HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-05-08, Page 7THE CLINTON NEWS.RECOJUJ A Column Prepared Especially': for Women— But Not Forbidden to Men GIVE ME EYES Give me but eyes To know the or that lies In common things;, A pale meth's velvet wings, A fern -fringed ;pool. Green mosses dripping cool.,' The voice of, rain, The clouds:in silver train, Friendship of trees. A meadow loud with bees; To glimpse each glad surprise, Give ,me but 'eyes! Gertrude E. Forth: • If a good faiiyshould; ask me What gift I should like bestowed upon the children I love best in the world, the girls and boys who are going out , into life, I should choose for them after healthy bodies and sound minds, happy dispositions; a readiness to enjoy themselves, 4: take pleasure 'and enjoyment out of tittle common, ev- eryday things of life and to make :the best of every situation. Of course . I know that "divine" discontent'.' is the forerunner of great achievements,often; that the ambit- _ious one cannot always be the "life of the party," because p Y he orh " seas very often o to toe busy to waste precious hours in frivolity. But Ido not mean the -"Pollyanna" sort of good spirits. J Cheerfulness, like wit, is very boring. unless it happens to be spontaneous. ,;But when you. meet . a person who is just cheerful by nat- ure; who ,can see the funny side of a situation even when it is ember - rasing to thein personally, and who takes pleasure in little, casual hap- penings, itis decidedly stimulating. Is Such' ' a disposition a gift of the gods or can it be developed?. Well, I think it may be a gift of the' gods in most cases but it may be that it is• not such a rare gift as one would *$PER NATIONAL PARK the PACIFIC . COAST aid ALASKA Enjoy a low cost trip to the West this Summer. Stop off at Jasper National Park in the Canadian. Rockies. See famous Mount Robson. A thousand beautiful sights. A new thrill ho every mile. Take the Triangle Tour Route via Prince Rupert... with. its 600 mile steamer cruise to Vancouver. To see Alaska requires only afew extra days. A wonderful cruise'.. , amazing experiences. Tours may. be made by various routes. These fares are in effect from May 15, to September 30. es arta;ef' la.n ..ation.al Aek your neuter Canadian National Apcnttor attractive dcacripttve foidcre, beautifully taut. Crated. TO EVERYWHERE IN CANADA Sherlock -Manning Pianos How About meeting Your- self to a PIANO? T. J. MeNEIL Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative Always at Your Service Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton C gs Crca t'oultry WE RECOGNIZE QUALITY and DISTRIBUTE THE CASft ACCORDINGLY at CLINTON CREAMERY, CLINTON PHONE 145 SEAFORTR BRANCH, SEAFORTH PHONE 162 CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON ONTARIO PHONE 190 Gunn, Langlois & Co., Limited HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, QUB: Clothes That L��k m their qustlity and show in ev- ery accurately cut line the good taste and, experience of their designers we make to yotir or- der. You owe it to yourself to look your best on all occasions: Come in and be measured for a suit of our EXCLUSIVE TAILORING: DAVIS & i imagine from a survey of the gloom diseor,0 need, unhappy faces one meets. I imagine some children are robbed of their birthright of a happy disposition by the failure of their parents to bring them up properly. They`,are teased to make them show their "spunk", or they are overin- dulged until they grow discontented' and selfish. The grown-up, be it parent, broth- er, sister or other relative or friend who can help a child to develop oat ,urally and simply; to meet its "trials'' bravely and calmly and wish a laugh, to pee humour where ethers; see only trouble and annoyance; to see beauty where others see only combnonplaces, is doing that child' a favour that will' react to his benefit all the days of his life. Don't tease or irritate chil- dren, keep them serene, and: happy; help them to 'see beauty in every- thing and to enjoy the, ordinary' things of life. By so doing you will be ensuring them happiness and the power to bestow happiness onothers. y, cup macaroni bicken'ii pieces; 2 qts. boiling water; 1 tbsp, salt; 1 extp cheese grated or cut into small pieces. 'Prepare a cream sauce with 2 cups milk, 2 tbsps. butter, 2 tbsps., flours salt and pepper.Cook niaear- oni in rapidly boiling water (salted) 20 minutes or until soft'. Drain and rinse in cold water to prevent stick- ing. Into a buttered baking dish. place :one-half, of the cooked ,macar- oni seasoned with salt and pepper,. one-half of the cream sauce and One- half the cheese Repeat, and put but- tered .crumbs on the top. Bake in a modoraitei oven until thoroughly' heated and' well browned. REBEKAH Anyonewho is interested; in fish as food should look out for the radio talks on fish cookery. Through the. co-operation of the Canadian. National Railways, radio talks on fish cookery are now being broadcast regularlyby the Dominion Fisheries Branch from Station O JEO .at Ottawa. A. talk is given on one morning of each week, and since morning broadcasts fgom CNEO Cov- er all the territory within a radius of 180 miles of Ottawa -wand, indeed, are heard within much wider limits —a very large number of house- wives are reached. Reports reaching the Fisheries Branch indicatethat the eookery talks are being heard with much interest by a good many people. The talks are prepared from material within the Branch and are broadcast by Miss M. E. Campbell, a member of the staff of the 'Branch at Ottawa. Following are two cheese recipes: San.dwieh Filler: An excel- lent, sandwich filler for hot days is spiced cheese. Use cream cheese, soften with cream and add chopped, raisins, nuts and maraschino cher- ries seasoned with cne saltspoon of mixed spices. Macaroni with •C h e o se: I IODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr. A. B. Stephenson of Hyde; Park is spending ' 'a few days " with his nephew, Mr. Arthur'Welsh, .the Bayfield line. - -. Mr. and Mrs. W n. Develin, Mrs. James Ballantyne and bliss Shirley' Doherty'm:otored'from London spend- ing Sunday with Mr. and 14ir�s. O. montR. Welshh.. 1 a eport of S. S. N. 11 fo`r' the of April: 'Br. 4th—Ray PeYdue, 32, Jr. 4th—Lloyd Batkin, 74. Sr. 3rd—Faye Lindsay, 78; John Lindsay, 66; Margaret Farquhar, 51. Jr. 3rd --Madeleine Tyndall, 54; *Olive Pickett, 41; l'Edward Deeves, 39. Jr. 2nd -,-Lorne Tyndall, 83. 1st Class --Jean Vodden, 951; Har- old. Wise, 86; Pearlie 1�IjcGee, 79; Willa Potter; 78; Donna Pickett, 75. Perfect spelling for the month:. jean Vodden. Perfect attendance: Lloyd Batkin, Faye Lindsay, John Lindsay,- Made- leine Tyndall, Lorne Tyndall, Jean Vodden, Harold Wise. Those marked with an asterisk missed one or more examinations. -M. E. Thompson, teacher. BY MEGAPHONE? Lake, who is 65 feet and 7 itches tall succeeded in keeping out of the clutches of the law for over three months, ,although he had been stop- ped and questioned several times.— Chicago American. he Tkl;1J RSDAY, - MAY 8, 1936 Grams i, . ce an Ot from Huge Gu s T make them twice as delicious . twice as digestible How exploding 125 million food , ' ells makes Puffed Wheat and Puffed - Rice as nourishing as hot cooked cereals. AVE you` tasted this utterly different kind of cereal ... Puffed Wheat and' Puffed Rice . the crispest, crunchiest cereal on the market today? ' Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice are different because they're made differently. Choice full -flavored grains of wheat and rice are sealed in huge bronze guns. Then revolved in fiery ovens. This expands the, natural mois- ture in the millions of tiny food cells. Then the guns are fired. Causing 125 million explosions in everygrain. Every tiny food cell is blasted open. The grains are made as completely digestible as though they had been cooked for hours. Hence Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice are virtually as nourishing as hot cooked cereals. These grains "shot from guns" become 8 rinses normal size. They have all the buttery crispness of fresh toast. They taste like sweet new nut -meats. Never before was rich grain nourishment made so delectably good to eat. Order Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice from your grocer today. The Quaker Oats Company. QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT AND PUFFED RISCE APPEARANCE PERFORMANCE COMFORT VALUE Durant, Four Cylinder, Standard Sedan Modal "4.07" A Striking Example Modern Car Building THE new- ultra modern Durant "Four" steps to the front to maintain the Durant reputation for sincerity in appearance, performance, com- fort and value in the four cylinder held. You will be proud of its appearance, its size and roominess . you will be proud of its performance produced by the new andlarger motor you will appreciate the comfort of its wide doors, its finely upholstered cushions and proud of its chassis and spring construction that makes riding so pleasurable .. . . . you will marvel at the value offered in this new Durant ` 1'ou: a" Go now to your Durant dealer for details which he will supply without obligation! DURANT .MOTORS of CANADA LIMITED TORONTO (LEASIDE) - CANADA Rugby Trucks, Fours and Sites-1/2.ton and 1 -ton capacities A ansemannwasesailieweseiresseavelm IMIOISMOOMEARIVORFONSONEWSWOMMIS