HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-04-03, Page 6*We more stomach trouble. Can at anything," writes Was. E. White. Thousands say indigos. lion, heartburn, gas vanish like magic with Fruit•a•Hves". Constipation, sick headaches eadovdrntgbt. Nervea,heartquiet,soundsleepal once. Rheumatism Enos away. Complexion clears quick. Get•"Fruit•a.tivie"from druggist today. Sell yours in the highest Market WO will payyon -the following prices, or higher if 1111W21t :war- rants,, .for Fresh Eg'g's delivered o71i warehouse op to 521d include lug -A,pril e, 1eee - P'reSIt Extras „ 70 doz. k'nesli'$'irats970,ctoz. T'reels, Seconds and Graoks-.. "d30 ii oz. Deal with an .old eel'lable bustt, nest house with a reputation of more than sixty-five years for Square dealing, Best 'prices paid. prompt payments. Cases returned quickly. Cases sup. plied,60c each, complete, (Jelly. eyed, :payment in advance: Reference:—Your.. Own Banker. Witte ler Weekly Qtlutiitiolas THE :WHYTE PACKING COI,g LI ITE® . ESTABLISHED OVER 65 YEARS 78-80 Front Street East • T oroaato 2 A Chinese agna Carta What may well 'prove to be an illi- t'portant step- towards constitutional .,guarantees, hitherto significantly tack- ing in China, is discerned by time keeu political students in a' Bill of • Rights which has been jointly spun- • pored l>y Dr. ft, Ii. Kung, Minister of Industry, Commerce and Labor, and Mn Ohiao Y&tang, a prominent Na- tionalist leader. This Bill of Rights has been widely printed throughout the Chinese press, and has attracted a good deal of attention both in the English press in China and from the newspapers efTapan. Aocording to despatches just seedy - ed, the first article of this Chinese Magna Charta sets forth that the Chinese people, irrespective of "race; Caste, sex, or 'creed, shall enjoy lull legal equality,•and the second provides that no person shall be restrained or deprived of his lib0'_ty without due • ANY SEASON Is Vacation Time In Atlantic City' ANY VACATION Is An Assured Success If You Stay at the ST. C :ARLES With the Finest Location and the Longest Porch • on the Boardwalk Offering the ulthnate in Service with Unexcelled Cuisine i f uxtialous clubroom' for ( you,thisTouristihirdCab. gi Smoke Room on the Antonia -typical of the accommodation in this popular class on all the; 'Cunard "A" ships. You wilt be; surprised at the size and comfort :of the Tourist Third Cabin'Pubile Rooms when you travel Cunard.) 'You win enioy the service for .Which all Cilnarders are famouia Weekly soilings from Montrea) toed Quebec) from April 261h, Book through The Cunard tine Corner of Say end Wellington Streets, Toronto,to,(Tel. El in 3471), or any steamship agent CA,NAt1AN SERVICE • MIN 4.TOURIST1HIRD CABINS -THIRD MSS' SU -8 process of law,` No one is to ,be tiubject to tite juvisdiction of military courts except those in the seryioe of tiie •army, navy, or aerial forces en- gaged in war or in areas of occupa- tion. The principle of freedom of speech anti Of the press Is aferined by another article, which declares that everyone has the right, within the bounds of the' law,'to express his views by word' of mouth, by writing oi', drawing, or by any other method that he may think of. It is also providedthat within 'the limits set by the law the people shall have the right to assemble and to organize. The right of privacy. as.regards the mails, telephones, tele - 'graphs and 'other means' of communi- cation is recognized. Other: articles ley it down that no dwelling -hoose may. be searched with. out the concent' of theowuor and due process of law, that every, person shall have the right to'live and travel wherever he wishes, and that every- one shall be permitted to choose his Owu occupation,' profession, or'em- ploymeut. No property is to be con- fiscated -without due process of law, and every person is to have the right of free access to the mei. Parents who have more children than they can care for can call upon the State for help; orphans, cripples and those enfeebled by age have also a claim to State assistance; while the right of the workless to ask the State for employment, the right of landless peasants to cultivate unowned land, and the right of Door people to free education are also fuu.,amental princi- ples of the Bili. Whatever else it does, 11 certainly gives indication that somebody in China has got a clear grasp of the best foundation upon which to build a really democratic Government. Austria to Build Scenic Highways. in Work Program Vienna—The Austrian Economic Council, representative of all branches of trade, industry, commerce and agri- culture, recently established by the Government to advise regarding the best means of overcoming the Pres- eut economic crisis, has glut forward a number of definite schemes of de- velopment which the Chancellor, Dr. Johann Schober, declares will be act- ed ou forthwith. To alleviate unemployment several new important roads will be built. Otte of these is through the Waohan along the Danube from IlIelk to Krems, which is one of the favorite tourist resorts int lower Austria. An- other new route is from Gratz to Jila- genfurt, known as the Pacicerstrasse, which will be an important link be. tweet'. Italy and Hungary. The third is known as Glacltuer- stt•asse along the slopes of Austria's highest mountain in Salzkammergut which will considerably reduce the distance for automobiles between Ba- varia and north Italy and open up a scenic area of unusual attractiveness. Further development of waterpower plants in the "Rohe Tauern" moun- tains in Salzkantmergut and west.Ty- rol are planned, When these works are completed Austria will have large stores of electrical power for exhort, an item which it is hoped will com- pensate in tta trade balance 'for the coal it lacks. The large sums re- quired for these schemes must come principally from the hew international loan Austria expects to float soon. Does GradingPay? Yes! Canadian potatoes Made a good start for 1030 by tatting a premium in the Boston nta.rket over the State of hlaine product, A report received by the Fruit Branch of the Dominion Department of Agriculture from the United States market report service shows that P.E.I. potatoes selling in 90 pound lots got a price of from live to fifty ceuts more per unit than was paid for' the sante class of product from the State of Maine selling in a 100 pound bag. Every carload and cargo of potatoes shipped out of P.E.I. was government inspected and certi- fied. Yes—grading does Pay. Minard's Kills Dandruff. He alone is an acute' observer who can observe minutely without. being observed.—Lavater. ,"ae.HAcn/CS4 For Traub/ere due to Aelet e"o1oea6noN Aces svoroACH HIEAO ACMH HEADACHE.' GASES -NAUSEA About two hours after eating many people suffer.' from sour stomachs. They call It fudigestiou. It means that the stomach nerves have been over -stimulated. There islexcoss acid:. The way to correct it is with an alkali., which neutralizes many tines its vol., acne in aelti The right way is fi1i11ips' Milk of Magnesia —Inst -a less dote in water; It is pleasant, efficient and harmless. ' It Itas remained the stand- ard with physicians in the 50 years since its invention. ' It is the quick method. Results come almost -instantly. Itis the alt- proved method. ;You Will never use another when you know,• Be' sure to get, thegenuinePhillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physis chins for 50 years in correcting excess Ids. Fee ch contains ft" tions—any drugstore, Chinese Financier Chinese people are beginning to 'ealize the value of currency and are earning to handle it systematically. The financialposition in China is bets er to -day but not;until the govern- ment adopts higher 'taxation will there be per se, is the view of IG N. Chang, President of the Bank of China and outstanding financial... of the ' country wito sailed front iraitcouver for Shang- hai aboard t anadiati : Pacific line Empresa of Russia recently. Photo- graph was taken onthe shift. Tr .i ming. Sphere For Commerce "I bear of -an interesting little en- terprise in Canada for the commer- cial deveiopment.of spiders' webs. The very flue threads which the spider spins are valuable in special kinds•of photography and, I think; in gun -sight- ing," says the London corl;espondent of the Manchester Guardian. "But it. is not every kind of spider that- spins a thread delicate enough for this delicate work, and in Canada the National Physical Laboratory, bringing the aid of science to com- merce, sends out its spider experts to collect the right variety, and to culti- vate them as factory workers, so to speak, much as bees are cultivated for their honey. "The process of the education of these commercial spiders is interest- ing. They are induced, entirely by kindness, to walk round. and round a stick, and as they do so the thread is wound round it, so that the spider is made to manufacture a sort of bobbin of inconceivably fine thread, This thread is afterwards 'wrapped round the prongs of a fork which has been painted beforehand with shellac to prevent the thread from sticking, and these forkfuls of gossamer are then put into cold storage. I believe these commercial cobwebs are wanted chief- ly for aerial photography, the thread being stretched across the diaphragm of the camera to supply the sighting line. "The spider thus joins the tanks of industrial workers, a prosaic addition to the exploitation of nature in the age of business. Perhaps there will be a spiders' protection society with proper trade union regulations. It seems rather a grim business for the spider, and certainly a contrast to the poetry of the spider's web, and one wonders what W. R. Hudson, who clad his etheral Rima in a diaphanous Vesture of spider's gossamer, would have thought of it." BABY'S OWN TABLETS AUCF TOEMOTHERS There is no other medicine of as great a help to young mothers as Bally's Own Tablets. These Tablets are • a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels; sweeten the stomach; correct eonstipatihn and indigestion; break up colds and sim- ple fevers and make the cutting of teeth painlees. Mothers who keep a box of the Tab- lets in the horse always feel Safe from the sudden attacks of iluess that seize their little ones. If baby's Own Tab- Iets are given. on the first sign of ill- ness the baby will soon be i;ight again. Concerning the Tablets Mrs. B. G. Car- ver, Lyndale, P.L.I., writes;—"I al- ways keep Baby's Own Tablets in the house and find theist a wonderful help in keeping my baby well," -Baby's Owu Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box front The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Moscow and Montreal Quebec Action Catholique Ind,): 33y the orders of Moscow, on Thursday 'of last week March 0, , .. four thousand people in the City of Montreal tried to parade and demonstrate in the streets! Four thousand people, just consider the figure' Montreal is taking orders from Moscow. There must, therefore, be a Bolshevist or- ganization in Montreal. And, judg- ing by the number of people who obey these inetructions, liew can we doubt the existence of continuous propag- anda?- The fact Is that in Montreal, as in many Canadian towns there are nuclei or cells of Communists. . They distrilbuterevolutionary irter'atnre, even to children, One Scotland Yard For United Kingdom Memories of One of the First Big Five Officers and Their ' System Yard Has ;Nothin • Ti Learn f .,%t9Y1 n Foreigners The need fora national detective force and the continuance of hanging and the Lash to deter clo of and' - des- perate modern criminals were in an interview urged by Mr. Chanes 11r' row, sole survivor of; the ince (Tetec- DO YOU FEAR A HEARTY MEAL? Ilr. 'Williams Pitik -Pills Will Tone Up Your Stomach Mak- i. ing: TViealtizlne a Pleasure Are you afraid ot.meal-tithe? noes Dating distress you? Would you rah - or go without. food? 'That is •the Con- dition of many due entireiy'•to indiges- tion. There .can be no perfect diges- tlou hence no enjoyment of meal- timd—uniess you have rich, red blood. This pure blood is necessary to tone up your Swindell and make it capable lives+ who , following; .rent anr.acioti of prouerh digesting the food. constituted in 1906 the Fleet Council elan? seseeeled sfamach remedies. of Five pollen hearlgt Itri;e'.'S• merely .t p cu digeet your ?Cod for you, The other', ofiicei's were CLit=.P lit- That le a mistahe—nature slimed do epeetore Forest, Lox, Drew, and 11a'ethat work Allo if aai'tl i'9 does not do and the system the five e•rolved:ha; it serious results are bound to follow. largely helped to secure. for SCatlnit7.. Yard its acknowledged/0 ineuce, Tone up your•stomach by driving out the poisons that are inthe blood. Best Scientists Mr. Arrow said: "T firmly believe' that there should be one Scotland' Yard for the 'United Ii:ingdomn. By that I mean there should be one 'detective headquartersto which the best men of the country and city constabularies should be sent. ; , "I would not interfere in the slight- est with the organization of local uni; form police :forces, but one central authority, for 'criminal investigation would"mean even greater • efficiency than at present. The British system of police work —and, of course; that means Scotland Yard -has nothing to learn from any foreign nation. Detection of crime is developing along scientific lines, but that does not mean that i]nglaud should, like some other•oountries, de- velop a police scientific staff. We can always go to the very best men in the country, and we do.", • Mr. Arrow said that thirty years ago there were perhaps more clever crim- inals than clever detectives. "But to:day," he declared; "it is the other way about. The general clever- ness of criminals is greater, and there are a number of outstanding crooks, but the general level of the detective force is very mucic higher:" No "Dr. Morlartys" One popular idea was given short shift by Mr. Arrow. "It is all nonsense to talk about iiri- tislt criminals working in big gangs. They simply do not do it, and when an officer gets up in the witness -box and tells the judge that the prisoner is a member of the "Forty Thieves," it is so much romance. Nor are there any "Master Crinin. als." Two or three men may work together; and one is naturally the lender, but there is no great organizer and director of crime like "Dr. Mori• arty"—except*in works of fiction. On the other hand, there always have been criminals of outstanding ability. I met one iu the Strand the other day lie was a great worker here and on the Continent and I dare say, although he is au elderly mum now, he is still operating. The really big receivers have gone. in the old days there wore men of seemingly strict probity,_ pillars of the local church and a11that. If anyone could be described as "Moriarty" they could, for they encouraged thieves and others to make profits out of their booty. But they have disappeared. Receivers n0W operate on a Inuoll smaller scale. Fear of the Lash Mr, Arrow denounced the proposed abolition of corporal punishment, say- ing: "It will be one of the greatest mis- takes our law-makera ever made if they abolish it. If flanging vvero abol- ished, there would be more murders, and More policenteu would be killed. It is because we hang murderers that so few burglars carry weapons, but when at the utmost it could only mean a few years' more imprisonment if a policeman trying to matte alt arrest were Milled, what burglar would hesi- tate to kill if he thought by so doing he hada chance of getting away," "Crimes of violence are very proper- ly punished by the lash. To those who advocate its abolition pause to think what the effect of being Mauled about by a brutal ruffian must Have on their women folk?" • "Site has no physical infirmity, site could tell the truth if ehe liked;' said a landlady, speaking of her lodger, at Shoreditch. "Mayn't I be a preaO$er when I grow up?"•asked the small boy. "Of course, you may, my iiet, if You want to," his mother replied. "Yes, I do. I's'pose I've got to go to church all my life, anyway, and it's a good deal harder to sit still than to stand up. and holler." Nurse Gas 7 lose in 2 Weeks �A>7 Yeast ad kola "1 ern a 110610 at the hospital," writes Miss Martha Burns, "and I want to let you know that 1 an; glad to recommend your I1•onlzcd Yeast. 'it gave me a good appetite. I got strong and galued 7 pounds. In 2 weal`s; I could write all day about IOW much good ironized creast did ,no You would be surprised at the strength 1 gained in 3 or 4 days." People everywhere are amazed at the wonderful benefits of Irouizod Yeast,' Many write they MPG 13001- ful when they started. , But after eking it regulariy for only 3 or .4 tveelks they gained 11 -to 15 pounds. Ugly Hollows fill out. • Skinny limbs become gracefully rounded. 131emislgr ed- skin gets clear. Etna beautiful. Only when Yeast is lronised is it more ,effective—for Iron is needed to bring out the weightbuilding and strengthening values of .Yeast. Pleas- ant 'tablets in a handy bottle. Never cause gas or bloating, Safe—no harmful drugs. Go to any druggist to -day and get a' all size treatment of Ii'onized Yeast. e after this generous trial you .are Agriculture Needs an Inventor I There' is a real opportunity await-. int some enterprising genius who'wll1 evolve a. Meanie which will effec- tively and economically dust wheat plants t0 prevent steal Ilia. ;Tile experts of the Dominion Department t of Agriculture find' that the only ef- fective method of controlling this parasitic organism, which • spreads with amazing rapidtty, Is to apply finely powdered sulpher to the stem 1 of the growing plant as a toxic agent. A considerable fortune' awaits some lucky person' who has "dust on the brain" well enough to design a new form of machine for this einese, I Mieard's-50 vearRecorrl of Success. not delighted, -your money back in - ISSUE No. 14—'30 stoutly from rean?lfaeturer. :bake new rich blood and your, Appe- tite and digestion will soon.be normal —meals' will once more be a -pleasure, The one sure medicine to enrich the blood, neaten strength and banish stomach(tisouble and indigestion is Dr. Williams' Pink .Pills. Concerning them, Mrs, Wm. T. Thompson, Brus- sels, Ont., says:—"For years I sufiel•- ed with indigestion, . headaches and dizzy spells. I tried a great many so- called remedies without, relief. As a farmer's wife, with three little girls, it was almost impossible to be idle and I just dragged myself through my work. I suffered so ,t was actually afraid er meal time. A friend advised, the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and although I had lost faith in ever being well again I purchased a supply and began taking them, Gradually the dizziness and headaches left me. Illy appetite improved and soon I was able to enjoy my meals. I gained in weight and my health in general is better than it has been for years. I feel I owe much to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for they relieved me of all my misery." You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. w - Too Unlucky British Widow Reburies Scarab from Tomb as. - Cause of Woes Bradley, England.—A scarab taken from an ancient Egyptian tomb was blamed by Mrs. ,John Bertram Parkes for seven years of poverty and ntistor- tuue, culminating in widowhood. So she buried it in the woods near her humble home here. The scarab was inscribed with part of the sixty-fourth chapter of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, which identified it with the heart of the de- ceased person and urged it not to be- tray him at the judgment before) Osiris. It was found by her husband when he was in Egypt as a colonel in England's crack Grenadier Guards. Shortly afterward he was dentoi;il-I ized. For a time he worked, first as a coal dealer and later as a market' gardener, toy maker and firewood sell- er. Then for seven years he was un- able to land a job of any sort. Finally he was forced to build a two - room shack in the woods here in order' to have shelter for his wife and four childreu. • Then he diad, leaving his family destitute. Mrs. Parkes said her husband blamed all his misfortunes on the scarab. fliinard's Will Kill Cores. Scientifically speaking, coal is of the sante composition as the dia- mond." "Still, it it; only a carbon copy." WHY SUFFER FROM YOUR VER? Why be handicapped with unsightly blotches on the face, eyes with yellow' tinge and that tired and languid feel- ing? This indicates a torpid liver Headache, Dizziness and Biliousness surely follow. You must stimulate your lazy liver, start the bile flowing with Carter's Little Liver Pills. They also act as a mild laxative purely vegetable, free from calomel and poisonous drugs, small, easy to swallow, and not habit forming. They are not a purgative that cramps or Rains, unpleasant after effect follow- Ing, on the contrary a good tonic. Ail Druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs. Novelties tarring i Classified Advertising :-' Sophistry i ty BABX C°ICISSZIY WFJ S1ATOIIIJIb 2 215,000 last year in, four varies ties Write 006 frog catalot;'uo. A. »• Materials JBzing aylnxlietry of Switzer, Granton, out: . Line and' Haroizony • Feminine' imagination will a'ecefve pleasant stimulus In the eabrfc sur- prises or the spriug season; . Many and delightful are the novelties in new }materials and the manner of their use, Whet tiro last .word has boon Haiti, the true value o@ anyfabt'ic tests up- on its 'ability to enhane feminine charm. Weaves and color combin- ations this spring'offer the couturier' wide range. Since sartorial enchant- ments depend upon symmetry of line, harmony of color, and the use of mate- rials appropriate to the cut of gowns, the more diversified styling of mate rials is an incentive to greater origin ality in design. Fabrics this spring combine body and suppleness. Satins of 'consider- able weight and great elegance; some of them richly brocaded, some of soft, luscious 'crepe' satin, proclaim the new era of formality, Plat crepes grow richly soft and take on new dignity, chiffons have more body, and laces of real worth, such. as AMention and Chantilly, supplant the sheerer and less impressive ones. Tulle, uets, and even horsehair braid' add their originality to rnatorials for evening and the brocaded chiffons and lames are sumptuous lIi their feeling and beautiful in design and color. imported Sophistication — An import from Leloug Illustrates smartly the utilization or horeehair braid' for evening gowns. It is an ultra -sophisticated gown, entirely of the horsehair braid, and the gleaning sheer blackness of its material gives it tremendous chic. The entire gown Is formed of horse- hair braid of varyiug widths ,eom- mencing with narrow braid which fashions the smart bolero that flares slightly over tate molded body -lines of the own. Spiraling around the body to a line well below the hips, the braid is molded to the figure, giv- ing the chic tubular line. From be- low the hips, wider braid makes a full skirt, which billows like au 'Ir- regular umbrella, swooping to the floor in the hack. s The very character of the fabric insures its unusual flare and furnishes its own trimming. The black is unre- lieved by any color and the gown re- presents line of the smartest crea- tions from- Paris for spring. Lace Has Chic Role For ultrnfemluinity, Aleucon lace has no superior for an effective and extremely serviceable evening gown. For the lace gown finds itself perfect- ly at Home 011. the most formal oc- casions and on those where less for. nudity holds reign. "Had.' a puncture, my friend," ask- ed the cheerily inquisitive passer-by. The weary motorist looked up, "No old man" he said as calmly a 1 he could. "I'm just giving the tires a change of air," Use Mlnard's in the Stable. Mrs.• Longworth and Mrs. Gann are still. at it. Maybe we're a little violentminded, but we'd kind of like to see those two girls get together some time at a bargain counter. "Life." YOUR HMR NEEDS TO GIVEIT SALT HEALTH. AND LUSTRE , ASH YOUR BARBER Keep Kidneys Active Health and life depend on them, Try Warner Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy The trouble about kidney disease is that it brings as Warttinzr pain. But there are slgna that you do well to watch—headache, iaittolil on - orgy, btper,oedisS. lack The tunics don't happen if you are pee eetly normal. At the first suspicion of these stymy - toms you should take Steps to tone up kldaoye and. livor. Per more than 50 years thousands of families have been ' using Warner's Safe kidney and ytver, 1ontady to their expressed satisfaction, ' Mae safe herbal remedy originally a doctor's proscription, aide to Olean body poisons from the esrstern, purify the 1)1000, roe+oro abotntdiag 11051111. 1 .Every druggist knows Warner -s Safe Iridney and X,iver Remedy—has sold it for years. It is pleasant to take aha coots but little. putting it off doesn't help your to year druggist now or a bottle. Notetucisnn provement. Wartter'a Safe Stentedies 00., Toronto, Ontario, Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy 9.0 llSoes N9•>era `r. m.rrwannq.,wim[mh�rk r t !t A,@Qdatk,}b.4ilweth1' ? s7mnteSt', l'°dhiat 0 •' ,l IlndltaSWmuMenda xnd S Then6 Roreat*DIINTIN faehrtaO ueleele Wes nettheaOpr�o71:grMnc i Mlneret.WOTNNtrAYle 1{ rwp,,,,oeiva'rmr4t e•r Children hate to take medicine' 93 a rule, but every child ioycs tate taste of Castoria. And this pure vegetable preparation is just as good as it tastes' just as bland and harmless as the recipe reads. (The wrapper tells you just what Castoria contains:) When Baby's cry warns of colic, a few drops, of Castoria has hien soothed, asleep again in a jiffy. Nothing is lure valuable in diet- rhea. When coated tongueor had breath tell of constipation, invoke its gentle aid to cleaits4 stud twill" late a child's bowels, to colds or children's diseases, use It to keep the system from clogging, Your doctor will tell you Castoria deserves a place 111 the family medicine ca inet until your child is grown. He knows it is safe for Ibe tiniest aby; effective for a boy in his teens. With this special children's remedy handy, you need never risk giving a boy or ;girl medicine meant for grown-ups. Castoria is sold in every drug Ccoral the genuine always bears has. H. Fletcher's signature. • The Wealth _ of India CalcuttaEnglishman: The genera public, pathetically unversed in econoo. mics and exchange, do not realize lila immensity of India's natural re,` sources. They do not understand that. their wealth remains; that tliottgle political tergiversation atilt corrupt) and ineiilcieut administration may snake the winnowing of this wealth by the Indians and Europeans harder !ti the future than it has been in the past, the wealth remains and de. mantis the Application of ever fit'eater capital and labor. 'Whatever the pre• cine evolution of Indo -British polities. it is utterly unthinkable that any. time, however distant, Britain will bo falsa-to hor trust to the extent of teir• ting India :slide into Chinese chaos, TAPEWORM REMEDY ' hof, R. L. 111tt1veney's World Pomona Tapeworm Remedy hos expelled " these horrid monsters in two to three hours. 17e starving necessary, no sicicnes no trouble whatever. Write for full information. Dept. A, 211 Ossington Ave., Toronto Wet Feet Endanger the ,whole system, Play safe by bathing in Minaret's and hot water. • Protect your skim, scalp and hair front infection and assist the pores in tho- elimination of waste by daily nee of C nit earn Soap 260, 11.crywhere r��E3P5 gtBCR, p,': LASOF months, Nothing helped. Thea `Sootha•Salva' ended itching, pain in 1 minute.Pilessoongone."B.C.Arlcy.Instant relief. Pilus vanish. Avoids knife. Alt druggists, She looks 20 pons Hanger "I have talon Jerusalem Salts for i Scare, and enclose my photo at e0, to ask your opinion of any record. I have been married 80 ;mumban 0. sons, "D, _a 10: also 2 grandsons. ,, 0 nail 20 months.I put down my youthful appearance to ICrusehett Salts taken rarh morning. I should never think of starting the day wititoot taking then. "I nm 611.1110, in height height 110 pound;. q. can unsure you my lnelumtl lo very proudof me.' Airs, 4. 1t, 0141.1 letkr mete for Detective, To preserve your youthful charm flu 111101 omens your health. Charm end beauty aro otainly a natter of ScogO, so ora vitality mut vigour, 411 telll be yaw ri you pis your faith ire thin "Unto (laity rltrsefel." Start to-utorral, u1,01 110112a eel genre !lounger Wore you aro Malty xatschon salts ie obtainable nt drug and department stores in [''anode at 700. a bottle. A Iloilo contains enough to Inst for 4 or 6 mouths --good beam for half -a -cent a day; FREE TRIAL OFFER It you have never tried Orulehen--try It now et our manse. We here distributed a great maty spode( " man" packages which make it easy for you 10 90060 our claim for I•ournelf. Ask your druggist for the new "ML1N 1"' 750. package. This consists of tett mauler 750: bottle together With u emirate trial bottle—sufficient for about one week, Open the trial bottle Oatput It to the test, and then, If not entlrelY convinced that I{rusohon dies stIllhing we im It to d0 100 regular bottle iss s hl Maimas good as new, Taira it bath. Your drug 1st Is authorised to return your no. immediately and .wiihout question. You have tried Rrnsclten free at our enmenso. What could be fairer7 Manufactured by 1a. Griffiths Hughes, Ltd., Manchester, Fog. (Bath. 1755). Importers: McGillivray Brose LtdToroato.Y "I have used several bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound. and find it helps me wonderfully, espe- cially before childbirth. I have five lovely children. After my last baby came I had a rnisera- ble pain in my right side so I bought another bottle of the Compound and lfeel fine now. I work outside during the fruit season in addition to my housework." '-'- Mrs. Charles Slingerland, R.R. #4t St. Cath- arines, Ontario. 5