The Clinton News Record, 1930-06-19, Page 4THE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD CO®PER'S STORE NEWS DAYS. OF SPECIAL StJMMER, VALUES THURSDAY, DAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Prices that will meet the Approval of the Keenest Shoppers. PP (SEE LARGE BILLS FOR PARTICULARS) ) COOPER. OP R i"THE STORE WITH THE. STOCK" CLINTON PHONE 86 LEADERS IN LOW PRICES 1 Eggs Cs Cream roilltry. W1E-RECOGNIZE QUALITY ' and DISTRIBUTE THE CASH ACCORDINGLY, at CLINTON CREAMERY, CLINTON PHONE 145 SEAFORTH BRANCH, SEAFORTH PHONE 162 CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTO'i`T ONTARIO fi i PHONE 190 Gunn, Langlois & Co., Limited HEAD OFFICE — MONTREAL, QUE. Promotion Results CLINTON .COLLEGIATE • INSTITUTE The following pupils' ,have beep promoted: A name followed by a subject indicates a failure in that subject. -These pupils;, however, -have been recommended for advancement: as they have done reasonably well on the average'' and indicate an ability to take up advanced work. Those who have failed in Departmental' sub- jects should make an effort to write them off when, the Departmental ex- aminations are held this June. The others, .wherethe marks obtained are unreasonably low, will be requir- ed to repeat that subject. If a pupil has failed by only a few marks, he Will be , permitted . to continue with that subject in the next form. LOWER SCHOOL DEPARTMENTAL SUBJECTS SMART NEW Straws SPECIALLY PRICED AT $1.30••$3.5 These Smart New Straws were never made to sell at this low price. They are of sueii fine quality and so well made that they would regularly sell for 84.50 to $5. ;, . All sizes, and a number of different styles to cheese from. DAVIS & HERMAN James Nickle (Physio, Zool.), • Nor- ma ,Potter '(Arith.), Velma Quail, Carl Radford, (Lat.), Jim ,Reynolds, Margaret Ross, 'Irene Scatchmer, Beatrice `, Sharp, Donald Smith (Gram.), Ethel Thompson-(Arith.), W. Trewartha, Harold Tyndall, Elda 'Watson (Geom., Arith.) The letter '=o indicates that• standing has been :granted, and no further examination is required in that subject. In due time the De- partment of Education will issue the certii£cates The _ letter. "o" indi- cates that the pupil has failed to obtain the necessary marks through- out the school year, and a further examination, set by the- Department, must be taken. The dates for these examinations are found fir the Low- er School time table. The examina- tion results will. be published early in August. ust. FORM 1 l' coo � moo, r wpb L Adams ...,.1 c I c GBall lel 1f. Bail .. ...1 e 1 o B. Bond c ,� e G. Brown -. + c c J. Cameron . e 1 R. Cantelon. I c. e D. Corless . I c .0 L. Crawford . (c c 1VL Dale . c c J. Doherty c I 0 R. Doherty . e 1 e D. Glazier .• c I c I. Holmes • • e. c C. Johnson . . e• l c . c 0 1 H. Kennedy1 E. 'MacMath .. e 1 e L. Manning Il a l c A. Morrison .. I c 1 c J. Murphy . • 1 e I c R. Pickett i c c J. Rapson 101 'o E Reynolds .•••1e1 o 1 V. Rozell • 1 e 1 0 c R. Thompson .. 1 e 1 e c H. VanEgmond • : • I c I o` T. Venner 0 H. Williams . c e E. Wise .. . , 1 c 1.�`o To the People of Clinton and District. Having purchased the plant and business of the Thomas .Id Kenzie Estate, we purpose operating the Planing Mill and conducting a general business in ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER, WOOD AND PATENT SHING- LES. DOORS. SASH AND A COMPLETE LINE • OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES ALSO COAL, WOOD, CEMENT. LIME, GYPROC, GASOLINE, ETC., ETC. Orders filled for any quantities of Hard or Soft 'Mood. We solicit the patronage of the people of this district and assure them that our aim will be to give satisfaction to every customer. Estimates given on buildings of every description. THE CLINTON LUMBER COMPANY (J. E. BAECIILER, Proprietor) GODERICH TOWNSHIP Miss Shirley Beacom of Toronto is spending her vacation at the home of her parents, ATT. and 'Mrs, J, T. Bea con. 1Jliss Pat Macfarlane, R.N.; has re- turned to Toronto. Igen and• teams are busily engaged Widening the very narrow hill at Beacom's. The young_ people of. St. James' A.Y.P.A., presented their play, "Thee Tiger Earl," in Hensall, Monday ev- ening. A very' successful school=picnic •was held in Jowett's grove. on Friday last, consisting of the combined" sec- tions Nos. --9 and 10. After a num; Iver of innings of softball and sport's a . bountiful supper, provided by 'the: ladies,' was thoroughly enjoyed" by all. -The new grader, which ,the town- ship are contemplating purchasing is 'being tried out• on the 9th conces- sion. ' . 1 i ; •, kiss Bessie Corey spent a very en- joyable week -end with her sister, Miss Alice, in London. .Mr. and IVTrs. R. Cantelon and the latter's brother, Master Joe Corey, motored to London on Sunday. MA and Mrs, Amos Andrew and little Miss Eleanor Clare of Auburn visited with Ma. and Mrs. W;in. W. Wise on Sunday. Mir. Wl H. Lobb is busy putting in the foundation for• his new cottage. The recent .rains and warm weath- er are making a great growth in both gardens and craps. Mrs. G Williams;: Sr., celebrated her birthday at 'the • home of her daughter, Mrs. Jack Torrance, on Wednesday, of last week. Mrs. Wil- ions Education, Rev. Gordon Butt, Hams, who is a good old age, still re- Education and Students, Rev. C. F. tains her jovial humor and striking Clarke, Evangelism and Social Ser- peresonality. Qongratulations. vice, Rev. WI. P. Lane, Foreign Mis- Mr. John R. Thompson and Miss -sions. Rev. Geo. Weir; Home 'kis- Emily E. Thompson were the guests of Miss Nina E. Heard of Bayfield on Sunday Mr. Thompson conduct- ing the services at Holy Trinity, Bayfield and St. John'schurch,Var- Var- na. The Rev. Mr. Paul was taking charge at St. Paul's, Clinton. - 'The young people in the caste ssof the popular comedy,Explain Everything," present it for the sev- enth time at LucknoW on Friday ev- ening. This play has been present- ed at Hoktnesville, Londesboro, Clin- ton, Auburn, Seafofth and Hills - green. The caste includes, Misses Marion 'FI. Jones Emily E. Thompson, Ada F. and Margaret C. Riggin and Margaret M. Williams, Messrs. R. L. Pearson, 1. Tebbutt, C. Tebbutt, M. Lobb and Morgan Jones. The annual garden party under the auspices of St. Janes' church, Middle- ton, held on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Colclough, Tuesday ev- 'ening, was a decided sueecss. The evening being ideal a very large CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. John • Ferguson at- tended the Dodds -Elliott wedding in Toronto on Saturday. Miss • Dodds being a cousin of. `Mrs. Ferguson. Mr. George Riley is visiting at 'the home of his cousin, _1414^. John Rildy of Tuckersnlith,this week. bdr. and Mors... Fred Stephenson and 'family of Brussels spent Sunday vis- iting relatives in the village. Llfr. and Mrs... Geo: Johnston and children of Goderich township spent Sunday at the home of Mr; and Mrs. Joe Riley.. • ' Mrs. Robt. Grimoldby and daugh- ter Olive, spent the week -end at'the home of the lady's sister,'Mis. John Mann of near Clinton, 117rs. Mann leas been confined to her bed for the past week with a severe attack of tonsilitis. ,Miss Viola Morrison of near Wal- ton has been engaged as tedeher for S. S. No. 3,' for the coming. year. She succeeds Miss Ida Medd, who has re- signedition, herpos iPhe entrance class are these days busy preparing' for the examinations to be held next week, commencing Monday. 'There are six taking the exam. from the school this year and we wish them all success. FORM 2 J. Armstrong .. .I 0 1 M. Bayley • 1 c e E. Campbell . . , 1`c I c J. Campbell . • 1 0 1 0 L Cantelon I o 1 0 J. Carter . • lel c P. Carter .. • i c 1 e B. (;huff . o l o T, Cluff I o I o B. Cook. ic1 0 M. Crooks .. •! c 1 c J. Deeves lel c .T. Doherty . ... 1 c 1 c Edna Elliott . 1 0 1 E Elliott . I .e 1 o K. Elliott . 1 c 1 e S. Farquhar . ...•1 o 1 0 M. Ferris .. i e 1 H. Gibbs . lel 0 H. Gendier . • H. Glazier . A. Griffiths J. Harris M. Hudson E. Huller How. Johnson-. •. Helen Johnson . 1.• Lindsay . . • •• • • F. *Callum . J. Miller . N, Potter, 1 V. Quail • • C. Radford L. Rapson . . , . , , • j..Reynolds OUR FEES ARE LOWER FOR A BETTER BUSINESS COURSE BECAUSE OF LOWER EXPENSES IN TOWNS symbolofS'ervice, Why Pay More for. Less COURSES SECRETARIAL, COMMERCIAL, STENOGRAPHIC, CIVIL SER- VICE, TEACHERS, •SPECIAL COURSES ARRANGED. A BETTER SCHOOL BECAUSE the staff is trained as a -professional teacher as Every teacher on well as in advanced Commercial work.• COMPARE OUR COURSES, STANDARDS, STAFF AND' TERMS WITH THOSE OF OUR COMPETITORS THEN CHOOSE THE BEST. • Scliooi �f Cornrnerce. B.F. 'WARD, B.A., M. A. STONE, Commercial specialist;Principal, Vice Principal. p. 71-tf. 'PHONE .198 STANLEY Messrs. Stewart Baird and Ray- mond Pepper spent .the Week -end at Grand 'Bend, with their teacher, Mk, Keeler. • Miss Kate .McGregor, who has been C c c c C c o 0 �c c c c 1c c a 0 '0 0 O e 0' c C c C c c c O e O 0 c c c 1cI 0 c c lol o -0 0 e ( e e o cl c 0 0 c 1 a e c O 1 0 c c o e cc c c c 0 c c c e o �C c 0 O 0 0 e 0 O 'e c 'e 0 c ci c c c ci, b a; 1 c c c M. Ross • . c 1• c 0 c T. S"otchmer • I0 1 c c c R. Sham . ... , l e l•c c e P. Smith . Ic1 e c .o r. Th onms.nn . .. , 1 0 1 0 'SNI Trewavtha 1 c 1 o e 1 e Tvndah ... •i e 1 e c'.i c E. ;Watson 1 e.1 0 1 e Fc J' TI1.URSDAY, JUNE 19, ;1930 MEETING OF HURON PRESBY- ' TERY The Presbytery of Huron of the United Church held its June meeting. Knox huicli Belgrave, ave on Thurs- day, Kno C > in , gr' ar atten- dance a large day, June 12th,. w g dance of ministers and lay delegates. (Much ,important business - was 'be- fore the meeting, inlcuding the elec- tion of 'officers for' the coming year, which resulted as follows: Chairman, Rev. C. J. 800rehouse, Exeter; Sec- retary, Rev, W. A. Bremner, Bruce - field; Assistant Secretary, Rev. A. Sinclair, Iiensail; Treasurer, W. G. M1�dd, M.P.P. The fallowing convenors of com- mittees ,were also . appointed. 'Relig- STeswaE�eaiE$ I will. have a limited quantity 'of choice Strawberries for sale. this: season at reasonable price. Would.advise to order Your berries early as the crop will be much reduced on aceount of winter. killing of plants and destruction of bloom by frost late this summer: A FEW GOOD BERRY PICKERS.WANTED • F. W. ANDREWS Phone 32w., Clinton. 71-4. COLBORNE The Smith's Hilt and: •Benmiller Sunday school joined in a: picnic on Saturday last at Menesetung Park, Baseball was played by the inen till they thought of sharing the diamond with the young ladies, who played till supper was served. Others not en- th'usiastic over these.. pastimes hied theniselves.to the beach for water sports and sand baths. After lunch sports 'of mnnY kinds were enjoyed, all returning hoine tired but happier for a day spent in company with each other and in healthful recrea- tion. On Wednesday evening at the home of Wm. Watson, Jr., Sth con- n took cessions a very quiet wedding Watson., plane, when Miss Marion Wiat , only daughter of the -late Mur. and Mrs. James Wlatson of this township, became the bride of Mr. Arthur Ful- ford of Goderich, Rev. M. Lundy of Nile officiating. The happy couple will make their home • in Goderich. On Saturday, June 14th, Miss Ol- ive Black' of Ashfield became . the bride of Mr. Allan Watson of this township, brother of foregoing bride. The young couple will reside in the groom's farm north of Loyal. We extend hearty congratulations and good wishes for a happy married life to both these couple. W'e are sorry to hear of our mail courier, IVIr. Marshall Faegan, being indisposed on account of a very sore. foot; resulting from frost bits in the' winter. Iiir., Faegan's father is sup- plying in his absence. r on former •e effe s r r t J Miss a V Mi ga teacher at No. 8 school, visited with Misses. Ruby' and Hazel Young over Sunday. &a's's. T. H• Wilson's mother, Mrs. Amos, is visiting with her for a time. Those attending the :funeral of Mrs. Henry Snyder on Wednesday of last week Were: Mz. and M•rs. Herb.• Fisher and daughter, Vesta, MT. Ed- ward Fisher, Mr. Arthur Fisher and daughter, Edith, Mir. and Mrs. Fletcher Fisher, Miss Leola Snyder, Mrs. Joy Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snyder, Mr. Stanley Snyder, Ile. and Mrs. Lawrence Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Hill, besides others who had gathered at the grave where she was hurried in Colborne township. 'teaching in Newmarket High school, returned . -to her home last Satur- day. kr, Cecil Connell of Detroit spent the week -end with his parents, Mr• and Mrs. George Connell, sions, Rev. A. W. Barker; Publica- tions, Rev. C. E. Taylor; Missionary and Maintenance, Rev. D. McTavish; Historical, Rev, Jas. Anthony; Con- ference Relations, Rev. C. J. Moore - house. , Arangements were made for the inductions of the new ministers com- ing into the Presbytery as follows: Rev. A. V. Robb, Centralia; Rev. S. J. gathers, Grand Bend; Rev. E. Poulter, Varnta;; Rev. F. G. Farrill, Ontario Si., Clinton; Rev. Byron Snell, Benmiller and Rev. V. G. Shaw. to Nile. The Presbytery listened with great interest to a most inspiring mission- ary address by the Rev. John Rich- ards Netram, a native of Central India, who spoke on the..subject, "The Changing East." - Brussels was decided upon for the holding of the September meeting. —W;. A. Bremner, Secretary. crowd assembled to partake of the splendid supper for which the ladies of the community are noted. After tire' supper ids, Harvey MleGee de- lighted ,everyone with ,his many hum- orous selections and the Lakeside En- tertaiuers provided splendid music. The proceeds amounted to $150 and the whole affair was a decided eec- 0055. After an illness of three days, of pneumonia, death claimed a former Goderich township boy, Clifford Mil- ler, son of Mrs. Miller and the late George Miller, who died at his hone. at Napanee ou Saturday last. Mr. Miller, who was thirty-five years of age, is survived by his wife and four small children. His mother also sur- vives and four sisters and six broth- ers: Mrs. D. Pollocic, Parkhill; 1VIrs. D. Dobie, Kitchener; Mrs: A. Steep, Goderich; Mrs. James Johnston, Hul- led; Edward, Arnold and Lloyd, God- erich township; Bert, Cobourg; How- ard, Charleton and Cecil, Stratford. Mr. Miller was brought up in God- erich township, educated at. the local Public school, Clinton Collegiate and Stratford Business College and was engaged as book keeper by a Na- panee firm at the time of his death, Sympathy is felt for • his bereaved family' in their sudden sorrow. Messes. Ed. and Arnold Miller, Mrs. D. Poliock, who is now visiting her mother, and Mr. James- Johnston. at- tended the funeral which took place at Napanee on Tuesday. • FORM 1 Lloyd Adams, Clara Ball, Mel- bourne Ball (Br. Ht., Alg.); Bernice .Bond, Gerald Brown (Eng.); Jessie Cameron, Raymond Cantelon, Dor- othy Corless, Louisa Crawford, Mur- ray Dale (Botany),. Joe Doherty (Botany), Robert Doherty, Dorothy• Glazier, Isobel Holmes, Charlie John- son, Harriet Kennedy (Alg„ Br. Ht., Bob.), Esther MacMtath, Lillian Man- ning, Agnes Morrison, Joe Murphy, (Latin), Ruth Pickett, John Rapson, Earl Reynolds (Eng., Bot.), Virginia Rozell, Ruth Thompson,' Hazel Van Remold, (Br. lit.), Irene Venner (Br. Ht., Lat,), Harry Williams, Evelyn Wiise, (Br. 'Ht., Lat.) FORM 2. John Armstrong (Lat.), Marion Bayley, Ellwood Campbell, Isabel Cantelon (IGeonr., Arith., Physio.), Josie Carter, Percy Carter, . Reggie Cook, Mary Crooks, John Deeves, Jim Doherty"; Eddie Elliott (Geom., ;Physio., Lat.), . Kenneth Elliott (Lat.)/ ' Meredith Ferris,, " Harold Gibbs, Harniott Gaudier, Arthur Griffiths (Grater.), .Josephine Harris (Lai,), Minlue Hudson, Edna Huller (Arith.), Howard Johnson, Helen Johnson, Isobel Lindsay, Florence MoCal'hun, :TEMl1ier (A lith., P•hysio.), Physio.), Norma Potter (Arith.), rnent, where 'a wreath was laid the memory of all who lost their liv in 'the Great War, An impressi service was conducted by Gro. Re Sidney Davison. After the servi all members and visitors marched n Wlinghani Cemetery, where a numb of graves were decorated, panic lariy the grave of Mtre. Cronyn, wl dedicated the ground to the order which the hall' stands. A Tient w placed on the graves of each depart brother and sister. EXETER: Exeter's new post o fice will open its doors to the publ today (Thursday) for the despatd Mg' of His Majesty's mail The ne imposing red -brick structure whi adorns Federal Park .south of t Canadian Bank of Commerce sten out in striking contrast to the buil ing which -for years has served as post office for this village. Pos master M. WW. Pfaff and staff, co Prising Misses Caroline Davis a Florence West, who have served t public so well in the old buildin will vacate the old familiar sp with its traditions and association leaving behind them the status of rural post office and will enter t new government office as gover Ment officials. It will take a litt time to get accustomed to the ne boxes and the new 'order of things 'Phe present site for the new po office was purchased by the Borth Government in 1912. Two buil ings on the property were demolis ed and then came the Great War a building operations were never a menced. For years the spot w to it to the a Bred anything in but Y g and the Hotricultural Society unde took to beautify it -which they d by levelling it and planting shrul and flowers. In February of last year the Fe eral Government appropriated 82 000 fora new building and in Se tember the contraot•for erection w let to Beaver Bros., of Crediton. February of this year a further a propriation of $10.00 was vot and mw tenders ;called for the i terior furnishings which were away ed to the Canada Furniture Co., Preston. The tinsmithing a plumbing work was` done by Tr quair & Lindenfield and the pal ing by 1VIrr. S. Ross. Mr. 0. W. Beavers was the local inspector. Exeter Times -Advocate. AUBURN 14Iessrs'. Gordon Taylor, Chas. Beadle, Jr., and Palmer Dawson mot- ored to Detroit on Saturday, return- ing on Sunday. Mr. and Nlrs. R. J. Ferguson and family were Goderich visitors on Sunday last. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Strausser of Sebringville spent Sunday with the latter's sister, Mrs. R. D. Munro. The Women's Institute held their annual ,district meeting here on Tuesday this week, about 200 ladies attended the meeting. The re -opening of Knox United church will take place next Sunday June 22nd. Rev. J. L. Small of St. George will be the preacher for the I day. Mr. Small was pastor at the Vine of its erection in 1905. Special music will be rendered by the choir. Services at 10.80 a.m. and 7.30 p.m, TUCKERSMITH A very -pleasant afternoon was spent when ,Mr•s: Howard Johns en- tertained, the Tuekersmith Ladies Club at her honrte. A good crowd was in attendance, also several visitors. Mrs. Frank Wialters, president, Pre- sided. The meeting was opened by community singing and repeating of creed. The roll call, the question box in which every member tried,to solve someone else's problem 'was interesting and in some cases humor- ous. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read, also a letter from the secretary of the London Road club, excepting the invitation to the club. picnic 'at Bayfield on the 21st of June, The program was in charge of the social' committee and consisted of several readings, contests and a mouth organ selection, by Mss. John Turner. Refreshments Were served at the close of the meeting. The next meeting will he held at the home of •Mfrs• Wim. Ball on July 9th. The roll call to be. answered 'by a pickle or icing recipe.. EXEXTER: ' IVIliss Mildred Walk- er, R,N., has been appointed lectur- ei• on the staff of the University of Western Ontario, her duties to com- mence at the opening of the Autumn her sister; term. Miss Walker- and 1 r s , Miss Jean Walker are at present on a trip to Europe. HULLETT TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thompson of Detroit motored' over and spent Sun - clay as the guests , of the latter's grandmother and aunt, MTs. Robert Brown and Muss Eva Brown. Mr. Thompson had promised his boss he Mr. and 'Mrs• George Reek and Mr. Gordon Hesk of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. A, Oke of Birch Cliff spent the week -end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Saundercock. would be 'back to work on Monday afternoon and had to return in order to keep his position. There are so many unemployed and find it im- possible to get steady work, that anyone who has a good position and can keep it is very fortunate. • BRUCEFIELD • The many friends of Mr. John Grainger will be glad to hear that he' is recovering from his recent ill- ness. Mrs. McCartney of Clinton return- ed to her home last week after' spending a week visiting at the home of Mr, C. Reid and other friends, in the village and community, who were glad to see her looking so well after her serious illness. 8VTrs.. G. Statrbury and Miss A. Landesborough of Clinton were the guests of their sister, Mrs. 'Jas. IVfc-. Queen of . Brucefield, last week. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Zapfe who spent last week visiting friends in Detroit returned to their home in the village. on Sunday. . The many friends of Mr. Bruce Berry will regret to hear that he is lluite ill and under the ,care of a doc- tor. . COUNTY NEWS '4WNGHAM: Mr. L. G. Smith, for several years publisher of the Wing - ham Advance -Times, who has been ,in Toronto for the past three years, has taken over the agency of the Investors Syndicate far the London district and will make his head- quarters in London. IBLYTH.: The -remains of the late Mrs. Joseph Hablcirk, who .died at the home of her daughter in Neep- awa, . Manitoba, arrived here last week and were conveyed to St. And- rews united Church where service was conducted by Rev. George Weir, followed by interment in Union cemetery. The deceased was the widoW of the late Joseph Habkirk who 'died over thirty years ago, af- ter -which Mrs. Iiabkirk and her two daughters, Bell and Jennie, moved to Brussels, later going west where they • .have since resided. Joseph Iiabkirk of Port William and Mrs. Bell Habkirk of Neepawa, Man., ac- companied the remains of their moth- er. WINGHASVT:1 After a lingering illness, the death occurfed last week of John E. Gemmill in his 62nd Year. Deceased had been a resident'of this locality nearly all his life, having been -born on the sixth concession of Turnberry.. He had ;been ailing for tire- past two years, ,having suffered a stroke. Surviving are his widow, four sisters, Mics. John Robson, Del- oraine, Mian.; Mrs. WSlliam Robin- son,!Gluiera, Mian.; Mrs. John Step- henson, Haldur, 'Man.; Mrs. John Stephenson, .of Vancouver; also sev- en en brothers, William, of C'ar�twr gh , Mans; Andrew, of Baldur, • Male; George, Oliver, James and Clayton, of Pilot Mound, Man.; Howard, - of Moose Jaw; and his stepmother, of Baldur. Fuher"al services were con- ducted by the Rev. Sydney Davison, pastor of the United. church, Wing - ham, of which. he was a member, on Saturday afternoon, .interment being. made. in the Wiroxeter cemetery. • INGd3'iAiMl:. On Sunday, mem- b`rs of the Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 794, ' also visiting members from . 18 other lodges, headed by the Citzens' PRETTY WEDDING IN ST. P ER'S CHURCH, GODERICH Yellow and blue iris, ferns is taperrs made attractive the sanctus of St. Peter's church, Goderich, the marriage of Josephine Matil younger daughter of Mr. and M Richard J. Brennan, of Goderich a William J., son of. Mr. and Mrs. J Chisholm, of Colborne. The ce moray took place Thursday, Ju 12th, at 10 a.m. and was solemniz by Rev. Fr. L. P. Lowry. To t strains of Mendelssohn's Weddi march the bridal party proceeded the altar. - The bride, given in marriage her, was lovely in a gown WATCH DROPS 1,000 FEET AND STILL TICKS MERRILY From a thousand feet in. the air, over the side of a. speeding ;airplane, a watch was dropped. That's noth- ing in itself, for anyone who feels reckless can nonchalantly toss watch- es over the side of an airplane. But the watch is still going. It's keeping perfect time, too. That's the.point of the story.: was ter tit watch A Bruner mss b neatly plaeed ih its upholstered case, tucked into a' card'b'oard box, ' and wrapped in heavy paper. At 7.20 a plane whirred over- the Maple Leaf Stadium, piloted by Avaitor Kelly. His assistant, Showers, threw the time -piece over the:side. A heavy.. thud and it hit the roof of the stad- ium. It was- thrown cdewn to where, the, team mascot, a little girl, pioked it up and .• handed it to Miayor Wemp. He unwrapped it, and held it to his ear - forgl tick. It going, the tell-tale c . was g , a and one the worse for its fall. I,, her fat ivory satin made with long fitt bodice and flared flounce of r point lace, falling to the floor. T sleeves were tight forming poi over the hand. Iter flowing veil -w heavily beaded in silver and peat and formed a Juliet cap of silver a seed pearls. White kid slippers a gloves completed the pretty brid costume and she carried an an bouquet of calla fillies and orch larkspur. Mrs. C. J. Gibbons of Detroit, si ter of the bride, wits matron-of-hoi our. She was becomingly attired yellow ;crepe romaine and lace ma princess style with fashionable bo ero effect. She wore a large moha, hat with blue velWet trimming, bl slippers and carried yellow Perin rases and blue cornflowers. Mr. I J. Gravelle of London assisted tit groom ,and the shiers were Messr Lester Bart and Armand Gravell Stratford. At the offertory, Mit Madeleine Jeffrey sweetly sang, "A the Radiant Dawn is, Stealing." A ter the ceremony the guests were r, ceived at the home of the bride parents, Mrs. Brannan, mother of tl bride, wearing black chiffon, wit French embroidery, large mohair 'h: and corsage of pink and mauve swe peas. •Mrs. Chisholm, mother of t1 groom, was gowned in rose bell georgette with matching hat at corsage of yellow tea roses. Ti wedding breakfast was served in t1 dining room, where a colour schen was carried out with siring flowe and evergreens, orchid ' and gre' predominating. The young, couple left on a 10-d: camping .trip through Eastern Ca g gin aw ada and the States. For o 3 the bride donned a sport ensemble sunnier leaf green chiffon dr linen shoees and hat with cream eessories,'With this she wore a twe coat with fox collar.' On their return from their hon. ;noon, Mir. and Mts. Chisholm take up residence in their new hor on the Blue 'Water Highway, 01 borne township. The bride and bridegroom, bo popular members of the eouummii were therecipients of several chequ and were feted at several intern ra Band, 'munched to the Meiriorial m:onu- affairs, prior to their marriage.