HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-06-05, Page 3WEN CHOKER COLLARS AND PO1PADi9LRS. pvERE' TUE STYLE Wilson's Bachelor was making a name for itself as an' exceptionally enjoyable cigar. And how -after this ag year test .. Wilson's Bachelor— I00% Havana filler -is smoked and enjoyed by; more men than any other ten, cent cigar . undid . fragrant. rndivaduG y foil wr@�, :lief) am bliphiu et p ks of five M011tallatannen Still moist ,for the money Facto of Interest A detachment of Royal Canadian Mounted Police, one onicer and 24 outer' ranks, the pick of the force from the dtgeretit divis2'otte through- out Canada, 'is en' route 'to London, England, to 'take part in the Interna. tional Horse Show at the Olympia. This famous show opens'ou June 19th and continues until June 28ti1.' The detachment of "Mounties" will give display of hbrsemahship at every performance during the show. Eaatt member will appear in the 'red tunic and sombrero hat, by winch members of the force are so well known, 'The R,C.M.P. is a force maintained by the Canadian Federal 'Government. There are 1609 pttillications issued in Canada, of which 116 are daily. newspapers, 966 weekly;' 11bi-weekly; 21 semi-weekly; 5 triweekly; 44 semi- mouthly;•38S mouth1v; 10 bimonthly; 28 quarterly and 19 miscellaneous. Of the:530,000 homes in the. Prov- ince of Ontario using electricity„ 48,- 840 are farm bomes, Total produottou of the forestry in- dustry in British .Columbia ill 1929 had a value of 890,000,000, of which lumber accounted. for about 60 per cent. Planes Claim North bog -Teams "Go West" Edmonton„ Alta.—That the old :node of travel in winter time by dog team over the frozen lakes and' rivers of the Far -North is now being abandoned by residents of the Mackenzie River area is shown by the latest report of the Westerns Canada Airways, whose Planes carried 780 passengers in .the Far North during the nve mouths' period of winter operations. The northern resident now prefers to leave his team of Iiuslfy dogs at home while he rides the sky lanes to and from tike, trading posts iu Canada's hinterland, In addition to the comparatively large number of passengers carried by the airplanes, 110,000 pounds of mail and express wore delivered by air transport to northern residents in this sante period, The matt carried to Aklavik on the Arctic Ocean from Edmonton during the winter season totaled some 27,000 pounds, Vicar—"And what parable do you like host, my son?" Boy "Tile one about the multitude that loafs and fishes." The Teacher—"And now are there any questions you would like to ask?" Little Bobby—"Do you think Jonah's wife fell -for that .fish story when he got homer, Minard's for insect Bites. Grimily- Daes Brown understand the purchasing power of a live dollar bill?" Blinks—"Yes; what troubles him Is the purchasing power of his wife!" 00 wilt steep more soundly than ever before in your cosy Third 'Class stateroom one Canadian Cunardshhip. Softmattresses,spot- leas linen, warns blankets, feather ;pillows, bedspreads, stead towels, large rniroor and washstand, plenty ,f soapand Water, cleanliness every. where ... and trained stewards to wait on you. • Alt th1ss part of Third Class service on this famous Line. This service means that you eat, sleep and play asyooneverdid before, onthevoyage Over and back. Make sure you are going to enjoy the trip by sailing Cunard to the Old ,Countrth gook through The Cunard Line, Corner of Say and Wellington Streets,' Toronto (Tel. el. tI 9 in 24711. or any steamship agent eeltly sailing to 1'ly- kt mouth,ddavro. London, Belfast,Liverpool and ;41ap e in rOn Ui1C- gai tion with theAnchor- CU nch t•- o f Donaldson Line. u r aged A CANADIAniSERVICE Cattn,TourictThird Cabin end Third Close The Toronto Rospitai-for Iuenrabl0et in affiliation with Bellevue . and Allard $oapitai0, Now torp City, offers a Three 'roar's Course of Training' to YOwng Women, having the required education, and dosironn of becoming nurses. This Hospital has adopted the eight-hour systom. The pupils receive naiforni8 of the Bahool, a monthly ollywnnce and travelling expenses to and front New York. Per farther particulars write or apply to the Superintendent. ' OENUtNF 'PHILLIPS ape MAaryps, For 'troubles' due to Acid • rNoloESnoto • ,n,osMACH HEAM0 RN 0 illscesa acid fa the common cause of ndigestiou, It results' in pain and ' ourness about two hours aftereating. he quick corrective is al alkali which eutr'alizes acid. The best corrective 8 Phillips Milk of Magnesia. It has ',renamed ,standard with physicians In ;lite 59. years since its invention, ' One spoonful of 'Phillips' Milk of !titrlagnosia-neutralizes iiistantly tuany ?$lines its volume in acid, It h harm. toss and tastoloss and' its ac io ni s quick. You will never rely on crude methods, • never continue ,to suffer, when you learn how quickly, hew pleasantly this- :premier method acts. Please let it show you—now. Be sure to get the genuin3 Phillips' Milk 06 Magnesia prescribed by physf clans; for 50 year); hi correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains Atli dtrec- ttons--any drugstore,. Owl Laffs Cats you remember when - kids at Sunday Moot used to revamp. an .old li'mu and loudly sing it ap follows, to the consternation of our tea'herl Bringing in the sheets, Bringing in the .sheets, We .shall coma rejoicing, Bringing to the,sheete. There isn't much' left In the stunt Iine except a horseshoe marathon. What is so rare as a (wartn),day in June? Then there was the aitsent-minded druggist who toasted Ills prescriptions. The bald num entered the barber's sitop and asked for a bottle of itis best hair restorer, Barber—"Here is a preparation that will grow hair ou an ogaheil." Bald Head—"Right. I'll take a large bottle; • and please wrap up a brush stud comb with it" The Accommodating Women They used to wear a lot or clothes When we were young and tender, So that a fellow had to guess If they were fat or slender; But no* one does not have to guess, For you eau see right through a dress. wife—"Powder my back." Hubby—"How far down?" Wire—'To where my evening gown begins." S tabby --"1 thought you said your back?" Sonde women are so =eh afraid they are going to be 'listed with, it is almost impossible to treat them polite- ly. Making a living is man's most utonotouous occupation. Miss-Lengthy—"Ill have you'kttow I ant a model," Mise Cattye—"Yes, dear—for a step -ladder, perhaps. And then there's the 'absentminded plumber who forgot 10 forget his tools, "These rock are not what alley Were Cracked up to be," •sighed the lis- oiutegold app d digger. Fred—"Cheer up, it's time to kind the bride " - Harry—"You're all wrong; It's time for me to quit." Helen—"Do you like promiscuous hissing?" :Gladys—"I never had a date with him." Many a couple has married on •pup- py.love only to lead a dog's life after- wards, • Whether or not we came from mon• keys shouldn't worry no, if we can' he assured we are not going to the dogs. Mos. Phut -"Do you tell your ,Inns-. band everything?" Bare. Gaul—"Why,1 can't. He won't listou to me long enough." It is more charitable to forgive than to. give. •Visitor—"Isn't it difftCult to keep your 'household budget straight?" Mrs. Newlywed -"My dear, it's ter- rible. This month; I've had to Put in two mistakes tri make mine balance." • Gala All the letter carriers Are wearing brand new clothes, All the letter boxes.. Are draped in colored bows, Maidens. selling postage stamps Ara' Wearing frocks 'of tulle— It is gay commencement day. ',Pedigree Bulls' for West ittcAlotE Rte IMEIT sif t The above layout .shows two animals which formed part of the shipment of Old Conutry cattle sent out to Western Canada by Canadian Pacific freight by the Prince of Wales to augment his stock at the Pekisko ranch. The Upper photo shows, "Cruggleton Shylock", a dark-roan",yearling. to be need for exhibition purposes, and the rower picture, "Cruggleton Gladiator", a two- year old roan to be kept in the herd. Sausages Too Short. Says Scottish M.P. London—When the House of Com- nlon$- was discussing the B111 to set all a Consumers' Council to deal with Unfair prices for. food, the ICitchten Committee was solemnly listening to a complaint of a Scottish Labor mem- ber that tile' sausages sold In the House were too short. Mt A. $'folllulay (Partick, Giasgow) made the 't 1'Iegation that the apples, toast and sausages sold in the tea bar were too. (oar. Tite committee invit- ed Itim to state his ease, and to the end promised to consider what he had said. When alt., McKinley made his Charge the • indignant committee sent out for a case of sausages and pro- ceeded to demonstrate—one supposes with a ttp0nteASnre— that they' were as long as any that could be obtained Outside. "I roust be getting all the short ones," was Mr. McKinley's retort, The complaint that the apples sold were too expensive was also contest- ed by the committee, which will com- municate its nndiugs to 8tr. McKinlay later. Irish Immigration Rouses Scotland WAS RUN DOWN NOW WELL AGAIN Takes Pleasure in Recommend- ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. To the woman in the home illness is almost a calamity. Itlatty a woman keeps on with her honse..old duties when she is feeling ready to drop.'Her head aches, she is easily tired, is de- pressed and nervous and has no appe- tite. In a word she is' anaemic and badly needs help—the healt': help that only Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Cali give her, These pills make rich, red blood which brings new strength and energy, to weak, despondent sufferers, Cola emoting them, Mrs. Paul hail, Coin du Banc, Quo., says: "I was badly run• down, slept poorly, and awoke as tired as when I went to bed. My appetite was poor and I felt miserable. I took, SIX boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and they completely renewed toy health." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box team The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Out, Edinburgh, Scotland—Tile influx of Record Airmail Trip Established Irish immigrants into Scotland was a question which agitated the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland recently. The matter was brought tip by the Rt. Rev, John White, who was first Moderator of the Milted Chards of Scotland in 1929, Dr. White describing the large.acale immigra- tion as a "metnaee to Scottish civiliza- tion and culture." The problem was not confined, said Dr. White, to tate east side of the eduntry—that fachig Ireland—but the western part was being flooded by Irish also, The Assembly,nnally decided to ask for a Government inquiry into the question. STURDY CHILDHOOD The sturdy child—the bright, active little cbap is the one everybody loves. It is only the sickly, fretful rt•ild who is not attractive, It is the birthright of every child to be sturdy and well— to be able to make everyone admlre hint. Therefore, mothers, if yours is not attractive it's your fault, not his, He must be ailiug and it is up to you to gee that he get relief—that he is given a medicine that will quickly make hint well snd ke e Lim well. Baby's Own' Tablets. are especially designed for infants awl youug child- ren. There is nothing to equal theta for correcting the irregularities of the stomach and bowels ---the cense of most of the illsS little ront which L li e ares suffer, The Tablets n;•e sold by merit-. eine dealers or by mail at 25 cents "a box frosts Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "Lest We Forget" The names of 13,479 odicers and men who were posted as "missing" during the War are recorded on panels in a mer,.oriai Which has beeti fell over, so we took it down again. A neiv record for Lite airmail night between Montreal and 3iotcton, N.B., was recently set by Pilot H. C. W. Smith, or Canadian Airways, Limited. one of the oldest matt pilots la Can- ada, Leaving Montreal at 8.15 a,nt., he arrived at Moncton in three how's Audi 20 minutes flying time, Phis con- stitutes an air mail record foe this route, which has au air mileage of 467, and usually takes about 1k hours 10 cover in a train. In Memory It had been a very convivial re - matte dinner, and when the time canna for the guests to depart Wilson and Robert found that their last train to the suburbs had gone, told tlteY were faced with a ilve-mills walls home. About an hour later, and just as they had passed a church which had diluted out tate hour of two, Wilson broke the long silence that had en- sued. "Does your wife miss you when you are late on suclt,occastots as this?" he asked. "Very seldom," his friend dismally replied, "There are still two large lumps on the back of my head where i time" she lilt u the last t te, s e Not Needed A seaside visitor narrowly escaped walking over a concealed precipice, Naturally he was very angry, anti when he saw a man, working near the slot ire thought he would have a fete words with him on the subject, "Do 5011 know, my matt," he com- menced, "I nearly fell down that pre- cipice? Why on earth don't you have a notice put up?" "Well, airy replied the' workman; "we put a board up once, but nobody erected by lige Imperial War Graves c Commission at Le Touret military {vlinard's for Failing Hair. cemetery, near 1by r, and.which 15 "I tell you gait is going to be the to be unveiled by Lord Tyrrell, the British Ambassador in Paris. salvation of the nation, and lengthen ' This is one de. a series of memorials our days by decades." "But our an- cestors•. didn't go fu for golf," "And ate those :wife fell in Itis Waarr bu of this kind, designed to comu-ti where are they now? Dead!" whose graves are tot known. :_ Tlio, t' names Taco -idea here aro for one sec• tor only, and for the period up to the i eve of the battle of Loos• 1 The memorial is int the form of three solid wails enclosing an, open court of 1 rectangular shape. On the fourth—i eastern—side is a colonnade, with a wall to tb.e east of it. This wall and the colonnade extend outwards to the; north and south to form a long gal -i lery. A. s pool for brides is being n 0 o bl es le o opened in New York, Malty a young married woman over there hardly kuoivs how! to set about her first divorce, 1 y Another Father's laaughter .— "She may have been a printer's daughter, hut, she didn't believe du 'Freedom of the ?cess'—She wasn't that type." u r Mi a d s Drives Away the Headache. % mr" TOTAL FARES 4i v'Y`e(�4i A NCE BRITISI-IERS in Canada'. may now bring forward their Families, Relatives and Friends on Easy Terms. Iror tun 'details apply:—. J.. 17. aang$ZON. Dist. Stun. Colonization Canadian Paeiao Railway. Toronto BRITISH RE -UNION ASSOCIATION 101 Slang Puzzles Paris Police There is consternation among the 1,000 Paris polyglot poltcemett who spent weary mouths absorbing a thou- sand English words, only to learn that tourists do not speak the language of Shakespeare. The teacher of the polieemen-school -boys did not think It was necessary to provide then with a s{tleitlle of slang, with the result that they cannot understand the average British or American tourist, and the polyglot po- icemen are so educated in the 'King's English that most of the tourists can- not understand them. When they got their sheepskins, the Policemen were put through another course of politeness. They were taught to smile so that all their teeth would show In the best American style —as Paris sees it. They spent weary scours learning to bend without taking tate eyes oft the eyes of tate person they seep to impress. They were put through paces which would give back to tate French race the famous tradition that alt French- men are of the "Alphonse and Caston" school, forever praying the other to go first. That school passed out witl7•the war, and Frenchmen were far front polite when the new High Commissioner of Tonrisnt, Gaston Gerard, took it over. Those Chain Letters Itieny people have beets auttoyed re- cently by receiving chain letters, and in, at least one ease known to the writer a child was among the victims of the. chain letter lie -da, The only sensible thing to do when you twelve a chain letter le to tear it up and put It 'in the wastepaper bas- ket. But many people who have the strength of mind to do this are still wa'l'led by the vane fear that there may be something init, and that they have brought bad luck aim themselves. In this connection, it is Interesting to note that a fautoas writer and Nobel Prize winner, Madame Sigrid Midget, recently, said she had "broken at least twenty chains and experi- enced no misfortunes ---If the award nt the literary Nobel Prize is not re- garded 00 a mlefartuie," She added that she tore 111) one chain letter on the morning of the Clay when the Nobel Prise was awarded to bar. Use Minard's for Rheumatism. She—"Where did you get that tan- -brella9" IIe--"it was a gift from sis- ter." She --"You told me you needn't any sisters." 1 -Ie -°1 know—but that's what's engraved. on the handle," Learn Watchmaking kin g Light Interesting Work Good Watchmakers (either sex) can earn good• money For information write the CENTRAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL Toronto ® You SUFFER FR011 CONSTIPATION? Countless remedies are advert:sed for constipation. Many relieve for the moment but they are habit form- ing arid must be continued._ Others contain calomel and dangerous tnitt- eral drags, which remain in the sys- tem, settle in the joints and cause aches and pains. Some are harsh purgatives which cramp and gripe and leave a depressed after effect. Avoid lubricating oils which only grease the intestines and encourage nature's machinery to become lazy. A purely vegetable laxative sucli as Carter's Little Liver 'Pills, gently touches the liver, bile starts to flow. the bowels oepvc gently th itliest{ttf_a aro thoroughly cleansed find coi)Ittpaa tion poisons pass away. The stomach liver and bowels are now active and: the system -enjoys a real tonic effect. Ati druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs, tits Gco OVERNIGHT ' 'Wally Cella on tuck. Doctor oat/ lance. Trled 'Soothe•3atva'iirat boils vonlaleod ovo0anlIg1,t" C. T. Scot Soo Lha •fits! va"afoga pods la dd teleutat bolisaoialowhotrra Meedrugatots. Though those who talk and talk and 11 talk This proverb should appeal; The wind that blows the whistle ' Will -never turn the wheel. i Classified Advertising `Ton eAAE ABED 81CYnal% 510 rr, t%Ulf:1 T l or0nt Cy0,cle Works, 413 Suntline Avenue, '•NAIRY• C;tilt'ha—Wig 11A it U Itta A 216.pbe•..lest vans lu ruur earlo- ,,os Write ins -free eutul"euat A N Switzer Granton, :pet f_"s 1w ',r 05)010 ti'tlt'rls LI9t.HUSOO 17 and l3nrred 1'1i' neuth Rads Baby Qlttcbs. wonderful winter layers, We nave peen hatching for 27 years, Ueluomre poultry 1iarnt, Stratford, Onta lo. "Titl'C'T" MAY AND Jt,NIC Ch{Cisalways popular Rtv e v}audottpwioltarna. bre folder Pin Money" amulet* why their breeding "tells In the I'{ !ir^ eF nt Elnrtsrtc" FrOatdryaT'yreeun,dn, 'Ant G7IXI.D'a 4.1 omens !ii R 00205, 31.11% lsr: d1J11g, lie: .5,10: - is MORNS. Olay 17e; .Tarte, lie, lea% lire delivery guaranteed. Moreno bre- oatd on 100 or more chicks, s wee:. old pullets 01,40 eacb and nit. Catalogue free, L. R. Guth) alfa Sons, ilex It, Tsnrkwerat Onfnrtn. Let's Go Fishing . But not forget to lake Minard's along. It will take care at cuts, braises co' mosquito bile:;. "After years of rheumatism, now la perfect health," soya Mr. 0. Duch. acme. Thousands write rhaumali0 pains" neuritis, vanish like multi with' Fruit afives",Consdpation,inet- station end overnight. Nerves quiet Get"Ftast•a3iven"fromdruggiattoday. "A f Miracle !1/ Cripplenozurwalks well thanks to ICrnsc/ssi "For over eight months I fres told tip with rheumatism, tenable to asut'e m/ren I was advised to ose et Nes, i s of r' fry ICsfsle t at s. 1 r Mosta nlro be tblaaken mithoth a.rent door a tis I was ego to le A•rtn to � the soul tt o is less Moo a r • ) to l J t t s rt t eros in elms days s, was mit with the help.' of crotches; in a ne•weeMDR tme li was walking bssilp four Thin is not ¢ one•werk testtuwrefal, but fuer Usnrs. "I hm'e latch ft era 5/555 end I Maar feel a yirsrh of rheumatismnsmr, k tell esO'900dy about et, find advise tiers to Welt I will dummy letter toping you ttd111tubifah it for other to see." —airs. Williams. Othlnei leder oval for woollen. ICnrsctsen Salts is obfldnable at drug and dalusrtmeat stores In Canada at leo. a bottle. A bottle contains mooch to last for 4 or 6 months—good health for half -a- cat a day. 1SES P NA 1Y�E��C�IIV!!L Praises Vegetable Compound, Blood Medicine and Liver Pills llirchtown, Quebec—"I live 13 miles from town on a farm, with all my home duties and churn- ing to attend to i t Othapge 0 Life, I betel - vous run. down, Thi Year; table Compel ••; helped my whet s ' tem.M ere ., s n ado better, p ap• petite is good nut I ant able to do my work. I have also taken thili Blood Medicine and the Liver Pills andl they helped me, 8 will answer, Kett from woman wilting about your eines''-- NXns, lire80273 Vaanihott8 llirotttowu, Quebe6..,1. ,' -