HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-05-22, Page 3Fal. J'. c",•,.L..i, r. 47'"a.ai°i k..x,,:'.ihi ••.< • Reduced Prices ROSE Red Label Tea RED ROSE spark Green Tea • REP ROSE glreark ge Pekoe 1 -ib. 60c. 1/24b. 30c 1-1b.70c' I// -1b. 35c t -1b. 8$c '/z -fib. 43c Ton can noir buy from your grocer at the reduced' prices the. Red Rose Tea `he has in stock. We refund to ,the grocer the drop in the .price, we bear the loss. T. H. ESTABROOKS CO. LIMITED "Corossto Ontario ' :n.b":'n.s�N "nLXrh F,utu7?M�°t4.'•."i.;1nLT.i :,.a.. ,.tr.'Y..,a'.., "ti. Sn axen'2.:hi:7.a,4�'A +:;«Wy)i4^s: Rare Lungfish From Africa Live In Bricks ere Zoologists Study Hibernation of Descendants of First Land Animal • Sleepy progeny of the Devonian lungfish of '450,000,000 years ago is under laboratory treatment to -day, al :fording science an opportunity to study evolution at first hand, accord - tug to The Associated Press • These close relatives of the Devon- ian creatures which were the first to wall. on dry laud are the most ancient survivors—except the shark -in the long cycles of evelution, and,. stand as live specimens of the nest. They are African lungfish under ob- servation et Bellevue Medical College of New York University hi a series of experiments made possible by the John Simou Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Buried Alive 17 Months One specimen lives in the water in A glass' bowl where it was placed four months ago after being removed from a hump of dry mud almost as hard as .a rook. It had been in this 'mad brick thirteen months. . There are fifteen others in hard mud on the laboratory shelf, Those creatures of catfish grey col- or, a foot os' so long, and looking like a cross•betweet a catfish and an eel have been there buried alive for seventeen months.. They were brought here nearly two years ago by Dr. Homer W. Smith, professor of Physiology; trent I{isimu Ion Lake Victoria, where they. grow Mx feet long and are considered good eating, They have real lungs and rise to the tsurface once in shout fifteen minutes to breathe In. the dry season they bully themselves, breathing through a held 10 the earth. Klcrtey Functions Studied Dr. Smith.estimates'they can live in the mud five years. They do not eat while in mud; but live on their own tissues, and accumulate waste pro- ducts in their own bodies. No other animal is known which can so dispose of waste Dr Smith is studying secrets of as- tonishing kidney functions which no other animals Seem to possess These functions appear to have some rela- tion to the lungfish's ability to live in a state of suspended animation Sleep Likened to Hypnottsm The fish curl up in the mud. The "sleep" which follows has been com- pared to hypnosis caused by maintain• tug an unohauged posture, and it seems to be a nervous fanction. The GuggeuhetlnFoundation is send- ing Dr. Smith this summer to •Siam, the -'Malay States and Borneo to study fresh water shark's and terrestrial lash and to Africa to get more lungfish, Cryo g Babies . Are Sickly Babies The well child does nbt cry — it is only the sickly baby who cries.. The well child is laughing ' and ltapPy, Baby's cry of distress is his Way of telling the mother or nurse that he is 111. Therefore, if your baby cries do not delay art. looking 'for tho trouble. Baby's Own Tablets are a sate and efficient remedy for childhood ail. ments. They ate a 10110 but thorough laxative which through their action on the atornaoll and bowels banish consti- pation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and pt'onrote health- ful sleep. They. will make baby happy and keep. him happy. Tiley are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 26 cents a box from Tire Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. New Vessel Soon to Sail Noted Inside Passage • Owl Laffs Famous Partnerships Bill and Coo ' Mom and Pop This and That Over and"Over, - Horse and Lot SI'ow and Sure,. Back and Forth Ham Mid 'Eggs. • When a girl refuses to marry •a•fel- low, site' promises to bo a Sitter l0 Ititn; but when slle,aceepts, site pro- mises to bo a bonier to him. It is estimated that 36,247 people' visit the Arlington Cemetery, Wash- ington, D.C., in ane'year, and that 17,839 others are just dying to go there: • When,one'sstomach is. full his head alight as well be empty en far as get- ting any workout of it is concerned, Said one banker t0 another: "have you any outside interests?" • 'P1 e Inside Passage along the coast of British. Columbia where the ship runs north to Alaska for five hundred miles between rugged islands and a mountainous mainland has a reputation among mariners that is world' wide. No coasts, they say, except Moms of New Zealand and soros parts of Norway, lti)owit for its great fiords, rmatdh this stretch 01 Seaboard in majesty of 400nery. There is only one 'short gap during the whole length 0f the voyage where the vessel is open to the full sweep of the Peelle. The rest of the time the great islands intervene and to all intents the boat le sailing along au inland sea. It is quiet and peecefui, The shore is only a stone's throw away. The smell of lir tteea in the -air mingies with that of sea water, The.newett vessel to be put.. on this service hat -just been launched in England. The Prince Henry will sail through the Panama Canal to joist tite Canadian National Steamships fleet in June and will matte her first'• sailing herthward on July 3, The Prince Rupert and- Prince George are already on ithe rua and are known to the thousands of Owlets wito make the journey from Vancouver, or Ptlnce Rupert north to Skagway, Alaslta, and the Yukon every summer. Two other,: ileac ships for the -Canadian National:Paoiac • Pati' Young Real Estate Agent— "Ceuld I intersst you in Culver City?" Susceptible -="Lady, you could in- terest me anywhere." 15heu a Scotcbmau casts his bread upon the waters he wears a bathing suit. If a young father thinks his ldd the stnartest ever he May be uncommonly modest, but. more probably he is a liar. • People who are always looking for a pull might,do better by trying a little push of their own. Mother -"When I was a girl,, I wore. Petticoats," ' Daughter (wearily)—"Yes, and even then boys would be boys." There are two kinds of rum runners -those running with it and those ran- ting to get it. Petting, we are reliably informed, 13 just .a little light pastime that shires in the dark. The original owner of tate Skeleton found with its legs wrapped around its neck must have died soddenly awhile trying to dress 111 an upper bertit. "I'm giving the little girl a big hand," said a papa as he took Itis daughter over his knee. A woman's month is generally com- pared ' 1 d t o a rosebud, but a rosebud is usually closest, Ile—"It's a cinch nowadays to get ntarfied.,, Mer—"What do you mean, 'cdtneh'? Hint—"Well, alt you got to do is find a bigger foot thaw -yourself" Site—"Then Trow is it you're single?" It was the first time the baseball player had ever played golf, Be .tit one straight.' down the fairway, then shouted, "Which way do I rim?" "It is dangerous to kiss girls who are reducing because their resistance is low," says a noted dentist. And, we might add, it is even Moro clangorous to kiss a girl whose resistance is ltiglt. • Teaoher—"Now, Tommy, if I tape a potato, ettt it In half, then In quartets, and then in halves again, what shall I `have?" Tonuuy—"Chips, Miss Cleric." One must possess a reasonable amount of money if he is to retain pos session of his own soul. Don't expect to be slow pay- unless yot are 10011 to do or, your reputation will suffer as a result. Ito—'Before I was married I could have kissed you to death, Nowt wish I had,' Ile is indeed a poor fish who never tarots when to keep his mouth strut. Sisters Remember We have walked•with a high company Of men who owned tate heraldry • Of. duty .0,1111 of chivalry. No narrow bound of class, or creed, Birthplace, or knowledge, did they heed— They were a. brotherhood indeed. When that to koop the people free Ili generations yet to be, Theirs was the strong necessity. Whatever terror the event. Heid, all unswerving on they went. Paiit was their binding sacl'anient. These were our brothers; and we .told No greater honor may be told . Than in their age to he enrolled. -Alice M. S. Lightall. Saves Babies: in China... �v ..�54'F,s„6•:,,,.>:�;:n7s.M.� • 3 '•7,.,..1 Vancouver cows have become the foster routers-' of children .ltt China and Japan. Fresh "certified milk is now being carried from Vancouver to the furthest ends .p1 tate earth, since New York, Montreal,' Augtiaiia, South America and London, England, have already beets supplied from the -British Columbia port. Scientific refrigeration oil the .big white liners of the Cann- dials Pacihc'fleet plying betweeu''Vaneouver and tate Orient is half the secret of the success of this long distance delivery of fresh milk; the other half is the quality of the product from the Broohsbank Laboratories certified milk farm. Carrying m1118, as fresh as when it came from the co*, frons Venom, ver to Shanghai, a distance of 6,419 Mlles, is a ilig job and oven the speedy Empress 'of Canada took 14- days to 'turn the 111011, counting in.” stops at Honolulu) Yokohama and' Kobe en route. . W. F. Jones, 'manager"and proprietor of the Bro0ksbank Laboratories, has a theory that the cow wdtich feeds the child has a right to"tlte same treat- ment and attention as the child's mother, and above lay -out will show some; thing of. the careful greenling and spotless cleanliness of stables and animals. Policeman (leaping out of the way). Do you know anything about tra0Rc rides?" Sweet Young Thing: Yes. What is it you 'want -to know? • Heai•the Sprain with Minard's, • TRUST AND STRIVE Let no man presume that he can see prospectively into the ways of Pro - Videlicet I -Tis part Is to contemplate them in the Past, and trust in theist for the 'future.—Southey: 5st.;. rses , . anted People All Nerves Prince of Wales. Places Comfort What to bo if You Find Your- selfFirst in This Condition. , The s?oroato 8'ost)ttal for xncurabloa, in a£flliatiort with Beilevue sad d.11aee ' s8ospitals,. New 1 Oric City, offers a Three Yeat:'a Conroe-. °t Trainbtg to Young ,• WOtne11, having tits recurred eduoatio11, sad ,systema, The nubiledao lrous of becotmiag 11121'800. .This 3toepttal 1100 iho ei its -.tour receive uniforms 0£ ties School, d, htomthly allOwa11oo and 0ravelling •exponses to and front New Wolk. :For further uarticnlars write or aP113Y to Elie Superiutenaont, The sort of thing that specialists call nervous debility is the run-down condition caused by over -work and household worrles. The sufferers find themselves tired, low-spirited and un- able to keep their mind on anything. Any sudden holse startles and sets the heart .palpitating violently. They can- not sleep well at night; their panda tremble anti legs seem utlable to sup• port them, Such a condition Is indeed pitiable, Doctoring the nerves with sedatives Is a terrible mistake. The only real nerve tonic is a supply of good red blood. Ther'efor'e the treatment tor nervousness and run-down health is Dr, Williams' Pink ,Pills, which promptly build up and enrich the blood, The revived appetite, tate strengthened nerves, improved splints. and new strength which come after a court° of these pi115 will delight every sufferer. e. You -eau get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 60 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Oast Service, the Prince Robert and the Prince David, are now under non- ISSUE No. 21 • .'30 str'uctdou. Broadleaf Trees Win In Battle of Woods Back in those earlier days of tree 13ie, North America looked quite dif- ferent and possessed a more temper 4te ollrnate. Rainfall was more abufd• alit. The weather WEIS Warmer and there was a total absence of trot. The Rocky Mountains had, not yet been formed, writes Oitarles Lathrop Pact. in "Forests and Mankind," and tate whole continent was low and heavily wooded front coast to coast. At that time there were no regions of treeless areas slice out• Great Plains neither was there any abrupt differ - once between the forests ot tho hast and West. The _cold, inhospitable wastes of tate Arctic were warm tred•covered mons whore even the heat -loving fig and paint found Moraine conditions and conifers flourished. They were the highest form of plant lite in it. Time passed. Many thousands of Years. The outlines of Nortit America had meanwhile beort changing, The Gulf of Mexico and the Arctic Ocean mingled their, waters 'by means of a great inland sett that cut through tate Continent. Gradually ibis great in. land sea subsided and a large variety of tropical plants itivaded the Gulf re• gion froth Uto South. Then cause a great fled important change. Following the conifers arose a class of trees that are commonly called broadleaf • trees because their leaves are not needle -lite, suolt as the leaves of the Kimura and pine, but broad and fiat like the maple and the hickory,' They tvot'e tate "moderns" of tite plant world tool their coming brought profound changes to all for- est life, They innvatietl the laird and as. the centuries passed they have gradually tatted possession 01 the world's most favorable portions, forc- ing the pine and sljrtice and tits air back until they 000UPy 1Oty the idss fertile places, the high mountainous countries, the dry sandy soils and the desert's edge. In a sense the world has become and still is as immense battle -held be - tweet the cone -bearers dad the trees with broad leaves Gradually the cone bearers are losing and being forced out. During those times of the broad- leaf trees Chat invasions lived a few trees that exist in oar fot•est to -clay -- the sequoia, the bald .cypress, and the ghinko, TIto rest—the thousands ot others—have perished and been re- placed 11 more recent species. New Country House Shows No Search for :Beauty Except in Room Plan- ned !y Queen. London—The Prince of Wales's new country house near Windsor' throws au interesting light on the character and tastes of its owner'. It emphasizes the fact that he is not dominated by ltis esthetic instleets. The house is comfortably furnished da the most modern manner, bet there is no evidence of seeking after beauty in it, with the exception of the draw- ing room, which wits arranged entirely by Queen Mary. .It is to his mother the Prince of Wales owes tate Presence in his drawing roam of some tare ex- amples of seventeenth and eighteenth century English furniture. Pieces From Queen's Collection These pieces include a mahogany chest of drawors with kneehole It the centre and. a broken plinth carved with ttecant' us (1720) null a walnut day bed most elaborately carved (1030). These were in Queen Mary's own collection. The color scltonlc of the room Is greou, white anti geld; the wake are decorated with English colored priuts of the eighteenth century. A china cabinet contents a rare anti valuable coiection of oil English china and awed is a fine grand Naito. But beyond this undeniably beauti- ful room, the Prince's surroundings in iris new (tome are as plain as they are at York I'Iouse. The owner aimed at having solid comfort in his new house, but nothing more, and his wishes have perhaps b0en gratified al a cost or lit- tle More than :C 2,000. The Prince Is the despair of the pic- ture dealers. He would not walls a yard to see au old master and ite 1001105 110 pretense to the contrary. Witat ho will see on ilte walls lar his new home are pictures of everting sub Sects by modern artists which were picked up by 111m for anything from $50 to 0250 apiece. Wilt Entertain Frequently The Prince, in his new home, wail entertain frequently, or, at all events, as frequenty as his engagometlts per - bet 11e will do no official entertain. Mg such as Ito did at Tolls 7louse last year when the Bing was 111. Major- Metcalf will be the "unoffi- cial" comptroller of the Prince's new home as he was of his Iulntitlg quar- ters, and the management of tite in- vitatior lists will be left in the major's ltands—a delicate and difficult task The Prince knows :le may rafely leave It In the halals of his old friend, who is one of tire best sportsmen in .Eng- land and one of the most tactful of .nett. The Most vociferous preachers are often these whose natural spirits have led them to drink the deepest of life." Clarence Darrow. 'Minard's Checks Falling Hair. A DRAMA Aiatt carries under lids hat a private theatre, •whereina greater drama is acted than ever performed on the mimic stage, beginning and ending in eternity. -Carlyle. The Naval Conference Saturday Review (London) : The obsequies of the Naval Conference have taken place, the 'valedictory ad- dresses have been.dslivered, and 1V10. MacDonald has affixed his signature to the death certificate with a golden pelt. These facts, at least, admit of aro dispute, but as to the interpretation to be put upon them, there is a wide- seroad diversity of 0Piu1Ou. The frieluls of the Government would have us believe that a great stop forward has been taken; but whether that step is in the direction of universal disarm- , stent, or of another war, ulna alone can show. Of one event, at any rate, there can. be aro doubt, and 1t, is that the Conference has not achieved what Was expelled of it. London. Men's • Clothing Sparkles :With -Color Dress reformers are Continually call- ing for drastic changes in the garb of men )tut according,t0 "The London Sunday .Dispatch," men's Shelia are every_ bit as colorful as those which cater to women. In the West End the outfitter's, in fact, threaten to Outdo the -women's fashion shops; A Regent Street -shop displays gift boxes, of: orange -colored shirts and lemon -yellow pyjama• shite Shck <tlressing gowns, 'in elaborate patterned Paisley. designs, • aro as Mhued as a""summer hewer gar- den. Rich delphinium blue, dahlia color, royal blue, claret, orange, and sapphire shades, as well as brown and vermilion, loan striking ,patterns. Wide girdles of heavy silk cord lav- ishly tasselled "finish off these robed. • The newest ties -for men .are of dae- sleand searchlight patterns and 'slant-' ing shadow designs. 'Brown shadows, strongly defined, distinguish:" raspber- 17'.pitlk ties; and blues and reds have Shar() -shadows of coutrastiag colors. Handkerciilefs .mat'eh,these. The .winter sport -goer will be a cheerful -Looking person When he does his skis One of the latest jumpers for his holiday is a vivid orange one, de- corated with great, black clubs, and a two•color- tam-o'-shanter in black and orange too. "For decades it has been an unwrit- ten law that ne man will tolerate elas- tic to support any garments but his socks," said a West End outfitter. 'This bog'sy has suddenly bseh swept aside "In the smartest men's outfitting' es- tablishments underclothing is now supported by .elastic waistbands in- stead of by tapes. "Pyjamas, too, are not only fitted with elastic at the hips, but are made to measure and shaped so as to matte a perfect 141." The wife had beea put on the bud- get plan. At the end of each month she and her itueband would go over the mounts together, Every Once in a while he would and an item, "L, 0, If., $3," and a little further on, "L. 0. K., $6." Finally he said, "My dear, what is this—'L. 0. 1C..' "Lord Only Knows," she replied, Use Minard's for Burns. "Our pt•oblent for the future is to raise religious fervor without raising religious rancor.".— A. Lawrence Lowell. "'" f v val% of TOTAL FARES CANi y `► G A ADVANCED BRITISHERS in Canada may now bring forward their Families, Relatives and Friends on Easy Terms. • For bull details vele:— J. 'CA 1yd'1O D& Dist, Saul Coloai%,,5ation Canadian Pacific Railway, Toronto BRITISH, REUNION ASSOCIATION HEAL 1N QUICKEST TIME KNOWN "Sorosort leg,ulcers for months, Doctors failed to heaThcn'Sootha-Salva' healed tlteminfowdays.° JutesSlmard."Sootha- Salva" heals sores, utters, hosts, burns, scald), eczema, 111ro await. All druggists. Classified Advertising -P®R SALE y SASE CritUES—WD IiAT(;A1dD ,;i„ 215,00u !eat .1801 in four varle• ties, Write for free catalogue.. A.'[i. Switzer, Branton, Ont. . ,LNr'Llu :COMI3 Wklipit LAOFTOBN and Bart•od Plytnoutlx Rook Baby piliolcs, Wondert'ul winter sayers. We cave been hatching. for 27 year's, Delamere Poultry Farm, Stratford, Onta;lo, "0RE'rrE" MAY AND .TUNIS ()Moire, always popular, Books, W.1 lieio ionnesfoPn Money" desc describeswhy their breeding "teals in the nest.' Order 'early and ea'. 0. .)vont 17reotriD' Mitchell,. Trenton, Ont. 2y Fn mous Breeds to choose from. Send 20r trop Chlelr CaMing: it has Valuable Information on breedflre Egsex ktc ery 7w switchin/f /,+ryas ,. Box 207-W. 80400, Ont. FOR SALE FIVE D,G. M07 ORS 1/q, 1, 1%a, 4 old S Horsepower, all fn good condition. Cheap for immediate gale. H, Watkins, 73 Adelaide Street West. ®O YO SUFFER FROM Countless remedies are advertised for constipation. Many relieve for the moment but they are habit form- ing and must be continued, Others contain calomel and dangerous min- eral drugs, which remain in tate sys- tem, settle in the joints and cause aches and pains. Some are harsh purgatives which cramp and gripe and leave a depressed after effect. Avoid lubricating oils which only grease the intestines and encourage nature's machinery to become lazy. A purely vegetable laxative such as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently touches the liver, bile starts to (low, the bowels move gently the intestines are thoroughly cleansed and constipa- tion poisons pass away. The stomach, liver and bowels are now active and the system enjoys a real tonic effect All druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs. temaglascitwansafinsaarmSitlattesanSsej "NERVES ALL SHOT N ow"rruit-a.tives"didit,saysalr.Alfred Gleams, Thousands write ner- F E E L vousness, heart flutter, dizziness, r censtiestron, indigestion end ovon P l N q night. Sound sloop at once. Get "Irruit•a.tives"fromdruggisttoday, 'Children. '— t 9 . \ CAsw T 0I r. APPROVED BY DOCTORS ((tt!, con 1018 GOriSTtotTtON,01ARRHEA l A BABY REMEDY Seedy (feadiugl--a;ty, ITan11, what's or ltabordasher? haul.—What, don't yer know sot es haberdasher it? Didn't len ever it:tve iso learnin'? A haberdasher is 01 titan wid a habit of dasftht' about. "After Baby Gams Was Weak, 1,11ii-triy Gained 22 Lb - 3 9 0 ....,,.Y 'rho looks 20 soars uomigoe j 1 " i have tnkrn Jt'rusehrn So110 1•ar 7 years, i C u> etoeOOt Y tt I i vo th1r) 0 )11041) 10 yourK 1)1100 0 sons "9, 20. 10• also 2 grttndnotia, 0 and 20 m'ontbs. I pal: dawn my youthful appearance to. 1Cruschen Salts intron each teeming, 8 should never tidnk of starting the day wt1hoel taking them, 1 art aft, bin. in 1181Rp14, 4 richt 110 pounds. I can (051(0) YOU m y amanita t0 very proud Of u)e. Original latter es aro i e rust cull, '1b p'eerree soar youthful charm you Mita preserve your 1(011114. Charm and hearty are stain& a matter of health, so are vitality and vigour. All mill be yours if you pin your Ionia the "little daily 4110,4l: Start 1Odnorrow, and dr/o0+oitt Icer years volm0er before you are many opa older, greenbelt 11:tlts Is obtainable at drug and department stores la Oanatla nt 7a0, a bottle• A bottle contains cnonlh to Inst far 4 or 8 months --good health for halt -a -cent a day: 400100 PHILLIPS ��OF MAGNA . tt ``, For'Troubles due to Acta IND, GESTION -0 -AHCArcrou" HEADACHa o'Ases-NAusR i About two hours after eating many harmless, it has remained the stand - people suffer trout sour stomachs. They call it indigestiOtl It means that the, stomachs nerves have been over. stimulated,' There is excess acid. The tt'ay to correct it is with au alkali, which neutralizes maall?tinres Ito vol• tune in acid. The right way is Phillips' M ik of Magnesia -just a -tasteless dose fa water, It is pleasant, - eadeieut and mrd with physicians alt the 50 years since its. invention, • It is the quick method, Results' come -almost lltatantiy. It is the ap- proved method. Yon will never use another when you know, 71e sure to get the genuine Phillips' Mille of Magnesia prescribed by physt- cialts for 50 year's la correcting excess 'acids. Each bottle contains full direc- tions—any 01055(or0, 'Af'er baby was bora i Was 0081 Weak, skinny. Since taking Itemized Yeast feel flue. Gained 22 lbs."—Mrs. Lana Benoit. Thousands write new ro ized Yeast adds 6 to 10 lbs. in 3 weeks. Ugly hollow fill out. Bony imbs get graceful roltadness. Muddy 1itln gots c ear and rosy like magic. Net'vmnsttess, IndIgesti0n, e0nstipa- ion vanish overnight. sound steep, t ew pap front very first day. Two great 101(108 ht Otte—special t-eigh1-hnildittg Malt Yeast and slt'etgtlt:melt Iron. Pleasant little shiers. Far sit'otger than unmedi- cated yeast Re:elite its 1/s time No 'easty taste; no gas. So quit 1)01115 "skinny," tired, un- 'ttt.rac'ive. Get Iretized Yeast from lritggtat today. heel great L0n1o3.7 'On•. Money bath front ntanufaoturee if not deliglite,l' will) quick results. First.Aid For all pains and Itches, foot lroultleo, cuts and bruises, or getterat massaging purpose/, Minard's simply can't bo beaten, READ Or A CAS LIKES ecided to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Moncton, New 13ranswdek—"Ilefore my last baby was born 1 was very weak, nervous and eouraged., I saw an advertisement in the paper about a woman who had been like me 50 I bassist a bottle of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Contpoued, I took three bottles and it carried use safe. ly through that critical tune. have three children to ogre for and I feel well and strong, I have told two other women about your medicine."---, Mae. GusAttoawAium, 82 Albert Streety -.Moncton, New Brunswick,