HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-03-27, Page 3r
Models Striving
dor Natural Waists
Doctors Prescribes. Heavy
Food to Meet Current.•
Paris.—Doctors and Oohs, called
.into Consultation by the leading dress -
'makers in an effort to fatten the
mannikins ot the Rue de la Paix to
meet the requirements el . the new
styles, have prescribed liberal doses
of potatoes and macaroni, dumplings
and pastry.
The new rgdos. upset the life ref
most womelt. For severalyears they
have gone luiugry end wrestled media
eine balls to grow thin and reveal
the svelte line of the pl'evallhlg fag- costs big stoney.
Mon, - -Now almost. overnight, they
have to. bafattei', for ,the newerstyles
with: normal waistlines look mach bet-
ter on a woman with good poundage,.
Where they formerly lunched on a
bit of salad, siriukled with lemon,
(cud munched mints during the day,
they now sit clown to a four course
meal at noon and drop three or four
limps of sugar in their coffee. Doc-
tor's are elated for there are many
who contend that leranoe's Increasing
death rate among women and sural],
children and decreasing birth rate
were illl;ectly traceable to improper
One smart dressmaker gave as her
opinion that a healthy woman of five
feet six inches, -who should have
sleighed 110 pounds last year to be
ultra -fashionable, must now wetgh 110
to 120 Pounds.
"Every day is a little life," was an
oitl thinker's wise epigram If each
day gets We batter ot us, how are we
going to conquer itt life as a whole?
Only as we make each day a vistorl-
ous battle ground where selfishness
and shirking and disobedience and dis-
content are overcome, eau we make
life a victory in the end. Lavater, the
old philosopher, laid down the rale
that "eacb day should be distinguish-
ed by at least one particular act of
love." I is a rule which makes life
happier for the doer, and for every-
body else.
Owl Laffs
Smith—"1-have less dread of fu
ilaouza than of its 'conseflueupee."
Cooper—"Yes, I haven't lily lest
doctlie's bill; either."
My rose,". he whispered tenderly as
he pressed her velvet cheek to his.
"My cactus," she said, as she tench -
his face,
Why are ye wear'iii' a black
eye, Hinuessy?"
Pat—"Sure; it's MOnrnhlg for the
Ulan that gave it to me," •
Starting mer'ried life le cotniiara'
tirely Omen. Stopping it Is what
Is Vacation Time
in Atlantic City
Is An Assured Success
If You Stay at the
ttntotuonheLongesPoveon a.lul:
Offering' thultltie' ice witheeoiedC
ICitty—"J'ack says he can read me
like a boob," •
1ahyllis -"You mustn't take Jeck'too
literally, dear, I'1e probably means
that you are a very plain type,'
A kiss, a sigh, a land good-bye,
And. site is gone.
A smile, a curl, another girl;
The World moves oft.
E% or TOTAL.
G \\„a A liv 1 A' A
ADV '14k OED
in Canada may now bring
forward their Families,
Relatives and Friends
on Easy Terms.
rot' Pull details apply:—
.7. D. reAMEP.Ole,
Dist. Supt. Colonization
Canadian Pacific Railway, Toronto
There is big looney in Wall Street
for anyone who knows how to play
the market, and Beethoven's sonatas
are on any piano if you just Happen
to hit the right notes.
Wile—"Oise thing a woman expects
when she marries is sympathy."
Husband—"Well, haven't you got it
since you married me?"
"Yes—from the whole town."
Patrick Hogan arrive . home is a
pititul condition. Iris face was hid-
den in bandages, his clothes were
torn and dusty, and his breath was
not innocent of the smell of spirits.
"Me darliut," said Patrick, "Oi've
had me hose br-rokeu en three places."
"Weil," said Mrs. Hogan, "that'll
Tarn ye to keep out of trim places."
The teacher was talking about the
dolphin autl its habits.
'And children," she said, impres-
sively. "just thiitki A single dolphin
will have two thousand doiphinsl"
"Gooduessl" exclaimed the little
girl at the foot of the class; "and how
many do the married oues have?"
IIe—"hisses are the language 02
She --"Well, why don't you say
Itching Ends in 1 Minute
!'Had eczema for months. Single nppAcation of
•Soothe -Salva' ended Itch and burn in 1 :dente,
I box ended disease for good." Jane Paula,
Sootim-Salva" ends Eczemaquickesttime Ove0
known. Itching stops instantly. All druggisl4.
Do You Get Up
' Tired, Cross?
West 'Grows Ainninded
i .-
of .ettiellaessiete
Health Restored Through the
Use of Dr'. Williams'
Pin Pills -
Mr's, Leo, Bedard, Quebec City;. tells
bow her health and strength were re.
stored through tile use of that great
blood -building tonic, Dr, Williams'
Park Pills, Mrs, Bedard seers; "Some
three year's ago, after the birth of my
little boy, I was left very weak and
pale. I did not seem to have arty
strength, and at tinges T was so dizzy
I;woulti nearly fall down. A friend
advised me to' try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills and I did so, In `a few weeks I
was, surprised to notice the difference
iu my condition—I #e1t like a new WO -
man. I continued taking the hills un-
til I hail used ten boxes, by which
time I had completely regained my
former health and strength, I feel
that I cannot praise too highly Dr.
Williams' Ptak Pills tor what they
-leave done for use:" ,.•
To the woman in tete home—the
woman closely confined through
household duties—Dr. 'Williams' Pink,
Pills are a positive blessing, So if
you are suffering from any condition
.due to poor, watery blood, or weak
nerves, begin taking Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills now, and note ]tow .quickly
your health will improve and your
strength return. The pills are sold
by all medicine dealers, or will be
sent by mall at 5 cents a box by The -
Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co., Brock -
Rhubarb Cowes
'Round Again Soon
Western air mail service between Winnipeg aad Calgary—Over 500 miles
In distance—has been inaugurated recently and the' Canadian Pacific Express
Company has renewed its contract made iu 1923 to carry express packages
in addition to the regular mail. This allows' of a saving of more -titan 24
hours between the two clues, The package which pilot \4'. 0. Buchman is
shelve delivering to a Canadian Pacific Expressman, was melted eight hours
previously at Calgary and had therefore travelled at the rate of more than
100 miles an hour to reach Winnipeg, its destination, ,
Two goalkeepers were ,arguing as -10
which had dealt with tete hardest
"Why," said one "I r(tiilenlber once
when Buster of the Raubers shot from
to penalty and the puck bit ole—"
"Yes, and what happened?"
"I had to pay a quarter to get bock
into the rick."
The after-dinner speaker had talked
for fifteen minutes,
"After Partaking of Each an excel -
lout meal," he continued, "I feel that
it 1 bail eaten any more I would be
unable to talk,"
From thefar one of the labia came
an order to the waiter:'"llrin,g him a
Schoolboy (to his 1110therl—"lriral
teacher toll] Ole not to talk So loud
Mid then he kept me in for whisper-
"Many a good fellow has boon
brought up t a public seltool. And
many another at a pollee court,
Earth tremors alightly shocked Los
Angeles, aborti the only ttlhtg',mutlht-
ing that can.
Aiaid—"There's a lean stughl' °a-
side the door, ma'am. He waits to
keen' it you'd assist him."
Mistress—"Telt ihim I don't sing."
Look out. It may be kidneys, Try
Warner's Safe Kidney and
hen "The Tiger"
Was Afraid
in the Great War
One Great Secret Told By His
Secretary in Book just
\ wOnderftllly lutel'esthtg and 5y111-
Patltetic pleture Is given ot M. Clens-
enceau by his former secretary, M.
Jean Mariet, In the book which he
has just published: (Clemenceau:
The Events of His LIfe as Told 07
It is really "The Tiger" Boswellised
andFoswelltsel with remarkable skill.
On woman be is entertaining, but
\'ic:torten in his ideas:
"They wear :darts nowadays which
come above tlheit' kuegs and change
them four tinges a dilly. My poor mo-
ther probably had only two dresses
and they fell to her feet—which did
not pr'evetrt her from bringing up six
children Properly.
Ile was it a1nst Um extreme tannin
la her domestic life woman should
be given all rights, all security you
lute against the elan whose lite of
work add struggle mattes him a
'beast three times not of four. But
1 in political Life you must have other
gtta:itiee than tea; -on aril' u1011e1'atiou.
1 taint 010 the women -man. They
produce an impression upon me --litre
beafilee women. 1 Aural never have
been able to marry a woman -doctor.
1ledtcine preenpprees in,ltfferenee and
cnid-bhmdedneee ltbadl %%Pre. ihevei' in-
tended fol' women,
A S914PLE TR,iAT EN 9.
Liver Remedy '
"Yes,” sgye the kindly doctor, "you
need a stimulant amyctic:' And for more
titan 60 y,ears the best known retiredly in
this class hen been Warner's Safe 1(11 -
:toy and Livor Remedy, originally a
physician's proecrtption, loads Of Na-
ture's herbs, .'
Safe, of course. gut 'better than that,
At ]yelps to preserve your most precious
assota, your health, Gently it atiltlnlates
kidneys and liver to do their work of
cleaning out body poisons. With your
bloodstream cleansed, and all organs
functioning as they should, you awake
'four a esund night's sleep refreshed,
invigorated}_ strong. S,Ifo takes on a
310w ley. Your eye clears. Your akin
gains a healthy color. Yon walk with
1100nranee. You display an air of author-
ity and success,
Every druggist knows pleasant tasting
Warner'a Sale 1[idney and Liver 1em-
0ay. It coats little, but it 1a worth un-
told amounts to anyone ''.7110 needs the
help it gives. 31ny your bottles today.
Get back to health, Warner's sad Eent-
, adieu Co., 'Toronto, Ontario.
"Old Mrs, Swift take her husband's
tenure in the right spirit "
"0h, yam. Just as soon es she knew
he was going to fail she went out and
bought -her entire spring outfit."
"Death, pain and poverty are to ma
very teal evils, except when 1 am In
an armchair reading a book of Philo.
soppy."—Robert Lynd.
Minard's Kills Dandruff.
"A second best navy Is like n sec -
0110 best poker ]land:"-•- \(itniral Hugh
pP qY e�F'41
For Troubles
due t.0 Acid
(010 57014ACIA
' Sick s onutelhs, s01u' stomachs and
itdigestio 1'usualiymein excess acid.
The 'stomach nerves 't e' Overstimu-
lated. Too 11111011 acid ma les the stom-
ach Slid intestines lour.
Alkali stills twirl instal ily, The best
form is Phillips' Milli of Magnesia, be.
.. eaus0 one harmless, asteroid dose
neutralizes many times is volume in
acid Since its • inyen ton, . po years
ago ,t has inn noel lite standard with
ph)aiciaals everywhere,
"' I
Cold in the head is very common at
this time of year, especially in the
very young. Neglect of a cold is prone
to lead to serious consequences. To
relieve all congestion ot the system
is the first step in treating a cold,
whether in infants or adults. For the
very roues, Baby's Own Tablets are
the ideal means of Mug this. Con.
taining Ito narcotics or other harmful
thugs they soothe the child's fretful-
ness, relieve its suffering and ensure
Baby's Own Tablets are without all
equal for relleviee indigestion, con-
stipation and co1(d They check diarr-
hoea; break up colds and simple
fevers; pt'oiuote health -giving sleep
and inane the threaded teething period
easy. Tho l ht )let. are I sone meat.•
rine that inenotller can give her little
ones with pet'fect snfety ns they are
guaranteed to be free from illjntioue
drugs. They are sold be all medicine
dealers or by mail at 21 cents a box
from The Dr, \Ciiitanie' Medicine Co.,
Beth -kettle, Olt1,
England "Wakening"
To lln;;hnui h
el7nfortmettel eve'
he bae. begun to
show a hind of weakening,. of Uwe.
Mite. The 1011(iiteel 110 (anger ser-
ves to quicken the congntrer What
can volt expeel? Their history goes
hack such a long way.... The ping•
li h today are less enterprising then
those of a hundred years ago. Some
s'h'ine is going out of them."
To Poatt's memory he is not etltire-
ly complimentary;
You see, Mnrtet, how Poch conduct-
ed ]himself tott'et•tls me, all the shab-
by little Melts he played en me, how
warily I was forced to proceed—yet
despite all that he was the man we
wanted, With Petain, a loyal and
trustworthy man who behaved him-
self in exemplary fashion, Lite tear
wattle have taster another year... .
It it had to be (loud again, even know -
Mg what I bail to expect front Poch,.
f should choose hills again.
He remelts cue lrentendous secret:
"]luring tihe final (termini offensive
(July, 1018) I h'as afraid; I was.
doubtful of Min (Foch). I used 10
retake it a rale not to meddle in 'nil.
111107 operations, but in certain Cases
1 say to 11— With rules --rho country
before 'everything. I therefore wont
to see Petain. I nskoci hint, "'Shell,
what is your conclusion about .Teach?"
And Petain answered, "I've seen his
plans—there's nothing more to say."
So I let hint go on. The Chalilber
demaudeehis head. i defended hila.
And he adds that in March, 1915,
during' the first great 'Curium often -
The English had asked me, "Which
do you wilco to detentl, Pttris or Awful thought. Suppose the mil -
Calais?" .I answered "Calais". For I(alnninl, when at last It C0711es, is held
once at Calais the Roches would have
held the Chantel and everything
would bees, been over.
Take a spoonful itt water and your
uullappy condition will probably end
in five minutes.. Then you will always
know what to do. Crede and harmful
lnotlroda will never appeal to you. 'Go
prove this for your own sake, It may
save a great many disagreeable hours.
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips'
Milic-ot Magnesia prescribed by physi-
cians fm' 50 years in correcting excess
acids. Ruch 'lottlo contains frill dlrec•
ti011M---any Elrttgstore.
Kindly Kings
About Time
Canada Writes Own Histories
to Replace Those front
United States
Of all nations Canada, it Is asserted,
is the least nationalistic. No other
Country subordinates he teaching of
its own history in its wit schools to
the history of aitotlrer country. No
other country authorizes for use in
Public seltools historical texts pre-
pared in a:neighbor'ing nation. The
resulting gelteral, ignorance of domin-
ion history surprises no one except
visitors from other countires.
Ivor year's there has been a wide-
spread belief that Canadian history US
duller than other history. British Ole-
tory gots first place in -the Ontario
schools and did "until recently through
the West. After first year in high
school Canadian history. becemes an
optional sub;lect, but every Canadian
must matriculate In British history to
eater a university.
It was only a year or so ago that
some one made the discovery that
supplemental historical texts author-:
sized Melte maritimes aad British Co=
humble were United States texts and
Preached in Canadian schools ardent
American nationalism.
The discovery. tented attention to
the teaching of Cauadiau history, with
the result tliatenew texts are now tie-
ing perpared and a more voluminous,
and perhaps a more interesting one,
will replace the. sketchy books now iu
use in the country, '
But stili Canadian hiiflory retains
its secondary Positiion In the currd-
culum of Ontario public schools.—
New York Ilerald Tribune.
The cause of all evils of tete world
may be traced to Haat natural, but
most deadly error of helium indolence
and col'i'uptlon--that our business is
to preserve an:: not to improve. It is
the ruin of es all alike, individuals,
seltools, and nations,—Dr. Arnold.
Rhubarb, springlike both in color
and taste, deserves a more general
MO in 5511115 menus than it is usually
accorded, and will be all the more. at-
tractive 11 served ticcortling to these
Peel and ut rhubarb
its one-inchpieces; cook in enough tates• to pre-
vent burning and add sugar after
cooking five minutes; co
but do not allow the pieces to become
broken, carefully remove
an omelet is set spread it
marmalade then a layer
barb, place in the oven
fold and serve. The more
made a bit different anti tasty by a(kl-
ing a small amount of 1
cooked. Por' a light breakfast .top
French toilet with a slice of 01.101150 or
pineapple, then a layer of
a garnish of crisp bacon.
-Rhubarb timbales ar
nice to serve with spring
e and one-ltalt pounds of rhubarb in
]tall cup of water, with half a cup of
sugar and a grating of ix111011 null 111t -
til set enough to pass
sieve; add three tablespoons of pew.tiered gelatin and stir u
solve(]; add few drop
green coloring enol po
holds to harden.
Any cold meat is good art01t1Palttud
by rhubarb chutney. To tinea quartequarteof chopped rhubarb add Ona onion and
one red pepper anti throe, P
alt until soft;
them. R'hen
111111 01'1t1150
ot tile Am-
slug cereal 1,r
'htibal'b thus
rhubarb and
e particulariY
lamb. Cook
throp h e,
util it is hls-
s of tall or
nr into wet
aegreen pelt.
King of BtOlgic-ans Get Pardon
For Italian Engineer's
Verona, Italy -.Carlo SasseIli, sev-
enty-six years old, now restored t0
his fanitly. here atter serving tltirty-
1001' ears ill ltt'isoit for murder, hats
King :filbert of the 1111151aus to thank
as well as his own King, Victor Em-
ntantlel of Italy, for the royal pardon
that set hint "free, Otto of Sassellt's
sons is an expert locomotive engineer
on the State Railways, tvitll Milan as
his headquarters When the royal
trate bearing tate then Princess Marie -
Jose of the i3elgns, her parents and
brothers came through Milan in Jan-
uary the engines were cttltngetl, and
the youeger Sasselll Thad the honor of
taking the regal 001170y on to Route
for the weddieg,
Now Albert, Bing of the Belglans,
is something of a ,mechanic himself,
and can run a loeomotice with ' the
best of them, as he ; proved on his
tour of the United States some telt
yarn ago. He climbed into tate cab,
took the throttle for a, time, and then
talked to Sasselli.
"You've a good engineer," said the
Belgian monarch, at the end of their
conversation. `'",12 there is anything
I could do 101' you, 1 should be glad
Then the engineer told him the sad
story of Itis family; hew leis father.
had tried time after time to have 118
triol reviewed, but without success,
and ]tow atter all those years of cone
dlloment, most of It in "solitary," h0
wanted to see his ngetl wife, his' two
sons and two dnnghters,°and gratttl-
children before he tiled,
"I Lhiuk," said: Lung Albert, "that I
might say a wort] to my 'cousin' of
'Italy," Tt'ue to his word, he did,
anll the elder Bassein is finally at
'�q( BABYCHICKS=WPI. 11A°1 -111311Y 218,000 -last year In Pour vane-
0105, Write for free cakalogee. A. EG.
Swttaer, Granter, Ont.
.E..1 and light sewing at home. Whole
Or spare,; time. Good pay, Work sent
any distance. Charges paid, Send stamtt'
201111rticulars. National aianufacturin,;
Company,. Montreal.
gt D/SS "Row to get into the Cana,di0u
;R - Civil Service„- .se Postman, Clerk,
Stenotteapher, Customs Examiner, Cus-
toms and Immigration Guard, ale. Ter-
Manentt positions with .,tension. Prepare
1)03v for next examinations. Booklet sent
free on request, Write 20,0.0. Gell Ser-
vlee School (Dept. A.), Toronto 10, Ont.
pees, all well chopped; then 1110 0e110
of cider villager and half a cum of cur.
rant jelly. Let Ammer one ]lour, stir•
ring frequently, Add the strained
juice of two lemon,, one cup of einne
peti raisins, three (11P> of sugar, one
tablespoon of grouted ginger, 011e
tablespoon of salt, one•quat'ter of a
teaspoonful of reel pepper stud cools
slowly another hour, stil'h4ng often.
Failures- are -frequently a seem) of.
Peter blessing. If ] eter incl the others had
had a reasonably good catch, the tang'
err ilrangilt would not have impressed
them so much, or led to their follow-
ing' Christ. It is well for mu to fail
when we have been depending On 011r
own %trettglh and knowledge, for then
we may be thrown upon.0od and re-
ceive Itho greater blessing, The fail -
ore was net from leek of industry'*
from fault, but proved to be prepays:
ttott for it wonderful' lesson, which
benefited not only these who were
witnesses, but all u'lto have. since Toad
the narrative, Do net be discourag-
ed at failure. Resist despondency,
and rest upon the promise that all
thlilge work together for tial: -good of
those that love God.
'We have single purpose maehiuery
and we want general pu?'pose mall."••-
henry Ford. ,
Use Mlnard's In the Stable.
up until retitled by the 17.5.13 Senate.
Fifty million )ewder-P1tffs were sold
in this coeutr) last year. Soule lucky
manrlfa1Lureve are making hey while
the hose :'lilt ea,—Puneb.
Massaging the aching pints with
Mlnard's brings comforting relief.
Try it.
"Couseieuee is the ltnsafeet guide
any theologian ever talked.—Ciarectee
We err in uniting of Time as;
"passing." Time is stationary; it
Eternity, which is flavor still. Time''
is but the fixed standpoint from b'bielal
we mortals see the swift stream t 2
Eternity sweep past,
1,Iinerd's Will Kill Corns.
We read that a New Zealander, who
played the piano for one haurtred and
twelve hour's without stopping, is com-
ing to Ragland. This country is al -
Wars vete' good to refugees.
I'd 0If ;it'
fires, Coaster Brakes.
Wheels, InnrrTubes, Lamps.
IL,;. , Bells, t yetometers, Saddles..
EquipOlen,,,,mYauconbuytntsnd parts
youreot Bl.
Olin From us at wholesale
prices. Catalo0uoa,ro.
W. BOYO & SQll l7SN� reDameSt,Pi.
a& iN,axfity
Sell] traria trot.
Rhubarb salad is not often melt Yet kl neisii11en
there are many splendid 011"', Bake
two caps at tllcdtl rjntbah'b u'itt half a
cup of sugar until tender but not
broken, 'When cold marinate in
Drench dressing made with lemon In-
stead of vinegar. Arrange on lettuce,
add halt a caroted pear to each serv-
ing, add more dressing and garnish
with candled ginger.
A very delirious sandwich Is made
by spreading thin slices of white
bread with butter, then a 5ehlerous
Myer of rhubarb marntitlate. Cover
with a slice of breath, over• this Inst a
thick layer of cottage cheese which
leas been moistened with mayonnaise
dressing. Cover with another slice of
buttererl bread, butter side (lowu.
Press tightly together and tett in lute-
row strips.
Minard's-50 Year Record of Success,
"The recognition 0t a danger is the
first step towards escape Ir$rm 11,"--'
Erich Marin Remartlue,
,r. rOA sone OOr157isM7tON.pliW9eth i
S 1 A •
Praises Vegetable
Compound, Blood
Medicine and Liver Pills
llnelttown, Quebec "I live 13 miles
from town on a farm, with all my Mogi)
mm duties and (tura,"
ing toattend to.
At the Change of
Life, I became nor.
vou9 and run.
down. The Vege-
table Compound
helped my whole
system.My nerves
aro better, my atnE
petite is good and
1amable todo
`alsl r "'fig
my wont. 1 have
also taken the ,
'Blood Medicine and the Liver Pills and
they helped 113c,• T will answer letter's
i om women asking about your meal.
(Ines."--c\ll,s. Rieman) Cuanza;
blrclttolyu, Quebec,
at0 0111 $aa'BFf�"r uuH f �v;�1 i0
/ ' �� s G4rlr"rktik'tSlfMd4a-
—MaskLatttQttia %viten about Tron-
izod 1eadt. 'thousands say wide 5
to 15 Mo. in 3 woks, Completion
abate like ,tragic i':t•ras, aonstlpa-
.1 W,l Vanish QPert i .,h Get iroaized
"r last 'fidgets irooa etuggtst 10E157 -
In 1;;,..• es., are m
ISSU .:, i"iv, 13—'30
writes Mr. M. McArthur,
Thousands say consdpa-
tion, liver trouble, tarn-
' gentles, gas end overnight
with"Crdit-a tive3;'101rvel
I quiet. Gat "Freits-tives"
from druggist today.
()ripple 11020rra0lrstaeli 111101111110 Iirawitetai
(• "Par over eitild moutlur 1 hear lah( nh +'i 1a
rheoy((l(ia,l,, unable to moue. 0040) 1 WO OMaedj
So Id?) Itruschen ,150101, Itis almost a mimrl
000 seTthdut a (10001 n7 a lie I teas ably (o e
likely (J the front floor is (ere Mot a uvea 1 std
a fele dap 1 wax out milli the help of crutch w
acv( is a abort time 1 Wold x51105) mr11. - Tata',.
is not ono -week iealiuew'i (! bisE jour years,
k' "130,v 1400 it OW dare, ,e l X rata',' fry( a
.ein1hojrheumativnaueln. X11! ar:,hO25ethm,tl
rt fiaut
adeiad (hent to ante it. l "'rumor, 111/ 1- re',
hoplmv'yut 1 151 putilish 10for ethers to se/."
-ttra. tt illi vas..
OrIgtut15,5 e oftill000tan,
Kr1 Imo 0111(5 is ninainabls at drug mrd
d,ptrritmat use.: hl f',513.154 10 71e, .t 1•11...e;
9 1•/.1 lit. a ,d41ne ro,,, ll n has. 0,r } t• ,v
4,010154 5 ,,i ( i. afth ler bah-
IY yes have never Bled Rrn,el,u's try It sot
at our expense, Wo bate distributed a greak
'many'npeclul " GIANT" packages which make
It may (Or you to prove our 5031111 ler ynnrne114
Ask your druggist fur rho new"tlAl'1"' 71110
lien consist: of our regular 75e, bottle togi'ttinc
with n separate BSI bottle—subhcleat ter Monk--
one week. Open tits trial bottle brat. Palk tor•
the :eat, and 11100, it net entirely convinced theta
Brusrhelt does everything we claim It to do. Susi
regular bottle 0 still as good as new. Tao tit
back, Your dreggggqlat 0 authorised to reface,.
Your 73e. immediately and without questions.
Iwo tried 1(ruselot, free, ak our memo."
What could ha Mime? Prenmtselured by"
B. Griffiths Rosit:•a, 3.t 1„ Pta elt.st,'r, Bugs;
ti»tab. 1230). Importers )Ictiulhxay 51110.1
Ltd„ 'Toronto, •'1
Countless remedie1 are adrertiset8l
Tor constipation. Marty relieve fon
tete moment but they are habit form,
ing and must be continued. Other
contain calomel and dangerous nein.
erai drugs, which remain in the sys
teal, settle in the joints and cans,;
aches and pains. Some arc hars1l0
purgatives which cramp and griper
and leave a depressed after acct.'
Avoid lubricating oils which only,:
grease the intestines and encourage',
nature's machinery to become lazy. 4
A purely vegetable laxative such¢`
as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gents
touches the liver, bile starts to flow',
tete bowels move gently, the intestincsk
are thoroughly cleansed and constipa-,
tion poisons pass away. The sternal
liver and bowels are now active an
the system enjoys a real tonic effect]
Alt druggists Z5c and 75c red pkgs. 1
wrapped' roil'
T5t800IM1N,STING women who practice
s,r' iiaes economy buy these Sterilized Toilet
T1s lues by name e9 For Eddy Tissues oro Canada's
®el—in quality and vows, lei YOU mayselect
en" of these four Eddy Rolls knowing that
will gal a sale, pure, Storip;l:ed ttatua
ah economical price • Ask for it by name,
Hutt - - cAN,AbA
eaniltry, deefprotif odbtnet in 1110' or
tleiGin finish - - -
700 sheets ofsl:i,safa, Seven o0ncol of poper, - iliaed (roped tissue.
$1erilised lissuo In wrap-
ped rolls of 750 sheets.
✓ ' \