HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-04-10, Page 1The News -Record Est:: ,1878, WITH WHICH IS, INCORPORATED` THE CLINTON NEW ERA 16. 2561 -52nd YEAR Fc<,,•r n ..sin Ike :44aster 9arade they' will feel hapa. ed with /. .ra.rsr,•" a•THER GIFTS OF •�s� ,I f n'o" U i . - .. 5 )elVeiril u+ is , Whether you want to. Purchase 'a little n inexpensive piece M Jewelry or something • :;,<„ 'Pt - more elaborate and �4 expensive, you. ;will find our Pre -Easter Display of you for M:en,• Woman and Children a revelation in _ value. ! U.YL YeIIqar • Jeweler and Optometrist- Phone 174w and 174j' 111 Our Wash Goods Department New Cottons are very colorful,• featuring many Cloths including PRINTS, PIQUES, DIMITIES, BATISTE and VOILES All of these Guaranteed absolutely fast colors These New Materials are now on ` '. , Display at • 0- " CLINTON'S 1 " WIN'S LEADING STYLE SHOPPE " 1Tew Ilat for Eastle AND YOU'LL SURELY FIND JUST THE HAT YOU WANT FERE. BECAUSE OUR HATS ^• Are the latest styles. Are the r A d .,, most papular shades. Are easy fit- _„a„_;•�:�r�-,. ting. Are exceptional values for the money. AT $2.9.5, $3.95, 45.00, $6.00 and $8.00 tj,' • ' Extra Special t2 A Hat at ASK TO S1lt14 THEM. ( ti -�-+- .1 .,. t • a EXTRA SPECIAL IN • ran. _. p _ Overcoats AT $15.00 In snappy patterns and made in the , latest .: style, '. The Slip -On and Guard Models being '.-the those popular. We nderfully,Attractive Values in Dn's. Suits at �5,00 $10.00 .$15.00 & $25.40 Yo � rkf9 Su s or • "Royal ;ttOvercoats Q;2 . 0 Made -to -Measure �� 'I' pp THE MDRfflSH CLOTHING e _ �tl " A SQUARE DEAL FOR EVERY MAN " CLINTON • ,.: The' New Era Est. 186 ONTARIO, THURSDAY, 'APRIL 10, 1930 SHE HOME PAPER: THE MARKETS Whe, .10. G Barleyat, 60.c toOc Oats, 50c.•$1 Biuclt:Wheet,, 75c Eggs 20e,'to 25c, Butter, 80e, to 32c. Live.. Hogs, $12.25. A NEW APPOINTMENT R 0 'Kenneth • ii •Ke Rev. J. Beaton, t, B.A., has :•been appointed secretary of Home -Missions in the, United Church of Canada. . Mr.• Beaton 'is an old Clinton boy, son = of the late A: D. Beaton, and spent his boyhood'it Blsth'and Clin- ton. ` He taught school for time be- fore,• entering the •thiversity and ori phis graduation in 1913he went to Wlest China, where he has spent the intervening 'tonne in organization . and cyan alter) "'work. work, Po � ' g t theas p t year he and las wjfe and their three young daughters have been in, To- ronto His_new•duties coinmence the first of May. Mar, .Beaton has visited Clinton on -several occasions while home our fur: •loug!Ia, when. his interest in mission- ary work has .been: made very mani- fest, .as, he has addressed the home congregations, He will bring en- thusiasm and understanding to his new work. THE COUNCIL MEETING CADET INBBPECTION DATES A SUPPLY OF BIRD HOUSES I fihe dates for the annual inspec- The `Buy, Scouts' :have been busy' tion of Cadq M• coiPs un Military tasY His- lately manufacturing' mg' lrd houses, 6 acct No.' 1 have - been announced a very timely occupation as all will adnut, and fihey are offering theta for sale. They wtllr have a number on exhibition • at their rooms, over Wendorf's store, the end of the . week and ifyon do not see just what you want thewt Y a s 11 take b orders for on others. ,•. Nobody, should go want- ing t- ing a bird house with those boysso anxious tosupply the demand. The town council met on Monday evening, all members being present with the aexception of Mayor Combe. Reeve Trewartiia . presided. A coniiuunication was read from the Hightva:ys Department with re- ference to the 'taking over of the road north of Clinton, which was filed. Reeve Trewartha remarked that Clinton was one orf Itite hest sit- uated towns in Western Ontario in regard to highways. ,The Clinton Horticultural Society wrote asking for a grant of $100 for civic improvement. On motion of Councillors Miller and Holmes the clerk was • inst'ructed ito write asking the Society for a statement of wont and ;expenditure for 1929. The -Public Utilities wrote •offering the use of the rest room and lavatory at $12.00 per month and on notion of Councillors Miller and Paisley this was'referred back for fuilther adjustment. )Phe Highways Department Wrote regarding payment for paving and on motion of Councillors Paisley and Ifiller the 'treasurer was instructed td Pay same, issuing debentures to pover amount.. These debentures will not bet offered foe sale bait will be taken up by the town sinking fund, at a rate of 41 2 per cent. The Public School and Collegiate presented their estimates, the sum of $8,500 being asked for the former and $4,500 for the latter. The Col- legiate had a, substantial balance ov- er last year's expenditures, which brings down the estimate for 1930. The Clerk presented the estimates for all expenditures, wilioh over all estimated redeipts, called for the raising of $39,936.00', divided as •faI- lows: County Rate , 61-2 mills, Town Rale, 171-2, School, 151-2, Debenture, 81.2, 48 mills. This is a drop of two mills from last year, Reeve Trewartba reported for the street committee and recommended the purchase of 200 yards •of crushed stone to be applied to streets as soon as weather perm;jus. Ooundillor Miller of the property committee reported that complaints had been received about the stock scales at the station and recommend- ed alert a government inspector be procured to examine them. On motion of Councillors Holmes and Elliott it was decided to procure estimates for the 'decoration of the fire hall and far new rolling doors, same to be presented at next meet- ing of toenail.. Pollowitigs the financial report • Street Account Paysheet . $50.88 S. J. Andrews, tle 18.83 ..Electric Light Account P.11, Com., street lighting 157,17• Property A•ecount. P. U;. Com., light, hall and and lamps . , , 25,19 �l. Tasker, repair. chairs ' 2.25 ll, E, Closet Account A, Fulfgrd, sal. for Mar. 65.00 Cemetery Account C.. V. Cook. eat for Mar. • '.50.00 • Salaries Account L. Stang, salary for Mar. 72.83 E. • Grealis, salary for Mar 58.83 • Printing Account Ballots and Etc. . 75.10 Stationery Account Miuniotital World, collectors stub, etc, 9.67' Grants . a Com., light, water X -Ray Hospital . ... 48.20 Fire and Water Account lutea Pemba Go., washers 1 44 ' Insurance Account Welland Insuraauce Co., Prem. 'Town Hall • .. 10.00'" xpnardian Insurance Co, • Prem. Town Hall' :. • 19,40 Incidental d sal Acco ,tt u tellul T ephane Cq,, rent and Account . RECEIPTS STONG-- Market ,Scales .$12.00 Rall rent: 57.00 Do "Pax .. Dog •. 11ent Poll Tax 8.00 Y. COOK- Sale .of lots ... 26.00 I Care rn Perp 40.00, Wlork, , , 46.50 E. ,Grealis, stock scales.. by 17ajor J. Jefftey,-D.C.O., M,D, No, 1, The inspeotton• of: the corps of the various schools .in • this dis trict will be held as follows: May 8-1/11itchell High School, • . (May 15=Stratford • P, S. and C. I, .May .28-13russels C S. Iota t y 28- S , Mla>•Ys P. School, June 4 --Kincardine a S. June 4-Goderich C. L+.' • June 5-ClintonC. I. June 6-sWlingham H. S. .June 6-)Wlalkerton P. S. and C. I. )June 6 -Listowel High Scheel. AN AMUSING PLAY . ;I`lie• Ebenezer young people put on );heir amusing • play, "I'll Explain Everything, _ in the' town lnaIl an *inlay evening under the auspices of the Young People's League of Ontario Street United church, a very good crowd' being present, The play is. centered ,:-,around a number of very embarrassing situa- tions, which are made more embar- rassing by the well -meant effom;*s of aood- " e ur g n t d youngmart who tries to assist his friends y telling a few fibs, nhieh he considers , necessary, but which only make the situation worse. and he finally has to "explain everything," to clear up the mat- te,. • The young People take their parts very well and [the play was enjoyed by those present. Miss Nina. Heard - was the coach and those taking part were: ' Misses Marion H. Jones, Emily E, Thompson, Ada !r, Riggin, Margaret G. Bigg•in and 21'urgaret M. 'Mama and Messrs. Mervyn W. Lobb, Irvine S. Tebbutt, Calinan W. Tebbutt, R. L. Pearson and Morgan Jones. AMONG THE CHURCHES Presbyterian Church Sunday morning sermon subject: "The Parable of the Talents." Even- ing: '"Judgmentl" Sunday school at the usual hour. The W,M.S. will seet at the home of Mrs. A. J. Morrish an Whdnesday afternoon, April lath, at 8 o'clock. Baptist Church •• - The service on Sunday evening at 7 &clock. The pastor, Rev. R. B, Gracie, will preach, Subject: "FiI- ling the Gap." During the service Mr. 0. Lightfoot of Stratford will sing. Sunday school vices as usual, Wesley -'Gillis United Church The Sa)cranient of the Lord's Sup - Per will be observed next Sunday at the morning service. Sermon for the evening service: "Gold Exchanged for Brass:" The W;M.S. will meet in the Sun- day school room of the church on 'Wednesday afternoon, April lath, at 3 o'clock. and week night ser - Ontario Street United Chureh ,Next Sunday in preparation for Passion week, the morning subject will be: "The Conquest of the Gress:' Evening subject: "The first Word front the Cross -Forgiveness." Services every evening f on't April 14th to 18th, beginning at 7.30, with a bright song service. A hearty welcome to all. RETIRES AFTER 4.4 YEARS The following froth the Galt Re- porter, refers to a brother of Mrs. George Holiand of the Bayfield Road, south of Clinton. Mr. Lobb is well known here, having begun his work in Clinton, and having visited his -relatives here on many occas- ions: "After 44 years and 4 months of service, ie J. B. Lobb, chief clerk and cashier a the! cashier t local Caned a n re l Na- tio afreight gh t f Na- tional f office, has retired on pension. Ile complg,ed .his duties an March 31. As a mark of esteem fellow emrploxees at the freight of- fice e f ee y stexday presented Mr. Lobb with a pen and pencil set, Alt ad- dress was given inforinaliy by Thos. Runthall, agent and the presenta- tion rode by Alex. Beattie, Born in Huron counter near 'Wlingham, J. B. Lobb began bis railroading career • at Clinton as chief /clerk. •-It seems quite a coin- cidence that Thes. Rumbail, local Q.N.R. agent, who. followed Mr. Lobb ' at Clinton far his first posi- tion with, the railway, was MY. Labia s chief at the termination of his long servlce with the. railway. Mg. Lobb came to Galt first in August, 1890, and has been here continuously ' ever singe• with the exception .of. a year in Brantford. He has always been an active work- er at Lincoln avenue church and A PLEASANT GATHERING The Vi A. of Wesley -Willis Uni- ted' church entertained the choir • to supper 'and a social evening ' in the church hall cur Friday last- A -very pleasant time is'rep'orted. The tables•;were prettily decorated in Easter colors and the supper pro., vided was of the finest quality. About ,siilty sat down, • • • • At the conclusion. of the • supper their were • toasts • and speeches;' fol- .lowed'. by games. THE HELL RINGERS Eckardt's Original Swiss Bell Ringers gave an entertainment n the town hall bn Tuesday evening. It was a good program, foo, but the -attendance was rather 'small..The concert had only been advertised one week and, as it happened, it came in the midst of a series of entertain= meat of one sort and another, But, it must be confessed, thea; Clinton does not accord the warmest of wel- comes to travelling entertainers, un- less it happens to know them and like thein well. It may be that if the Eeltardts returned they might have a better reception. A SUCCESSFUL AIRMAN The Kitchener Daily Record last week had something more to say about the •new Airways Company which is being organized in that city, with Mk. Fred Gillies as managing diretctor. Application has been made for a charter and it is the intention to purchase four new planes, apply for mail -carrying Privileges and or- ganize several flying routes. It will carry on a general transport and al- so flying instruction, "Mr. Gillies," says the Record, "has almost a unique record as an airman. During '2,000 actual flying hours, he has carried more than 4000 passengers without mishap." WINS NEW SCHOLARSHIP` Mr, ih G. Hunter, only son at. the late John Saunter and Mrs. Hunter of Clinton, who was one of Clinton's brightest Collegiate graduates and had a brilliant university comae, and who last atitutnn, after a post -grad- uate course in research work, ac- cepted a position ou the staff of Me Gill University, Montreal, has been awarded a bursary by the National Research Council. This will mean that 1421. Hunter will be able to de- vote kis entire time to research works as he will be relieved of teaching. :Mr. Mutter is a keen student and will no doubt go far in his ehosen work. His old friends in Clinton ex- tend congratulations and good wish- es for future success. DEATH OF'_.13ONALD SMITH Death came on Tuesday morning to Clinton's oldest resident, Donald Smith, who died at his house, Isaac street, in his 100th year. He hail been in failing health for a great number of years. He was born in Alexandria, Glengarry Tp., Lanark Co., coming to Goderieh in 1860 with his parents, who settled the fallowing year an a farm on Ole 2nd of Stan. - ley. There he did a great deal of n• pioneer work, and there ]to establish,- el stablish-ed his own home, where he continued to reside until he had tonl ive r g fanning owing to a Crit ical epaiatimt, His wife passed away about thirty years ago' but he is survived by two daughters, Mrs, Gordon Howes and Bessie, both of Clinton, 1421 Smith was of a quiet, retiring disposition. He was a member for many ,years of John Ross' congregation at Bruce- field, the "auld Kirk" of Scotland. He was a man who always tried. to ov do right .and was beloved by those I4H who knew him. . Clinton's 25th Annual Spring Show A Fine Success: •On Thursday • last' the 25th Aa "Son; 4bl>,, Chas, Stewart; 6th, A, B. • zinial Spring .Show. was .put 'On in' Chalmers. Clinton, by the Central Heron' -Ag- Filly or gelding, 2. years and under - i ti i•ieultural 'Association,. ancL'it• vr'as; a •8; lst, Fred Toll &Son; 2nd, liabjt. .good show. Tyndall; s •c 1 3i 1 C reirce • a Ta r to . find... collection ',' , Y As a o bn of animals as 'Filly or gelding, 1 year and un • - one would -wish to see were gather- •der 2, lst,,,A, & J. Broadfoot; and, ed together and a very large crowd Wiilham Charters; 3rd, J. Postill, of Visitors carne its from, all quarters ''.Horse, colt or filly, under a year, to see them\ 1st T.•'N. Fors h• 2nd ' ` > yt ,Stewart Mo- ine; rained a •small shower. or so- dual Ewen, 3rd, Jas. Brigham. ing the early part of the'aiternoon Team it hatless), lst, R. J. Scott; but 'soon cleared ante the day was a 2nd, D. 'Fotheringham &'Sen; $rd, fairly favorable one, ,• ' A. B. Chalmers; 4th, Chas. Stewart. lL'llis was tate twenty-fifth annual ...Sweepstakes --2R, J, Scott, Cromar- spring Shaw here, the; first' taliing t GENERAL PURPOSE . ,place on April 5tli, 1906 Tile' event • " ' OS was a success .right from the start, Filly or gelding; 3 years and over, each year gaining something fiorir. 1st„ With. Decker; and, Wad. Decker; the experience of the past. The 3rd, Vvaison :II'awkins, 4th, Wilsons News -Record of Apr. 12th, 1906 Hawkins, Team in harness -1st, Wien. Deck - says: ' • er; 2nd, Wilson, Rawkins;• 3rd, J. B. Mustard•,' 4th, S. E. Robertson, Special T. Eaton Prize. Pe two - an zitale 2 e i years and under., Draught ar A'giioultural, (stallions barred)' owned by exhibitor, A. & J. Broad-• ' .. - prize for the best 8 Heavy Draught, Agricultural. or General Pnutoss horses, (stallions barred) any age, in halter and need not be the property of one man, but must- be ush be owned in the Township. Ne corn- - petition unless two or more town- ships are represented, R. J. Scott, Hibbert Township, - . Best matched team. in harness, any color; R. J. Scott. )Team !coming gerate.' distance, A. B: Chalmers, Stratford. Best team sired by Pet-claeron stallion oe stallions, Wm, Decker. LIGHT HORSES Carriage horse in harness, 1st, Jas.. Johnston; 2nd, J. A. Ferguson; 3rd, Wlilbur E. Keyes. Roadster.• in Harness -1st, Jas.. Culbert; and, Manning Bros.; 3rd,. Clayton .Fryfogle. Best Gentlemen's Outfit --1st,, Clayton Fryfogle; and, Wilbur E.. ICeyeei; 8rd, Manning Bros, Sweepstakes -Jas. Culbert, Luck - note. /Lady Drivere-lst, Miss Grace Coleman; 2nd, Mrs. J. B Levis, 3rd,. Miss Kennedy; 4th, Mrs. J. Weight,. CATTLE SHORTHORNS • Bull, 2 years and over, 1slt, R, &f, Peek, • Bull under 2 years, 1st, M. Crich,. ' 2nd, lYx, Crich; 3rd, 1Vaelvin H. Tay- lor, Cow, 3 years and •over--lst, 1ST„ Crich; 2nd, Tt2, Crich; 3rd, ItT• Crich. Heifer, 2 years--lst, Eph. Snell; 2nd, MI. Criteh; 3rd, TY. M. Peck. Heifer, 1 year -1st, R. M. Peck; 2nd, Itt. Crich; . 3rd; Clifford H. Keyes 4th, E. Snell. (HEREFORDS Bull under 2 ycaus-3rd, Jas. Tur- ner, Sweepstakes BuII-Shorthorn, Ab- erdeen Angus or Hereford M. Crich. MARKET CATTLE Baby Beef, steer or heifer, born on or after Jan, 1st, 1929 -1st, Eph. Snell; 2nd, Herb. Kereher; 3rd, R. M. Peek; 4th, E. Snell; 5th, R. Pepper,. 6tli, R. Pepper. - • • • • "The directors worked hard to set. the Show on its feet and are'entitled to much credit. Mr. Janes Fair -devoted mach time it andi o d u h to things,. move along lja ely when he exerts himself. Dr. Shaw can 'always be relied upon to energetically' help any good seheme.- Mr. James Snell is right at home when it conies to Promoting live stele shows. Mr. John 14facfar]ane is one of our best pasted gtock breeders and his advice and assistance was inch apprediat- ed by his. fellow -directors. It Was Mr: George Hoare who first talked up the scheme and he persistently kedit pushing it along until he interested others and it was, finally launched," )For some years Mr. C. E. Dowd: ing, manager of the Molsons Bank, acted as energetic secretary. On his leaving town Mr. A. 3. IVbci'lurray was appointed secretary,, and on his departure Mr, G, H. Elliott took over the work and stili holds the position: Since the appointment of a district representative the' holder of that position has always been ready to assist and Mr. Stothers, Mr. Pater- son and MnMcCague have each in turn rendered valuable• advice and help to the executive. For the past two years Mr. Humphrey Snell has been president. Mr, W. 3. Miller, who has been treasurer for several years pan, has been ill far some menthe and has been unable to at- tend to lois usual duties, which have - had to be taken ever by the busy secretary. The officers and directors this year are: Tion. Presidents: J. Shanahan, H. C. Cox, .1. McFarlane; President: Hum- phrey Snell; First Vice -President: W. Mclawan; Second Vice -President: Frank Powell; Secretary: Geo. II. El- liott; Treasurer: Win. J. Miller. Directors -M. Armstronb, Hullebt; Thos. McMillan, M,P;, Mullett town- ship; L. Tyndail, Mullett township; W: P. Thompson, Tuckerstnith town- ship; W. Nott,-Tuckersmith town- ship; Wm. Sinclair, Stanley Town- ship; .Hohn Innes, Stanley Township; A. P. Keyes, Stanley Township; W. IT. Lobb, Goderieh Township; Oliver Jervis," Goderieh Township; 'John Middleton, Goderieh •'Township; W. Yea, Goderieh Township;; Col. H. B. Comite, Clinton; N. Wi Trewartha, Clinton; Dr. J. Wi. Shaw, Clinton; E. II. Wise, Clinton; A A. McCague, Clinton. The Judges of Live Stock were, Cattle and Light Horses, Mr. J. C. Ross, Port Dover, Heavy I•tersest W. F. Batty, Brooklyn. an the evening, according to jthe an- nual custom, a concert was put on in the town hall. This year the "Olde 'Tyme Village Quartette," an organization of musicians and enter- tainers .wbo put on an interesting program, were the entertainers, This tom n a was here last ea • Ys r and pY wore sopopular that 1 at a return en- gagement was arranged. A , large nntnber were present and a very en- tertaining• program was given. A dance followed, to which many re- mained. The funeral takes place this after 14 noon from his late 'home to Baird's aometory. PRIZE LIST • DAIRY CATTLE Dairy Cow, any age, any breed. -- 1st, Angus MacLeod; 2nd, Angus lac- Leod; Bid, 1Vi. Crich. Dairy Heafeiti under 2 years-ist, Anglia McLeod; and, Ray Pepper., ILive Stock Judging Competition, open.to Jueior Fanners, Huron Corin );y, between the ages of 15 and 20 ,cans. Beef Cattle and Draught Horses -est, John •Potheringham, Brudefiei• d and, J Doves, W.De es ,� Olin- , ton; 8r e d, Clarence Smillie, Hensall; 4th, Walter Forster, Lucknow, (20'. entries.) CONSTANCE :14Ih. and Mrs. John Riley and son„ HEAVY HORSES Nelson of Packersmnibh , spent 'Sun - Clydesdale -Stallion, 3 years and day with relatives here. er, 1st, R.. D, Miurdock; 2nd, T. J. Mr. B. Riley, Mrs. Robb. Grintold-- eMlehael, by and daughter, Olive, spent 'Sun - Stallion under 3 years, let W. Mt - J. as. the guests of Mr. and Mrs J. Mann of near Clinton, Ilan. Percher ons - i Stallion: under 3 Quite a number ,from here,attend=, Vents, 1st, J. W; Panda.ed the Spring Horse Show at Olin - HEAVY DRAUGHT ton on Thursday last. • LITTLE LOCALS ' Mr. John Melteowan returned to 'Brood mare, 3 years and • over, Toronto one day last week after an, Monday's snow storm is surely' the 1st, A S. Broadfoot & Son; 2nd, extended visit with his aunt and tin -- lots Now for preparations 'for .the Alex, Wright; 8rd, Gray Bros.; 4th, ole, Mr. and Mrs,. Wlti, Carnachan, garden. Alex. Sinclair,' Jack intends visiting Europe. and' The Fublic School concei s will be Filly ai gelding, 3 years and over, other eastern countries during the held in the town hall this, Thursday; 1.st, A ' & J, Bioadfoot, 2nd, Jas. summer months. evening, and tomorrow, Friday, even= 5catt; 3rd, Jas. Scott; 4th; Aleft, Sin- Mr, Lorne Lawson of Toronto is was present for thee opening of the • Clair, ung. spending' a vacation at the home of first' Lincoln avenue Sunday etchaal.. Pally or gelding, 2 years and utader his parents, -. stma and Mrs, Robt: r the old building on McNaughton W`re might have had bejtber 'weather 3, let, T N. Forsyth 2nd, Jas. Brig- agi,son• street in 1891, for the Fair on Thursday- but then; ham; 3rd,, Gray Bros. 14[1, and NSrs: Leo Stephensoir and' In his earlier days • Mi Lebb was we've had_ weasel.. 11, did not keep sl.'iliy or gelding, J. year and under son, I naaa spent Sunday at the an enthusiastic: canoeist and spent either sthe ekhibitors or: visitors at 2, ist Cxray Bras: Homo of Mr. and Mrs. W Logan el- mtich tlme •on the Grand riven in home, asvno,y. ` IIoxse calf or filly udder 1 year, g - 2tt A&J Her friends regret•vei•y much the .Broadfoot; 3rd, T J, MaD2iohael it t 9.80 195,00 Bl th. he aqua+iic Pastime that.was Cheri. 1st • A "& J Broadfoot; d r Alex, the' Iittle sou of_1tfr. and' Mrs. Team in •HHarruess, 1st, A & 3; Percy McMichael, wastaken sudden- oaclfo,Ot; 211d, Jas, Scott; 3rd,' John lY ill : an Friday °waiting•, 'aline on o popular. Fora nian'of 65 which s the ,retic eg age with the railway company, Mir, Lobb is as spry as many men years younger.., To see hint play volleyball on the Y.IK.C.A:, gym 'floor q✓ithi the businessmen, one would never only ices that he g tly lacks five years of the three score and ten. Mr.- Lobb is a bachelor. Despite -his retirement _ . Mr. Lobb does not intend to be inactive and 112,50 is planning ,some forma of employ - 10 95 meal to keep him occupied." gram. salaamed illness of laws. J. G. Medd, who has been laid ` up for -jthe past" `Br three,ntbnthse, without much appear- ance of amendment.' . Tho I-lorne : and School Club wills meet in the Colle tate 'auditorium n stir Tuesday everting, April 15th, at eight o`clock. A speaker will be •present from the. Seafoith H. and S. Club' and refreshments will be served et the conclusion of the pro-' 10 _Sp*eepatakes-A.. & J- Broadfoot, AG1 ,CUL DURAL Brood Mare, 3 years and over, ist , 3. Scott; 2nd, D Fotheringhana '& Son;. 3rd; Willi Chapman; 4th, A. -B. recovery. Chalmers. Filly or gelding, 3 years, and over, An old tying dancewill be held in b; It, J.• Scott; '2nd, D. Pothering- the Forrester's hall Ma Friday ev»• his way -home from edli.00t and was• taken to the, Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaiorbh, on Saturday and op- erated on for appendicitis. Alex is - a popular student of Constancece pub- lic school and we wish- htitu a speedy' Ilam & Son; 3rd, S). Fotheringham.& ening,