HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-06-12, Page 5'MUSDAY, JUNE 12, 1930 ' r iiumrw: OF INTEREST T0' YOU ,AND ME 'The. Barrie Examiner has installed a Duplex Web Perfecting Press . in its office, The Examiner will have tceeec that all, its subs are prop ptly paid in ozder to meet expenses on that machine, 4n American 'scientist -claims to have discovered the cause of. the coin' oboe cold and ad effective mode Of treatment for cure and prevention. If this 'proses true -one of the most • annoying and disagreeable ills of life will have been banished. • The Chatsworth Sage said` some- thing in his prognostications last fall about it starting= to rain on June 10th and keeping it up for about six weeks. 'It rather looked ort Tuesday as .if he'd struck thatnight, but we hope he was drawing a long bow. It certainly •did •` rain 'Tuesday. According to new regulations the first year pass course, which many students Ila e'. v tai e mthe Un tti:er ' srt ' ` will have ' to the take e Collegiate. 11 • ie � This .ogght i:o he an advantage, es pupils will be able to• remain under the restraints of Rome for a year longer: It ought, also, to make the .:burden of educe- sting a family somewhat lighter. `The main idea is, of coo+se, to ease the situation in the Universities, which are becoming over -crowded. The : St, Marys Journal -Argas ex- presses meetly .the same idea as The News -Record about, • yelianging over from,e,the, celebration;^ •of May. '24th to June 3rd; and for pretty much 'the same reasons, Great 'minds - do often ran in the same channels. • r • An editorial in The Family Herald makes the claim that church -going in the present age has ',come to -be re- garded as something to be ashamed • of, to apologize for. This writer says people are not fess kind and less virtuous than they were, but ex- presses the fear that .when the effect of the early training and discipline • of their church -going parents . or •grandparents has worn off the re - .action may not be so favourable. "There is grave danger," this edi- ' for thinks, "that with the releasing of men and women from the disciplinary - duty of ehureh-going there will grow np a looseness of conduct, a shrink- ing of moral fibre, a distorted view of the finer things of life. Ridicule of church -going and its • discipline is the first step towards neglect and contempt of -religion. It. is but a short way frons contempt to • open hostility. Soviet Russia has shown the lead. First the Bolshevists disendowed and despoiled the churches. Then they wiped them out of the life of Russia 'and finally • they persecuted those ivies still stuck to thein. It was not ,open persecution but the far more subtle kind of attack of pouring nidi- - cule and derision on sacred things. No wonder the action of the Soviet Government stung Christians all ov- er the world to protest! 9013ECLINTo .NEWS RECORD Mr, Wim Dixon left on Tuesday to I, r visit in` London' and Stratford , , CARD' OF THANKS , 50e .Mess Mande Stirling returned en MEMORIAL VERSE Saturday after • having spent the I' PER LINE week: with friends in. Owen.:Sound ~ 10c, and • hoe sister in Port, Elgin. MIs. and'Mh•s. Hugh McLaren and _ we.' 'daughters, e1\larion and Chris- tine; spent ` the week -end with Mrs, 1\tsLaren's sister,•' Miss Josephine Stirling. -.." Mr. and illus. W6 IBoug of Wind- sor are, spending_ a few days at their slimmer home iii the village. M1'u. •'Lidyd •Hodgins of Toronto spent several days this week at his cottage • oh the Crescent, Mrs: J. II. Glass of London is at her sue -niter home overlooking the lake and river M. and Mars, J. • L. Dixon and danghtei;. Carrie, were the guests of Rev. and Mks, F. H. Paull on Sun- day, ..On their' return to London they were 'accompanied by Mrs. Is; H. Paull and 'Mfrs. E. Paull who had: been visiting her son. Mr. G Peddle spent `a couple `of days last week at his home in To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. A . Sturgeon of London visited averthe weeks -end with the 1 atb •' et snbs e arcMr. P and Mrs. S. Kipfer, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wl: Tippett 'mot- ored to London on Sunday, return- ing home on Monday evening Miss Ruth Iliggins of London is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mfs. Wt 7. Biggins. Miss Enlxily Salt of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. A, R. Seedsat the Lakeview Hotel. ••s Mi. and 'Mrs. 3. Fitzgerald of London are spending a few days at Deer Lodge Parka while superintend- ing repairs. to the cottages Much sympathyi,is: felt for Rev, and *s. R. 11t Gale in the loss of their grandchild, infant daugliter of Mr. and Mfrs. J. Reid of Honeyerood, who died at Waterloo on Wbdnes- day of last week. Mr. and Mrs, Gale returned home on 'Saturday and, were again summoned to Waterloo, on Monday, owing to the serious ill ness of their son-in-law, Rev. W. G. Richardson• Mr. Richardson's many friends in -this vicinity hope for his speedy recovery. Mrs. Hall and Louise Stevens of London are spending the, Week in the Stevens cottage, Mterrytime Lodge. ...Miss Nora Ferguson, who has been in London since last fall re- turned on MTonday. Mfr. Clifford Pollock of London spent Sunday with his parents. 'Mss, R. Saugstead of Wilton Grove was the guest of Miss Flay Edwards on Thursday of last week, it4lrs. G. W. Woods returned home on Friday after having spent sev- eral weeks with her daughter, Mrs. I. G. E. Crosby at Bolton Landing, N.Y. IMlssrs, Lawrence Fc'wlie and' arles Brennan of London visited the former's sisters on Sunday. isses Lorna Ashplant, Barbara ser, Lucile Hayman,,,Mfar'y Hut - on, Hilda Grant, Dorothea Laid - and Grace Maefntesh of London occupying C. B, Chapman's cot- s. and 141rs. Murdock Ross eele- ed their Golden Wedding anni- ary on . June 10th, by a . quiet sly reunion. Those who were to be present were; Mr. Alex. J. , a. brother from Buffalo, three of their daughters, "Miss Irene Ross, Toronto, Miss Sarah Ross, and .MTrs. J. Kiser, of•Philadelhpia. Mr. Kiser and Mss. James Dickson of Phila- delphia are also their guests. The bride and groom of fifty years were married in Bayfield and have lived here ever since. Mrs. Ross' maiden name' was Melissa Harrison, daugh- ter of the late- Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Harrison and was born its this vi- oinity. Mr. Ross was 'born in Tiv- erton and carate to this village to pursue his occupation. es a fisher- man, which he still follows,- To this happy union were born seven chil- dren, five of whom .survive. Mrs. Rodger , Newcombe of Palatka and WI. 3, Ross of Minneapolis were mot to come home for their parents anon. The many friends of Wm. Reid of Stanley Tp. , who underwent a ser- ious ,operation in Victoria Hospital, London, on Stiturday will be glad to • know that be is making favorable progress towards recovery. Rev. 1'. H, P'aull will be in charge of the services in St. Paul's church, Clinton, on Sunday. , Services in Trinity Qhnrch„ Hayfield, will be taker by Me. J. H. Thompson of Huron College, Ch with ill Fra obis law are tage 141 - brat brat vers Tam Yet the very procedure which the Able ,Ishevists . adopt compelling the Ross peasants to obey their rules :is the same which thousands of men and 'women are voluntarily following in • ;Canada. Such men and women would laugh at' the idea of persecuting the church or of bringing ,religion into contempt. Yet be- their example, by 'their attitude and by the fact that they are ashamed of their. Faith, they are doing just as deadly a worst for the overthrow of Christianity as Bolshevism has done." The above should give its all cause for thoughtfulness, Sometimes one hears the statement that going to church is not religion, that one can be as good a Christiap wkthout'going to church at alt. Perhaps, but usu- ally the most religious of people like able to go where they will "_ hear God's celebr word read, . will be able to join in' Singing His praise and to take part in His public worship. Even the at - n ospheee of the church is conclusive to worship. One thing you will find, -that the man. or woman who does not go to church but who is "Just as good or better," than those who do are not quite so happy in their relig- ion. A man may be very moral, a kind and loving husband and father, a good neighbor, an honest and hon- orable' man in all his (feelings, this may be the result ,af inheritance and early training, But his 'religion brings him no Particular -personal satisfaction and when trouble comes he has no `sure and certain hope on which to lean. iChureh' membership is no proof that one i$ a 'Christian but when one has a personal aequain tante and fellowship with God one is almost certain to''wish tp assemble with ethers in public worship of Him. BAYFIELD Mr. 4. E. Erwin, Superintendent of the United ,church Sunday school, has received word from ' Montreal that Master Fred, Sturgeon has. re- ceived art .honor certificate on the Temperance competition of his Sen. day School. IM'Nsa. J3"nnie Grant is staying with Was J. Reid. Ur. and Mhs. WI.H. Shannon of - Toronto an;1ti' Mt's LeRey, Hiles _ and little son of Landbse " are oetnpying. their cottage in. Lakeside'Park. r22r. and Mrs. lieB ;I+erguson and Miry. Ferguson of Toronto are. oc- ':.. -,✓e 'copying the Canine:am'e. cottage, Ur- and Mhsi .Hartley of Toronto are. in one of Jowett's '.cottages. Mr. and'Mfrs, Hamilton and Mrs. S V. Granger, of London are ' ,at their :cottage g Mr. r. and Mrs. R. Kaiser and Miss S. Ilia Rossof P- i h sacker h'a p t, are visiting tbeir parents, Mr.' and'M2rs. M. Ross. ,11liss S. Johnston, who has taught the pupils of the lower room . since Christmas, has 'recovered sufficiently front her illness to allow her to be removed to her home near Sheppar- ton ise an„ansbulance on Wednesday. Miss Johnston carries the geed wish- es of a host of -friends with her. Mr. Alex. J. Ross, who is attend- ing the Shriners' Convention in To- ronto, motored to the village to be present for his brother's' Golden Wedding .eelebrationon Tuesday. TUCE ERSMITR Sichool report of S. S. No. 4,; for the month 'of lel'ay: Sr.' 4th' ---4 Vilma Rawcliffe, 84; Frank. Garrett, 83; `; Marion Mathew song 74;;Beatrice Snell, 73; *Stanley' Collins, 63;. Dorothy Walters,: 62.' Jr, 4th-- leert Garrett, 80; Alden Crich, 74. Sr: 3r1—Wanda ' Rawcliffe 88; Kathleen Falconer, 78; Normn.an. Pep- per, 50, ' , Jr. 3xd—iBeatriee Walters, 76; Margaret; Crich, 75; 'Eldon O'Brien, 50; `:Clifford Pepper, 48, • 2nd --Erma Garrett, Irene Crdi'rett harry Crich, y`Glen Layton, ' 1st Viola. Pepper, Lloyd Walters. Pe. --Fra nit Falconer, • Donald Crich. 'Those Marked tit k d with asterisks'were e se b nt for exam, . s ` Number on roll, 23; : average at- tendance, an e 21.8. , -Dorothy Reinke teacher, r, BIRTHS PENFOUND—en Goderish township, on June -9th, to Mr, and Mrs.. W il- i'red Penfound, a son. , COLE -In Clinton Public Hospital, on June Gtli, to Mr. and Mrs. Oli- ver J. Cole, of Goderich township, a daughter. WiReGHT ---'Tis Victoria •hospital, London, on"June 7th, to• Mk: and;, Mrs. Prank Wright, Melbourne,;, Ont., - formerly,: Vesta Snyder, a, daughter:—Vesta. Jean. DEATHS SNYDEIt.— In Gaidelrieh township, on June Bth, Annie M. Ferguson, wife of Me. Henry Snyder, in •her 54th year, i COOK -In Clinton, on June 11th,' 'Charles Cook,aged'78 years. Fun- eral from St. Paul's Anglican =church en Saturday • ,afternoon, ,. seri; vtc at 2 o'clock. k PEN1HALE': In Stanley township, on June 7th, Margaret Ann Pen- ' balein her 53rd year. IP and Hen- hur the GODERICH TOWNSIi M,t•, • and Mys. W,ut. -McLaren daughters, Lois and-:' Marion of : salt called on Mr. and Mi',rs.. Art Whish on Sunday. - , '14lkss Helen- Beacons spent week -end with Miss Hazel Pickard . Mrs, John Cluff, Clinton, spent week -end at: the .home of her s Mr.Robt. Cluff. ;Miss Elsie Blackhall has been engaged as teacher of S. S. No. for the ensuing year. • Me. and Mars. E. J. Welsh daughters spent Sunday as guests Mr. and `Mrs. Arthur Welsh. The young people' of St. James' Y.P.A. who staged such a si ceess play in Bayfield, have been invit to repeat their play "The Tiger Ear in Hensall 'on June 16th. ' Metes Pat. MiiacFarla.ne, R.N., Tcronto is visiting her parents, end Mrs. John MacFarlane, Bayfiel line. ' The communitye picnic, which in eludes St. James' church, Middleto Sharon church and Sch p1 sections 9 and 10, will be held if, Jewett's Grove the afternoon of June 13th. Mr. and Mus.F. leanly spent Sun- day as guests of Mr. and Mrs, Is. Thompson. . Mr. and Mrs. D. Ellwood and Mr. O. Hichbourne spent Sunday with l41'r. and Mrs. L. Anderson. Mr. Charles Halstead visited on Sunday with his brother, Mir. John Ostrom, ' The following is the report; of S. S. No. 11, for the 'month of May. Jr'. 4th—(Lloyd Batktu, 77. ' Sr. 3rd—Faye Lindsay, 76; John Lindsay, 70; *Margaret Farquhar 53. Jr. .3rd Madeleine Tyndall, 64; Edward Deeves, 63; *Olive Pickett 48. Jr. and—Lorne Tyndall, 73. Jr. 1st—Jean Vodden, 88; Pearlie MfnGee, 85; Wiilia Potter, 73; 'Harold Wase, 69; "Donna Pickett, 37. Printers—Lula Tyndall; Frank Potter Those marked with ,an asterisk missed ono or more examinations. Perfect attendance for the month: Lloyd 'Batkin, Faye Lindsay, Made- leine Tyndall, Lorne Tyndall, Har- old Wise. Number en roll, 21; average at- tendance '14. t• he on, re - 10 and of A. fol ed 1" of Mr. d n, --M. E. Thompson, Teacher Following is the report of S. S. No, 4, for the month of May. Nantes arranged in order of merit: 5t 4th Jack Snyder, 84; Earl Williams, 78; Miable Churchill, 48. Jr. 4th—Robin Thompson, Harry Thompson, Alvin Lobb. . Jr. 3rd --'Joy Lobb, Isabel Oakes, Irene Williams, Billie WSlliams. Second-4M7ary Thompson and Mar- garet Lobb, equal; Gertrude Bosom, Donna Lobb, Elvin Merrill, 1st—Ross Merrill, Alfred Butler, Harry Oakes.. Pr. --Harry Lobb, Bernice Lobb, Lillian Churchill. Number on roll, 21; average at- tendance, 19,22: ' Perfect .attendance—,Mable Clittijclt- i11, Jack Snyder, Earl Williams, Al- vin Lobb, Joy Lobb, Margaret Loth?,, Mary Thompson, Alfred. Butler, Ber- nice Lobb. —N'. E. Heard, teacher. LONDON' ROAD (Mr. and MP,rs. Frank Lane visited Clifford friends on Sunday. Mi'. Guy Jacobs •of Mxillfo.•d,-1VI'ich., has been visiting his parents, Mr, and Mfas. Jacobs at the Huron Coun- ty Home. Mrh ,Tack 'Davidson and MM, W. Swinbank are in Goderich this week serving on the jury. 11Trs, Swartz of Clifford is, a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Cane. MIr. •Aethur Mason and family of Saskatoon, $ask,,'•who have' m.oteerd frontes ze , west, visited 1/F , •;and Mrs; Fred Nott this. week.. ' BRUSSELS: • Upwards . ' of 2,000 people assembled at Brussels cense-' tory Sunday afternoon, the oecasio}i being the annual..decoration service of the Odd FeIlows.. The weather was ideal,:, and the large gathering were deeply interested in the cere- mony. P.D.G,Mi.. Pcstliff, of Wing - earn, Was in charge of the service, while an appropriate address was de- livered by : Rev. A. eke Barker, pas- tor of Brussels 'United Church. Blyth band was in attendance, ,and render- ed d several xriusieal selections as well as ea ' adnt in the service, g s vtee ofPa rais-. Ine th e ven'n t g following the church services, the band also rendered 'a sacred ems err . d c atl 'Victoheia Park,', which was `listened to by a large. the 'i. FLOWERS, AND FLORAL DESIGNS FOR ALL OCCASIONS WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORT- MENT OF 'BU1iDING PLANTS FOR ALL PURPOSES NOW IS THE TIME • TO FILL UP YOUR' HANGING BASKETS AND VERANDAH BOXES Chas. V. Cooke Two--Phones-3.66w and efij COLLECTIONS � Wehandle i d, collections coons only ' • No sideline No claim too' large, too small, toe old or too hard for us to tackle. '40 years(' experience, No Collection—No Charge. KELLY & AIKEN, The Collection Specialists Gdelph, ORAI,l'GEWILE, Oaven Sound. 70 -6m -p. Epps ' Transport Varna Ontario :Phones; Clinton 626r24;' /London: 'Meticalf 1165, Daily Freight and Express Service form London. Closed vans for Furniture Loads Everywhere. Every load insured for $3500.00 Service and Satisfaction Our Motto. E. H. Epps & Son ' 70-8. Teacher Wanted Experienced, Protestant teaoher wanted for S..S. No. 9, Goderich township. Duties to commence Sept. 2nd. Salary $1,000. Personal ap- plication preferred. W. W. Wise, Sec. -Treasurer, R. R. 11o. 3, Clinton. 70-2. • Property For Sale 'House and half acre of ground. Orchard and barn, town water. Good place' for anyone, wishing to keep chickens and a cow. John Steep, North street, Clinton. 70-2-p, Car For Sale McLaughlin Buick 1927 Master Six Coach with new battery, six tires, two of then new, engine, upholstery and finish in excellent condition. W. Brydone, GODERICHr Joh! McGraw, driver for Curry's Bakery, bad a nar- row escape from serious injury, when his horse became frightened and bolted down Trafalgar street. After a wild run the horse stopped in a garden. McGraw fainted during the ride, but came to in a few min- utes none the worse for his thrilling experience. EXETER: Just before midnight on Monday Exeter lost a well-known citizen in the person of Caleb Hey- wood, who for over 50 years was a builder and contractor. Born two miles from here hi 'Osborne Town- ship, he came here as a boy. He is survived by two •brothers, Joshua and Eli, of Exeter, and two sisters, Mrs. Harry Parsons, of- Exeter and Mrs. Eli Lawson of Crediton. There are two daughters,., Mrs. A. E. Moore and Miss Mildred and five sons, Hector, Garnet, Clarence and Clyde, of. Exeter, and Alonzo, school principal, of Drumheller, Alta, The deceased suffered three strokes, the first being 11 yearns ago, and .had been confined . to his bed for five years. He succumbed to pneumonia at the age of 70. His son 'Garnet, at present, is seriously ilk, Teacher Wanted - Qualified Protestant experienced teacher wanted for U.S.S. No. 12, Goderich and Mullett. Duties to commence Septe2, 1930, - Apply stat- hing salary and experience. Applica- tions will be received until June 20. Oliver Jervis, Sec.-Treas., Clinton, Ont. 70-2. To the Ratepayers of the 'Township of Goderich Re Weeds Control Act I have received instructions froze the Weeds Control branch 'of the De- partment of Agriculture to enforce the Weeds Control Act.' I do not wish to take : drastic ac- tion, but those wishing to keep their property clean most be protected. Wieeds must not Se allowed to go to seed, especially Sow Thistle, Con- travention of this Aet entails e, fine of 820.00- to $50.00. D. GLIDDON R. R. No. 3, .Clinton, Weed Inspector, Dated at Holmesville this 10th day of June, 1930, ". 70-3. SEALED • TENDERS WANTED~ Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned for alt privileges foe the Blyth Band Tattoo • on •;June 25th, said privileges to consist of dancing, either open air or in hall, refreshment t booth, games, .,eta„ 'Genders may be for part or ;all • - • privileges end must Ibe' a. e c o m p a n ied. by marked e eh ue q for full . a- mount Tenders., received. till June 180, h, Highest ' r any.t atender t not nec- essarily accepted. Mark on envelope "Tendees for Tattoo" and address to, xt. D. Philp, Blyth. Ont. 70-1 Clinton's New -Laid Egg And Poultry House Eggsbought according to Domin- ion Government Egg Regulations. Inquire for our prices bf eggs, You will always find our prices par- a11el with the city marlsets. Fat• hens and went -finished chicks always • wanted—prices geed. Always phone our office for prices` before marketing produce, • N. W. Trewartha Phones ---Office, 214j Residence, 214w CARDEN PARTY' under •auspices of St. James' church' Middleton will be held on the lawn of M15: WILFRoED COLOLOUGH on the eleventh-eolicession nt Gode- rich township, two miles south of Holmesville' on the evening of TUESDAY, JUNE 17 A full course meat supper will be served from 6 to 8, MENU: Cold Dressed Ham, Salads, Jellies, Pickles, Cake, Pie, Tea and Coffee. Following the supper a first class program will be provided by MR. HARRY IixeGEE Famous Scotch' Comedian end The Lakeside Entertainers. Admission: Adults, 50% Childeen,25e 69-2. • Baking Sale The Ladies' of tate Baptist church are holding a baking sale on Friday afternoon, June 20th, at 3 o'clock, in the. Perrin Block on Rattenbury St. •- 70-2, Rock Pullets for Sale Ten -weeks' old Rock pullets for sale. From blood tested flock and fine sturdy !chicks, Apply to Chaa. Tyner, Huliett. Phone 638r12, Clin- ton central. . 70-1 Guaranteed Baby'1 Chicks Given approved conditions, we guarantee'nur chicles to be 80 per cent alive and thriving at four weeks of age. Hatched in a modern, steam heated incubator, equipped with air cleaning cabinets. Our prices are right, chiclts first-class, Barred -Rocks: ' After May 1st: $16.00 per 100; After May 2041: 816.00 per 100; After June 10th, 814.00 per 100. White Loghorns: After May 1st, 814.00 per 100; After May • 20th, 813,00 per 100; After June 10th, $12.00 per 100. One dollar per hun- dred off if ordered one month in ad- vance. Also one dollar per hundred off for orders of 500 or over. J. E. ldcKinley, Zurich, Ont. Phone, Ilen- sall, 97-4. 64-t1. House For Sale Comfortable nine room house, Victoria street, Clinton. Garage and stable, Apply to S. G. Castle, Clin- ton. 40.5f. • Pullets and Baby Chicks Try our Bred -to -lay Barred Rock, pullets for winter layers, hatched in March, will be ready for laying house in July, Also Baby Chicks, 815.00 per hundred. D. 112. Lindsay, Hedge Row Farm, R. R. No. 3, Clin- ton. 67-5f. House For Sale 7 -room house, 'hardwood floors in front part of house, town water and lights. Garage and chicken pen. Half acre lot with fruit trees. Ap- ply to John W. Nedigcr, Clinton, 69-tf, WANTED AT ONCE A general farmer must be healthy, a hard worker, Interested in his work, honest, dependable and willing to take orders. Apply personally on Wednes- day or Saturday, June4th or 7th., Wednesday or Saturday, June 11th or 14th. Dr. Moffatt, Varna, Ont. EIectric Rangette For Sale Two -plate on top and oven below, runs on ordinary socket, almost like new. MI. Counter. . 69-2. Wilteh Yon Want Photographs of the Wedding Par- ty or Photographs of any of . the family, the Burgess Portrait Studio, MMitchell, will give you the best work at a reasonable .price. Studio open every week day, including Wednes- day afternoons. Step on the gas and conte to the Mitchell Studio. 69-2. Farm For' Sale ,150 acre farms., lob 7, eon.11 and Ste lot' 7, con. 12', Hallett township. Convenient to . school, churches and market. Comfortable 11% storey brick house with frame kitchen; 2 barns, one 80x36, orie 43;48, stone stab- ling under sash; drive ,shed 40x24, garage, pig pen and henhouse. Farm in good state 'of cultivation, never failing spring creek, two never -failing wells. 13 acres hard- wood bush. Apply on premises` or write Albert Trewin, R. R. No. 1, Londesboro. : 69-3-p. Mutual Meeting The District Annual:' •meeting' of the 'West' Heron Woman's institute will be held on Tune 17th.en. the For-. ester's. hall, Auburn. The •morning, 'session opens at 10 a,m, The reports of the different branched, also stand ing committees,: will be 'given. At- ternoon. session at 4,30. errs. 3.. W. Stone, President of Ontario Woman's Instituto, will be present and .give an address, also Ml's: Waidlaw..;i ed- er ate on Representative. Several.•mtis- i al numbers" b' shave been prepared: ,All ladies, whether members of the Institute u or not, are invited to at- tend, Lunch will he, served frosts: 12 to 1 o'clock for 25c by the Atubu'rn ladies, 69-2. ValligegkidWMaggelellelelgeleelageegelfeneele IC LES C.C.M. CRESCENT MODEL . , , . $32.50 C.C.M. CADET MODEL .. , $30.00 LAWN MOWERS TAYLOR. FORBES AND SMART PAINTS LOWE BROTHERS QUICK -DRYING. ENAMEL Which dries in four to • six' hours and has the brightest b and most. attractive colors, has' been in: very :large demand: Havey ou seen our colorcard and inquired about, the qualities of this enamel? If not it will be our pleasure to be :of service to you. Mill-er Hardware TELEPHONE .68 Co. CLINTON valmoslosem C. H. VENNER, - Electrician Electric. t ._- Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs _ Phone 7 Eggs and Poultry Home on Tuesday and Friday fore. noon to take in Poultry. Eggs handled -at residence every day—graded by an experienced grad. er, for which • we pay the highest market price. Cream purchased for Stillman's. A. E. Finch Viking Cream Separator Agent. Victoria St„ Clinton Phone 28L. Car, Fire and Life Insurance 15% DISCOUNT ON CAR INSUR- ANCE,FOR FARMERS PROMPT ATTENTION IN CASE • OF ACCIDENT J. C. CHOWElj Office next to Rattenbury Ilotel Phone 52, Clinton. Property For Sale Adjoining town of Clinton on Lon- don Road. Mfrs. W. II. Jervis has de- cided to sell her comfortable 6 -room house with good outbuildings, also four acres of land with splendid gar- den, numberof apple trees and an abundance of small .fruit; hard and soft water and rural phone. This is a niost desirable property with town privileges and will be sold reasonable for quick sale. For fur- ther particulars apply to Mfrs. W. IL Jervis, R. R. No. 3, Phone 12-611. 62-tf. Slabs For Sale Orders left at my residence will receive prompt attention. E. Ward, Huron street, Clinton, phone 155. 67-tf. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired. •Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's Barber shop. W. J. Jago. 2283-tf. Farms For Sale • Lots 27 and 29, 9th concession of Goderich township, consisting of 160 acres of good clay loam, 1114 miles west of Hoirnesville.. Good buildings, never -failing wells. Ap- ply to Lewis Proctor, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 611r2, ..Clinton sen trai. ` 29-tf. Automobile Owners Isn't it better to pay the premium you know, than risk liabilities you cannot estimate. Don't Drive VV'ithout'Insurance There should be no further ambig- uity about your insurance obligations Every motorist must be covered a- gaiast all highway hazards. PUBLIC LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, COLLISION, FIRE AND THEFT: HAROLD C. LAWSON Health & Accident, Theft, Fire Insurance; Etc. Phone 208, 'Clinton 67-. Emslka Chick Farm BARRON STRAIN S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS and BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK CHICKS ' ' HATCH'IN'G-EGGS44.00 a" ,hundred.. CUSTOM HATCHING STAM' tNAX. AND KLATCH r x'ORD'S CHICIiF FEEDS �( z �4aa '+ ' Phone 2A, . Clinton 58-tf. RUPTURE SPECIALIST Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform- ity. Consultation Free, Call or write, J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. 10-1929. Keep Warm With LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE MINEHEAD ALBERTA SOFT COAL. NIST COKE AND •1„er" DOMESTIC SIZE COK3 ' A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen Street Telephone 250 Implement Agent T handle Cockshutt implements and 'cream separators, Prost and Wood Implements: and earry parte and repairs for sane. I am also agent for Allis -Chat,. mers Tractors, Those wishing to inquire about any of the above kindly call at my residence. JOHN V. DIEHL, Queen Street, Clinton, 81-ta McCormick -Deering Agency Having taken over the above ag- ency for this district I will keep on hand a full stock of repairs and parts of all McCormick -Deering machines and will appreciate a share of the patronage of the farmers surounding Clinton.. CaIl at my shop, next door to Jones' blacksmith shop, King street. W. J. STE W A RT Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w 04-tf. Clinton's b+ OLD M12. COWMEN WENT TO HIS 'COALS$11$A'. TO START THE WINTERS s Fi FIRE, WHEN , HE GOT, THECA" THE COAL BIN WAS BAR; AND SO— HE O— HE PAID MORE FOR HIS COOL Wasn't he a foolish man to wait until October? He didn't know a- bout the Big Spring and Summer Coal Sale. And now the question is —"Do you 7" Folks profit by some summer sales and overlook. the big gest bargain of the year. This sale ee "Black ' Goods" happens every spring and summer. . Now is . the time when :a11.coal is' reduced. We would like to 'see youprofit by this knowledge. "See - CallSo -•-. Call the for good, clean coal �SEt� CO L COMP - NT PHONE 74 CLINTON