HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-06-26, Page 4masarairimmiannempai THE CINTON-NEWS RECORD COOPER'S STORE NEWS �rrive Ladies ` Misses, and Childrens Summer Dreses' A BigRange to Choose from in Voils, Rayons and Summer Silks. A. T. OQOPER "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" CLINTON PHONE 36 . LEADERS IN..LOW PRICES Creani E s Poultry WE RECOGNIZE QUALITY and DISTRIBUTE THE CASH ACCORDINGLY at CLINTON .CREAMERY, CLINTON PHONE 145 SEAFORTH BRANCH, SEAFORTH PHONE 162 CLINTON 'BRANCH, CLINTON ONTARIO PHONE 190 Gunn, Langlois:.& Co., Limited HEAD OFFICE — MONTREAL, QUE. • SMART NEW Straws SPECIALLY PRICED AT 50"$3. 2 These Smart New Stray were never made to sell at this lots price. They are of such fine quality and so well mads that tire, would' regularly sell for $4.50 to P. All sizes, and a number of different styles to eh Dose from. DAVIS & DERMAN To the People of Clinton and District. Having' purchased the plant and business of the Thomas Mc- Kenzie Estate, we purpose operating- the Planing Mill and conducting a general business in ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER, WOOD AND PATENT SUING - LES. DOORS. SASH AND A COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES-, ALSO COAL, WOOD, CEMENT, LIME, GYPROC,GASOLINE, ETC„ ETC. Orders filled for any quantities of Hard or Soft Wood. We solicit the patronage of the people of this district and assure them that our aim will be to give satisfaction to every customer. Estimates given on buildings of everydeseription, THE , CLINTON LUMBER COMPANY' (J. E. BAECHLER. Proprietor) OUR FEES ARE LOWER FOR A BETTER BUSINESS- . COURSE BECAUSE OF LOWER EXPENSES IN TOWNS Why` Pay More for Less COURSES : SECRETARIAL, CO 6144ERCIAL, STENOGRAPHIC, GTVIL SER - -VICE, TEACHERS, SPECIAL COURSES ARRANGED. A BETTER .'SCHOOL ' • BECAUSE ' , Every teacher on the staff is trained as a professional tesclrer .as well as in advanced Commercial work. COMPARE OUR COURSES, STANDARDS, STAFF AND 'J:1;1g1GIS WITH THOSE OF OUR COMPETITORS ```HEN CHOOSE THE BEST. • , school of Coinmeree. M. A. STONE, Commercial specialist, Vice Principal. PHONE 198 • B.F. WARD, B.A., Principal. 71,tf. BR'USS'III'LS:-The death took place Listowel lVl:emoriai Hospital last week of Dorothy Elizabeth' Pride,' wife of M. Earl Rndd, general merch- ant of the village of Cranbr;oolt. De- ceased, who Wasin her 29th year, was the daughter of William and Mrs. Pride, of the 12th concession of Grey „ Township, and had only been married about a year. 13'esides her husband she is survived by a week, old baby. The •funeral took place Saturday afternoon, interment being 'made in Woodlawn Cemetery, Guelph. i1OLMES`VILLE Mr. and 'Mrs. Earl Cudmoro and baby, of Norwich, spent the week- end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Ctdmore and family, MA'S. Alcock who has been spend- ing the past two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Campbell, ''r of'Brus sels, returned home- on Sunday, 11T'r, and Mrs. Campbell and family ae- companied her' home and spent the day' here. Quito a ne ber . from I.lolinesville and vicinity enjoyed, the "Feld Day" at Guelph on Tuesday last, Mr.•Mel vinG li ddon taking: a truelc load. . A pleasant day was spent by all. Mrs. Holdsworth .was the guest of her daughter, Mfrs. Charles McPhaiI of 'Goderie'h over the week -end. 1VIr.' 4oy Allin and brother, Don-. aid, of .London, spent• a couple of days as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Brogden ManMlath thls.week. - A very. successful Garden Party 'was held on Miiss Acheson's Lawn on.. Tuesday evening. The„-w'eather being all that could be desired, a . good crowd' Was in attendance. The 'Clin- ton Kiltie Band furnished music dur- ing the evening, Mrs. Thomas Campbell and chil- dren, Donald, David and Clyde,' are, visiting at the home of the lady's mother, Mhs. Alceck.. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert and daugh- ter, of Harriston, were Stinday vis- itors at the, home of the former's brother, Rev. J. W. Herbert. Sacrament . was administered at the closd of the regular service in the United Church here Sunday by 'Rev. Wi.. J. Herbert. The' choir pre- sented - the anthem, "The Wondrous Cross,” the tenor 'solo being taken by Mr. Fred Potter. The Ebenezer United Church held their annual • picnic•, Saturday after- noon en the flats of the Maitland River, directly behind Jahn Teo - butt's farm. • Rev. W. J. Herbert, Mfrs. Herbert and Billy left Monday morning 'for Toronto, where they will"' join Miss Edith Herbert, who fp; the past• fort= night has been a .guest .in 'the clty''at the home of her uncle, Mr,. Russell Boyce. While thene they attended the W'orld's Sunday. •School, Confer= ence, before leavingfor their` sum- mer. home in Muskoka; . During Rev, Herbert's absence the pulpit in the United Church here will be oc- cupied by Mr- Jefferson, principal of the public school, Clinton, and next Sunday and the following Sunday, Rev. C. Campbell of Stratford will preach herd in the interests of the Lord's Day Alliance. 'Rev. Herbert will return to the village to take the services the second Sunday. in July, bub Mrs. Herbert, Edith and Billy will remain in Muskoka until the end of August. - A number from the village attend- ed the bo`y scout parade in Clintdn on Sunday afternoon. Wliifred C. Jervis spent Sunday in Zurich. Mars, Jervis and baby daugh- ter, who have been spending the past week at the home of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Witmer of Zu- rich, returned home" Sunday eyen- ing. Miss Muriel Mulholland, a recent graduate of the Clinton School of Commerce left Saturday for Detroit, where she hopes to•seeure a position. A• number from the village attend- ed the anniversary services at the Wesley -Willis United Church, Clin- ton, on Sunday. The church was re- built a year ago, after being hurried in the summer of, 1928. Miss V9rjlhernina Trewantira, of Clinton, was a recent visitor in the village. Mrs. Ella Palmer and sin, Joseph, of Detroit, motored over and spent the week -end at the home of the former's son, Proctor Palmer, and also called on other friends and re- latives about the village. Oliver Pocock has taken over a milk route and is now collecting milk for the Holmesville Co-opera- tive Cheese and Butter Company. The young people of the United 'Church practised their play, "W'reck- ing Robert's Budget," at the home of Miss'Altolind McCartney on Mon- day evening. LONDON ROAD The June meeting of the Commun- ity Club was -held on Wednesday evening last, 'at the home -of Mrs. Wm. ILanvison. to£ Huulett township, and in spite of the inclement weath- er there was a good -attendance of members and visitors. The meeting was opened with Community` singing. The president, Mrs. Geo. Falconer,' then introduced Mr. Geo. Medd, M P.; of Exeter. He 'addressed the meeting and spoke at length -on "The privileges and Res- ponsibilities of Citizenship." -He stressed the point ,of making good citizens of the boys and girls, instead of allowing _ them to develop into "Society Parasites." The address was very much •enjoyed by all pres- ent and a hearty vote of thanks was/ given Mr. Medd. • 'A collection of jokes' was then passed around and , the reading of some pf them proted to be both witty and humorous. The hostess, •assisted liy several of the ladies served refl;+eshmtuents=and a' happy social time•w'as spent over the tea -cups: A vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Lawson and as usual she proved herself the perfect hos- tess. A large number ore the crab and their families availed 'themselves of the ,opportunity to picnic with the ',adios' .Club of hekersmith at Bay- field on Saturday afternoons Every- one was able to enjoy a good pro- gram of sports and .several were lucky .enough to eap.ture some of the prizes. The day was fine and helped to make the time- amore enjoyable. The Community Club picnic has been postponed and perhaps may take place later in the season:. STANLEY Mr. Clifford Scotohmer of Detroit spent-. Sunday last at 'his :parents' home on the Bronson•'iine.. _ I14Lir. Lloyd Scotchmer and Mr, Jaelr, PenhaIe motored to Kitchener on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs, Will Cameron spent Sunday at Mr. Leonard Talbot's on the Sauble line. •Mr. and Mrs. John' Watson and family of 'Brueefield spent Sunday visiting friends on the Bronson ,line. Mr. and Mirs. 0. L. Paisley of Clin- ton and Ms. and Mrs. W.• E. Tebbutt of Go epic were h w e guests of Mr. and Mrs. John H. McEwen on .Sunday, Dorothy Innes; and Grace *Ewen were successful in passing their first year honour course in` Moderns at Toronto University. Mr. •Charlie Broadfoot of Moose Jaw called at the home of Mr. Geo. Baird last Friday. \ Miss Charlotte Johnson, and Mr. It. Woods of St. Helens visited at Mr. Thos. Campbell's for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cameron, of Stratford visited at home of his uncle . Neil McGregor over the week end. GODERICH , TOWNSHIP 'Miss Bessie M. Corey stayed a few days with her sister Mrs. Raiph Can telon, last week. • • ' Mr. Harry, 'Vaughan of Detroit and Miss Alice .Corey 'of London spent the week -end with the latter's parents and Mr. and • Mrs. Ralph Cantelon.. • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Welsh and fainilies' attended the Stephenson family re- union at the home of W. R. Stephen- son, Stanley, -one day last week. Miss Shirley Beacom has returned to Toronto after spending her va- cation at the home ^crf her parents, M,r. and Mas. J. T. Beacom. Mr. and Mrs. Brawn Stewart mot- ored to London one day last week The young people -of St James A. Y.P.A. present the play, "The Tiger Earl,' in .Staffa this week, , AUBURN • Aiiss Zetta Dyer of Toronto has been 'visiting friends in this com- munity during the past •week, ,Mrs. W. T. Riddell suffered a stroke on Friday last. Her many friends hope that she will recover. :bIr•. Frank Robinson of Detroit is visiting -his brother Mr. Arhhie Rob- inson. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Carr and M. and Mrs. Thos. I?:erwick of Blyth at- tended the reopening services of Knox United church on Sunday last. 11fr. and Mhs. Roy Munro and Mrs. Gibbs of Mitchell spent the week -end here with relatives. ' The reopening services of Knox United church were well attended on Stfnday last when Rev. J. L. Small preached two- forceful sermons. A number of people from Smith's Hill and Blyth, former pastorates of Mr. Small's, attended the services. Rev. J. W. Mortimer took Rev. Small's work: at St, George. -Mr. and 5frs. Elwin Killough at- tended the 0.A.C. on Thursday last. at Guelph. The Y.P.S. of I{nox United church held a social evening on Tuesday of this week, Games were played on Mr. Geo. Sturdy's field, after which they all repaired to the base- ment of the dhurell. After a sing- song, a Splendid lunch was served. The softball team of the Y.P.S. >ro to Clinton on 'Friday evening to play a scheduled. game, The entrance class of the Public school go to Blyth today to try their examinations. Rev. W. R. Alp of Ottawa will preach in Knox United rhumb on July 13th, morning service. In the afternoon and evening he will preach anniversary services at Donnybrook. Don't forget the school reunion of S. S. No, 9. Huliett on 'July 25th. - Titers will be sports, hall games and something doing every minute. Come and ening yourselfin Orane'o servce will be held in Knopf United church on Sunday, July 6th at 7.30 pan, - BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beattie of Vancouver were the guests of Mrs. A. Y. Scott and,- other friends .in the village. Mrs. J. Snider and her daughter Miss Irene of ,London are visiting friends in Midland, 'Michigan, this week. Mrs. Won. Rattenbury visited friends in Burlington last week, A union • meeting of the Young Peoples Society and the Prayer meet- ing was held last Monday .evening and was very ,well attended, Miss N. Sinelair, R.N., gave a very inter- esting address on the work she and. Miss Mustard, R,N,, ars doing in the needy village, of Gypsomviile. - - Qo not forget the Carden Party and play which is to be held on Fri- day evening, June 27th. Supper will lme served from 5.30 to 8 p.m. COLBORNE Ma•. and Mrs. Ben Cox, of Dundeeare visiting friends and relatives here. A few"' attended the anniversary services held in Auburn United church on Sunday last. Mr. George Zantwell,had the mis- fortune to be thrown Own his riding plow and is suffering from a broken collar -bone, Miss Frances MieOlarty is spending a week in Winghaui. This locality ' has been favoured with numerous showers lately. 'The municipal telephone system held their picnic on 'Friday last:' There • was a small turn -out, due per- haps because of the early season, and; because of• the Sunday school pienie hold on the preceeding 'Satur- day,. • THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1930 ' WEBSTER REUNION Tice -seventh annual Webster Re- union was held on Saturday, June 21st at Bayfield. As it was a per- fect day for such a gathering about 400 were present. The committee of management appointed officers for the corning year as 'follows: Honorary President, Honorable Lieut. Col. Harry McGee, Toronto;' President, ,Mr, Thos. Webster, De- troit; Viee 'president, lttr, Thos. J. Webster, Seaforth; Secretary and Treasurer for North Huron, Mr. Fred Anderson and .Mir. James Alton, res - tispectivaly;&5. Secretary and Treasurer for South Huron, Mr. Wtebster Tur mer and'Ma•. Root'. Webster, respec- After dinner, an interesting •_pro- gram was "begun by the Seaforth. Highland Bagpiper Band, which 'play- ed again several times. The address -of welcome by: Miss Gladys Coleman, Seaforth, was responded to by a few well chosen ;remarks by Mr. Gordon Webster of The T. Eaton Co., Toromi to, Mr•.. Harry MoGee, honorary presi- dent' and Mr. Ed. Caswell, on of one of the first ministers of the pioneer Wasters wore unable to bd present and sent their regrets.to the reunion. Well received addresses were given By Rev.- Mr. Lane, Rev. Mr. Hogg and Rev, Mr..Travenor, A song by' Rev.,Mr. Penrose, Var- na, a tnouthorgan instrumental, by Miss 'Grace Webster, Luelcnow, ke- companied on the- autoharp by Mrs. J. Webster, . Lucknow and a reading by ,Miss Myrtle Webster, Lueknow were greatly enjoyed. - Mr. Geo. Coleman, . Seaforth, made the presentations. 'Miss Lizzie Web- ster, Lucknow, the only one of the three living pioneers present, 'was givena box -of chocolates. Mics. Sam Webster;, of. Craik, Sask., came the farthest to the reunion and was presented with silver salt and pep- pers. The youngest baby present was baby Eunice Reid and was given a silver „baby spoon, " Mr. Thos. Webster president, very acceptably acted as chairman: Immediately after the programme the sports were conducted by Miss Mary McNaughton; Miss Grace Cole. inan and Mr. Watson. Webster. Friends from' a (Usti -nee who at- tended the rehnion were from To- ronto, Detroit and Craik, Saslc. The great success of the day was attributed tci the many seleetions of the Pipe baud, the beautiful weather, the generous meals and the enthus- iasm of the people. ry HOLLAND' REUNION The "Holland" Annual Picnic was held at Hayfield on Saturday, June 21st, when about 54 members of the families and connections enjoyed the event, The baseball match championed try Chas. Tyner and Norman Holland displayed some fine work on both sides, but the spectacular home runs by Bert 'W a enabled Chas. Tyner's side -to claim the vietory, Mr, J. B, Lobb of Galt and 112x. H, S. Walker of London composed the sports committee while the refresh- ments were well served by an able committee -of Iadies. Handsome prizes were awarded to all who were suc- cessful. Those of the children who didn't get first, second or third prize receivedsome little gift for their efforts. Those from a distance who were here for the' picnic were: Mr._ and Mita. J. R. Walker, Springfield; Mr. and Mrs, H S. Walker, London; Miss Verna Vance, London; Mrs Richards, Edmonton; J, B. Lobb, Galt; Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Holland, Seaforth; Mrs. Ross Savage and son, Ronald; Sea - forth; Mr, and Mrs. Ervin Zinn and family, Lucknoty; Mr. and Mrs, Clif- ford Holland and family, Clinton and friends from McKillop, Tuckersmith and .Goderich townships. IsariMmeloplermiftswearionilmvielmen W A E _ LEASE it TO ANNOUNCE T --:ia AP ENTT3IENT OF H W. Charleswort CLINTON, ONTARIO as dealers in this territory for C -l. -L FERTILIZERS CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LI 0TED FERTILIZER DIVISION MITER Free Flowing F rtilizers CI$ tD Do you like pumping pail after pail of water and carrying it to the house --many times a day — summer and Winter? Then don't do it ! • • For a few dollars you can have city cc. _vea- iences , .. running water in the kitchen ; a mo- dern bathroom * and on the farm an abun- dance of fresh, clean water for the stock—at the turn of a tap. Saves Steps Saves Hard Labour A home water system saves miles of steps -- -relieves many a tired back -makes house- work easier—chores easier, too, LIS. increases Property Vaisle eA home water system vastly increases the value of your property, much more than the cost of installing it. Makes it more desirable — easier to sell. Such an installation is a pay- ing investment right from the 'start. Estimates Gladly Given Send • in this coupon for complete illustrated in- formation. Remember, it does not obligate you in any way—just send in the coupon. E 6: CO, (Canadal Limited Se Stewart St. T ronto a. A. Listet & Company (Canada) Limited, 58 Stewart St., Toronto 2, Ont. Please send me, wi thous obligation, full Information about your Hume Water System Name nddres a .—.1.1, e r'�^ —� —=. .' .— --- �..--.— CONSULT OUR LOCAL MANAGER GS raw t rw� -.>-P {tsi- THE local manager of the Bank of Montreal is familiar with local conditions and will be glad to dis- cuss it a helpful way the financial business of any customer. 4t BANK 0 • Every Branch has behind it the full resources of the entire organization; and all customers have the satisfaction of dealings with an institution which has a record of well over a century of continuous service and success. MONTREAL ��s�ablishe`d'"xSxy' TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF ,896o,aoo,000 Clinton Branch: H. R. SHARP, Manager Londeeboro (Sub -Agent): Open 'Monday and Thursday •