HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-06-12, Page 3Smash, and Grab
BY M. le, Thomas
A thin drizzle of rain. had begun to
fall, making -the business nen and wo-
men Who ` tlivengect the pavement
, quicken their Pace homewards.; A
large grey ear- di•ew up expertly at•the
curb and a well, hut unostentatiouely,
dressed.young man alighted,
He walked across: the wet pavetuent
— to the jeweller's shop with the easy
grace of the athlete. At the door he
guauced aver his should'ep at his cam -
Penton 1n the car. Then'hls aim' flew
up; and he hurled the parcel he 'had;
been carrying through the prate -glass,
window. In a, flash his hand followed
it. Before,the startled pedestrians hail
colected their wits he was back. ten the
car; whish Eves speeding swiftiy'down
the street.
Inside the shop a young •assistant
hurried 'forward, A crowd of curious,
faces round a jagged hole in the win
dow,'met his at onished gaze. "hints
and 'watches were scattered .by the
confusion caused by the, passage of a
neatly -tied 'parcel which now lay be-
tween two pairs, of gold and tortoise•
shell hair -brushes,
lie went a shade paler when he reat-
tzed that the diatnond and emerald
necklace. which had been the centre
of the window distilaywas missing.
The manager, marveilonsll cool and
suave even now, had to tell hips twice
t0 put the•sbuttees ue •at lace,
'A new diversion for the' rapidly.
growing crowd outside was caused. by
the arrival of a policemaa.
"Smasli-and-gr ab," nervously voiuu
teered a little man -in a large bowler. I
"Now, then, Sherlock," replied some
"Could anyone identify the man?"
sternly `demanded the constable, who I
disapprtsved',of tach untimely levity.
A 'babel of voices rose in reply to
his question. Comparative silence was
restored eventually ,
• 'Can- anyone give di description of
the carr" he asked, impatiently . tap-
ping his ,open note -book with a much-
'-, sucked pencil.
"Nivey bloo."
"A Rolls, sure."
"Black tie sin."
The constable, feeling matters were
getting beyond his control, threw back
Ms cape with a magnificent' gesture,
ordered the crowd to disperse; and
stror into the shop.
The young. man in the car was wrap -
'ping a handkerchief round. hie bleed-
ing wrist.. After turning the first cor-
ner iris companloa had slowed down
to a . more normal' rate. Suspicious
speed was the last thing desired:. ,
"We're well away," the youug man
almost pleaded. •
"Sure thing," replied the other.
"Diyou think they get our. number?"
''Doesn't matter much if they did,
old 'son," a•eassured the' elder "tor it
isn't the real one.'
"Still, it might save trouble."
The driver laughed. "By the time
they get this number circulated we'l'l
have abandoned the bus and it will
probably be restored to 11s.right and
iawlni owner, the only person tela-,
porarily inconvenieuced. By George,"
he added, ''I envy hint—she vans like
"Ye -es," agreed the young man,
frowning at bi'e inai*iiiity to tie a knot
with his left hand' and teeth. ''I say,
I'm going to take a rest for a bit if
we 'pull thia off.". .
"We have pulled It off, my boy,'"
-Tile young man :smiled a little self-
' 'ooneciouirly. as
elf-''oonsciously.as he said; "You know,
I got the breeze un legging it back to
'the car, It seemed like miles across
that pavement" •
For a `time neither spoke, and the
car glided Smoothly along the brightly
lit streets. If anyone took the trou
hie to consider them at alt -they could
have dismissed them from their minds
as an ordinary businese mat and his.
son driving back to their suburban
home.- Only a typist, standing under
a cotton umbrella waiting' for a bus,
gave them a second .thought 'when a
Wising Iight illuminated' the young
man's face. He looked, she thought,
just like her favorite actor. .
The elder man found the continued
Silence. of his companion awkward..
He jerked his head towards some
newsboys standieg, with Abell, aprop-
like" bills and crying nut; "'Orribie'
City murder! 'Orrible, City murder;"
"I. weeder .how soon wit be before
01ey'11 change it to 'Daring Smash -and .
Grab. Raid' --eh?" he .queried.
"Not till toanorrow, 1 hope;" ' the
other 1eplied,.lervently. ,
They• had. uov. passed through, the,
Busiest part of their journey and' were
making for. : *certain 'quiet sidle :street
where . Wei - intended "permanently
pan'ti'ng" the' eat',
"Not ling'. how, old sen," the driver
'sa.id;geutly ,
The Young man did not make a .very
good job been -Ming back -at hint, Then
suddenly -ho' started, and something
'like a moa; escaped from between his
lips as a policeman's. arm *as raised
at a crossing aucl. the two streams of
traffic at right imglee to theui gained
"Steady on old man," cautioned his
companion, -
A Chrysler slid up beside them. Its'
driver, [vas itinerantly in a hasty, -for
he protested vigorously at the delay
by . sounding his limn . se repeatedly.
that the' policeman -turned his bead
and glared at them... Apparently to
show his independence, he decried to
keep them waiting a. little' longer,• The;
light' from ,a shop window cauAed the
sweat on the young man's. brow to
"Theis, the policeman dM a strange
and sfuister thing., For no ,obvious rea-
souks" Mew an. agitated blast on, his
whistle. Alt tra0tc stopped. Drivers
41 limousines, bases, Taxis, vane, ,.lor-
ries, atfii coupes looked guiltily at -the
massive `figure irivblue to site ifthey
had unwittingly committed the offence
that. had calmed this blast: But the
policeman. was looking at none of
them, -IIe was , watching two other
constables who were threading their
way across the street' towards him.
"Make a dash: tor•it," the Young man
• whispered unsteadily, but even as he
spoke the frenc at right angles com-
menced to move, barring their way.
"Don't be a fool," the driver 'snap-
Ped out, suddenly irritable.' "I tell you
they'll barely have had time to get
news of it through. to, the Yard—far
less advise every cook. cuddled •on
point duty."
The three policemen held a hurried
consultation, nodding sagely to' each
other, and the next moment a detain-
ing hand was placed ; on the stolen
car, „while another policeman stood on
guard over the Chrysler.
"What the devil--=-?" they heard
..the driver of the Chrysler exclaim, in-
The policeman bn point duty edged.
i his way between the two cars and
stood looking slowly from one driver
to the other as though trying to de-
termine whish was the guilty oue.
"Now, then," be• said severely at
last, "'ow is ityou two cars '*open to
have the same registration number?"
—Tit -Bits, '
Lamp Makes Plane
i wheels Stationary
Itis ne longer necessary to stop air•
Plane propellers or revolving wheels
to inspect or study them. A propeller
may tut through the 'alr•at :,000 re-
volutions a minute or at even greater
speed, yet the lettering and. insignia
on the fast-moving blade can be read
as easily as if it were standing still.
A new lamp, called the, atroboglow,
dols the trick., It was invented by a
trio of Westinghouse engineers -17. D.
Knowles, L. R. Peters' and W. E.
The atroboglow is simple and cons•
Pact; in fact, it fits=in to an ordlnary
,suitcase. When the heard of light de
thrown upon tiie whirling propeller of
en airplane the blade's quivers, add
engine•value action call be seen with
the unaided eye. The propeller 'seems
to stand still. The engineers point
out that because of the importance of
having the propeller and engine In
perfect condition it is 'expected that
the stroboglo.7 may be made a part
of 90 -airplane's' required inspection
before It hope off.
Sonia of the finest native colleges
In Africa are to be found in the Gold
Coast territory, while Accra, one ot
the Crown Colony's most important
towns, has the best -equipped native
hospitai.•in the world.
Says: Pluto's Size _ McGill Savants
Is That of Mars alik About Radio,Your pts ��co is e9 es ing
Owl Laffs .
Dr. Slipher, Flagstaff. Director, Explain Static As as ' One to
Deel'ares 'Observations Action of the Aurora l
Show No.;Cometary:. • ' Montreal -Problems in radio broad=
The invitation read;
Your presents are requested,'.
Is what it really said
The cost of living is high but 'the
Features, • casting that' have 5u. fu• not rocolNed cost of life still remains' cheap.
satisfactory explanation were d!senar The, Fiddlin' Fool's Filoso'fy
Flagstaff, Ar!s,-Dr, V. M, -Slipper, sed Gy' Dr. 4.. S; Cve; director o4 the
department"oC pliysios at'McGt11 Uni- It's. bad enough iwhen men don't
recently that, the new, planet P1uto,i veraitY and president ,of the, ,Royal practice'. what they preach, but I sire -
discovered by the observatory last 'Society or Canada, in a paper read at pent it -might be a dura sight worse if
January la about the sire, of Mars .o e of •the .sectl'anal Meetings of rife
and that liirther study had revealed g some of them preached what they
iso cemetery features: o31ety at McGill -College, • practised.
,The' n eliminary- orbit of "Planet.
Itis cotitiuonly ;believed that long-
1.. , t tide radio tranemiaslou is lntiu• " ;,That" reintnde us o4 the professor
director o` 'Loweil Observatory said
K," Dt, Slipher repos ted, .bas. •been. •eased by titles layers: in the upper art- Who scratched' his wife and kissed a
copute[" by the I:,owell •Observatory mospher'e at ilei,ihte'o4 sievert miles;,,
y match
staff, with the 'cotla•�oratton: bf Dr.: ,t0', mile's .and trout 25046 400 miles
Jolin 4, Aiillor, director, of Sprout above tie;sur1aco of;the,earth. These Life—One thing 'atter another.
QbserVatory; using' nee -Weirs et Jan.I layers', are suppoeed.'to be capable o4 Love-1'w°o brings aftereaclt other..
11; Feb: 23 and Meech, 23,'determined '•eondueting eleetridty' and their exist
from the Lowell plates 'of Dr.,,C; 0-., encs' was'flrat Ms -catered by I eaviside. Probably there's nothiug'80 faiae as
Lagtpland,; and yietde'd tile' following I It is 'well keewn- that eleetric.•waves false. teeth.• Asti the man •wlto wears
elements referred :to; mean equinox, do .net:pass ,through antelectrieal eon.
'Node, 109•legrees. 21 minutes, in-
cli$atiou, 17 degrees 21 minutes; log,
semi -major axle, 2;1369;- eocentricityr.
0.090; , lohgitnde perihelion, 12 • de-
grees, 52' minutes; -mean daily' •mo-
tion, ,1.112; mean anomaly, 1930,,d, 2
degrees 20'irdentee,47 seconds.. cis -
term trom',sun, '41.3 astronomical
'units: ry ' , •
"Our' knowledge, of ,the . orbit's
Shape and size, tete eccentricity and
Benet-major axle, must lie regarded•'as•
Probably : subject to considerable modi-
fication when more extended positions
are available, bu•tthe plane of the
orbit—its' 'inciivatior. and.th'e tine of
nadee—and 'the present distance of
the object- are fairly reliably known
In tite present orbital data.
Planet Has Yellowish Hue,
"Color tests of Pignet X Indicated'
this body is yellowish and very "die.
ferent front the: bine planets• Uranus
and Neptune. This suggests au
albedo and density snore late -Ulnae of
the inner• planets."
toe nncNFsi
For Troubles
dual* Add
9010 erofentn
to -
hen Pain
What many people call indigestion•
very often means excessacid in the
lstotuach. The stomach nerves have
been over -stimulated; and food sours.
Pre corrective is an alkali, which nen-
itratizes acids instantly. And the beat
iikali known to medical science is
Phillips' Miik''pf Magnesia, It has re-
mained the standard with .physicians
!in the 50 years slubg its invention.
One spoonful of this harmless, taste-
A Story of Intense Suffering
and Relief.
"Do I recommend Dr. Williams'
.Pick Pills? You may believe Ido,"
says Mr. John I•I. Jamieson, of Wat-
laceburg,. Ont.
''For five years I suffered, day and
night from neuritis,- The agony was
terrible. I lost contro' of my arm and
shoulder. and my baud 'became shriv-
eled. Nothing, helped me till I began
taking Dr. Williams',Pink Pllis. Even
then i'te 1m/wave-rent vas slow and I
took ten boxes before I was on the
way to recovery. After that, though,
relief was rand. ply' hand gradually
tilled out; the pain left ma.and I could
sleep in..peace. That was two years
ago and I have not had a twinge of
the trouble since.'
Sufferers from neuritis, neuralgia or
rheumatism should try the common-
sense method of banishing these trou-
bles by enriching the blood and
strengthening the nerves with Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. These Pills are
sold by all medicine dealers, or by mail
at 50 cents" a box from The Dr, Wil-
Iianis' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont.
less alkali i.- ate', will neutralize in-
stantly many times as much acid, and.
the symptoms disappear at once, You
will never use`crnda,methoda' when,
duce you learn the efliciencj' of this,
Go get a small bottle to try.
Be sure to gat the genuine ri.illlpa'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed: by phys-
cions for 50 years in corseting excess
acids. Each bottle contains fail direct
tions—any drugstore. •'
high" School Boards and -Boards of 'Education Are authorized by law to establish , .._
With the approval. of the Minister of Eddcatloa
may, be conducted In accordance'withthe regulations'Isaued by
'the Department of Education. •
.la given In v r ous'trades: The schools and claeaeaaro under the
Application for attendance should be made to the, Principal
of the: school.
for in•the Courses of•Study in Public, Separate, Continuatiotland High
Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vooatlonal Schools and Departments.
Copies of the Regulations Issued by the Minister of Education maybe
obtained from the •DeputyMlnleter, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. -
King Edward's Life,
Revealed in Book
Once Slapped 1 -'lis Aunt In-
stead of - Kissing Her,
Bok by Late Sir; Lionel
Cust Declares
London — That Sir• Lionel Cust
who- was a friend of King Edward
VII. in his book hat published en-
titled "Icing Edward VII: add His
Court," . makes some notable . coni-
mente and tells many interesting
Sir Lionel writes:' "I . am disposed',
to think since my acquaintauce with
King Edward,'thet the great mister -
Aare of his Ute—a misfortune whichi
was shared by the country—was that',
his mother lived too long, not in the
general sense of the word,. but from
the point of view of the welfare- of
her son and successor.
"In the last 20 years of Qtieen-.Vic.
tor"la's reign, the Prince of Wales had
not enough to do. Mlnisters neglect
el and even despised Min as apes-
Bible factor in politics and the higher
aristocracy gave him the cold shoul-
No Advantage
"He . should have reigned earlier•
mit not a day later.. Ten years long-
er would have been' no advantage
and might ].save been a• disaster; but
had he reigned ten years earlier,,,the
face of European, isiotory might have
been changed. Had -'Queen Victoria
taken, her 'son into "partnership sire
would have found him a zealous worts -
ere loyally deferential to her author-
ity and, a shrewd and usetul•3ucce,geor
to• her husband as a private -adviser.
on Politics in general" '
Intimate ,Stories •
Sir Lionel Cust tells iutiivate anec-
dotes of Kang Edward's life such as
When Queen Alexandra asked who the
l iarble bust. of tits "babe" was and
Edward's reply, '''Don't you knots? It
he had lived we should-jiot be stere.`
The bust was of Princess' Elizabeth,
daughter of King `William TV,
Another story tells how' the King
experimented dyeing marble busts
with tea in order to prevent their
clashing With the:wall panelling and
hie surprise at finding the liust or
the Prince Consort wearing a chest-
nut Colored wig. '
14e tells bow the, then Prince Henry
being asked to kiss his aunt, the
t ecklenbur •
'Grand Duchess Augusta Mecklenburg
Strelitz, promptly slapped her, Hoy,
of Portugal
the Queeng
g by p
denier, but are :reflected 'from it as
light from' a mirror, and it is tho gl t
that ihe- radio waves proceed upwards'
and are reflected; in a etantii: g .Aired -
tion down toward the earth's Surface.
Iii this way .waves are capable of
traveling, 'avound the curved surtace
of the earth without being; absorbed:
.by the ,latter: .
Suggests Series Reflection Theory
,it has been generally held that the
short waves of In -hey -Meter length are
reflected from .the uppermost layer,
while the longer waves aver 100'
meters are redacted by thelbwer lay,
er and;, for thio reason;. the short
waves are more suitable' for long-dis-
tance transmission, Dr. Eve pointed
oat that 'ibis ,requires the short waves
to go through `a; conducting layer
which is contrary to most electrical
experience.. He 'suggested that post
sibly the reflection really -takes places
trent the lowest layer and' waves are
agate reflected through the surface
ofthe earth, thus undergoing a series
of reflections before arriving at' their
destination. It is hoped that furth-
pc' investigation may clear up this
A few remarks on -the effect of.sun
spots and other disturbances is inter
tering with radio transmission were
made by the speaker. Sun spots are
parts of the sun's surface which are
believed to give out small partictef'
'of electricity traveling , with very
high velocities. As these particles
approach the earth they :become sub-
ject to the maguetic attraction locate
ed near the north and South Polee
and this 'causes the electrons or
-charged particles to describe spirals
down toward the earth's surface. To
this fact may be ascribed the beauti-
ful effects of the aurora which utas
be seen throughout the year in north -
ere Canada. •
visibility of Aurora
The explanation why theseaurora
are seen by night is vei'Y simple.
Sense .of 'the electrons reach the
Clark side of the earth which Is hidden
trom the sun before being deflected
So that the disturbance to clearly visi-
ble in a dark sky, whereas daylight
conceals ft. The effect of theee fact.
moving electric charges striking the
heavy side Iayers is to break up their
surface so they no longer ,reflect, and
time it is impossible for radio signals
to',he transmitted clearly through
such a distutbance,.because the re•
sults of the disturbed reflection pro-
duce what is commonly known as
static, whose eliminatioq has so far
defied radio engineers.
The action of sun spots is stili not
elearly understood, It is said that
a sun spot produces a disturbance ps
long as it can be seen anywhere front
the earth's surface, but this means
that sun spots would send out their
charged .barticles in all directions. It
is probable that Ideal thunderstorms
and electrical disturbances, due to
liot weather, are often mistaken for
the effects of sun Otte, and further
investigation would be very valuable
to radio broadcasting. -
Remarkable Advance"
Teacher—"When water becomes ice,
what ie the great change that takes
Bright Pupil --"The change in pride."
, We might lighten our own load by
Heiping a brother tote his
The Pulitzer- prize for tact ought to
be awarded to the, -landlady who, dor=
ing a rush period, put a deaf man In
the room with a man that snored.
it's the suckers who are born every
minute who keep the gambling slot
machines running. -
Olga (all excitement. aver Nora's ac•
count of her elopement)—"How ro-
mantic! But werent' you afraid of the
ladder. Slipping?"
Nora—"Oh, not Mother was hold-
ing it.
Personally, we' don't care much for
this Omit size money. ' In fact, we
can't see the 910,000 bills at all.
A girl will tolerate a man with a
Past if he, has;good presents.
Si went. to the ir-ircus one day
,Resolved to get in without pay;
He 'crawled under the tent,
No one knew where he went,
For the elephaut'tltought he was hay.
Don't expect to make a good fisher-
man and a good anything else. It
cant be done.
Statistics show that out of every
Itnndred marriages, fifty per cent. are
Then there was the woman wild col-
lected antiques. She explained that
they paid well and were, perfectly
A fool and his money are soon party -
ed. •
She was only a dentist's daughter,
but she canto of gopd extraction. ,
George (fiercely) — "I'nt certainly
going to kis you before I go."
Dorothy (passionately)—"Leave the
house at once!"
Teething time is a time of worry to
most mothers. The baby is nervous;
fretful; feverish. His little gums are
swollen and sore; diarrhoea, constipa-
tion, colic and sometimes convulsions
sat in—neither baby nor mother eau
Tlieso troubles can be quickly ban-
ished, however, through the ease of
Baby's Own Tablets, concerning which
Mrs. Louie Grubb, Teeswater, Ont.,
says::—"I have used the Tablets for
all my. babies while teething and •have
found them a splendid medicine"
-Baby's .Own Tablets are gold by MI
e i ne dealers or . b mail. at 25
Medicine y
cents a box from The Dr.• Wiliiams'
Medicine Co.,' Brookville, Ont.
-It is God's spy and intelligence in
our bosoms and bedchambers, a most
e1cact notary of whatever we think or
do: It is Hie lieutenant, and under
Him, the principal commander arra
chief controller ot man's life; yea,
every .man's God. In that sense that
Moses was Aaron's. It is the surest
prognostication and preindgment of
God's last judgment,: and best almanac
within. a man's own breast fortelling
hint what will become of trim at that
day,—Adams. '
Minard's for Insect Bites.
"Toronto harbor' provides docking
facilities for the largest vessels on the
Great Lakes", says the Toronto In-
dustrial News Bulletin. '"The har-
bor, has 64 plants located in its indus-
trial, areas with an inveatmelit of
more than $30,060,000 in laude, build-
ing and equipment.
er refer
,prudent investors Inst isatin :resouudin lasses Cautious and n n
g g shares of long established Trust and
on both 'CIleelta at win aor. • Loan Coin/mules. Because this class of
c•.... C 10015 ig' pp�at�ii a4ulativo .and dividends
The. 'bait. q£iry is of Ise small ;child a33 5004 sin ateea i.. in thli recent stock
who was -a guest at one of the royal .xnarlret:collapse Trust - and Loan prm=
Dirties at tire Paiaee -on. beingasl - nary shares remained arm and. unshaken,
i K Jf beetling au. investment oR sled or mul-
ed by' His Majeaty what he would tipies t1ereol up to $10,050 1n.securitiel
like, replied, "More jam King."' Ito yleld,;01 per cent., write for Earths
liugtoul Streot,,Sondes., �Ontario, Wel,
ISSUE No. 24-'30Min rd7s Drives Away the Headache.
The height of disappointment is for
a woman to go shopping and fiud what
she wants in the first store.
Johnny—"Father, how do you spell
high?" -
Father—"I3-i-g is, why do you wish
to know?" -
Johnny—"'Cause. I'm writing a com-
positiou on the higheua"
We can understand our own success
butwe can neither understand nor
stand knottier's.
Usually Mother never admits that
any of the children are just like Fath-
er until they act ugly.
Use Minard'- for Rheumat' m.
A Portable Smithy
Roy Parry, 'e, Harrison, Me., black-
smith, still has a profitable trade des-
pite the decline in the village smithy.
He has a portable -anvil and forge
which he loatle Into a light truck. All
through that section of southwestern
Maine most of the farmers have tele.
phones. When a horse needa.•Shbetng
they just call up Perry, a -ho brings
his smithy to the borse,•�
Ile wrote; "Nothing you tuay do,
dearest, can still the pecan of aeration
"leu losed
r h ¢
in my heart." She wrote.
herewith, dearest, please tied my last
hat bili."
ISO 1.1101Virtik
CUM. chat
Each poplar is a steeple;
Birches are fairy people;.
The Elea are b ve and rtr, ng,
They joie the wild storms' song.
The. Oaks are wise and staid;
The Beeches in the glade
Are golden fn the spring.
Each tree's' a living thing.
And where the water dreams
By pools and tsmibiing streams
The stooping Willows spread
Their arms, and overhead
The birds sing all day long.
And sometimes in their song
They tell the evond'rotts breeze
'Twas God who thought of trees.
—Marjorie Wilson.
What a wretched and apostate state
is this! To be offended with excel-
lence, and to hate a ratan because we
approve him: The condition of the
envious man is the most emphatically
miserable; be is not only incapable
of rejoieiag In another's merit or sue•
cess, but lives in a world` wherein all
mankind are inn plot against iris
quiet, studying their own happiness
and advantage.—Addison,
Every second or the day 490 letters
are mailed iu the -United States, ac-
cordiug to Post Office Department
statistics. Did you mail that one
that was given you this morning?
Deaf Hear Again
Thrpugh New Aid
Earpiece No Jigger Than Dime Wins
Enthusiastic Following—Ten-Day
Free Trial Offer
After twenty -ave years devoted oxcle.-
slvel; to the mannfaetnae of scientific
iteartng-aids, the Canadian Aoousticon
Limited, Dent. 25(10, 45 Richmond at.
West, !reroute Ont. has fust perfected a
new medal Acoustician that represents
the greatest advance yet made is the to -
creation of hearing for the deaf. This
latest Aoonsticon it foatnred by a tiny
ea et ee no bigger than a dtme. Thtou,rh
WO device, bounds aro ,ioarly and dis-
tinctly transmitted to subnormal ears
with wonderful benefit to hearing •1
health alike. Who makers eller an abso-
lutely free trial for 10 days to any one
par 'n who may be interested. and a let-
ter will bring one of these remarkable
aids to your bones for a thorough and
Oonvtneiug tent. Sand them your name
and address todal'l
Bathing Beauty s
Complexion Secret
"1siaietuna mud -Irritsoie,n-Salts for a tong
time, and think tit iewon ierfrd. 7.`aeryena fetta pup
d tok e
t a
telt MP* WE 15 tiato1 t0 your wow/els/
hei Salts. 1 Karoofostwon a second t5
0n5,9 hathiebeauty competition o1 a feadfsR
ein'eeahat Pm z always, and telt all uv
friedsiodS Ito sas. il^(L�lT::
Orland no000 vao,
This le beauty's Ira resell --a ease eom-
plettlon comes from within. - No need for ere• anti
or lotions—put ilio : celeur oa from onside.
lnose brood pure sad beat3Y whit, the
dailydose or J(rSOet,efi, and hems y'e reward
will be •yours—a' clear ekln, begirt, ollarhling
eyes-tbo auountiluR toy ot.good health.
ilruodhen Salts 10 obtainable at•dtug:. and'
j department stores In Cauuda at 75o. a bottle.
jf A bottle contains enough to last for 4 or 6'..
M0nths-good, health for half's"cent a day,
a 1.
On Your Holidays
Feet safer whit a bottle of Min -
art's in your grip, It will come
in handy on numerous occasions.
Classified Advertising
USC) 111071.111S. $1e 01', VARSLTe
Cycle Works, 415 gunflinn Avenue.
21s.eue last year in r"ur vgrle•
A. Write for trey eataln,tue A 51.
Switzer Granton, Ont.
An Edinburgh woman has give*
birth to here twenty-first child. Great
Minard's for Falling flair- -
The man who says his business Is
looking up may be an astronomer,
las. 0," says r. A. that -may.
Thousands write kidney and bladder
Ws; constipation, indigestion, gas, back- 1
ache end overnight web "Fruit -a -fives". t•+'
[(caves qutet. Sound steep at once. Get
"Fculse.rives" from
druggist today.
■' Int ,•ea:rU rr. A•r,,.r.,111i_*fe' ,.
Wily be handicapped with unsightly
blotches on the face, eyes wdh-yetiow•
tinge and that tired and languid feel-
ing? This indicates a torpid liver
Headache, Dizziness and Biliousness
surely follow. You must stimulate
your lazy liver, start the bile flowing
with Carter's Little Liver Pills.
They also act as a mild laxative.
purely vegetable, free from calomel
and poisonous drugs, small, easy to
swallow, and not habit forming. They
are not a purgative that cramps or
pains, unpleasant after effect follow-
ing, on the contrary a good tonic.
All Druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs.
Ceitievira Soap
restores tho normal action of the
pores by -its wonderfully effective
cleansingand purifying qualities.
tfry Yaw* of Service
Soap 205. Ointment 260. sad 600.
Pimples coded sequlekby"Soonio-
Salve" you can actually Bee them dry
up.Many go overnight. Got'•Sootha-
Salva" from druggist today. Now
akin beauty tomorrow morning.
"I have used several bottles
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound and find it
helps me wonderfully, espe-
cially before childbirth. I have
five lovely children. After my
last baby came I had a misera-
ble pant in my tight side so I
bought another bottle of the
Compound and Ilea. fine now.
I work outside during the fruit
season in addition to my
housework." — Mrs. Charles
Slingerland, R.R. #4, St. Cath-
erines, Ontario.
Are Filled As Far
As Possible in the
Order to Which
They Are
Farm Help Supplied
Ofaring Annual
Work Are
Given the
The Colonlsatton and Immigration. Branch of the
Department of Agriculture for Ontario will have available a
number of Experienced Married Men With Their Wivet
and Families—M role Couples Without Children—.
• Also Single Men. .
remora re
advised to make earl Yncattou t
Geo. AElliotti
)ireotor OR Colontration
Parliament Ridge.,
Toronto, Ont.
Fila Your --,y
et. once
- All Man
Piaoed Subioot
eo.Triat :Period
-. HON. JOHN 0, MAftti , !hate gr of it rlou!turc