HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-04-03, Page 1The News -Record Est. 1878 WITH WHICH IS INCOR,PORAT .THE „CLINTON NEW ERA . . The New Era Est. 1865, No: 2560 --51st YEAR CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1930 FOR FINE Ta"ateh 'lock AND JEWELERY REPAIRS GO W. H. HELLYAR• Clocks in town called for, put in order and returned, working as well as ever they did. 1.666,02•MIAMPLIOM C161111={=0/ Xeliq r Jeweler and Optometrist Phone 174W and 174j 44.19MIESCISM=001/1 ,1 To your add greatest Draperies D 1 it PE IES Distinction to your home, asset is Window which Breathe Quality. LINOLEUM AND-CONGOLEUM un,, iii, tw.l. (IQ Our Spring Prices are 25c to 50c lower than those listed in Mail Order Catalogues. Phone us the number of the Pattern you re- quire. If not in stock we will procure it for you in 24 hours. , - It11 8 "CLINTON'S LEADING STYLE SHOPPE " °•;-1:11 A. UP II t 111•0. MN =I 1 I Ma. r n .11 /MOON at tor Easter AND YOU'LL SURELY. FIND JUST THE NAT YOU WANT HERE. • BECAUSE OUR HATS Are the latest styles. Are the most popular shades. Are easy fit- ting. Are exceptional values for the money. .AT $2.95, s3.95, OM, $6.00 and $8.00 ' Extra Special t 1.0g Hat at w" ASK TO SEE THEM. EXTRA SPECIAL IN Spring Overcoats AT $15.00 In snappy patterns and made in the latest style. • The Slip -On and Guard Models being the most popular. •Wonderfully Attractive Values in Men's Suits at - $5.00 $10.00 $15.00 Ee $25.00 "Royal York" Suits or Overcoats Made-to-Measure $27.50 HE MOORISH "A SQUARE DEAL CLOTHINC 0. FOR EVERY, 'MAN THE MARKETS Wlheat, $1:10. Barley, 50te to 60e Oats,; 55c, Buckwheat; 80c to83c. Eggs 20c to 24c Butter, 30e,• to 32c. Live Hogs; $12.75. FIFE-QUINN ' The marriage tocac place at Dunn Avenue, Presbyterian church,Toren-. to on Saturday afternoon • last of Mcs. Heleu Caldwell Quinn and Mr. Hawley 13, Fife, of Toronto, the ceremony being 'performed by the Rev, P. G. Vesey. The bride, who is well knievvn here and at Londes- boro, her .former home, was married in her travelling suit of navy blue, With beige. fox fur and hat, shoes and gloves to match. She Carried a bridal bouquet of Sunset roses and lily of the valley. The couple ,were unattepdela and the ceremony alias witnessed by immediate friends. •only. After the ceremony the -wedding party drove to the Royal York hotel, where they had dinner and later Mr. and Men. Fife left on a trip to New York. They will reside in Toronto. Mrs, W. T Herman of Clinton at- tended the wedding of her sister DEATH OF 11111S.J. COCHRANE There passed away after a brief illness' at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. Fuss, Hay township, an old and. respected resident, Mr. J. Cecil- rane, brief mention of whose death was made last week. Mrs. Coaheane, -while not enjoying good health for some time, was able to be about and journeyed from Clinton the week previous to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Flax - bard of Zurich, intending to stay the week -end with her daughter, who resides on the Parr Line, Hay, she took ill qn Saturday and passed Peacefully away early Tuesday morn- ing, March 25th. Her maiden name was Catharine Hearer:emus and she was born • in 1850 in the County,of Waterloo. At the age of six she with her parents moved to Hay township and settled 011 the north boundary two and one •half miles west of Kipper:. On the event of her marriage in 1871 she and her late husband took pp their residence, on the farm ad- joining her father, where she lived until three yenta ago, when she and her two daughters moved to Clinton. Her husband predeceased her some ten years ago. A family of three sons and -eight daughters aro left to mourn the loss or a good mother. The funeral was held from the home of Mr. IL Fuss on Murch 27th. Mrs, Cod -wane being a farmer member of Hill's Green church the services were conducted by Rev. M. Connor of Kippeb. The remains wereslaid to rest, in Rini-. Green Cemetery. LAVIS-BULIVIIER • The following is from T1'e St. Thomas Times-Ten:nal: . "A very pretty wedding was solemnized at St. John's Chuveh at two oildek Saturday afternoon, March 22, when Irene eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. Balmer, 147 Manitoba street, was married to Mr. John F. Lavis, son of Mr. and the late Mrs. L. W. Levis, Clinton, Ont. The youthful bride, who was given in marriage by her father, looked very sweet in her wedding gown of pale rose moire taffeta, in period style, with hat to Mateh and black satin slippers, she carried a wedding bouquet of sunburst roses, lilies of the valley and maiden hair fern. Mies Vera U3ulmer was her sister'S attendant and looked lovely in a frock of amethyst blue moire with uneven hem line and wore a becoming hat of straw to match. She carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses. Little Betty Helmer, sister of the bride made a winsome /lever girl, dressed in pink georgette, and carried a basket of spring flowers, The groom was assisted by Morris Babcock. The mother of the bride was gowned in cerise georgette, and wore a corsage bouquet of roses,. while Mee. W. Bowen, sister of the groom, wore a lovely dress of nile green satin, with uneven hem .line. Hrs. V. It. Daugherty presided .at. the organ. After: the ceremony, a 'wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents, four friends of the bride assisting. The bride's table was centred with a threatier • wedding cake, and tall pink tapers in silver: holders and was also decorated with pink and white streamers and favors. The house was decorated throughout with white bells .and spring.flowers. About fif- ty guests were in attendance. The groom's gift to the bride was a white gold •Holova wrist wateh; to the bridesmaid, a blue and ;kite crystal eecklitee; to the organise) a lustre fruit bowl; and the best mao a ruby and pearl tie pin. The bride's gift to her four assistaerts' were ' daietY boneboe dishes. The yoUng couple were'the recipients of many lqrrely. and costly gifts, among them a sub- stantial cheque fren the groom's father. The happy ;couple left late for a •wedding, trip to, Clinton, ene points north. For travelling ,the bride wore a brown satin andegeor- gette ensemble., Her bat andhoe Were also ht brown, with accessories to match; 'Outeiatown,„ gaesta were. present from, Clinton'Detroit, Royal Oak, :•Windsor, London, and Port Stanley." • ; LITTLE LOCALS THE HOME PAPER Well, anywey, the fareace:s are' not too busy �nthe land to attend the Clinton's Spring Show today: The -WAS. of the Ontario street church held a very successful tea, at the home 1!,1V14.4. E, Kennedy bn Fris day afternoon last The town council will meet Mon- day evening, when the tax rate will be struck. It is expectedit may be dropped a mill or sq this year. TIIIIRISDAY'S PLAY A three -get play, "Eyes of Love," , was put on the town hall ont Thursday evening last •under the auspices of the Ideal Rebekah Lodge, the perforiners being from a „Strat- ford lodge. There were ten :.chat- acters in the play and the parts were very ceeditably taken. It was a nice 'little play, the central figure being a young gird who was adopted in her youth and grew up in ignor- ance of the -fact that' her father was a convict. .When the knowledge came to her, however, she accepted it in gallant spirit and did a daugh- ter's part in caring for her unfortun- ate father. There was a love atory, too, which did not run tab smoothly, but all came out well in the end, as good steles always do. A fair hou-se greeted the players, although the evening was stormy, and the Rebekah were encouraged by their first efforts in Putting ea an entertainment. Mrs. Wendorf and Miss- Wiltse each contributed some instrumental music before the entertainment be- gan and the visiting performers also contributed some =sic between acts. A PRESENTATION :On Friday afternoon lest the mem- bers of the staff of the Clinton Knitting Compauy gave Mrs. Ross McEwan, n highly valued member of the office staff, a surprise, when they gathered in tho shipping room and, requesting her presene, read the following address and presented her with a handsome gift of silver- ware.- Miss Dorothy Streets read the address and Miss Almecla Crit- tenden made the presentation, on be- half of the employees. Following is the address: "To Mrs. Ross MbEwan - Dear Fellow Employee: We, the employees of the Clinton Knit- ting Co., Ltd., having learned of you marriage, desire in soma small way to express our appreciation and also to give you some token of our goodewill. You have by your sunny disposition and faithful application to your duties among us, endeared yourself to us, eo that we are eon - strained to prove to you our good will and sincere good wishes in you new sphere f life. We ask you .to accept this gift of silverware as a small token of eur affection and we all join in wishing.you and. your life partner a happy and prosperous wedded life. On behalf of the ployees." Althaugh taken completely by surprise Mrs. McEwan, in a ' few well-chosen weds, thanked he friends heartily for their kind wish- es and handsome gift. On Wednesday evening a number of Mrs. lireE.warde girl friends gath- ered at her home and presented her with a miscellaneous shower, after which a happy social time was spent. A SUDDEN CALL Wim. Higgins and Mrs. T. J, McNeil received the sad news on Sunday evening. last Mar. 30th, of the death of their eldest sister, Mrs. Joseph Hawkins, of Exeter. She was found dead in bed the same day by her daughter, Mrs. George Min- ter of Osborne, who had' called , to see her. 'Front evidence about the home she had succumbed , about a Week previous. Hr son and his wife had called to see her or: the previous Sunday, Mareh 23rd, about half -past six in the evening and had a nice little talk with het and to their enquire es to how she felt she re- plied that she hadn't felt better for a long tune. She was at church twice that day and after church. 111inoon at 3 o'clock. the evening took a walk over .to see I - a n.eighbor, Mrs. G. IrerVey, !eav- UnitedChurch ing a note on the table stating f Next Sunday subjeets: 1VIerning: where she had gone, 15 case any,. of ; "Why Did Christ Choose the Cross." her friends should call before she Evening "A Young Mani Ques- got back. An unfinished letter to time 'How, May 1 Find God For her daughter in Salvador, Sask., was Myself?'" • on the table also. R(etlweing elle 'The Girls' Club will hold their re - had gone to bed as usual and when gular ineetin,g in the church hall felled had the appearance of. having ,on Tuesday evening, April 8th. The Passed away' very PeseefullY 'while topic "Glacistianity and Buddhism," eleleping. Her neighbor, net seeing 'should be of interest to all the ladies her around on Monday, decided she of the congregation. had gone with the son to Seaforth . for a visit,- as she often Went away' Ontario Street United Church for a week or two, so did 'not bother, ' going in. Her husbandeJoselph Haw- Special services, leading . up to kins, preddceasecl her eseree; yew., Easter Sterday, will be held on Sun - ago and since that time she had lived day next': 1Vsn'inng. a'libieetz The alohe) Compass of the Caress." Evening Mvs. Hawkins is survived by two theine: "The Condole of, the Cross." daughters and a son, Mrs. George Services every evening at 7.30 -der- Hunter of Osborne and MIrs. Wilbur ing Paasien Weelt.• Hunter of Salvador!, Sask., and W. The W, S. will hold - .a very Case Hawkins orSeaforth, also two special Easter meeting at half -past sisters and two bi o1.her Mms Wil two Wednesday, April Oth, when ham Higgins and Mee T. James Mathey will be at hene to all their Neil ef Clinton dad William ' and friende. Miss IVijeLeod, one of the Andrew Oke of Segfortha. missionaries of the United punch to A. pia ate service was held at the Japan, will be the guest of honor, Ilene on Monday gTteriwon aftor and they will also have as their which the remains , werd taken to guests, the members of the.W. S. Exeter eemdtery for interment. ; of Wesley -Willis ehnrch; with whom Ur's. Hawkins was a Methodistemis they wish to share this pleasure. All til Union and ' vans a inember of the ladies and especially the yeang. Jetties Street United church. She women, will be heartily welcomed: had a large circle at eriends. aed.will It is hoped a good attendance will be be ;greatly missed xis that commune preaeet for this Easter Thankoffer. ity; where She had 'always Heed., Mg meeting. NEW CLUB ORGANIZED A a nenton Club _ has been or- gapiied in Clinton anta-arrangements have bego made to play ie St. Paul's Parish. hall. The following officers Were elected: . • President: '2. A. 'Weggins. f Vice President; Mee. ;Gordon Can- inghame. • , , Secretary: Ivirs. W. Seeley, Treasurer: Mise Gwen Holmes. ;Play Cciansnittee: •IVirs. J. C. Gan- dier, MM. G. H. Jefferson -and Mrs. Fred Ford, THE W10.1VIEN'S INSTITUTE The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute Washed Thurs- day afternoon, with the president, Mrs. 0. L. Paisley, presiding. There were thirty-four ladies present. After the usual opening exercises the reports of the different con:nits tees were dealt with. It was de- cided to have election of officers at the April meeting and a striking committee were appointed as foie lows: Airs. Glew, Mys. Cndmore, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Paxman and Mrs, Trewartha. • Miss Hobbs of the Collegiate In- stitute staff gave a very interesting and instructive address on "Various Great Women in Various Spheres of Life," Mr. Reid gave several month. ,organ ;elections. with Mrs. Perdue accompanying him on the piano and Mrs. (Dr.) Fowler gave a unique diseription of -some of the experiences in the life of the auth- oress, Frances Parkinson Keyes. At the close of the meeting refresh- ments were served by the hosteases. LIBERAL WOMEN ORGANIZE The Liberal Winner of Clinton and vicinity met in the council chamber on ,Mouclay evening for the purpose of organizing a Wlemen's Liberal Club. Dr. Shaw presided during the election of officers. There was a splendid representation frons both town and country. The president, Mrs. Manning. took the chair,afterthe election, and gave a very pleasing address and an out- line of work for the members. , Following are the officers elected: Honorary Presidents: Rt. Hon. W. L. MacKenzie King, Hon, W. E. N. Sinclair, Hon. Vice Presidents; Mr. Thomas MCMIllan, M.P., Dr. 3. W. Shaw, 'President: Mrs. Illrhlter Manning. Vice President: Mrs. P. Axon. Secretary: Mrs, 0. L. Paisley. Treasurer: Mrs. G. W. Cook. Press Secretary: Mes,. W. J. Plum - steel. Pianist: mrs. 13. 3. Gibbings. Ward Presidents: Town: Mrs. A. F. Cudmore, Miss C. MCLaren, Mrs. F. Axon, Mrs. J. C. ,Gandier. Bullet: Miss 13righam. tGoderieh township: Mrs. E. Yeo. Stanley: Bia.s. D. Aikenhead. Tuckersmith: Mrs. A. Broadfoot. Convenor Finance Committee: Miss E. McKenzie. Social Committee: Mrs, H. Fitz- simon'a, Mrs. A. 3. Holloway AMONG THE CHURCHES Presbyterian Church The minister's morning subject on Sunday: "Who is My Neighbor?" Evening: "Need We Believe in the Doctrine of Hell 9" Sunday school at the usual hour. The Mission Band will meet at 4.15 op 111londay afternoon, April 7th. St. Paul's Church There will be a Celebration of Italy Communion at eleven o'clock. next Sunday. Evening service as usual, A Lenten Service will be' held in the Parish room tomorrow (Friday) at 4 o'clock. • . • The -W/enen's Auxiliary will meet at the Rectory next Tuesday after- HOLMESVILLE .k The play presented by the young people 'at the United Church here . Friday night • . was a decided suc- cess. "WreeVirte Roberti; Budget" a theeeeact comedy, in which many delightful, and thoroughly sithetione a:roes, proved .most inter- esting, Those taking part in the play were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mair, Misses Edith Herbert, Rita McDonald,' Thelma Cutheore ancl Btessrs. Gordon Stock, -Harry Cud- • snore, Norman Trewartha and Elmer Potter. Music between the acts was pro- vided by an electric radio, kindly. loaned for the occasion by Mr.• B. Langford of Clinton. The pro- ceeds Amounted to $50.00: The young folk intend presenting the play at Tuner's church on Fri- day evening of this week. William Tideswell of Clinton is re-. newing acquaintances around the village. 11fIrs. 'Wright of Toronto was a recent visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wormier Male lVfrs. John Halstead of Brucefield has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jervis. ' Mrs. Alcock of Brussels is 5 vis- itor at the home of Mr. .and Mrs. M. Stock. G. R. THOMPSON -eldest son of Mr. and Mao. Harry .3: Thompece, Goclerieh township, whoa 'will graduate feet Wycliffe College. University of Toronto,. this Month. • Mr. Thompson, .who has spent his: holiday periods during his Theo- logical Course, as a atudent-pastor , in the Province of Nova Soctia, in- '-terds after his graduation to seek. Holy Orders in the Arehdiocese of - ,•Nova Scotia, arrangements having' l'alread been made for his ordination • hi All Saints Cathedral, Halifax, N_ S., on Sunday, June 15th. He will BAYFIELD then continue his work in the Pro- vinee-by-the-Sca. Mr. Thompson is a graduate or the Clinton Collegiate and has beer a life-long member of St. Paul's Anglican church. • His many friends in Clinton and vicinity will wisb . him abundant success in the calling. which. he has chosen. Frain a North Dakota paper the /Viewing item was clipped. It re- fers to the death or a former resi- dent. Mrs. Stirling visited friends and 'relatives here last summer: "A resident of Cass county for nearly 50 years, Mrs. Margaret A. Stirling, 77, died at 9.80 aan. Tues- day at the nixie home of her son, R. A. Stirling, near Gardner. Suffer- ing a stroke 'last -week, paralysis was the cause of her death. Her husband, Alex Stirling, died 18 years ago. She is survived by a daughter, Mts. F. H. Beardsley, and one other son, W. J. Stirling, both of Gardner, 'and a brother, Robert Rus- sell, ,Goderich; Ont. Mrs. Stirling was born in Ontario Fob. 14, 1853, and married Mr. Stirling at Bayfield, Ont., March 24. 1870. The couple came to Gardner in 1881, where alie Stirling operated a farm. He was a member crf the Congregational Church and the Brotherhood of American Yee:nen. Funeral- services will be held in the Congregatienal church at -Gard- eer Thursday, at 2 pan. Mis Nina and ,Mr. Fred Hoard of Clinton, spent the week -end with their mother, Mrs. W. Heard, Mr. Chas. W:deombe who has been in Windsor for the past six weeks. returned home on Monday evening. Mr. and Mvs. Chas. Knucky moved their furniture from Toronto to the .home on the Sauble Line which they purchased from Mrs. Reeve last Fall. After spending the week- end with the latter's brother, Fred McErvie.n, they returned to Tovonto on Monday. Mr. Charlie Gemeinhardt who has spent the winter in Florida returned on Thursday evening and is visiting his parents. Miss lean 11!. Woods, who has spent the past three months at her home, left on Thursday to visit friends in Galt for a few days before entering. the Training School for Nurses at the Toronto General Hos- p Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weston of Kitchener spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr; and MS. Jienry Weston. Miss Ahno. McKay of Toronto spent the week -end with her .par- ' Miss E. Cameron and Mb. W. CM - era!) loft on Friday for Toronto by bantaoxiboo,r. oTuento spent thIe week -end and Mes. Gilbert Knight and with 1Vrrs. Knight's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gemeinhardt. Mrs. D. Prentice of Toronto and Mrs. A Furter ef North Bay spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W., Stinson. Rev. I. B. Kane Seaferth conducted the Presbyterian service on Sunday last when Rev. G. et.. Dunn of Toron- to was the.special preacher and gave inspiring and foregul address on the work of the Presbyterian church in. Canada. • Mies Thelma Ritz is visiting. friends in Stratford. • • 'Was. F. A. EdwardsLreturned home on Sunday after. having visited for three weeks With friends in Kitchere er. Mr.. P. Erwin and Miss V. Schultz et Kitchener motored to the village and spent the day with her. i The 'members of L.O.L. No. 24 held quite an enjoyable euchre and dance in the town hall on Wednesday evening of last week. Those winning the prizes.- were: Mrs. E. A. Feathe ekstell, Mes. Newton. -Brady, Richard' likeDool, Brace IVEoore. Following thee lunch there was. dancing. A series of evangelistic meetings Will beheld in St Andrew's Church, Hayfield; and Grace United Church,. Porter's. Hill 'beginning the. first Sueday in May, They will be con- ducted by Evangelists, Nithitealtiess and Leonard. At the -regular meeting of the Royal !Black Knights of Ireland No. 1025 at Varna, 'Past Master W. T. 'McLeod was presented with a. beau- tiful Past Preceptor's Jewel, and the following address, which was read' by the present Preceptor, Sir Kt Geo. Clark, the presentation - being made by Past Preceptor Sir Kt. J. 13: Rathwell: .k "Varna, Ont, 11,ter. 30, 1930. Sir Kt. W. J. 'McLeod, Dear Veer. Put Preceptor: We the officers and' Members of Diamond R.B.P. 1025. hereby wish to express to you their appreciation of the able manner' in which yet conducted the business tsf' our Preceptory and also the pleasant evenings we spent together under your term of office as Percoptor. ' We now present you with this Past Preceptor's Jerrel as a mark of our esteem and we trust you may be. spared lqng to wear and cherish it as tho greatest emblem or this Brost Illustrious Order. 'Signed on behalf of the Precepts:7 --Geo. Clarke, Wi.P, Chas. C. Pil- grim, Reg." e Sir. Kb. • McLeod thanked the Sir Knights very kindly and wished the Preceptory all kinds of success and prosperity. • 1 , LONDESBORO Rev. Mr. Johnson delivered a very impressive and instructive sermon to a large congregation last Sabbath morn i ng. , t ' Mr. and Mrs. Cowan of the 130 had the pleasure of 'having a short: visit recently from the latter's sis- ter, Miss Grainger, of Toronto. ,She has returned to the city. ' Miss Emmerson of Toronto en- joyed a pleasant holiday with bee sister, ntro: D. Roberton. She re- tuned by motor with Miss Robertcni, who visited her Mother here. • -.Mrs. Beacom of the 13th eencesa sion recently visited her daughter's. Ws, Joe Lyon. • Mr. Stanley Lyoix has teased Mr. , George Barr's farm for the summer I months. . • The Young People's- Society of Burn's church heildtheir regular meet epeaing in the churChe the special k Aubu precier M being Rlay. Dr. ortimer at rn. His address was 'much aps ated and there was a splendid attendance. !Messrs. C. Pareons are! P. Taylor of near Harlock have treated their families to new cars. As were glad to see Mrs. H. Brundson of Blyth in our midst a- gain after her serious illness. She was a visitor here Saturday, Rev. J. C. and Mrs. Forster had a pleasant visit from Mr and Mrs. Parker of Sarnia, last week. We are sorry to state that 1VIre James Fairservice is seriously ill with pneumonia, Our sincere with is that he may soon recover. Mrs. Percy Manning, who hag been seriously ill for the past t'wo• • weeks, is slowly improving, we are, glad to state. The WI. 111. S. of the United' church will hold their regular nreetihg. at the home of Mrs. J. Tamblyn. Thie le the Easter meeting and all the ladies are cordially invited to et - tend Group No. 1 will lia're charge of the program and' :will: also Serve a teaThe anal ‘ pie so:at will be he n u ld' onxiAsspriloullvt. ehLyon ib sperding thw w.eek with her sister; Mrs; E. Hesk; of the 9th coneessibm or Hallett.