HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-05-29, Page 3e
Effective immediately
15c per pound reduction ein Red Label Tea.
54C, per pound .reduction. on Other Grades.
You can now buy from your grocer at these
reduced prices the Red Rose Tea he has in
stock. We refund to the grocer the drop in
the price. We bear the loss.
T. H. ESTA r ROOKS CO. Limited
Managing Philip
Janet T. Van Osdei
For some minutes Mrs. Perkins
watched five-year-old Philip and his
"gang" in. their occupation of her bit
of front lawn on which she was brave-
ly trying to grow a respectable crop
of grass. There were three small boys
besides Philip. Two' of theta had
wagons and one itad a kiddie -car.
Philip had a tricycle.
One after another, whit a great deal
of noise and shouting, they would
bring theft' various means of Merano• I
tion to the middle of the grass -plot 1
and draw, up with a flourish, some-
times with such a grand one that the
rider took a Header among his fellows.
After a few moments, atrial an even
greater commotion, they would ride
oft agate.
At fait Mrs. Perkins opened one of
her porclt windows and called, "Won't'
You boys keep oft my lawn, please?"
"We can't, Mrs. Perkins," answered
Philip in MS deliberate fa'shidn.
"What did you say, Philip " asked
Mrs. Perkins.
"I said," repeated Philip, slowly and
in a louder voice, "we can't stay off
your lawn, Mrs. Perkins,"
"Why can't you?" asked Mrs. Per-
"Because ibis is the station for our
elevated trains -right here la the
die of this lawn. And our trains have
to come into the station, And you
can't move an elevated station, can
"I've heard of its being done," an-
swered Mrs. Perkins, "But I never
heard of an elevated station being put
in the middle of the lawn in front ot
a person's house."
A look of doubt crept into Philip's
round face.
"Didn't you?" he asked. "Where
would they put elevated stations?"
"They'd be more likely to put alt
elevated station where they could
have, walks leading to it and seine -
thing besides grass for the trains to
rut on."
"Where'd be a place most like that
'round Here?" asked Philip,
"I should think the end of the walk
hetweeir the 'two 'houdes would be
about the hest Place,' suggested Mrs:.
Perkins. "The trains could run
smoothly alone -that walla into the sta-
Nurses Wanted
The Toronto Hospital for Incurables,
in affiliation with Bellevue and Allard
Hospitals, New •.,:orlc City, offers a Three
Year's Course of Training to Young'
Woman, having the required education,
and desirous of becoming nurses. This
Hospital rias adopted the eigght-hour.
system. The pupils Teeeive uniforms of
the School, a monthly allowance and
travelling expenses toand from New
York. Vox further particulars Writ( of
apply to the superintendent,
tion instead of bunipiug•over the
grass." 1
Phi1i1>'� cht',by face cleared, and in
a moment was wreathed in a smile..
"Thank -you, Mrs. Perkius," he said.'
"C'nion, kids, we're going to move the
elevated' statiou,"
"Weill" exclaimed Philip's mother
from the next porch, "I've been listen-
ing in and wondering how long you'd
stand Philip's impudence. You should
have come out and punished ltitn."
"Philip wasn't imp- lent, Alrs. Lld-
dick," replied Mrs. Perkins,,"That
elevated statiou he was talkinabout
was as real to him as the one down
the street Is to us. Those wagons
and the tricycle and the kiddie•car
were real trains to him. Fox the min-
ute it dM seem impossible for lim to
move his station from the lawn."
"Well, I'm glad you take it that
way," sighed Mrs. Liil'dick. "You're
the first neighbor I've had that could
get along with that child!"
"It is a question of understanding
hint, I think, Mrs: Liddiclr," answered
Mrs, Perkins. "If one can look into a
child's nthtd and can think his
thoughts with hhn, a clearer concep-
tion is formed of his behavior than is
otherwise possible, and 1111 b>comes a
great deal easier to manage."—Issued
by the National Kindergarten Associa-
tion, 8 West 40th Street, New York
City. These articles aro appearing
weekly iu our columns.
"Vote for -Women"
Coming in Japan
Tokyo,—The House el Representa-
tives May 10 passed a bill permitting
women of 25 years or older to vote in
eleetionrs for municipal and prefectural
es embiies.
lthough the measure likely wilt be
defeated in the House 01 Peers, advo-
cates ot woman suffrage hail 1t as a
victory presaging full enfranchisement
for women in a few years.
The bill made no provision for wo-
men voting for members of the Nation-
al Parliament,
The Cabinet withheld support of the
measure but representatives adhering
to both the Musette (majority) and
Setyukal (chief opposition) parties
joined the large majority standing for
an uncounted vote.
When. the bill was in the committee
stage the I•lonte Minister, benzo Ada-
ehl, said that although rho Cabinet ap-
proved tate 111001y of Woman suffrage,
it preferred slower progress In the
"It is not marriage that fails, but the
People, 'All marriage does is to show
them up —Barry Emerson Fosdick.
"Few things. -in the modern world
are more surprising than the change,
which has come over" parents In the
present generation!' -•+.Bertrand Rus-
For Troubles
doe to Acid
Just a tasteless dose of Phillips'
Milk of Magaesla in waiter. That is
an alkali, effeltivo, yet harmless, It
has been the standard antacid for 50
years among physicians everywhere.
One spoonful will neutralize at once
many times its volume 111 acid, It is
theright way, the quick, pleasant and
efficient way to kill the excess acid.
The stomach becomes sweet, the pain
He's Fifty-two
And Teething
Beverly, N.J.—James J. Carr, fifty-
two yoara old and the father of four
children, is teething again, 'He 'rias
cut Sourteen of his third set, all strong
and healthy teetli,
Dr, Parry Scott, Carr's physician,
and Dr. Ilarold Wiukelspeolht, his den-
tist, say there is no doubt that the
third set of teetli is natural. Dentists
have known of third sets, but natally
they occur at such an advanced age
that the person dies before complet-
ing the set. ,
Mr. Carr, Who is a newsdealer in
this small comrhtlnity, twenty utiles
front Philadelphia, lost many of his
second or permanent teeth early iii
life, when, despite constant care, they
decayed one by one. Some were pall-
ed out, and some stubs remained.
Now new teeth have shoved through
tite gums and the stumps took on new
life again. There is little pain,.such
as children suffer.
Mr. Carr now 'has twenty-eight
teetli, ]-,alt of them new and half old,
or four less than the average adult
has. Whether to expect a new set of
wisdom teeth 'is .the question which
stilt confronts him,
departs. You aro happy again In five
miuutes. •
Don't depend on crude methods. Pin
ploy the best way yet evolved in all
the years of searching. That is Phil-
lips' Milk of Magnesia.
Be sure to got the 'genuine Phillips'
Milk of Maguesia prescribed by physi-
cians for 50 years in correcting excess
acids. Bach bottle 'containd full direc-
tions—any drugstore,
Thin, Weak Children Need
Baby's Own Tablets.
Malnutrition, or inability to derive
nourishment from food, is a common
trouble with little children and is en-
tirel'y'due to stomach and bowel weak -
nen. Another cause• of loss of flesh
and sleep is worms.
To correct atomaclt and bowel trou-
bios end thus banish constipation and
indigestion; break up colds and sim-
pie fevers;. expel worms and allay the
pain which accompmtlee the cutting of
teeth is what Baby's OWn Tablets
were designed for. They never fall
to be of aid and can be given with
safety fa tho youngest babe,
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or: by mall at 25
cents a box from The Dr. -Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Owl Laff3 THE ARAE mm GIRL Tiger Remembered Classified Advernciaag0
Strange, blit it; you Who Ilasi Lost Her Charm and Cycle,, Werke, 413. Specify, Avenel,
A roa intuit ,
1a'aut t0 keep g.is Friend's.: Kindness USED BICYLES.'' $1'0 UP. VAItsrVit
clown, 100'1 stop on it, Toronto,
Beauty Animals Usually Attack Man; 'A� E s 0 a hors rifer
The H4thers' Chorus . "Brie sedm8 to tie ibsiug' her looks." Only 'Through Fear ties, Write for. froo eatalogaa. A.
Itou t you cry, This leluai•k is often heard about girls Whether the story of Androeles,
iN'`t 17 .COMB i11ITE IdOGHORw
P 111 he` 1 who }noi0 once noted fo till' spark- and file lion Is true or not, it is very' �� and Barred Plrtnouth Rook Batt
four ea o our yar it.
1-Iush little gas tank,
'8witzor, Granton, Ont.
a} day will tern lin6''eyos, tlleil rosy. cheeks and they -
prettY'pice; and If true: lion had the Ms- CL?lets, rvoniierful w nt9e layers. we hwv�
Bclol1, 1011 re•ttr-y. vila]tty:, The cause is not far to. Beek ' oeon tlateh(10 for ,2T Years. Dolamors'
they hare 11ecarne altaOtnl1) that aC, ,_Eifion Of Carl Ilage111)eelC','1' tiger Poultry Parm, Stratford, Ontaao.
the story'mi Itt not be shelf a 1pytb
'The anaem(c gltl, ; slid ne6. great tragenbeek menagerie 1n- Ger
Iinsb, little
auto, "T12idNT16 =MAY AND JUNE
Counts for the Pallor and• t)}e loss of .'after all k'veryone has heard of the Chicles always po utar Hoehn.
. "Ylon't you cry, fP Wyanciottee LogQtorns 'Free
be a rani[ pilefolder "Pin *oncedescribes
-By and
leafs' her heti lbh,'may 11. 0sufferer all many, tyhere hundreds of animate are why their breeding "tells in the
,1». 1 ,,
kept lit surroundings as near, as art
could make them to their -native
haunts. The Hagenback brothere'did
a bigtrade id anima s,, supplying pri-
vate and public collectiens 'with any-
thing, from a lizard• to an elephant.
Apart from being' dealers they had a
real love fol• their wares, as the fol-
lowing story .w,ili show. •
Carl Iiagenbeck once •bought two
,nest:.. Order, early and save.
Tarte heed .you pale anaemic girls, Trent Electric Hatchery, Trenton, Ont
black hen lays ovxZuis A 1 CHICKS
'the white egg.. Got, the egg. ROCKS; MAY, 18c; .JUNK, 17c; LEG -
1 F10r21`IS, May. 17e; June, 16e. 160,%%'
Iive delivery guaranteed. Express pre -
Keep Trying y„,..r^L^a headaches; that nblrIO Unna.', ' Auld ' n 200 of imole chicks. 5 week o!!{
The visitor to the s i>u>bs was do-
l` cite and those terrible' heart palpita tree L. Ii. Guild and s4e each and ons, Box Catalogue..%.
ing lila i>est.to'Ire.ep up the converse -
tiara can only behanished If the blood h 1 Rockwood, Ontario.
Never Hund why the. Plenty of flesh an, noullshiug food
and test will help you, but -what you
need most is good' -.blood.. Those
-tie% Finallye said:. le rich, "red end pure.,, •
Visitor "I heal un
Your volunteer fire Good blood—the kind that brings
'company alas' bought a nevi- engin', good lletiftb,. ,is created by Dr. Wil-
Native—"Yep," vHams' Pink Pills. The•wbole mission to es tigers:, One, -of the little croa-
Visitor—"Have you tried it out yet?"' curds hi caught. a sort isoinflthat oC these- Pills. is to:build , rich, red, "cold, wliieji, so affected its eyes 'that
IV'ative tNol>e"healthgiVin' blood. The Pills are for some time it lost its sight: Hagen -
Visitor 'What, no tires at all?" r sold by all Sole, in medicine or by, beck nursed -hie 'invalid earefuily for
Native Oh, yell' Had five deo.” mail at 50 cents a box froth The Dr. several months,. visiting its.cage•daily;
y3sitor="Then , iyhy 11117831't You Williams' Medicine' ' Co., Brockville, and so successful were his ministra-
tried your etiglne?'t, Out. Lions 'that the patient completely' ro-
• 33ative—'`Houses ',bui•tt down 'fore _ aimed. Later on both his purchases
we gat there:' --. were sold to -the Berlin Zoo, where
Daddy, I hobo splendid news .for• Cis CC Distinction 1s1tS1 tti time Carl Hagenbeck called at the
they stayed many years. From"time
year." The fourth grade teacher is go-
ing to retain my aeivices for'another gardens and never forgot to pass the
tiger's cage. von on as' the animal
The two things that will develop a
dominating personality are a corres-
pondence course and a nice fat purse.
"Within the our walls of lis -.own
house a roan may livea strictly.ethical
tile; blit the moment he crosses his
doorstep he become's entangled in a
bewildering maze of relationships—
with the postman who brings his let-
ters, *Rh.the�urchiu who delivers ]lis
milk, with the .scavenger who sweeps
street—relationships in which the
first principles of social justice' may
have been violated, but which he is
powerless to control. Throughout the
remainder afthe day he may be faced
with the same perplexities," writes
Mr. Alexander Mackendrick in the
Hibbert Journal
"Ile, retrains from, buying cheap
'goods in the fear that they are pro-
duced by under -paid labor, 'and dis-
covers later on • to .Ills chagrin that
sweating is just as likely to underlie
the high-priced 'goods 'in. the fashion-
able establishnient's'of the West End.
Ile may find indeed, if his sociological
curiosity should carry him thus far,
Fame and lightning don't, strike
-whets' there's nothing to attract diem.
John—"The new 'electrical men„ the
Robots, are said to do anything tiieY
ate told to do,"
.Happy—"They must be married."
A giri pan always tell when,sbe's in
love, and site -generally does.
It's an aspiration to have something
to write, but it's diudgery to have to
Write something.
Love, Note In the Sign Language
You arouse Pty adoration
With your ardent 1
When you see the 1.011 of $ in my hand,
At this most important'..
In the evening a myriad
Tiny flashes light your mystic op -
r tics .8c
I'm convinced you have my No,
As I drift away in slumber; ` •
You are there with vigor, vim and
likewise —,
And I'm slave to each suggestion
That you make; beyond a ?
You're tliecute though less moit-
arch of My cash!
The laziest mite in the world: I•Ie
married a 'widow with sixteen child-
Last of Clipper Ships
In Race Across Ocean
Falmouth, England. --The great
ocean race for the last of the witid-
jamntet's from Australia to England
was won by the clipper ship Herzogin
Cecili° in 110 days. The magnificent
four -master sailed into Falmouth Bay
with all her canvas set, recapturing
some of• the"glorious days of sail" as
she was taken to aucltov'age oft the sea
front. "
It was a triumph for youth. Iter
captain, Dlisksen, only 26 years 01 age,
is the youngest skipper in the fleet.
Six four -masters, participated,' the
others being rho Melbourne, the Pom-
rnern, the Beatrice, the Lawhilt and
the Archibald Russell; all laden with
wheat cargoes. Except the Beatrice,
10111011 is Swedish, all are Finnish-
Where there's smoke there's some-
body's Marne.
Everybody exerts all illlluetice over
somebody else i4 110 more than as a
horrible example.
Blessed are the. poor. No one ever
contracted a nervous breakdown from
pulling a wlneelbai'iow or pushing a
The defeated candidate in a Meet -
can election never asks for •a recount.
Famous men look bigger in print
than they do when you actually meet
The average mau speaks about' 12,-
000,00 words a year, soya a scientist:
Not the average marrieds tnalr,
Obadiah—"I thiult Peggy will make
an ideal wife. Beery time I go to her
home I find her darning her father's
Joshua"That.caught me too—until
I noticed it was always the same
caught sight 'of him It would show
great excitement. Evett if it merely
heard his voice, 11 showed, pleasure
and would purr like a cat, nor would
it be satisfied until netted entered the
cage and sat with it as friend to-frlend',
People used to watch these meetings
of the two friends with interest min-
gled tdth fear, but there was no
cause for alarm. The tiger -had' not
forgotten its benefactor, Hagenbeek
had • a water -color portrait ot his'
striped friend and always cherished
the memorial. The tiger is one of
the most dreaded of jungle dwellers,
for its ferocity is a by -word; but With
ail its ugly 'reputation' this incident
shows *that it can remember kindly
treatnlettt'and a kindly luster. Most
animate attack man through fear of
hint, and vert' few will attack him if
left alone. Iiere and there we read
of isolated cases of unprovoked at-
tack, but these cases ere rare, and it
that the boobs 11e buys with which to is the exception rather than the rule.
-nourish .itis soul and stimulate his —The Humane Pleader.
moral sense, including -the• sacred
Bible itself, are printed, folded, and
bound by men, women and girls under
conditions which preclude the possi-
bility of • their enjoying' the leisure ot.
mind aud 'circumstance is which the
higher moral sensibilities may freely
derelop. '
"'Under the ptieitings of au unsatis-
fied social conscience he may associ-
ate himself with 'Brotherhood' move-
ments whose aim is to abolish class
distinctions and to promote feelings
of frateruily between intellectual cul-
ture and manual labor. 13111 hi spite
of all attempts to (hypnotize hlmseif
with fine words or poetic imagery, the
haunting suspicion will not be held un-
der that It is but tt5t'biuly-veiled piteri-
selsnn to think of abolishing class dis-
unctions, when at any one of those
Pleasant Sunday Afternoon meetings
specially organized for that purpose,
one 114111 looks forward to a good din-
ner with a comfortable 'lire at 11111111
to finish the evening, 1011118 another
has nothing in prospect but dry bread
and cheap tea, "followed by the social
intercourse of a street corner.
"It will then be borne in upon rim
that the most ineradicable class dis-
tinction is the distinction between
those who, hold well-paid and secure
Jobs and those who have ill -paid ones
0r none at. all." -
New German Plane
Dessau, Ger.—The Junkers airplane,
0.38, claimed- to be the 'largest land'
plane in the world, started May 14 on
its first extended eroas-country iiigitt,
with 20 passengers aboard. After the
trip the Luft -Hansa Company will
take the plane over to nee as a freight
Tho craft measures 148 feet be -
tweet). wing tilts. It is practically
without body or tall, and gives the im-�
pression of being alt 9011'tgs. There i
are four Junkers motors aggregating
2400 Horsepower, and it • can carry
6000 pounds useful load. The cabins
are built in the wings.
More Work in Italy
Rome-impfovemellt in the unem-
ployment situation was reported May
14 when April figures revealed a
total of 372,500 out of work, or 2932
less than in Morph, The iml)rovo•
;tent was reported especially in Lom-
bardy, Veneto, Latium and Piedmont.
Minard's Checks Failing Hair.
"My wish to snake ' people laugh
springs from my own wish to keep
myself front crying." — Sir Harry
�0p.atas€� jFLAStit
'Tiles for
tnootite. Nothing helped. Thea
Soothe -Salva' ended itching, para in 1
[otter. Ptlos vanlsl,. Avo tdskalfe. Aiidruggists.
Heal the Sprain with Minard's.
"A highbrow isa persotl educated
beyond his intelligence."—Brander
• So easy to get quick relief and pre-
vent an attack in the future, Avoid
bromides and dope. They relieve quick-
ly but affect the heart and are Very
dangerous, They are depressing and
only give temporary relief,tin cause
of the headache still remains within.
The sane and harmless' ay. First
correct the cause, sweeten .the sour
and acid stomach, relieve the intes-
tines of the decayed and poisonous
food matter, gently stimulate the liver,
Start the bile flowing and the bowels
pass off the waste matter which causes
your headache. Try Carter's Little
Liver Pills. Druggists 25c red pkgia,
ISSUE, No. 22—'30
Campers Carry Minard's.
A wise matt will make more oppor-
tunities thea he Uncia;--ilacou.
Pair Lady: "Oh, is that a man-eating
lion, mister?" Zoo attendant (wear-
ily) c "Oh, yes -sum, But we're short
of men this week so we're feeding
hint beef,"
Tune in on CE:0C (340.7 meters), ma111-
ilton, at 7 to 7.30 ;Eastern Standard Tlme,
each •eesday evening.
Broadcast by
Minute }Keen Company
Solve that motor car cleaning problem
and make your household furniture shine
Mite new with Minato 101080, 1100 0101
A world's wonder 0101.110nt 1ou .
ceipt cc
1b ecents 0o coample wer Clacking oand at epostage.
geed= 1n11Ve interesting arfev tor Stores,
178111015 and Agents•
D ."t forget to listen in to
195 Adelaide St. Went Toronto
Special Terms and. Reserved Territories.
Schoolboy Patrols Save
Lives from Accidents
Washington—By telling their 8011001
nates when it Is safe to cross busy
thoroughfares near schools; 2000 mem-
bers at the schoolboy patrol organized
here under the auspices of the Amer(-
eanAutomobile Association have been
instrumental in bringing about a re-
duction of 33 per cent. in the fatal
accidents to children of school age In
The safety division of the District
of Columbia divislou of the A.A.A. re-
ports there are now 153 patrols in the
city, with an average of one patrol•
emu to every 40 children. Iu 1926,
when the patrols were first organized,
it is said, there were 15 fatal acct.
dente to children of school ago. In
1929 the number was 10, a reduction
of 33 per cent., according to the re-
On drab days the boys on patrol
wear brilliant yellow ponchos and
hats furnished by the A.A.A. thntl
they may be easily spotted by motor-
ists. ,On other days they are Identr•I4
fled by white "Saint Brown" belts.
They .take their posts before and after
school and at the noontime recess.
Learn Wat_°Imaking
• Light interesting Work
Good Watchmakers (either sex)
can earn good money
For information write the
Toronto ,
"Peace 'wilt only be'' maintained hr
the earnest application of pulite
opiltion, "--Frank B. Kellogg.
Use Mlnard's for Burns.
The principle street of a town
now called the Maim Street,
"No more stomach trouble, Cao cat anything,"
writes Mrs. E. White. Thousands say indiges-
tion, heartburn, gas vanish like magic with
Fruit -a -thee. Constipation, sick headaches
end overnight. Nerves, heart quiet, sound Bleep at
once. Rheumatism Otos away. Complexion clears
quick. Get "Fruit-441ms" from druggist today.
Atried and trusty
friend for 50years.
Ho dearly loved a rich tit -bit. The
spirit was wiling, but the flesh was weak.
Whenever he ate anything rich, his boys
used to say, " Poor dad,he.will pay the
penalty to -morrow." Read the sequel
in his own words :—
"Since taking the regular dose of
Hrusclten Salts it is quite different, and
my boys enjoy themselves seeing me
cat what I dare not touch before. My
eldest son was the game, but eine he
has taken Kruschcn Salts he can eat
and enjoy whatever is put in front of
Modern artiRriat conditions, errors of
diet, overwork, lack of 'exercise. and
so on, are bound to have injurious
effects in the long rum providing flue
precaution is not taken.
I(ruschcu Snits should be your safe-
guard. Besides cleansing the body of
impurities gently, surely and painlessly.
they 13011e88 a 1,4111 power of giving hew
life and vitality to ilio countless mdlfona
of eons of which every body is composed.
That is why physiclmts never hesitate
to recommend 1(ruschcn Salts.
"Skinny'. I Calmed
1 Lbs. in 8 Weeks
and B®Y Fried"
"To achieve . happiness it Is neces-
sary to have some and never conn
pletely realized, but always in process
of realization."—Bertrand Emmett.
4, 1, 11/2, 4 and 8 Horsepower, all In
good condition. Ch^np for immediate
nem. H. Watkins, 73 Adelaide Street
West, Tn.•^„t,.
First -Aid
For all pains and aches, toot
troubles, cuts and bruises, or
general massaging purposes,
Minard's simply can't be beaten.
"Atter trying several
touter tried 100111//5
Yeast. in 8 weeks
gained 11 lbs., now
complexion, r o u n d
lhnbe; best of all a boy
friend."—S. M. Saline.
Hien and women are amazed at
gain of 5 to 15 lbs. In 3 weeks, Ugly
hollows vanish. Bony limbs round
out. Sallow, blemished skin gets
clear and rosy like magic. Norma.
uess, indigestion, constipation «leap -
pear overnight. pound sleep. New
pelt trent very first day,
Two great tonics in 011e- :9reotti
weight -building Malt Yeast and
strengthening iron. Pleasant little
tablets. Isar stpoager titan nnntedi-
ealed yeast. Results in 'Al lime. No
yeasty taste, no gas.
Don't go round "skinny,” ugly, un-
attractive. Get Ironized Yeast front
draggist today, Feel great tomorrow.
Money back from manufacturer if not
;lellghted with results,
,All children are subject to little
upsets. They come at unexpected
times. They seem twice as serious
in the dead of night. But there's
one form of cotilfdrt on which a
mother can always 'rely; good old
Castoria. This pure vegetable
preparation can't harm the tiniest
infant. Yet mild as it is, it soothes
a restless, fretful baby like nothing
else. Its quick relief soots sees the
youngster comfortable once more,
hark to sleep. Even as attack of
colic, or d'arrhea, yields to the
soothing influence of Castoria.
Keep Castoria in mind, and keep
a bottle in the house—always.
Give a .few, drops to any child
whose tongue is coated, or whose
breath is bad. Continue with
Castoria until the child is grown-
Every drugstore has Castoria;,the
genuine has' Chas. H. Fietchef's
signature on the wrapper.
"Your Vegetable Com-
pound is a good medicine.
Anyone who isein poor health
should not hesitate to try it.
When 1 was taking the Vege-
table Compound 1 ttied f the
sample Liver Pills 1 found in
the package. 1 have taken
them. every night since and 1
can feel myself improving. 1
am so thankful for the good
they do me that I have told
several women about it." --
Mrs. G. W. Posliff, 263 Huron
St., Stratford, Ontario,