HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-04-17, Page 5EURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1.930 HOW often do you say this as you find that your expenses eat up all your salary? • •• Other people, with no larger incomes than yours, buy many things you cannot afford. Is it because you have no definite plan of allottiag your money? •• The Royal Bank Budget Book will help you to plan your expenses with something to spare. • • ASORAC0PY The Royal Bank or Canada Clinton Branch • - R. E, Manning, Manager 96 OF INTEREST TO YOU ANDME The Goderich Signal boots of bay ing somebody coming in and handin around Pure maple auger to the staff But perhaps it was thought The Sig nal needed a. hale sweetening'. Eamon de Valero, although in lase by himself, must resemble th rest of the'rage to some extent Th editor of The Orillia Packet -Time last week declared that when' he saw the picture of the Irishman in Th d1andpree Press, he would have thought it a picture of the editor, had it not been labelled. We have often been reminded of our neighbor, Mr. g. P, PluinsteeI, wimn we en- countered de Valerie's picture in the public press, especially a full face picture used frequently a few years ago. We hope neither of these gen- tlemen will enter an action for damages against The News -Record, it Isn't out• fault the resemblance is very marked. * • e e • started to work on the. land this week and if weather conditions per - veil some will be sowing the last of the. week. Mr. Leslie Buchanan has puchas- ed a New Chevrolet Sport Coupe. The 'Women's Institute held their regular monthly meeting in the For•• rester's hall -no Tuesday. MIrs. (Rev.) Mortimer took the subject, "What it Means to be a 'Canadian," in a very able manner. The hostesses for the day were, Mrs. W. Robinson, Mrs. G. McOlinchey and Mrs. Hamilton. e - The Fernier's Advocate last week • said a very sensible thing when it urged Canadians to see that the 1930 • tourists ;be served Canadian foods when in this country. "Don't feed 'Shot California fruits and Chicago a•-• bacon and U.S.A. canned goods. They get lots of th6se at home. Give them something difkerent and 'some- . • thing so good they will remember it • and come back for more," The Ad- vocate advises. W,e would suggest that on some - cool morning their palates be tickled by a dish of well.onade, steaming hot pancakes, ;the kind that ort of melt in your mouth, served with pure Canadian maple syrup. That'll bring them back if anything will. * * • The Toronto Star Weeklsr last week celebrated its twentieth birthday and, in its very modest "story of the wars," told of the discouragements of We first few. But it, stuck to it until it is now in a class by itself in the Canadian newspaper field •and is meeting with gratifying success. The Star Weekly is a well -edited and very • readable paper and its Picture sup- pliment is unique in Canadian newp- paper eircles. Those who are even slightly Wormed regarding the -sit- uation in Canada are glad that we 'haveoat least one paper of its kind, . strictly Canadian to combat the large • influx of American 'periodicals which flood our numkets: The Star Weelc- br have the good wishes of Canadians far a long and suceessful. 'caner. • • IIULLETT TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. EdWin Steele and Xr., and 1SIts. Arthur Steele and fam- ily of Stratford and Mrs. James Brown and family aed IVEss Betty Lawrence and Mt D. Stephoos of •Clinton spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mo. George Lawrence. Report of U.S.S. No. 12, Goderich and Hullett. Names in• order of merit: .Sr. 4th—Lorna Ellis, Dena Tyner, Clark Ball, Isabel Forbes, Harry 'Watkins. Sr. Sod—Clete Ellis, Hazel Rap- -son and Allan Neal, equal. Sr. and—Leona Rapson, Madelon • IVIason, Willa Jervis, Thelma Hog- •gart • . jr, 2nd—Betty tfr1ing, Ivan Hog 'gest, Frieda Ellis, Gordon Ranson. Pr.—Phyllis, SUB, Kenneth Stir- ling, Kieth I. Powell, teacher. AUBURN Mr. Edgar Lawsonsstntecl opera- tions at his sawmitl on Menday.this 'Week. '' • - • ..,sts large icrowd greeted', the. plaY ,TIncle Tons's Cabini" en ,Monday ev- the hall:here/ ; . ' ISSerirke will be held in ,the .chitreli here on; Good. friday •ovesisings There, will aiSo•lit'sejtice ,Raiok United Church " on eVdning,'April 20th, s .1telS.,:sW.S:Mertisner preaelied a'pre-' naratory sermon. in North Street lnidohurah, Goderich, on I,Veclnos7; clays',Cisenings'eft this syseek.s.': • Te farnieVa itt thisdintrict have CONSTANCE ,lAiss Mary Cooke and niece, Miss Lucy Ellwood, of Goderieh township .are this •week spending a few days at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Joe Riley, Sr. : Mrs. Leo. Stephenson went toSea- ; forth' hospital on Tuesday of last week to undergo an operation. Her many friends wish her a speedy Ts- covery. Mr. and Mks. David Watson of Walton wish la announce the birth of a daughter at Seaforth Memorial hospital on Tuesday, April Sth. Mrs. Watson was fornierly Miss Vine Rpdgerson, an old Constance girl, and I we offer congratulations. ' a*. Alfred Glazier of Clinton is spending a few holidays at the home of his aunt, Mo. Thomas Pollard. ' Master Nelson Riley of Tucker - 1 smith spent the week -end with his . cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Riley here. nouvlEsvaix Messrs. Fred and Jack llEslholland were called to Detroit, Saturday ow- ing to the illness of their mother,. At time of writing Mrs. Mulholland is very ill. il'fra. Daniel E. Glidden has Teturn- ed home from Clinton Community Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McLear, of Gcclerich, were recent .visitors in HolreesvilIe. • Mr. and Mrs, Praetor Painter and little son, Donald, loft Friday for a short visit to the home of the for- mer's mother, in .Detroit, Mrs, E. Pais Men A. few from the village attended. the."Opera of the Flowers," a concert' given by the Clinton .Publje School ehildron io the town hall, Clinton, Thursday and Friday evenings. It was much enjoyed. IMO. William Glen is suffering from • an attack of illness. Hissfriends hope for his early recovery. ' COW, TESTING PAYS An authority on eow tOiting says, "Cow Tethig work bring.s better feeding,• better study of feeds, the freshening of cows in the season when they will give the biggest yearly production. Cow Testing makes for better breeding, as it is a guide to that good breeding which is essential, along with good •feeding, to transform many herds of cattle from "boarders" to producers of 300 'PAPER. COLLECTION By Clinton Mane and Schog Club Saturday,: Aprii• 26 Papers, Books, Newspapers and Ragas •will be appreciated, RindlY roll in small bundles and tie securely and leave on verandah or front steps. 62-2. "Mary's Castle in the - s'I.W..ThreesAct .temedy Preseiiied." by .Sharea 4huag Pesnla ROLMESVIELE UNITED „, • ' • Wednesday, April 23rd • • et, 8 auspieea`sOf Lashes Aid • Aattite, 35e, Childron,"20c: 62-1. THE CLINTO1ST-NEWS RCORD• N off'. •Ft ' 3,r( . , pounds and more of hatter fat. In this Progressive age, the dairy farm- er cannot afford Ito spend his time feeding and caring for cows which prodnee.only 125 or 150 pounds of butter fat per year, when with the knowledge he has at his _disposal, the production can be wonderfully increased and the dairyman's posi- tions financially and otherwise, greatly •improved." • , BIRTHS • WIATSON—In Sgott Memorial Hos- Paid, Seaforth, on April 8th, to !Mr. and•-ldirs. 'David Watson of WIalfon, a daughter, • DEATHS MEDD—In Clinton, on April 14th, Esther Garrett, beloved wife of Mr. J. G. Medd. FOWLIE—In Bayfield, on April 12, James Wlillialn Fowlie, aged 70 years. HOLMAN—In Moose Jaw', Sask., on April 13th, Gordon Wanfield (How- ard, second son of Mk. George W'• Holman of Goderich. IN MEMORIAM RTIEGEllo--In loving memory of our clear wife and mother, Eliza Rue - ger, who died April 18, 1929. "In our hearts your memory Engem As it draws another year." —Sadly missed by daughter, son and husband. • • .1 CARD OF THANKS Mr. W. G. Medd wishes to express his sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for all their kindness dur- ing Mrs. Medd'e illness and their sympathy and assistanee after her death, also his thanks for the use of cars, for flowers sent and all the many thoughtful acts of kitulnees ex- tended, and his appreciation of the attendance of the choir for the church service. • • CARD OP THANKS Mrs. -Vs Howes and sister, Bessie Smith, wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their kindness, symathy and help during their recent bereavement, also for the beautiful floral tributes. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late .114.k.s. Twitchell wish to express their sin- cere appisociation of the Icindness and sympathy extended to them by friends in Clinton in connection with the funeral of their dear mother. Lost In Clinton, on Saturday, a parcel _containing lady's silk vest and pair silk hoe. Finder. kindly' leave at Davin's Drygoods store. . Work Wanted. Will plow gardens, isetnove garbage and do any sort o1? one-horse team- ing. J. Car4ck, Albert street, Clin- ton, , _, 62-2-p. AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate and Chattels By direction of the Public Trustee of Ontario, the following property will be offered for sale at public auction, on the pennises, subject to a reserve bid, on Thursday, April 24th, 1930, at 2.00 p.m. o'clock. That valuable house property in the Town of Clinton, belonging to William Donald Streets, and known as Lots 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, on the East side of James Street, on which there 'is situated a five -roomed frame cottage. All furniture and ehattels contained will alto be sold. TERMS: Real Estate'10 per cent osh and balance in thirty days on delivery ot Deed. Chattels, Cash. For farther. particulars apply to: Mr. George H. Elliott, Auctioneer, Olinton, Ontario. Public Trustee, .0sgoode Hall, Toronto"2. 02-1. Auctiod Sale 01 Household Effects at Bayfield, on Saturday, •ApriI 26th, at 1.30 sharp, pensisting of the following: Parlor suite; dining row suite; hall rack; writing desk; parlor table; buffet; • rug; new Raymond drop -head sewing machine; arm their; rocking chair; , aosich; stove; kitchencup- boards bed room siiitci; several extra beds; springs.; mattresses; curtains; 4 small tables; -2 bureaus; garden tools; gemjars; granitivare; dishes pots; pans and numerous other ar- tieles. Also a dozen choice Dock hens. Everything -lib be sold as proprietress is givilig up housekeep- ing. TERMS: Cash. . Miss Parke, ,Pro pretress, G. II.Elliott, Auctieneeto 02-2. • TENDERS FOR COAL Sealed Tenders addressed to the Purchasing Agents Department of Public Work, Ottawa, Will be re- ceived at his office until 12 o'clock - noon, (daylight saving,) Wednesday, May 7, 1930, for the supply of coal for the Dominion Buildings through- out the,Province of Qntario, includ- ing the City of Otte:Wits, Forms of tender W2 E.''''speeifica- tiona and conditfonss attlielied cdki she obtained from !Gs Ws Dawson, Pur- chasing,. Ageiit, Department of Pub- lic Works -"Ottawa; and B. Winter, District Resident Architects- 59-61 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ont; Tenders will not be considered un- less made on the forms sups/lied by tbe Departinen and.: in accordance with departmental specifications Mind conditions. • The right to demand from the axles cesaftil tenderer a deposit, not, esc- eeeding 10 per ,cent, ef the amount of the tender', to secure' the Proper ful- fillment:of the.contract, is reserved. By order, N. DESJARDINS, • • Secretary. DenartmeilisAIlliblic Works, • , Ottawa, April 14, 1930 ' 622. r ' CARD OF THANKS ... • 50c 1.., ISIESIORIAls VERSE PER LINE ,. ....lee .1 Calves For Sale A limited number 01 Holstein 'heif- er calves can be supplied. APPLY TO W. MARQUIS BASE LINE Phone, 638r21; Clinton central. ' 61-2. Grand Masquerade Carnival under the auspices of the Agricul- tural Society will be held in the TOWN HALL, BAYETELD on the evening of Wednesday, April 23rd Grand March at 9 o'clock, sharp Several Prizes for beet costumes. Music by Lakeside •Enterteiners REFRESHMENTS SERVED Admisison, Adults, 50c, Children, 25c 61-2, SALVATION ARMY EASTER .CANTATA entitled "The Pilgrim's Vision" Tuesday, Aprili22 8 pan. Adults 25e, Children, 15e. 62-1, HAWES' WEEK APRIL 17 to 24 AT SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES Polish with "Hawes" and make your home the admiration of your friends ORDER AT THESE SAVING PRICES: Hawes Wax Paste, 1 lb. . 43e Hawes Wax Paste 23c Hawes Wax Liquid- pts. .... 59c Hawes Lemon Oil, 12 .oz. 93e J. T. Mc Knight & Son 62-1. Wood For Sale Eighty-five cords of first class maple wood for sale. Apply to Col- lins and Falconer, Brueefield. 62-1, property For Sale Adjoining town of Clinton on Lon- don Road. Mrs, 'W's 15, Jarvis has (10- eided to sell her comfortable 6 -room house with good outbuildinfis, also aprea of land with splendid gar- den, number of apple trees and an abundance of small fruits hard and soft 'water and rural phone. This is a most desirable property with town privileges and will be sold reasonable for quick sale. For fur- ther particulars apply to Mrs. W. H. Jervis, RI R. No. 3, Phone 12-611. 02-2.• Kindly Leave Name Anyone witnessing the accident at the Ontario street church corner on Sunder afternoon kindly leave name at Elliott's garage, A, L. Eagle - sot. 62-1. Notite All accounts do to the 'under- signed for threshing must be settled on or ;before 1VIlay: 10th. next, The Lonclesboro 'Threshing Syndicate, John Nott, Londesboro, aecretarc- treasUrer. 62-2. Notice to Trappers Muskrat kins have declined 10e a skin. So anybody who is holding muskrat skins 'wbuld do well ta•sell now, before Prices go any lower. IL A. Hovey, -Clinton. iPhone 299. ' 62-11. . • Seed Grain For Sale IinProved Banner "Oka, No, 21, bar- ley, also early' oats and early bar- ley, mixed. Clean and free from wild oats, T. R. Jenkins, Huron Roa4 Phone 610o23. • 62-2-P, 2IpillFor Sale • TO6 SfttlInts) • bulls, 'about. 12 months old, APPIYAd Peter 1VIcsKen• ales Lot 85, Con13, L.R.S.; Tucker - smith. RiPpen P.O. Phone 141 ring 18, Seafolth central. 61-2-P• .Licensed Driver Wants Position Young married 'man, ten years travelling business , experience,f also private driving, experience; 'desires steady position °nee. 'References it required, Write Drawer /3:' Clin- ton ,• er inquire at News-Ilesord of - flee. , ..• ' 01-2. ' • • ..• Wanted • . A good work horse, spurs, and res liable, weighing about 1200 lbs: Not over 6 years" of, age. Roy ,Tyndall, IL It. No.- 8. ?Ilene 6070, Clinton central. - 61,2. Clinton's New -Laid Egg • And Poultry House • Eggs bought according to Domin- , ion Government*Egg Regulations. Inquire for our prices of eggs. You will always find our prices 'par- allel with the city markets. Fat hens and Welt -finished chicks always wanteds-Prices good. Always Plionelmr office for prices before marketing produee, N. W. Trevvartha .Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w CAR OWNER Start the motoring Beason "Right" by taking out an auto and personal accident insurance ' policy. I can meet your requirements for either private or commercial vehicle cover- age as well as protection ler your- self. Haiing had years of experience 4n auto insurance and representing a splendid range of companies, I em in a position to advise you as to your needs and to provide you the very best of service with your insurance. H. E. RORKE Clinton, Ont., All lines of Moreno Sun Life Agency. Phone253w 584f. Pasture Land For Rent Lots 77 and 78, Maitland conces- sion, Goderich township; consisting of 183 acres to rent for pasture. This place is well shaded and has a spring creek running through it. For particulars write to 1VErs, Olive Bedard, Courtright, Ont. 60-3. House For Sale 7 -room house, 'hardwood floors in front part of house, town 'water and lights. Garage and chicken pen. Half acre lot with fruit•trees.' Ap- ply to John Nediger, Clinton. 594f. General Trucking I am prepared to do general truck- ing, moving furniture, ete. Two trucka available when neeessary. M. Glidden, Hohnesville, R. R. No. 3,' Clinton. Phone 611 ring 24, Clinton central. Ontario Breeding Station 01 Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks, under supervision of 0.A.C., Guelph. We trapnest the year around and Only 200 -egg birds or better are kept for breeders. Only our own eggs of 2 ounces or over are used for ineu- baton. All stook blood -tested. Or- der early for disease-free, husky chicks of high quality. O. F. She - grist, Box 173, Seafoeth, Phone 304. ' 'Position , Wanted Middle-aged, Protestant, house- keeper wishes position on farm or othenvise. Can by highly recom- mended, s Make inquiry at The News -Record office, 01-2. • ' White Rocks Hatching eggs front White Rock hens, Well bred, goodjaying strain. 13.00 per hundred er 45c per setting of 18. ^ Apply Earl Switzer, R. R. No. 2, Bayfield. Phone 609 ring 3, Clinton central. 61-3-p. Office Closed The office of W). Brydone will be closed from Thursday, April 17th to April 22nd. 61-2, Grass Farm For Rent Lot 20, Con. 6, Millett township, will be rented for pasture. Apply to Gearge Carbert or. Mrs. 'Tames Bfown, executors of estate, R. R. No. 1, Clinton. Phones 687 ring 5 and 687 ring 22,, Clinton central. 61-2. Farm To Rent • The west part of lots -2-and 4, Lake Road, Ear to • in the Township of Stanley, containing 123 acres (The Johnston farm). 'Mere are about six acres of fall wheat, and Mont eighteen acres fall plowed, also a seven -room brick cottage in the ViT- lage of Bayfield. Apply to Geo. E. Greenslade, R. R. No. 1, Bayfield. Phone 602r12, Goderich central. 61-2. For Sale 0Oeria.nr1 eoach, in good condition, will be sold reasonably. -Also baby's cutter, high chair, and some other articles. Mrs. Stirling Dempsey, Clinton. Phone 255. "• 6013. The Salvation Army • An Easter Cantata, entitled, !"The Pilgrim's Vision," sin Easter Mon- day, April 21st,- at 8 p.m. Admis; Sion, Adults, 25c, Children 15c. , TENDERS- 'WANTED Sealed tetideri ,marked "Gravei Tender" will be received by the mi.- do:signed until Thntsday, Advil 24th at 3 o'clock p.m.. for furnishing power and operating the gravel crusher 16r, the Tolvoship of Hallett for the cosning season. Separate tenders for operating and furnishing power may be ceiisidetreci. Operator to furnish -sail' necessary men and teams to keep. the Plant running to full capacity and have the crushed material in the bins ready for haul- Coetractor for power . to furnish either 30 inp. gaioline or ,20 h.p. steam. Operator'sto elean off' • all surface soil arid keep' the pit:, in proper repair. Also at the same time tenders will. be .received for the delivery by till* Inera than 1-1-2 yards capacity of the emehed gravel ala price per yaif per mile haul. Lowest„ or any te4, der not necessarily ,aceepted. SP00-: .fications may he seen at the 'office of the undersigned.—john Finglancif Clerk of Hullett. 60-3, We Carry a Complete Stock of-•-•!-- ALABASTINE AND PAINTS, GARDEN' TOOLS, DITCHING TOOLS AND FORKS. OVERALLS. SMOCKS. SHIRTS RUBBER BOOTS AND WORK Boors, DON'T ,FAIL TO SEE 01315 BEATTY PUMPS, ANKER HOLTH CREAM SEPARATORS AND ELECTRIC AND , HAND WASHERS. C. H. VENNER, 'Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs Phone 7 RUPTURE SPECIALIST . Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deforra- ity. Consultation Free. Call or write, 3. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. 10-192,9 Hatching Eggs For Sale From Barred Plymouth Reeks and S.C. White Leghorns. -Font high - producing flocks. $4.00 per one hun- dred eggs. Special rate for big in- cubator lots. Frank S. Tyndall, R. R. No. 4, Phone 636 ring 33, Clinton central. 584f. Car Insurance For car insurance call on 3. G. Chewers Postoffice Box, 155, Clin- ton. Phone 52, Clinton. 57-tf. • White Rocks Hatching eggs for sale.- From White Plymouth rock, well bred 60e per setting. Mrs. Eli' Crich, Clinton. Phone 236. Call On Miss Emma Lavis for all kinds of automobile insurance. Phone 189-j. Clinton. • 60-3-p. Eggs For }latching Eggs front Silver Dorkings. • 4c each. .Apply to George Wanno Jr., lt, IL No. 4, Clinton. Phone • 636 ring 24, Clinton eentral. 614f. Slabs Now Is the time to buy your slabs while they last. E. Ward, Huron street, Clinton, Phone 166. 574f, Baby Chicks There is profit for you in the dif- ference. Better chicks for the same money. Chicles hatched by our Hu- ron 1VIamtnoth Incubator possess ex- tra vigour. Are you interested? Well, I think sol White or phone for particulars of Barred Rock and White Leghorn Chicks to 3. Elgin McKinley, Zurich, Ont, phone 97 ring 4, Hensall. 534f. Farm—Sell or Rent Eighty acres of rich and proauc- tive loam; good natural and artificial drainage; picturesque locationaFarm about two miles front Clinton on Baseline. Buildings consist of newly shingled house; large barn; driving shed also windmill. Considerable bush. Terms one-third purchase down; or full rent in advance. Own- er, 322 South Main Street, Romeo, Michigan. Further information, W. Brydone, Clinton. 51-14-p. Farms For Sale Lots 27 and 29, 9th concession of Goderich township, consistipg:s-of 160 acres of good 'clay loam, 114 miles west of Holmesville.• Good buildings, never -failing wells. Ap- ply to Lewis Proctor, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 611r2, Clinton cen- tral. 2941. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and t•e- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's Barber shop. W. J. /ago. fa 2283-tf. House For Sale Comfortable nine room house, Victoria street, Clinton. Garage and stable. Apply to S. G. Castle, Clin- ton. 40-01. Hatching Eggs Pea Sale Eggs from large type two and • three year old S, C. White Leghorn hens, heavy laying strain, also from Barred Plymouth Rook hens, $4.00 per 100, 65e per setting of 18. R, Tyndall, It. R. No. 8, Clinton. Phone 007r3, Clinton central. 57-tf. Emslea-Chick Farm BARRON STRAIN S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS and . • • • BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK CHICKS HATCHING EGGS -44,00 a hundred. CUSTOM HATCHING TAMINAX AND RL'ATCHVORD'S CHICK FEEDS A Mittl' Phone 218, Clinton Keep Warm Wit LEIIIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE MINEHEAD ALBERTA SOFT COAL. NUT COKE AND 11'1' ' DOMESTIC SIZE COK A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen Street Telephone 25 Eggs and Poultr Home on Tuesday and Friday fore noon to take in Poultry. Eggs handled at. residence ev day—graded by an experienced grad er, for Whieh we pay the highes market price, Cream purchased for Stillman's. A. E. Finch Viking Cream Separator Agent. Victoria St., Clinton Phone SS Implement Agent I handle Cockshatt implement and cream separators, Frost an Woocl Implements and carry part and repairs for sam.e. I sin also agent for Allis -Chia mers Tractors. Those 'wishing to inquire abou any or the above kindly call' at re residence. JOHN V. DIEHL, , Queen Street, Clinton. 81- McCormick-Deeriog Ageno HaVieg taken over the above ag ency for this district I will keep o hand a full stock of repairs find, part of all lYfcCormick-Deeking. tamer:tin and will appreciate a share of ' tit patronage of the farmers suroundin Clinton. Call at my shop, next door Jones' blacksmith shop, King street. W. J. STEWART Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w •04 - Clinton's, , iktkatiKS N"' llOWpOtiSYOUFsi INDOOR. GARDEN Grow? quri.E. WELL, THOK YOU. THE HEAT,FOLKS • MP ME WITH IT. Flowers grow well in the balmy ai o/ a house heated by the Ilea Folks. • So, do children. So do grown peoPle. - It's a good climateto cultivate health, happiness and sunny dis- positions. • Try. a load ,of our DLEW1 brand when imu ne)st need coal. Call the aps for good, cleaa.cOal COAL COMPANY PHONE 74 CLINTOU