HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-03-27, Page 5'.frI t1LLSDA%, I ARGI-T 27, 1920 THE CL• TTON-NEWS RECORD /070 00 Which one is yours 2 .DOTH started with $50. One has remained dormant through neglect, the other shows a substantial balahce -gained by regular deposits of small amounts which most people squander monthly on trifles. You Can •Saoe $1,000 in Four Ysin • b'Brnkin$ $4,52 a Week.' - The Royal Bank not of Canada Clinton Branch 996 OF INTEREST TO YOU R. E. Manning, Manager. AND ME Last Friday, according to the al- manac, was the first day of spring. But it didn't feel at all like it. It was like some official statistics, • quite incomprehensible by the com- meu people. If Ontario fin• ally gets a divorce court it will net be the fault of the two representatives from Huron • county, as both Thomas McMillan and George Spottan are working • tooth and nail against it. Canada is still in the growing stege. The boundary* is to be ex- tended into the United States to the • extent of 21-2 acres; on the boun- dary of Manitoba. Well, that will make a nice Iittle market garden for somebody, "The winter of, 1929-30 has closed with a splendid health record," says The Exeter Times -Advocate. What • does the editor mean about the winter having- closed? We waded ulr through six or eight inches of snow this (Monday) morning. But we admit, rather, we rejoice, that our health is all right. idle presume it is complimentary, but it rather gets under our editorial skin to pick up a newspaper in a neighboring city and read ono of our carefully indited editorials without • sign of credit. --London Free Press. Oh, that's nothing, brbtherl Wait until you see ono of your carefully- •'Lhoaght-out ,editorials copied and credited to another paper, which had previously copied it without giving credit. This piercing of other's brains by editors is a form of cannibalism which no advance in civilization seems to cure. sa** Premier Ferguson condemned in no uncertain terms the action of one of his ministers, Hon• Dr. Forbes Godfrey, who apparently very im- properly tried to influence a voter by a promise to reconsider his re- fusal, as administrator of the Moth- er's Allowance Act, to continue a pension which had been refused fer cause. If the Doctor was guilty of •the act of which he is accused he was certainly blameworthy and he reserved -the censure of the Prem- lot'. The moral sense of the country will ttot stand for that sort of thing • * * *,« Perhaps The Goderieh Signal would tell us how many non-party men have been appointed to public office by the Civil Service Commie - elan under the King Government dur- ing the past year. The News -Record 'is not defending undue patronage in. -nay government. The best available` man for any office -should be ap•, 'pointed, He may be a party worker er he may not. But if the evils of • patronage are ever to be overcome it 'will mot be by attacking them in the opposition camp. The only way to reform the World is by beginning ort .oneself. * * * * We had some very lovely scenery is Clinton yesterday, probably it ex- tended to other points, but Clinton is • the place we're talking about. A light snow fell Tfsesday evening .and as there was no windethe snow -slay just where it fell and yesterday 1 morning and, indeed, until afternoon, i every shrub end" tree, every ledge 'and projection of any sort was eov- ered with a soft, white coveting. The 'Library Park. was a picture, the tree -lined streets were a delight to I -the eye. and every shaggy old shrub -was a thing of beauty. 'Those who live in lands where winter neva comes miss a lot, of verybeautiful scenery. 'Mach, in this snow storrn gave " us something beautiful to re- :xnember'it by, anyway. 1 In the training. camps in Eng- land, where young man are being trained before re coiningout to assiet. ' is faun work in' Canada they have a mechanical cow, •onwhich, • the embryo farmers try their 'prentice" halals at milking.. When they come oat, to Canada, however, they will :nodoubt'-learn saute more things about the ,gentle art of milking, No one really becomes an expert with- out the experience of being lashed in the face with a vicious tail, kicked in the shins a few tines and havinga perfectly good pail of, milk ruined by having a bovine hoof 'planted squarely in it. Oh, a Cana- dian cow can teach those young English farmers -more in five min- utes than they could learn in a life- time from that sober old mechan- ical contrivance. * * * s The bill against the granting of liquor clearances to shipments for the United States was passed in the Dominion House on Tuesday on the vote of 173 to 2.1. This action of the Government will have the sanction of the country generally. If the Government could now •see its Ivay to cut down, even partially, on the manufacture it would also meet with approval. We do not wish to be obliged to drink all the intoxicating liquor which manufacturers like to turn out. If we are to have Govern- ment control of Liquor in all the provinces, as is the case in the ma- jority at present, the idea should be to cut down the consumption just as much as possible, reduce it as near the vanishing point as we can, But while there is an abundance being manufactured an outlet will be sought. * m * Iron. George S. Henry, Minister of Highways, is introducing an a- mendment to Ontario Highways Act to prevent overcrowding of the front seat of an automobile either by per- sons or property. It is a good idea. Who has not met • on the public highway motor cars with the front seat so crowded with young people that proper management of the ve- hicle was quite impossible. Luck mare than anything else has pre- vented accidents corder such circum- stances in scores of cases, 'But luck cannot be depended upon to prevent all accidents. The driver, especially if he is young and inexperienced, should have room to manage his Wheel. There are, a number of things which will have to be regu- lated as the use of cars increase, if safety is to be maintained in any `degree upon our highways. CORN BORER ACT At At a recent conference at Leirdon of ,the corns barer inspectors and the Provincial Entomologist it .was stat» ed that many farmers were under the impression that because the Bor er had been reduced in most of the counties under the Act, it was no longer a serious menace, and. there- fore the Act .would not be strictly enforced this year If this state- ment was correct it is unfortunate and very misleading. As stated by Profess L. Caesar, Provincial Entomilogist, the Borer is just as dangerous an insect to -day as it ever was and all it needs to en- able nable it to play havoe with our corn is to be given a chanee ' such as it would have if the Cora Borer Act was not enforced.. Corm growers in 'Ontario, will have to become accus- tomed to the feet that cleaning up' .cern remnants thoroughly each spring will henceforth be , regular part of farm operations. There is no other known way of combating the borer. Even in Europe this is the only say of , preventing heavy losses. The Corn Borer Act will be en- forced this year as in former years. Every man will be required to clean up the corn remnants on his proper- ty- either by gathering or burning them or by ploughing them order and not dragging thorn up later. The: Corn Barer inspector for Huron County, Tear.' 0. Ginn states that the clean up in the past has been satis- factory. The same proecdnee must be followed this yearand in future year's., Non enforcement of the Act 5... would be the undoing of all accom- plished so far in the eontrol'of this pest and would soon: result in the ruin 0- the hopes, of. all to whom Berri is a valuable crop. --,G.. ;A. Mc-. Cave, Distriettel epresentative. , BIRTHS FINES—InClinton; on Marek 14th., to Mt' and Mire. E. A, Fines ei klaughter-J'oan ElIan. LITTLE—In' Hullett township, 'on. Murch'12th, to Mr. and Mrs. •E„.1., Little, a son—Harry Rasa. ,1.. 'ELLIOTT—At St, Josephs Heepital,,' London, to Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Elliott of Hayfield, a aur. DEATHS- MaaWSEN—In Clinton, On March. 22nd, result of accident, Hugh Alexander *Ewen, only on of *8.. Beatrice McEwen, of Cl n - ton and the late . Dr. Frederick IlacE.weri of Aylmer, aged 15 years and 6 months. SHIPLEY—In Clinton, on Mar, 23rd, • 'May Elizabeth Shaw, wife of Mr. Thomas Shipley, in her 09th year. MCINTOSH--In Hullett township, on• Mart 22nd, 'Charles McIntosh, caged 100 years, 3:months and 18 days,. MJARS ;%AtI L -;Iii Stanley, township, en 'Mar. 20th,: 11llargaret Louise Johnston, wife of Mr. John Mee - shall, aged 59 years. LONDON ROAD The Connnnunity Club entertained their families and friends 'on Wed- nesday evening of last week in the Old Tinie Club roams in Milien..'A program consisting of music lead- ings, singing and a little playlet, en- titled the "Mouse Trap," was :given in the first part of the evening and afterwards both young and Old en-: joyed a few hours' dancing. The ladies previded dainty refreshments. This social evening is an annual af- fair and is much enjoyed. A' small admission fee, was made which help ed the club treasury considerably. Mrs. Lindsay returned recently af- ter a three months visit with London and Sombre friends. She has been visiting wtih her daughter, Mrs. Geo: Falconer, but intends taking up res- idence in her own home in the near future. There was an unusual occuranee at ker. Fred Nett's.last• week when one, of ..his brood mares gave birth to twin colts. Unfortunately they both died. , ;Several families !rave been busy making;maple syrup and say the run of sap :has been extra good. Mr. Max Lebeau has been'confined to the house with throat trouble but we are .glad to say he is improving, Mr. Arthur LeBeau of Windsor is visiting at the home of his mother, IGIrs: N. LeBean. HOLMESVILLE Ernest Townshend, whose farm is west of here on the Highway, had a very successful auction sale of farm stock and implements on Monday af- ternoon. Good prices were -realized. George II, Elliott of Clinton was the auctioneer. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ward and baby daughter of Elmira, spent tire week -end at the !tome of the Iatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cud - more. Mr. and Mrs. McCool entertained a number of their friends one evening recently. Mrs. Bennett of Colborne is visit- ing at the home of her daughter-in- law, Mrs. Clara Bennett. Mr, and Mrs. Shaddick mid family of Londesboro were Sunday visitors at the hone of the latter's sister, Mrs. John Cudntore, Mr. and ,Mrs. Charles McPhail of Goderich were recent visitors at the home of the latter•'s. mother, hers. Holdsworth. TUCJ ERS1VIITH Turner's church are planting to have the Holmesville Yoimg People present their play "Wrecking Ro- bert's Budget," in the church on Fri- day evening, April 4th. ST. HELENS • Mr. and ales, Richard Matin ..of Huron township spent the week -end at the halve of Mr. Wm. Wloods. *s. Jim Divide was a recent vis- itor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Luxton, Kincardine. Miss Annie Wallace of Ostrander is spending a few weeks with her niece, Mrs. Ed, Thorns. Miss Ethel Robertson has return- ed to her home in-Lucknow after spending a few weeks at the home of ribs. J. B. Rutherford. Mrs. R. J. W1oods has returned af- ter a pleasant visit with her daugh- ters in Fergus, Guelph and Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson, Mfrs. Coiling and 117,us. Bell of Ripley were recent visitors at the manse with Rev. Mr. and Mfrs. T. C. Wilkinson. Mae and Mrs. W1111 . Snowden of Laurel visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Snowden of Fordyce and other friends. Miss Lila Rumphrcy has returned after visiting her sister, hes. Geo:' Walker of East Wiawanosh. -Mas. Fletcher and 112iss Mary Wal- lace returned last week to. Ostranger after spending a few days with Mr. alid Mrs, 'Wallace Miller. Seed Wheat For Sale Quantity Kubanka (Goose) Whreet. Free of noxious weeds, to infix with oats or to saw alone. Fen- wick Stewart, R. R. No. 5, Phone 620r12 Clinton central. 69-8-p. Ea Sale 'Three• buggies, • road cart, light wagon and set of light, single har- ness: Apply to Iiivanr Hill, Cainton, Phone 150. • ' fi59-2. Geer 1 Trucking n as g I ani prepared to do generaltruck- big, >,uck-big : moving' furuiture etc, ' Two tracks available when necessary: M. Glidden, Holmesville, R. R, No. 8, Clinton. Phene 611 ring 24, Clinton central. 52-4-p. Cut Blowers — Floral Designs DAFFODILS, NACCISSUS TULIPS ' HYACINTHS, CARNATIONS SWEET PEAS, MARIGOLDS FOR CUTTING ALSO POT PLANTS CALCCOLARIA, CINERARIA, PRIMULA. AND PANS OF • BULBS, ALL GROWING FOR YOUR SELECTION. For All. Occasions, : Sent Anywhere, Cha V. Cooke Member of Florist Telegraph Deliv- ery :Association Two Phones -66w, and 66J "Wrecking Robert's Budget" A Three.Aet Comedy"' • will be presented by the'youtig people of Holmesville in HOLMESVILLE UNITED CHURCH on the evening of Friday, March 28th at 8 o'clock Admission . 85c and 20e. 58-2. CARD OF THANKS • My. Sohn 14larshall and son, Wil= liar, wish to extend their .sincere appreciation to''' friends and neigh- bors for the many kind .acts shown them during Mis. Marshall's illness and at the time of herdeath, also for the fioral tributes sent. .. CARD OF THANKS IMr. James Fowlie and family wish to thank their . many friends and neighbors for their kindness, ,sym- pathy•and help during their recent sad bereavement, also for the beau- tiful floral tributes. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Thos. W. McCartney wishes to thank the Ladies Guild of St. Paul's church for the beautiful flow- er sent also her friends and neigh - bas for their kindness in her recent accident. 1 1 For Sale The property of the late Alexan- der R. Brown consisting of a white brick house on Princess At., East Clinton with eight rooms, town and soft water, bathroom and electric lights. One half acre of land ;with barn, large and 'small fruits. Apply to W. Brydone. 59-8. Lantern Service Entitled, "A Trip Across Canada," at the Salvation Army, Friday, at 7.30 p.m. Children 3c. Adults, 5c. 59-1. House For Sate r -room house, hardwood floors in front part of house, town water and lights. Garage and chicken pen. Half acre lot with fruit trees. Ap- ply to John W;- Nediger, Clinton. 59-t2, Tires and Batteries How about a battery for your ear GUARANTEED PRESTO LITE FROM 58.00 UP TIRES FROM $5,00 UP FIRESTONE AND DUNLOP Bert Langford Phone 251, Clinton Auction Sale Of Household Effeets on Satur- day, April 5th, on Princess street, next to C. C. I., at 1.30 o'clock, sharp consisting of the following: Kitchen table; small table; cup- board; 6 kitchen 'chairs; 6 dining room chairs; sideboard; 3 rocking chairs; 1 arm chair; kitchen conch; Quebec heater; coal oil stove, 2 bur- ners; rug; rag carpets; 2 dressers and stands; 2 iron beds; 2 wood beds; chest of drawers; 8 smoothing Merle; dishes; pans and other artic- les. Garden tools, hanging la.ntp; parlor lamp; table lamp`;. small par- lor table; lawn mower; a quantity of books; quantity -of pictures; a number of Iooking glasses; 2 .colored table clothe; pair chineal curtains. Other articles too numerous to men- tion. 2 feather' ticks and a number el feather pillows. • Everything to be sold 'as' proprie- tor is giving up housekeeping. TEHMS.-- CASH. R. S. Moller, Proprietor, G. H. El- liott, Auctioneer. 59-2. MENINGITIS TAKES MUCH BIGGER TOLL During the past year there has been on this continent.a more severe outbreak of epidemic cerebrospinal' meningitis than at any time since the World War. In general the condition ]las been more serious in the West than in the East ,,and in fact in some Western communities the prevalence of the disease has been alarming. The age incidence,' at least in some communities, has • been somewhat higher than is ordinarily the case, though this is not an unique exper- ience. There is no question that there have been'outbrealcs of very marked severity. It appears to be not sufficiently recognized that cases may: occur with- out eharecterletic .symptoms refer- able "to central nervous system. Diagnosis ie such cases rel+haps can be established' only by "laboratory procedures, either the isolation of meningocei from the blood stream or the finding • of the organism in smears of sea t •s frothe elciM lesions., Commerelal serums and polyvalent,. serums are used to combat the dis- ease. Medical Journals advise coin- piete isolation of the infected' person until 14 •clays after' rite onset of the disease. Clinton's New -Laid Egg`' And Poultry House.. Eggs bought`:. according to Domin- ion Government Egg Regulations:. Inquire for our prices of eggs. You will always find our prices par-` aliel .with. the city markets. Fat hens and wellefinished chicks` alwayswant€d--•Prices good. Always phone our office for prices before marketing,prpdu!'e, N. W. Trewart is Phones Office; 214j Residence, 214w CAR OWNER Start the motoring season "Right" by taking out an .auto and personal accident insurance policy. I can meet your requirements for either private or commercial vehicle cover- age as Well as protection for your- self. ouself. Having had years of experience in auto insurance and representing .a splendid range of companies, I ami in a position to advisee you as -to your, needs and to provide' you the very best of service with your insurance. H. E. RORKE Clinton, Ont., All lines of insurance Sun Life -Agency. Phone 253w 58-tf. Wi101! No, need to go any further,' to look for bargains. All you have to do is to look over, the items listed below to realize what a saving you can make by shopping here. THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SAT- URDAY, MARCH, 27, 28, ' 29 CASH ONLY Maple leaf tomatoes, 3 tins ....33c Seedless Raisins, 3 lbs. 83c Cooking Beans, 6 lbs. , 33c Heinz Pork and Beans, 8 for ...Mc Lamp glasses, Iarge, 3 fbr 33c Lamp glasses, small, 3 for 33c Shredded' Wheat, 3 for 330 Kellogg's Pep, 3 for Sac Kellogg's Rice Krispies, 3 for 38e Kellogg's Bran Flakes, 3 for 33c Perrin's Soda Biscuits, 2 pkgs. 33e Syrup, 5 I•b. pail 88c D. E. Gliddon HOLMESVILLE Seed For Sale Seed Marquis Wheat, Early •Alas- ka Oats, Irish White Oats, Yellow Sweet Clover Seed and Kentucky Blue Gress Seed. Apply to Leslie Cox, Phone 602r2. 59-2. For Sale Lighting plant, consisting of 13 - plate battery, only used two years, generator, motors, bulbs, etc. Also a washing machine, with motor at. tached if desired, Cheap for quick sale. Apply to Jaynes R. Stirling; R. R. No. 2, Hayfield. Phone 000 ring 12, Clinton central. 58-3. For Sale Farm of 115 acres, Iot No. 39 Goderich township, two miles north of Bayfield, on Bluewater Highway good white brick house with tele- phone; barns and artesian well; 10 acres of good timber, hemlock, beech and maple. Apply W. G. Cook, God- erich, R. R. No. 2, Phone 605r32. 58-3. Hatching Eggs For Sale From Barred Plymouth Rocks and S.C. White Leghorn.: • From high - producing floes. $4.00 per one him - dyed eggs. Special rate for big in- cubator lots, Frank J. Tyndall, R. R. No. 4, Phone 636 ring 33, Clinton central. 58-tf. Seed Barley A quantity of six -row seed barley clean and free from noxious weeds, $1.00 per bushel. Apply to C. J. O'Brien, R. R. No. 5, Clinton, Phone 615r25, Clinton central, 58-2. Car Insurance For car insurance call on J. G. Choweh, Postoffice Box, 155, Clin- ton. Phone 52, Clinton. 57-tf. Muskrat Skins Wanted Will pay up to $1.10 flat for good lets. Very small mid damaged skins at value. It A. Hovey, Clinton. Phone 299. 59-tf. Hatching Eggs For Sale Eggs from 2 -year-old hens, from Guild A.I. pen of best laying strain, mated with No. 1 cockerels. 65c per setting of 13, or $4.00 per 100. Also one good cockerel. Mrs. H. Hill, Clinton, Phone 150. 58-2-p. Slabs Now is the time to buy your slabs while: they last. 11. Ward, Huron street, Clinton, Phone 155. 574f. NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Estate of William Isaac Wiley, late of the Township of Stanley, yeoman, deceased Persons claiming any interest lit the estate of William Isaac Wiley, whether as beneficiary or by reason of assignment of interest or other- wise are hereby notified' to present their claims with proofs thereof to the undersigned 'on or before the 31st day of March 1930, after which date the undistributed residue of the estate will be paid over to the persons appearing to be entitled claim received after thereto .and no c f ha a entertained. the said date, will b rtant d " Date d at Clinton,Ont., this 6th day of March, 1930. Barbara McIver, Clinton, Ontario, Administrarix de bonis »On of the Estate' el William: Iestae Wiley, . ur Display THE ANKKER-HOLTH jC1 EA]VM SEPARATOR Only Separator with a Self -Balancing Bowl THE :1900 GGRAVITY WASHER The most popular Hand Washer on the Market -BEATTY HAND. PUMPS, NO'S. I, 2, AND 3 THE MARVEL ELECTRIC WASHER, $98,00 C.C.M. BICYCLES AND ACCESSORIES Miliep Hardware Co. TELEPHONE 63 CLINTON C. N. VENNEJR, Electrician • Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fan% and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs. Phone RUPTURE SPECIALIST Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform- ity. Consultation Free. Callor white, J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. 10-1929. Baby Chicks There is profit for 'you in the dif- ference. Better chicks for the same money. Chicks hatched by our Hu- ron Mammoth Incubator possess ex- tra vigour. Are you interested? Well, I think sol Wjhite or phone for particulars.. of Barred Rock and White Leghorn Chicks to J. Elgin McKinley, Zurich, Ont.,_ phone 97 ring 4, Hensel!. 53-tf. ,Farm—Sell or Rent Eighty acres of rich and produc- tive loam; good natural and artificial drainage; picturesque location. Farm about two miles from Clinton on Baseline. Buildings consist of newly shingled house; large barn; driving shed also windmill. Considerable bush. Terms one-third purchase down; or full rent in advance. Own- er, 822 South Main Street, Romeo, Michigan. Further information, W. Brydone, Clinton. 51-14-p. Ferias For Sale Lots 27 and 29, 9th• concession of Goderich township, consisting of 160 acres of good clay loam, 1e miles west of 1•Iolrnesville. Good buildings, never -failing wells. Ap- ply to Lewis Proctor, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 611r2, Clinton cen- tral. 29-12. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's Barber shop. W. J. Jago, 22834f. House For Sale Comfortable nine room hoose, Victoria ,street, Clinton. Garage and stable. Apply to S. G. Castle, Clin ton. 404f. Seed Potatoes and Oats We can spare a fete bushels of Irish Cobbler potatoes, certified seed, also a quantity of White Danish Oats which yielded 50 bus. per acre last year. Price OOe per bus.. These oats have been grown by many good farmers in Tuckersmith for soma years and proven better yielders and thinner hulled than many varieties on the market, Phone 34-61.6, 7. E. Hugill & Sons. 57.3. PIANOS .AND RADIOS We are offering for 10 clays a new piano of high grade make at a spec- ial price of $298.00. Also a $135.00 Victrola to go at $40.00; one cabin- et new Radio priced at $150.00 to go at $$100.00. Phone 34-616 et once, No need to leave your own torn• munity for instrument value as we will compete with any firm in Can- ada and terms to meet your. conven- ience. Phone 34-616, J. E. Hugill, & Sons. 57-3. Eggs For Sale Eggs from a pen of Guild's Regis- tered and Pedigreed Rocks, at $1.00 per setting. C. B..110.1e, Clinton. 57-3-p; Hatching Eggs For Sale Eggs from large type two and three year old S. O,' White Leghorn hens, heavy laying strain, also from Barred Plymouth Rocic Sens, $4.00 per 100,, 65e per setting of 13. R. Tyndall, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 607r8, Clinton central. 57-tf. Emslea Chick Farm BARRON STRAIN 5. C. WHITE LEGHORNS and BARRED. PLYMOUTH ROCK CHICKS HATCHING . EGGS—$4.00 a hundred. CUSTOM HATCHING STAMINAX AND BLATCHFORD'S • CHICK FEEDS i s Lo® ttel Phone, 213, Clinton' • , 5842, Keep Warm Wi LEHIGH VALLEY ANTIIRACI MINEHEAD ALBERTA SOFT COAL. NUT COKE A DOMESTIC SIZE C A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen Street Telephone Eggs and Poult Home on Tuesday and Friday noon. to take in Poultry. Eggs handled at residence e day—graded by an experienced g er, for Which we pay the.. big market price. Cream /�purchased for Stillman A. E. Finch Viking Cream Separator Agen Victoria St., Clinton Phone Implement Agen I .handle Cockshutt impiem and cream separators, Frost Wood Implements and carry p and repairs for same. I am also agent for Allis -C niers Tractors. Those wishing to inquire al any of the above kindly call at residence. JOHN V. DIEHL, Queen Street, Clinton. McCormick -Deering Agency Having taken over the above ency for this district I will kee hand a full stock of repairs and of all )itcCormiek-Deering mac and will appreciate a share of patronago of the. farmers suroun Clinton. Call at my shop, next doo. Jones' blacksmith shop, King str W. J. STEWARI Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w Clinton's MARY HAD A Ltra.a COLD SHE ALMOST HAD THE "FLl SHE GOTHPRES Sic Et<S AIV NOW SHE'S GOOD A5 NE Any doctor will tell you • that ting plenty of warm, fresh ld, fresh air in tlie,house, And plenty of co side the house, Helps to keep away colds, influ and pneumonia. But we can tell you that the way to secure that warm air in house is to ase our DL&W Co Why not order a load today? Call the for good, clean coal J. B. usiar COAL COMPANY PHONE 74 CLINTO