HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-05-15, Page 3onlateiseaussme rife!!'1318 esu Sc "at Effectiv®': 9 m per pound reducti LACK and MIRE 111 ed ate Y na on RED LABEL ler TEAS. n on RED LABEL li per pound red°heti GREEN TEA. per pound reduction ORANGE PEKOE. IIS on RED ROSE All Grocers are authorized t'. sell their -resent stock at these reductions, We recoup t,i.em f their loss, ESTAGROOKS CO. Limited TORONTO, ONTARIO Lacking Somewhere . Buttons are plenty, and- thread is cheap, Yet bachelors look forlorn, or s tate Because they Jack. the hili knack ' Or wontau'to sew them on, Use MInard's for Burne. It rests .>♦'1L1 us whether we see, good 'or ill; but to order that we may see as much its possible, let ue be as much with, and of; what is clue, clean, path arses I anted Canada By D. P Graham, aged 12. Oh, Canada! thy magic name, To which none other can compare, Suggests to me a lard supreme Blest with rich mines and fields so ,fair;— Gold; silver, nickel, iron ore— All found somewhere from ahore'to shore— Wide fields and many forests great Help to finance our youthful state. Tho O Oronto Beanital for =mumbles, in . affiliation with Bellevue and !Ward Hospitals, Novr Tort City, olOorsa, Throe ,roar's Conroe ofthe Training' required eoa argon Women, havingnd eo a This and dosirons of . beeMn n nurses. This hour System. has c UO roOeIv a tutiforma .of tho g . The pup the School, a monthly anownncb and travelling amputees. to and• from New work. For further particulars write or apply to the Superintendent. DON'T SUFFER ITiI DANGEROUS INDIGESTION' 1)0 you super. after meals with a belching, from sour and acid stomach? Many believe their have heart trouble and tremble with feat, expecting any Minute to drop dead. This. condition can be prevented, likewise relieved. Take Carter's -Little Liver Pills after meals and neutralize the gases. Sweeten the sour and add stomach, re- lieve the gas and encourage digestion. The stomach liver andrbowels wilt be cleansed of poison painful. and dangerous indigestion disappears and the system enjoys a tonic effect. Don't delay. Ask your druggist for a pkg. of Carter's Little Liver Pills. PHILLIPS For gy®ublos due to Acid I11II0eaT1eN y{Go STOMAdN un,t HOADAClta 0.45E6+61AUSEA' When first thy name in air was was growing' discouraged. One day, breathed It came from Amerinian tongue;however, I saw an advertisement of ' q And many wars about thee seethed In days when Canada was young. We took thee f And learned to glove French yore, thee utorepaid more. Thanks to the roldiers of Isaac Brock That we our southern rivals mock. Mackenzie and French Papineau, 0 great reformers of our stater 0 great lords Elgin, 'Durham, ohl You made our Constitution great. Fathers of Confederation, We would give you. rank attd station. Ye builders of the Oanadiatt. West, We would give you of our best. So. grew our' country ih the past Into the nation of to -day; May each Canadian heart stand fast; When other count -les tempt, say Nay." Then in the future we will grow Till we with wealth shall overflow. We'll keep the honor and. the truth That we have won in early youth, Sucglrrier Days r r 7'�sS�'sa't�'�' :�R 3_<.�>r. ,.,.:���^�aa,.':��.�..:.v':�'' �� .':.. �k,�nu. 3.. :.,',�t„.�t�z �..s�� ,?;:5�` ,r;.'�"'"�a ,'�?' � .a2xa,�•,.°`�. Classified Advertising --.. pOE SALE.. BABY CH 10103,-W10.H A .:at:B A. 216,000 last year In four varie- ties. Write tor free' catalogue. A. Et SwltzOr, Granton. Ont. MCI C.77 COMB. WHITE Lp1GTOE2O 1,7 'and Barred Plymouth Rock -Baby' Chicks, wonderful winter lavers: We 081'0 Poultry Yarn Stratfor ford, Ontario. elamGro "TRENT"• MAY AND. 1IIN13 r' x Chicle% always popular. 110cks,, Wyandottes. Leghoins. Free folder. Pin Money describes why their breeding' 'tolls In rho tfeot ". Order early and, save. Trent Lrleotric Hatchery, Trenton; Ont. 1�-T TrnCtyoDc.l$e'TiCYFOOR Se0EUaPd- i. naAmps, Lake and .flyer travel remain to Canadians the 'complete and perfect holiday. From Niagara, Toronto and I iiingstoa the, holiday 'alias more to the lower . St. Lawrence and Saguenay 'rivers. 1 This gjimpse of the taurentians and the lower St. Lawrence is typical of the summer days on those famous trips. (Photo by Canada Steamship Lines.) Asked if he was starting a new fad by •walking down street carrying a handkerchief in .his hand; a man re- plied: "Fleck, no, :that's not a hand- kerchief. It's my wife's dress I am taking to the cleaner." • Kindness and courtesy would be seen 'Oftener if some people didn't mis- take tile former for weakness and the. latter for cowardice. GIVE CONFIDENCE TO YOUNG MOTHERS A simple, and safe remedy' for 'the .cemmon' i11e ,of Babyhood and child= hood should be kept in every home where there is either a baby or a young child. Often it is necessary, to, give the little ones something :to break up:a cold, allay fever, correct •sour stotnaoh, and.banielt the irrita-. bility,that aeconipahies the tutting of %teeth 1xperienced mothers always keep .Baby's Own Tablets in. the -home as a safeguard against the troubles that Oise their little 'ones so suddenly and the young mothereau 'feel reasonably safe with a Lox of these Tablets at hand and ready for emergencies. Baby's Own Tablets .are' a mild hut thorough laxative that act' without) gripping and they are absolutely{ guaranteed free from opiates or other harmful drugs. They are sold by medicine dealers or by. mall at 25 cent's a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont WAS RUN DOWN AND VERY WEAK Too Little Blood .the Trouble. Mrs, Jas. A. Iiaughn, Bridgewater, N.S„ writes:—"i was badly run down and very weak So muck so I could scarcely do my liousework My nerves were affected; my digestion poor; I had continual headaches and could not get a restful night's sleep. Different remedies failed to be of benefit and I Owl Lags ---- Helen-"My hair has lots of elec- triclty." Clara="It ought to have. It's con nected.to a dry cell." It's very likely that cold suppers COMM more divorces'than cooling love.. Girl Friend—"Sq you're going. to -New York? Aud where are you boys .stopping?" Traveling Man = "Listen, baby! when we go to New York we stop at nothing!" "I atwaYe like to have somebody in the' back seat with my wife when we go•for a ride. It takes her mind off • the driving." a case similar to mine which had een relieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills so I decided to try them. A few weeks' use of the. Pills fully restored my health and now my household duties are a pleasure instead 0f a tor - tura." Mrs, Haughn's whoie trouble was that she had too little blood. Dr. Wil - hams' Pink Pills were of aid to her because they renewed and purified her blood and that good blood promoted good health, for where good blood abounds disease cannot exist. You can get these Pills from any dealer lit medicine or by mall. at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. • Mrs. Maul—"I saw your .husband Yesterday but he didn't see me." Mrs. Saul—"SO he told the But How Temporary If happiness exists, I've 'found it- A half a mince pie 'With a boy around At. It's easy ,enough to serve a drink in Ben—`I think it ie going' to rain be- fore night" Bill—"Gosh, I hope not. I want to water my garden Many a town which has no zoo boasts of a social lion, a white ele- phant, a half dozen queer birds and three or tour blind pigs. C i.1CNK 20 ,Famous .Breeds to choose from. Send for free chtdk Catalog; It ,ttas valuable Information on breadths' chicks, Essex -4: telielry- 7019cratoii Rfnrycs Boz 207-W, Essen, Ont., FOR SALE FIVE D.G. MOTORS 1/4, 1, 1V2,.4 and S Horsepower; all In goodmedlate condition. ale. 'H.e Watkins. 73 Cheapfor Street West. Teecnin. 'The doctor who examined me the other day said I ought to pack. up and go some place where It Is warmer." "I've beets told to go there many tines before iu much fewer words." It's embarrassing to admit you've never been offered money for your picture and a testimonial. Au ice cream manufacturer adver- ' used that he would give a cone free, the ]ant Cuggcnra Talcum antiseptic.. Prophytactie Fragrant atter Itecrerhbog The Ideal perfume for theakinafterrhd. bathing. 250. everywhere—Sample, Free OCulleuri." Po: 2616, Montreal, Canada. IN OIONGER SUFFERV 11 writes Mr. M. McArthur. Tb 31.13' .l ' Thousands ,ay constipa- k aeon, liver trouble, Indi- ND7I(`i.E5iy" gestion, gas endovernight Co els? .jFAilt , with Fr'ult-ativcsnktcrves N1gVQl1ySFNh fquiet. Get "Fruit -a -fives" rom druggist today. .HEADir ,rF4r 4o ny �aam d in Bathing Suit, Gamed 15 Lbs.' it Fie nnberd to His Son 1 an illegal place. The hard part is to every boy who called at p serving the 1,0010 goes oes with it. and brought along his dog. One dog Iter as • )erred near collapse to Was i ue i hb or- 12. I boys one g By D. P. Graham, aged had lost her dtusband, and slating all the b Y A lady "Do you hear the call had given instructions to the stone hood to 'obtain their cones. Of Valkyries from the hall? mason as to the wording ou the tomb- . 'Oh; the gods have sent for thee; stone, the ending to be "Rest in Gladys—"Underneath it all I'm real. Come thou warrior to the free. Peace." in the meantime her late ly an Cid fashioned girl!" Odin Thor, and Tiu are .calling; George—"Gosh, you wear binned- husband's will disclosed the fact that Come and follow! rove and roam; she had been shabbily treated. erg?" Brave the waters, go to Shale, She rushed to rite crone mason and l There Valkyries take thee home. told him to omit the words "Jlost in I sleep is never so sweet as on morn - Go sea -hiking, like a Viking, Roaming, rolling, roving 1 Peace, ,lugs you have to get up early and go Riding, gliding o'er the sea; Mason—"I'm sorry, but they have to wort.. already been carved," Ride the0, glide thea, Lady—"Very well, Rolling like a Viking o'er the sea. Heal the Sprain with Minard's. We have, our friendships, our affec- tions, our interesse in each outer' but our real lives we must live by our- selves, • . Reduce" the Acii Sick stomachs, sour stomachs and adigestion usually meaa•excess acid. •!liestomach nerves are over-stimu: ated. Too much acid makes the atom- colt tomash and intestines sour; Alkali -kills• acid. instantly, The beat Corti is Philips' •Milk of Magnesia, be iaauee one harmless, tasteless dose 4lieutralizes many times its Volume in held. Since its invention, 60 years 'ago, it has remained the standard with physicians everywhere, •"Go thee to cold Shite; to 1Vlulia— The gods will call thee to Valhalla; Markland, kletluland, and Vinland Shall see thee, my brave son Mirand. Only Vikings brave and true Are in the sagas here remembered; Think of Beowulf, of Tiu, These are mentioned, not like rlem- herd. F'lemberd was a coward; thou Would do better, 0, my son, To turn towards Beowulf thy prow, And then follow, follow on. Go thou rolling, go sea -hiking, Roaming, roving like a Viking. "Pear not, son! Be mot like I; Go thou to the sea and die; Die in battle or at sea, But—remember Fiamberd, me.° Then the Norseman breathed his last; Fell upon his couch and died; And Mirand forgot his past, Tried :) rouse his mother's pride, All his hamlet kept the advice Of old Flemberd to his son, Turned their prows to Beowulf, And .then followed ,on and on. And Mirand cried anon, sea -hiking: "Now I'ut dying like a Viking•" India and the Empire Bombay. Times of India: The notion that India would by•givtug preference to some other part of the Empire merely be doing a•good turn to Some- one whp perhaps never did her a good turn is fallacious. The Empire is a cellection.of nations held together not only by ,sentiment but by considera- tions of their own advantage. That is how India should regard her position as an integral part of it. Directly she* does so she, will perceive how friendly Mistimes bargaining between her and other Dominions is a matter to be re- garded both directly and indirectly in her interest because it is in the in- terest • of the British League 'of • Na• tions whoa° strength' and her's are bound up together. Take a spoonful in water and your unhappy condition will probably end in five minutes. Then. yob. will always know what to do, Crude and harmful methods will never appeal to yen. Go. prove this for your, 0wa salvo, It may save a great many disagreeable hours. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi clans for 50 years iu correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full direc- tions—any drugstore. • High School. Boards and Boards of Education Aro authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Eduoatlon DAY AND EVENING CLASSES • may be conducted In accordance with the regulations issued by the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION Is given In varlbus trades. The sohools and classes are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should be made to the Principal. of the school. COMMERCIAL. SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, OISLD R CULTURE AND HORTICULTUREprovided SCIbn o AND AO I Por In the Coarses of study in Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational: Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations Issued by the Minister of Education may be. obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament t3ulldifgs, Toronto. 1 then add, `Until Campers Carry Minard's. Wo Meet Again." They had to Blake skirts longer 01' they wouldn't have been skirts any longer. You"ve probably noticed that all the 'bargains are in things you neither need nor want, . Tough little Frank was visiting a isoa.) .0. 67 seacoast town and one day on the beach an old salt said kindly: "Theses here are fish. nets. Know how we, make them?" Frank—Sura, easy. You just take a lot 01 holes and sew them together." General Smuts Sydney Bulletin The cables report that General Smuts, the 'ex -Premier of South Africa, is mentioned as a prob- able Governor-General of Australia, If any' such idea ie really entertained, it -should be dropped at once... , Much as we might desire to oblige South Africa, our ,first duty is to preserve the reepeet in which the office of, Governor-General is held in Australia: . and to do that there must be no sue- picion.of partnerehip in any holder' of it, General Smuts, coming' to Aus- tralia, might forget that he ever was' a partisan. But others will not forget it,; and thereby irreparable damage may be' done to the high regard iu which the ofttce Should be held and thus far0has been held. —.. -0,--, Forgetfulness Stranger than remembering, Stranger' is forget1Uluess, Softeningand making less Every sharp and precious thing. If the rebel thirst had bursted After springs too beautiful, Imperceptibly it learned }IoW' to drink the bitter pool, If there is ;a room' that trust Not be entered, any 'm010, Comes tito soft and gradual dust Drifting .down behind the doors. ` Surer than remetnb'erieg, Surer is forgetfulness Shuts the window lit tiro spring, IaYs away the oit'Ver 'dress. I t t' , Ie1 ClY 1 iu tto Loudon 1\ Ellen Stinson Our present-day custom of throwing rice over the happy wedded pair as thas and wife comes down to ey leave the bride's ns f omaan the Persian. Rice, the emblem of fruitful- ness, has played an important role in Persian marriage ceremonies from Americans and Gandhi 1 Calcutta Englishman: There is one type of mind in the 'United States which is much given to what may be termed experiments in religion. These people are always ready to welcome any new prophet and to take an in- terest in unfamiliar beliefs. oT them Mr. Gandhi, as an ascetic and a preacher of unusual doctrines, natural- ly 'makes a strong appeal. Then, there is another class of Americans, imbued with anti-British instincts,' who are. only too ready to accept the mislead- ing accounts of British rule broadcast by certain interested publicists. Oa the other hand, there are many intelli- gent Americans who ,so tar from ex- pressing antipathy to Great Britain trankly recognize the great services she has rendered in India and else- where, 'Base11 7io ;.? Baseball players use Minard's. for stiffness, strained ligaments and braises. They also recom- mend it as a rubdown. Il tinard',s Checks Faliing Hair, Inching Ends i o 11 EVRInlaitS Mad eczema for months. Single application of Soothe -Salva' ended itch and burn in t minute. 1 bog ended disease for flood," Jane Paula. 'Soothe -SOW ends Eczema qui cketime wItchap� u ISSUE No. 20—'30 APPLICATIONS • Ara Filled As Far As Possible In the Order In Which They Are Received. Far "Gained 15 lbs. tak- ing Ironizod Yeast. Was always ashamed to, wear bathing suit but uoty I eau and not feel too skinny." - 11ulah Lanniugltam. Thousands 15 lbs. rite of 5 to w gaited bit 3 weeks with lronieed. Yeast. Bony limbs round out. Ugly hollows fill in. Blemished skin gets clear and rosy like ragic. Nervous- ness, indigestion, constipation disap- pear. overnight. Sound sleep. New health and pep front very first day. Two great tonics in one --special weight -building Malt Yeast and strengthening Iron, Pleasant little tablets. Far stronger than unmedi- cated yeast. Results in t%, time. So quit being ashamed of "skinui- nese," sallow skin, Got Iroa:zed Yeast fro u druggist today. Peel' great tomorrow, Money back from maaufactu •er if • not delighted with quick results, BICYCLED/ ROAMS Best rnade.lowest cest, . i,..�� 110 up. aid. W 0I•- '� talion paid. Write �l lt'or Tree catalogue. ai- xx�ii ice' a :td aatulot;uc. Bf- ,I la �rAv6 cycies,supplios,tt u-hotesaiC price5.. PEERLESS EIOYf'LE wo73,80 1914-5 Duudae Street West, Toronto APPLICATIONS Offering Annual ONTARIO Work Are DEPARTMENT Invariably OF AGRICULTURE Given the Preference. Help Supplied The Colonization and Immigration Branch of the Department of Agriculture for Ontario will have available a number of Experienced Married Men With Their' Wives and Families—Married Couples Without Children— Also Bingle Men. advisors requiring -help nen advidad to makete early application to Geo. A. Elliott )treater of Colonization ParlOraliamentlte, Ont, 131,108., T Filo Your Application at Once Alt Men Placed Subject to Trial Period HON. JOHN 9, MARTIN, Minister of Agriculture Babies • There are times when a baby is, too fretful or feverish to be sung • toltaleep. There arepains ut mother cannot pat t there's no tune when any baby can't have the quick comfort of Castoria 1 A few drops, and your little one is soon at ease -back to sleep ahnbst before -you can stip'away. Remember thisharmless, pure vegetable preparation when chil- dren are ag ailing. Don't stop its use when Baby has been brought safely through the age of Colic, A Different Woman "1 have great pleasure in,infonninp son that Srusehen Salle have worked wonders. for me. I have been a great sufferer of liver and kidnep trouble. and after truing one bottle 1 am a different woman. 1 had to glee up my work, but thanks to IInuehe, Salts 1 an; bark at work aaain, and R+r0 ipg Bon a tittle 00007/ ,nnrnlnp, ear oI the tiftl0 contpinintt pier whish a, chit. Madras tete. IIs 1,t happier `nod brighter. 1 have 0,110804 a snap -shot o) amt and id!. 1 am 43 years, boy 6 years. i shall nitonp$ 01,p070 Tnonmetal Krusehen, and I mould not eWhoa t Nam myself in a h+Odgio-Dim) ai letter en ate for rn.pedloo. ltrunchcn Salta Is obtainable at drug and department mons In Canada at 760, a bottle. A bottle contains enough to Inst for 4 or 5 months -menl health for halt -a -cent a day. diarrhea, and other htfantile ills. Give good old Castoria until your children are in their teens! Whenever coated tongues tell of constipation; whenever there's any sign of sluggishness that needs no stronger medicines to relieve. Castoria is pleasant -tast- ing; • cit Buy children love o take it. B I. the genuine—with Chas, Fletcher's signature 'on wrapper. ' "My daughter Catherine is fifteen years old. She was very irregular, often sick at her stomach and had to stay in bed two or three days at a time. One of your booklets was sent to us by mail so I got her a bottle of Vegetable Com. pound. Catherine has been taking it regularly and she is gaining in weight and every way. I told the neighbors anda w fe, with good re alts ur other girls are Mrs•1Clar- ence Jenkinson, Box 14, Thorn- tae, Ontario,