HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-05-08, Page 5•_THURSD.AY, KAY 8, 930 THE Clv NTON-NEWie RECORD The Fariner ON most farms the money from the poultry, the dairy or the garden belongs to the farmer's wife, but unless she has a bank account the money soon goes. Every farmer's wife should have a bank account; there are .so many things to save for—things for the home --a holiday trip-- • or the proverbial rainy day, 'A few hundred dollars in the banks will give you a wonderful feeling of security and independence; YOV WILL LIRE BANKING AT THE ROYAL . The Royal Bank .of Canada Clinton Branch - - R. E. Manning, Manager 996 F933 'OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME A summer election seems now as- cured. * * * * But what we're lather expecting some opposition member to rise and remark is, that it is a tea-grannie's budget. Did "you see the fine display of :.Northern Lights on Sunday night: .It was a splendid spectacle between 'ten o'clock ante, midnight. Wks have lead several displays recently. Howe do you like the first Dunning ' budget? Probably something de. • pends upon where you sit. Those 'free traders are something like the •socialists, their bark is worse than "their bite. Anyway, it is not exactly a free trade budget, s •Y * * In the passing of Milian Gunn, • 1VI.D., Clinton loses its most eminent, its best known and, we do not fear to say, its most beloved citizen, For over two -score years he had gone in and out of the homes of the people of this town and vicinity, the homes of wealth and comfort and those of poverty and deprivation, on terms of intimacy and friendship, and was •equally at home, equally helpful and welcome in each. His skill brought help to the sick and suffering, his kindly interest and cheerful presence,. •engendered hopefulness and courage. So gentle, with all Iris skill, so unas- • suming with all his meters, so full of quiet, Scottish humour, so fond of • a witty story over his pipe when , work was finished, it was impossible not to, istce him. Twenty-five years ago, When he was at the height of his success as a surgeon, when he appeared in the gatherings of the members of his profession ho was in- variably cheered, so welI did they recognize his skill and Ms success. But at home he was the kindly, un- derstanding,e unassuming friend of all; the one to whom so many turned 'in times of trouble and who invar- iably sympathized and so often help- ed. 'He was a great man; and we humbly lay this little tribute of words upon his bier, but it would take the pen of an Ian Muleteer to do justice to the memory of William 'Gunn. WHEN MIGHT BEATS RIGHT Wrecked Motorist (*ring his eyes) "I had the right of way, didn't IIIULLETT TOWNSHIP Mr, and Mrs, H. B; Fife of Toron- to spent Sunday with the latter's brother, 'Mr. Robert Caldwell. TUCKERSMITH The barn of Mr. John Ashton was burned early last Friday morning in the severe electric storm. • CONSTANCE Mr. and X'its. Wm. Ament of Sea - forth visited at the home of Mr. and lWrs. Joe Ailey, Jr., on Sunday. The marriage was solmenized at Walton on Wednesday of last week of MIs. C. Lowrie and Ma. Andrew Sne11, both of Rullett, They will re- side on the Lowrie farm north east of the village. We extend congratu- lations and wish them many years of .wedded happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Riley and Miss Edythe Riley of Clinton spent Sun- day at the home of IVIr. and Mrs, Geo, Riley. Mrs, W. Logan and Miss Kathleen of Blyth visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Leo Stephenson last week. -Mrs. Joe Riley, Sr., went to Clin- ton on Tuesday of this week where she has accepted a position at the home of Rev. A. A. and Mrs. Holmes. HOLMESVIL.LE Mr, and 11'Brs. Carl Mair and fam- ily of Toronto are visiting the for mer's father, Ma, Geo. Mair, Mr. and Mars. W. C. Jervis spent Sunday with the ratter's parents in Zurich. dlohnesville young people are pot- ting on their play, "Wrecking Ro- bert's Budget," in Victoria street church', IGoderieh, on Friday evening. ;Ilohnesville church is putting on a special program sited Sunday, it be- ing Mothers' Sunday, Mrs. Walter and Mis. Fred Potter were delegates to the W.M.S. Pres- byterial meeting in Seaforth on Wednesday, if Mrs. Buchanan of Toronto visited her aunt, Mrs. A. Jarvis, on Sunday, lefr. Leslie Jervis has bought a 'truck and is drawing milk to Hol- mesville factoree 6.0.4•••••••• HAYFIELD MrBystander "Yeh, but the the ilton and Mss` J. Stewart of Ham- a r lton spent the week -end with the fellow had a truck." --Life. ratter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John REMEMBER MOTHER ON MOTHER'S DAY TAKE TO HER, OR SEND FLOWIieRS The Gift Supreme FLOWERS AND FLOWERING PLANTS A LARGE SELECTION AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE WE CAN SEND'. YOUR ORDER AN'YWFIERE IN THE WORLD • FOR MOTHER'S DAY 500 BONDED FLORISTS MEMBERS OF THE FLORIST TELE- GRAPH DELIVERY ASSOCIATION OF WHICH WE • ARE A MEMB'E'R AND CAN GIVE YOU GUARANTEED SERVICE °lie lorist F e ?HONES GREENHOUSE, ORANGE ST. Pollock. !Miss A. L. Gower of Toronto on Monday to be the guest of G. W. Wands, ' Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Neelin ret to the village last week after h spent the winter in Cuba and ids. 8Vl'iss C. A. Parke left on Sal', evening to visit her nephew, ence Parke; in Stanley township Mrs, MacDonald and Mr. B. Donald of. Sarnia spent "the wee with Dr. and Mies. Newtdn-Bra Mr. E. A. Featherston return Saturday evening after having a_ few days with his parents in ilton owing to the ilheess of bis er. Er.. and Ides. Gilbert night babe 'and Mlssi..Doris Gemein motored from Toronto on Thin last, Mr. and . MIs. Knight spending leis week with the la parents, . Mr. C. Falconer returned t village_last week after having the winter at Brucefield. • Mr. and 1Vers. G. Little arrived week from Windsor and are getting settled in their new 'ho • Mr, and efts. F. Rittchie an'd Muriel' of Elmvale motored to village and spent the week -end Mrs. Ritchie's parents, Mr. and Geo: King. On their return to vale on Tuesday they were en parried by Mrs. King who will with them for a couple of Mrs. King's sister and brother, S. and Ni. G. Barr of Londe are visiting with Mr. King during absence. Rtiiss A. McCurdy and Messrs W. and Thos. *Gerdy of Stra on Illonddy to spend summer at the ratter's home sou the village. . Mr. and Mss. Wl. S. Weghtman rived on Monday to spend a weel their summer home 'before goin Detroit. They have just mot from California, via Washington C., where they spent the winter. Mr. and Mrs. W. Westlake, G. W. Woods and Miss Anna motored to Otterville on Tuesday A. great many were present Trinity church on Friday afternoo their last tribute to the Jaynes Sturgeon. The funeral vice was conducted by the Re Rev. F. H. Paull, who took for text of his address, 1 John 5:5, " is he that overcometh the wo he that believeth that Jesus the Son of God?" during the cou of which he pointed to the splen Christian example set by the dee ed both in his daily life and in regular attendance at, church. T pallbearers were: Messrs. Cha and Malcohe Toms; L. H. and W. McLeod, J. Castle and I3. Darr Interment was made in Bayfi cemetery. The many beautiful fl al tributes were a token of the hi esteem in which the deceased held by all. Those from a • distan who attended the funeral were: and Mrs. A. Sturgeon, London, meet Kirk, Whitby, Mrs. Thos. col, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, R. B. aid, Detroit; Mrs. Wm. Knox, To- ta; Mr. and Mrs. J. Sturgeon, Go Bay; Mr. and Mrs. T. De Caw, and Mrs. J. De Caw, St, Thomas; and Mrs, A. Catling, Mr. and s. S. Taylor, Port Stanley, Mr, g. Irwin, St. Iderys. Miss Josephine Stirling who has n in Toronto since .last fall was Ine for the week -end, r. Thornton Mustard and Master I_of Toronto spent the week -end tlieir cottage. • Tr. and Mrs. W. A, Jowett and s Edna Jowett of Port Huron o the guests of err, and Mrs. W. Jewett over the week-eud. iss !Grace Jowett of London was o over Sunday. C. and Mis. Percy Weston are ting the former's parents, MI. MIs. tr. 'Weston, e. J. Catling of Port Stanley t the week -end with his grand - her, Mas. J. Sturgeon. His par - returned to Port Stanley with cu Sunday, ' e W. M. 5, and Ladies Aid Andrew's church suet on Thurs last at the home of Miss Rath In the absence of the presi , Mee Gale, the meeting was con d b the evice-president, Mis enzie. About twenty were pre and ab the close of the meet lunch Was served by the hos- e, Miss Rathweli, Muss Taylor 'Mrs, Taffbot. came MTs. urned aving Plor- urday Glare- • Mae- k -end dee ed on spent Ham - lath. aria am-Fath- arid hardt rsday are tter's o the spent last busy me,. little the with Elm-- corn- visit' lmscorn-visit' week's. Miss sboro her . R. atford the sent of • ar- c at g to ored , D. MIs.' Woods et on to late ser- tor,e the Who orld, is rse did eas- his he Char. J. ow. eld OT - as ce' Mr. Mr Ni Qu son G Me. Mi• Re bee Ito M Nei at Mis wee R. hem 7051 and epee Ino eats him Th St. day well. dent ducte Melfi sent ings terse and i CARD Ole THANKS =, , , , 50e MEMORIAL VERSE PEI5• LINE . „ , , .10c MARRIAGES. 7 AM MAI LIVERMOIIE-- At the resider1ee + or` Rev, A. -A Holmes, 'Clinton, on May Srd, by• the Rev. Mr. Holmes, • Margaret Viola, daughter o1 ' 118. and Mrs. Fred 'Livermore, to Harold Edgar �Lampman, only son of Mae. Ed- ward Johnston, Chatham. • ' BIRTHS $H0BBTt.O0I5:—,In Iiullett township, on April 5th, to Mr. and Mrs, Ii•ow- ard Shobbrcok, a son. WISE—In Clinton Public Hospital, en April 24, to SIr. and Ml's. Whys. W. Wise, Goderioh township, a son.—William Robert George. DEATHS GUNN—In Clinton, on May 3rd, Wil- liam Gunn, MVL.D., in his: 76th year, BAGLER--(In Clinton, on May 4th, Henry C, Bagier. SNYDER—In Colborne township, on May" 3rd, Emma Blake, wife of IloTr. Levi Snyder, aged 64 years. PEFFERS In ,Mornington• township - on April 30th, Walter L, Peffers, formerly of Clinton, ;in his 70th year. RERR—In Brussels, on May 6th, Lottie Jean ''; Brown, wife of J. Leslie Kerr, formerly of Clinton. The funeral takes place from her date home, Brussels, on Friday af- ternoon, May 9th, service at 2.30. delicious lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. and Ma's.- Ben. D. Kaiser called on :friends -in Brucefield on Sunday. Mother's Day and go to Sunday school day will be observed next Sunday, May- llth at the Morning service, A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all the children, 'parents and others. There will be a.'Mothers' choir. The•-speeia'i offering will be devoted to The Ontario Religious Education Council. Mrs, Rev. W. A. Bremner is spend- ing two weeks with a friend in Flint, who is ill.. Rev. W, A. Bremner spent a few days this week at the home of his daughter, .Mrs. Wrest of St. Thomas. Mrs. IVfeQueen of Hensall and Mrs. McTavish of St. Thomas, formes., lBrucefield girls, Misses Margaret and Annie Ross, visited at the home of their nephew, lVl'e•, J. R. Murdock and Mrs. Murdock, last Sunday. CARD. OF THANE'S Mrs, 11. C. Bagier and family wish to extend their sincere 'thanks to their neighbors, friends and the church organizations for the kindness shown them during the, illness of Mr. Bagier, .for sympathy and assis- tance in their bereavement, for flow- ers sent and all courtesies shown. CARD Ole THANKS Mrs. Sturgeon and family wish to thank their many kind friends and relatives for the beautiful floral tri- butes, the friends who loaned their ears, also Ides. Thos. Bailey of the Ritz Hotel and Rev. F. H. Paull for their many kindnesses shown to them in. their recent -bereavement, For Sale Good cow and calf. Apply to A. C. Brandon, Bayfield, Ont. 65-1. Pasture to Rent Prepared to take a number of cattle to pasture. Good grass and spring creek running through. Ape ply to John W. Bayley, R. R. No. 4, Phone 636r5, 65-2-p. , NOTICE TO• CREDITORS In the Estate of John Colborne. Deceased Notice is hereby given that all persons having claelns against the estate of John Colborne, late of the of Township of Goderich, in the County of Heron, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 26th day of Ap- - ri1, AD., 1930, are required to deliver - to William Russell Colborne, the ex - s ecutor of the said estate or his sol- - kites, on or before the 26th day of May, A.D., 1930, a full statement of their claims together, with partiau- lars thereof, and the nature of the securities if held by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last meptioned'date the said executor will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceaseda- mongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as he shall have, received due natiee and in acocrdance therewith. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 6th day of May, A.D., 1930. W. BRYDONE,- Clinton ,Ontario, Solicitor for the said 'estate. 65-3. I3RUCEFIELD The ;Women's Association of Beucefield- United church held their M!ay meeting Thursday afternoon at the home of Mis. Thomas Chap- man. The work period was spent piecing a quilt. Mfrs. W, Stevens took the devotional -part . and the president, Mas. Alex. Eroadfoot, con- ducted the business. There 'were about thirty present. The roll call. was answered with thoughts and suggestions on cheerfulness. etre. James McQueen gave a splendid pa- per entitled "Forty Winks," stress- ing the need and benefit of a.rest af- ter dinner for everyone. Two quilts were presented to Mrb. Thomas Day man, who recently lost their home be' fire. A beautiful wool afghan, which was knit by the ladies,- was shown. Mks. James Thompson invited the, ladies to, her home for the June meeting. The roll call will be pic- nic lunches. Mks. Thomas Daman closed the meeting with prayer. ' A NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Thomas Alexander Greig; Deceased Notice is hereby given that all per- sons- having claims •against the es- tate of Thomas Alexander Greig, late of the town of Clintons in the County of Huron, ,Commercial Trav- eller, deeeaseed, who died on or 'a= bout :the 1711 day of April, A.D. 1930 are requjred to deliver to William Stewart Greig, the administrator of the said estate. or W.Brydone, sol- icitor, on or before the 26th day of May A.D., 1930, a full 'statement of their claims together with particu- lars thereof, and the nature of the securities, if held /ay them all duly. verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said ,last mentioned date the said administrator will proceed to distribute the estate of the said de - ,ceased amongst the persons entitled there to having regard only to such claims as shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. DATED at . °entrn, Ontario, this 0th clay of 14i5U, A.D.. 1930,. W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 65.3. Clinton's New -Laid Egg -And Poultry House Eggs bought according to Domin- ion Government Egg Regulations, Inquire for : Our prices of eggs. You wile always find our prices par - elle' with the city markets. Fat liens and well finished chicks always wanted—Prices good. Always phone our office for prices before marketing produce, N. W.,Tr°ewarthla - Phones—Office, 214j Resideiice, 214w CAR OWNER Start the motoring season "Right" by taking out an auto and personal accident insurance policy,. I can meet your requirements for either private or commercialvehicle cover- age as well as protection for your- self. Having had years et experience. in auto insurance and representing a splendid range of companies, I am hi a position to advise you as to your needs and to provide you the very best of service with•. your insurance. H. E. RORKE Clinton, Ont,, All lines of insurance Sun Life Agency, , Phone 253w 58-tf, SPECIAL 20% off ,Gilson's Electric Wash- ing Machines during the next ten days, .We have a limited number of these machines for quick sale. Call and see them before buying. We positively save you money, W. Glen Cook Fulton St., Clinton Phone 171 64-2-p. Warning Notice Re Corn Borer Act . ALL CORN STUBBLE AND STALKS MUST EITHER BE PLOWED UNDER OR PICKED lip AND BURNED BEFORE THE 201h DAY OF MAY NEXT. OSWALD GINN, INSPECTOR GODERICH, ONT. 63-3. Baby's Carriage For Sale White baby's buggy, reversible gear, new upholstering, all nearly new. Inquire at The News -Record office. 65-2. Boarders Wanted eseccomodation for boarders. Rens- enable rates, Inquire at The News. Record office, 65-2, House For Sale Story and n half frame house, in good repair. Ill -health reason for selling, Mrs. James M?eCmmell, Wellington street. Eggs For Hatching ,Eggs from Silver Dorkings. 4c each. Apply to George Mann, Jr., R. IL No. 4, •Clinton. 'Phone 636 ring 24, Clinton central. 6141. lieork Wanted I am prepared to dig small gar- dens, trim berry or currant bushes, whitewash cellarsand any such light jobs. T. H. Leppington, Clinton. 64-2-p. Guaranteed Baby Chicks Given approved conditions, we guarantee our chicks to be 80 per pent alive and thriving at four weeks of age. Hatched in a modern, steam heated incubator, equipped with air cleaning cabinets. Our prices are right, chicks first-class, Barred Rooks: After IVllay 1st: $16.00 per 100; After May 20th: $15.00 per 100; After June 10th, $14.00 per 100. White Leghorns: After May lst, $14.00 ,per 100; After May 20th,° $13.00 per 100; After • June 10th, $12.00 per 100. One dollar per'•hun- deed off if ordered one month in ad- vance, Also one dollar per hundred off for orders of 500 or over. J. E. MeKinley, Zurich, Ont. Phone, Hen- sall, 97-4. 64-tf. Call On Miss Emma Lavis for all kinds of automobile insurance, _ Phone 189-j. Clinton. 64-6-p. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ruth Graham, Deceased NOTICE is hereby given that all persinns having claims against the estate of, Ruth Graham, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Reason, widow, deceased;, who died on 'or about the 19th day of Feb- ruary, A.D,, 1930, are required to deliver to •the undersigned solicitor for the executrix lof the said estate on or before the 19th Addy of May, A.D., 1930, a full statement of their claims together with n particulars thereof, and thenature oe-the secur- ities, if any, -held by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAI{E • NOTICE that 'after the said Iast mentioned date the., said executrix will proceed to dis- tribute the estate of the •said deceas-,I ed amongst the .,;ersons entitled: thereto having ie0;o°d only to such triotus as she shell have received clue Fiance and in accordance therewith. D.A,TEp eeeeeClineon, Ontario, this. 80th day et -Ave* A,D., 1930 Wt, BRYEitiee • Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said estate,, 64-3. MelelieleMeateeleareetageleteellei Seeds Wm. Hurst GardenPeas 'olden-- Bantam 6th -a Giant White &et Yellow Intermediate Mangil Climax Bug..KIIe Use : t,for your ve ' etahle' "� A rden g , g as we as for your flowers and.shrubs er ardware Co CLINIC TELEPHONE 53 . H. VENNJ.R, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fiatttfre$,and`Bulbs ', • Irons, Fans and other A:Ppliane Wiring and RepairsP, hone to RIIPTURE SPECIALIAT, Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins' Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform- ity. Consultation Free. Call or write, J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Dpwnie St.,. Stratford, Ont. .10-1929. Baby Chicks for Sale Baby chicks front best bred -to lay, free-range flocks, Barred s1oeks: $15 per 100 ' Custom hatching e4 per 100 ' Custom hatching done in individual r' machines. E.I. Trewartha R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 6113:22, Clinton Central 644f. House For Sale 7 -zoom house, hardwood floors in front part oe house, town water and Iights. Garage and chicken pen. Half acre Iot with fruit trees. Ap- ply to John W. Nediger, Clinton, 59-tf, Slabs Now is the time to buy your siabs while they last, E. Ward, Huron street, Clinton, Phone 155. 57-tf, Property For Sale Adjoining town of Clinton on Lon- don Road. Mfrs. We H. Jervis has de- cided to sell her comfortable 6 -room house with good outpuildings, also four acres of land with splendid gar- den, number of apple trees and an abundance of small fruit; hard and soft water, and rural phone. This is a most desirable property with town privileges lied will be sold reasonable for quick sale. For fur- ther particulars apply to Mrs; W, H. Jervis, Rl R. No. 3, Phone 12-611. 6241. Car Insurance For ear insurance call on J. G. Chowen, Postoffice Box, 155, Clin- ton. Phone 52, Clinton. 574f. Pasture To Rent I can take in abort fifteen head of cattle. Good pasture and plenty of water. le. Ml Andrews, Clinton. 63-4, Farm --Sell or Rent Eighty acres of rich and ,produce tive loam; good natetral and areificial drainage; picturesque location. Farm about two miles from Clinton on Baseline. Buildings consist of newly shingled house; large barn; driving sbed also windmill.. 'Considerable bush. Terms one-third purchase down; or full rent in advance. Own- er, 322 South Main Street, Romeo, Michigan. Further %fermatiop, ,W. Brydone, Clinton. 61-14-p,, Farms For Sale Lots 27 and. 29, 9th concession .of Goderich township, consisting " of 160 acres of good slay loam, 131. miles west of Holmesviile, ' Good' buildings, never -failing wells:' Ap- ply to Lewis Proctor, R. R. No. 8, Clinton. Phone 611e2, Clinton cen- tral. 2941. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and "re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms' over Heard's Barber shop. W. J. /ago. 2288-tf. House For Sale Comfortable nine • room house, • Victoria street, Clinton;' Garage and stable. Apply to -S. G, Castle, Clin. ton. 404f. Emslea Chick Farm BARRON STRAIN S. C. WHITE. LEGIIORNS and BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK CHICKS "-'• HATCHING Bogs,—$4.00 ed. • CUSTori, I CST'LSIING STAMINA'; AND BLATCHEORD'S • C,IIIOK FEEDS ittea. ligiel'1113, Clinton 58-tf. Keep arm LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRA ?MINEHEAD ALBERTA SOFT COAL. NUT COKE ""r" DOMESTIC SIZE A., D. McCartne Coal Dealer Queen Street Telepho Eggs and Pou Home on Tuesday and Frida noon to take in Poultry. Eggs handled at residence day—graded by an experience er, for which we pay the market price. Cream purchased for Stillm A. E. Finch Viking Cream Separator Ag Victoria St,, Clinton ' Pho .Implement Age I handle Cockshutt impie and cream separators, Pro Wood Implements and carry and repairs for same. I am also agent for Allis niers Tractors. Those wishing to inquire any of the above kindly call a residence,, - JOHN V. DIEHL, Queen Street, Clinton, McCormick -Deering Agen Having taken over the abo eney for, this district I will k hand a full stock of repairs and of all McCormick -Deering ins and will appreciate a share o patronage of the farmers surd Clinton. Call at my' 'shot, next d Jones' blacksmith shree; King s • W. J. STEWA Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w CiInLoi' 44101118-0( EVEN IN Cm RAIN WALK RIGHT OUT PIN YQ ' ,/�SPRIs4G AT I R • AND HEN CONIC HOM 1� A HEAT F1(S 19 .Spring weather aibh't always we expect of it. We want sun. Wee get rain. We want warmth. We get eo1e Wie want gentle breezes. We howling gales. But even in the caPrieious season, we can. always depel one thing. -•- Heat Folks Melon the bad days come tv always fall bslck'on it and 1 facture otic' indoor weather tr ,ourselves. Don't let your slipply run too 1 -Call the ,•,, for,;, good, cle4A coal ia '5 , COMPAN Pii0�1E 74 CLINT