HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-04-03, Page 5'TI3,UR$DAY, APRIL 3, ' 1980 THE CLIN'rON-NEWg' RECORD The bestway to "be prepared" i!4 to have, a reserve fund of money in the bank. A BANK Account of his own! What a source of tpride, an encouragement to thrift, and a. lesson in business! Boyi and girls may open and opcstte accounts of their own in the Bank of Montreal. We are glad to welcome them at any time. One dollar is enough to start an account on which we pay interest. BAN N REAL Established 1317 Total Assets in excess of a,9b0,000,000 Clinton Branch: H. R, SHARP, Manages .. Londesboro (Sub -Agent): Open Monday and Thusdaq 'OF INTEREST . TO YOU AND ME We were all fooled on April 1st., when a snow storm arrived,•wheit we had expected spring. The MaiLand Empire srggests that a way be devised so that some of the surplus wheat in Canada be used to feed the starving people of China, the League of Nations finding a way to get the food to the'people needing it. It does seem like a reflection on the good sense and humanity of the world that great stores of food ehould be stored up in one part of it while people. are dying of famine in outer parts. The Wietaskiwin (Alto.), Times, published and edited by Mr. V. C. French, last week entered upon its thirtieth year, having been during the past twenty-nine years under the ono ownership and management, the only paper in Western Canada, according to The Times, which has that distinction. The Times is a newsy paper which serves its city and district well and The News -Re- cord extends hearty congratulations and hopes it may round out the half century under the guiding hand of the genial V. 0. Mr. French is the. only son of Mgrs, F. French. of Clin- ton and he learned the art of print- ing in The New Era office, under' Mas Robert Holmes,. find out something which he wishes Ikept secret. He will be always on the alert to avoid meeting anyone he knows, or who knows him. There will be in joy of meeting olil friends in a strange country. Unlike the ordinary exile who meeting "those who before were as strangers, in ex- ile, become straightway as friends to each other," his dread is meeting former • acquaintances. Brown, during- the past few years, spent much money, bad a very gay j time, perhaps he thought he was having a pleasant time, Anyway, he did as lie -ravished and spent money , freely. He may or he may not have had a great deal to carry away with him, But even if. he had a vast for- tune it wasn't worth the price he's paying. I3'e made a fool bargain. It is well to be able to look your neighbor in the face, even though your suit may be shabby and you cannot afford the latest make of car. It is better to feel that yam, fiends have confidence in you and that nobody can point the finger of scorn at you than to command great wealth. Longs ago the wise man said: "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold." It is still true, Some things are of such value to us that they cannot be safely parted with at any price. , There was a rumour last week that Tom Brown, who left Stratford 'in December, leaving litany in that city and district out thousands. of dollars through his dishonesty, had been seen in Mixico, Ile may or- he may not have been, but he is some- where, omewhere, far ofrom home, amongst' strangers and:snot only that but fear •fur of seeing . end, anxious• to avoid -seeing anyone he knows: When cir- • munstances compel people to leave their home district or the place where they have Bisect for a time,, -where friends are .made and friendly :relations have been built up over tnany years, it usually is something of a trial, especially when middle age is reached and friends are not 'made as quickly as in the expansive ,days of youth. And when an oppor- -tunity presents itself to return to -the old environment, . or when some •ot the old friends visit one in the new home, how pleasant is the inter- course, )tow one rentilaipates any conneotion with the former life. One only needs to meet and greet anyone under such circumstances to realize how happy is such a connection. But • Toni Brown is cut off from that joy. He's a stranger and must always re- main a , stranger,, wherever- he is. He is' forever',cut off from hi„ ,•4ld friends,` and 'eau' never - make pew once,, beeause of the secret -hidden ,in.. ' his `'soul: •HHecannot sit . down and , chat coniforta)ly with another;." as_ many a man can to a casual"'acgptinn^; - lane he must always 'he on his,: Ruatd He will b'. aat :saying something' to give: himself &mays. A" lrer£eotly naturiil question liis foriner pladel of abode.' il].`have a terrifying effect on his mine, He • ;will .never be:sure that the mostcas-„ stn it er may, not be: trying- to' GODERICH TOWNSHIP. - Miss Muriel .Bothwell, who has been visiting her grandmther in Stratford, returned hone Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Brown Stewart mot- ored to Stratford one day last week. Mr. McBride of Waterloo spent the week -end with' his son-in-law, Mr. W. H. Middleton. Mrs. Al -thins -Walsh is visiting„Mr. Alex Welsh, of Clinton. A North Dakota paper had the following memorial notice of .a for- mer resident . of this township. Be- fore her marriage she was Miss Dempsey:. a. "Mrs. George. Pratt, 7$, died in her home, 1128 Eighth st. N, late Wed- nesday. Born in Clinton., Ont, Mrs. Pratt Moved to a homestead at Gard- ner, N.D., in; 1880. Baer marriage to Mx. Pratt, sitnoe' dead, took place in 1873 in Ontario. She had been a resident of Fargo. for 12 years. .Six. • children, Mrs. M. Itintoul, Ramona apartments; Mrs. Harry Peck,. Alberta, 'J. 1�:, •and R. W. Pratt, Gpcdner, WI• J. Pratt,' 1127 Broadway, and Mrs Arthur Fisher, 1128 Eighth st N, survive. There are 13 gtleat grandchildren and '17 grandchildren. Mrs. Pratt was a member of . the, Methodist church. Funeral- services will be in• the:E. P, Mpoce Funeral home Saturday at 2 p.m., Rev. 0. E:; 1Vlle.Craeken 'offieiating,with, burial 'in the lnausolenin at Iiliverside define- teyy ". `Phe yourgn e op le o the caste, 11.tt'1 1 Dp1•un 2]vervtrtng,, „cttfered . Aubutn:,an Ftitl'ag eVenrn,g and pre g lntted the comedy , They report !u 'Tall house and,•-jpdging.;by ;the ap- plause and aeminents,it proved quite 'successful JVhS` A.l£ . laasonr , oJ' South Dakota CARD OP THANKS 50c MEMORIAL VERSE PER LINE . i . a.. lOc BIRTHS GLIDDONT-At the Clinton Public ,hospital, on March 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Glidden, 'Iiglines- vibe, a daughter. DALE—In Ilullett, on March: 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dara, a daughter` MARRIAGES LAVIS--BULM'ER-At St. John's church, 'St. Thomas, on March 22, Irene, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bulmer to John F. Lev- is, son of Mµ. L. WI. Levis and grandson . of 1Vl;r. Thomas -Shipley of Clinton. FIFE--QUINN—In . Dunn Avenue Presbyterian church,' Toronto, on ]Murch 29th, by the . Rev. P. G. Vesey,, Helen Caldwell Quinn to Hawley Bidwell Fife, both of Te- mente. IN MEMORIAM COLOLOUGT•x In loving memory of MPs. "WVm. Celelough, who died April 19th, 1929. "We loved you, Mother, dearly_,' But Jesus loved you more, And He has sweetly called you To yonder shining shore. The Golden Gate was opened, A gentle voice said `Come' And, with farewells unspoken, She gladly entered home." -,Sadly missed by son and daughter. has, been visiting his brother, Mr, Dave Basun, and old acquaintances on the 16th. Miss Grace Churchill, R.N., is hoed for a few weeks. Mr, Harry J. 'Thompson has a diary, which eelebrated its forty- seeond (42) birthday on April lst. Therein you will find accounts of el- ections, marriages, births and deaths and happenings of the country here- abouts. 'Miss Gertrude Snyder of Delhi, visited her: parents over the week- end. Mr. Fred Grimes of Toronto vis- ited friends on the 16th last week. They say, "Spring is. just around the corner," -We have been peeking but so far we don't see the fair lady. Report of S. S. No. 11, for the month of March. Those tnar]ced with an asterisk missed examina- tions: Sr. 4th—'"Ray Perdue, 40. Jr, 4th ---(Lloyd Batkin, 75. Sr. 3rd—Faye Lindsay, 64; John. Lindsay, 64; Margaret Farquhar, 54. Jr. 3rd—Madeline Tyndall, 65; Edward Dee' les, 58; Olive Pickett, 54. 1st class—Lorne Tyndall, 86. Pr.—Jean Vodden, 92; Willa Pot- ter, 89; Peariie MVfc.Gee, , 80; Harold Wiser. 76; Donna Pickett, 68. Perfect attendance for the month: Lloyd Batkin, Lorne Tyndall, Jean Vodden, Harold Wise, Average attendance, 11.4 1—I1f. E. Thgmpson, teacher. TRAFFIC A LA CAFETERIA An ingenious traffic signal is being tried out in Paris, whereby a person wishing to cross the street can press a signal halting all auto- mobile traffic. The buttons are placed on either side of the street on the elect -tie lamp poles. The signal remains lighted 16 seconds, in which the pedestrian must scurry across the street, To avoid tying up traf- fic pedestrians are automatically prevented from holding up the ve- hicular flow for more than a cer- tain period. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Thos. Shipley and daughter, Pearl, wish to extend their sincere appreciation to friends and neigh- bors for their kindness and sym- pathy during Mrs. Shipley's illness and death. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Wm. Scotchmer wishes to express his sincere thanks and ap- preciation for all the kindness shown him in his recent illness, also to thank Trinity church Guild, and Trinity church Sunday sbhool, Bay- field, and other friends for the beau- tiful flowers .sent. White Rocks Tiatching''eggS for sale, Frown White PIyinouth rocks, well bred 50e ;per s'etting. Mrs, Eli Crich, Clinton. Phone 286, Call On Miss Emma 'Levis for all kinds of automobile iltstiranne. Phone. 189-j. Clinton: 60-3-p. Hoy For Sale Mixed Timothy and Alfalfa hay. Apply to' 5, H. Powell, Goderich township. Phone 607r4, Clinton cen- tral. 60-1. For Sale Overland coach, in good condition, will be sold reasonably, Also baby's eater, highchair, and sone other articles, .Mfrs. Stirling Dempsey, Clinton. Phone 255. 60-8. The Salvation Army An Easter Cantata, entitled, "The PiIgxinds Vision," on Eastor Mon- day, April 21at, at 8 p.m. ' Ad1.ni i- s]an, Adults, 25c, Children 15e. 'Lan'tern Service . At the Salvation Army; entitled, "Over the Orion,l" Friday at '7.30 paint ,Aclults,:.5c, Children, 3c: "60-1.' 'Tor Sale • 'Osie 44-tee.ildisteinl bull calf, ;sired by our great head sire, 'Sylviva, Car - barn Pontiac and from a dam with a ,gonia igp d. ,• Thane 78r19,,.l4en- salty:Wint, .Spatks, 'Bayfield, 60.2-p. Cut Flowers Floral Designs DAFFODILS, •NACCISSUS, •'TULIPS HYACINTHS, CARNATIONS SWEET PEAS, MARIGOLDS FOR CUTTING ALSO POT PLANTS • CALCCOLARIA, • CINERARIA`, PRIMULA AND PANS OF ' BULBS. ALL GROWING FOR YOUR SELECTION. For Alt Occasions, Sent Anywhere. Chas.. V. Cooke Member of Florist Telegraph Deliv- ery Association Two'Phones-66w and 60. "Wrecking. Robert's Budget" A. Three -Act Comedy will be presented by the young people of HoImesville in HOLMESVILLE UNITED CHURCH on the evening of Friday, March 28th at 8 'o'clock Admission 350 and 20e. , 58-2, Notice Persons continuing to circulate false reports about -the treatment -of my mother will be prosecuted. THOMAS BAILEY Bayfield, Ont. Play at 'Tamer's The Holmesville Young People are presenting their play entitled, "Wrecking Robert's Budget," in Tur- ner's Church on Friday, evening, April 4th. This will be a great treat. Don't truss it. • 00-1. Auction Sale Of Household Effects, on Orange street, on Saturday, April 12th at 1.30 sharp, oensisting.of the fol- lowing: Buffet and China Cabinet, combin- ed; Brussels rug, 10'x10'; tapestry rug, 10'x8'; writing desk; music cabi- net; gramaphgne; 6 dining room chairs and extension table; 3 rock- ing chairs; 5 kitchen chairs; 1 elec. tris heater; 2 bedroom suites; 3 mat- tresses; 3 small tables; 2 flower stands; kitchen table; Quebec cook stove; 2 couches, tapestry and leath- er; Singer sewing machine; kitchen cupboard; 2 coal oil stoves; 40 gal. coal oil can; washing machine and wringer; baby carriage; 10 mats and a number of quilts; lawn mower, spades, shovels and garden tools, wheelbarrow; 14 -ft,. ladder; steplad- der; 2 clocks; electric iron; dishes; fruit jars; tubs; cooking utensils and other articles too numerous to men- tion. Terms: Cash. Thos. Rathwcll, Proprietor, G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 60-2. AUCTION SAlaE -sof CHOICE FORWARD SPRINGERS Connell & Tyndall have instructed the undersigned to sell by 'public auction at their sale barn, Victoria street,. Clinton, on Friday, April 4th, tit 2 p.m., sharp, the following: 3 choice Durham heifers, rising 3 years; 2 choice Ilereford heifers, ris- ing 3 years; 2 choice Jersey heifers, rising 3 years; ehoiee Holstein hei- fer, rising 3 years; choice Ayershire heifer, rising 3 years; choice Guern- sey heifer,. rising 3 years. This is an exceptionally god lot of well -wintered heifers, all supposed to freshen in April. TERM1S:. 6 months enedit will be given on furnishing approved joint bankable paper or .a discount of 4 per cent straight allowed for cash. CONNELL & TYNDALL, Props. G. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer, 60-1. PIE SOCIAL The Londesboro 1V. L will hold their Annual Pie Social in the COMMUNITY HALL, ON FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 11TH Supper from 6 to S o'clock, After which, "A Pair of Sixes," a three -act comedy, will be presented by the Blyth Citizen's Band, A five-piepe Orchestra will supply Music between acts. Corrie and enjoy .a pleasant evening Admission, Adults, .50c Children, 35e • ' 60-1. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders marked "Gravel Tender" will be received by the un- dersigned until Thursday, April 24th at 3 o'clock ' pan. for furnishing power ,and operating the gravel crusher for the Township of, Hallett for the coming season, Separate tenders for operating and furnishing power may be considered. Operator to furnish all necessary men and teams to keep the plant running to, full capacity and have ;the crushed Material in the bins ready for haul- . ng. ;Contractor for power to furnish either 30 h.p. gasoline or 20 h.p. steam. Operator to clean off all' surface soil rand keep the, pit in proper repair. Also at the sante time tenders will be received Inc the delivery by 'truck of not more §ban 11-2 •gards capacity :01 the crashedogrev6i, at -a price per: yard per •mile Neill, Lowest •bra any ten- der' not nFceisar,il9 _ accepted Speci- fieations'itiay',,beseen atthe'''"iiletice of the undersigned:-- John Fingland, Clerk of Hultett... a 60-8. 4ionseoraesenamessiimaimir'' Clinton's New -Laid Egg And Poultry House Eggs - bought according to Domin- lon Government' Egg :Regulations, Inquire for our prices' .of eggs . You willalways find our prices par- allel with the city markets. Fat hens and well -finished chicks always wanted -Prices good. Always phone our office for prices before marketing produce,' N. W. Trewalrtha Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w CAR OWNER Start the motoring season "Right" by taking. out an auto and personal accident insurance policy. I can meet your requirements for either Private 'or commercial vehicle cover- age as well as protection for your- self. Having had years of experience in auto insurance and representing .a splendid range of companies, I am in a position to advise you as to your needs and toirovide you the very best of service with your insurance. H. E. ,RORKE Clinton, Ont., AIT lines of insurance Sun Life Agency. Phone 253w 58-tf. W R0:1! No, need to go any further to look for bargains. All you have to do is to look overthe items listed below to realize what a saving you can make by shopping here. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SAT- URDAY, MARCH 27, 28, 29 CASH ONLY Maple Ieaf tomatoes, 3 tins ....33c Seedless Raisins, 3 lbs. , .. . , ,33c Cooking Beans, 6 lbs. . 33c Heinz Pork and Beans, 3 for ....33c Lamp glasses, large, 3 for 33c Lamp glasses, small, 3 for 83c Shredded Wheat, 3 for 38c Kellogg's Pep, 3 for 33e Kellogg's Rice Krispies, 3 for 330. Kellogg's Bran Flakes, 3 for 33e Perrin's Soda Biscuits, 2 pkgs. 83c Syrup, 5 lb. pail 33e D. E. Gliddon HOLMESVILLE , Pasture Land For Rent Lots 77 and 78, Maitland codices: sion, Goderich township, consisting of 183 acres to rent for pasture; This place is well shaded and has a spring creek running through it. For particulars \t -rite to Mrs. Olive )3edard, Courtright, Ont. 60-3. For Sale The property of the late Alexan- der R. Brown consisting of a white belek house on Princess St,, East Clinton with eight rooms, town and soft water, bathroom and electric lights. One half acre of Iand ,with barn, large and small fruits. pply to W. Brydone. 59-3. House For Sale - 7 -room house, hardwood floors in front part' of house, town water and lights. Garage and chicken pen. Half acre lot with fruit trees. Ap- ply to John W. Nediger, Clinton. 59-tf. Seed For Sale Seed Marquis Wheat, Early Alas- ka Oats, Irish White Oats, Yellow Sweet Clover Seed and Kentucky Blue Gress Seed. Apply to Leslie Cox. Phone 603r2. 59-2. For Silo Farm of 115 acres, lot N'o. 39 Goderich 'township, two utiles north of Bayfield, on Bluewater Highway good white brick house with tele- phone; beans and artesian ivell; 10 acres of good timber, hemlock, beech and maple. Apply W. G. Cook, God- erich, R. R. No, 2, Phone 605r32. 58-3, Seed Wheat For Sale Quantity ICubanka (Goose) Wheat.. Free of noxious weeds, to mix with oats or to sow alone. Fen- wick 'Stewart, en-wick'Stewart, R. R. No. 5, Phone 620r12 Clinton central. 59-3-p. ' For Sale Three buggies, road cart, light wagon and set of light, single har- ness. Apply to Iliram Hill, Clinton, Phone 150. 59-2. General Trucking I am prepared to do general truck- ing, moving furniture, etc, Two trucks available when nedessary. M, Gliddon, Ho]mesville, R. R. No. 3, Clinton: Phone 611 ring 24, Clinton ceintral. 52-4-p. Auction Sale Of Household : Effects on Satur- day, April 5th, on Princes ''street, next to C. C. X.,.�at 1.30 .dcloekk sharp consisting ofthe following: Kitchen table; small table; eup- board;. (i :kitchen chairs; 6 dining room chairs; sideboard; 3 rocking chairs; 1 arta chair; kitchen .:couch; Quebec heater; coal oil stove, 2 bur- ners; rug; rag ,carpets;. 2 dressers and stands; 2 iron beds; 2 wood beds; chest of drawers; 3 stnoothing irons; dishes; pans and other artic- les. Garden. tools, hanging lamp; patios lamp; table lamp; small par- lor table; lawn mower; a quantity of books;, quantity • ofd Pictures; a number of looking glasseeh.2 colored table cloths; pair chineal curtains. Other articles too. numerous to men- tion. endo . 2 feather ticks and a n 1bex of feather pillows. Everything to be sold as prop} ie for is giving up 'housekeeping. 'aTEEMS?— OASII • R. 3., Miller, Proprietor,. ' G.' Ii, El- liott, Auctioneer, 59--2, raeavaarasse FOR. etter Values COME TO US We Carry a Complete Stock of—+-. ALABASTINE AND PAINTS, GARDEN TOOLS, DITCHING TOOLS AND FORKS, OVERALLS. SMOCKS, SHIRTS RUBBER p0QTS AND WORK BOOTS DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR BEATTY PUMPS, ANKER HOLTH CREAM SEPARATORS AND ELECTRIC AND HAND WASHERS.. 1Vl�ller -Hardware TELEPHONE 69 COe CLINTON G. ll -I. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs Phone 7 . RUPTURE SPECIALIST Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform- ity. Consultation Free. Call or write, 3. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St.. Stratford, Ont. 10-1929. For Sale Lighting' plant, consisting of 13 - plate: battery, only used•,two years,. generator, motors, bulbs, etc.. Also a washing machine, with motor at- tached if desired. Cheap for quick sale. Apply to James R. Stirling, R. R. No. 2, Bayfield. Phone 600 ring 12, Clinton central. 58-3. Hatching Eggs For Sale From Barred Plymouth Rocks and S.C. White Leghorns. From high-. producing flocks. $4.00 per one hun- dred eggs, Special rate for big in- cubator lots. Frank 3'. Tyndall, R. R. No. 4, Phone 636 ring 33, Clinton central. . - 5$-tf. Car Insurance For car insurance call on J. G. Chowen, Postoffioe Box, 155, Clin- ton. Phone 52, Clinton. 57-tf. Muskrat Skins Wanted Will pay up to $1.10 flat for good lots. Very small and damaged skins at value. II. A. Hovey, Clinton. Phone 299. 59-tf. Slabs Now is the time to bey your slabs while they last. E. Ward, Iiuron street, Clinton, Phone 155. 57-tf. Baby Chicks There is profit for you in the,dif- feranca. Better chicks for the same money. Chicks hatched by our Hu- ron Mammoth Incubator possess ex- tra vigour. Aro you interested? Well, I thinl. so! 'White or phone for Particulars of Barred Rock and White Leghorn Chicks to J. Elgin McKinley, Zurich, Ont., phone 97 ring 4, Hensell, 53-tf. Farm—Sell or Rent Eighty acres of rich and produc- tive loam; good natural and artificial drainage; picturesque location, Farni about two miles from Clinton on Baseline. Buildings consist of newly shingled house; Iarge barn; driving shed also windmill. Considerable bush. Terms one-third purchase down; or full rent in advance. Own- er, 322 South Main Street, Romeo, Michigan. Further information, W. Brydone, Clinton. 51-14-p. Farms For Sale Lots 27 and 29„ Oth concession of Godrieh township, consisting of 160 acres of good clay loam, 11,4 miles west of Holmesville. Good buildings, never -failing wells- Ap- ply to Lewis Proctor, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 611r2, Clinton cen- tral. 20-tf. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's' Barber shop. W. J. Jago. 2283-tf. House For Sale Comfortable nine room house, Victoria street, Clinton. Garage and stable. Apply to S. G. Castle, Clin- ton. 40-tf. Hatching Eggs For Sale' Eggs from large type two and three year old S. C. White Leghorn hens, heavy laying strain, also from Barred Plymouth Rock Irene,, $4.00 per 100, 6Jc•per, 'setting of 13. '11. Tyndall, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 607r3, Clinton central. 57-tf. Emslea Chick Farm BARRON STRAIN S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS and BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK . CETCIS. ,. HATC RING EGGS --$4.w0 a hundred. CUSTOM. HATCHING, STAMINAX AND BLATCI{FORD'S C T IIIC { FEEDS E. L. Mittell Phone. 213, Clinton 6841. Keep Warm With LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITIiI MINEHEAD ALBERTA SOFT COAL. NUT COKE AND ' DOMESTIC SIZE COKE A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen Street . Telephone 266 Eggs and Poultry Home on Tuesday and Friday fore. noon to take in Poultry. Eggs handled at residence every day—graded by an experienced grad- er, for which we pay the higher market price. Cream purchased for StIllman's.. A. E. Finch Viking Cream Separator Agent. Victoria St,, Clinton Phone 2a'' Implement Agent I handle Cockshutt implements and cream separators, Frost an Wood Implements and carry parts and repairs for same. I ani also agent for Allis-Chal niers Tractors, Those wishing to inquire abon any of the above kindly call at m residence. JOHN V. DIEHL, Queen Street, Clinton. 81-tk. McCormick -Deering Agency Having taken over the above ag envy for this district I will keep o hand a full stock of repairs and parts of all IVIcCormick-Deering machin and will appreciate a share of th patronage of the farmers suroundi Clinton. Call at my shop, next door Jones' blacksmith shop, King street. W. J. STEWART Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w 04 - Clinton's itektlatftt LET THE HEAT FOLKS FIGHT YOUR BATTLES AGAINST, COLD AND s ISCOM FORT • Remember the tanks during .the World War, that went' up one trench and.down another, through No Mang Land, into the enemy's country, neverstopping, until they reached their objective? n You'll 'find that the Heat Folks have the same persistent method of combating the cold, Their objective is a warm house and a busy kitchen range; and their reach it with prompt deliveries ori good coal.` Call the ds for good, clean coal � s COAL COMPANY PHONE . 74 CLINTON