HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-05-01, Page 4THE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1930 "" in COOPER'S STORE NEWS APRIL SALE .OF CHINAWARE New Goods New Prices 20 per cent. Discount on Dinexware BeautifyJ our Home with Rose BnIrs Imported Direct from Holland P only y 15c each A. T. COOPER. "THE STORE 'WITH THE STOCK" CLINTON PHONE 36 LEADERS 'IN LOW PRICES T. Sherlock -Manning. Pianos How About Treating Your- self to a PIANO? .. MCN IL Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative Always at Your Service Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton ti E ws I efillii milky WE RECOGNIZE QUALITY and, DISTRIBUTE THE CASH ACCORDINGLY at CLINTON CREAMEtttY, CLINTON PHONE 145 SEAFQRTH BRANCH, SEAPORTS PHONE 102 CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON ONTARIO PHONE 190 Gunn, Langlois & Co., Limited HEAD OFFICE — MONTREAL, QUE. ,a..^'^^^'^. rater: J 1 j+��,aj77 j� .. ...ayi tites iIIiiTiIT their quality and show hi ev- ery accurately cut line the good taste and experience of their designers we snake to your or- der. You ewe it to yourself to look your best on all occasions, Come in and be treasured for a suit of our EXCLUSIVE TAILORING DAVIS & HERMAN The Clinton Horticultural Society PREMIUM OPTION LIST, 1930 Each Member is Entities to One Option Option No. 1. 4 Regale Lily Bulbs. No. 2. The Canadian Horticulturist, 2 yrs. No. 3. Plants, John Cuninghame, " No. 4. Plants, C. V. Cooke. Option No. 1 is an exceptional plant value and could be offered only by buying in large quantity. Planting in May will ensure August bloom. •� Membership Fee, $L00 NAME ADDRESS Please Choose Your Option at Once G. A. McCAGUE, H. E. RORKE, Sec.-Treas. 64-3. President. `LONDESBORO Miss Addle Jenkins of Gloderich has returned home ,.after spending the Easter holidays with her .sister, Mrs. Wun. Snell. Miss Laura Shell of Dashwood spent the Easter vacation at her home.. Miss Marian Snell lcf Goderich spent the Easter vacation at her home. Mr. and Mrs. 'Jas. Woodman sof Chatham spent last week ' at Mr. Robt. Cockerhne's. Mr. J. W..114cOool made a business trip to Iiondon, Tuesday. Mir'. and Mrs. Jas. Langley of Nia- gara Falls are visiting at the home of Mr. E. Crawford.. !Muss 11farY Word .returned Wed- nesday after visiting friends in To- ronto. Mir. and Mrs. Alex. Wells and Mrs. Geo. McCall motored to Jarvis Monday to attend the funeral of their aunt. ' Rev. J. W. and. Mrs. Johnson spent Tuesday in London, They went to attend the funeral of their sister-in- law, Mrs. Fair. Rev. J. C. and. Mas. Forster had a very pleasant visit from their daughter; Mrs. Parker of. Sarnia last week. Miss Olvettia Brigham, teacher at the technical school, Windsor, who spent the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs William Brigham, re- turned on, Saturday. Rev. J W. and Mrs Johnson had Ft. but very pleasant visit from Mr. and Mrs. Ferris of Essex over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jamieson had their danghters home from. Toronto for the Eastertide. Miss Parrott; teacher of S. S. No. 5 anent the holidays at her home near' Blyth. Miss 0. Moon of S. S. No. 7 spent her vaeation at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs.. George" Moon. Mrs. John Harvey, who has been visiting here daughter, Mrs. Govett, near Summerhill, has returned. 1Vir. A. Lyon, teacher at Kitchener, spent the vacation at the home of his parents, )Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyon. Mr. Ernest Adams has purchased a tractor from Mr. Howard Brundson of Blyth. Mr. H. Snell of Victoria University was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Snell over the holidays. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mrs. George Chesney of Toronto visited river the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Pearson. • Mrs. L. Anderson visited friends in Goderieh last week, Miss Dorothy Stirling, who has been spending the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ma- son Sterling, has returned to Strat- ford Normal: Miss Elsio Blackhall has returned from her home in Wingham to re- sume her duties as teacher of' S. S. No, 10. (sir. Randall Cole has returned do Millbank tb resume his duties as teacher. Mr. Alex. Welsh spent a few days last week with his sons, Messrs. Oli• ver and Arthur Welsh, on the Bay- field line. After spending the vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Middleton, Miss Marion N;iddleti' n has returned to her wheel at Kit- ten. 1VIr. and Mrs. Glen McCormick of Toronto spent the week -end as guests at the home tf their uncle, ?Fir. Isaac Rothwell. John Colborne, an old resident of this township, died on Saturday last as the result of a gunshot wound in- flicted by himself while in a state of phY'sical and mental ill health. He had been ill for some time and for some weeks has been alone in the house and it is supposed his condi- tion had preyed upon his mind until it became unhinged. Born in Ireland but coming with his parents to Canada and to Goder- ich township at the age of two he had spent nearly seventy years here. Ile was a hard working, honest man and had the respect of his neighbors, He is survived by one son, - William Russell Colborne of Bridgeburg, and two daughters, Mrs. Sylvester Allen, Seaforth and Mrs. E. A. Williams. Brantford. One brother, W. 3. Col- borne, resides at Ri,ehlanid Centre, Wis. His wife, who was formerly Grace Anne Tunney, died eighteen years ago. The funeral took place from the Clinton undertaking rooms en Mon- day afternoon, interment being made in Clinton cemetery, Rev. J. W. Herbert of Holm.esville conducted the services and the pallbearers were: Messrs. D. Reuger, H. Snyder, W. Biggin, Bert Lobb, W. Merrill and 3. J. Smith. CONSTANCE Master Mac. Stephenson of Brus.. Bels, who spent- the Easter holi- daygs at the home of his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mfrs, George Riley, re- turned to his home on Sunday. Mr. and Mprs. W. Logan and daugh- ter, Kathleen, of Blyth spent Sun- dayt the home of their daughter, Mrs.'Leo, Stephenson. IVxr. S. S. Cole of Stratford and Mr. 'Bert Williams of Sault Ste. Marie paid a flying.visit-to the burg on Monday. Both risen were former Constanese. Mly. Merles Riley of London spent the weekend at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Riley. 1Mrs. Wim. IVdoore of Toronto arriv- ed on Thursday at the home of her son, Mr. Winn. Midore, to spend the summer months, Quite a number attended the wed- ding reception gives Mi~. and Mr's. Joe Flynn .at the home of Mrs. Flynn's sister, Mrs. Bert Hoggarth. Mir.. and Mrs. Flynn were married at Clinton on Wednesday, April' 23rd and aro both popular young people of the community and we wish then much happiness. They will reside on the groom's farm, near Clinton. Mir s, Stewart of Seaforth spent a few days. last Week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roy Lawson. Mir. and Mrs. Joe Riley, Jr.,. spent Sunday, at the home of the lady's parents,. - and Mrs. George Cook, Goderioh township. 'The•following are the results of the Easter examinations in S. S. No. 3, Mullett. Pupils whose naives are marked with an asterisk ;were ab- sent for one or more examinations: Honors: 75 percent. Pass 60 per cent. .sr. 4th—Isabel Jamieson, 77.1; Jack Sundercock, 76.4; -Viola Clarke, 71,1 Hanel MieM;icheal, 61.3; Mar- garet Yungblutt, 52.1; Doreen Clarke, 47,4. Jr. 4th --Hattie Armstrong, 85,3;, Doris Lawson, 80.9; Edythe Britton, 66.2. Bernard Riley, 63.9.' Hr, 3rd—Hazel Jamieson, 68.2. Eth- el Dexter, 69.1; Charles , Sundercock, 66; Elia Dexter, 564 Kelso Adorns, 52.4; Fred Riley, 50.4. Jr. • 3rd—John Thorepson, 65.3; Edna Armstrong, 55.2; B. Jean. Wakefield, 541; '"Alex. 1VOeMicheal, 49.5. Sr. 2nd;—Jean Anderson, 90; Elva Somdercook, 78; Oliver' Grimoldby, 66; Grace 1VIlelVI?icheal, 63; Alvin Ril- ey, 55; Kathleen Yungblut, 46; Reg- gie Lawson, 43; 'Mary Thompson.' ist-.M!arion. -Lawson, . 80; Viola Dexter,. 72i; Stella Armstrong, 70; Pr.—David Anderson, Ellwood Clarke, Charlie '1V.IcMiicheal. (Number on roll, 34; average at- tendance, 30.7. —Ida I. Medd, teacher. ITULLETT TOWNSHIP The council held their regular meeting on the 24th ult., with members all present and a lot of routine busi- ness was put through. Mr. A. Rad- ford was given contract of running the crusher at 40e a yd., for fine and 30c for medium, also the contract for trucking the gravel at 18c per yard, per mile. A. by-law was pas- sed making it legal for members of the council to sell gravel to the muni- cipality„ also one , defining the boundaries of the five divisions to be looked after by the councillors. The treasurer reported receiving a cheque for Government Grant which leaves the township clear of debt with a balance in the treasury. About $200.00 of taxes are still unpaid. Easy! Quick! Glycerin Mix for Constipation Simple glycerin, buckthorn bark, saline, etc., as mixed in Adlerika, re- lieves constipation in TWO hours! Most medichies act on only Iower bowel, but Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing nelsons you never thought were in your system. Just ONE spoonful re- lieves GAS, sour stomach and sick headache. Let Adlerika give stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good you feel. W. S. R. Holmes, Druggist. STANLEY Miss Mary E, Stewart, who spent the Easter vacation' with her par- ents, Mi. and Mrs. Fenwick Stew- art, returned last week to her school duties at Englehart. She motored as faras North !Bay, leaving her car there until the -roads dry up. She made the trip to North Bay without difficulty, hiowever. Mr•. and Urs. Harvey A. Stewart, who had also spent the vacation with their par- ents, accompanied Miss Mary as far as New Toronto, . fMb'. and Mr's.;:1VZ. S. Aikenhead and Lillian of. London, made,,a short vie - it with —Mr. and Mrs. Thos. B. Baird. .1lf . and Mrs. -Roy Monteith, Mil- dredand n Jack of London n on visited at the home lof Mr. Hugh Gilmour this week. IMIrs. Todd of Toronto and Miss E. Morrison of Hensall called on friends on the 2nd concession last week. ',Mr. and 1Viirs. W!nt. Baird and Thel- ma of:Toronto, made a; short visit at the home of Mfrs. Geo. Baird.. last week, BRUCEI+ IELD The Rev. Dr. Robt. Martin of St, Thomas will conduct divine service in the 'United church next Sunday even- ing May the 4th. ' The. sale of home-made baking and farm produce, whish was held in Seaforth last Saturday under the auspices of the Womonts Association, proved suite'sucecssful, Miss K. Snider of London spent the week -end • at the home of her Miss K. Kitchen of Draytpn'return. ecl to her home this week after visit- ing friends in the village and vicin- ity Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDougall and fannil h returned y have stunned to their home near Tiverton after spending about two years at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. John Walker. Nord .has been received here . of the death of IVfx. Robert McCartney of Moose "jaw. He ,was a son of the late James McCartney,' a nephew of Mr. Alex. Thompson of Stanley township, and .a brother in-law of parents. gra. James Allen of EgmondviIle. H is survived by his wife, two sons ant one daughter. Sympathy, is felt for the bereaved family, LONDON ROAD Miss T,- O'Brien and Mr, L. House of, Toronto' spent ,the week -end at the home of the former's .sister, Mrs, W. Swinbank. Mb. Vie. Falconer and Mr. Norxrlari Lloyd left Monday for Listowel, where they .have accepted positions in a lumber factory for the summer. Mr. Arthur LeBeau is recovering from an attack of tonsilitis. Mr. Jerome Henhoffer of Kitche- ner spent a couple of days this week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Swin- bank. WHEN PEACE REIGNED Communisation by road, by air and by wife was completely disrup. ted,—Tampa Teibune. at 1- 1130MIF1'toN,i1RE.iDEP•OT1 They are a great chain of tire service depots, spread like a network across Canada. Each is the finest tire store in its_ locality and all are co-operating to assist motorists in getting the greatest possible mileage from their tires. These Dominion Tire Depots are painted its a uniform color scheme of orange and blue. All bear the Dominion Tire Depot sign. From these Dominion Tire Depots you may obtain: —Tires at the price you want to pay ... each tire the best value at its price. —A periodic tire inspection service de- signed to check tire injuries before they become serious. Pressures will be checked and everything possible done to add mileage to the life of your tires. —Reliable repair work, honestly and promptly executed at fair prices. Let the orange and blue Dominion Tire Depot front guide you to Canada's fin- est tire service. cr`�r;a;w 573=1 ROGERS BRUSH- ING LACQUER Dries while you Wait -for. Furniture and Brlrg•Brac. ROGERS POLISH A high grade Polish for all surfaces, QUiCKOTE Four Hour Enamel for any • Interior finish. NEU -VA R A Four Hour Varnish for general use. NEU-GLOS Medium Gloss, Quick Drying ..Interior Enamel Finish. MARBLE -ITE In a class by itself as a Floor Varnish. WOOD -LAC VARNISH STAIN A Varnish and Stain com- btned, for•new or old work, NEU-TONE An 011 Faint for Flat Wall Finish. • GOOD Paint, Varnish or Lacquer, if properly applied, will pro- duce a beautiful finish on any surface A You need not hesitate to attempt any painting or varnishing job, providing you obtain the proper product and know how it is to be used c3 You are desirous at times of doing over some article of furniture„ your woodwork or your floors, but you hesitate, not being sure of your ability to bring about the finish wanted. IMPROVED SERVICE 1N OUR PAiNT DEPARTMENT We have been careful in selecting the MARTIN-SENOUR 100% PURE line of Paints, Varnishes and Lacquers,'and are convinced we can pass on to our customers the best obtainable 0 The Martin-Senour Co. is just as anxious as we are that you become fully acquainted with their various products, and have arranged for their representative to be at our store on the following dates to demonstrate and give complete instructions on the application of any one of their products • Be sure and bring in your painting problems at this time $ We are assured that advice of any nature will be gladly given. To further advertise Martin-Senour Products in our focality, we offer you the Coupon below 0 We do this, believing that those, of you who have not been in the habit of using these high grade goods will be so well satisfied after your purchase that you will become a regular paint customer. MARTIN-SENOUR 90 % PU 'E PAU. T —SPEAKS FOR ITSELF REMEMBER THE DATES May list and 2nd Coupon Redeemable On De- monstration Dates Only. THIS COUPON ENTITLES ME TO A REBATE OF 25 CENTS ON THE PRICE OF ANY MARTIN-SENOUR PRODUCT Name Address Vel. T. Ha Clinton kins