HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-05-15, Page 2.tsr•:_. Clinton News -Record CLINTON, ONTARIO °lerms•of Subscription -$2.00 per year in advance, to ,Canadian. addresses; 02.50 to the 1),S. or ether foreign countries. 'Nc paper diecontinned' until all arrears are paid• unless at ,the o,tipn-?of• the publisher.. Tire date to which every subscription le paid is denoted on -the tattel, Advertising Pates= -Transient" adSer- rising, 12c per count line for 'first insertion Se for each subsequent insertion Heading counts 2 lines, Small advertisements, not to exceed one inch, such as "Wanted" "Lost", eetrayed,'.' etc inserted once ter $ab, each tubes' eadent.-lnsertiaft".i5n;l ,A.dverfieemente sent in without int • styes ionsas to the number of Ip• sertto, s wanted wilt AID until order- ed niit• and will be Charged. accord- ?ngly Rates•for display advertising) made known on application. Communications intended tor, pub• lic:atibh• must, as a guarantee of. good fafth.•hQ accompanied by the name hof the writer, 5.;HALL., , M. R. CLARK, ,Proprietor. 17diter,', M. D. MeTACCART Banker A :general Banking Business tianslacted Notes, Diseounted. Drafts issued.. Interest: Allow ed•on Deposits. Sale Notes Pur chased. .H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer Financial, heal Estate and Fire In - morello Agent. n-euranoe;Agent. Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies. Division .ourt Office. Clinton. W, ERYDONE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office: SLOAN BLOCK . CLINTON CHARLES B. HALE Conveyancer, Notary Public, Com- missioner, etc. • (Office over J. 12, Haley's Drug Store) DR. J. C. GA?4DIER Office Flours: —1,30 to 3.30 pan„ 0.30 to 8,00 pm., Sundays, 12.80 to 1.30 p,pt, Other hours by'appointntent only, Office and Residence — Victoria St. DR. FRED G. TFIOMPSON Office and Residence: Ontario Street — Clinton, Ont. One door west of Anglican Church. • Phone 172 Eyes Ex -imine.,. and Glasses Fitted DR. PERCIVAL HEARN Office and Residence: Huron Street -- Clinton, Ont. Phone 69 (Formerly occupied by the late Dr. C. W. Thompson). Eyes Examined and Glaser Fitted. DR. H. A. 1VICINTYRE DENTIST Office FIours: 9 to 12 a.n1. and 1 to 5 p,m, except Tuesdays and Wednes- days. Office over Canadian National Express, Clinton, Ont. Phone 21 DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST Clinton, Ont.. Graduate of O,C.D.S. Chicago, and HAAS.. Toronto. Crown and Plate Work a Specialty. D. H. MCINNES CHIROPRACTOR Electro Therapist Masseur Office: Huron St, Frew doors west of Royal tSanlc). flours—Tues„ Thurs. and Sat„ all dnY. Other hours by appointment.OtIeitsatt Wed, and forenoons. Orfle—io, . and Eday afternoons, Phone 207. CONSULTING E&GINEEIEt S. W. Archibald, B.A'St., (Tor.), O.L.S., Registered 'Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institu:;e of Can- ada. Office, Seaforth, Ontario. GEORGE,ELLLi.IOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Coi'Pesponclence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements eau be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed, B. R. HIGGINS Clinton, Ont. General Fire Lind Life Insurance Agent for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock, Automobile and Sickness and Accident Insurance, Huron and .Erie and Cana- da Trust Boucle. Appointments made , to meet parties at Benefield, Varna and Bayfield, -'Phone 57, THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Oht. President, . James Isvans, Beechwood. Ylee-president, JatnesConnolly,Gadericlt, Dl:ootdrst James Shou]dlco, 'Walton; Wm..Rinn, Buffett; Robt. Ferris, Bul- • lett; . James 13enneweis, I3roadhagen; • John Pepper, Bruceneld; A, Broadtoot, Seaforth G. P. lifcoartnoy, Seaforth. Agents: W. J. Yeo,.n.R. N 2, Clinton; John Murray, Seaforth; James Watt, B1Yth; 125. 121nohley, Seaforth. Secretary and Treasurer: D, F. 119te- Gregor, keafortlt. Any money to bo paid may bo paid to ]Kol,rish Clothing Co., Clinton, or at Galvin Curtis Grocery, Goderloh. Parties desiring to effect insurance or transact other business will be promptly att..nded to on application to any.ot the above officere addressed to 3heir reapea Live post offices. Losses Inspected •by the Director Who Ilves•nearest the scone` , SAME FUWWOU• SAS QUALITY AT ALL C3 N ,..,r ALL ®CE Y STORES taste"Ell' akeesentexL'R,&__YY.i.stiY,se rues•-: iftevitrANESEIMG EN Shtard Washbu i Child) _ 1 _ x �.3 BEGIN HERE marks? He found the mouth choked "Stay away Prom iter or yon will dis- appear hire the ethers," Vetat' Dewolre is warned in regard to pretty flren.t Set. 0085, but Peter and Brena tall in love, arena tells him her story: When but a girl In Dallas, Texas, she tourney to tit. Louls to marry Dick 'Hennepin, Otto be does not meet her. She returns and mat'- t'1e Compton Parmalee, Hennent:es rich employer, Parmalee Is obsess° 1 by a feat' that he Is being Pcllov4l and lie, too vanishes front her life, e t +voila their proceeds to unravel 'te mystery. Re finds that Hennepin has blackmailed Parmelee and that ihu•mol ie has drop, "d him to an ancient Aateo •sty an•t lett Ithn to dlo of thirst. Torn hiunlal by feM' that Hennepin might still tie rile, Par- maleo returned, "Re is here" Peter tells Brena, :b * * * * "He is here," Peter repeated. "Do you understand?" "I—understand!" said Brena, "Then come with ate," Peter said, holding out his hands. "I will show you all that remains—the record—the etory written on the sand and dust." He led her again toward the char- red bones; he found no resistance in ter. "Look there, flrena. Do you see the footprints? Here are yours and aline. But look again on the sand. There are others, too A thin veii•of dust is over thein. They move here and there; they criss-cross and move away. They ave the footprints of Coneptom Parmelee. He has conte to stand gazing down at the white skeleton—white as oyster shells.» "Blackened," she said. "We'tl" Peter said. "There art the spats where he stood looking down. He had his answer; no living Jan Henne- pin would ever fill hint with lead! And as he stood, Brena, perhaps gazing down for a long, long time ---because Ms footsteps are lost in that stew of impressions—he was fillets with all the concentrated terror that I suppose only a murderer can know. He went into a crazy, wild panic of fear, These bones were him—the grinning skull. They must be hidden." "How do you know all this?" "Because he has moved •,cvrt;rd this old well. . He reached the stone well curb. He sprang up Do you see the Alertness scores everywhere. Wrigley's creates pep and en+ ergy and keeps you alert. A 5Ii package may save • you from goingtgsleep at the wheel of your car. Makes pep 04. TIME TABLE Trains will alive at and depart • from Clinton as follows; Buffalo and Godertch Div. Going East, depart 6.44 a.m. 2.50 p.m, Going Weat„ar. 11.50 a.m. ar 6.08 de. 0.43, p.m. •' ” ar. 10.81 p.m. London, t•luron & Bruce (Ding South, ar. 7.40 dp. 7.40 a.m. n I. r, 4,08 p.m. Going North, depart 6.42 p.m. 't !' ar. 11,40 dp. 11.58 a.m. ISSUE, No. 20-430 with massive blocks. Nothing could be hidden there! His tracks moved back." "Go on," said Brena. "Now he goes running out along the walls searching for something: Look! Here! He ran out along the base of the wall searching." n "For what?" "For bits of wood—for anything that would burn --for fuel. He must have for Hennepin a funeral gyre! He has been crazy by fear again. But he finds nothing, Braila. There is no wood here, no paper, no grass. There's nothing but sand and stone. Nothing that will burn. Nothing within a half a hundred smiles, Like Hernepin, he, too, note screams and the scream comes back from the cliff with a terrible mockery." • "But ho did fiat fuel, Peter," she said, "He must have founts some- thing." "Yes, he found something that would ds --not very wet, as we can see. He had hoped for tetter results than he g n, Colne." On the way toward the gate of the fortification walls Peter stopped and kicked at a blackened spot on'the sand, He said laconically, "Their fire, Where s'ven years ago they ate their last supper together—the vanished men." They went outside and Peters eyes were upon that which he had seen before. He dropped behind her and turned her body so that lie faced toward the bend in the southern end of the forti- fication wall. '"There!" said he: "You -did not see it as' We "ttrove in:" Standing on lie -desert, like a rag- ged 'unkempt itnpfopriety, Was ethe ruin of a touring cat. All +hat was *left of:its top wee' hanging in. wispy strips op the metal: frame, its paint and varnish almost,R'one, the ;tir'es.had hardened .and crumbled on the wheels, shreds .of :dry rotted leather dangled from the cushions..It.had turned its back upon Pueblp, IVlese'alero, as if it had wanted to,' go away but could not find, the :strength:, ' "He carne in :that, Peter?" Brena asked: Yes" "But never got it ' away ! Did, he kfI! .himself?" "No," Peter answered. "A,great ab- stract juetiee—a great equity from which there was no appea—sat in trial of him .here. I tell' you, Brena,' the tLing is of magnificent awe-inspiring .dignity! It's a tremendous' thing -an Unforgettable majesty of inexorable dealing out of sentences. The place of his crime was -the scene othis trial, 'tis conviction and sentence. Ile died as Hennepin had ,died -of thirst," Brena started co speak. "No, not yet," Peter said. "As Hen- nepin •had suffered, so he -suffered,. More, perhaps, because ,dn his ear•- just as we have—he had a two days' supply of water,. •Do. you 'see .that black thing, out there on the•desert? It is a metal container for water. Par- melee .was so crazed that he had tried to drag it along with Mini on a hope- less journey through the sand. When he lostatope after many miles he drag- ged it back,, tapping its contents to wet his .cracking lips -until the last drop was gone. - His foot -prints are still there wherever the sand is deep in the bottom of small depressions." "But the ,ear?" she asked. "What happened to the ear?" "The car ,was all right," replied Peter. `.'Colne•this way. Don't go in feent of it. Look behind it -the tracks it had . made from the enclosure en- trance. But 'here it stopped. 'Oh, I tell you, it is a thing of stateliness-- as tateliness—as if some great and had conte down." Brena stared at him in open-eyed wonderment. "He was the instrument of justice n Peter . he :•li `self al wentm o "A man who would save his life lost it. The madness of fear brought all that he had to fear—and more." He paused. "Brena, I will tell you," he said in a hushed, awed voice. "The man was mad, irresponsible, without power to reason! He was in a panic of fear. He wanted to hide his crime at any cost! He bad nlled his gasoline tank for the return journey. Look!" Peter pointed to the hole in the back of the car into which the gasoline is poured. Thecrew caphad e. s gam A bent copper pipe still dangled out of that bole. "He wanted a hatful of gasoline. That was the fuel, Brena—the fuel to btrn the remains of Jim Hennepin." He wet his lips. "He used a• siphon. This bent cop - pet pipe taken from his tool chest—a spare length of oil feed pipet And with that he filled his hat and ran back," Peter looked up into the sky. He continued quietly. "But the 'siphon ran on. He had forgotten it! . It ran on with its little stream saturating the sand until the tank was empty and the heat of the clay was evaporating t}.e last drops at the bottom. Parmelee had condemner] himself to death! He had lost the fuel he had put in for the return journey!" Brena pressed her lips tightly to- gether and for Matey moments looked into the g+'eat fanlike spread of the. sunset. Then suddenly she turned toward the car and took several steps. "No" said Peter firmly. "You mustih" "I must know, Peter, beyond a sha- dow of a doubt" "He is there—nothing for you to see, dear..He must have had the de- lusion at last. that be ceel:l drive the Skull on Side of Rock Commemorates' ``Soapy" Snaith "SCARY" Smith was a tough. guy. He shot nlsat for t to fen of it and rob- bed then` when there was nothing. better to do. He had a trick of appearing to wrap a cake of soap in afire dollarbill .and selling it to a gullible cus- $mer for a few cents.. Because. of that they called him "soapy" up in Skag- ay in the gold rush clays of '98, But "Soapy" was too tough and too slippery even for.the rough treater of the north. One day he was a bit slow on the draw. I3e was Shot and killed and buried with his antagonist, whom ,he had mortally 'wounded, in the little cemetery :adjoining the town. When news of his sudden and long hoped for death arrived the townspeople appar- eptly thought something should be Clone to commemorate the end of a desper- ate career, esper-ate.career•, Someone had said that "Soapy" was as hard as rock. So they painted a skull on a cliff. and ,lettered SoapY's name on it, To -day tourists to Skagway.stand and photograph thisretieof a day that is on more, Alaska and the Yukon are sunny places of green Bill sides and. flowers, of placid lakes and roaring rivers, of great peaks attd sleep valleys when the boats cruise ftp there in, the summer time. This year the service is to be augmented by the 0, S. Prince Henry, of the Canadian National Steamships. The CNS "Prince Rupert" and, the "Prin'ce George,' .of the same line are al- ready known for' their 'comfort -wild seaworthy qualities to the thousands of .toln9sts who each year make' the voyage up the well-known Inside .Passage ' to Prince tnpert and Skageray. Two other, new steamers now betng'bullt . for the Canadian i+iatdonal Pacifle poet Service, the Prince.. Robert anis the Prince David,,will ply between 'Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle. A copy win be "nailed free on request. t ., 14S Not,A� Look boy ihte mark an carry tin. 11 guarantees that Magic contains no ohm or any ether harry/ill ingredient. MAGI;' BAKING POVP" DE, ^` never varies Its uniform leavening qualities give the same satin- factory results withevery baking. 3 out of every 4,Ganadidn .housewives,* who bake at home, say they use it because it does' give consistent, Letter baking results. - lf you bake at horde, the New Magic' Cook Book will furnish you • with dozens of attractive baking suggestions. , - Try this Recipe for Muffins 1 tablespoon baiter 3 teaspoons Magic 2 tablespoons sugar , Baking Powder 2 eggs , a. teaspoon salt 2f cups flour 1 cup sweet milk Cream butter and sugar. Add ,eggs one by one, beat well. Sift dry ingredients together and add to first mixture alter- nately with milk. if batter not stiff enough, afid a'little more flour. Put in well-greasedmuffin pans and bake for 20.minutes in a quick oven. *This fact was revealed in a recent Dominion wide investigation. STANDARD BRANDS LIMITED GILLETT PRODUCTS car. He s them. -at the wheel—f.tilen forward. And co - t--" She locked op '"And so—to be sure—I took the watch—a gold one—this one. 'Is it hie." "Yes, it is—his, Peter." He looked clown at it a moment; then tossed it into the sand as one tosses aside a poisonous fungus. "Peter." . "Yea." "We musr.'t let this go with us when we go—following us away. We must leave them both—here" - . She took his hand. "I am sure. For myself I can an- swer. I know the desert has served some great Will. The bookis closed." They slept upon one great square blanket spread no the open desert be- neath the stars while the pale moon moved on its great silver are across the heavens. Now the morning come over the desert's edge with a host of golden lances. Brena awoke, sat up, unbraid- ed her hair and toosed it loose with her fingers. As she threw out her Rhevmiis Quick relief from rheumatic pains without harm; To relieve the worst rheumatic pain is a very simple matter. Aspirin will do it every time! It's something that you can always take. CenuineAspirin tablets are harmless. Look for the Bayer Cross on each tablet. TRADE MARK rl a. The "ower 1 chats Ouarauteed The materials fromwhich Smatth Mowers are made u ihewaytheyatemade guavanlee durable and. satisrkctory service, t. 7hekeenest "uttcryyotto money can buy. Ashler aSmall; Mowerbynano, JAMES SMART PLANT, macrame ole. Wh 'i' b068t 699' airy PalkB SMP Dairy Pails are made of special quality tin with bright polish. There's weight to SMP Dairy Pails Strength to do years of good, honest work. 100% sanitary .... Easy to keep clean: Look for the SMP label of Quality. .90c. to X2.85. t"V arms toward the sun, : so now this Officer—Flag of trues, Excellency. thing within her for the first time His F,xcellency—What do the revolu came forth from its depths to greet a tionists want? Officer --They would dawn of ' its own. And ' I3ecaus° she, like to exchange a couple of generals had found her mate in this ultimate for a can ofcondensed milk. romance, Brena bent over and kissed. Peter's lips. He smiled in his sleep a a: slowly his body moved and his eyes opened. "Where are we going, Peter?" she asked. "Som.where with you," he said, sit- ting up• "Somewhere with you. I suppose well have to be married, dear one. But I feel that we were some- thing more than that a long. long time ago." Brena moved her head up and down in silent assent. She sat with. her hands clasped in her lap, her dark eyes moist, and a calm smile upon her sensitive, flexible tips. For now she knew that he, too, understood the way to the greatest of all the myster'es. (Thr. End.) HARLEY-DAVIDSON THE MASTER MOTORCYCLE Many new features distlagelsh the 1930 models, It Is the most popular motor- cycle made: Sold on easy terms:—one- third Bash, balance weekly or monthly payments. The sport of a thousand toys. Walter Andrews Ltd., Distributors 346 and 352 Y'onge Street, Toronto, Ont. 161 suing St.'Wost, Hamilton, out. You've never 0 3 tasted �_ tt (Ades s just like 'hri i BUTTER_ CRISP CHOCOLATE CRISP GINGER, CRISP Co i ides You can't imagine more delicious Cookies than Christie's Cookies . . . so crisp and crunchy ... such enticing flavors ... keep a supply on hand always . . for 'tween-meal and meal- time appetites. 45 delicious Cookies in each package. Add To Your Summer Home Enjoyment With a Cruisaboutl to Ric argon 93 Cnhisgbouts' Sales and Service by T. B. F. ;ENSON, N.A. 371 Bay Street Toronto, Ont. gent FisHINti, swim- ming, fast ferry, clay boating or moonlight cruising, the Crulsabout has no ental for Joy. giving, health and naiad- ness on the laughing. rippling waters. This. Crulsabout, 20' long, s' 10" beam and 2' 0" draft, Is a big, burly, quality built,' 13-mils- an,ltolir rttnabntlt with dependable 110.5I.P, GreY Marino motor. The 17' cockpit is ample for any party. The atnall bow "obit has toilet and tote fir hanging spade for -inches, bathing suits, gel` bags and fishing tackle. This Day Crulsabout i prided at 03,686 at foe+ tory) and her sister -Mpg aro illustrated In Our catalogue. %Vette ',- it. Your pride prompts you tortkeep your hair well groomed... then for the same reason stnartexn your dull, unpolished) shoes ]regularly with a glossy ".Nuggets' shine waterproofs the shoes as it polishes. SHOS° lbi (�j8¢ 14U6GET 11N cilem e .: ' a tomer