HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-06-19, Page 3AS A 11" ITER OF FORM 25 YEARS AGO 0. - women wore leg-of-mutton sleeves and ostrich plumes .: and during the same period men first began smoking Wilson's Bachelor cigars. The "furbelows" have long since been discarded ; but, today, snore men are smoking Wilson's Bachelors -100% Havana -filler -than any o titer ted cent cigar in Canada. "Icniuwt .+nuhu„ f ndividualny foil wrapped lop tai in pocket packs of five Sts -dib most on the mone-y Owl Laffs The weather is almost warm enough for. the dog haters to start a mad dog scare. A Night in \Bachelor's Hall They've gone away! It seems a year, Aye, weeks of years, since they were here, And yet it was but yesterday I kissed them when they went away; Away from all the scorching heat That grips this brick -warted city street. And it was I who bade them go, • Though, she, clear heart, proteeted so, And vowed I'd find no joy at alt, Nor flay peace, In Bachelor's 1-Iall. I laughed at that, but she wee right; I never knew a ladder night Than, this, while thus I tread alone, These silent halls I call my own. I never thought tette place could change So utterly, and seem so strange. The night is hot and yet a chill ' Pervades the house; it is so still.. I miss .the living atntospltere That comforts me when they are here; I miss the sigh, long drawn and deep, The music of refreshing bleep; That undulates the' gentle breast Of weary motherhood at rest. Aud in the unaccustomed gloom That shrouds the small adjoining - room I miss the moans, the mulled screams, Of childhood troubles in its dreams. 0! Sing Your song, all ye who roam; Your wistful song o1 Home, Sweet Home, t But, titougtt unhappy Is your lot, You will uotalnd a sadder spot In all the world, than Haute, when they • Who make it home have gone away. "Do you suffer from headache?" ask- ed a friend, "Sure I do: What else is there to do with it?" Defender c1 the sex says the girls Of today have it ait over Helen of Troy or Cleopatra. The girls them- selves refuse to argue the question, ' however. They simply admit it. Harry—"S'awiul hot to -day." Charles—"Yeah—I feel like taking off my skin an' sitting around its my bones." A little. fine Is fine for tete big law- breaker, Puzzle:Find the pork in a eau of pork and beans, We can remember when it yea gave a girl a pair of stockings for a present that was tire, last you were expected to see of biteut, Girl's Father—"Young man, tate lights is this house go out at 11 O'clock." Young Man—"That suits toe." .Everybody can give a little of what the world wants most—kindness. A. husband who is in the habit of coming home late nights with ening - ate excuses says the best present to givo a doubting wife is a copy 01 "Be- lieve It Or -Not." • Sometimes exeerts.are the least eic- pert. Gladys is not so far wrong. She thinks because a roadster has a one- man top all the' rest get wet when it rains. He who hesitates is en old -fashion- ed dancer, Don't kid yourself. Red paint on Your cheeks doesn't make you look more beautiful to anybody on earch except possibly tate woman youteee in the mirror. i:Iow line life seems when we havo a good job and health. Minard's for Falling Bair. Dolly: "It's toobad of you. You said you wouldn't givo away that sec- ret I told you," Doris: "I didn't give it away. I exchanged it for another." i Sun Loses Weight 250,000,000 Tons A Pound of Sunshine, Please —Rays that Weigh Mil- lions of Tons a Second For hundreds of years English- speaking folk have used expressions such as "The sunlight strikes the hilltop" wttko it realizing that they spoke not in metaphors but of an ac- tual fact. To strike means to deliver a blow; there caa be no blow with- out weight behind it. But Dan light itself weight auythittg at all? Science has proved recently that it can and does. Sir James Jeans tells us dist with a sufficiently strong light one could knock down a man. It41ttute measurements have shown that a huge searchlight requiring the equtraiout of fifty horsepower to oper- ate would radiate one twentieth of au ounce of light and heat if it were kept working continuously • for a hundred years. I;eat as well as light can be put Into the scales and weighed. So can wireless waves or X-rays, Every square inch of the Sun's sur- face is as powerful an emitter as our fifty horsepower searchlight, The candle-power of the Suit is expressed by a staggering figure -323 followed by twenty-five noughts oi' three•titou- sand two hundred and titlrty quadril- lions. If every square inch brings out only a twentieth of an ounce of light and heat in a century, the Sun's whole surface io emitting over Pour million tons in each second of tine! in a single minute, outpourings of light and heat cost the Sun 250,000,- 000 tons Of weight, An astonishing thought is that the Sun as we see him today is 360,000 million tons lighter than he was 'dile tine yesterday. There is no nood to wetly; y , • the o l Sun has gone on. "sl.ininting" at this rate for thousands of millions of years, and there is enough of him left to allow hint to light and heat the world for untold ages. By the work one knows the wok - man ,—Laleontaine New Nova Scotian Hotel, Halifax I 7. Fr he Nova Scotian Hotel of the Canadian' National Railways at Halifax which will shortly be opened will give the Canadian National Railways an up-to-date hotel adjoining their terminal station and will' provide a needed facility' for the travelling nubile. The hotel has 160 bedrootne,,each with bath, besidesthe neceseary eons lement of pu -licA rooms. feature of the new hotel is the large garage which:' has been pro, ••ided in the baeetnent of the hotel, where tourists may store their cars while retraining in the city or while visiting_ other parts of the province by train,; The hotel .eon- beets with the new Modern terms- nal and front its roof ,gardens furnishes remarkable scenic views' both to the harbor and the land- ward -side, Constructed of Nova Scotia brick and stone, in the Georgian style of architecture, the "Nova Scotian has many pleasing. features aboutet. One of these, the radio beoadcaettng attidto on the • iighth floor, will give to Halifax a radio voice en the national broad- casts of the Canadian National System.' VieitOrs to Canada; entering' the Dominion through the Halifax gateway will receive a splendid first impression of the country when they step front the train Ito thie magnificent building which is connected with the sta- tion permitting the ppassenger td reacthishotelrooni without having to step outside into the Open air from the time of leaving the train. a, Child Saving Mr. 'Kelso Talks Encouraging- ' to Members' of the Children's Aid As- sociatiort At the annual meeting of the Child- ren's' Aid Association al Ontario held last month in the Parliament Build- inge,,:.Mr: J. J. Kelso, Supt., gave an address in. which he said: 'Pott: are engaged' in'a :great work. Indeed, I eceow of no .other more inn-: portaut titan`: the pi:election of child- ren; Lite building tip of the home and site preservation of all that is best and sweetestiit family lite. "Np anovententis more popular at the: present time because of the reali- zation that a better and happier eivill- zatiott eau•only be evolved trout a healthy and well-developed childhood: thathere is the solution of many'_ of our most vexing tiroblems ' Preserving the Family "The family welfare is fundamental to social progress—the basic principle in all child protection work. •There- fore the, home is our chief eoncern. When disputes and differences arise adjustments Have to be trade that re guire,ntocii time and thought and the best that each ref us can give. To restore order and hartneny '.gives a comfort and satisfaction that is in it - sell amide reward. Problem Children ' "Among others, we have constantly. before us the problem .af the handi- capped child, the defective, the pee - onions delinquent, the homeless child, the deserting, father, the weak-minded, thriftless people who bring children into the world without the Means or ability to •maintain and train them. There is in fact no end to the variety of social ills that call for patient, ex- pert consideration and this I know is also present in your •minds. "You have a heavy and responsible. task. All I can say to you its to keep on doing what you ,honestly believe, is best for the child. Aim at greater ef- ficiency and the eniistinent of new worlcet's in this great service. Do not attempt to do it all yourself for that is ,impossible. Bold fre4iteut confer- ences with other social workers so that there may be the fullest co- operation. Secure Friendly Aid "Volunteer' workers can be secured iu every community who would give valuable assistance, Do not neglect this asset for there are splendid peo- ple who could guide and counsel with boys and girls and perhaps prove an anchor to them when the storms of temptation arise. What many of .our wards, anti people in trouble generally, need above all•ttttngs is a sympathetic friend to Whom they can turn with confidence. Waywardness iu'clt•ildren is not real badness—it is often loneliness, lack of affection, occupation and ambition— the need for some inspiring Influence outside themselves, Surely competent volunteers can. be found to meet this great need." WHEN YOUR CHILD IS FEVFRISH Give Him Baby's Own Tablets The health of babies and 'little child - yen is subject to rapid changes: Thus the mother most be ou her guard.. At the Bret sign of feverishness Baby's Own Tablets should be given—this may avert a serious illness, Concerning the Tablets Mrs. Nor- man Lee, Uxbridge, Ont, says: "My iittie boy, now three years old, was not at all well. IIe was feverish au$ bad no appetite. ,I gave him Baby's Own Tablets and he was exon well again. I would not be without the Tablets as long as there are young children in the hoose." Baby's Owa Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 2ff cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ant. Ants Help Doctors In Surgical Cases From Peru domes an interesting account of a novel way la which ants are made to help human surgery. An expedition which has just re- turned from that country describes how the native doctors make use of them in their treatment 01 wounds. In Peru is found a .species 01 ant equipped with very-powertul jaws. Place one of these near anything bite- ble and it Immediately bites—and never lets go, When a dative le wounded the medi- cine roan presses the edges of tate cut together and then picks up as ant. Ile holds its head immediately over the wound; the ant promptly bites, binding the savered edges to- gether with its huge jaws. ; The body is then snipped off. Ant follows ant until a neat' row of these extraordin- ary stitches has closed the wound. BLOOM STILL ON "illiza," said a friend 01 the Gentle to the old colored washer -woman, e'tare You seen Miss Edith's fiance?" "No, ma'am," • she answered, "It ain't been in the wasit yet." A man travelling in an mtdergrotutd train. alarmed other passengers by de- claring at the top of his voice that he Was Napoleon. Fortunately somebody had the presence of iniad to call: "Next station, Waterloo." Minard's Dhives Away the Headache. A writer says that woman is the playmate and helpmate of man, And often the cheque -mate as well. e 1110: Ends Itch'f I�tA.E "SOOTRA-SAIDA" AMAZES DOCTORS "Baby had terrible eczema. 'Soothe. setva'sedod asides in t minute. Disease soon Jeff "—Mrs, J. Laurance. Stops Itch, burn, part in 1 minute. Eczema goes for sant in fow days, .Side becomes cteer, emootU. All Drugglels. ISSUE No. 25—'30 Sheep Usurped. by Bunnies` Por many years rabbit fur Itas.been used to adorn milady's Coat, , This far has been.dyed, manipulated, treat- ed, or bleached and made to resemble the more expensive :tars: Animal lev- ees havo ,always deplored the death of so many' rabbits to appease mil- ady's vanity. A rabbit lies now been devetOpea which bears ti plentiful crop of -"rab bit` wool," and the sleet angora. wool Carne has been started near Windsor, I7nglaud, by Lady Rachel Brig, ' An angora rabi)it will supply anadverage of an ounce of wo61 per year in four. clippings. The wool clip be spun' alt even the old type of spinning Wheel. The 'rabbit does not sutler when clipped, nor is it injured in an' way.`_ The stool that is produced is very silky and highly prized. It 15 • possible that Lady Byng ,has started. a. new industry which may partially supplant sheep farming. Latest Zoo Inmate Hard to Describe New York—Near the animal house in the Brone -Park Zoo a small ani- mal with brown fur that loolcs' some- thing like tine second cousin of a dog enjoys tlte, distinction and honor that goes with "the latest at'quisition." HIe gazes wistfully at the largo crowds aitd oecaslonalIy snarls . defiantly, to let the Passer-by know he to the "only one in captivity." When Curator Raymond L. Dtt- mars transferred the canine trout a hex from South America to a place in the zoo, he spool- bis head and was at a lose for words to deect•ibe. him. Although the animal looked like a dog, he was more than a dog, and atter Inquiries iuto animal lore, a sign was paced on the cage bearing the words "Cerdocyn Mimotls BRIGHT EYES 9 ROSY LEES The/Birthright of Every Girl. Dull eyes mean misery and weak- ness—rt sure sign of a bloodless con- dition. Anaemic girls and women have dull, heavy eyes with dark lines underneath. , The bright-eyed girl or woman Is always happy and well. ' There is one way to make the eyes bright—to bring the glow of health to pale cheeks—th et is to Invigorate the body with new blood—rich, red health - giving blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do this and they do it well. Concern- ing them Mrs. Robert Devitt, Broug- ham, Ont., says: "My daughter became so ill and nervous we had to take her out of school. She was pale and thin; her eyes were dull attd the least exer- tion upset her. I began giving her Det Williams' Pini- Pills and its less thou six maths yott would not know her. She gained in weight and strength and is now the picture of health." Dr. Williams' PInk .Is are sold by medicine dealers or by utail at 50 , cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. Horses Like Humans Fancy Cold Drinks Tie season is here when. the fanciers of young and old turn to long, cold drialcs in glasses that tinkle musically when they trove. Ilot sum- mer days without cold drinks would seem unbearable to human beings. How must It seen: to horses working in the heat of the day beneath brazen skies, with, perhaps, only a drink night and morning? Many housewives, during the summer months, have greatly relieved the suffering horses by placing a card near the top on the lawn informing drivers that they may water their horses there. The watering troughs tor horses. in the city are too few and far between, There are localities where a horse may travel miles with out getting a drink front a public trough. The Imperial 011 stations Have been supplied with pails, 106 having been given out` last year. The Society will be glad to supply cards to anyone who applies for them. Will you do your bit for thirsty horses, if you have a lawn tap? And will You ask your delivery °ten if they carry, a pall to water their horses during the day?—Humane Pleader. School Diplomas Penned By Hand Lewis G. Lloyd, a handwriting ex- pert, 01.24 Greenvale Avenue,' Yon- kers, started work recentlyan un- usual contract for tee Yonkers Beard of Education. The contract is to write, in an incitation of Old ilngllsu Print style, the uantes of pupils upon 1,400 diplomas to be awarded shortly. Use Mlnard'- for Rheumat' m. Manager—T'nt afraid you etre ignore ing our efficiency system, Smith, Smith—Perhaps so, sir,but somebody has got to get the work done.---Bos- ton one: Bos- ton Transcript. ew r i c 126 Clubs Are Planned For t ritislg W o men First Experiment Will Be Made in the Island of Cyprus London.—A plan for assisting Bri- tish professional women is now being advanced: To those working out of their own country the problem of where to live on retirement is a real diliiculty. Most of them have no homes, and in many cases have no par- ticular wish to return to England, where their problem might be even more diflicult of solution. To meet such cases as these resi- dential clubs abroad are to be started, beginning with Cyprus. This place has been chosen because the members world be living tender the British flag, In alt ideal climate, free front heavy living expenses, and.in a locality site- claily favorable to women whose lives leave been spent in foreign lands. Miss Helen II. Dennison, originator of the scheme, Is full of expectation of its success. Tire inhabitants o1 Cyprus are ex- pert xpert at needlework, and also make honey and yams in. cottsiderablo quan- tities. tI is proposed to co-operate with them he developing their work and selling their produce, thus afford- ing social and mental stimulation for all concerned. These British profes- sional women abroad are drawn front ntatty professions, teachers, librarians, stenographers, accountants attd so forth, Tite elm of the residential clubs is to afford them opportunity to con- tinue working while providing them with a hone and, at the same time, plenty of interesting things to occupy time and energy. It Is hoped to follow the first club in Cyprus by another in one of the Manuel Islands. To join the pro• posed itouseltold a woman las to be over GO years of age. Minard's for Insect Bites. Paint stains can be removed from clothes by saturating the stain with, equal parts of ammonia and spirit of tupentine. Repeat the process (110 or three times If necessary, then wash out in warm, soapy water. 74147116711 ThelioneyflyCatcl Ter You Must Do Your Bit in the war against the fly, carrier of germs and breeder of disease. Leis proven that AERoxON is ane of the most convenient and most efficient means of combating this fly evil. It is convenient, because of the push -pin (t is hygienist ' flies never get away'when once caught, Each spiral gives fierce weeks' perfect services SEWARE OF IMITATIONS Sold 01 drug, Poetry and hardware stores La Cie C. 0. Genet & eiis,•Limitee eneRn00000. Qua 55:5 405015 r `y�Op MAGry�, d g x F. For Troubles slue tut Acral NmGESTION i AWID STOMACH SEARTSVRN A•leA IACHS IGASES'NASSF.A Many people, two hem's after eathig, stiffer indigestion aa they call it. It is usually excess acid. Correct it with an alkali, The best way,'the quick, harmless and edicient way, is Phillips' Mill, of Magnesia. It has remained for 50 years .the standard with physi- cians, One spoonful is water neutral- izes many times its 'volume In stomach acids, attd efeence. The symptom dire appear la five minutes. ,. . You will never use prude metitods when you know ' this better method. And you will never suffer from excess acid when you prove out this, easy re- lief. Please' do that—for your own ,9alre—neer,. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 60 years'in correcting excess acids. Bach bottle cantatas full direc- tions zany drugstore.' Classified Advertising FOE SALE yy HA BY CHICKS— MS i1ATeti UID Al 216,001) last Year In tour varie- ties. Write fur free catalogue. A. H Sty! tzar, (Iranian, Una LIGHTNING! LIGH'T'NING! NAT ANT.'GD—IIXPl1nIrNC1;f) I,(GRT- 0NIN0, rod salesmen with car. good commissions and drawing uenotu,t. APYLY B. PHILLIPS Li }ITNINWW nod Conipanr. 2'L OsUorue Atenuw 1,..1,17to. "The old Eastern proverb still etc dares: `If every pian .would sweep lila otvn doorstep the city would soon be cleats."'—Baron 1:Ie'aet. Sun Burned? Then rub afflicted parts with Minard's and watch them heal. MInard's for campers. PRIMO COMPLETELY GONE° writes Mtn W. Walker. Thousands spy constipation, indtgcetioa, gas end overnight with "Frult•a.hves". Complexion clears like magic. Nerves, heart quiet. G cc."Fruit.a•tives"from druggisttodayr DNW'T SUFFER WITH DANGEROUS INDIGESTION Do you suffer after meals with a belching, from sour and acid stomach? Many believe they ltave heart trouble and tremble with fear, expecting any minute to drop dead. This condition can be prevented, likewise relieved. Take Carter's Lithe Liver Pills after meals and neutralize the gases. Sweeten tate sour and acid stomach, re- lieve tttc gas and encourage digestion. The stomach liver andbowelswill be cleansed of poison, painful and dangerous indigestion disappears and the system enjoys a tonic effect. Don't delay, Ask your druggist for a 25e pkg. of Carter's Littic Liver Pills. HOW 1 LOST 28 U. ITS a Safe, Easy Way Read how one woman lost 28 it1R. { 0 fat, without diet, without dangerous drugs or cxervises. " T take a daily dose of leruschen, and I have lost two inches round the waist and hips and 28dbs. since last steamer. 1 feel very well ou it and people tell me I look very fit. 1 am 5 ft. 4 in. in height, 40 years old, and come of 4 about family" ,,Miss I , L. Don't go lumbering abort with burden of unhealthy, excess fat—you can get rid of it easily it you get the ICrnat'itert habit. Kruseiten Saha provides the easiest, safest and sorest way to lose fat that you can possibly desire, By purifying your blood of harmful Reids, helping the liver, kidneys aud.bowels to throw oft waste material, they remove in a natural way the fatty deposits 'wltieh poisonous waste matter has produced. Not etdy do you lose pounds in weight, but you lose years en appearance. Little by little, the ugly fat disappears-- slowly, isappears—slowly, yes—but surely -and you anon feel wonderfully healthy, vital and cnergetlr -°tare 10 than ever before it TWEFIEF TED E REMEDY S!# Recommends Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Cohotirg Ontario—"Treats ago wlfctt 1 had a sick father and a nursing baby to care for, 1 gob all run down and I tools Lydia E. Pinkham's Vogt - table table Compound to get strength to do my work, An- other {time at Change of Life, 1L had severe head- aches and felt tired all the time. I took seven bottles of the Vegetable. Compound and felt like a new woman. 1 recommend it to any woman who is 'at the age when she needs building up, Mits.T, E, SL,pilaEANt R.R.4, Cobourgh ,Oiitatio.