HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-05-01, Page 8IRE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD 'CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE GIVE "HER" A Olt+', OF o raise onte MOTHER'S DAY A beautiful and wide assortment df Fine Quality Jewelry speciallypriced for Mother's" Day—Come :in and see how in- expensively you can give her jewelry. A new 'pair of Spectacles or some beau- tiful China. Rn H. 4.10FrINSON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry • Next Hovey's Drug Store. Jeweller and Optician COM mmiguSSIMOSOMMMISMEROMMMI UG 4, ON MAY 10TH WE WILL GIVE AWAY A 6'x9' CONGOLEUM RUG 'ABSOLUTELY FREE SEE THEM • ON DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOW AND GET FULL PARTICULARS AT OUR STORE TRY FOR THE LUCKY GUESS MAY 1ST TO MAY 10TH lumsteel Bros. s. SAVE I N YOUR GROCERIES The thriftiest Housewives trade here regularly, because they know they always receive quality goods. PINEAPPLES. HEAD LETTUCE. e CARROTS, BANANAS, ORANGES, GRAPEFRUIT DUTCH SET ONIONS, PER LB 15c 14ZULTIPLIER ONIONS, PER LE, 10c PARSNIPS, The 6. W S. Grocers SERVICE: . QUALITY PHONE 125 HOUSEHOLD SPECIALLY PRICED When you want to save money you don't have to go to a Bank. Come here and buy our hardware! Everything just a little lower in price than elsewhere. Sutter & Perdue HARDWARE ELECT* WIRING Phone 147w We all acknowledge the vogue of the `modern movement to color. The hues and patterns of to -day are mak- ing; over our cars, our clothes,. even our pats and pans, Wall Paper will modernize your home withoutrefur- nishing, or remodeling it, without re- legating your furniture gainetward, without experimenting in .oddity in time dispised, without expending over- much. Tt brings to your walls and home the talent of creative artists in the modern manner at less expense than that of any comparable, wall decoration. It magically transforins dull walls and 'introduces the modern color note. The right wallpaper blends the' objects it frames into its design and produces ' its subtle de- corative charm. It is possible that during an era of blank or unsightly walls a person's decorative instincts may have been thwarted -and it is to Wall Paper all such may turn as the keynote of home decoration with pleasing results assured. About forty patterns clearing at 5c and 7c. T le 1Si n 11 Fair lL�Or Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 1 -Big Aylmer . Ti.i.ato Weck April 28th to May 3rd CALL AND SEE OUR AYLMER DISPLAY. AT REAL BARGAIN PRICES OTHER SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, & .SATURDAY Clarks Pork & Beans, 2 for 19e : Chicken Haddy, each 19c Choice Pumpkins, large, 2 for 25e Surprise Soap,'7 bars 39c Jewel .Shortening, l's .-.:17c', Guest Ivory Soap, 12 cakes 50c Crosse & Blaellwall's little Chip, Orange or Lemon Marmalade, 12 oz. ..23c Rawee' Flotor Wiax, l's ...,..43c Heavy Zinc "lash Board and .• . 3 doz. Clothes pins all for ... 590 Place your Orders for Irish Cobier Seed Potatoes (Certified Seed), FRESH FRUITS ANi) VEGETABLES EVERY DAY STOP AND SHOP AT J. T.MC KN IGH'T & SON PHONE YOUR ORDER EARLY OLINTQN, ONT. PTl'bIVE '111 ;1 1 CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCERY TI-ITJRSDA,Y, MIRY 1, 1930 AYLMER TOMATOES, CORN AND PEAS Special Prices in Dozen Lots AYLMER SOUP AYLIVIER PUMPKIN, AYLMER ,FRUITS Aylmer. Tomatoes 18c, per doz 1.90 Chip ,Marmalade 23c 3 Shoe Polish 25c, Stao Corn, 2 cans 25c Peas, 2 cans 25c Aylmer Sweet Corn 18c Caryl's Golden Banta') 23c Gran. Sugar, 10 lb 56c Seedad Raisins, 2 pkgs 25c Soap Chips, 2 lb. 25c Dates, 2 lb. 19c Rolled Oats, 3 Ib. 13c Cocoanut, . per Ib. 29c Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. 25c Basket of Oranges 59c 3 Grape Fruit 25c• Bananas, per dozen 29c Lard, 20 ib. pail $3.20 Lard, 3 lb. 50c I_BIG FiNEAPPLE WEEK i. egins Now • Large, Beautiful Pineapples for Canning. Special Price in dozen and half dozen lots Ba Bacon, piece, lb. 35c Creamery Butter, lb. 38c Maple Leaf Flour $4.50' Shoe Polish . 1Oc 2 Pork and Beans 19c 3 Chicken Haddie 19c 7 Surprise Soap 39c 2 Pumpkin Large 25c Fresh Salmon Trout (Tuesday and Friday) . Weather Permitting Morning Delivery: 9 and 11 a.m. Cash and Carry Phone 48 $1.00 ORDERS DELIVERED FREE . T. Afternoon Delivery: 2:30 and 5 p.m. Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails Miss A. Bartliff has returned to he • 'duties at Auburn. Mrs. G. A. Walker is visiting he • sister in Hamilton. Miss Agnes tilralker returned to Kingston on Saturday. Misses Dorothy and Susie Steep vis- ited Brnsefield friends last week. Miss Grace Evans spent Easter week as the guest; or her sister, Miss Carol, Verchoyle. Mr. and Mrs. R. Fisher and family of Stratford visited •rpllitives in Clinton last week. Mr. Ray Carter of Toronto spent the Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Carter. Miss Verginia Quarles of Van Burin, Ark., is visiting her sister, Mrs. L C. Harrison, at St. Paul's Rec- tory. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Blanchard of Detroit have been visiting the lady's moth- er, Mrs. Margaret . Pickett, of :town. Mfrs. C. H. Epps of Cuba arrived last week to spend the summer months with her mother, Mrs. Argent of town. Miss Mary McDowell of London is spending a couple of weeks visit- ing Misses Stella and Deloris Brown. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Steven of To- ronto spent last week -end as guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. C. H. Bartliff. Rev. J.,E. Hogg and Rev. A. E. Doan :were in Seaforth yesterday at- tending the meeting of the Huron Presbytery. Mr. Nick Gregorash of Toronto was a ‘,.,.;!tor during the Easter vaca- tir,•n at th' home of Mr, and Mrs. T. T. Carter. Mi. G. S. Robertson of Lucknow was in town on Monday, coming down to attend the funeral of the late Miss Rye, a former neighbor. Miss Nellie Rapson visited her moth- er in town this week, accompany- ing the remains of the late Miss Carrie Rye from the city on Mon- day. Miss Hattie Courtice spent Easter 'week in St. Thomas and on her re- turn was acdcrepanied by Miss Burke, who spent a few days with her. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fitzsimons of Detroit have been in town this week, being called here owing to the sudden death of the former's mother. Mrs. J. W. Hill of Longheed, Alta., formerly of Oxbow, is expected on Saturday to make an extended vis- it with her daughter, Mrs. W. J. PlunlSteel. Misses Winnie and Sadie Draper re- turned Saturday to St. Catherines to resume their teaching duties af- ter spending the Easter vacation at ltheir home in town. Mr, ana Mrs. W. Colquhoun of Staffs, visited the former's sisters,, Mrs. E. Kennedy, Mfrs. M. T. Cor- ' less and Mrs. H. .Fitzsimons ;of town during the past week. MU:ss Cora Jervis, principal of the !Continuati'on school at St. George, was an Raster week �g�u�est at the home of her parents, Mr: and Mfrs. 0. 3. Jervis, north of town. Il&ies Betty; Lawrence spent the b as- ter vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georg Lawrence• of Londesboro "She was accompanied by Miss Beatrice Brown.'' Itirs. C. J. Wallis and . Ma Wilbur Wlallis attended the 'anniversary of- 'North fNorth street United chinch, Gcde- jrich, on Sunday merning, . when 1 Rev. Dr. 1Gunny moderator of ; the General Council cf,. the United , Church of Oahada w.1s the "special I pr'eaeler.' Rev. C. E. Dougan has been in St. Thomas this week attending the meeting of :the Hamilton -London Synod. . Mrs. Clinton Moore and sons, Clar- ence and Willis of Ransomville, N.Y., and Mrs. Shulmyster of Nia- gara Falls were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs, M. T, Corless and Mrs. E. Kennedy. Mr. John Hellyar returned to Strat- ford on Monday ko resume his studies at Normal. When his year's course is ended Mr•. Hellyar goes up to Bigwin Inn, where he has accepted la position for .the summer. . Messrs. Fred Lawrence of Hamilton and Harry Lawrence of East Windsor and Miss Olive E. Law- rence of Kinmount were guests daring the Easter vacation of their parents, Mr. and Mrs S. Lawrence' of town. 1'frs. Wt J. Paisley, who spent the winter with her son, C. D. Paisley of Montreal, and some weeks this spring with another son, S. W. Paisley of Toronto, returned home Saturday. Mr. W. S. Paisley mot- ored his mother up from Toronto and spent the week -end in town. Mrs. Miller of Indian Head, who spent the winter in Ottawa with her husband who is a mem- ber of the Dominion Parliament, visited with her sister, Mrs. J. S. Evans of town, during the Easter recess. Mr. Miller returned to the west on the closing of Parliament, and Mk, Iddiller met him in Toron- .to on 'M'onday and they returned to Ottawa together, Mr. II. R. Sharp, manager of the local branch of the Bank of Mon- treal, was in Brantford on liSon- day attending the funeral of the late Hugh Blair MacKenzie, Gen- eral Manager of the Bank of Mon- treal, who died very suddenly in Montreal on Friday. Mr. Mac- Kenzie, who was but fifty -taro years Of age, had reached the posi- tion of general manager in Octo- ber last, after a useful and bril- liant career. He was a son of Ven. Archdeacon MaclCenaie of Grace Church, Brantford. He is also survived by his wife and three :children. on Monday of this week. The Misses Ada Watson, Violet Mason and Jessie Chisholm all of London were Good Friday and Eas- ter visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Webster. PAPER COLLECTION By Clinton Home and School Club Saturday, May 3rd Papers, Books, Newspapers and Rags will be appreciated. Kindly roll in small bundles and tie securely and leave on verandah or front steps. • 62-2. VAItNA _. drs E. A. Seeley and her son, Jack, of Detroit, Mich., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Austin The First Post -Lenten Soc°al will be '.held hi • ST. JOSEPH'S IIALis on the 0$bdnlg Of MONDAY) MAY 3tlr ASK FOR MADE IN CLINTON BREAD BEST QUALITY FRESH' DAILY Also BUNS, ROLLS AND FANCY PASTRY - EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE BAKERY LINE Wendorf's Bakery MAKERS OF "Whole Wheat" and; "Snowflake" BREAD Progressive Luetic until 10 o'clecic.. Excellent Musa I,iunch'tit 11.45 EVEiLoi•Y30DY WElitOM 1 • 6'444. • COAL to" . CO We sell liL&W aiidi'amblisrtoa{ding Anthracite• Coal, 4Solvay Nut and Fur'nac . Coke Liberty paries side Coke, Albeita Coal and Nill6 s Creek Soi•t coal, ` `Oar Motto— , Good clean 'fuel at a • reasonable price. W. J. M'f LUR & SON Orders takert;at ib'eidence Oitario St. PHONES. 46w and 467' Sire and Seed Di?R IyE141:dNS '12.r»TION .e3 Ili ialfi')<N alENUTI'•I1 1Ub'Yo Pilin 'PAINT'S A` b viA13tNISHES 'on Veti.iiS1),A.Y WAND t'itIOA 1* . - THIS''1V}T31tli. lour traoftllor`Will be Iiereto advise lyou•turd hello Sou. in an3wn y. See our coupon'on another Page of this pa - 'per, Colne in early while we have a 'good choice' to show Yeu. Fea co. flP'S T `lI After the long winter you will no doubt; be tired of looking at some of your old Rugs, Linoleums,Oil Clothes, Etc. We have the remedy, the finest and Brightest stock we ever had. Then you may want a New Bed Spring or Mattress; we have them at all prices but we would especially mention the new Spring - filled Marshall Mattress—Real Comfort at $19.50. You will be surprised to know that you can buy a real good looking Bridge Lamp at $3.00. Floor and Table Lamps at $3.50. This is the time for Cedar Chests and Ferneries. A good stock of Baby Carriages, Strollers, Sulkies and Tri- cycles. Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co.. Funeral Directors Monument Dealers The Store with a Stock Hardivaro Phone; 195 Furniture Phone 104 1'. I lois HARDWARE ' and PLUMBING Phone 244 CURED MEATS Dry Salt Pork 25e P. Mealed Cott: Roll 28c Smoked Cott. Roll 30c Smoked Pic. Hams ... 92e Smoked Hams . 35c TRY OUR COOKED MEATS H• -made Head Cheese lb. 20c Jellied Veal, per lb. 30c Corned Beef, per lb. 80c Macardni & Cheese Lob£ 1b35c Valencia. Roll, per lb. 36e English Loaf, per lb. 50c Cooked. Haan,, per lb. 55c Square Bologna, piece, lb23c Ring Bologna, per ib. 25e. Smoked Liver Sausage, lb25''c Choice Baby Beef at small extra cost Sweet mixed pickles, pint 25c Bulk Olives, per pint 35e VEAL Rib Roast, lb. 25c Shoulder Roast, lb. 25e Cluck. Rbast, .lb, , ..25c Veal Chops, lb. ......30e LAMB Lamb Stews, Ib. 22c Shoulder Roast, lb. 28c Rib Roasts, Ib. 28c Loin Roasts, 113. 32c Leg• Roast, Ib. 35e Chops lb. . . 350 REAL GOOD LARD Bulk 17c lb. or 3 for 50c Connell & Tyndall CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 102111E1nttlfl ei R1ron Street. New IS TI4.E TIME TO PICK YOUR WALL PAPER FOR SPITING We have over 600 sampfies to choose from PRICES 1C'ROMV1 8e TO $2.00: Phone 234 and we wilt ea with Sample Case . , r... , KAY Huron St., Clutton Painter and ID corator