HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-04-10, Page 5;IURSDA.V„ .APRIL 10, 1920. OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME' ,What .does the "Chatsworth _Sage" think of the weather lately? The ,•dearman made one good guess, that 'winter would startearly, but he has been out pretty, nearly ever since: The Taman News last week entered' 'upon its fifth year. 'Tis a lusity; 'Youngster and .bids fair to'?each a .good old are. ' Here's good luck and may it live to celebrate its seventy- fifth. eventy; fifth. " '3he contemplated change; in the FSehoolz-Act, providing for the aP- 'pointment of Public ..;ehool inspec- tors by the Depatjtment of Education, the government to be responsible for the payment of their salaries, also,• ,comes' . in for some criticism. frons .some quarters as a centralization, of authority in Toronto and, as the lead- 'er cf ythe opposition, Hon. Mr. Sin- •elair, pointed out, as another temp •'tation to exercise patronage'. ''Prem_ ier Ferguson, assured the" house that 'there had never been and would be no 'patronage,in connection with the de 'partment of 'education. 'It is hoped -that this policy will be ,continued. `We gannet see,' any great advantage in the • Change, except that it will :save the counties some money, Hu- 'ron bas always had 'excellent Public :school inspectors and it is to be ex- , petted always will ,have, no matter -which 'body chooses !them. • THE • CLINTON-NEWS RECORD MARRIAGES' FEAGAN MORRIS—At ' the home lof . the 'bride's' parents, on April '2nd,, by the Rev R. B. Cumming, Adelaide Grace,'youngest da�.tgh- • ter of M%• and.. Mrs. Herbert Nor- '.' Tis,' to. Mr. Howard Feagan, son' of Mir. and MRs. John •Feagan, -ail of Colborne township. BIRTHS * * * The GoderiehSignal: hasn't told us 'elf 'any non-partisan appointments made by the Liberal Government at. 'Ottawa, although it claims to know. 'of some. . And, we gather, it would like :the Civil Service Act abolished 'that the country might return to Pat- ronage Pure and 'simple,' as it con- pleins:-that, the ,Governnfent "gets no eredit for reform from its opponents es even from >ttie'independen►t pap - 'ars.'" But you •, cannot expect credit /or doing what you are supposed to -do. The Government' is severely censured when it interferes with ap • pointments made by the Civil Ser-, vice Commission, for partisan rea- •sons, and riglytly so.. Because it is not supposed to do that. But The' Signal .must not expect all .the newspapers to stand up and clap„ -their. hands and shout for the Gov- .ernment when it .,doesn't interfere with the Commission. The News -Record has not been criticising the patronage system' of any political party. It hasn't got warmed up to it as yet• It merely noted the speed with which The Sig- nal turned from any criticism of . its own party and cried "You're Anoth- •erl" at someone. in the opposilte . camp, and we suggested that when the party newspapers began, oppos- ing patronage in their own Party there might be sonde improvement. If The Signal, for instance, kept tab on the lapses of the Ottawa •Gov- ernnaerit mut The Star called atten- tion to the occasions when tite To- ronto :Government overstepped the • mark, (although there being no civil ...: 'service commission in - Ontario the government has more latitude), there' aright be some change of bringing about a different steps of affairs. But we fear that there is not 'much chance of The Signal taking such a stand. Indeed, wa cannot re - 'collect an occasion when it criticised a • Liberal Government for any act. In fact we expeet it will fully agree with Premier King in his reiterated discrimination against the provinces ivhich eleet opposition governments. 'It mast be a bother to be se tied up to a party as The Signal seems to be. ALP—On April 3rd, at the Civic Hospital, Ottawa, (to Ren and Mrs. Wim. R, Alp, a daughter, Merger- ' 'et Frances. Both doing well. RATr"CENBUR.Y--'In Peterboro, on 'Mareh ,30th, to • Mr. and Mrs. I. Batterbury, a son. DEATHS SMITH—In Clinton, on April , 8th, Donald Smith, in his 100th. year. TW ITCHELL In 'Wind'sor, on April 7th, Elizabeth` Mulloy, widow of Jaines Twitchell of Clinton, in her "73rd ` year. HARRPSON-In .Goderich township, on April 41h. Fiances Splan, wid- ow of -John Harrison, aged 88 yeVs. TO NIAGARA -ON -THE -LAKE The following notice appeared in Saturday's issue of The St. Cathar- ines Standard in eefereree to.' the settlement at Niagara -on -the -Lake of Pile Rev. A.'Macfarlane: "The Rev. Alfred Macfarlane, B. A., B.D., recently of Englehardt, will commence his 'ministt9 in 51. An- drew's Church, Niagara -on -the -Lake tomorrow. Mr. Macfarlane is a ,dis- tinguished graduate in both : arts and theology., and has attained_a reputation as an eicceptionally :'able preacher in'lthe various Pastorates which'ite has held. in Ontario.. It is. expected that under his leadership, St. Andrew's will recover not a little of the strength and: _prominence which in ' the past has made this historic church a .recognized force for - righteousness in the community." • "NOAH'S ARK" IN STAR THEATRE MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNES- DAY, Al'It11, EDNESDAY,'A'i'IdIL 21., 22, 23..> at 8.15 MATINEE ON MONDAY, 21ST AT 2.30 under auspices of Ladies Auxiliary of Presbyterian Ohuerh Evening, Adults, '40c plus 2,e tax ''Children 25c Mat., Adults 40c and tax, children 16c GODERICH TOWNSHIP The A:T.P.A of St. . James' church, Middleton, was held on Wednesday evening of last week. After- the reading of ininultes, and business dis- cussion, the religious part of the ev- ening, followed in the form of the Lenten Devotional Service:' Solos were rendered by 'Arthur Peek and Mrs. Paull, Mies, Lucy 'Woods took the, topic of the evening, reading a splendid ardele on a famous Cana dian ,'doctor, Dr. Abraham Groves. Miss Anne McLeod gave a very in- teresting reading, the remainder 'of the evening . being spent in games and contests. !Mass Helen Beacom has been visit- ing relatives at Brucefield. Miss Grace Churchill, R.N., is vis- iting friends ai: Lucan. M. and Mss. T. A. Middleton and son Jack, visited with the latter's parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Jas. Fergue son, over the week -end. 0. H. Ferguson; of London was home over the week -end. Quite a number:. of people from this vicinity went into 'Clinton 1 o see the popular comedy, "I'll Explain Everything," • whieh was presented in the town hall oh Monday evening by the young people of the Ebenezer neighborhood. Council meet in Holmesville on Monday last; minutes of last meeting read and adopted. ' Department of Public Highways wrote acknowledging' receipt of By- law No. 4, providing for expenditure on roads during 1930. Fyled. Municipal Association again called the attention of Council to the im- portance of joining by remitting the membership fee; no eetion taken. A telegram from the Bayfield Golf Club requesting, the repair of the road to their grounds as soon as Possible. Fyled. The Clerkwas instructed to re- turn the bill of the Dominion Road Machinery Co., for correction, Mayor MacEwen of Goderieh, ac- companied by Messrs. Connriolly, Sturdy and Edwards, were present in the interests of Goderich requesting a grant; the council promised the same as last year viz $25.00. The following accounts, were order- ed paid: Wilfrid Elliott, sheep claim, $18.00, Goderich Star, printing, $37.65; Hol- mesville Church, use of shed, 5.00; Supt. pay Voucher, No. 4,,$72.00. The No. 10 school debenture ques- tion was again to the fore but notice was received' that an armistice had been signed and the next time they squabble it is to be done according to rules, and animpartial referee chosen. Council then adjourned to meet on Monday, May 5 at 1.30 p.m. —R. G. Thompson, clerk: BAYFIELD 'Mr: and sirs. W. R. Jowett return ed home on Tuesday • after having spent the winter in Florida. ' Mrs; Cattliug and son, Jint, of Port Stanley, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Sturgeon. Mrs. Barrett `and son, Plassell, of Waterloo spent Saturday with • her daughter, Mrs, Thos. 'Brandon. Mi. Wen. L. Cameron returned to Detroit on Wednesday of last week after having visilted his sister, , Mrs. A. Wngle'of St. Marys is vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Sturgeon. • , Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Ww and fam- ily of London spent the week -end at their cottage. Mrs. M. Fraser returned to her home in thevillage on Wednesday of last week after having spent the winter in Toronto and Goderieh . Mr. G. Elliott spent Sunday in London. - e. and Mks. A. Ford Icing and son, Douglasb ,of Toronto spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mi. and Mrs, G. King. Mrs. S. D. Merner and Mr. and Idrs. David Baird and son, Jack, of Grand Bend spent Sunday with Mr. and !Vire. E. J. Sturgeon. We are sorry to report that James Sturgeon is in Poor health alt present. A change in Post Office hours in the local office came into effect on Monday Inst. The general delivery wicket ,closes at 8.30 p.m. each even- ing now, instead•,pf 9.30 as formerly. !Commencing on Sunday, April 13, the hour of service itt Trinity Church will be changed to 11 a.m. Rev. I. Keine of Seaforth conduct- ed the Presbyterian service on Sun- day last.• Mi.and Mrs.‘ F. Crane and 'family of Detrotr visited,M'rs. Crane's fath- er, Mr. R. Weston, over the week- end. . • Miss Thelma Ritz returned home on 'Sunday after having vieited in Stratford: ,. Ms. T. C. Bailey is spending a few days with friends. in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gale . of Elora are visiting the former's parents, Rev..and Mrs. R. M. •Gale.. Fred Wallis, who has spent the winter in London is visil;ing his'par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W, Wallis, God- erieh township. •_ IA_ large 'number favoured the meet- ing of the Y.T.'Department of St. Andrew's United' Church,, -by their presence; on April 3. Mr. Orville Kalbfleisch,;president, occupied the ;chair and presided over the meeting. Mr..Kalbfleisch and Albert Woods were chosen to speak at a future date on""Ahstinenee of Alcohol" at a place to be set by the presbytery 'of Huron. Miss Lucy 'Woods favoured the meeting' with two very pleasing v6cal • numbers and Miss Marie Grainger played a piano solo. The program took the, forni of an In- augeral .Council Meeting."' Tho Reeve,: Brown. Stewart, and:council- lors Mrs.>. E. Sturgeon, Miss Ethel Stirling .,Chas. Wallis and Murray Grainger, displayed generous ability in putting over :;the business of the Council. They passed several by- laws for the improvement of the village, ,but we are sorry that •:our worthy Trustees of the village were not presenteo pick up a fese,sugges tions. Thenext meeting will be held on April 10th and topic will be -given by Rev.. 11 M. Gale on !the'"Koreans," It is hoped that no' one will miss this; opportunity of hearing Mr. •Gale. PEOPLE YOU KNOW Mr. S. Nicholson of Auburn was in town on Show Day: IVIr. N. W..Trewartha wes in Toron- to oronto on business one day this week. Miss Irene Wankel of Seaforth was the week -end guest of Miss Gladys Crich, 11e. J. T. Reid of London -was here on Thursday last . attending the fair and meeting old friends. 'Mr. J, A. M;cKenzine of Regina, Sask., epent the week -end with his anoth- er, Mrs. T. 14. -Kenzie, of town. !Ess Stesvar"t of Clinton spent over the week -end as the guest of her sisper, Mrs. ' Fred Toll. -Blyth Standard. 1Vlrs. H. 'W)iltse returned Tuesday af- ter'spending the 'winter with rela- tives in Toronto, near MbntreaI and in ilZr. Oliver Johnson of Goderich was a. visitor du ' Show Day and stet many of his former ,friends and acquaintances. • 'Mrs. C, Calton returned to her home in town this week, after spending, the winter with her sister, Mrs. Cecil Miller of E'itratford. Misses. Minnie : and Jane Gilchrist have returned to their• home in town after spending the. winter in Saginaw, Mich. 'Mr. W,n. Taylor of Sleielece Hill, fot- merly of Stanley township, spent eheweek-end with old 'friends in town aqd vicinity, • `Mr. and Mfrs. 'Andrew Niihau, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. , Millian. and : Mrs. McPhee c Goderlchwere here for the Fair ,on Thursday. Mr. Bruce Tasker left Monday for !Greenwood Bay, Milch„ Ito take a position with the Matthews Steam- ship Co. for the suntnter.' Mr. A. W. Beadom. of Harieck was an interested visitor ,in 'town on Show Day, He knows' a good horse when,' he sees one, too. a itl''chilclrei':'have Al 1 ioyd. l cy.s ,a returned to, the i >home' in' arna, isCARD OF THANKS 00c .II, MEMORIAL VERSE PER LINE ..,.,10c Calves For Sale A limited number of Holstein heif- er. calves can be supplied. - APPLY TO W. MARQUIS 'BASE LINE Phone, 6381.21, Clinton central: 61-1. Grand Masquerade arm• yal under the 'auspices of the Agricul- tural Society will be held in the TOWN HALL, HAYFIELD on the evening of Wednesday, April 23rd Grand Mareh at: 9 o'clock, sharp Several Prizes for best costumes, Music by Lakeside Entertainers REFRESHMENTS SERVED Adnisison, Adults, 59c, Children, 25e 61-2. t Y after spending " a . few clays` with ;the lad s Sister, M7an e. t 5 M. Y' l s Reid. *ea i, . t firei, husband'for .married r ty• . money • and .nay second:der `' love.", 'Thein'. you are very haPpy now, 1 `'suppose ?,!'.•' "bio,. Pati, )lot :Zee: see, my '• first 'huIsband Married me'' fox lope, and 'my second for money!" • Clinton s New -Laid Egg And Poultry House ' Eggs bought according to Domin- ion Government Egg Regulations. Inquire for our prices of eggs. Yon will always find our prices par- allel with the city markets. Fat hens and well -finished chicles always, w,atted—Prices good. Always phone our office for prices, before marketing' produ'e. - Building Bargains Clearance Sale of LUMBER :AND BUILDER'S SUPPLIES,. at greatly reduced prices. Pine, Hemlock, Fir, Sash,, Frames, Doors, Flooring, Siding, Shiplap, In- terior Trim, Lath, Verandah Mater- ial, Hardwoods, Etc. Now is the time to secure these bargains for your spring building. N. W. Trewartha Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w OWNER WNER Start the motoring season "Right" by taking out an auto and personal accident, insurance policy. I pan meet your requirements for either private or commercial vehicle cower - age as well as protection for your- self. Having had years of experience in auto insurance and representing' a splendid range of cdmpanies, I ant in a position to advise you as to your needs and to provide you the very best 'of service with your insurance. • H. E. RORKE Clinton, Ont., All lines of insurance Sun Life Ageney. ' Phone 253w 5841. Thos. McKenzie Estate. Phone 88. 61-1P. STANLEY Mr. Roy 'Keys spent Thursday inClinton. • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys and chil- dren spent Thursday in Clinton, Mrs. Keys and children retraining Until Sunday "'with her sister, Mrs. Jas. M. Reid: Mr. Arthur McQueen has bought a new Ford sedan. . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Barton, Jack and Katherine of Goderich, visited st the home of Mr. Hugh Gilmour this -week. , Ontario Breeding Station Of Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks, under supervision of 0.A.C., Guelph, We trapnest the year around ,and only 200 -egg birds or better are kept for breeders. Only our own eggs of 2 ounces or over are used for incu- bation. All stock blood -tested. Or- der early for disease-free, healthy chieks of high pitality. 0. F. Sie- grist, Box 173, Seaforth,. Picone 804. 61.1-p. Grass Seed Timothy and Alsace mixture for' sale. This seed was grown. on new land and is free from bad weeds, a- bout 5 per cent. alsace, will sell at 9c per lb., bags included. Also Alsace seedy 106 Ib, Sameles of these seeds have been sent for grading. and will be given purchaser. Oats and barley mixture,, clean for seed,' about 80 per cent. oats.,Jas. Medd; Hallett. -. 61-1. Pasture Land For Rent Lots 77 and 78, Maitland conces- sion, Goderich township, consisting of 183 acres to rent for pasture. This place is well shaded and has a spring creek running through it. For, particulars write to Mrs. Olive' Bedard, Conrtright, Ont, 60-3, House For Sale 7 -room houte, hardwood floors in front part of house, town water and lights. Garage and chicken pen. Half acre lot with fruit trees. Ap- ply to John W; Nediger, Clinton. 594f. Position ,Wanted Middle-aged, Protestant, house- keeper wishes position on farm or otherwise. Can, be highly recent-. mended. Mike inquiry at The News -Record office. 61-2. Presbyterian Bazaar The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Pres- liyterian ehureh'intend holding their Bazaar on the first rst Izidd aY in June. Please reserve )chis date. 61.1.. °° sa td "lase!' :deafTake care of of t y the public speaker's wife, as her hus- band set off for an open air meet- "Yes, yes, I, will," he answered. "'That's And t renetn, 'right," •'ht," she said, still anx- 'e ber 'don't 'stand, .it tons � th• Vette bare. head! sari 'tie drum; ground" For Sale 1929 Ford coupe, sport model, "with rumble seat, excellent condition, small mileage. Inquire ajt News -Re- cord office. 61-1-p. Please Return :Jacks Would the parties borrowing Win. Elliott's Jacks ^kindly bring then back by Saturday as they are need- ed, and oblige. Wen, Elliott elite: ton, Ont. '614. Bulls For Sale Two Shorthorn bulls, about 12 months old. Apply to Peter McKen•, zie, Lot 35, Con. 3, L.R.S., Tucker- smith, KiPpen P.O. Phone 141 ring 13, Seafotlth central. 61-2-p. Licensed Driver Wants Position:. Young married .man, ten years travelling business experience, also private 'driving ;experience, desires steady position at once. References if required. ''Write Drawer It. Clin- ton , orinquireat News -Record •of- fice. Seed Wheat For Sale Quantity Kubanka (Goose) Wheat. Free of noxious weeds, to mix with oats or to sow alone. Fen- wick Stewart, R. R. No. 5, Phone 6201.12 Clinton central. 59-3-p. General Trucking' I am prepared to do general truck- ing, moving furniture, etc. Two trucks available when nedessary. M. Glidden, Holmesville, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 611 ring 24, Clinton central. 59-4-p Auction Sale FOR BctterlTaiucs COME TO US Wo Carry a Complete Stoek.of—+— ALABASTINE AND PAINTS, GARDEN TOOLS, DITCHING TOOLS AND FORKS. OVERALLS. SMOCKS. SHIRTS RUBBER BOOTS AND WORK BOOTS DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR 'BEATTY PUMPS, ANKER HOLTR CREAMSEPARATORS AND ELECTRIC AND HAND. WASHERS. • iller Hardware Co. TELEPHONE 53 CLINTON C. IL VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances _ Wiring and Repairs Phone 7 RUPTURE SPECIALIST ' Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform- ity. Consultation Free. Call or write, J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. 10-1929. For Sale The property of the late Alexan- der R. Brown consisting of a"white brick house on Princess St„ East Clinton with eight rooms, town and soft water, bathroom and electric lights. Ono. half acre of land ;with barn, large and small fruits. Apply to W. Brydone. 59-3. Of Household 'Effects,, on Orange street, on Saturday, April 12th at 1.30 sharp, ocnsisting of the fol- lowing: Buffet and China Cabinet, combin- ed; Brussels rug, 7.0'x16'; tapestry rug, 10'x8'; writing desk; nmsio cabi- net; gramaphene; 6 dining room chairs and extension table; 3 rock- ing chairs; 5 kitchen chairs; 1 elec- tric heater; 2 bedroom suites; 3 mat- tresses; 3' smell tables; 2 flower stands; lcitehen table; Quebec cook stove; 2 couches, tapestry arid leath- er; Singer sewing machine; kitchen cupboard; 2 coal oil stoves; 40 gal. coal oil can; washing machine and wringer; baby carriage; 10 mats and a mmmber- of quilts; lawn mower; spades, shovels and garden tools, wheelbarrow; 14 -ft. ladder; steplad- der; 2 clocks; electric iron; dishes; fruit jars; tubs; cooking utensils and other articles too numerous to men• tion. Terms: Cash. 'rhos. Ratltwel, Proprietor, G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 60-2. White Rocks Hatching eggs from White Reck hens, Well bred, good laying strain. $3.00 per hundred or 450 per setting of 13. Apply Earl Switzer, R. R, No. 2, Bayfield. Phone 609 ring 3, Clinton central. '61-3-p. Why Not• Try Lorne 11. Lawson, R, R. No.. 1, Olin - eon, when you have radio trouble.. IIe's a graduate''. of. National Radio Institute and fer;;the'past six months With S t1.om et -. a I con of Toronto. ring Phone 4 t23, 2 1 Seaforth. g Eggs For Hatching Eggs 'from Silver Dorkings. 4c each. Apply to George Manu, Jr., R. a. No. 4, Clinton. Phone 686 ring' 24, Clinton central, 61-tf. Office Closed :The office! of W Brydone will be closed from Thursday, April 17th to April 22nd. 61-2• • For Sale About 200 Blrred Rock chicles, Watson's strain:. Will be ready a- bout Apr. 18th. .Price 18c each. Ap- ply to Ray Lawson, Ill. R. No. 1, Clin- ton. -Phone 241 ring 31, Seaforth central. 61-1-p. Wanted • A good workhorse, sound and re- liable, weighing about 1200 lbs, Not' ever G ,yeere •ef'., ae.e. Roy Tyndall,; R +'R`!: No: 4.• Phone 607x3, Clinton central. 61-2. Grass Farm For Rent Lot 26, Con. 6, Mullett township, will be rented for pasture. Apply to George Corbett or Mrs,. James Brown, execgters of estate, R.. R. No; 1, Clinton. Phones 637 ring 5 and 637 ring'. 226 Clinton central. 61-2. White Rocks Hatching eggs for 'sale. From White Plymouth rocks, well bred 50c per setting. Mrs. Eli Crich, Clinton. Phone 236. • 60-3-p, Farm To Rent The west pt o£ part lots 3 and 4, Lake Road, .Ec4, in the Township of Stanley, containing • 123 aloes. (The Johnston farm). There are about six' acres of fall wheat and about eighteen acres fall plowed, also a seven-roombriek cottage in the .Vil- lage ' of Bayfield. Apply to Geo. E. Greenslade, R. R. No. 1, Bayfield.. Phone 602r12, Goderich central. 61-2. Hatching Eggs For Sale From Barred Plymouth Rocks and S.C. White Leghorns. Froin high - producing flocks, $4.00 per one hun- dred eggs. Special rate for big in- cubater lots. Frank J. Tyndall, R. R. No. 4, Phone 636 ring 33, Clinton central; 58-tf. Car Insurance For car insurance call on J. G. Chowen, Postoffice Box, 155, Clin- ton. Phone 52, Clinton. 574f. Call On - Miss Emma Levis for all kinds of automobile insurance. Phone 1894 Glutton.' 60-3-0. For Sale Overland coach, in good condition, will be sold reasonably. Also baby's cutter, high chair, and some other articles. 1Vllrs. Stirling Dempsey, AUCTION SALE Of Horses at the Dick Hotel Stables, SEAFORTII ' MONDAY, ' APRIL 14TH o' loel' v At 1.80 e 17 good work horses, ages ges and .colors; and a colt, . unbroken. TERMS: Six months :credit en ap•' :proved. joint glcites.. Forir per cent. discount straight', for cash, EDW,AIVD PRYCE, .Proprietor.. t. GEO. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. 1 61-1. Clinton. Phone 255. 60-3. The Salvation Army An. Easter Cantata, entitled, "The Pilgriiit's Vision," on Easter Mon- day, April 21st,. at 8 p.m. Admis- sion, Adults, 25c, Children 15c. Muskrat Skins Wonted Will pay up to $1.14 flat for good lots. Very small and damaged skins at value. H. A. Hovey, Clinton. Phone 299. 594f. Slabs Now is the time to buy your slabs while they last. E. Ward, Huron street, Clinton, Phone 155. 57-tf. Keep Warm Wi LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACI MINEHEAD ALBERTA SOFT COAL, NIJT COKE A ''1/11' DOMESTIC SIZE CO Baby Chicks There is profit for you in the dif- ference. Bettor chicks for the same money. Chicks hatched by our Hu- ron Mammoth Incubator possess -ex- tra vigour. Are you interested? Well, I think sol :White or phone for particulars of Barred Rock and White Leghorn Chicks to J. Elgin McKinley, Zurich, Ont., phone 97 ring 4, Hensel! 5342. For Sale Ocie choice Holstein bull calf, sired by our great herd sire, Sylvius, Car - barn Pontiac .and from a with dim a good record. Phone 781.19, Iren- sali, Wpn. Sparks, Bayfield. ' A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen Street Telephone • Eggs and Poultr Home on Tuesday and Friday fc noon to take in Poultry. Eggs handled et residence ev day—graded by an experienced gr er, for which we pay the high market Price. Cream purchased for Stilltnan's. A. E. Finch Viking Cream Separator Agent Victoria St.; Clinton Phone Farm—Sell or Rent Eighty acres of rich and produc- tive loam; good natural and artificial drainage; picturesque location, Farm about two miles from Clinton on Baseline. Buildings consist of newly shingled house; large barn; driving shed also windmill. Considerable bush. Terms one-third purchase down; or full rent in advance. Own- er, 822 South Main Street, Romeo, Michigan.., Further information, W. Brydone, Clinton. 51-14-p. Implement Agent I handle Cockshutt implemen and cream separators, Frost a Wood Itnplentents and carry par and repairs for same. I am also agent for Allis -Che niers Tractors. Those wishing to inquire abo any of the above kindly call at m residence. JOHN V. DIEHL, Queen Street, Clinton. Farms For Sale Lots 27 and 29, 9th concession of Goderich township, consisting of 7.60 acres of good clay loam, 114 utiles west of Holmesville. Good buildings, never -failing wells. Ap- ply to Lewis Proctor, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 611r2, Clinton cen- tral. 29-tf. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders 'narked "Gravel Tender" will be recebted•by the utt- •dersigned until Thursday, April 24t1t at 3 o'clock p,111. for furnishing power and opgeratinngthe gravel crusher for the, Township of Hullett for the 'corning ' season. Separate tenders for .operating andfurnishing power maybe consideued. Operator to furnish all -necessary men and teams to keep the plant running to fall capacity and have the crushed material in. the bins ready .for haul- ing. Contractor for power to : furnish' either 30' h.p., gasoline or 20 h.p. -steam. Operator to clean off ' all surface soil and Beep ' the pit in proper 'repair. Also at .the,, same.. time "'tenders will be received ..for. r the delivery .by truck of not than 112 yards capacity of the,. crushed gravel at a price. lie' yard per mile haul."•Lewest°vr any ten- der not necessarily 'accepted. ' Spoei fications,•tray be seen at the; office• of the -undersigned.—John Tingland, Cleric of Hallett, 60-3, 81 - McCormick -Deering Agency Having taken over the above a ency for this district I will keep o bend a full stock of repairs end pa of all McCormick -Deering machin and will appreciate a share of th patronage of the farmers suroundin Clinton. Call at my shop, next door Jones' blacksmith shop, King street. W. J. STEWART Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w 044i Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes 'cleaned, pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned, Rooms • over Iteard's Barber shop. W. J. Jago.. 2283-tf.. House For Sale Comfortable nine room' house, Victoria street, Clinton. Garage and, stable. Apply to S. G. Castle, Clin- ton. ton 4 Hatching Eggs For Sale Eggs from large type two and three year old S. C. White Leghorn hens, heavy laying strain, also from. Barred Plymouth ' .Rock . hens, $4,00 Per 100, ac per setting of 13.11. Tyndall, R. It.. No. 3, Clinton, Phone 607x3, Clinton' central. • 57-1f. Emslea Chick Farm BARRON STRAIN S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS. and BARRED PLYMOUTH . ROCK CHICKS HATCHING EGGS --$4.00 a Iwpdred. CUSTOM HATCHING HT O RD S $ AND BLA TC ° AM sr NA z ': CHICK FEEDS a ltte n s Phone 213, Clinton 58-tf. Clinton's Wittltat READY!' FIRE ! (THERCS ALWAYS A READY FIRE WHEN YOU EtURN HEAT FOLKS FULL ) WPC. 1.%17.. ' A ready fire, -7. �v i..,`. r -9)4(11 A. steady' .fire,— You an depend on .these when you MAW our &W coal for heating and cooking. it 'i honest coal, it -It is clean -!coal, s is ail coal: Let ni send you •eut•alt order today. Call the wallet for good, clean' coal COAL C .. , OMPA , NT LINTON PHONE 74