HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-04-17, Page 8TEE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD CLINTON'S LEADING; JEWELERY STORE 'anion s Diamonds! Diamonds! APRIL IS THE MONTH FOR THE GIVING OF DIAMONDS If you are thinking of givingMother, Sister oi' Sweetheart •a Diamond- —Sea Johnson's Stock of Diamonds: before buying else• g where• Thrifty buyers will find us offerinsome very extraordinary values. R. J' H IlN Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Next 'Hovey's Drug Store. Jeweller and Opticiai J A SALE OF SMART SPRRI4G SUIT'S. • AN AMAZINGLY, VINE ASSORT- MENT OF SMART SPRING - SUITS AT A SALE PRICE THAT PRE- SENTS.OUT OF THE OR- DINARY SAVINGS '• EVERY SIZE IS HERE, --IN MOD- ELS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN. All the Season's newest patterns and shades, beautifully tailored 3n single as well as the new two -button double breasted ',styles, arehere a- waiting your selection, ALL LINES PRICED FOR QUICK. SELLING Pliimsteel Bros. EASTER GREETINGS May Easter Gladness Fill Your Heart Today_ and May All Good Attend You. C. & S, Gr t eel's • CLEAN UP AND PAINT UP WEEK 1 I 1 IIII Ili ` Ic art 111 1111111Mll 1111 11111 Listen in on CFRI3 Saturday nights r 7.15 to 8.15 for B.H. Pro - grain. A House is Usually as old as it Looks? Give yours a Youth.=Bath! A. !house not mord than five years old can easily. look five tines that age, inside and out, if it is not painted regularly. And; all the while, the building, as such, is rap- idly disintegrating, because its sur- faces are not protected as they should be from weather—sunnier and winter. Bath seasons are bad for houses. Prematurely old houses aro seen everywhere. And what a Pity. Give sugh houses a'beauty- bath, a youth bath. Paint is the best `face lifter" for ugly houses. Suter & Perdue HARDWARE ELECTRRIC WIRING Phone 147w PLUMBING MONSTER TEA ANO COFFEE WEEK In an tinesuaiiy short time Royal York Orange Pekoe Tea and Kara Coffee have attained amarked success in their fields, De- pending strictly upon the merit of their high quality, their constant freshness and their uniformity of strength, both won their way to the hearts of the partially public. Take advantage of this oppor- tunity ,to acquaint yourself with these two famous products and also to do business with your local Superior Chain Store: Renieni- ben, ,the, man behind the counter is your friend and neighbor stand= ing as a -personal guarantee .behind the products be.sells. Dearwith these Home -Owned Stores and benefit yourself. WE SELL THE Standard No. 3 Peas, 2 tins 25c Lifebuoy Health Soap, "' 3 cakes for 2103 Ingersoll Dream or Pimento 'Cheese, 2 pkgs. ...25e Pure Strawberry ` Jam 40'oz. jar . ....39e Borden's Chocolate Melted Nliilk, 16 oz:: ..53e • Glade's"'Chili Sauce, bottle 25c SrO.S. Cleaner, 3 pad . ..14c `BEST FOR LESS Many Flowers Toilet Soap . 3. cakes for ` 23e Nonsuch Stove Polish bottle 18c Sliced Pineapple, 2 tins 25c Large ;Sweet Prunes, 2 lbs. 29c Fray .Bentos Corned Beef '1's' . . 250 Best Golden Hallawi Dates, 2 lbs 23c Libby's Sauer 'Kruat, 21.-2's 15c MapleLeaf .Salmon, 1's : , .48c KNIGHT .SON 1 . PHONE .YOUR ORDER ;EARLY PHONE 'IliCLINTON, ONT. ' EASTER APRIL 20, 1930 And the date. suggests the appro- priateness of Greeting Cards. We have then for all, seasons and each has its 'special character.- Thanks- giving and Christmas for example are days of bountiful repasts,. St. Patricl:'`s Day is hilarious, Valen- tine's Day gives Dan Cupid his be- ing. A. note of. ,patriotism for Dom - minion Day. But Easter—more, than any ether, is --a day set apart for the commemoration . of the Resurrection and the heralding of spring. No niore fit day for the exchange of friendly greetings , when straying hearts and minds are led back to a new appre- ciation of Life's treasures—Loysllty, Love and Friendship. The winter has gone and wewelcome the spring. It' is therefore filing that the glad- ness of the season should find it's expression in the exchanges of good- will greetings. Tie W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best �I• veiP it ewe ;1 II eel T}IUi SDAY, APRIL 17, 1980 . ;k r M CLINTON'S BIG . CORNER GROCERY Mrs• E. W. Morrison is visiting re- latives in Drayton. Mics A. Bartliff of Aurora is home for the Easter vacation period. Mr. John Sterling has returned after spending the winter in .Taekson, Mich. Messrs. Frank Andrews and Harold Pickett motored to Toronto for the week -end. ' Mrs. Fred Sloman and children of Caperoel are visiting relatives and friends in town. 111r. 'Bernie Bateman of California is in town visiting his grandmoth- er, Mrs. E. Herman. Mrs. C. II. Bartliff has returned Ihomo after spending the winter in Toronto and Oshawa. Rev.` Dr, Medd of Welland is the guest over the week -end of his brother, Mr. J. G_- Medd. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Tdlor were in Brantford on Tuesday attending the funeral of the latter's sister. Mrs. McCallum of the .Commercial Inn leaves today to spend a few days in Toronto and Port Hope. lvrr. J. Mu11oef of Detroit attended the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Twitch- ell, in Clinton on; Thursday last. hrr, Jacob Taylor and family, who have been spending the winter in alorida,.return to their home in Toronto this week. Mrs. Alice Mason is home from Romeo, M;ich., where she went some weeks ago owing to the death of her eon -in-law, ltrr, Haber. • Mr. Hugh Maguire has been visiting his"-inother and grand; agents in toWn before aonlnlencing his dut- ies sailing on the 'Great Lakes. Mr. Benson Corless of the Bank of Montreal staff is .spending a holi- day at the home of his uncle, Mr. E. J.-Colquhoun of Science Hill, Mr. Edward Dale of London was home onar the week -end, owing to the serious. illness of his grand- father„ Mr. John Dale of town. Me. and Mrs. J. Brow', accompanied by Miss Betty Lawrence; spent a week -end in London recently and while there Mr.' and Mrs. Brown were guests at a railway men's banqugt. Mr. Charles Twitchell, hfiss Clara Twitchell and Mrs Elsie Twiteh- e11 of Windsor were in Clinton last week, Coming .with the remains of their mother; .. the late. Mrs. J. lI witehell, whose funeral took Dlaco on Thursday afternoon. Uwe T. J. Tasnblyn and her seri; James Tanblyn, who have been visiting- in: the ,vicinity 'since- last autumn, spent the week -end with the lady's sister, Mrs. W. T. Plea;- man of Clinton, and -left Monday to rioter to their home at Melita, Man. a Easter Sugar To Reduce Our We will Sell 100 S a BIG STOCK OF SUGAR Ch. For 'Cash, at Our Lowest Price, this Season For Easter Breakfast, Large Juicy Grape Fruit, Breakfast Bacon, Special Cued Hams Full Assortment of Easter Novelities, Bunnies, Etc. Smiles an' Chuckles, in Easter package, Sec i aids, per pound Frigidaire Meats and Fruits Lard, 3 Ib. 50c Shortening, 3 lb. 50c - B. Bacon, piece, lb. -35c Basket of Oranges 59c Head Lettuce, each 15c Cal. Celery 20c & 25c Morning Delivery: 9 and 11 a.m. Cash and Carry Phone 48 ,1 omermascemaiftiamsousa Mrs. Clark of this township, on .Ap- ril 5th. Miss Isobel Young of. Toronto, formerly of Carlow, was the bride's attendant. while.thegroom was stip- Ported by his brother Mr. Frank Clark, and a brother of the bride, The Rev. Mr. Young,, performed the ceremony. The young couple will 'make their hone on the groom's farm in Colborne township. Quito .a disturbance arose over the sucker fishing at Benmiller one day last week. Several young men' were spearing when along came an- other, -who assaulted one of their number, Louis Jacobs, with whom there had been an earlier disagree- ment as to fishing rights. The as- saulted young man has an arm in a cast as a result of the fracus. Corn Flakes, pkg. Grape Nuts, 2 for Muffetts, each Rolled Oats, 3 ib. Corn Meal, ib 13c 5c Aylmer Sweet Golden Corn 18c Sweet Wrinkled: Peas, No..2 13c • Dates, 2 lb. 19c Fancy Cohoe Salmon 33c Big Fiva 5c $1.00 ORDERS DELIVERED FREE COLBORNE . We have this week the report that the suckers are running h MMaitland river. ' They- are quite plentiful ow- ing to last week's Warmth and are of firm flesh., Cutting wood is quite common in this locality. ' Several attended the funeral of ler. Linklater front Leeburn church, At Smith's Hill church two elders were added to the session which now 'includes Mr. R. M. young, W. W. Walter, Mr. John Young and M. Alex. ;Young. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered on Sunday. We have the news d the marriage of Miss Jean G• -Young of Toocito, only daughter of Rev. Colin Young ^ of that city. at St George's church who was united°to Mc. G. Tait Clark, eldest Son of the;Tate John Clerk and SALVATION ARMY Sp.tial Good Freda j Lenten Service 7.30 p.m. entitled . "Pilgrim's Progress" Adults, 5e, Children, 3e Adults . Especially Invited 62-1. C' AL W C KE We sell DL&W and Famous Reading Anthracite Coal, Solvay Nut and Furnace Coke, Liberty Range size Coke, Alberta Coal and Millers Creek Soft coal • Our Motto— Good clean fuel .at a reasonable price. W. J. MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. PHONES: 46w and '4 j EASTER Flowers IA 44 adkIVAIlei • "NOAH'S ARK" IN STAR THEATRE MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNES- DAY, APRIL 21, 22, 23. at 8.15 MATINEE ON MONDAY, 21ST AT 2.30 under auspices of Ladies Auxiliary. of Prgsbyterian Chucrh Evening, Adults, 40c plus 2e tax Children 25c 1Viat,, Adults 40e and tax, children 15c COME TO CUNINGHAML'S For a Ohoice Selection of LILLIES, ROSES HYDRANGAS' PRIMULAS, PANS OF PLANTS CHOICE FERNS, ETC. A FINE -ASSORTMENT IN CUT FLOWERS ROSES, CARNATIONS, SWEET 'PEAS, IRIS, DAFFODILS, TULIPS, ETC. Try T'ertabs for .your house plants. Evergreen or Black Leaf 40 will keep them free of insects - Pro -Pared Spii For. Sale DELICIOUS FOR GOOD FRIDAY . SURPRISE THE KIDDIES corder a dozenof these delicious HOT CROSS BUNS FOR 20e EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE BAKERY LINE Wendori's akery 9 Fancy Mixed Biscuits 25e Watec Ice Wafers, lb. 29c Large Bottle Olives 25c " «' Stuffed 30c Fry's Cocoa (2 lb.) 21c Ingersoll Cheese, 2 for 25c Life Buoy Soap, 3 for 2jc Peas, 2 cans •25c Corn, 2 cans 25c Gran. Sugar, 10 lb `'56c Icing Sugar, 2 lbs. ' 19c Afternoon Delivery: 2:30 and 5 p.m, Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails toAttteedtM 9,,q MAKERS OF - "Whole Wheat" and,•"Snowflake" READ Improve ur Home Now and rc}� Avoid the Spring ' Rush Everything fort::the Kitchen in, ALUMINUM AND :GRANITE • Something foie Everyone to brighten up the,surrotindings Begin, now to improve by painting 'We can supply yon with all colours and suggest schemes to the best ad- vantage tori yon. T. Ilawkins Cuuninghaine's. Florits "HARDWARE end PLUMBING Phones 81.-176k Phone 244 `�Rl.tty ;After the long winter you will no dbubl; be- tired of looking at some of your old Rugs, Linoleums,Oil Clothes, Ete. We • have the remedy, the finest and Brightest steel: we ever had. Then you may want a New Bed Spring or Mattress; we have theist at all prices bet we would especially mention the new 'Spring - filled Marshall Mattress—Real Comfort at $19.50: You will be surprised to know that you can buy a real good looking Bridge Lamp at $3.00- Floor and Table Lamps at $3.50. This is the time for Cedar Chests and Ferneries. • A good stock of Baby Carriages, Strollers," Sulkies and Tri- cycles. Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co. Funeral _Directors Monument Dealers The Store with a Stock Hardware Phone 195 Furniture Phone 104 +fike Don't forget -16 tonne for your Bacons and Mured Meats of ' the very nicest flavorandcure to go with those' eggs for Easter. A few of them are as follows: SMOKED HAMS, best quality, ib; whole hair .... , .........35e BREAKFAST BACON, Best Quality, lb„ in piece 84e PICNIC HAMS, per lb. , 22e COTTAGE ROLLS, per' lb., in- piece Bacons a • nd Mured Meets of ' the P. M. COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb., in piece SPECIAL BABY BEEF FOR EASTER REAL GOOD LAIRD Built 17c lb. or 3 for 50e 3 lb. pails net weight ....50c CHOICE BEEF Rolled Rib Roasts, 1b: ....22c Chuck Roasts, lh. 22c Shonlder Roasts, lb. .,. 22c Whole Ruiinp Roasts, ib. 22e Round Side Rump, 1b. 20c Hamburg Steak, lb 20e Rib Boils, lb. . 18e Flank Boils, lb. .. 18c VEAL Rib Roast, fix .........:255 Shoulder Roast, lb 25e Chuck Rbast, ,lb25e Veal Chops, lb. .........,30c LAMB Lamb, Stews, lb22e Shoulder Roast, Ib, .28e Rib Roasts, lb. 28e Loin Roasts, lb. 32e Leg Roast, 15. .,e6c Chops lb. . . ....... —35e Connell- & Tyndail "CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 I . . ; . : 't3:rr air ; '' .i) i Huron Street. IS THE TIME TO PICK. YOUR WALL PAPER FOR SPRING We have over 600' samples to choose 'from PRICES FROM Sc TO $.100.• Phone 234 and we will call 'with 'Sample Case A. KAY 'Painter and D'ecor'ator'~ Huron St., Clinto t. r"3