HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-05-08, Page 8asseasoniniassamossamenaen !t CLINTON'S LEADING JEW.ZeIalERY STORE ,GIVE °`HER" A GIFT on MOTHER'S.'r} AY A beautiful and wide assortment of Fine Quality Jewelry specially priced for ' }Vfother's Day—Come in; and see • how in- expensively you cangive her jewelry. ,•`. A neW gain of Spectacles or' some -beau tiful China. .4 .1 .; JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Next Hovey's Drug Store. " Jeweller and Opticitir THE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1930 CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCERY Mothers s ty els Sun ay , May i•T plenty."., of Roses Stars, ,Sunsets, Spine B.ainbows, brother g 8 d sisters, '.:cousins and ruin s, but only one' mother. ' It's'the'thcught of her that-. Mlother ,craves and ypynr remembrance of her can be fittingly and well ex- 'pressed by.,,sendi21$4 leer a Greeting, Card. She mans d ted be re your SChoughts but; NLot'her'g' DaY is • Set 'a part that she may be Tevered and glorified. Send a Greet/4,Card to Mother; on 145ther's Dayv'ad it will 41.0t beiinerely "a card" A -3411 -be re- eerWed as a message, a token,' a fit symbol of a loving thought of moth - 01'11 MEN DON'T MISS THIS BIO:;'.EVE Here in something, you .cannot afford to miss. J ON THURSDAY, MAY 15th: Mr. A. Z. Garner, head" :off' se representative of Tip Top Tailors, Limited, will he at our store and viol} personally measure every man ordering a suit or top -Coat that day. He will -also give you expert advice on choice of fa)irics and on s'fyles. This is an exceptional• oppo> 'uy ni for every man in Clinton and vicinity to secure ...extraordin4y'high. quality personal service along with the great'vtlue which Tip' Top Clothes 'fer 'tt 'la tines HAVE YOUR SPRING SUIT OR. COAT TAIRORED TO YOUR"' INDIVIDUAL MEASURE FOR ONLY $241 - WONDERFUL VALUE. WONDERFUL SERVICE. Fine, all -wool materi s from the largest mills in the British • Empire—Choice of over' thrhe• hundred fabrics -Designing 'and styli . ing by master' craftsmen—high grade tailoring—and an absolute, guarantee—Tip Top_,Clothes represent the finest clothing value for your money you can secure anywhere. Our new Spring line which we are now showing includes all the new light shades, and patterns for Spring and Sumner wear n both suits and topcoats., Make it a point to•be here on AY 15TH ONE PRICE, $24.00, TO MEASURE P1umstee1—Bros. SAVE ON YOUR -GROCERIES he thriftiest Housewives trade here regularly, because they know they always -receive quality goods. INEAPPLES. HEAD LETTUCE, CARROTS, BANANAS, ORANGES, GRAREFRUIT UTCH SET ONIONS, PER LB 15c ULTIPLIER ONIONS, PER LB, 10c The C. 8 S. Grocers QUALITY PHONE 125 SERVICl7 ',Paper Day Is --Any Day Now I .Paper -in respect to uniting elegance with; utility and blending I, .theuseful vaittt =the agreeable serves as''an exasi 'Ie Af ruitelligent method and• economy i. A• =prison is a house Without.. windows and wall paper. Windows and Wall Paper make a house a home. Bright cheery invig- orating;wall decorations de- much to encourage the enjoyment of home life, their reflected influence tends to ihduee a cheerful disposition and a satisfaetion with surroundings. It is, the 12aekgr.ound for.fill your other furnishings and on that account de- serves your consideration. The 'N. D. Fair Ca. HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE SPECIALLY PRICED When you want to save money you don't have to go to a Bank. Come here and liuv out hardware! Everything just a little lower in price than elsewhere. Sutter & PerdueJ LUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC' WIRING Phone 147w Often the•Cheapest—Always the Best PE �' dlll����lnmm�uminnwi3iop ilnan�Ittlt` _.dory.._ ill lll� 1rJh1�. L t SEND HER CANDY- Sweetest ANDYSweetest way to send your greetings on Mlother's Day is to send Candy. Finest assorted chocolates and bon bons in beautiful' Mother's Day. Boxes—SPecial, I. to commemorate Mother's. Day,. 60c. -' OR -'PHIS WEEK ;SPECIAL CASH AND CARRY COUNTER ' Lau. bot. Stuffed Olives 49c Salada Tea, per 'lb 60c 3 Ib. Lard 50c: L 50c 5 pkgs. Jelly Powder 25c Bananas, per dozen 29c 3 Ib. Shortening I Fancy Marshmallowslb 29c Large juicy. Pineapple 25c Breakfast Bacon, lb. 335c c Eating Figs, pkg. Sc Cape Cod `Biscuits, pkg 25c Old Cheese c FRESH SALMON ' TROUT TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Comfort Soap, 5 bars 25c.: Cream Chocolates, lb. 19c, Maple Creams, lb.: 19c ShelledWalnuts, lb. 49c Corn Meal, 6 lbs, 29c Quaker Corn Flakes 3-27c Fancy Rice 2 lb. 19c Red Salmon, 3 tins $1.00 jg:. P1I1C&LPPI e and Snar. Weeks 10 lbs Granulated Sugar 51c With 1 dozen large Pineapples Big 'Pineapple Week now on iPicnic Hams 23e Miss Hanna MacKenzie hes returned from Drayton. Miss Verna Rath of' Igly-th'is visiting her aunt, Mrs. S. Kemp'. Mrs. L. Rath is spending a few weeks with her son in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore spent, the week -end in London and Ayl- mer. Mrs. Sorby of Winnipeg is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Higgins. Mr. Eldred Archibald of Montreal 'visited his cousin, Mrs. H. T. Rance last week. , Mr. and Mrs. T. W, Morgan, Miss Jean and Master Bobby spent Sun- day in Hamilton. , Mrs. L. Croe has returned after two weeks' visit with 'friends in Es- sex and Royal Oak. Mr. Fergus Carter of Detroit pelt the week -end with his parents, and Mrs. Wm. Carter. Mrs. J. A. Ford returned the 'begin - ming of the week after spending a week with her son in London. Mrs. Farnham and Miss Rena Pick- ett returned last week from a ten days' visit with Detroit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Wooley and Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Wholey of London spent Sunday with Miss Ruby V. Irwin. Mr. J. G. Medd returned' on Monday evening after spending a -week with his brother, Rev. Dr, Medd at Welland. Mr. and 'Mrs. Gordon Cuninghanre motored to Niagara hallsWeek-end ek end Sat- urday. and spent with relatives near -Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hill and Aus- tin tin Hill of Vancouver, B.C., re expected this week to visit Mr. and Mrs. W, 5, R. Holmes, Miss Jessie Farrier of .the nursing staff , of the Ford 'Hospital,* De- ` :. trot, was a week -end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Israel Taylor of Lon- don spent a ,few days this week nvith relatives ,in town aird vicin- ity. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor recently returned from their usual winter's sojourn in Florida. Mr. F. A. Wiggins, who has been in charge of the local branch of the jGunn, I•;angloia' Co., estterday for To - Good three years lett Good Dates, 2 lb._ 19c Special Black Tea, Ib 5 IPekoe Tea, Ib. . . 65c Maxwell Coffee 60 :Ginger Snaps, 2 lb. .2c I Rolled' Oats, 3 b.• 13c I 3c Soap Flakes, 2 lbs. Gran. Sugar, 10 Ib. _ 56c I $1.FREE •Afternoon Delivery: 2:30 and 5 p.m. N E I Morning Delivery: -9 and 11 a.m. y,00 ORDERS DELIVEREDWhere ., Cash and "Sells for Less" Carry T. r` i Price Prevails Phone 48 IISEPEINIEZEMISMINIBEINCIESP— Seedad Raisins, 2 pkgs 25c 2 Campbells Tom. Soup 25c Ammonia, 4 pkgs. 25c Mullets, 2 pkgs. 23c Corn Starch, 2 pks. 19c 1 (5 lb) pail Syrup 35c Prunes, 2 lbs. 35c Cooking Figs, 2 lbs. 25c ing read and adopted. Dept. of Pub- for Court of Revision another clic Highv Ys statement of subsidy on business.—R. is the report Clerk. S. Township roads for 1929 was preset- I No, Following 4, for the month a ort of S. S. received the trmounting reported arranged in order of merit. Marks having received amounting to $2,- based on Easter tests: Sr. 4th—;Jack Snyder,, 71; Earl Momunua— THERE ARE E MANY REASONS Thousands of housewives daily 'phone the' Superior Cham Stores or their grocery needs. There are many reasons why. They know hat there are over six hundred stores buying -as one—Prices are onsistenly lower. Each store is owned by an expeerienced grocer ho personally sees to the needs of each customer—The highest uality is always assured. There is no walking -no carrying—a all an the 'phone and your needs are delivered promptly or at any et time. Get all the advantages of this better em. PECIA.LS- FOR THURSDAY pure Clover honey, 4 Its. 51e Rll)AY AND SATURDAY Maple Leaf Sockeye Sal- mon, l's, tall 41c aney Blue Rose Rice, 19e 2 lbs. tandard Corn, 2's, Peas 215, 'Tomatoes, 2's, 2 for 29c are Strawberry+ Jam Palacio 40 oz. jar! , Pineapples ate lust right for preserving. Bananas, Oranges, Gi pefruit, Lemons. VEGETABLES Asparagus, Lettuce, Onions, Carrots, ' Cabbage'r'- STOP AND SHOP .AT, Mc NIGHT & SON p'FIO iE YbiJR ORDER EARLY PHONE 111 LINTON, ONT. 8 os. pailb eaph . . Borden's Eagle Condensed • milk, per tin Ivory* Soap Flak8s,, 2 pkgs. 19e Hawe's Lemon (Oil, 12 ,oz. .28e Magid Baking Powder, b oz. 18e 16 oz..•.. - Toflkfy, serve hot dr cold, 8.oz., 33e. l6 or ....53c seedless Raisins 2 lbs. ....23e 'G0000 Gd Roads Association agsin TC - quested a membership fee, fyled. Provincial weed ,inspector wrote giving notipe that a meeting would be held in the near future at which the local weed inspector was expect- ed to attend; the cleric was to notify D. Glidden when the meeting will be. A petition signed by ratepayers of Nos: 9, 10, and 11 schools was pre- sented by Mr. WI. H. Middleton ask- ing for a re -arrangement of those sections and to form a new section from among then; there being no notice cf any meetings having been held for this purpose; there was no action taken. - Supgrintendent's pay Voucher was presented and was ordered paid for $252.88. Tuesday, ltliay 12, was set for the Council to make their annual tour of the township to plan and estimate the work for 1930. The clerk Was instructed to adver- tise Court of Revision at In s- vilie on Monday, May 26th at 0 o'clock a.m. Council then adjourned to meet on Monday, May 26th, at 10 a.m. Williams, 65; Mable Churchill, 53. Jr. 4th—Robin Thompson, 70; Har- ry Thompson, 54; Alvin Lcbb, 47. Jr. 3rd --Joy Lobb, 81; Isabel Oakes, 80; Irene Williams, 79; Billie Williams, 01, 2nd—Margaret Lobb, 85; Mary Thompson, 85; Gertrude Easom, 82; Elwin Merrill, 5&; Donna Lcbb, 46. lst--Ross Merrill, Alfred Butler, Harry Oakes. Beginners—Bernice Lobb, Harry Lobb, Lillian Churchill. —M. E. Heard, teacher. ionto to take over his new duties in the head office of Canada Pack - Attention Ladies! A permanent wave of natural beauty can be acquired by making appointment and calling on the un- dersigned. PRICES 57.50 AND $10.00 Mrs -Agnes., Forrester Phone 212 for appointment. Queen St., Clinton. 65-4•p. CLINTON FLOUR MILLS, '111111h, ASK FOR MADE IN CLINTON BREAD BEST QUALITY FRESH DAILY Also BUNS, ROLLS AND FANCY PASTRY EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE BAKERY . LINE We have just milled a Cr oad of a and feed flour for fattening. as shorts and flour and as good as feed bran for fattening. Come and Mr. and s'.nttrs, A Miss Annie. and 'see it. Mrs Margaret, Southcombe spent GROUND FEED WiiI.EAT the Week enc(. with* the latter's sis- _•- $1.80 FOR 100 LBS. (in buyers bags) TERMS= -CASH ter and brother, Mr. and Miss T. A. W'ashingtoti. • Mr. Wiashingtoa.ae- companied them of t,bO1i return home: Mr. A, (x 411126n of Prince Rupert, • C., was a visitor in town last week. Mr: Hillon, who is a cousin 'of Mrs. John Wlalker, was a resi- dent of Mitchell, leaving there in ather had for the ltt:arbefore and gone 'west ei.g years Riad been employed as surveyor by the C.P.R. Mr. Hilton has been in the newspaper business` in Canada and the United Staten but for some years has been interested in milling. W endorf's Bakery Try a bag of our North Star Flour It is made entirely front No. 1' IVlan- itoba Wheat and we guarantee every bag. $4.05 PER 98 i,il RAG • (:lit all-Gf'ecert) JOHN SCIIOENALS Phone 8 65-1 GO»ERICH T'CWNSIIIP Dr. J. A. "snit NC's. iVilacteod of Brooklyn, KY, visited-' this `week With She To'ner's sister, M"r.s. Robert Pearson Dr. MlaeLeod ohmic to be present at the funeral of pr. Gunn, which took pl'aee in ailto-A on Tues- day'., ear Council met , in Holmesville' on ifonda"y 1 ti•, tinn`tiiitLsof "last meet- MAKERS OF "Whole Wheat" and; "Snowflake" READ COAL & COKE We sell DS;tiW and Famous Reading THE PAINTING SEASON IS AT HAND. Prepare to paint your House, inside or out. See our Color Scheme and use our paint. Anthracite' Coal, Solvay Nut and Furnace Coke, Liberty Range size Coke, Alberta Coal and Millers Credit Soft coal. "' • Our Motto— Good clean fuel • at a ieabonarble, Price. W J. MILLER SI .SDN Orders taken at residence Ontario St. PHONES:. 46W and '4 i Z 1ART1N.SENOUR, 100 per cent. Pure. Be sure to try a can of our Quick-Kate•Enamel in all colors. You will like it. T. • •w f, �a HARDWARE and244PLUMBING Phone '41 1 ti• .`D., li. CAE After the long winter you 'will no doubt: be tired of looking at some of your old Rugs, Linoleums,Oil Clothes, Etc. We have the remedy, the finest and Brightest stock we ever had. Then you may want a New Bed Spring or Mattress; we have them at all prices but we would especially mention the new Spring- filled Marshall Mattress—Real Comfort at $19.50. You will be surprised to know that you can buy a real good looking Bridge Lamp at $3.00. Floor and Table Lamps at $3.50. This is the time for Cedar Chests and Ferneries. A good stock of Baby Carriages, Strollers, Sulkies and Tri- cycles. Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co. Funeral Directors Monument Dealers The Store With a Stock Faitnre Phone 104 Hardware Phone. 195 CURED MEATS Dry Salt Pork P. Mealed Cgtt. Roll Smoked Cott. Roll Smoked -Pie. Hams Smoked Hams TRY OUR COOKED MEATS' H. -made Head Cheese lb. . , 20c Jellied Veal, per Ib. .... Corned Beef, per lb. 30e Macaroni & Cheese Loaf lb35c Valencia Roll, per Ib. 36c English Loaf, per lb. 50e Cooked Ham, per Th.lb. 23c Square Bologna, piece, Ring Bologna, per ib. 25c Smoked Liver Sausage, lb25e Choice Baby Beef at small extra cost 25e 28c 30e 22c 35c Sweet mixed pickles,.pint 268 Bulk Olives, per pint ... VEAL Rib Roast, Ib. 25c. Shoulder Roast, lb. 25e Chuck Rbast, lb. 25c Veal Chops, lb. 80e LAMB' tamli Stews, lb. 220 Shoulder Roast, lb. 280 280 Rib Roasts, lb., Loin Roasts, Ib. 28e 320 Leg- Rbast, lb. 35e Chops ib. . REAL GOOD IIARD 2(0.1b. Pail Lard......,.. $3.15 Connell & Tyndall " CLINTON'S LEADING' MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 I, I t m,dolint/ Enron Street. , ..Now i IS THE TIME T3 PICK YOURWALL PAPER'.. FOR, SPRING - 1 We have over 6001 samples to. choose- £tom' PRICER PROM 8c' TO $2.00 , I Phone 234 and we will call with Sample: Case, a DL.. Aa ' Huron St,, C1iriuo3 Paibter' and' Decorator 1 iSr ql Y.r kf • �lV I 'Aw ill