HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-05-08, Page 2Clinton News -Record CLINTON, ONTARIO Teems of Subscription -$2.00 per year, 4n -advance, t'o Canadian addressee $2:50 td theU,S, or other foreign countries. .No paper :discontinued until all arrears ere ,paid. unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which every stitiseriptlon is paid '(s denoted ion the' label. Advertising :Pates—Tritgstept adver tisIng, 12c per, count dine for first insertion Sc fpr each .'etihseguent. insertion Heading counts 2 lines. Small advertisements, not, to exceed one inch, such as "Wanted, "Lost," ';Strayed," eta, inserted once for 35c, each. •aubse0'uent - insertion -150. Advertisements sent in without In- sUgtrtiois as•. to the'niimhet of in sertin, s wanted w.til ran until order. ed out and will be charged accord • inglyRates for display advertising made known on application, Conirirunieetians intended ror pub•. Mutton must, as a guarantee of good faith. be'•accompanled by the name of the writer. '0 I2. HALL, M, R. CLARI{i Proprietor. Odltor, J . �. McT,V T : gall eek A g enef al Bah lting Business tran;aeted. iStotes . Discounted. Drafts Issued. `interest Allow- ' ed on D?posits. ovale Notes Pur- chased. -H. T. RANCE Notary public, Conveyancer Finarieinl, Real Estate•^and .Fire. In.. sui•tu:cc Agent Representing 14 F,ire Insure nap Compsniee Division ,curt Office. Clinton.. W.BRYDONE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. etc. Office: £LOAN BLOCK CLINTON CHARLES B. HALE Conveyancer, Notary Public, Com- missioner, etc. (Office over .9 E. Raney's Drug Store). DR. J. C. GANDIER Olilee Hours: —1.30 to 3.30 p.m., 6.30 to 8.00 p.m,. Sundays, 12.30 to 1,30 p.m. Other hours by appointment Duly, Offlee and Residence— Victoria St. DR. FRED . G. THOMPSON Office and Residence: Ontario Street — Clinton, Ont, One door west or Anglican Church. Phone 172 ' Eyes•Ex^mines and Glasses Fitted DR. PERCIVAL HEARN Office and Residence: Huron Street -- Clinton, Ont. Phone 69 (Fornieriy uccupled by the tato br. C. W. Thompson). Eyes Examined and Giases Fitted. DR. H. A. MCINTYRE< DENTIST Office flours: 9 to 12 a.nt, and 1 to 5 p.m., except Tuesdays and 1Vednee. days. Office Over Canadian Natlbnal rl$pi•ess, Clinton; Out. Phone 21 DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST Clinton, Ont. Cl•aduate of Chicago, and R.C.D.S.. Toronto. Crown and Plate Works a Specialty. D. H: McdNNES CHIROPRACTOR Electro Therapist Masseur Office: Huron St. MFew doors west of Royal Dank). Lours—Tues., Thurs, and Sat„ all day. ether hours .by appointment. ftensall lienfortitt0Eflee-o\Inn,�tWed, a"d S'rttluy afternoons, mono 2o7. CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W, Archibald, B.A•Sc., . (Tor.), O.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Can- ada. Office, Seaforth, Ontario. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed• Auctioneer for the County of Huron. • 'Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can he made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Charges Moderate and Satistactfon Guaranteed. " ' E. B. R. HIGGINS Clinton, Ont. General fire and Life Insurance Agent for Hartford Wiildetorm, Live Stock, Automobile and Sielmess and Accidetat ]nsnrance,.lItiron and Brie and Cana- da Trust Bonds. Appointments made to meet -parties at 13R:colloid, Varna and Bayfield, 'Phon'e 57. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. Vice-president, esC nnolly, Beechwood. Direotor5: Tames Shouldlce, .\Vahan; Wm. Rine T3ullett; Robt, Ferris, FIu1- lett; dames Benneweis, Broadhagen; John Pepper, BruCSHeltl;. A Br(adtopt, Seaforth C.. 21': McCartney, Seaforth. Agents W. T. Yeo, ILA. Ido, 3, Clinton; Johnlvturray, Seaforth; Tames. Watt, Myth;' Dd, I3lnbhley, Seaforth, Secretary and Treasurer: ,D, L'.• Mc- Gregor, Seaforth, - Any money tobe pal0.7nay be :paid to MoL•rish Clothing Co,, Clinton, or at Calvin' Cutt'S ,Grocery, Goderich. Parties desiring to effect Ineuranee;. or transact other business will be promptly att;nded to on application to ens. of the above officers addressed to their respeo- tive post'offoSs. Lessee inspected' by the Lmees ptjc I/ -gb. MAPA T C (AGE NOW Gs'EEN LE1� LL OTHER LA 15c 2»oz, PCAGE 680 'i Sc 8S Usr!.CHANGED AT 70c A ELS 'REDUCED Sc A LS; E LI Th f: se Prkk -5s re Effective How Do fi,►:t Pay More OWING TO THE ACTION OF THE GOVERNMENT IN ABOLISHING THE DUTY ON BRITISH GROW? TEAS AND A LOWER MARKET FOR CER- TAIN G'cAIDES OF TEA WE ARE PLEASED TO GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS THE FULL BENEFiT OF THIS SAVING" TO T E " ETAML AS USUAL, WE WILL PROTECT YOU REBATING YOU FOR YOUR STOCK THE ABOVE PRICES EFFECTIVE AT TO YOU FOR THIS PURPOSE SO DO SALMM i'eA CFMPA AT ONCE. UNFORTUNATELY THE MARKET FOR THE FINEST QUALITY TEAS HAS ADVANCED, CONSE- QUENTLY WE ARE UNABLE TO RE- DUCE OUR OTHER/ GRADES MORE THAN FIVE CENTS A POUND. GROCE - Y TIRA 1 E AGAINST LOSS ON SALADA TEA BY rN HAND 50 THAT YOU CAN MAKE ONCE. FORMS. ARE BEING. MAILED N SHIP ANY TEA BACK TO U5. YOF CA A 14-1HTE i NSIMIAccammonam Cu- r rd_wdshbur�i Child ,"A better way—to kill him?" Brena only to be driven back to .the shade after weary marches dragging through the sand, hunting among the rocks, crazed with thirst, gone mad, cursing, blithering mad—his tongue black -the end—perhaps a thought of you—the cur!" He looked up at Brena; he set his jaw. "I'r t sorry," he said. "But I can see it so clearly.—the terrible retribu- tion in this place of silence. His screams echoing back' from '„he rocks, his znrses rising into this thin pale blue sky and the vultures swinging overhead." "Seven years ago!" she whispered. "Yes, seven years. And four years of torturing fear that was the pay of the one who rode away." "Compton Parmelee?" She said it without any external gasped. "It is all there—here in the sand -- record," De Wolfe said. "A ghastly record. Seven years have gone, but in this deep fine dust never disturbed by wind, there still remains the story." He paused; lit a cigarotto; went on. 'There around the entrance are the narks of horses' hoof-prints—almost lost—bu. still readable—three horses, two saddled and one carrying the packs. They carne in two horses abreast, and the pack horse led behind. Two men in the saddles. Night came on. One man slept. The other crept tt the animals—and rode away!" "Rode away? Left Jim Hennepin here?" "Yes, beyond hope—no horse, no Water!" "How do you know?" sign of emotion. "Because, Brans, when tit,, three "Yes," said Peter. "He had suc- ceedei, in wiping out one blackmailer. But another, more terrible, sprang up —fear." t will show you. It is in the sand— "Iie feared discovery?" a record and a good guess." "Yes, and something else. He. could He was silent and he broke his sil- never feel sure that 'Hennepin was ence with a cry. dead. That was the curse upon him "I can see him—Hennepin--awak- —the fear the murderer feels, twisting ening, realizing, seeing far away the and alternating with the fear of a. little galloping specks in the pale physical coward who ever hears those moonlight with the treacherous man threats, those curses, those promises upon the leader --a tiny bobbing figure. of vengeance coning across the moon - I can hear the curses hurled after lit desert as he rode away that 'night." them, And he—the one left—alone She shuddered. under the moon, alone under the sun, "Yes," said Peter. "That was why alone under the moon again—without Parmelee cletroyed the map. He had probably ridden back to some other settlement after shooting Hennepin's horse in some gully and,he wanted to wipe out all evidence. For ni enths ht resisted the temptation—that urn - ed and scorched inside -to see. you." "To find out whether I had been told anything about Hennepin's destina- tion? And then when he wasn'tsure —when there was that scrap of paper not accounted for-! Peter, it is too horrible; he proposed that strange marriage in order to go away and take me with him. He wa„ afraid I might remember some word—give soine clew." "No," replied Peter. "It was that of course. But that was not all. The spark of real man that you saw in him was there, Brena. Terror put it out at last, but the real tragedy of Parmelee was that he had that spark.' He"waiteci for her to look up again; she had been staring down . at the yellow -gray dust. "I sup' ose you can see," he went on. "1 suppose you can see now what was in his mind, Two pictures. One was the picture of Jim Hennepin alive —that great muscular athlete who drank hard, the love of death oaths, the degenerate temper, the sly smiting 0102 ways of carrying a vengeance through. He saw him in His mi 3 a i 1 s i int—sec p i g from the desert,: Brena—heaven knows bow—but escaping by some desperate effort, some miracle, some way that Parmelee's brain could .not conceive, but yet. couldn't be put out of. range of possibility. He saw Hennepin seeking into, Yes, hes saw it—a`pic- ture-a thousand haunting pictures— Hennepin with his malicious, desper- ate, haunting eyes- and his terrible =sales, He saw him smelling along the trail for his quarry." "At last: the imaginary Hennepin became almost a reality," said Brena. "Compton shot at hila once -at: a re- fiection in a piece eVglass., Ile: never knewwwhen •Jim might Come and 'kill." 'he saw the other picture, too. horses went out from this place into the desert thei. footprints are in single file -one pian led the other two. a drop—rushing out into the desert, Life—like good golf—is made up of :many little things each one of which helps the score. Better digestion—steadier nerves—clearerbrain, are, all factors that count and are gained from the use of Wrigley's. After every meal cams Makes pep Keeps you awake • TIME .TABLE Trains will arive at and depart from Clinton' as follows: Buffalo and ;Goderiob Div. Going. Bast, depart 6.14 a.m. „ u- a, 2,50 p.m. Going West, ar, 11.50 a.m. " " ar 6.08 dp. 6,43 p.m. ar. 10,31 p.m, • London, Huron & Bruce Going South, ar. 7,40 dp. 7.40 :a.m. " 0 4;08 p.m. Gong•No rth, depart 6,42, p.m. at', 11.40 de. 11.58 a.m. Director who dives nearest the soerae,, - ISSUE No. l9—x•30 He saw the buzzards hovering over what was left of Hennepin, he saw .l whitened skeleton grinning up at the sun -lit sky and at the stars, Brenn. That's what he saw. And some day, some one would somehow come there. Perhaps at the very minute a pros- pector, dirty and unshaved, or some accursed archaeological explorer from a university was in that very town where they bad bought,the horses and was telling of the skeleton and of finding the rkeleton of the riderless horse with the bit still held between the white teeth. Ile might have that bit in his pocket! Some one recognizes it. Somehow the chain once started never ends until—" "There conies a hand upon the shoul- der," said. Brena, as if in a dream, • "a loandng a voitimecefPrsayinyou,g;' 7f "We have looked ,'Yes. There .wasn't one fear," Peter said, marking two in in the 'sand with his forefinger,' "There were: two :fears, 'They 'fought each . other and their battlegrouitd:wee I?firinalee's soUl. it was trampled into a: wallow of terror,,,, of questioning, of doubt, Do you know, Brena, tha ,somehow there creeps into me 'a. great pity fo•r' him?" "If' he had been "able to put his fin- ger upon some button that tvouki have blown' him; to bits fie' woulrl have taken that 'way," •'she sail. "But.he had an ,exaggerated instinct,. for 'self-preser- vation. It threw him back Vern any approach. to suicide" Peter,.;getting up came to her and put his hand upon her shoulder as if' to give her strength. Sipe had spoken with a voice too evenly measured to deceive him as to the strain she felt. Tt had; been a long 'pull for her, he thought. The last steps, though they might lead out into the sunlight of :freedom, were upon rough -.ground rough even for ,lean. He was wondering 'how he could save her froth : pain. He wanted . tor have this sprgery. over, and to 'have it over there was only one way. "It .was inevitable that lie would cpme*ere-in•the end, he said. "He had to see. He,had covered his terrors by a cowardly prdees,e of trying to make you believe that some mystery' that ,clung to yeti was the cause of them. He began to fear disclosure. He feared that he would'allow you to know in, Sonne mrd moment. He was coming to the end of his rope." "Yes, the end of his rope" "He 'had to mak. a the hideous pi1- grintage,at last. How could he tell you where he was ,going -,even the di- rection? It might lead to the un- covering of his movements. And then when -at last he had made uphit mind to come, he:felt almost gay—the very promise of an answer to which of his two fears he must devote himself gave him a moment of something almost like ,gayety. What perversionl" Peter stopped and looked up at the ugly symbol of Ituk=u1-can 'served en the rocks. "He procured a copy of Father Carlos' map a second tine," he said. "He had to have it to -find the way. After four terrible years• he revisited the Pueblo lelesealero, two hundred miles from nowhere. It called him back. He had to come." - "He bought a high-powered ear, Brenn," said Peter. "Anel, all alone he came." "And where is he now?" she cried out at last, in sudden disclosure of her pain. "Do you know? 'Where is he now?" She looked searchingly et Peter's sun -bronzed face, where upon the sur- face 'of youth lines of strength had eben engraved by war, and lines of 'Needless pans like headaches are quickly relieved by Aspirin tablets as millions of people know. :And no platter bow suddenly a headache may come upon you, you can always be prepared. Carry the pocket tin of Aspirin tablets with you. Deep the larger size at hone. Read the proven directions for pain, headaches, neuralgia, etc. No wonder Smartt: Mowers are ea'pepularl They eat so easily' and wiih such1Hile"push". Nai6Nal and'WoMmaash4a auarawtekt AT EVER'(• HARDWARE STORE JAMES SMART PLANT. SROCKVILLE O?1P.. EMEIMEMEZEISINBREETINEEZEREINEISSIII Plan Now For This Summer's Good Times! HUNTING, fishing, pie.. acing, swimming and cruising on lake, river, sound or bay add to the zest of living, happiness, contentment and en105'- mon or Crulsabout owners, This . double cabin Oruleabout, 20' longs' 10 wide and- 2' 4" chart is a completely cOUimild summer home and is ca. h priced at $•1,185 at enc. tory. Steens six tour in forward cabin and two In Stern nds cabistaunch, quality lty tont 193 �® Crui8c03010 design, perfect batanrs and staunch, gtcand con- struction malto Cr u i s-. abouts sound and sea- worthy! far .any 075.10*'. 6-oylinflet•, 00-4P. Grey Sales and Service by Marine motor gives i CMOS. - T B. F. BENSON, N.A. Ing speed of thirteen • Mil"' %' rite 10r a aata- 371 Bay Y.Street Toronto, Ont. Gover Leal lis made ,with ROYAL YEAST _ • A . S r��•'B�el�ada�fea Chane Try'tltis recipe: 1, Royal Yeast Cake ,tis. 1 tablespoon sugar solved intone-bslf cup 1. cups flour lukewarm water. 1 cups scalded milk , 1 teaspoon Mit cup hatter Pour she scalded milk over the auger, salt and butter. When cooled to luke- warm add the dissolved yeast microns) and ode -half cups flour. Allow to stand well covered in moderately werM'pplaee over night, or, if sponge 16 ocr in ' morning, let stand until light. Add flour enough -to knead. Let rise again until double in bulk, then out down andkncad slightly. Butter muffin rine and Place 'three small balls of dough in each ring. Let rise until double in bulk, brush over with melted butter and bakeinhot oven. Bread is ono of the most nourishing of foods. It can be made more interesting, however, by occasionally varying tits form of servingit. If you bake alt bonie, She Royal Yeast Bake Boolt. will provir7a you with many practical tested recipes for all kinds of home- made breads. It will be mailed—free—on request. STANDARD BRANDS LIMITED GILLETT PRODUCTS TORONTO MONTREAL . WINNIPEG tenderness perhaps by a great new understanding of love and life. "He is here again," he• answered. "He is here!" (To be continued.) 1..".••••••• There are now more than 150 auth- orized egg -packing stations dealing with British eggs; they handle more than 200,000,000 British eggs every year. Fill out the coupon and mail it today POSTAGE FREE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT i ls e the You may be enjoying all the comforts of life. But what if time robs you of them? The surest way to protect yourself is by taking advantage of the Canadian Govern- ment Annuities System. A Government Annuity safeguards your old age and re- lieves 'you of all financial care. Decide now to be free at 65. rAnnuitleeliroeh,Dot. TWL-1 Department of Labour, O:r...., Please send me COMPLETE INFORMATION Amu Canadian Government Annuitice. Name Print Clearly Address Annuities Branch, Department of Labour, Ottawa Hon. PETER HEENAN, Minister BACKED BY THE WHOLE DOMINION ?Rona 'MEEK HEALTH AN u IEMS art ro tip • A fadedrbattered hat is hardly' respectable... yet leo worse than dull, gray -looking shoes ...year morning toilet should always include a ',,Nugget" shine—which waterproofs the shoes as it polishes. £ ;fir+ ; ILI S e Ikli TET Tug tJi itith iffia ae uy LY STERILIZED. T S5 E tCCccM<< 5)3a» "NAVY" 700 shiers of soft, safe, Sferilized paper. - - EDDYS racers 7155 Finest Ste?iliz- edTissue.Servad frooi dustproaf cabinet, nickel or porcelain finish. OU may select .any one of these Sterilized Eddy Rolls, assured of its purify — its safely," and knowing that it measures up to Igo high quality that pro. Nation of the children's health demands p The price ensures the biggest value for your money 0 Ask for it by nefie, THE E. S. EDDY COMPANY LIMITED HULL • y - CANADA "WHITE SWAN" Snowy while. In wrapped, Steri - Heed Rolls of 730 sheets. - - "DREAD -1 NOUGHT" • A big value Eddy line. Seven sun. cos of Steriliz- ed Tissue. • - RiEADNOU sPy.ani-sai'1 TI Skiziwc/TISS "COTTAGE" Tho aristocrat of Sterilized Tis - 1. Completely M' wrapped Rolls. CANADA'S FINEST' 3000 sheers_fvll 6s