HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-04-03, Page 4weemeaeweliwoOssessowenen .THD CLINTON-NEWS :.•RECORD COOPER'S STORE NE.IAIS< SPECIAL ' DRESS AND COAT A DEMONSTRATION b a Toronto Y Representa- tive, April 9th � & 10th. DON'T MISS IT .tea. T. COOPER►.: i "THE STORE WITII THE STOCK" PHONE 30 CLINTON LEADERS IN LOW PRICES Sherlock -Manning Pianos. HOW About Treating Your- self to a PIANO? T. J. MeNEIL Clinton's Musical lustrument"Representative Always at Your Service Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton {+wsv+ws.r•.ww 1 Creamy£oiiltryWE RECOGNIZE QUALITY and DISTRIBUTE THE CASH ACCORDINGLY at CLINTON CREAMERY, CLINTON PHONE 145 SEAFORTII BRANCH, SEAFORTH PHONE 162 CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON ONTARIO PHONE 190 Ginn, 'Langlois & Co., Limited .1 HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, QUE. 1 ✓+yaw++vnr++a s•nisoww.ve.es.wswres J Eistei' Hats FOR THE Smart Dresser Your new Roll Brim and Snap Down in Front FIats are here -for your Easter Selection. They are exceptional values at 'the prices we are offering tilieln in this Before Easter Sale. DAVIS Sc HERMAN 1 vamsollaseis Town Hall, Clinton ' uesdaiy, tpril 8 The Musical Eekardts THE ORIGINAL SWISS BELL RINGERS. A TON OF MUSICAL NOVELTIES BIGGER AND BETTER THAN. EVER Featuring BURNARD ECKARDT MUSICIAN, COMEDIAN AND FUN MAKER also TED CURTIS FiDKALE IN5PERS.ONATOR, LATP OF THE "DUMBELLS" °LEVER VERSATILE PERFORMERS SPECIAL SCENERY AND LIGHT EFFECTS ADULTrSe 500- i, CHILDREN, 25c. NOTE. --This eonLpany is not connected in any way -with a Isarlies' Orchestra that Went•bhroiigh °the rrouintry ander the, name of • EOITAIIDTS•13EIit RINGERS. ST. HELENS. •�11i'r. and Mxs...D,. I arrier of White Church -visited at the, :home of Mr. and Mrs, Win. T'eylor last week. Ms Ed.Tayle of East Wawanosh visited friends around ° Fordyce for a few clays. Mr. and Mrt.:Dan. Martin spent' a day at- the home of Mr Robinson Woods.,' Mr. and Mrs, • Robert Neale and family moved tea fruit fainm near Grimsby on Tuesday, where he , has secured a position. ,W,e , _aro very sorry to lose tide family, who came: out • frotn. England four years ago, as they were very highly thought of by their many friends and neighbors 1 We wish them 'the best of hick in their new• home. Mrs- Gordon Mfekersdn has re turned after visnfimg her parents near Brussels. .ta • Mr. Earl Craisston is working with the Gun Son 'Olo'Company in Wing- ham -. Rey. and Mrs. Wilkinson and chil- dren were visitors with relatives in Ripley last week. The funeral of the late Mrs. K. Patterson of near Whitechurch, who died so 'suddenly on a visit to her daughter, Mrs• John Turner, took place an 'Saturday- to Vl'lingham cern- etery. ,Quito a number from here wont to Lueknow on Friday, when th'e Cain: Heusi •was on fire. At a meeting of the Bee:C sing held here' on Monday night it was, decided to `have a thirty --two share ring this year, commencing on Thursday :morning•, April 10th. pleasantevening was spent • by the pupils; teacher 'and neighbors of S. S. No. 12 on Friday evening, Mjareh-28th. A very interesting pro- gram of dialogues, songs and recita- tions was presented by the pupils. Also a few speeches. An interesting feature of the evening., was an ad- dress and presentation of suitable gifts to_M'isses Barbara and Dorothy Neale -and Alex. and Godfrey Neale who are severing theirs connection with No. 12. The following is the address: - "To Misess Barbara and Dorothy Neale and Masters Alex and God- frey Neale: It was with sincere re- gret we learned of the severing of your connections from S. S. No, 12. For four years we have enjoyed your pleasant dmpany. You have always been leaders both in work and sports and have been a credit to the school in every way you could possibly help. We all feel assured that where you reside your. • kindly and jolly traits will make friends gnickly and we know that our loss will be Grims- by's gain. In daily work, concerts fairs, ball team and plays, you have prov&1 to be of the greatest help. Please accept these gifts as slight tokens of our appreciation of your help while in our community. You are carrying away with you the good will and good wishes of our section. That you will some day come back to our midst is our sincerest wish,— Signed on behalf of teacher and pupils." Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and two Children from Stratford have moved into the stone house to work for Mr. Wes. Joy nt. PORTER'S ]HILL The three -act play entitled "A Poor Married Mien." presented by the Young People's Society of Grace Church, Porter's Hill, on Wednesday evening of last week, proved quite a success. In spite of the stormy night the chureh was well filled and the play enjoyed , by an attentive audience. The cast was composed of Profes- son Wise, a poor Married Man, M. A. McLennan; Mrs. Iona Ford., a mother-in-law, Clara Harrison; Zoie Ford, her daughter, Bernice Elliott; Jupiter Jackson, a colored servant, Jack Gardner; Billy Blake, a senior college student, Roy Cox; Dr, Matt- hew Graham, a country physician, Harold Crittendlen; June Gkahann, his daughter, Evelyn Cox; Rosalind Winson, 'a college reporter, Elva El- liott. Messrs. J. and P. Young con- tributed violin solos, Mrs. WI. Cox and Mrs. H. Cox each, sang a solo and Miss D. 'Harrison gave a whis- tling solo during the evening. • The play was ably coached by .Mr. Fred Elliott and Ms•. Allen Betties. The proceeds of thle evening amount- ed to $40.00. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the play •in Rolrnesville on Friday evening Inst. , To Advertise •Ontario Apples 'Full details will be worked oiut shortly on the projeet to advertise Ontario grown Apples as extensively as those produced in British Col- umbia. It has already been sug- gested that a"Ievy, of a. few cents per barrel of . apples be made :or a small tax on each acre of apple or- chard, The funds thus obtained could be used to good advantage to "push" the sale of Ontario Apples. -.Researchon Weeds At 'the current session•of Legis- lature Dr. G. I. Christie, president of the Ontario •Agricultural' college, announced that a carhpaign is being instituted to' 'launch a new research program aiming at the elimination of those .noxious :weeds, -the gsolq thistle in particular, with whish the farm- er's crops have to, battle 'nowadays, Prof. J. E. Howitt will be placed at the head of the program, Apples Injured A. Fulton, special overseas repre- sentative of the Ontario Fruit Grow- er's, Association, in his latest bulletin stated that the fast consignment of Ontario Apples received in Liverpool were in a wasty condition, caused by frost: injury somewhere in transit. This was particularly unfortunate be- cause demand and prices had taken a jump upward with the result that Ontario . priees remained low and other imported brands have been drawing good prices., 3R(1RSDA;Y, .APRIL 8, 1930 FIURQN OLD BOYS' ASSOCIA- 'CION ; OIr TORONTO The Euchre' and Bridge of the Huron Old Boys' ;Assooiation at Hygeia H'all,' on T'hursday'• evening last was well attended and . was. e, success -in every particular.. TWeiity tables were required for the Euchre players, 'whiles' '15 tales :were oc- cupied by Bridge players. :The balance of the• everting was occupied with dandes old time • and new time, while those who couldn't dance occupied the Hine.with the re- lating of events in the old days of Huron. The proceedings closed at 12 pan, afters -a very pleasant evening's en- joyment, Notes. President 'Wilson was unavoidably' absent, owing to a severe cold,' but Mhos. Wilson took his, place and she filled it well. . • Mrs. W. Powell, formerly • of Sea - forth won the first prize in Euchre 1os">'1h0 ladies, and John Moon car- ried off the first honors in thetnon's class. •• Puss Grnce Stirlingwas the prize winner in the "Spot" dance. Mrs,. Joseph Beek and Mrs. L. S. Scott, two 'ol the oldest members of the Assoication were early . on the job, and stayed tothe finish, • Miss Laving Tipox, Finanial Sec- ,retar'y, headed a good bunch of girls from the Blyth imd. Londesboro disc mists. • Geo. A. Newton, Londeshoro Old Bay, told a good horse story during the., evening. Secretary Floody will embellish it, and it will appear in these columns later on. Watch for it. The coffee wasgood, for the sim- ple reason, that our good old friend, J. A. McLaren, Honorary -President, donated it, and anything from Mc- Laren is always good. Mrs. D. Thompson had charge of the refreshments, and needless to say, everybody enjoyed' them. There is a medal coining to Mrs. Thomp- son from the Iluron Old Boys. A WELL-KNOWN SOUTH HURON RESIDENT PASSES IN 94Th YEAR On Thursday last, death claimed one of the most widely known and .highly respected residents of South Huron in the person of James Hor- ton, in his 94th year. He died at the home of his nephew, Noah Horton, Ribbert Township, with whom he had been living for the past few years. The latter resides on the old Horton homestead, where the de- ceased was born. Before the coming of the motor car, Das Morton was known through- out the district for the :fine horses he kept and- was considered one of the best -informed horsemen in South Huron. In politics he was a staunch Conservative and several times was approached to contest the riding for his party, though de- clining each time. Be was married to Miss Annie Wren, who prede- ceased him some years ago. Deceased is -survived by one bro- ther, Henry, of Hensel!; two sisters, Mars. Thomas Hickson, ITensalI, and Mrs. J. Broadfoot, Tuckersmith Townslt'p, The funeral was held from the home of his nephew on Saturday, interment being made at MaTag- gart's Cemetery. CONSTANCE iWir. Alvin Dale is wearing a broad smile these days, a baby girl having arrived on Saturday, March 29th, at his home. Congratulations. Mr. Harold Coielough is spending this week with his aunt, Mrs. john Mann of dear Clinton. bit. and Mrs, Thos. Tuley of Clin- ton spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Riley, Mr. Frank Harburn and son, Fred, of Staffa spent the week -end with relatives here. A goodly crowd attended the dance in the Forester's hall on Friday ev- ,oning. Mr. and Mie. George Dale of Her- purhey spent Monday at the home of their son, Mr. Alvin Dale. HULLETT TOWNSHIP The following is the report of S. S No, 10 for the month of March. Pupils were examined in Composi- tion, History, Geography and Arith- metic: Sr. 4th—Donald Sprung, 280. Jr. 4th—Dorothy Vodden, 812. Sr. Sill—Leonard Yunggblutt, 19$. Charlie. Meehan, 193. . Jr. 8•rd-•iStaniey Yungblutt, 163. Sl: 2nd•;-13eth Golder, 813; Ruth Vodden, 282.; Eleanor Sprung, 260; Pearl Johnston, 251; Florence Yung- blutt, 221; Eddie 'Flunking, 178. Jr. and—Rhoda Govier, 297; ,Toe Flunking; 185. • • Pr. -John Sprung. No. on .roil,14, average. attendance 13.—E, Arnett, teacher. ERUCEFIELO- Mr. Robert Hothanti has been vis- iting his friends' in Clinton the past few days. Mr. George Hilt returned to her hone in' the village Inst 'weelt after spending,'a few months at the home of her son, M'd•. Jas. Hill of Strat- ford. Rev. W A. and Mrs. Bremner vie- ited friends in London this week. Rev. 144 A. Bremner will conduct a question drawer next Sunday at the .evening service, Mr,, Wim, Aikenliead rettuned horse, Met week after spending `.a week with friends in London. 'The many fnicnds of Mr, Frederick Molfenzie. •of ourvillage will regret to hear that he is seriously ill. !!! GODERICH:, Gederich's tax rate for 1930 will be '49mills for public school supporters and 50 mills 'for separate school•...• supporters,' This i$ the salve rate as last year. It is made up se follows;• 33'1-2 mitis for general purposes, • nine ,mills for 111.1__C school ,purposes, 10 midis ifor separate school purposes, and six and a half nulls for collegiate ha stitute purposes, GO:HERICIT; Appointments of the officers for the two Algoma Central steam boats which are in the har- bor and which aro being fitted out at present have been, made. Capt. A. McIntyre of Collingwood and Chief. Engineer A. M1Waclnnis of Goderich have been appointed to the Steamer Franz. Capt, Joseph Armstrong of Sault Ste. Marie and Chief Engineer WlilIiain Tymon of Collingwood have been, appointed to the Steamer Home .•Snaith. EXETER: Deilbegt Webb, well- knovn farmer residing south-west of Dashwood, near Grand Bend, hanged himself from• a rafter in his barn on Saturday. Friends and relatives of the deceased man were shocked when word of the suicide reached them as Mr. Wiebb had apparently been in good health and he was a well-to-do farmer of the district. No reason can be given which might have Prompted him, to do the rash act. The coroner in charge of this dis- trict has " decided that an inquest is not necessary. Foe was a son of Mr, and'Mrs. R. Webb, well-known resi- dents of Grand Bend and there is ' also surviving his wife, one daugh- ter and two sons. IIENSALL:. -George Petty . who has been the senior member in the firm of Petty, and Wiren, produce dealers, has sold out his interest to Cecil Hanle who has been in the employ of this firm for some tinio and 'this establishment will now .be' known as Wjren. and:Has'ris. The Federal revenue from the liquor business now exceeds 05,000,- 000 a year, exclusive of sales tax. The Value of Straw there, is ,no straw, this year and that as . a result feed is scaree, . calls for a statement that it has to be proyenr that straw has any, value as a feed,: It is, good for bedding and this is all; the sooner farmers realize that they Must depend upon alfalfa and corn,' the better. Strata has no food value The talk v among farmers "that; whatever. HURON CENTRALd- � UurSocicts RING FAIR striNuAL, YE OLDE TYME VILLAGE QUARETTEF TOR •r Who were so popular lastear, will again give a Program in the Town Hall CLINTON, ONTARIO, the evening of Show Day. TJnisday, 3 Don't Miss It Admission 50c and 35c ' DANCING AFTER PICOGRAM feuard L 3WE S-U114,o P-SiTO€iitC, 441%0 P11.t.DIP11EMTV' Hundreds of valuable farm buildings are destroyed every year byy lightning and sparks from nearby fives landing on the roof. Sue there is one way you can secure lifetime protection from these hazards, Simply roof every building with RIB - ROLL. They will then be Immuno to fires caused by flaming brands and burning embers. When properly grounded and equipped with Preston Vendlatoes--according to the Light- ing Rod Act—they defy lightning. You will have o roof that givesgreater strengd. and economy. Rih=Rolf Roofing is the skeet with seven tabs --a nail every five inches. Made to "Council Standard" specifications , , , comes In big sheets Seeasy and Inexpensive to lay on new 00 over Old roofs. cure for n lifetime, Ideal foe homes, barns, sheds, garages, summer cottages. Use LedoHed Nails By using Preston LED -HED nails you* eliminate the tedious dirty job of "threading" lead washers. Every nail hole is perfectly sealed, making it waterproof, rustproof and weather-proof. ,• Preston Ventilation No Preston ventilated barn has oven•beon reported burned because of spontaneous combustion. Preston Barn Ventilators for roof, adjustable side windows and specious doors protect from aeon, tuneouslanidon by keeping the air In constant circulation. Write for particulars, Preston Barn Doer Hardware Preston hotgalvanleed four-whtol•Hangers and bird -proof Rain Door Track are so easily erected that hundreds of builders will use no other style, Dost in Canadafor heavy Gam doors. The Hanger is adjustable up and down, Inside and out, inquire about our attractive specfat terms on Winter Shipments COUNUISTA8llAR© 441%04., 44101111111,... Iteel 'ads h St. united Guelph , Preston, Ontario, Factories and Oflicea at Toronto and Montreal OV8R 1000 IN ONTARIO —_ LiGHT'NING HASN'T DESTROYE ,j Please send free booklet with information about Preston Steel Truss Barns 0 Rib.Roil hoofing O, Led -Hod Nails Q, Check off product fe which you are Interested, ONE .Name,,,.„, Address. « NE THIM A DRAYS FEE D 11-;&s.,„,FCS/ k se MINK OF IT! Cisc tiny thimbleful , .. all the feed a chick can put in its little crop in one day. On this tiny bit it must live .. gr6w build bones ... build muscld .:.. start feath- ers. Think of the job feed has to do! They must depend on feed for so many things ! They get them all in Purina Chick Startena (mash) or Purina All -Mash Startena Chow 12 different ingredients in. every thimbleful. Cod-liver oil ... dried buttermilk . , , alfalfa Hour :.. granulated meat ... these and eight . others are there! These 12" ingredients . .. think how carefully they • must' be Mixed to make every thimbleful alike. Purina Startena and AlliMash Startena Chow are mixed over ai and over again . , , 960 times just' to be thorough! You will find the same care taken with Baby Chick Chow (scratch) ... to be fed with Startena until your chicks are six weeks old. r , and with Purina Growena (mash). and Purina Intermediate Tietz Grow (scratch) ... to be fed from then on until the pullets are laying at 16 weeks. Flow little feed a chick eats..•.elest one thimbleful a day ... yet how important it is , , . how .much. depends 'on it ... the chick's very life .. , its growth... what the pullets will do for you next fall and winter when eggs • • are sur e to be wo nthafla and mOn e You can rd to feed only the best.. -.Purina Poultry Chows. serene 'f rinPURDOCH BROTHIERS Clint 14 n chopping Mm