HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-05-29, Page 8THE CLINTON-NEWB ;RECORD H. JOHNSON Ni1EAK wxrcHmean' NV*A : PARSE and WEEKS without .a watch s fix :Wear r ear • UE) ;.aim u The Watch that: bsorbs the Shocks, Fur Men aiad Womesz Ladies' $32.50 ifialeg Ongoleum -GOLD SEAL '" Rugs & Floor Coverings "GUARANTEED BY THE GOLD SEAL" The most modern and widely-usedrugs the` world over ...'Con- goleum Gold Seal Rugs:... have changed the times by giving the thrifty housewife the most modern and elaborate pattern effects AT A FRACTION OF WHAT SUCH BEAUTY WOULD HAVE. COST SOME, YEARS 'AGO.: And with this outstanding beauty Congoleum, Gold Seal Rugs offer many other advantages. . ; . the improved "Mailticote'- process ensures years of long wear ;... -and eliminates countless hours of tiresome housework because the waterproof surface can.; be instantly and spotlegsly cleaned with the simple application of a ,damp mop. No fastening of any kind is required—Congoleurli Gold Seal Rugs and Floor -coverings, too, will be perfectly flat on-rthe floor at all times and never turn up to trip unwary feet or interfere with swinging doors. By all means see the full range of attractive Congoleum pat- terns ...'you will marvel that such distinctive pattern`beauty can be offered at such little cost. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU INVEST Plumsteel Bros. _____, FREE! ` FREE! FREE! A Beautiful Cup and Saucer with the Purchase;of a'pound of Good Loose Black Tea VISIT OUR STORE AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE LETTUCE, TOMATOES, 'BANANAS, ORANGEK,'GRAPE FRUIT TELEPHONE ORDERS GIVEN CAREFUL ATTENTION The .. & S. Grocers QUALITY PHONE 125 , SERVICE; r,®s'ee'°ra HOUSEHOLD HARDVV RE SPECIALLY PICKED When you wart to save money you don't have to go to a Bank. Come here and. buy our hardware; Everything ,just a little lower in price than elsewhere4 Sutter & Perdue PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Phone' 147w ir% fir'. lid Special Grape Nuts, special, 2 pkgs. 21c I'+ & G. Soap, 10bars ..•.35c Clark's: Pork & Beans 2 tins 21e Red Cohoe Salmon tall . 33c 1-2'..s . ... . , .. ,190 1S 1 oCorinick Biscuits, lb. ..16c Bulk Seedless, Raisins, 2 lb.• 23e • 14$anyflowers Toilet Soap 3 cakes ................i9c Sherif 'e Orange. Marmal- ade, 10 ea. ' 23e Royal York Orange Pekoe tea, 1-2 lb....•.28e Fray Benetos Corned Beef, per tin .. ..... 230 Standard Corn, 2's, Peas 2's, 2 tins . 29e Lilly Chicken Betide, tin 23c Tu;.a Catsup, ,qt bottI ,230 W41K, HAVE _EVERYTHING THAT IS SEASONABLE IN FRUITS AND "VEGFIJ'ABLES COMMENCING FIRST WEDNESDAY I'N JUNE ;WILL BIS '�1` ., HALF HOLIDAY. KINDLY PHONE YOUR' .ORDERS TUESDAY .}Yki�1 13'C, �; EARLY WEDNESDAY MORNING FOR votes NfAIN .V.8 -` DELIVERY STOP AND SIIOP A'1' a'r® ,.c PHONE YOUR CEDE tli.itth CLINTON, ONT. ON PHOTQE.` if 1 Rc1eant to June A squadron of brides is advancing It will soon be June, the time of veils and orange .blossoms and old shoes, and also the time 'of Wedding Gifts and Congratulation Cards. Weddings are on the horizon and perchance our Stock has in'it the suitable gift at the price: you care to Pay. 'Wfe have the ptaetical as weli as the refined in Pottery, China and •Glassware, some: pieces 'conceived in anatmosphere of art and -giving expresgion of elegance, while other pieces will be received with appreciation for Kitehen use. Then there are the cages to prepare for Cupid and this Suggests Wall Paper, Window Shades, Curtain Rods and other Requirements; prosaic as well as poetilc.. If the home cage be well equipped with the useful as well as the ornamental it will be so char- ming. and secure the little god Cupid will not so much' as dream of 'escap- ing. Tile W. U. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Mrs. Wlalkinshaw returned on Mon- day after a visit with friends in H niIton. Mr. Frank Fingland of Toronto cal- led on Clinton friends during the past week. Airs. A. Raney left last week to spend a fortnight or so, with Strat- 10 d friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. Orr of Toronto were ;week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowen of Tecum- seh, Mich., were week -end guests with 'Mrs. W. J. Paisley. Miss Eva' Carter of the Kitchener Public school staff spent the week- end at her home in town. 4tTr, Wl H. Bill of Kitchener was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Carter over the week -end Mass Doris Hill of Toronto was the guest of Miss Madeline VanHorne over the holiday week -end. ' Miss Alice Sidman of Stratford and Miss Maud Livermore of Toronto .avere home over the week -end. Miss Norma Bentley of London was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Mor- gan Agnew, over the week -end. Mr. R. J. Donnell, Jr., of Guelph was the guest of Mr. "Edgar 14Ia- guire of Clinton over the week- end. Mr. Edgar Maguire returned recent - after spending about four months in Philadelphia and New York. Mrs. Robert Coates and Mrs. Sidney Johns. of Seaforth spent a few days' this week as the guests of ,Mr. and .11 `s. Iddo Crich. MS Lotte, McKellar and Mr Carl East d Termite . were holiday Week -end visitors with Mr.,. and lvIrs. Gordon Cuninghame. Mr. and Mss. A. W Groves and lit- tle daughter, Helen, Mass K. Nick• le and Mr. 'L. Winters spent the ,holiday at Welland and Niagara Falls. Mr. and. Mks. S. A. "Archibald, Miss ,Ahha and Master Jim of Peterboro spent the week -end at the home of .Misr Archibald's sister, Mrs. Glees. -' Mrs. Campbell .and son, Mr. Charles Campbell, of Hamilton spent the 24th as guests at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. ' Iddo 'Orieh. gr. Stewart Paisley and Masters Jack and Billy of Toronto spent the holiday week -end with the for- Dner's mother., Mrs. W. J. Paisley of town. Rev. A. E. Doan and Rev. J. E. ;Hogg are in Woodstock this week attending the annual meeting of the London Conference of the Uni- ted Chtir,6 i Mt. and Mrs Wl. U. Latornel and ltftss Edith Laternel and Mims IGanibe of St.. Thoma wert. the guests over the ,holklaYr. of the Misses Doan, of Plipton, M's. and. NL4s llavid Shavi of St. jCatbelr`ij es returned to their home on Friday last after spending a couple . of `weeks at the home of OW..$haw's. father,, Mrs. T. Judd Gibbings was .up. from To sronto. for a week and intends re-) turning shortly with Mrs Gilr- dbings, who has not been in the' best of health, and they 'will 'gpeifd the summer in town._ Mi. WI. .W. Burgess of 1V11iWiell, rvag in town on Thursday. Mr. Bur- gess was obliged to give up his Weekly visits ,to Clinton ,luring the winter. and; :awing to increased work in his Mitchell photograph, studio, will not res;intie thein, al- o'though he will.;be itAd"to see any bf' los' iaations'tt d b, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 5130 CLIIVTON'S BIG CORNER - GROCERY �rnz n�mo� TaaT�oN s�toPaav, May air. YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND INSPECT ALL LINES. OF HEINZ'S' PRODUCTS SPECIAL PRICE : LIST FOR BALANCE . OF MONTH 1 1 ..anuar, 10 lbs, All .. Our. BulL Teas IGrcing•�latedSu ar Sug2 lbs. g to be Rcdiiced fo ]flay'. 55c Regular Orac for Regular 49c for 45e Package �� Salada Tea, lb. 59c RED Rose Tea, lb. Dates, 2lbs,. Rolled Oats,'3 lbs. Corn Meal, 6 lbs: Rolled Wheat,. 3 lbs. Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. Granulated Sugar, per sack - (Friday and Saturday only) Pail of Soap, Wednesday Morning Only PEANUT BUTTER, per pound TOILET PAPER, 8 for 2 PORN AND BEANS SEEDLESS RAISINS, 2 1b. 23c 10 P, & 55c 19c 19c 13c 29c 25c 25c $5.15 90c 19c 25c 21c G. Soap 35c 10 BARS COMFORT SOAP AND 6 CUPS AND SAUCERS Fancy Gift Baskets "Made to Order", for "Shut-ins''' Our Store will be Closed Wednesday afternoons, during June, July and. August, excepting the week of a Holiday. 90c I FRIGIDAIRE: Choice Picnic Harns, per lb. 23c Breakfast Bacon, piece-` 35c Corned Beef, per lb. 30c Lard, 3 lb 50c Shortening, 3 lb 48c Morning Delivery: 9 and 11 a.m. Cash and Carry Phone 48 1MMIAMINSOF IM1Y1I $1.00 ORDERS DELIVERED FREE Afternoon Delivery: 2:30 and 5 p.m. W.T. 'NEIL Where. "Sells,for -Les$" Price. Prevails . p} 1 x. L 1 9r 4 dip AIV41V4W4 AANvibli ellIMVIANI MOIN intra 1111Md1MAMrAMy4MAl/IAMAi� GODERICH. Mrs. Annie Nicholls has returned to her hone at Strathroy after vis- iting friends in Owen Sound and in Goderich. MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT A Musical Treat in' the CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH THURSDAY MAY 29TH 8 p.m. Assisting Artists—.Mr. C. Light- foot, noted singer from Stratford; Mr. Harvey MaGee, Auburn, Hu- ron's Famous "Harry Lauder." The Blyth Ladies' Quartette also local talent. Colne and hear a treat. Admission, Adults, 25c, Children, 15e 67-2.. Spring Plants GROW PERENNIALS AND HAVE A PERMANENT FLOWER BED WE CAN SUPPLY in 2 -year-old clumn DELPHINEUMS, (Very Choice), SWEET WIILLIAM, CANTERBURY BELLS AND COLUMBINE SEEDLINGS CANTERBURY BELLS, ORIENTAL POPPIES, HARDY CARNATIONS, ANCHlUSAS, PYURETHEREU5t1, FOXGLOVE, COLUAtBRINE, SC'AB- IOSA, HARDY CANDY TUFT, BABY'S BREATXI, GAILLARDIA TINE 1i'IELD GROWN PANSY PLANTS IN BLOOM AND BUD We can serve yens best in day time as these plants are all -field grown. ANN'ISALS, in boxes, each 25c WALL FLOWERS, CHINESE LAN- TERNS, DOUBLE HOLLY- - HOCKS, a box 25e CHOICE HOT ,HOU$E ROSE BUSHES FOR SALE BUTTERFLY, PR.EMVI1ER, PIERSON 'AND PERNET. will give early bieoni in your garden, TOMATO PLANTS FROM 10c A DOZEN RIGHT FROM HOT BEDS TO 51.00 A DOZEN BIG PLANTS IN BUD AND BLOOM J. Cuninghame, Florist 67-2. Attention Ladies! .l)trinanent wov0 of natural li8"tlttty can be acquired bg maltiltg appointment anil calling 8ii ilio tin- dersigned. PRICES PM !AM) $10.00 Mrs Agnes Forrester Phone 212 for appointment, • Queen St., Clinton. 65-4-p. GOAL, COKE We sell DL&W and Fain* Reading Anthracite .:C'oal, Solvay Nut and Furnace Celle, Liberty 'Rang0, tike „Coke, Altbeita Coal and Ig,illers`Creelk S$ft `Edai, Dint Mate— Good cretin fuel at 'h : i`ealao it the Wm:J, `FILLER A SON, 'rde sa, taken at residendo Ontario ,fit >31OlES !1G4v ''hrid '40'j j AMP J 4'' ne azaar An annual Bazaar under the aus- pices of _the Ladies' Auxiliary, in will be held in the basement of the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FRIDAY..JUNE 6th from 2.30 to 6.00 o'clock Mrs. Forrester, Afternoon Tea Booth; Mrs. McTaggart, Apron; Mrs. G. Roberton, Fancy Work; Mrs. Axon, Candy ; Mrs, Mutoh, Home- made Baking; bfiss E. MacKenzie, Fortune Telling; Mrs. Dougan, Kit- chen; E. J. McLean, Touch and Take. 67-3. ASK FOR MADE IN CLINTON BREAD BEST QUALITY FRESH DAILY Also BUNS, ROLLS AND FANCY PASTRY EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE BAKERY LINE Wendor 's Bakery MAKERS 01? "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD • THE PAINTING SEASON IS AT HAND. Prepare to paint your House, inside or out. See our Color Scheme and use our paint, MARTIN-SENOUR, 100 per cent. Pure, Be sure to try a can of our Quick -Kate Enamel in all colors, You will like it, forkins tatYWAYViti 11,1 ''Iitimoi ATG P 'ODIC flint IT'S TIME FOR A C INGE After the Iong winter you will no doubt be tired of:looking at some of your old Rugs, Linoleunls,Oil Clothes, Ete. We have the remedy, the finest and Brightest stock we ever had. Then' you may want a New Bed Spring or Mattress; we have them at all prices but we would especially .mention the nesv. Spring. filled Marshall Mattress—Real Comfort at $19.50. You will be surprised to know that you can buy a real good looking Bridge Lamp at $3:00. Floor and Table Lamps at $3.50. 'This is the time for Cedar Chests and Ferneries. A good. stock of Baby Carriages, Strollers, Sulkies and Tri- • cycles. Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co., Funeral Directors Monument Dealers The Store with a Stock Hardware Phone, 195 Furniture Phone 104 AlEPPMBUINIMBERUMMEIR CURED MEATS Boneless Smoked Rolls ,...28e Pickled Rolls . 28e Breakfast Bacon, piece ,33e P. Mealed Cott. Roll , , ,28e Smoked Cott. Roll 300 Smoked Pic. Hams 22c Smoked Hans .... .... 35e Dry Salt Pork • 25c Back -Bacon, in piece 50e P. M. ,Back Bacon, piece 450 Smoked,Ham, piece ... , 35e TRY OUR COOKED MEATS' H. -made Head Cheese lb. ..20c Jellied Veal, per lb. .......30c Corned Beef, per Ib. 30e Macaroni &' Cheese Loaf Ib35e" Valencia Roll, per lb. 35e English Loaf, per lb. 50e Cooked Ham, per lb. 55e, Square Bologna, piece, ib, 23e Ring Bologna, per ib.25e Smoked Liver Sausage, lb. 25e Olive Loaf . 40e CHOICE BEEF ON HAND AT ALL TIMES BABY BEEP, VEAL, PORK AND LAMB FOR WEEK -END AS USUAL Kindly let us have your delivery order the night before for early Delivery. LARD, PER LE., 17e; 3 LBS. FOR 50c CHOICE SPRING. LAMB 1N STOCK NOW! Connell & Tyndall " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT' MARKET " Phone 162 Huron Stiet. a Now IS TIIE TIME TO PICK YOUR'• WALL PAPER FOR SPRING We have ever'600 samples tor choose from PRICES FROM 8c. TO $2.00. 'hoite 234 and we welt calf, with Sample Case e it A A.KAY i:.e I„ and Aecorator ��n St., C11ntorl Pa m