HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-06-19, Page 5THURSDAY), JUNE 19, 1930 HE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME ;We'd be willing to, wager same - thine that the rank and file of the respective parties would be glad if •they were sure that the "loeee speech- es, delivered by their respective ;lead- ' ,ere wopld unlock tlie door• of office to them on July 28th. Examinations are on! Another week of stress, then holidays, and: nothing to worry about except the "results" But here's good luck to one and all: )globe' refers to ' a horse as man's best friend. No. Main's' best friend is a wife who has enough spunk to make him behave himself.—Stratford Beacon -Herald. The Beacon -Herald in the above •gave voice to a great truth, ac- knowledge by very few but known in • a sub -conscious . way ' by many. men. We shall see' how manybrother-edi- tors will hail the .publication of this unique confession. Theradio is -a' wonderful thing and it is fine to be vele to sit in an ,easy chair in your own or your neigh- bor's living room - and listen to political address in a distant city But what about the poor political can- didate or stump speaker? He used to be . able to prepare one telling ad- dress, cramming into it all the things 'he knew or imagined, everything he thought might make a hitwith his hearers and win votes for himself or his party, and deliver this address •at perhaps a dozen Pr more differ- -ent places during the campaign. No'W, if his speeches are being broadcast,. he will have tohave a new address /or -each place: Truly the way of civilization becomes harder and harder the fartherwe go.. BAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLeod and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Schalitz, two sons, Elmer and Kenneth,•and daugh- ter, Marilyn Shalitz, motored from ' Toledo, Ohio, and are visiting at the home of Lewis Thompson. Mrs. Dillon and family of London came last week to spend the season 'in Donald Atkinson's cottage. • Miss R. Kennedy of Stratford is at her Sommer cottage. Miss M: King of Montreal and Miss Evelyn King of Stratford are her guests. Those who spent the week -end with Miss Kennedy were: " Miss Helen Monk - 'house, Wim. Monkhouse, Toronto, Dr. J. A. McCuIlough, Sudbury, A. K. IlecDonald, Winnipeg ' and Mr. King and Maurice King of Stratford•' • Sidney Castle of Stratford. spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. M. Castle. Mr, and Mrs. G. Koehler of Zurich were the guests of the latter's sis- ters over the week -end. !Misses A. ,and . A. Dronin and friends from Detroit spent the week- end at their cottage, "Hillcrest," The A,Y,P.A. of Trinity Parish presented the Play, "The Tiger Earl," in Hensall on Monday night. Next week they will give it in Staf- fa. Mrs. A. Cabling and son, Jim, of Port Stanley were with ,the former's mother, Mrs. J. Sturgeon, /over the week -end. Mr. J. Thompson of Goderich town- ship who is attending Huron College, conducted the services throughout the Parish on Sunday. Arr. and Mrs. Woller of Detroit motored to' the village on Saturday and spent the night with the latter's aunt, Miss E. Cameron. On their re- turn to Detroit on Sunday, they were 'accompanied by Miss Cameron and their- daughtee, Ethelda, who has spent the past two months with her aunt. Miss Cameron will attend • tele wedding of her nephew, Donald Gum- tree, in Detroit this week. Miss L. lVfartin of Toronto is the guest of 1\lrs. J. W. Reid at -the home of Miss E. Cameron this week. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Stewart of Ham- ilton spent the week with the lat- ter's. parents, Mae and Mrs. J. Pol- lock who returned to Hamilton with. them on Sunday.• %Txs. E. Sauder, Master Bobby Sander and lIliss Rubie Fisher - of Kitchener were the guests of their aunt, Mrs, F. A;. Edwar(ls, over the week -end, Fred • Heard has retunned-'to Clin- ton after having spent last week at home . owing to ill -health. idiss M. C. Reid returned home on Monday after having spent sev- eral days, in Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trebell and family of Toronto came on Saturday to spend: the summer in Jowett's -Grove. The 'many friends of 11ev. A. G. Richardson were shocked to hear of his death which occurred at the Manse,-. W'aterloo on Saturday.; The funeral was held from the Presby- terian church, Waterloo, sof which he Was pastor, on Monday ,afternoon and -interment made • in 'tBayfield ceme- tery. There were a large number, present at the cemetery to meet the funeral cortege and to pay their last respects to one whomthey had known and .loved. The sympathy of all is with his wife and . two ehildrenso sadly 'bereaved. Amongst those who spent the week -end at theircottages were:. Mrs. II. Lawson and two children of 'Stratford; Mr. and Mks, WI. H. Rob- inson and family, M•r.' and MS:s. Aik- onhead and family, Mu•. and Mrs. W. E. Maness, Ma. and Mrs. C. R. Will, Beb and Agnes,' Mn. and Mrs: W. 'Cotton and friends sof London; Mr. and Maas. Thornton Mustard of To- ronto. ' /errs. W. G. Richardson. and ` two children returnee;. to the Manse at '-Waterloo on Wid, j5day•after having sp •ent'n couple:'4 jkys.with her par- ents, Rev, and Mrs. R. 1VI, Gale. Mrs, Paul Doig and children 'o1 London are at their cottage in Lake- side, Park this week. Result of -the Lower School .Pro- motion Examination, Bayfield. Each pupil will be given Credit, for the 'subjects appearing after his or her name. The certificates ' will be forwarded in -due time, Four • sub- jects constitute a year's work. ' Dunn, Albert, Jr., Agriculture, 1, English Grammar; Elliott, Muriel, Agriculture 1; Arithmetic, -.Englis'h- Grammar,'Physiography;, Seeds, Ber- nice, Agriculture 1, Arithmetic, Eng- lish Grammar, Physioyraphyl; Tay- lor, Harvey,' Agriculture ,1,' Arithme- tic, English Grammar, Physiography; Taylor, Robert, Agriculture,, 1, Eng- fish Grammar, Physiography. —0.' Kalbfleisch, teacher, DISTRICT WOMEN'S INSTITUTE` MET AT AUBURN TUESDAY The district annual meeting of the Women's Institute of West Huron was held Tuesday in the Forester's hall. -Auburn, with delegates pres- ent from each of the eleven branch Institutes : comprising the district. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. R. Davidson; Dungannon, the district president. The executive including thedis- trict directors nieb at 9.30 a.m. to discuss general business in con- nection with the district. The horning session opened at 10 a.m. by the singing of the in- stitute Ode, followed by scripture reading by Mrs. D. Geddes, Wing- ham and prayer. M,ts. J. J. Elliott, the district secretary, read the minutes of the last meeting. Then followed reports of the work done by the branches and given by the respective secretaries of the breech- es. The reports showed that all branehes had been busy throughout the, year and that large sums had been raised' by ahem in various ways. The auditors' report was next given, their report showing ;the books to have been kept accurately The reports of conveners' of stand- ing committees on Health, Home Feeonomics,• Education, Agriculture, Legislation ' Immigration, Relief, Community Activities, historical Research and Canadian Industries were next given, one convener be- ing chosen from each branch. Work along each line had been accom- plished by the institutes, some branches being interested in one ac- tivity and some in others. In this way a variety of work has been done, much to the credit of • the entire district. A splendid repast was served by the ladies of Auburn at the noon hour which, needless to say, was very much enjoyed by all. The special features of the after- noon session included =isle by several of the branches; a reading by Mrs. Wdison, Goderieh; addresses by the president, Sirs. Davidson, Mrs. J. W,. Stone of Bond Head, Provincial President . of *Women's Institutes, and. by Mrs. Wfardlaw of Ethel, Federation representative. LONDESBORO Mrs. Win. 1VlcCool had the misfor- tune to fall clown the cellar stairs at Mrs. Frank Longman's recently and although no bones were, broken she suffered a severe shaking up and was confined to bed at Mr. Long - man's for a week, She has improv ed so that she could be taken to the home of her 'son, Mr, Fred McCool, on Sunday, Artie Griffiths is laid up with a broken am, the result of a slip while cranking a car. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mountain, Mx. Johu Hutton and .Mr, John Harvey attended the celebration of the Shriners at Toronto last week and re- port a very enjoyable time. lVlr. and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn and children motored to Leamington last Friday and will visit friends there for a few- clays, They were accom- panied by Mrs. W` e. Lyon and Mr, James Sisley. Quite a number of the members of the Wieman's Institute attended the District meeting at Auburn onTues- day. • !1Vfr. Humphrey Snell was taken to Clinton hospital last week for treat- ment, which we hope may be bene ficial. A splendid meeting of the WeVeS. of the United ehurch was held at Mrs. J. S. Carter's on the 11th of June with thirty-five present. The president, Mrs, J. Tamblyn, opened the meeting and spoke on the day of Pentecost, followed by prayer and the Lord's prayer repeated in unison. After the business part of the day' wes over,•Mas. Jos, Vodden took the chair for the program. A hymn was sung and several led in short pray- ers, Miss Alberta Snell sang n pleas ing •solo; Miss Norma Snell gave a reading . and Mas, Geo. Mloon read part of a chapter in the study' book, Mrs. E. Wiood gave a reading and a ehoris was given by the group, Mrs. VV6n. Hoggart read the scripture les- son, the 8th of Romans, and Mes. D. I!oggart closed' with 'prayer. Re- freshments were then served by group No. 3 and -a sgoial half houg spent. • ; LONDON ROAD • • Mr. 3. Biggins attended the Short- horn Breeders' convention``at 'Wing - ham en 'Saturday. Miss Marjorie 31leEwing of liar lock spent Sunday as the guest of Masa Irene Swinbanlc, Miss .Eleanor Miller of Kitchener spent a few days visiting Mirs. Frank Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Manning and Mr, and Mes' WL Swinbane visited on Sunday with Goderich Breeds. •' Amongst those who visited the' Ex- perimental Farm at Guelph on' Tuesday were: -Messrs. J. Riggin, R. Plurnsteeel, and B. ,Roweliffe. Stray Calf • Came to the premises of the un- dersigned, Lot 31, Con. 7, leullett, a- bout rune 6th, a yearling calf. Own- er •ntay have same by 'proving pro- perty_and paying expenses. 71-1. 1. CARD OF THANKS ,'. , ..• 50c. MEMORIAL VERSE,,, PER LINE ...100 MARRIAGES VANEGM{ONU- ANDREWS —. At the hofne of'the bride's•: parents, on June 14th„ by the Rev. J. E. Hogg, Marion Louise, . youngest .daughter of 1Veagistrate'.,S. J. and Mira. And- rews of Clinton, to Fergus O'.-Van- Egnsond, second • son of Ms'. and Mrs. 'Janes VanF,,gmond, of Ilul- lett township. • ELL1OT1—fb0DDS—In Toronto, on June 14th,: by the Rev.. Canon Cody, Vera Elizabeth, daughter of .1VJ:i•, and Mrs, W. J. Dodds, forinerly of +Clinton, ' to Frederick Henry El- liott, son of :Nkr. and Mrs, W. J. • Elliott, ,of Clinton. CHISHOLMr,— BRENNAN= At. St. Peter's church, Goderieh, • on. June. 12th, by the Rev. Father L. Lowry, Josephine Matilda, young- er daughter :of Mr. and 1VI',rs. Rich- and 3. Brennan, Goderieh, to Wil- liam J. Chisholm, son of MIs'. and 'Ml's. James Chisholm,.. Colborne. POCOOK—ROSS—At' Christ church, Brampton, on June 4th, by the Rev. W. le, Allen, ,assisted by Rev. Canon Sawyers of Toronto, Pat- ience Agnes, daughter ' of Mrs. Ross and the late C. J. Ross of Brantford, to Rev. Lawrence Vie - !tor Pocock, rector of Blyth Angli- ,can church. DEATHS BRYDONE--Jn Clinton, on June 15, William Brydone, K.C. - MILLER—At Napanee, Ont., 00 June 14th, Clifford Miller, son of Mrs. 'Hiller and the late George Miller, tGoderich township, aged 35 years. IN 1VIEMORIAM 000K—In loving memory of our dear parents, Nancy Cook, who passed away Juhe 1,8th, 1922, and lArthpg Cook, who passed away IJune 26th, 1924. The rolling stream of life goes on, But, still the vacant chairs, Recalls the smile, the voice, the love Of those who once sat there. ,Sleep on, dear, parents, your years are ended, Rest in peace, your' work is done; You are gone where those who loved you, We1i some day meet you, one by one. —.sadly missed by ,children. CARD OF THANKS ' Henry Snyder' and family hereby wish to express their sincere thanks to their many friends for their ex- pressions of sympathy by word, by flowers and by acts of helpfulness, in their recent bereavement. CARD OF THANKS i"Zr. and Mrs, Arthur • Dale and 'family wish to express their sincere thanks to their friends, also the doc- tors and superintendent and staff of the Clinton Public Hospital, for kind- ness and sympathy shown during the critical illness of ►Mrs, Dale, for floty- ers sent and all courtesies shown. CARD OF THANKS Mss. Charles Gook and family take the opportunity of expressing their appreciation of the kindness shown to them by friends and neighbors during the illness. of Mr. Cook and for all kindnesses extended them in their sorrow, including flowers sent and the loanof cars for the funeral. KINCARDINE RACES The Kincardine Turf Club purpose holding a race meeting at Connaught Park, Kincardine, Ontario, Tuesday, July lst with apurse of $900.00. There will be three classes, 2.14, 2.20, and 2.28, $300.00 in each class, divid- ed 50, 25, 15, 10%. Entrance fee 5% of purse and 5% of money earned front winners. Three heats in five, mile heats; also a running race with f a purse of $50.00 divided' into 'four monies, % anile heats 2 in 3. Good music and other special attractions. Best half mile track in: Canada. 71-2. Car For Sale McLaughlin Buick 1927 Master Six: Coach with new }cattery, six tires, two of them new, engine, upholstery and finish in excellent condition. W. Bredone. Property For Sale 'House acrd 'half acre of ground. Orchard and barn, town water, Good place for anyone wishing to keep chickens and a cow. John Steep, •North street, Clinton, 70.2-p. -' House For Sale 7 -room house, hardwood floors in front part of house,town water 'and lights. Garage and chicken pen. Half acre lot with fruit trees. Ap- ply to John W> Nedi;er, Clinton. +,59-tf. Auction Sale . • Under and by virtue of the powers contained in, a certain mortgage 'which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, on Saturday, the 5th day of July, 1930 at 2 .o'clock hi the afternoon at: the council chamber, by George •P1.' Elliott, Clinton, Ontario, the following property, namely: "Lot 28. in the Fifth Conession, London Road Survey, of the Town- ship of Tuckersinith, ,containing by admeasurement one hundred and. twenty-eight acres of land more or less.,!• Upon thesaidlands is said to be erected a stone house; nine rooms; Barn and.,eowstable, ITERMS: 10ib of the purchase price to be .paid at the time of sale. For balance terms will be . made known at the time of sale, The property will be offered sub- ject to a reserve bid. For further Particulars apply to P. J. •11I',aeEae, Solicitor, 93 Sun Life Building, 'Torento. Dated the 14th day of June, 1980. 71-1. FLOWERS AND FLORAL DESIGNS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Wg HAVE. A LARGE ASSORLT- MENT OF; BUDDING PLANTS FOR ALL PURPOSES NOW IS THE TIMIII TOFILL UP YOUR -HANGING BASKETS AND `VERANDAH BOXES Chas. V. Cooke Two Phones -66w and 66j Strawberry "Festival Pfi11 be given in CfrIVIXUNTTY HALL, - LONDESBORO FRIDAY, JUNE 27th under auspices sof Burns Ladies' Aid HAM SERVED PROGRAMME JOE WdLLIAM,S AND C'OMP'ANY Toronto's Foremost Comedian ;Admission: Adults, 50c, Childern, • '(udder twelve) 25e Supper Served From 6 to 8 p.ni. Mrs. F. McGregor, Marjorie Colson, • President. Secretary. 71-2. GARDEN PARTY AND PLAY BRUCEFIELD UNITED 0HUR'01! FRIDAY, JUNE 27 Garden Party on Church Grounds The three -act play entitled "DANGEROUS WATERS" Will be put on in the basement of the Church by the Junior Farmers and Junior Girls' Institute of Sea - forth. SUPPER SERVED 5.30 to 8 PLAY WIILL BEGIN AT 8.30 Admission 50c. Children under 12, 35c EVERYBODY WELCOME 71-1. Strawberries - Those wishing strawberries for the table or for canning, should book or - den for same with undersigned. We have some now and expect to have more. W. MARQUIS Base Line, Clinton Central. Phone 688 rang 21. 71-tf. For Sale 20 well-bred Durham calves, 2 weeks old. Apply to W. A. 1Vraguire, Bayfield, R. R. No. 1, or phone 600 r3, Clinton central. 71-1. For Salo 6 -roomed frame 'house, adjoining the village of Varna, to be proved off the premises. Apply to Mrs. Wanless, Seaforth. Phone 94, Sea- forth central. 71-3-p. Baking Sale The Ladies' pi' the Baptist church are holding a baking sale on. Friday afternoon, June 20th, at 3 o'clock; in the Perrin Block on Rattenbury St. 70-2. Rock Pullets for Sale Ten weeks' old Rock pullets for sale. Froom blood tested flock and fine sturdy /chicks. Apply to Chas. Tyner, Iruilett. Phone- 638r12, Clin- ton central. 70-2. Auction Sale Of Houeshold Effects at Bayfield on Saturday,_. June 28th, at 1.30 sharp, consisting of the following: Davenport, library table, extension table, dining room •chairs, leather seated chairs, several rociting chairs, kitchen table, kitchen chairs, 3 small tables, 8 -burner coal oil stove with oven, wood heater, climax range with warming closet and reservoir in good order, sideboard, carpets, beds, bed- ding, ,dressers, springs, matresses. congoleum rug, 10x12, quantity of linoleum, ehemieal closet, 2 clocks, pictures, lamps, dishes, granitware, pots pans, sealers . and numerous other articles, .Also a steel tire - buggy,- set dia- mond harrows, 6 -ft. mower, horse rake .and other articles. TERM,S: All sums of, $10.00 .and under, cash; over that amount 3 months' credit will he given op fur- nishing good bankable paper. • 'Everything to be sold as proprietor is leaving Bayfield. John Dp Weeds, Proprietor, Geo. II. Elliott, Auction- eer. 71-2. TENDERS WANTED Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 ,o'clock neon, June 30th, 1930 for the follow- ing: , The redecoration . of the Court {,Loom of the .Court House, Goderich as follows - 1. ' The metal ceiling. •to receive two coats of ivory paint. 2. Wjalis to be stripped and re- ceive Dire coat of 'wall primer and sealer, as it conesout of the ean; and have two coats of cream paint, all cracks and crevices to be filled with plaster of pares: before the seal- er is applied. 3. Varnish all wood -work such as doors and door frames, and paint all window -sash and seats and floor, two coats. 4. .Tenders to state the kind of paint tc be used, and do their' own scaffolding; and remove the sante. when through. • Geo, W, MLolina}i, County Clerk,: Goderich, June 1$tIj, 1930. 71-2. Clinton's New -Laid Egg And Poultry House Eggs bought according to .Domin- ion. Government Egg Regulations. Inquire for our prices of eggs. You will always find our prices par- allel with the city markets. Fat hens and well -finished chicks always wanted --Prices good. Always phone our office for prices before marketing produce, '• N. W. Trewartha Phones --Office, 214j Residence, 214w. Epps Transport Varna Ontario Phones: Clinton 626r21; London: Meticale 1165. , Daily Freight and Express Seryice form- London. Closed. vans for Furniture- Loads Everywhere. Every load insured for $3500:00 Service and Satisfaction Our Motto E. H... Epps & Son 70-8, COLLECTIONS. We handle collections only • No sideline No claim too large, too small, too old or too hard for us to tackle.. 40 years' experience. t. No Collection—No Charge. KELLY & AIKEN The, Collection Specialists • Gdelph, ORANGEVIILE, Owen Sound 70 -6m -p. MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED WILLS, DEEDS, MORTGAGE LEASES AGREEMENTS AND ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS DRAWN AT MODERATE CHARGE. In Business ever 20 years in Clinton OFFICE, ALBERT ST., CLINTON' Charles B. Hale Conveyancer, Notary, Commissioner, &c. 71-2-p. Guaranteed Baby Chicks Given approved conditions, we guarantee our chicks to be 80 per cent alive and thriving at four weeks of age. Hatched in a modern, steam heated incubator, equipped with air cleaning cabinets, Our prices : are right, chicks first-class, Barred Rocks: After Mlay lst: $16.00 per'- 100; After May 20th: $15.00 per'I00; After June 10th, $14,00 per 100, White Leghorns: After May lst, $14.00 per 100; After May 20th, $13,00 per 100; After Jime 10th, $12.00 per 100. Ono dollar per hun- dred. off if ordered one month in ad- vance. Also one dollar per hundred off for ordors of 500 or over. S. E. McKinley, Zurich, Ont, Phone, Hen - sail, 97-4. 64-tf. House For Sale Comfortable nine room house, Victoria street, Clinton. Garage and stable. Apply to S. G. Castle, Clin- ton. 40-tf. Pullets and Baby Chicks Try our Bred -to -lay Barred Rock Pullets for winter layers, hatched in March, will be ready for laying house in July. Also Baby Chicks, $15,00 per hundred. D. M. Lindsay, Hedge Row Farm, R. R. No. 3, Clin- ton. 67-tf. Teacher Wanted Experienced, Protestant teacher wanted for S. S. No. 9, Goderich township, Duties to commence Sept. 2nd. Salary $1,000, Personal ap- plication preferred. W. W, Wtise, Sec. -Treasurer, R. R. No, 3, Clinton. 70-2 Teacher Wanted .Qualified Protestant experienced teacher wanted for U.S.S. No. 12, Goderich and Hullett. Duties to commence Sept. 2, 1930. Apply stat- inng salary and experience: Applica- tions will be received until June 20. Oliver Jervis, Sec.-Treas., Clinton, Ont. 70 2. To the Ratepayers of the Township of Goderielti Re Weeds Control Act I have received instructions from the Weeds Control branch of the De- partment of Agriculture to enforce the Weeds Control Act. I do not wish to take drastic ac- tion, but those wishing to keep their property clean must be protected. Weeds must not be allowed to go to seed, especially Sow Thistle.. Con- travention of this Act entails a fine of $80.00 to $50.00. • D. GLIDDON R. R. No. B, Clinton, Weed : Inspector. Dated at Holmesville this 10th day of June, 1930.. 70-3. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Separate sealed tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned until- 4 o'clock p.m. on Friday, June 27th, 1930, for the supplying of crushed gravel on the provincial Highways as follows; - Mileage Section 1—Clinton to Blyth 10 Section 2r --Blyth to Wfingham 11 e,Section 3 -Kinloss to Walk - erten and 'Teeswateeir to No. 9 Highway 16 Information to bidders and tender forms may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. • 'The lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted,; Vi'f • R. ALDER, Resident Engineer, r, Department of Public High- ways, Ontario, Durham, June 15th, 1980 71-1. BICYCLES C.C.M. CRESCENT MODEL $32.50 C;C.M. CADET MODEL .. , . $30.00 LAWN MOWE'` TAYLOR, FORBES AND SMART PAINTS LOWE BROTHERS QUICK -DRYING ENAMEL Which dries in four to silt hougs an& has the brightest and most attractive colors, has been in very large demand. Have you seen our color card and inquired about, the qualities of this enamel? If.not •it will be our pleasure to be of service to you. Miller Hardware Co. TELEPHONE 58 CLINTON eseeeerweb C. H. _ VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, . Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs Phone 7 Eggs and poultry. Home on Tuesday and Friday fore- noon to take in Poultry. Eggs handled at residence every day—graded by an experienced grad- er, for which we pay the highest market price. Cream purchased for Stillman's. A. E. Finch Viking Cream Separator Agent. Victoria St., Clinton Phone 281 Gar, Fire and Life Insurance 15% DISCOUNT ON CAR INSUR- ANCE POIL FARMERS PROMPT .ATTENTION IN CASE OF ACCIDENT • J. G. CH OW N Office next to Rattenbury Hotel Phone 52, Clinton. Farm For Sale 150*acre farm, lot 7, con. 11 and S36a lot 7, con. 12, Hullett township. Convenient to school, churches and market. Comfortable 1',i storey brick house with frame kitchen; 2 barns, one, 80x36, ono 43x28, stone stab- ling under each, drive shed 40x24, garage, pig pen and henhouse. Farm in good state of cultivation, never -failing spring creek, two never -failing wells. 13 acres. hard- wood bush. Apply on premises or write Albert Trewin, R. R. No. 1, Londesboro. 69-3-p. Slabs For Sale Orders left at my residence • will receive prompt attention. E. Ward, Huron street, Clinton, phone 155. 67-tf. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and, re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's Barber shop. W. J. Jago. 2283-tf. Farms For Sale Lots 27 and. 29, 9th concession of Goderich township, consisting of 160 acres of good clay loam, 11/•s miles west of Holmesville. Goad buildings, never -failing wells. Ap- ply to Lewis ?Actor, R. R. No• 3, Clinton. Phone 6111'2, Clinton cen- tral. 29-tf. Automobile Owners Ieret it better to pay the premium you know, than risk liabilities you cannot estimate. Don't Drive Without Insurance There should be no further ambig- uity about your insurance obligations Every motorist must be covered a- gainst all highway hazards.' PUBLIC LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, COLLISION, FIRE AND THEFT. HAROLD C. LAWSON Health & Accident, Theft, Fire, Insurance, Etc, . Phone 208, Clinton 67-. Emslea Chick Farm BARRON STRAIN S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS and BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK • CHICKS HATCHING EGGS—$4.00 a hundred. CUSTOM HATCHING STAMINAX AND BLATCHFORD'S CHICK FEEDS E. L. Mitten Phone 213, Clinton -E' 1 58-tf, RUPTURE SPECIALIST Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Vents Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform. ity. Consultation Free. Call or write. J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. 10-1929. Are Keep Warm With LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE MINEHEAD ALBERTA SOFT COALNUT COKE AND' "" " DOMESTIC SIZE COKE A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen Street Telephone 258 Implement Agent I handle Cockshutt implements and cream separators,: Frost and Wood Implements and' carry parts and repairs for same. I am also agent for Allis -Chat. niers Tractors. Those wishing to inquire about any of the above kindly tali at my residence, JOHN V, DIEHL, Queen Street, Clinton, 81 -tar McCormick -Deering Agency Having taken over the above ag- ency for this district I will keep on hand a full stock of repairs and parte of all McCormick -Deering machines and will appreciate a share of the patronage of the farmers surounding Clinton. Call at my shop, next door t0 Tones' blacksmith shop, King street. W. J. STEWART Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w 04-tI, Clinton's Vtiletlettg *HERE'S A MAN r THAI'S SURE '1'0 WIN tie KNOWSL. THE WORTH O€ Take a tip from this wise many He makes all his floor space count—. and doesn't overlook the coal bin. Iie's studied the coal subject and found that if he waitd till fall to buy his coal he had 'to pay for summer storage. So he uses his coal bin now and puts the profits in his pocket. If you want to tut your dost of living follow his lead, .and Call the for good, clean coal COAL COMPANY PHONE 74 . CLINTON