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The Clinton News Record, 1930-04-17, Page 3
Premier Hartzog. Of South Africa Picture of Man Whose Party Had Beaten that of .SIrtUits ill Tyro Elections "I-fortzog is not really anti-British," mate Mr. L:,17.:Neame, "He has a' iineappreciat'ion. of Thnglish literature. He and his childrenSpeak English better than, many ) tiglisli .people, tee Tits sone and his nelarews have been sent to universities in England. :English. is geherally -'the language used in his home, Tie is only anti.. British to the extent that -Britain has overruled, or might over -rule, or 'weaken, South Africanism; He is, and always hes been anti -Imperial, He was, and still is, ;anti -outside ccn- tro1, or interference or influence. Hire hbstilit-y-wield be equally directed against any; other country which he imagined. might wish to tu• terfere with South Atrica'e destiny, South Africa First. "His querreI with game of the Brlh• ash In South Africa a ant that they aro British; but that they do not in everything :place South Africa 'flist and Britain second He is . 00 .in- tensely pro -South. African that'. there are times.when he seems to be anti - every other eountry, , "It the gospel of Hertzogism makes South Africa a nation in its own Image, it will make' it a small ane. Rhodesia, which Smuts tried to per- •suade'to enter, the Union a few years ago, Ilea been f lghtened away, Per- • tape,. for, ever, by Hertzog'e- fierce Afrikandel'lam, and the dread of racial politics, bilingualism and the Union's poor whites. The 'native territories of Bechuana- land and Swaziland, which belong• ne- turally to the Union, are lest inclined than ever to leave the 'protecting wing of Great Britain, The cry that, the Afelkandei' must bio "bass" may ring pleasantly' en- Ough-in Dutch South African ears; but it is' apt to be a discordant note to native tribes and mealier states in Southern Arica.. , . "Widely read and cultivated, 'gentl'e in manner and fond ot simplicity, he makes friends everywhere. He !s transparently honest, and his bitten est loos would trust hie. word. Neith, or ambitious nor avaricious, lie pre- fers the quiet pleasures of life, and lie is ahyays happiest :with his books. YOUR HAIR NEEDS XO TO GIVE IT HEALTH AND LUSTRE ASK YOVR BARBER I lister,. Rw -do in Health, Cay r,s 7 lbs. 3 Weeks or, ,on` hie, farm, He, like. ©lepra 9•' dont I-iardings of America„' is 'Suet folks' Leading •a'simple Atte, he•goos` iittie faro doclety, and is rarely seen at amusements. A Shy Youth "In his youth ho was too- alit' to learn to dance, and 'it 'twould;'Indeed be difficult to picture glint in a,<ball- room, He has never read a novel— or war book, - Ido' doers not clay: bridge. IIs is content with his own family circle ,or the company di a few old friends; Fond of, botany, he deiights in long wailte aeroe `the veld, -and when even an opportunity oeenrir he Steals awayto hie farm •iii. tl o• Eastern Transvaal, on the edge of the Low Vela. At the endof We .day's wor1C in the Union Buildinge at Pretoria he. wades to, his home: in a }tear -by anburb, For him -the pomp of power has no 'attractions. The sinipiicitT d Re- publicanism appeals; to him: Ho 'shakes hands with his native ser- 'ante, He is • as ' courteous to' the down-and-out poor white.: as "he is to a-multi-mili'ionaire or a duke. YANG TO - HOTHERS hof Your Little Watch the Health Ones at All Times- No mother can expect that her child will escape' all the ills to which bitty- hood abyhood and childhood are subject, but she can do much to the severity of .these 'troubles. The !nether 'should be conetantiy on her guard•to prevent childhood ailments, or if they come on. suddeuiy, as they usually do, to have the-nteans at hand to relieve' them.. 'Thousands of mothers have rcunii "'Baby's Own "Tablets the ideal -remedy for Iittle ones—thousands of mothers always keep the Tablets in the house as a safeguard against the Malden. illness of their little ones. Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough'laiative. They regulate the bowels; sweeten the stomach and thus banish constipation' and indigestion; break up colds and simple fever and make the cutting of teeth easy. .Tho Tablets are absolutely guaranteed free from injurious drugs and' may be given to the youngest child with per- fect safety. TT;_ey are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mall at 25c a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. •Ancient Egyptian Mummy is Found Discovery Made by University of Pennsylvania Ex pedition Philadelphia, -- Tvib very colorful personalities ot ancient Egypt have been brought to light by the Univer- sity of Pennsylvarila expenditiou at Meydum, according to a report just re- ceived from Alan Rowe, Heid director in charge of excavations, Ono is a woman palled Sat-Her-Ilol- Hat; 'who went in for costly jewelrty, Her mummy, bearing its amulets and Jewels, has been brought out of Ito tomb where it lay undisturbed for 4,000 years, The other is a -Magician named Zedi, who lived iit the time of Cheops, about 2,850 B.C. Zedi'a mummy has not been found, but evidence of his re- markable'life has been unearthed in the torsi of historical -inscriptions. Herededef, son of Cheops; wrote as follows concerning Zedi; "There is a townsman, Zedi by name, who is 110 years of ago, And he eateth five hundred loaves of bread, a haunch of beef, and drinketlt one hundred jags of beer unto this day. He Itnoweth how to make a lion follow after him. with 'his leash trail- ing on the ground,;' The mummy of Sat -Her -Ent -Hat Iay upon a pad of folden linen 70 feet long by four and -a halt feet wide, accord- ing to Rowe's report, Minard's Kills Dandruff. In the presence of the Moat High Clod, let us never make excuse' for a t Olethful inefiloieney,—Norwood: Rev. W. H. Taylor writes, 'Atter a 7 wealcs' revival campaign I was en- tirely run-down and losing flesh rap- idly, I decided to give Ironized Yeast pp, 8 weeks' trial, After 2 weeks I found my strength returning and the tired feeling gone. In 3 weeks I had gained 7 lbs. and was myself again.” w Imagine just 3 eelcs to change trete a "skinny", tired person to a strong, woltfilied-cut man or woman. Ugly hollows vanish. ' Breonestielt limbs become round and olntbby. Tired Meting disappeare. Blemished plea clears. Only when' Yeast is lronlzed is it more effective—for Iron is needed t6' bring out the weight -building and strengthening values ot Yeaet, Pleasant -tasting tablets. Safe for everybody. Never cause gas et bloat- ing, no liarmfui drugs. Go to any druggist to -day and+get a full size treatment of Ironized Yeast. If atter thie generous trial you are not delighted, your money back in- stantly from manufacturer. Ends In 1 IVthnute "Ended burn Itch and pain of pliesin I minute wltii'Sootha•Salva,"unites L. T. Sears. "Weeding stopped. Piles soon vanished. Avoided operation." Gotlnateatrosultatodag dlidruggiats, Aci� ,ton: -a( Excess acid is themammal' muse of indigest dti. It results in pain and sourness about two hours after eating, The quick corrective le an alkali which neutralizes acid, The best cor- redlve. is ?billies' Milk of Magnesia. It .has remained standard with phys'i- clans is the 50 years since its inven- tion. One spoonful of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia neutralizes instantly many times its volume in acid. It is harm- less and tasteless and its •action .is (Mick. You will never rely on crude methodi, • never, continue to suffer; whoa you learn how quickly, how pleasantly this -premier method acts. Please let it show you now. Be sure to get. the genuine' Philips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi.- clans for •50 years in correcting excess acids, Each bottle contains full direc- tions -any drugstore, ' High School Boards 'and Boards of )ducation t' Are authorized by taw to establish ' INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With rho approval of the Minister of Education DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may, be conducted In accordance with the regulations Issued by the Department of -Education.' THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION ' is elven in various trades. •Tho schdols and classes aro under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTSE.• Application for attendance should be made to the Prinoipai,^ of• 'the school... COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, . HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND' AGRICULTURE AND, HORTICULTURE are provided- for in•the Courses) of Study. in Public, Separate, Contluuatlon and High schools, Collegiate Institutee, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations leased by the Minister of Education may be obtained frodo-tho Deputy Minister, Parliamenk.Buildindet Torpnto, Owl Laffs We like people who can work with / fith 'Al , AID-�TO,HCAI.T. out mac1 � too much , no is e. A SPRING, TONIC. He—"I'd be willing to die a thous- You Can Lay the Foundation of Good Health Now by Building Up Your Blood and Strength- ening Your Nerves Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. and deaths for you," 'Gladys—"Just one would :suit me Perfectly." Tho now -rich family really needs a big house. It's so much easier' to hide old Dad when swell company 001000, Poet="Have you an opening for- -a poet of real genius'!" Editor—"Certainly. We have sever- al doors and any number, of windows." Chicago Mother,- And, •now,' my dear, gd in and shoot father' good night." Eat, drink and be merry,, for to -mor- row the hospital and undertaker will 001 you, • Happiness • Notwhat' we have,: but what we use, Not what are see, but what we choose, These are the things that -mar or bless. And swell the emu of human happi.- nags. Thethings nearby, not :things alar, Not what we seem, but what we are, These are the things that make or break,'. And gives each heart ire joy or•ache. Not what seems fair, but what is. true, Not what we dream, but the good we • do, ' These are .the ,things that shine like gems, • . Like jewels in. Royal Diadems. Not tiewe take, but as we give, Not as We pray, but as we live, These are the things that make for Peace, Both now, and after Time shall cease, The sad part about the prohibition debate is that it never gets -to the Play in the finals. "Oh, no," cried Jimmie bitterly, "there ain't any favorites in this family notmueht' If I bite my finger nails I get a rap over the knuckles, but If baby eats his whole .toot they think it's too sweet for words," Nothing could be worse than sit- ting on top of the world all by your- self. A husband gets mad if his wife as- sumes that he has time for trifling household errands, and hie' 'wife gets mad if he pretends that he hasn't. Waste of wordal "Children, keep geletd" Tenderfoot—"How do you know there has been a picnic here?". Second ,Tenderfoot—"I see by the Mere." One trouble with Industry is that no sooner than it is adjusted it has to stop for "readjustment" A patient in a hospital awoke after an operatiou and found the blade of his room drawn. Patient—"Why are those blinds down, doctor?" • Physician •-- "Well, there's a fire burning across the alley and I didn't want yott to wake up and think the operation was a failure," An old railroader says: "Trying to see through a pair of dirty specs is Just about iia difficult as trying to see signals In a dense fog." Nothing grows so burdensome from long carrying as a grudge: "Now, listen, boy, you had bettey watch your step, because I work in the supply department of my;atlter's busir pass and he's an undertaker:" What has become of the ole fashion- ed child welfare program that used to be done in. the Woodshed? • How you use to -day determines 'how to:morrow• wilt use 'you. It's the little thing-' that bother us nowadays—you eau it on a mountain, but not on a tack. Then' there is the case of the ambitious man who start• ed on A shoe string and got slapped. The good cad fashion of taking, a tonic in, the Springtime; like most of the customs of our grandparents, based upon sound common ammo' and good' medical practice. Winter Is; al-, ways a trying time for, those who etre not in rugged health. Many-xnete, vro- Wren and children go through' We win• ter on reserve strength, :they have stored• up during the sunny• summer months, and grow increasingly pale and languid as the,,eering days ap-' ,proach. A tonic for -the blood and, nerves. at this time will do much for such people, by putting color in the •cheelts acid banishing that tired feel- ing Mgt Wovriee ;thousands'of people at this season of the year. It is iteassible to be enereetio 1f your -blood is' thin '-and. weak, or if your' mares are frayeb or shattered. You :cannot compete with others if you donot get refreshing sleep at night,: or,it'your appetite tie poor•or:. Vitt are losing weight. You need ,a tonic at tliie time to add to your 01- ficiency npw, as well as to save you from suffering later ou. And in all the realm of medicine, there is no safer or better tonic than Dr, Wii' lianrs' Pink Pills. • These pills- tone and enrich - the blood which: circulates through. every portion of the body, strengthening -jade] nerves and run- down ,organs, and bringing a feeling of now strength and energy: to weak, easily tired, despondent men, women and children, ' Mrs. L. Hupman, Summerville Cen- tre, N.S., writes: -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have •been of the greatest benefit to me. A few years ago 1 was in a badly run down condition. I became so weak and nervous that I could scarcely go about, and doing my house work left me completely used up. Everything seemed to worry me, and I was in a very discouraged conditlon when I began taking Dr. 'William' Pink Pills. I soon found the pills helping me, and continuing their use I fully regained . my health. Since then I always take a few boxes :in the Spring to build mo. up for the hot weather, and alwayg I find the best re- sults. I therefore cheerfully mown - mend these pills as the best of health. builderd. You' can get these pills from any medicine dealer, or by mala. at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, The Truth About ,Porridge A tew years age Soots who' bad crossed 'the Border and won success used'to'agcribe•.their triumphs -to the "parritch"'- on which they had been fed as. clttldren, ' Recently they haven't' been. ''saying quite go muck on the Subject—prob- ably because. porridge , is now more easily obtained in England, and those who praised'it might beexpected to eat it as well., And Row .a doctor comes along who gays that 11:to `TaelG ing in. food value, and that, if you are going to eat, it, you must take edit liver oil along with it. Porridge and cod diver oil doesn't sound particularly appetizing, liar it is certainly true that the' old faille ill. porridge' as a .food is on the wane. And, the porridge fanatics' cry: "Look what fine men'and women Scotland raised on. oatmeal in the old days!": ieitt't really an argument, • Doubtless they'. were—abecatise only the' very strongest ander healthiest speeimeua amid survive the diet. S ,,;®kers, aware! It there anything in the world that we waste so much as. the cigarette? Aud is there anything whose waste IS as dangerous, In Canada, for Instance, cigarette stubs carelessly thrown,away are held to be resplinsible for about one-sixth of the' annual tiro lose on which in- !Meanco has to be paid. Official figures sjtow that, on an average, about halri' of each cigarette Is wasted. Tito average Iength of the discarded tube is sue and a guar. ter 'inches. It has been calculated that Amort• cans discard 170,000 cigarette stubs and 550,000 matelt Bathe every min- ute! These figures have been gathered by a United States Government de- partment which has made somein- tereeting experiments on tete fire clan- ger of smokers' refuse, They dle- covered=that mere than hall of the ordinary cigarette stubs, when drop- ped on to inflammable material, would, with a slight breeze, be cer- tain to .eauee a fire, ' Cork Tips Safer To reduce this terrible risk they tried experiments With waterglass, which will not burn. By' equipping a cigarette with a cork tip an inch long, coated oils inside with a sole tion of waterglass, the risk ot fire was considerably reduced. The same thing happened 'with a .plain cork tip. Thee. they triett coating ordinary -cigaretteg with waterglass, which, re- ducing the tithe in which a ,thrawn- away etub 'Could glow, reduced the Chances of fire- by half. • A coating abode acid. solution did the same., It ie .only lenglish and American cigitrettes which are so wasteful and •dangerous. Russian 'cigarettes, and some of the types smoked in the, Ba1- kaus and Central Europe, have a card- board tubo mouthpiece, witioll not only reduces the 'wattage in tobacco, 'but helps to avoid the danger of fire when they are 'dropped. "What have you got your nock tied up for?" "0h, I ran into. one of those fool airships and sprained it, They won't obey the read -rules -at -all." Tllnard's Win. Kill ,Corns, Saskatchewan Limits : Influx Of Mennonites I lousy 'Upholds ,Government Refusal to. Admit 5,000 More froth - Russia. Winnipeg, --Tee 'Saskatchewan 'Leg-' islature" is through with 'distussing Mennonites, 'Aft'er hours of intmigra- dolt. debate, which drew in' the Prem- ier and the leader of the opposition, the House, by a vote of 20' to 23, In- dorsed the government's stand,'in re- fusf i to admit Mennonite colonists from ;Russia last fail. `The , Humour Of Anti-Soviet Propaganda -Paris—No 'time is wasted in France he teaching the rising generation what to think 'al)out what one:'lmportant newspaper invariably calla, 'with somo- what 'monotenouq trona, "the' Soviet paradise;' Striking evidence , of Nationalist propaganda among "children* is' con, twined in the last two numbers of "Benjamin;",e :Children's newspaper that enjoys -a wide circulation, aunt. Classified Advertising '. rote Sar.fa A s BABY otrwocs-wm ITATCflZI® .�1i 215,005 1itst year ,in four wartom ties, Write for-fres oataloguo.: ' L 110 Switzer, Granton,.04. BASH' anaemia ywINGLI] -COMB WIll,T11 LT'GI-IOnlif and Barred Plymouth Rook. Bab tick -w r i layers. p CI s, on..e ful. Hier !a V►- ; have been hatching for'27 yearo.•'Deign mere Poultry. 'arm.•Stratrord, Out, .. ,F -ALS FiVE b C MOTORS marines the news of the week on its 1, 1%2, 4 and b Horsepower, ail sm front Page, and the dine r c: good condition, Cheap, for immediate a g , ppoa alt o oP sale, 14. Watkins, 73 Adelaldo Street General Koutepel has provided it ee„t,'aereete. with, an. opportunity that it has not • failed, to take advantage of, • "My Dear Benjamins" These" Mennonites have supplied This is how "Benjamin" "reported Political kindling for :menthe, ever the disappearance of the General: t?Our colleague, amt.). de Chessin, has told you, my dear Benjamipa,; - of the 'terrible fate of the "little Russian children, orphans chsnged''into watt. childrenby „the criminal, bandits o1 the Chaim, the terrorist police or- ganization of the Soviets, "But this Chaim does not =fine 11 - sell now to committing' its crimes in Russia; it ` darns even to operate abroad. And so it hae come about that in the very heart }Sf Paris, in the Rue Rousgelet itself, General Houto- peff, chief; leader of the anti -Bolshevik emigres who have taken refuge, in our dear laud - of France, has been kidnapped by thj assassins of rho Choke in full daylight, "It is not yet known whether the General is still alive, or hidden ,or ,be- ing tortured by the agents of the Oheka, Ile is married and has et darling little boy' of cave, who is ery,- Ing and praying for hie papa." • This week the "story" is kept going by an account of the theory that the General was placed on board: a Soviet vessel oft Teouviile. "So now", "Benjamin" concleqdes, "General Kouto- poff may be in'ttuseie, is the hands of els most cruel enemies, the Bol• shevika." since: some 5,000 of -.them, destitute la : Russia, applied for permission, to eater 'Saskat-ehewan. There are about 21,000 of them' in the' province now. and• nearly 00,000 in Canada altogeth- er, The: spoakers;'agreed that they are desirable ðers, Dr, S. M. Uhrich, a stanch supporter of the Menuon- ites,.declared that of the persons who found their way into the Regina Jail in `1029 more than 1,000 out of. 1,350 were • Hug1ish-speaking, Another speaker voluted out 'that Mennonite women . intermarried with native Canadians, but En ieh-speaking wo- men did not filed Mennonite huebanda. in any number worth quoting. Learn English Quickly The Mennonites are a religious body, strongly' Protestant. They ars more easily absorbed than people of other nationalities in Canada, it Is said. They are thrifty, agricultural and. learn the English language with remarkable facility. But the Mennon- ites now in the province were not' is favor of letting in their compatriots at the time as the situation in Sas- katohewan is hardly ripe for more farmers, they 'said. This was the argument of R. P. I7ades, of Morse, Sask., where there are hundreds of a The Age of Consent Menuonitee, They are preparing to There is no lack. of news of a suit. admit their co-religionista'at a latter date. Members of the government have denied that the Mennonites were dis- criminated against. The same course would have been -taken in the case of applicants from the British Isles, of- ficials assert, Saskatchewan Is going to be careful about immigration dur- ing the next Pew yeses. British Settlers Preferred +The policy of the Federal govern- ment was also involved.' J. F. Bry- ant, Minister of Fable Werke, stated that tate percentage of British settlors la foreign countries was, deereastng at such a rate that it it went on, to. gether with the large natural in- ereese of foreign population, the Eng- lish part of Saskatchewan would soon be submerged. He quoted English and Canadian papers to show how the "invisible enemy" was working against increas- ed British immigration to this coun- try. It was easier, he maid, for a man to be passed for the war than to get into Canada under the new system of medical inspection. Some British miners had been kept out because they had flat feet, ha added, There seems to be a province -wide sentiment for an increased British inunigratioa. In preference to that from foreign countries. Progressives are strongly taking thie line and they represent the farmers' sentiment. When the present Saskatchewan Royal Commission taking evidence brings tit its report the provincial°govern. sent will frame a clear-cut policy. At the present time it points to a temporary' restriction of (settlers. The 'railways. own the largest group• of hotels is Britain are the largest, owners of docks, use: 16,000,000 tons of 'coal a year, and have the 'biggest interest in the canal system. Minard's-50 Year Record of Success. The condition, of salvation is that kind -"11 belief ,in Jesus Christ which authenticates itself In repentance' for: the past and in an amendment of lite for the future,—Noble. Deaf l4ear Again Through %New Aid Earpiece No I3igges Tltwn Diane Wins. Enthusiastic Following—Ton-Day Fi•ce Trial Offs" after twenty -Ivo-. years devoted excite sively to the manufacture of scientiflo ]rearing -aids, the Canadian .dooustioon nimited, Dept. 2500, 45-Dtalimond St. West, Toronto:Ont., has just perfected a now andel &ooitsticon that represents. the greatest advance yet made in Otto 10- e This creation 0t hearing for the deaf. latest e ottstigge t featuredadi. O a tiny ek earpiece noe, bigger tarn a dints. Through his devise, gonads are uleariy anduls- tinotiy transmitted to subnormal 0005 -with wonderful 'benefit to hearing' end, health' alike. The makers offer an abso- lutely £Sae trial for 10, days to any one Davison:who may be interested, and alet- tor will ,brine' One of these remarkalet) aids to your home for athorough and convincing test. Send them your name and Id/irons today! ISSUE No. 16—'30 Willie came u crying, and holding his head. "What fell on your head." asked his mother. "I did," he gob- bed, able nature, however, in the very next column is printed an account of the "grave mutiny in French • Indo- China," a "splendid colony with twenty million inhabitants," it is ex- plained, "to which we have carried the benefits of civilization, and where France is everywhere loved and .re- spected." "The French garrison;" near Yen Bay, this report continues, "bas been attacked; several unfortunate French soldiers and calcars have been ]tilled, and the rebels were only repulsed by reinforcements sent post-haste from Hanoi, "Order appears to have been restor- ed in our tine and distant colony, but the strictest measures are being taken to prevent the recurrence of these cruel mutinies that cost the lives of our poor, brave soldiers, who coura- geously serve their country far from the capital." One wonders whether the League of Nations wilt one day succeed in introducing an "age of consent" is the realm of propaganda, with the oh. childrenject 01 keeping fres from solicitationof ,itis kind un- til they are old enough to know what that' elders are tailcing about? —A, Faulkner - Use Minard's in the Stabis. There are eert'ain things iu wliicti mediocrity is not to be endured, such as poetry, music, painting, public speaklug; Bruyere. TAPEWORM REMEDY *'rob. R, L. Mulveney'e World Pauline Tapeworm itotnedy has expelled those horrid „monsters in two to three hours. leo starving necessary. no eictrnes no trouble - whatever. Write for fu11 information. Dept. d, 21.l ossington ilio., Toronto APPLICATIONS Are Filled As Far As Possible In the Order In Which They Are Received. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Fann Help Suppll ll APPLICATIONS Offering Mutual Work Ara Invariably Given the Preference. The Oolonizat on and Immigration Branch of the Department of Agrioulture for Ontario will have available a numberot Experienced Married Men 'With Their Wives and Families--Nlarried Couples Without Children Also Single Men. Partner0 requiring' 0 help ,pti .a o wall advised to maim early application to Geo. A. Elliott " Jlreetor of Colonization Parlament Bldgs., Toronto; Ont. elle Your App Icane n at Cnoa AI! Men Placed subject ta Trial Period HON. JOHN 8, MARTIN, Minieter of Agriculture t/1 any We can never be sure just what makesan infant restless, but the remedy can always be the same. Good old Castoria 1 There's corn- fart osfort in every drop of this pure vegetable preparation, and not the slightest harm in its frequent' use. Ps often as Baby has a fretful spelt, 10 feverish, or cries and can't sleep, 10 Castoriaeoothe and quiet him. Sometimes it's a touch of colic. Sometimes constipation. Or diarrhea --a condition that should always be checked without delay. Fust keep Castoria handy, and give at promptly. Relief will follow IIDmes your "face beer a arca ?Itch after shaavdtsg•F Try entieurat Sha15riian ' Stick 1lt eoot1055 and Hncals anal in wonderfully efficient 2 RS II 3140 0VV"prult-a-tives"dldit,saysMr.A1fied 1. Gingrao. Thousands write net.. 'susses he art flutter, dizziness,. constiratlon, indigestion end overs night, Sound sleep at once, UR% pipit-a-twos"fromdruggistte day, WHY SUFFER FROM YOUR . _ ,JVE ? Why be handicapped with unsightly blotches on the face, eyes with yellow tinge and that tired and languid feel- ing? Titis indicates a torpid liver Headache, Dizziness and Biliousness surely follow, You must stimulate your'lazy liver, start the bile /lowing with Carter's Littie„Liver Pills, They also act as a mild laxative, putely vegetable, free from ealomei and poisonous drugs, small, easy to swallow, and not habit forming. They are not a purgative that cramps or wins, unpleasant after effect follow- mg, ollow-m , on the contrary a good tonic. Alt Druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs. Dandruff You needn't be bald. Minard'e kids Daudrufr, checks failing hair, stimulates new growth and adds a healthy gloss. itub into Scalp with finger tips, four times a week. LOST PO NOS OF FAT ,..,_.in 2 short weeks ilouschen Salts will give many a fat person a joyous surprise. You Can knock pounds off your weight and years off. your age this sate and easy way. Every morning take "the -little daily cloth" of Kruschen in a glass of ]tot water before breakfast. This will mean that every particle of itoieonous waste matter and harmful aetds and gases to being expelled from the system. They are the cause of all the trouble because they remain in the system and aement- late in the form of excess, unhealthy fat. " I have lost several pomida is fess than 2 weeks. It is 'so safe and easy. No dieting, no drugs. I have tried several other ways, but with no good rotate. Mullen is all you claim it to be." Mrs. E. 1I. After three or four weeks ot the little daily dose, get on to the scales and see how ninny pounds of fat you have lost, 'Y'our mirror also will teal you what you have gained in• health and vigour. 'Your ere will sparkle, your skin will bo clearer, you will feel unbelievably youthful and energetic—you trill feel many pounds lighter and many yeah] younger.' FREE T IAL OFFER If you have never trled Bcbsehen—try 11 nor( at our wools?. We have distributed a gmat many special GIANT" packages which maks It easy for you 10pave our claim for yourself. Ask your druggist for the new " GIANT " 7Ga package. This consists of our regular 7Ge. bottle together with a separate trial bottlo—suflclent for about ono week. Open the trial bottle Orel, put It to the tost,.andtthen, If not entirely convinced that Ilrusoitmt does everything we claim It to 50 the regular bottle Is still as good as. new. Tale 1 bank. Your druggist 1s authorised to ramie your 7GG. Imbmdlatol1y and without question. You have tried itrusolion free, at our expense. What could be faker 7 Manufactured b1r It. Griffiths anggios, • Ltd., Manchester, Eng. (Web. 1756). imparters:-' traelelway nrosn Ltd., Toronto. very prompt y; if it doesn't, you ' should call a physician. All through babyhood, Castoria should be a mother's, standby;. and a wise mother does not change to stronger medicines as the child grows older: Castoria is readily Obtained at any drugstore, and the genuine easily identified by ,the 1-i. Fletcher signature that appears on every wrapper. t`I was very/weak after an op- eration. My nerves were so bad I would sit down and cry and my husband would not go out and leave me alone. Now my nerves =mat better, thanks to a booklet • that Wad left ander the door, Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound surely put ins• mew feet, b. have taken eight bottles My friends tell me 1 look fine, My, sister has taken this medicine too:" ---Mrs; Annie Walton, 67 Stanley St., Kingston, Ontario.