HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-05-29, Page 5``1'HUti;SDAY, MAY 29, 1;930 'BANK RrtQN y tt`aFt MtFt eon: SPAY TO •-,t-.4.4.5Yrnwes Ata vnoe ov „A�s w 1116 001 o, y-y~~e=? n-•-,=w.,�,.,., t1)1;luM BBQ AOrAL BAOM1 OP CARA0A 10 101 11/14/15 TAR ROYAL BAUR OF CANADA am,y,,,,,, (•, u ••+. 11,OG11,R,M6MN,Nnt P,AYIWUI,Ait w5n111 U„D, aunn 4114 mos i4.0) Ct o• 43n l'ar4rfrryo €4: -re , "Money Order Enclosed” pooR safety and convenience in sending money by mail anywhere in Canada, the United States or the British Isles, use Royal Bank Money Orders. They maybe obtained at any branch of this • Bank and are issued payable in either dollars or pounds. lihe Royal Bank of Canada Clinton Branch, e e R. E. Manning, Manager 995 ('OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME It takes, sa it is figured out 'something over -$7,000 to rear a g ••child from birth to the a e of eigh- teen and in the month 'of March 4,155 s of these young Canadians, each of wover cost this country ver .$7,000, es vent to the United Stat and that ' is lower than the average for the •.previous eight months. Truly, it is The proceeds amounted to something in the neighborhood of $150.00. Ben - miller had the male quartette and , a violinist from the same city. This centre malting $85.00. The ditching machine is engaged at Glen Bros. this past ten days. Some of the young people attend- ed "Tons of. Money," at Blyth on Monday evening. I Mr. James Gallagher and Mr, T. H. Wilson are each sporting a two - door sedan. • At Smith's Hill church at the reg- ular service on Sunday baptism was administered to the son of Mr. and Mrs. T, H. Wilson, Malcolm • Amos Wilson.. • All were much pleased to hear e solo rendered by Mess Della Keyser of Stratford, trained and talented singer, at . Smith's Hill church on Sunday. The young Iady was n guest at the home of her uncle, Mr. John Young, Loyal. We are very glad to report that Mrs. Paul Mbedel is feeling much better and looks forward to being able to sit up soon. Some of the farmers in the locaI- ity are erecting galvanized ventil- ators en their ' barns thus making their• premises of better appearance and ensuring against the dangers of creating of gasses, which attract lightning. M-.. no weakling's jab building up- a country under such conditions. 1Pw as Canadians as a whole are a modest race. Fact is we have been far too modest; we have not given ourselves ea fair spew in the great gathering of the nations of the earth. We have -.acted the part of Cinderella too ranch, .inclined to- sit back and let others find out our very considerable • advantages and good points. We have been the more inclined to do this, perhaps, because we have 'had • as our neighbor, a nation of boast - ere; people who have been willing to speud time and lung -power to no end "telling the world," that they • have the "biggest" of everything un- der the sun,' This has • got under our skin a bit; we have become disgusted - with the braggart's job and have ruil to the other extreme. Have we felt that we had nothing to "blow" a- bout? Well it ,could hardly be that, with a country like ours! But, lacking the offices of the good fairy to come along and take us out and show off our charms, we had better give over our faise mod- esty and conte out and'•take our place ' in the family cf nations,, proudly and unafraid, and we should not be a- fraid to clo a little bit of quite justi- fiable advertising, the more espec- ' laity as we have acrossthe street a competitor who is completely sold to the idea of blowing his own horn, The New Outlook of last week • calls attention to a special issue of a church paper printed across the south boundary in honour of its sev- enty-fifth birthday, (so it was not the ignorance of youth) which ear- ned a map of North America as a cover design, showing the United States with its great buildings, it trains, aeroplanes, collegaa, church- es, etc., and Canada 'with its moun- tains, Iakes, jackpines and snow, and a fur clad hunter in snowshoes. The Outlook editor, thought they aright have given Canada at least one grain elevator, for the sake of the Wiot+ld's Wheat King, who .has had his dominion in Canada for many a year. But perhaps the artist • wished to introduce the most roman- tic feature and certainly a hunter in the north is more a figure of ro- ntanee than a skyscraper, But --what we cannot understand is why people in the Um -ted States who call them- selves intelligent can be content to -know SO. little about their very im- iortant neighbor north of them. They -do not seem to possess even natural curiosity, 4 • Speaking of the enjoyment of a holiday, it used to be that about the worst accident that could happen en a• holiday was a badly sun burned neck, got while fishing or boating, or a set of tired muscles which had -been exereised overmuch in unae- oeatomed exertions. But nowadays one scans the papers after 'each holi- day to see if any familiar name appears in the inevitable casualty list of motor -accidents. Over forty people in Ontario were ie - mated either killed ar, in- jured during the past holiday week- end. And we venture to say that not. one of the accidents but might have been avoided had proper precautions been taken. When are pobpie going. to learn the fact that an automobile is a dangerous weapon, - in care-• less hands, and handle it wording- "1y? aeord' g -ly' J. A, Beattie. ST. HELENS 1 &Ie. and Mars. Albert Wallace, Mr. Hugh and Miss Wallace of Barrie spent the week -end at the home of Efe. Wallace Miller and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dougherty of Guelph, Miss Vera Woods, Toronto; and Master Bobby Philips, Fergus, motored up and spent the week -end with luxes, R. .1. Woods. Mr. Alvin Woods accompanied them back and goes to Hamilton to spend the sum- mer. Mrs, Jas. Durnin ° received word. • recently of the sudden death of her : only sister, Mrs. Ryan, of New West- minster, B,C, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Taylor, attend- ed the fuueral of Mrs, Taylor's un- cle, Ilii, E. McVittie, at Londesboro, recently. Mr. John Wiseman, who is em- ployed near Goderich, spent Sunday at his home here. 'Bliss Vera Todd spent the week- end in Lueknow, Mr. Stanley Todd spent the week- end ie. Guelph. Quite a number of the ladies of the Institute were the guests of the St. Augustine Institute at thehome of Mis. T. Robinson last week, when Mrs, Allan, the summer speaker, ad- dressed the Meeting. We are scary to report that Mr. Geo. Webb is not improving as fast as his many friends Would wish. • Wednesday. Closing The following undersigned Mex chants of 'Clinton are delirious of having Wednesday half, holidays, during June, July . and August, ex- cept when a Public Holiday occurs during the week. • W. '1 O'Neil. Wi Robinson. • I•L i„ 'Murch. Geo. McLennan. • The C. &S. Grocers. 1i'arry Fitzsimons: R. Irwin. A. Wj. Groves, S. G. Castle. J. ,T. *Knight & Son. A. T. Cooper, R, H. Johnson. Morrish Clothing Co. '» - . W� S. R. Holmes. COLBORNE ;Tea, meetings were held at N'il'e •apd Scimitar on •Friday and 'Satur- day:. night, respectively. Nile church was well filled, snaking also a very •aipreciative audienee for a every in•:, "tereeting •program given by a talent ad Melo quartette .from ,Stratford.,. A. McDonald. Chief's. •• J. P. Sheppard & Co.' H. ' W. Charlesworth: • W. It 'IlelIyar. W R Counter. Connell; & Tyndall - Fred Jackson. ; J. Lovett • Plumsteel Bros. Davis &• Herman:' te THE CLINTON-NEWS 'RECORD CARD OF THANKS' . , .. 50e MEMORIAL VERSE PER LINE ....10c MARRIAGES SIXADDIOK — POTTER .r. 'At the home of the bride's pa5'ents; on Btay 24th, by the Rev. A. E. Doan, of Ontario street United church, Clinton, Clara Violet, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mes. W'm. T. blotter :'of . Stanley township, to Charles Robert Shaddick, son of tiilr. T. Shaddick, Hensall. - 0t AR,T R--kMleGOWAN — At the residence, of the bride's parents, Wloodlea Farm, Wawanosh, on May 17th, by the Rev. G Weir, Edna Robertson, youngest Baugh - ter of Mor. ands MVl' s, R. C. M'cGow- an, to George T. Charter of East W',wanosh, BIRTHS DIGWIA-Tfi—In. EIlutIett 'township ,on May 22nd, to Mir. and Mrs.. Wil- liam- Howatt, a son. DEATHS STEWAART—In Hullett township, on M'ay 22:4, William Stewart, in his 80th year. WELSH—In London, on May 23rd, Lillian Louisa Green, wife • of David N. Wielsh • of Lambeth, in her 42nd year. JONES --In Toronto, on. May 28th, Vern Evelyn Bennett, wife of' Eric E. Ward Jones. WATSON--In Stanley township, on May 28th, John 'Watson, .in his 82nd year. ` IN MEMORIAM R'UTLE'DGE—In loving memory of :Wjilliam Rutledge, who passed away two years ago, May 28th, 1928. "Peaceful be thy rest, dear father, Never shall your memory fade. Sweetest thoughts will ever linger Around thee grave where you are laid." CARD OP THANKS The family of the late William Stewart wish to express their thanks to all who extended assistance and sympathy to them in their recent be- reavement, also to the L.O.L. lodges who attended their father's funeral and the members of Londesboro ted church choir for their attendance• at the service. Don't Miss This Play • IT'S THE BEST EVER under auspices of Clinton Public Hospital "The Colonel's Maid" • to be presented by Pastime Club in LONDESBORO COMMUNITY HALL THURSDAY, JUNE 5 at 8.15 p.m. Miusje between Acts Admission, 25c 68-2. "The Tiger INTRIGUING COMEDY by Ruth P. Kimball will be presented in the TOW HALL, BAYFIELD Friday, May 30 at 8.15 p.m. under auspices of A.Y,P.A. of the Parish of Bayfield, Varna and Middleton. Admission, Adults, 35c; Children, 25o DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS AMUS- ING PLAY 67-2. • Automobile Owners Isn't it better to pay the premium you know, than risk Liabilities you cannot estimate. Don't Drive Without Insurance There should be no further ambig- uity about your insurance obligations Every` motorist must be covered a- gainst all highway hazards. PUBLIC LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, COLLISION, FIRE AND THEFT. HAROLD C. LAWSON Health & Accident, Theft, Fire Insurance, Etc, ' Phone 208, Clinton 67-. CLINTON FLOUR MILLS Shorts $L60 FOR 100 LBS (in buyers bags) Buy your supply now while they last. Wle have same good Feed Wheat for Chicken Feed at 950 a bushel. GROUND' FEED W1AT $1.80 FOR 100 LBS. John Schoenhals 67-3. Boarders Wanted Accomodation for boarders. Reas- 'onabie: rates. Ingnire ,at The News - Record office. 1 Wanted • $1,000 and $3x500 on• first class farm 'mortgages: c: 'B; Elate, ; Con- veyancer, Clinton. • 67-2=p. CARNATIONS, HYACINTHS, TULIPS, NACCISSUS, ,,,, •DAFFODILS, SWEET PEAS, MARIGOLDS .FOR CUTTING. ALSO POT PLANTS CALCELARIA,- CINERARIA PRIMULA'AN)) PANS OF BULBS. Chas. V. Coke • Two Phones -66w and 66j Convention of the LIBERAL -CONSERVATIVES OF SOUTH HURON" willbe held in the TOWN HALL. HENSALL on Thursday ay 29th at; 2 p.m. - To nominate a candidate to con- test the riding of • South. Huron at the, coming Federal election. ` • Officers for .the coming .year will be elected at the . meeting, Several prominent speakers will be present to address the Convention. Three delegetee will vote from each poll. . Ladies are especially invited to attend. • • • Executive meeting at '1 o'clock. GOD SAVE THE KING Robt. Higgins, .. Col. R. B. Combe, Secretary. President. 67-2, Progressives ANNUAL . MEETING' OF THE POLITICAL PROGRESSIVE ' ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH HURON ' will ile held in the TOWN HALL, HENSALL Jac 5th 2 p.m. Also a Convention to select a candidate for the forthcoming Fed- eral Election will he held at the sante time and place The meeting will be addressed by W. G. Medd, X.P.P. Joe Forrest, R. R. 3 Wm. Black, Seaforth, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. President. 67-2 BA Y CHICKS We can supply you with S. C. i Wdr te Leghorn Chroos for delivery in Jute at. $10.00 per 100. Our Leghorns are the famous '.Barron Strain, big hens, heavy layers of large eggs. We guarantee 100 per cent. safe de- livery. Order early while the best dates are available, THE WALTER: ROSE POULTRY FARM Brussels, Ont. 66-4. House Pot Sale Comfortable nine room house, Victoria street, Clinton. Garage and stable. Apply to S. G. Castle, Clin- ton. 40-tf. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed . "Ten- der for North Pier Reconstruction, Goderich, Ont.," will be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Friday, June 6, 1930, for the recon- struction in concrete, of the superstructure of the North pier, for a length of 484 feet, at Goderich, Huron County, Ont, Plans and form of contract can he seen and specification and .forms of tender obtained at this Department, at the offices of the District Engin- eer, C,ustome Building, London, Ont.; Tororitb Builders Exchange and Con- struction Industries, ,1104 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont, also at the Post Of- fice, Goderich„ Ont. • Tenders will not be considered un- less made on printed forms supplied by the .Department and in accordance with conditions contained therein. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque oar.'a -charter- ed bank payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent; of the amount of the ten- der,, Bowls of the Dominion of Can- ada anada or bonds: of the Canadian Nation- al Railway Company will also be ac- cepted as security, or ;bonds and a cheque if required to make up an odd amount, - Note.--iBlue prints can be obtained a 'i5 this Department by depositing an accepted cheque for the eum of $20.00 Payable .to the order of the, Minister of Public Works: which will be re- turned of the intending bidder submit' ,a, regular bid. By, . oi4er, N., DESJARbINES, Seetary. 1)epartnieht ;of Public Worltscr, a Ottawa, May' 16, 1980. 67-2. Clinton's New -Laid Egg And Poultry House Eggs bought according to Donde ion Government` Egg Regulations. Inquire 'far our prices of eggs. You will always find our prices par- allel with the city markets. Fat - hens and 'well -finished Chicks always wanted—Prices good. Always phqne our office•for prices before marketing produce, N. W. 'rewairtha Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w CAR OWNER Stant the .motoring -season "Eight" by taking out an auto and personal. accident insurance policy. I can meet your requirements for either private or commercial vehicle cover- age -as well "'as,.protection for your- self. Having had years of, experience in auto insurance and representing a splendid range. of companies, I ani in a position to advise you as to your needs and to provide you ,the very best of servicewith your insurance. H. E. RORKE. Clinton, Ont., All lines of insurance Sun Life Agency. • Phone 258w, 58-tf. BARRED ROCK BABY CHICKS Ontario Breeding Station, (second year), specializing in Barred Rocks. Plant trap -nested • hander Record of Performance supervision. Every ,chick sired by a pedegreed male from blood -tested hen. • Our pen in Canadian Egg -laying Contest at Ottawa, featuring 25 to 27 -oz. eggs, holds third • place to date in Reeks. May Chicks, $17.00 per 100, , June Chicks, $16:00 per 100. J. M. SCOTT, SUNN'YCREST FARM, SEAFORTH Phone 251-32, Seaforth Central 66-8. Guaranteed Baby • Chicks Given approited conditions, we guarantee our chicks to be 80 per Fent alive and thriving at four weeks of age. Hatched in a modern, steam heated incubator, equipped with air cleaning cabinets. Our prices are right, chicks first-class. Barred Reeks:' After May late $16,00 per 100; After, May 20th: $15.00 per 100; After June 10th, $14.00 per 100, White Leghorns; After May 1st, $14.00 per 100; After May '20th, $13.00 per 100; After June 10th, $12.00 per 100. One dollar per hun- dred off if ordered one month in ad- vance. Also one dollar per hundred off for orders of 500 Or over; J. E. MlcRinley, Zurigh,• Ont. Phone, Hen - sail, 97-4. 64-tf. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Walter Peffers, ' Deceased NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Welter Peffers, late of the Town of . Clinton, in the County of Huron, gentleman, ro nt ensu deceased who died on or about the 30th day of April A.D., 1930, are requested to de- liver to Enuna Sanderson, th'b execu- trix of the said estate or her solici- tor, on or before the 31st day of May A.D, 1930, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the secur- ities if held by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said executrix will proceed to dis- tribute the estate of the said deceaesd amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claim's as she shall have received due notice and in acliordance therewith. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 14th day of Iti'iay A.D., 1930. W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said estate. 66-3. a• SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Ten- der for South Pier Reconstruction, Goderich, Ont.," will be received un- til 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Friday .Tune 6, 1930, for the recon- struction of the superstructure of the South Pier, in concrete, for a length of 300 feet, at Goderich, Hu- ron County, Ont. Plans and form of contract can be seen and specification and forms of tender obtained at this Department, at the offices of the llistriet Engine.. eer, Customs Building, London, Ont, also at the Post Office, Goderich, Ont. Tenders will not be considered un- less made on printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with condi1tiona" ,contained. therein:' Each tender^ must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a el -metered bank, payable to, the order of the Minister of •Public Works, . equal to 10 per cent of the,aniount.,ofctheAten- der. Bonds of the Dominion of•Can- adian National Railtyay,, Company will else be accepted as security, or bonds and a', ehequi•I if trequired, ,.,to make up an odd amount,' 1Note.:'Blue prints can :be obtained' set this Department by depositing "an accepted'cheque for the sum' of $20.00 Payable to the order of the -Minister of Public Works, , which will lie ate- turned if the intending• bidder rubel a regular bid. By order; , . °4r.. N. Di•;SJAIR IA`i•.is`";