball obtained her third
'regular meeting on Thursday ,after- year standing in Secretarial Science
.noon last." • .; a an± Miss Eleanor McEwen obtained
After the regular opening exec- beir third year standing in Mathe-
cises routine business vier transact- malice and Physics.
ed. It was decided..to have a "Grand- -
mothers' Day" in July and'the an- HONOUR JUDD'".
meal: picnic in August. '`1VXiss Mary .A quiet wedding took place at the
R. Stewart contributed a couple of parsonage of Oullettc avenue United
pleasing solos and Mrs. W. Rozeli church, Windsor, on Saturday, June.
gave a paper on "The Greatest Thing , 28th, at three o'clock, when -Lillian.
in the World --•Love." The roll call May, . daughter on Mr. Thomas, Judd
was responded to by recipes for sum- and the late Mrs: Judd of Clinton,
mer drinks. Hostesses for the clay became the bride of Mr. Aubrey B.
were; Mrs. Harvey Jenkins, Mrs. N. Honour, son of Mr. Frederick and
W. Trewartha, Mrs. Glen Cook, Mrs. the late Mes. Honour of EIm avenue,
Cree Cook, Mxs. J. E. Cook, Mrs. W. Windsor. The ceremony was per -
Wilson and Miss Minnie; Walker. formed by Rev: A. E. Runnelis. The
A FAMILY' bride looked charming in her wedding
gown of shell pink georgette with
The Potter family of this vicinity eggshell- colored hat and shoes. She
held a very happy family picnic at was attended 'by Miss Alice Lawson
Stratford on Dominion Day. of Detroit, niece of the bride, gowned
The sports committee for the.pic in pale blue chiffon, with hat and
nic. was composed of Fred Gliddon, shoes to match. Mir. Herbert Hon
Goderich; Elmer Potter, Holmes- our of Detroit was his brother's best
ville; Victor Makins Brantford; man. The happy couple left by mot -
Clifford Kemp, Mitchell; C. McPhail, or later for Montreal and New York
Goderich. The lunch committee was City. On their return they will re
Mrs. George M'akins, Tillsonburg; side in Windsor, Ont.
Mrs. S. A. Hewitt, Mitchell; Mrs. Among these who entertained for
John Potter, Holmesvile. • the bride were: Miss Rhea Bray,
Election of officers for the ensu- who gave a shower; the girls of -The
ing year resulted as follows: honor- Frederick Stearns Co. Office Staff;
ary president, T. J. Potter, Holmes- a shower; Mrs. Maude West, a lunch-
ville; •president, 0. W. Potter, Clin- eon and Mrs. A. S. Dunnett of De -
ton; secretary -treasurer, Miss Fran- troit, a shower.
ces Potter, HolmesviIle. Lunch
committee, Mrs. Fred Potter, Mrs. J.
G. •Gliddon, Stony Creek; Mrs. Will
Potter. Sports committee, Mrs. Ed. $OLMESVILLE
Potter, Woodstock; Clarence Pot- Miss Delle Findley is visiting Te-
ter, Percy Potter, Norwich; J. G. Glid Istives at Jarvis,.Ont.
don, Stoney Creek; Bale. McFarlane, Mrs. Danks, Mrs. Harry Mayfield,
Stanley, Mrs. McElroy and Miss Campbell all
The Potter family includes the of Zion -City, I11., have been visiting
descendants of Thomas Potter, pion -
in -law,
the home of the former's brother-
eer of this county, who in 1812 cane in-Iaw, Mr. T. J. Potter, and with
from his home in Essex, England, to other relatives here, motoring over
carve a home for himself out of the to be present at the Potter re -union
wilderness of Canada: which was held at Stratford ort July
• 1st.
AN O'RDIN'ATION Mrs. W, Mulholland has returned
"Trinity Sunday" in the Church of hone and all are pleased to see her
Ertgianci is always specially marked so much improved in health. .-
as a time when duly qualified Wren Tft' C. Il, Jefferson, principal of
are ordained and admitted to Holy Clinton Public school, took the sex -
Orders. This year tate ordinatiotl in vice in the United church here Sun -
All Saints' Cathedral, Halifax, N.S., day morning in the absence of the
was one of interest to many in Clin- pastor. Mrs. Mayfield and Mie. Me -
ton and vicinity when George R. Elroy of Zion City, Ill„ rendered a
Thompson, son of . and Mrs. Har- duet and Mrs. Mayfield nsola.
ry J. Thompson was 'ordained to the which were very much appreciated
sacred office of deacon. He was one by the congregation.
of two candidates, the other being Mr. W. Lee is busily engaged
Mr. J. R. Davies of Trinity C liege, erectingesidences his new house en the Mait-
Toronto. Itis Grace, Archbishop .land, north cf or village, When
Worrell conducted the erdlnati on completed it will' be 'a very' beautiful
which is a very solemn and inpres_ r
sive service, The Venerable Arch -
John Potter of Norwich has
deacon 'Wilcox, M.A„ of Dartmouth; been visiting friends here.
presented the candidates to His
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ward and
Grace and the Rev, G. R. Harrison, - Betty, spent the holiday with Mrs.
M.A., rector of Springhill, N.S., was W'ard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
the special preacher The great Cede-lore.Cathedral was thronged to capacity Miss Rota MacDonald who has
by devout and loyal Anglicans, who been engaged as teacher here during
worship in the great edifice. The the past tern. left for her home in
service Was fully choral and sermon, Teeswater on Monday, where she
followed by sung litany in proses- will spend her vacation. Miss llac-
slon. Then came the ordination Donald has been re-engaged for the
service proper and climaxed by a ccening terme
choral celebration of the Holy Eu- Mr. Olose was the week -end guest
charist. After the ordination the of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCartney
ordinants were the guests to lunch- and Miss Altalinda,
eon •at the archbishop's palace, Rev. Miss Wilhelmina Trewartha of
Mr. Thompson left on Monday for Clinton spent a few days with her
Lunenberg, Bridgewater and La cousin, Miss Charlotte Ti'ewnrtha,
Have, N.S., for a short visit with The many friends of Mr. E. J. Tre-
friends before assuming charge as wartha will he pleased to know he IS
rector of the parish of Ecum Seem. able t he around again after a Bev -
Rev. Mr. Thompson's many friends ere attack o'f lumbago,
wish the -young man many years of
useful service to His Church and His
:On June 25th another of Huron's
eldest pioneers passed peacefully
away in the person of John Francis
Dale of Clinton in his 84th year. Ile
Was the second son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Christopher - Dale. Born in
the year 1846 in Yorkshire, 'England,
Mr. Dale came to Canada with his
parents in 1850, settling at Wood-
;stock'for a period of six years. At
the end of that period the family
moved up to Huron County, taking
up land in Hullett, near Constance.
In 1871- he was united in marriage
ing service as usual.
ters: Thomas C., Orville R., and Ar
The courmittee in charge of the The Archbishop of Huron will • chie T. of the 2nd of Hullett, James
Huron County Veterans'- genu nee preach at the service on Monday, A. at home, Harold A., Seaforth, John
here Friday evening last, and ret Jiily 7th, at 8 o'clock, when he will. F. and W. A. of the Huron Road,.
•administer the Rite of Oonforanation. East; Victor E„ who died with the
ranged a fine program of sports, eta
for their big rally, July 23rd. Ontario Street United Church She in and Mrs. John Crehan of
i and nd Mrs. W. J. Rosa of Hul-
ot the Ontario street United During July and August union ser- lett. There'' are fifteen grand-chil-
church choir ,picnic at Stratford on vices will be held with the Clinton dren.
Dominion Day' a presentation was Presbyterservie congregation. During
made to Miss ' a Pres Doan, prior July the services will be held in On- The deceased farmed in Hallett and
to the de :tare of the family , from tario street church, and during Aug- Tuekersmith townships' for a period
pa y ust in the Presbyterian church. of 47 years and by.diligence and up-
town, - rightness' he obtained a sufficient com-
,M;rs. Fergus VanEgmond and her Potence so that he was enabled to
real -
mother, 1Virs. 2. J. Andrews,. will be retire from the more _etrenetrous real-
at home to their. friends on Tuesday ities of life, cording to Clinton four
afternoon, July' 8th, from three y b years ago 'and'taking 'up residence in
Rattenbury street; east. He had been
o'clock to fiye and in the evening.Tho Sacrame t d p of very rugged disposition but during
from eight to ten, the last' few menthe his health be-
;Albout twenty-five men, compris-
9 gan to fail him but only the last tln!ee
ing Clinton Company of; ,the Huron anon s :vice months did his case appear to be crit -
Regiment, left Monday to go into Y , teal aud,the end came very suddenly.
_camp' at Carling Heights. ,Officers M g d 'll l} e' fu oral was held from • his late.
in charge` were: Capt. T. Morgan and p k t1 ,
:residence on Saturday afternoon, the
Lieut. L. McKnight: Weldon Hovey The sessron •+
went down as secretary. s o large eoneoursey of friends "showing
half pat seven o'clock the .high •esteem an which -tire deceas-
Mk- Roy -East, who has been Roy -The minister's s Sun y g ed was held in the community, The
ev, A. .1
condu ted b R
al Bank.inspector in the west for d servrce wa,5 c Y
reel United church,
f> tar st U
Dc no .O b�
th .hood uatrors at a p t,.
some time, Wi �1
Calgary, comes east, as'`manager of th'e flower bearers beim :the grand
the St::Catharines branch•. Mr. East children olid rite 'bearers, the sons of.
is an, old Clinton bey and began his
{,banking career ie the: loyal branch.'
- RRev. F. G. Farril�l, the new minis-
ter 'of Ontario street dhurdh will
have charge of. the services on Sun-
day. .
• sic -W lis United Church
nt of he Lord's Sup-
per will be 0besrved -next Sunday.
at th'e morning service. Pre -com-
munion e • ' will be held on -Fri-
day eveningat 8 o'clock when Rev,
Malcolm of E mon vt e m be
the reacher
willfineet in the Bible'
Olas • room n Fridayevening'`at
da -. evening'
� ri 'airit an
e Ch tt
su cG 1 � e•
b War b s y
J i
The W,M.S. will meet in the lee-
ture room of the church on , Thurs-
day,:July, 10th, at"8 o'clock.
Miss Omerine Lebeau of London
spent a few days at her home this
Mr. and Mrs, Luther Pepper, Sas-.
katoon, Sask„ visited at the home of
her cousi, Mr. Swinbank on Mon-
Mas. Harris Preston spent Sunday
with Mn and Mrs. Milton Witlse, '
Quite a number from this neigh-
borhood took in the sports at'Gode-
rich on Tuesday.- -
!Mrs. T. Lindsay has returned to
her home after a two months' - visit
with London friends. •
QVb. and Mrs. Geo. Falconer attend-
ed a family reunion picnic at Spring -
bank on Saturday.
Dr. J. Lindsay and family and
Miss Miaryaret Murray, London, vis-
ited with Mfrs. T. Lindsay on Tues-
day. .
•Mliss Dorothy Stirling Left , this
week to take a summer course at
the Ontario College of Art. Toron-
to. '
The following stem Was clipped
from the- Powasson News and refers
to a former Goderieh Township resi-
dent, Mr, C. Cox:
Members of. Powassan Lodge .A.
A & ANL, Not 443, to"the number of
about fifty held their annual parade
to the United ,church an Sunday.ev-
ening, where Divine service was held.
The preacher for the occasion was
Bro. C. Cox, pastor of • the Church
at Niptssing, who debivered a very in-
sti:uetilre anti helpful address, giving
en 'outline of the history of this
greatest and" oldest order in exist-
ence; and setting forth its ideals; as
.ibased,:ore the three virtues, "brotherly
r It a
e : lei andtenth." low rel
masterly hddress " and highly app'e-
ciateKl, by all present. Thd special
the deceased' Interment was mato`.inusic:for the occasion ineluded'a vo-
in tie Clinton cemetery. , ' ' cal :solo sweetly rendre ed by Mrs C
Who was recently ordained a deacon
in All Saints Cathedral, Halifax.
who has been in charge of the On--.--
tario street and Turner's United
churches fox the past three years,
and who .Ieft this week to take over
his new charge at Mitchell.
W. Campbell, and a quartet, "Near-
er My God, to Thee," by Mrs. Bow-
er, Miss Knight, Messrs. Summers
and Lake."`
11r. Randal Cole, who has been
teaching the past year in Millbank
Continuation school, leaves this week
for London to attend Sumner school.
Randal is another of our boys who
has done well, all his pupils having ,
passed their examinations and he
has been re-engaged with a raise of
Miss Marion M'iddleten spent the
beginning of her vacation at her
home, but left Wednesday for Guelph,
where she is taking the special six-
weeks agricultural course. '
Miss Elizabeth Doan of Clinton,
spent a couple of days this week with
her friend, Miss Helen Welsh.
The ,young people of the Bayfield
line and vicinity held a very success-
ful weiner roast at the south pier,
.Bayfield ep June 30,
The amival Welsh picnic was held
in Jowett's grove on July 1st.
Th is the followinghe classificaticn
of the .pupils of S. S. No. 10, follow-
ing the promotion examinations.
Those marked "P" were promoted:
-:Sr, 4th -Middleton, Ross p; Rath.
well, Marjorie p; Schoenhals, Mar-
garet p; Steep, Gladys, Ion trial);
Welsh, Robert p.
,. Sr. 3rd—Ciuff, Wanda, Rathivell
Jr. 3rd—Cole}ouglt, George p; •
dleton, Margaret p; Schoenhals, Stew-
art p; Steep, Melvin p; Switzer, Earl;.
Switzer, Lawrence; Welsh, Helen P.
2nd—Rohner, Murray p; Middleton,
Kathleen p; Monk, Evelyn p;- Rath
well, Arnold; Switzer; Eva p; Steep,
Berenice p; Thompson, Frank p.
lst—Crieh, Lawry p; Helmer, Ber-
tha (on
er-tha:(on trial); Steep, Albert P. -
Sr. Pr,—Craige, Albert p; Middle-
ton, Frederick p; Monk Millie; Monit, '
Phyllis p; Thompson, Helen p.
Number on roll, 29.
Elsie X. Blackhall, teacher,
Mrs. Wjilliam-M,oArtliui•' and 'little
son of Goderich, spent a few days
last week at the home of the lady's
sister, Mrs. • Adam Nieholsan. ,
Miss Mildred Britton of Toronto is
spending a week's vacation at. -.•the
home of here pare'nts,•:M;:.:and Mrs.
Wire. Britton.
Mr. and Mrs. Bus'hley of Chathain
are spendng'a few days at the home
of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
R. Lawson, ;
Mrs. A. C'oiciough is ;confined to
her bed for a week with an attack
of pleurisy. WA wish .tier a speedy
Miss Thelma Dale eof Toronto is
spending her vacation at her keine
The Ladies! Aid of the United
.church met last" Thursda4 in the
basement of the. church. Two quilts
were quilted by the ladies,
tn. ark Its eoentl r -
Mr„ WI Cd a x q pu
base a new 1 youth sedan ear.
c d P , ,, cr
;Mr. and Mrs, N. Wildfong and two
sons ;of .Hespeler visited Mr. and Mrs.
`Jos ,Yungbintt over the holiday,