HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-04-10, Page 8earsaananiaenneusuemeureerienniaune cr7,77, 777 -77 THIP CANTON -NEWS RECORD P IURSDA, A,PI3IIL 10 1930; 'CLINTON'S LLATIING J), V , LE1tY STOKE e. Diseases Defective vision and diseases of the 'eye are two entirely distinct conditions. The former ' is usually due to .certain weaknesses of the .muscles or an error of refraction and can be overcome by wearing corrective lenses. The Optometrist is ,trained-. to recognize vari- ous eye and body diseases as' well as symtoms of certain systemic disorders,,and wilLjmlliediately re- fer the patient to a physician. ; An occasional "check=up" on your. eyes by a Registered Optomitrist ' is the best possible safe- guard against,eye trouble. We are at your service. R, H JOHNSON Distributor for Clinton . Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Next Hovey's Drug Store: , -Jeweller and Optician A SALE : OF SMART SPRING _SUITS AN AMAZINGLY FINE ASSORT- MENT OF SMART SPRING SUITS AT A SALE PRICE THAT PRE- SENTS OUT OF THE OR- DINARY SAVINGS EVERY SIZE IS HERE, IN MOD- ELS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN. . All the Season's newest patterns and shades, beautifully tailored in single as well as the new two -button double breasted styles, are here a- waiting your selection, , ALL LINES PRICED FOR QUICK SELLING PIumsteel Bros. • ;, lyJ,j4,y',� WE ALL JOIN IN SET WISHES FOR A HAPPY EASTER DAY to you and Your Family FRESH GROCERIES, FRESH. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Phone 125 W'e deliver promptly The G. & S. Grocers CLEAN UPr AND ...PAINT__ UP WEEK 'Listen in on CFRB Saturday nights — 7.15 to 8,15 for B.I-L. Tro- grana, A House is Usually as old as it Looks, Give yours a Youth -Sato! A house not more than five years olcl can easily look five times that age, inside and out, if it is not painted regularly. And, all the while, the building, as such, is rap- idly disintegrating,' because its sur- faces are not protected as they should .be from weather—summer and winter. Both seasons are bad for houses. Prematurely old houses are seen everywhere. And what a Pity. Give suieh houses a beauty - bath, a youth -bath. Paint is the best "face lifter" for. ugly houses. Sutter & Perdue PLUMBING • HARDWARE Phone 147w ELECTRIC WIRING Canadian Products - -, Canadian Stores! Over six hundred Canadian -owned Pure Food Stores handling and always favouring Canadian Products loin hands +I, eliminalte waste and to _pass on the saving to the Canadian public. Right in your neighborhood, convenientand accessible, you will find Su- perior Chain Stores, where honesty accurate measure and full ,val- ue always rule. • WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS and les, 12 n ngcess S Prem. Saucer, pt'rs P Laren'' Powders, Brunswick Aylmer Ju I Pure Mtaple Jen e xriff's R. S. Oxydol "For. laundry, Leal Sweet Mixed Pick - kitchen and general work e. bottle 2.7c larg pkg.. . , ... , . • 17c Princess Soap Chips, pkg, .21c Lux Toilet Soap, "For a - Tea, with Cup and 1snnooth Skin, cake 7c per lb, ... , ......69e • Kellogg's All Bran,, pkg. ..17e 1Pa ate, pkg. 14c Bulk Thompson Seedless MIe Invincible Jelly Raisins, 2 lbs" 21e P , 4• pkgs.. 25e Maple.. Leaf Red Sockeye Bir Sardines, 4 tins 25e Salmon, l's , . 4'77e Ayl Jumbo Peas, 2's, tin 22e Pure Orange Dfarmalade y Chiokeln laddie, tin 23e 40 oz. jar . , • 29e le Syrup,'pint . ,38e Gilleet'e Lye, "Eats: Dirt"Au ima Pancake per tin• ...15e Flour,each . , . , 19c Kraft Cheese, 1-2 .1b. pkg, 21c Shi True Vanilla; eaoh'23e lc KNIGHT&SON PHONE ' YOUR' .ORDER EARLY CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 111 'ut the Sparkle Newness ' into Be Rooms By the use of well selected. Wall Paper. How disheartening it is to yearn fey refreshment and beauty and to have circumstances deny then to us, and then what pleasure is there to find that we can have eharnn and freshness about us with- in a moderate cost and nowhere can this be done • to greater advantage than by beginning with -the funda tion, of artistry—the walls. Wall Paper makes a house into a home, it transforms cold and displeasing wail's into ;charming and livable rooms' where cheerfulness, happy renova- tion and the qualities that delight the eye and mind are at .borne to en- rich the settings of the fixtures and furniture. We have a ,liberal as- sortncent in limited quantities of what was much higher priced papers at 5c and 7c per roll. MOTH PROOF DUST PROOF • DAMP PROOF AIR TIGHT GARMENT STORAGE BAG (Cedarized, Size 26"x4"x56") will protect your reinter garments in the modern manner. Tlia W. D. Fair Go, Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Miss Doris Durnin was ,up from To- ronto over the week -end. Mr. Lorne Cook of Toronto spent the week -end at his home in town. Mts. W. Rutledge returned Monday after a visit with her daughter in Toronto. Misses Sheppard and Clement are the guests of 1lihsses P. B. Ward and M. A. S -Ione. Mr. Kenneth Rorke and Miss Flor- ence Fiorke of Toros}to spent the week -end at them• home in town. Mrs. J. C. McMhth returned hone iMonday after spending a coulee of mouths with relative,' in Strath- roy. Mr. W. F. Batty of Brooklyn, Ont., spent a few days last week at the home of his aunt, MI's, J. Cornish of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. 'cern. Emigh and Mr. Jim Emigh of Grand Valley visited on Tuesday with Miss Zetta Baw- den of town. Miss K. R. Parke returned to Toron- to on Saturday after visiting with iher sister, M;rs. John Ciuff, for some wyks. Misses Violet Morrison„ Helen Man- ning and Frances Mossop spent the week -end in London as the guests of Muss Dorothy Hill. Miss McLeod, a missionary hone on furlough from Japan, spent the week -end in Clinton as the guest sof Miss Hattie Court$ee. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jenkins and Mr. George Jenkins of London visited at the• home of ;the former's broth- er; Dir. R. Jenkins, Woodlands Farm,' on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. 3. G. Chowen attended the Golden Wedding anniversary of the former's sister and brother- in-law, Mi•. and Dews. Frank Met- calf of Blyyh, one day last week. l\Ir. Levi Trick of London spent a few days over the week -end visit- ing in Clinton and vicinity. Mr. Trick carne up to be present at Clinton's 25th annual Spring Show. Miss M1ary Jenkins, returned •home the end of the week after a visit of several moriOe with her broth- er and his fancily in Vancouver, and ether relatives and friends en route. Mr. J. L. Kerr of The Brussels Post was in town on. Shaw Day and met a number of old friends. It is much regretted by her friends here ithat Mrs. Kerr's physica.I condi- tion grows steadily worse. Ms. Jaynes Connolly of Goderich was a visitor in Clinton on Show' Day. IMx. Connolly, who helped to or- igenize the first Pair away back in 1906, never musses ;the annual ev- ent, and he pronounced this year's an excellent one. Misses Ward and Stone were in To- • ronto on Saturday attending the Gregg Convention, the sessions be- ing held at the Royal York Hotel. Mr. John R. Gregg, author of the Gregg Shorthand system, was -pre- sent atthis gathering and gave an interesting.address. Messrs.YL . IE. Rorke, W: 3. Pluni- epee_; C. H- Venner, T. 'G. Serib- bins,, G. H. Jefferson, G. 81. Hall and H. Piekett motored to Mitchell 'Tuesday evening to visit the Ma- sonic Lodge of that town, which ,w88 having an official visit_frorn `- the Distriie: Deputy" Messrs. John! McNaughton, Richard MieN'aughton, Levi Trick and At-' iihur Triek Motored up from Lon- don on Thursday bast ,to attend the Spring Show. Former residents of this Vicinity are glad of the eine nual, excuse to visit {the eld town and find - fair day a good'time to meet old friends. 1 CLINTON'S', BIG ; r CORNER GROCERY 'Wbyare your singing so merit y? IVEE SPECIAL BLEND TEA,'' pound (Reg, 75c)' per lb. 65c ILF for _ (We will be pleased to give `Samples.) FLOWER DALE TEA, 1J. 78c, RED ROSE'' TEA, Ib. 69c GOOD BLENDED TEA, lb. 59e REAL VALUE TEA, lb. 49c SPECIAL EASTER PRICES .:ON BACONS & MEATS EASTER BUNNIES, HENS, RABBITS, ETC., from 5c to 75c 'EASTER BARGAINS Fancy Cookies, per pkg. • 25c Fancy Cookies, per pkg. 35e Soda Biscuits, 2 for 25c Jelly Powder, 5 pkgs. ` 25c Corn Syrup, (5 lbs.) . - 85e Dates, 2 lbs. 19c Bananas, per doz. - 29c FRIDAY- AND SATURDAY Picnic Hams, per lb. 23c Raisins, Seedless, 2 lbs..:, 21c Seeded Raisins, 2 pkgs. 25c Oxydol, large, pkg. 17c 'All Bran, large pkg. 19c Rolled Oats, 3 lbs. 13c Evaporated Milk, tall, 2 for 25c Evaporat. Milk, small, 3 for 23e Rolled Wheat, lbs. 25c Breakfast -Food, 4 lbs. 25c Corn ,Flakes, 2 pkgs. 19c - Corn, 2 cans 25e Peas, 2 cans ,. 25c Comfort Soap, 5 bars ,;..25c Brooms, each .. 39c Shaker Salt, each 5c Macaroni, 2 lbs. 23c Sliced Pineapple, 2 for - 25c Life Buoy Soap, 3 for 21c Lard, 3 lbs, Frigidaire Specials, 50c• Shortening, 3 lbs., 50e; Lamb Roll . 28e'. Kraft Cheese, lb: 35c Ingersoll Cheese, 2 for 25c B. Bacon, lb. 35e Tomatoes, 2 tins' • 25c: GRAPE FRUIT FOR EASTER •BREAKFAST Head Lettuce, each 15c . Leaf Lettuce 10c Tomatoes 25c_ Morning Delivery: 9 and 11 a.m. Cash and Carry Phone 48 $1.00 ORDERS DELIVERED FREE Afternoon Delivery: 2:30. and 5, pat,. W.T. O'NEI'L Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails Twilight Musical Recital In Wesley -Willis Church, on the afternoon of Friday, April !18th commencing at 4 o'glock, sharp ASSISTING ARTISTS— fifes. C. E. Dougan, Mts. (Dr.) Hearn, Mrs. Fitzsimons, Mrs. Cor- less, Miss Mary R, Stewart, Miss Ferrol Higgins, Mrs. Perdue, Mrs. 13. Nediger, 1\fr. Morgan Agnew. *s. Morgan. Agnew, Organist. Admission, Silver Collection. In a Flower Garden A CANTATA Presented by Girl's of Public School and MINSTREEL SHOW By the Boys IN THE TOWN HALL April 14th and 11th at 7.30 o'clock Admission, 35 60-2. COAL Co' COKE We sell DL&W and Famous Reading Anthracite Coal, Solvay Nut and Furnace Coke, Liberty Range size Coke, Alberta Coal and Millers Creek Soft coal. Our Motto— Good clean fuel at a reasonable price. W. J. MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence. Ontario St. PHONES: 46w and 403 COME TO CUNINGIIAME'S For a Choice Selection of LILLIES, ROSHS4 HYDRANGAS' PRIMULAS, PANS OF PLANTS CHOICE FERNS, ETC. A FINE ASSORTMENT IN CUT FI.OW+1RS ROSES, CARNATIONS, SWEET PEAS, IRIS, DAFFODILS, w TULIPS, `ETC. Try Fertebs for your house plants: Evergreen•or Black _leaf 40 will keep them free. oe ineeejts, Prepared 'Seal For Sale 's Florits iCttnuinghame ' Phones 81176k " The Colonel's Maid " A 3 -act Comedy will be presented by the Clinton Pastime Club IN THE TOWN HALL, ON Thursday, April 24th at 8.15 As the Pastime Club always puts on a good entertainment if you miss seeing this play you'll miss a treat. FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENT NEXT WEEK Admission 50e° and 35e. 61-2. DELICIOUS FOR GOOD` FRIDAY SURPRISE THE KIDDIES . order a dozen of these delicious HOT CROSS BUNS FOR 20e EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE BAKERY- LINE Wendorf's Bakery MAKERS of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD Irnprove Your Horne Now and Avoid the Spring Rush Everything fop.' the Kitchen in ALUMINUM AND GRANITE Something far Everyone to brighten up. the surroundings ,Beegii't nate to improve by painting VVje can supply you with all ,colours and suggest Schemes to the best ads vantage for you. • • iworalb 1.100410s. HARDWARE and PLTJMBING3 Thong . 244 °'" IT'S TIME " FORC INGE A . ;After the long winter you willno doubt; be tired of looking at some of your old Rugs, Linoleums,Oii Clothes, Etc. We have the remedy, the• finest and Brightest stock we ever had. Then you may want a New Bed Spring or Mattress; we have them at all prices but we wonld especially mentiointhe new Spring.. fillet_ Marshall Mattress—Real Comfort at $19,50. You will be surprised to know that you can buy a real good looking Bridge 'Lamp at $3,00. Floor and Table Lamps at $3.50. This is the time for Cedar Chests and Ferneries. A good stock of Baby Carriages, Strollers, Sulkies and Tri- cycles. - Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co. Funeral Directors Monument Dealers The Store with a Stock Hardware Phone, 195 Furniture Phone 104 CHOICE BEEF Rolled Rib Roasts, ib. ..• .22e Chuck Roasts, lb. •..,....22e Shoulder Roasts, lb. 22e Whole Rump Roasts, lb. 22c Round Side Rump, lb. "..,20c i'amburg Steak, lb ' 20e Rib Boils, lb. 18c Flank Boils, lb. 18e REAL GOOD LARD Bulk.17e lb, or 3 for 50e 3 lb. pails net weight ...,50c. LAMB Lamb Stews, Ib. 22e Shoulder Roast, Ib. 28e Rib Roasts, lb. 28e Loin Roasts, lb. 32c Leg Roast, lb. 35e Chops lb, . 35e MUTTON Mutton Chops . .",....,,, 220 Loin Roast , 20e Rib Roast 180 Shoulder Roast " 18e, Steals . ... .... 16e' CURED MEATS ,.Dry Salt Pork, lb. 25e Smoked Picnic ,Hamsy lli22e Smoked Cottage Rolls, lb. 80e P. Meal Cottage Boll, lb. 28e Breakfast Bacon, piece 34e Back Bacon, piece . 516e P. llfealed Back Bacon, Ili45e Pickled Pig's- Feet, 3ifar 25c VEAL. Rib Roast, lb. ,.. , 25e Shoulder Roast, ib" .. 25e Chuck Rloast, Ib. e. , .... , .. , 25e Veal Chops, lb. .. Leg USUAL LINE OF COOKED M'1L1.TS; Connell & Tyndall " CLINTON'S LEADING' MEAT' MARKET' " Phone 162 Huron Street. Now IS THE TIME TO PICK YOUR. WALL, PAPER FOR SPRING We have over 601 samples' to choose • from PRICES FROM 8c• TO $2.00 Phone 234 and we Will call with Sample Case Huron St„' Clinton A. .Ai Painter and Decorator